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Oct 13, 2014 6:56 PM

Feb 2013
Create your Character

Rules for Character Creation and Rping

  • Do not GodMod.

  • You can make as many characters as you want so long as you can manage them all

  • Please try to avoid one line posts and try your best with spelling and grammar.

  • If your character is one with a large amount of influence (Like the leader of a group) and you haven't posted in over a week without giving a reason it will either be killed off and replaced, taken over, or deleted.

  • Characters must be approved by an officer/admin.

  • If you would like to make a new location message any admin with a pic of what it would look like along with a description of what it is and he'll let you know if its approved or not.

Character Profile

Age: ( 10~13 for Cursed Children )
Gender: ( Female for Cursed Children )
Race: ( Cursed Children or Human )
Rank: ( Above 100 unless approved by the creator )
Theme Song: ( Optional. )

Bio: ( A long text explaining your character's life. )




Powers:( Only Appliable for Special Promoters or Cursed Children )
YzmaelOct 24, 2014 9:35 PM
Through me the way is to the city dolent;
Through me the way is to eternal dole;
Through me the way among the people lost.
Justice incited my sublime Creator;
- Divine Comedy, Inferno, Canto III.
Reply Disabled for Non-Club Members
Oct 13, 2014 11:08 PM

Feb 2013
Character Profile

Name: William Adern
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Afilliation: Govermental Civil Security
Rank: 2( on US ), 1.540( on Japan )
Theme Song:

Bio: Born in Japan but quickly relocated to the US for work, William was born in an already happening battle between his origins: His american father and his japanese mother. With both of them fighting over all the time, William questioned if his birth was good for the relationship, since even he later became a topic for their fights.

Because of this same reason, he didn't exactly spent his youth with his family and much less did he become attached to them. Instead, he made friends with multiple people all across town during his studies. Though he wasn't exactly the most emotional person on the group, he was still relatively human at that time. His emotions were still quite visible but his psyche was already quite broken already because of all he had seen at home and still saw everyday during his father and mother's fights.

It took a few years for William to decide what he would want to do. He would be a scientist, helping his people to unveil the Cursed Children and the Gastrea virus. During his studying time, he met many Cursed Children and slowly started to sympathize with them, worrying about their current status and even agreeing with the new tryout of the New Gastrea Law. Because of him sympathizing with the Cursed Children and slowly seeing their status in society, William slowly started to hate the Stolen Generation and their action towards the Gastrea and also towards the Cursed Children, relating two cases that didn't really seem to fit with one another.

It was around that time that his parents got attacked by a giant Stage III Gastrea, who attacked the east region of the city and caused the death of thousands. Both his parents got killed and he was left to live alone. On that day, William swore vengeance. Though the Gastrea was killed, William was not satisfied with only that, he wanted revenge against both the beasts and humans who caused that. It was when he was with 18 years that he decided he would become a Civil Security Promoter. He studied, trained and quickly became what he wished to. It was around that time that he was also granted a Cursed Children to make a pair with him: Diana, a Owl Model Initiator.

They worked quite well along with each other and they were able to quickly make their way to the top 3 of the US in less than 4 months, a record time. Along with Diana, William was usually assigned to high-risk jobs and constantly harrassed for good results by both his grandparents and the government. Of course that, slowly, this rubbed off on Diana and she started to feel tension and stress from work, which caused her to slowly lose focus during combats and become less attentive. In a few days, her corrosion percentage rose from 12 to dangerous 52%, making her go into risk of becoming a monster at any minute. To keep her levels from rising, William decided that she would no longer accompany him in his next mission, which was responded by a great ammount of useless revolt by her. In the end, his decision stood and she was separated from him in order to be kept at bay. Obviously enough, the people were already starting to get angered at the number of Gastrea active in the city and the response was something that not even the goverment expected. The people from the city attacked the Base and invaded the medical wing, attacking any Cursed Children they found. Clearly enough, Diana was between the death toll.

When William returned, he found a small message from the governemnt , informing about the death of his pair and also a relocation order, as a welcoming gift. It was by then that William's psyche broke. After making his presence the lone one on the girl's actual funeral, he moved to Japan's new stationary base at the Osaka Region.

William became a stoic and cold person and lost all belief he had in humanity, no longer seeing them as needing protection. Because of this same reason, he still considers going rogue from the system, even though now he was assigned for another location.

Personality: Cold, somewhat stoic at first view, William looks like someone who cares only about his own work and his own well-being, but it is much for the opposite, as he cares about the world around him indeed. However, he seems to be much more protective of the Cursed Children rather than the humans. He has seen the worse that racism and hatred can cause, and he doesn't want it to repeat itself. Because of this, he is willing to even kill innocent to stop the hatred of the people. As uncaring as he might seem, he helps out anyone with his usual scowl or blank expression.



Energy Gloves - Gloves made out of Varanium as well as multiple other metals. It has a Magnetic Core, which allows it to control any metal around the user. Aside from that, it can also condensate Magnetic Energy to create power blasts of gravitic energy. With these gauntlets that have been placed above William's skin, he is able to use many abillities and has a huge diversity of uses for each one of them.

  • Magnetic Shield: Creates a powerful Magnetic Shield that impedes any sort of metal from passing through. The gauntlets can either absorb back the energy used for these shields or burst the energy to cause a gravity burst around the area, pushing away anything that was stopped by it.
  • Propulsion: Using the power of the Gauntlet of absorbing energy, William has learned how to absorb and then propulse energy from the gauntlet's cannon. It can be any kind of energy, which is later turned into a gravity push or an energy blast that damages everyone in front of the blast. The more energy is absorbed, the stronger Propulsion is when released.
  • Magnetic Manipulation: Using the Varanium Metal on the Gauntlets, William can create, enlarge or shorten Magnetic Fields created by Varanium and then strengthen them to make them actually gravity-related. This abillity allows William to create other abillities, such as:
    • Gravity Crush: Using an already existent or created Magnetic Field, William can turn the Magnetic Energy into Gravity-related energy that will start to suck anything in the area, slowly crushing and slightly impeding movement in a large area. If something is very close to the center of the vortex, they will suffer massive damage. Note that this vortex can suck absolutely anything, from energy to physical activity.
    • Gravity Pulse: Allows William to change the current form of energy surrounding his gloves and any other magnetic field, from gravitational to magnetic( and vice-versa ) freely at any given moment. William uses this abillity to enhance his physical resistance and attacks, reducing enemy impacts and increasing his impacts when hitting someone or getting hit. William can only affect his own magnetic field( from the Gauntlets ) with such precision and thus he can only do this for himself.

YzmaelOct 19, 2014 11:05 AM
Through me the way is to the city dolent;
Through me the way is to eternal dole;
Through me the way among the people lost.
Justice incited my sublime Creator;
- Divine Comedy, Inferno, Canto III.
Oct 14, 2014 1:22 PM

Dec 2011
Name: Aeronwy
Age: 11
Gender: Female
Race: Cursed Child
Affiliation: Governmental Civil Security
Rank: 167
Theme Song:

Bio: A vicious, once thought untamable cursed child. Aeronwy was given her name which, in Welsh, translates to “River of Slaughter” or “Slaughter River”. This alone probably gives you plenty idea of why she is thought to be inpairable with anyone, or “feral” as she is most likely referred to as. She is merciless and doesn’t simply defeat her enemies, but annihilates them. She most definitely lives up to her name, though it isn’t entirely her own fault. Each Cursed Child dealt with their abuse on their own. Many became submissive and ran from it, choosing to live in the outer area. Some simply hid and stole food and supplies when needed. Aeronwy simply allowed herself to become what humankind assumed her to be. They seemed to want a bloodthirsty killing machine so badly, so that’s what she gave them. She wasn’t going to run like a cockroach while mankind continued trying to stomp her out, all the while fighting for their survival. She was going to fight and kill when she pleased. It was so bad that Aeronwy was soon to be treated as a gastrea and exterminated, if not for finding a potential partner for her in a Civil Security officer, second only to one in the United States.

Personality: Upon first meeting Aeronwy, you will see that she is quite well-spoken and polite. Refined even. Though, to those with a bit better perception, it can be noted that her tone possesses a bit of mocking and arrogance in it, as if a cat were conversing with a mouse. She thinks of most humans as mere trash and below her, and she will not hesitate to show them just how inferior they are. If a human is polite in return to her, or at least not a pompous blowhard, she is more likely to continue with her act rather than “put them in their place”. Aeronwy can gain a bit of a flirtatious attitude when towards someone that interests her, which is a rare occurrence, but not unheard of. It is a bit hard to tell if she’s ever serious with what she says she is serious about when acting like this. People tend to find her difficult to understand and predict, and for good reason. The only thing they know about her for sure is that she truly loves to fight and, even more, to kill. She as well doesn’t appear to favor the idea of having a partner, though that is more of an issue with trust. She’s honestly afraid to trust and rely on anyone. She wants to, but automatically assumes that she will never be able to have such a relationship, especially with a human.


Weapons: Special Scythe made up of many small sections, allowing it to be used as an actual Scythe or Kusarigama. Coated with a poison that, while not very immediately lethal, does cause extreme pain in area of attack, as well as a large migraine after a short time.

-Endurance: Quite more durable than the average Cursed Child.
-Agility: Decently faster than most Cursed Children.
-Physique: Decently stronger than most Cursed Children.
-Recovery: Mediocre. Aeronwy focuses more on offense and thus far has never been injured to the point where she couldn't deal with it. Any wounds sustained during her life have little more than what a few cuts and/or scrapes would be to a human.
-Enhanced Smell: A scorpion relies on two things mainly when it comes to prey and danger. One is smell. Aeronwy's sense of smell is extremely heightened, albeit probably not as much as a sort of canine type, but far above any other type of child.
-Seismic Perception: Aeronwy can not only rely on her heightened smell to tell what's going on, but can even feel vibrations in her surroundings, which allow her to constantly know what is happening in her environment.
EmperorsChosen01Oct 25, 2014 10:39 PM
Oct 15, 2014 7:21 AM

Mar 2014
Name: Kanzen Muketsu
Age: 29
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Afilliation: Govermental Civil Security
Rank: 458
Theme Song:

Bio: Kanzen's life as a kid was quite normal, he was smart and made friends easily. His parents were alive and taught him how to do things on his own...which he had to use not long afterwards. His life was normal, until the age of 9. Whe he was 9, the Gastrea epidemic started spreading around the parents, even reaching his home town. Luckily, he survived thanks to being found by someone, a scientist who modified Kanzen's body to match a weapon, but he was the only one in his family who survived. Some of his friends survived, but he lost contact with them, some even turning into Gastrea later on. When he was only 16 he joined the Govermental Civil Security. He is quite skilled with a sword, but his arm is his strongest weapon.

Personality: Kind, Calm, Open-Minded



YzmaelOct 15, 2014 11:38 AM

Oct 15, 2014 7:25 PM

Jan 2013
Name: Otto Wolf
Alias: Fenrir

Age: ?? upper 20's to early 30's?
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Afilliation: Rogue
Rank: 138 (former)
Theme Song:


Otto was a result of the Military Projects of the Last war, that resulted in the New Human Creation Plan. Largely the Mechanical Soldiers are the most well know result of the program. Yet it was one of many, most of which ended in failure, a lesser known project was the Biological Soldiers.

Using genetic modification on then living, or even still in development unborn children attempts were made to splice human genetic matieral with that of animals. Much like the cursed children that would be found almost a decade later. Most of these projects however ended in failure. Be it the creation of ambominations, or death. Otto's nature of adaptation is unknown largely due to record distruction following the projects termination. It was found to be more of a moral outrage than even they Mechanical Soldiers, and overall a failure, with only a 10% success rate. Where as the Mechanical Soldiers were produced by the 100's the Biologicals were only by the dozens. Albit as effective as thier mechanical breathern.

Carrying the genetics of the Aquatic Morray Eel and the Tundra Wolf, has given Otto abilities on par with the Mechanical Soldiers.

Serving in the European Army and later into the UN forces, with the defeat of human race, Otto found himself in Japan, with the Civil Security forces, operating under the name Fenrir. Climbing up the ranks, and obtaining a cursed child partner name Miyumi he rose quickly to the top numbers like most of his modified breathern. Normally his presence was not noticed, minus his sadistic nature, and living up to his name, which was a god killer...overall a low key life, with heavy drinking and bemoaning his lost purpose...untill two things happend. Both being around the monolith near disaster. Having seen Kagetane, and hearing his words, and later what he gatherd from romours, they seemed to resinate with him, although he kept doing his duty and job.

During the battles last stages Miyumi was killed, looking back at how pointless the battles were, and later on learning the truth to the batteries via his own means Otto one day just vanished from public view. With his ID being left at the steps of the GCS with a cryptic Warning wrote in the blood of a Gastrea... "Ragnarok Comes. Prepair yourselves."

Personality: Sadistic, psychotic, and very charismatic. Prideful and arrogant with the power to back it. Very taunting, yet is able to show a surprising amount of affection and kindness. Highly Ambitious and plotting, his personality overall can be random in its own way yet predictable.



Varanium Viking style bastard Sword.

Modified PPK Style handgun.

Enhanced Speed, Agility and Strength and smell.

Cloaking: Otto can turn to a semi invisible state, that matches more like cloaking prototypes from the war, copying his enviroments texture and colour. (think of the predator, not invisible so much as hazy and blending in)

Eletrical Impulse: Has the ability to pulse electrical currents around himself into a form of shield that protects from projectile weaponary, and provides resistence to impact weaponary.

Electrical Discharge: Can discharge electrical energy from his body in a limited guided state, be it as a projectile or from his blade, this works more like directed energy attack, than a traditional electrical charge, designed to kill or explode with violent force, and not to stun. Can also be used to propell himself.

(All abilities have a form of weakness as well a he himself, but no spoilers yet :p)
RedArmyShogunOct 15, 2014 7:31 PM
Oct 15, 2014 8:37 PM

Feb 2013
Name: Amy
Age: 11
Gender: Female
Race: Cursed Child
Afilliation: Rogue
Rank: Revoked, previously Rank 6.
Theme Song:

Bio: A failed experiment of the Civil Security, Amy is the renegade member of the Civil Security's top agents. She was once a proudful agent, paired with the strongest of the Agents, but when the experiment failed and she completely lost the interest to fight, Amy was thrown away and considered thrash by not only the Civil Security and the Law, but also by society.

Ever since she was thrown away by the Civil Security, she became a wanderer of the city, begging and trying her best to get food and to survive in this jungle. However, the world is cruel to her.

During all her time in the city, which has been shortly 7 months, she has been already beaten, dragged, shot and some even attempted rape on her. During all this time, she has tried her best to never respond with violence, she was thaught this way. To never kill innocents or never attack those unlike her. Because of that, Amy's true personality has been, ever since, hidden below a small facade. One that she does her best to keep, but even so, it's hard to keep old instincts at bay...

Until now, she saw no need to bring back that personality, to bring back what she was before the failure of the experiment.

Personality: Above her mask is a gentle, docile and very shy girl, but below all that is a playful, slightly psychotic and a cold person, Amy is a cold-blooded killer who will do anything to achieve her victory and get what she wants. She easily kills whoever gets in her way, not mattering their race. During day, she gets hyperactive and becomes quite agitated while, during night, she can barely stay awake. This is a characteristic of her Model.




Enhanced Module: All abillities are enhanced during day. This is a bonus that always happens and Amy's biological clock allows her to gain these abillities 30 minutes before sunrise and lose them 30 minutes after sunset. The increase of abillities is absurd to the point of allowing her to easily overpower Cursed Children.

Physique: Stronger than humans and also most Children, Amy can easily lift over 700 Kilos and apply this force in punches and many other attacks. Can be increased by Enhanced Module.

Agility: Slightly faster than most humans and also most Children. Amy gets this abillity slightly enhanced by Enhanced Module.

Endurance: As durable as the average Cursed Children. This abillity gets slightly enhanced by Enhanced Module.

Recovery: Lower than most Cursed Children, though this abillity gets absurdly enhanced by Enhanced Module, allowing her to recover from cuts and other injuries in a few minutes.

Acute Senses: Bird Models are known for their absurd sight, able to see enemies from distances that no other normal eye would allow them to. Because of this, Amy can see invisible lines, enemies, outlines, bullets in high speed and even camouflaged enemies without almost any effort. Her ears are also very good, allowing her to hear enemies even when in stealth. During day, it feels as if Amy can see and hear the entire city, if she focusses on it. However, during night, her sight is severely reduced. Since her senses are very acute, this also turns out as a weakness as well, since they are extremely sensitive.

Hawk Claws: When Amy grabs someone, she will not let go for anything. She's also more accurate than the grand majority of Cursed Children, which is why she can see and easily hit enemies in their weak spots. Cracks in armor, vital points, veins and even small injuries are easily exploitable by Amy, who will attack without any hesitation at those points and use them to her advantage.
YzmaelOct 19, 2014 12:29 PM
Through me the way is to the city dolent;
Through me the way is to eternal dole;
Through me the way among the people lost.
Justice incited my sublime Creator;
- Divine Comedy, Inferno, Canto III.
Oct 16, 2014 4:58 AM

Jul 2012
"Kyouske wanted us to leave!...we're leaving......we'll see him again...and we'll still try and help others and each other..."

Name: Lésteria Albrïcht
Age: 11
Gender: Female
Race: Cursed Children (Model: Cheetah)
Affiliation: None (Rogue/Strategist)
Rank: N/A
Theme song:


Personality: very blank, lifeless but not emotionless(does that even make sense?), very silent, but not cruel more of cynical and pessimistic, respectful and can be kind.

Weapons: Two varanium short swords/daggers connected by a long chain
AsreaNov 9, 2014 2:30 PM
Oct 17, 2014 1:03 AM
Aug 2014
"First comes destruction. I create nothing! Forgive nothing! Save nothing! I just erase. Completely. Shatter, collapse, break and disappear!"

Name: Ouroboros
Age: 21
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Afilliation: Rogue
Rank: Never Formally Ranked, estimated ~119
Theme Song:

Bio: The earliest thing Ouroboros can remember is the day he was reborn. That's what they'd called him, at least. Ouroboros, the serpent who completes the cycle of destruction and rebirth. Created in secret as part of the New Humanity Creation plan through a now defunct lab, his purpose was to kill. The only problem, was this killing intent was not limited to Gastrea, and he slaughtered those who made him mercilessly. Since then, his existence has remained taboo even among Promoters, to most of whom he is a boogeyman- a figure used to compel obedience from subordinates.

Ouroboros himself managed to escape to the remains of the lab and the manhunt that followed, eventually making his way to the remains of the Tokyo Area to find his face hadn't been made known to the general public. That suited him, as he blended into the slums, doing odd jobs whenever he could, and trying to stay out of trouble, all while living under the assumed name of Akasha- he'd long since forgotten his name before his rebirth.

Currently, he's on the run after having a falling-out with a gang that recruited him as an enforcer, trying to avoid both his former allies and the Promoters that know the truth at all costs.

Personality: Ruthless and cold, Ouroboros uses a callous and sadistic exterior to hide the fact that all he wants is to create a world where he can live in peace.


Bleached Varanium Snakesword x2

  • Coated in both a pyrophoric and anticoagulant, a single blow from this sword is enough to dispatch most humans and lower-level Gastrea.
  • Bone-white, roughly six inches wide, and formed out of several interlocking serrated blades held together by a synthetic mesh, a toggled magnetic field alternates between two modes, so to speak. In one, it functions like a regular longsword, in the other, a bladed whip with a roughly 18 foot range.

Back-mounted Sensor Array

  • The winglike sensor array surgically fused to his back grants ubiquitous vision to Ouroboros through a terminal that covers his eyes, and serves to filter out harmful light-based effects. While active, however, the array can be subjected to sensory overload.
  • The array can collapse into a form that is easily concealable beneath a cloak.

Monofilament Varanium Knives
[*] These thrown weapons consist of curved blades with a monofilament edge, capable of shredding the hide of a Gastrea like paper. However, due to the limited number remaining (16), they are seldom used.


Intensive training and experimental drugs have increased his physical prowess beyond the levels of a normal human, but they still remain below those of the Cursed Children.

"The glories of rebirth follow the horrors of destruction. Such is the cycle. Destruction. Rebirth. Destruction. Rebirth."
NibelungenOct 17, 2014 10:40 AM
Behold! The way is clear! We're free! I, the mad scientist, Hououin Kyouma, have triumphed under a twofold assault, from SERN and the Organization, by twisting the very fundamentals of time and space! The world as we know it has been put to rights, and a future of chaos awaits us. This, my friends, is the choice of Steins;Gate!
Oct 17, 2014 8:41 AM

Feb 2013
Nibelungen said:
Name: Ouroboros

Well... That appearence sure is... Unique.

Anyways, I'm not approving until I take a look at his powers and I really do expect him not to be "eternal" like the true meaning of Ouroboros...
Through me the way is to the city dolent;
Through me the way is to eternal dole;
Through me the way among the people lost.
Justice incited my sublime Creator;
- Divine Comedy, Inferno, Canto III.
Oct 17, 2014 9:36 AM
Aug 2014
No he's not, that's jut his codename.
Behold! The way is clear! We're free! I, the mad scientist, Hououin Kyouma, have triumphed under a twofold assault, from SERN and the Organization, by twisting the very fundamentals of time and space! The world as we know it has been put to rights, and a future of chaos awaits us. This, my friends, is the choice of Steins;Gate!
Oct 18, 2014 2:34 AM

Apr 2011
Name: Kozaku Exita "The Mad Stallion"

Age: 24

Gender: Male

Race: Human

Afilliation: Government Civil Security

Rank: 102

Bio: Born to a family of wealthy, world famous ice skaters, Exita was surrounded by fortune and prosperity for many years of his early childhood. His parents, Jin and Aki, taught him how ice skate at a young age, and Exita grew to love the sport of ice skating. He would spend countless hours practicing at the large ice rink in the family's mansion home, and soon became quite skilled, winning many junior competitions as well as becoming the youngest professional ice skater in Japan. His parents could not have been more proud, and for many years, Exita was living the life that many could only dream of.

The day of Exita's 13th birthday however, marked the day that the young skater's life fell to pieces. In the middle of the celebration, a massive Gastrea appeared. One of the guests to the party had been infected before he had entered, but had hidden the fatal fact. Once inside, it wasn't much longer until he transformed into the beast that now stood before Exita and his family. As the party guests fled in different directions, Exita watched in horror. The Gastrea was a powerful one, and it easily ripped through the bodyguards and came after Exita and his family.

In a final attempt to save his family, Jin ordered the remaining bodyguards to take his family away from the danger zone. Unknown to Exita at the time, Jin was actually a member of the Government Civil Security program, but had kept it a secret in order to keep his family safe and discourage any thoughts Exita might ever have about joining the GCS.

That day was the last day Exita ever saw his father..

Exita and his mother, Aki, were escorted away from the battle and taken to a secure facility, whereupon they were transferred to a home owned by the Government. It was in this place that Exita learned the truth about his father, as well as grew up and became a man. Unfortunately, the loss of her husband proved to be too much, and Aki passed away about a year after the incident. Thus, Exita was left on his own, growing up and learning the ways of the GCS...

Upon becoming an adult, Exita officially joined the GCS in the fight against the Gastrea. He took upon himself the mantle of "The Mad Stallion," the symbol of the his household. His main weapons, a pair of Bladed Varanium Ice Skates, he named "Aki and Jin," Aki being the left skate, and Jin being the right one.

Personality: Whether you call him Exita, Jozaku, or the Mad Stallion; it doesn't really matter. Exita is very open and kind, often going out of his way to help others less fortunate then himself. Having seen the rich life as well as the poor, he understands the struggles of both, and tries his best to help whomever he can. He still loves skating, but he no longer does it for sport. To him, skating is not just a past time. To him, it is a way of life; it is how he remembers his parents.


My Anaconda dont want none unless you've got a brain, class, and aren't acting like a total hoe.~

Oct 19, 2014 9:34 AM

Jan 2013
Name: Karen
Age: 11
Gender: Female
Race: Cursed Children
Afilliation: Govermental Civil Security
Rank: Unknown, percentile of top 100 likely.
Theme Song:

Bio: Karen is half German-japanese national, in a way she was more lucky than most Cursed children, her mother not willing to throw the small child into a river or slums like many others, put her in a basket at the foot of the GCS office, with a stuffed toy deer, and a peice of paper with a name in the young infants hand. After study it was debated she was a wolf type.

However it seems her wolf nature took hold full swing, she developed a strong attachment to all things that reminded her of her family, even refusing to give up her blanket or toy, even during sleep as an infant it would result in emotional distress or out right agression. Even now her infant blanket makes up the liner of her coat that she sewn together herself.

Over the course of her training however oddities were noted, she has massive potential, likely in the 110's range if not better. What is problematic is her willingness to trust, and the hardships she'll imposse on her handelers as if testing them. So far none have been able to work with her long, and often she has earned her keep by working alone albit watched from afar, currently she serves as a means for study or weapons testing for the other use by other cursed children.

In turn this leads to her being called a lone wolf, and not having close relations to even other cursed chilren, though be it out of kindess or her own stated reason she can't stand to look at them, she will often times mend clothing of other cursed children and staff on the base. Because of her eating habits, refusal to do some things, and demands for equal ability or close enough from a handeler, she has been through a dozen of them who tend to with in weeks revoke the contract. However she's too capable and rare to be thrown aside or killed, so the search goes on for a suitable handler.

Personality: Skeptical, demanding, untrusting, a bit needy, hostile, loyal, and secretive, all are words that fit Karen, but so does bloodthirsty and friendly. A Tsundere sort with more kindness than she cares to show, however with those that can earn her trust, much like the wolf type she is, all of her walls can fall down around them, showing more often than not shes scared of things in general, or of betrayal, and wants to belong. Enjoys meat, and often is all she will eat, which is in part because of her type. Because of the rate she burns up energy for her abilities, she dresses up warmly, no matter the weather. It also serves to hide her un-human features.


Wolf ears hidden by hat, tail by cloak.Carries a small toy deer and a sack that she never lets anyone touch.

Weapons: Varanium Zweihander Blade

Teeth and claws. Her finger nails can become razor sharp claws, and her teeth while her canines are larger and sharper than most, all of her teeth have a sharp profile, which can be made longer by her will. However she seems to use her natural weapons as a last resort, mostly as she becomes more beastily in nature, and while far more dangerous, far harder to control, even for herself, lossing out to the wild.

Fire arms and explosives: She has trainind with and shown a use of them, but has no preference, carring a handgun, or a rifle depending on the mission at hand, prefers close combat.


Physique: Stronger than the vast majority of models, swinging her huge 2 meter sword around isn't much of a problem to her, or testing weapons most models could use, being well past the human norms. She has shown to be able to break Spider Model Webbing by sheer brutal force.

Agility: Agil beyond human norms easily, she can also for brief periods run up to speeds of up to 38 mph (61 kph) which is below some models such as the Cheeta.

Edurance: Her muscular structure allows her to out last most other cursed children and humans in harsh situations, or brutal in close combat, much like a wolf in the wild.

Recovery: On par with most model types.

Enhanced senses: Can hear better, smell further, and has uncanny perception. While not greater than specialized models, such as sight with the owl, or smell with the hound, or perception with the cat, they do form a nice well rounded total set.

Beserker Rage: As noted with her teeth and claws, if pressed enough or having a need to fight by hand, she enters a animalistic frenzy, which while very powerful, has the potential of turning on others. Or causing her to lose herself compleatly.
YzmaelOct 19, 2014 11:29 AM
Oct 22, 2014 5:46 PM

Apr 2011
Character Profile

Name: Maho Robertson
Age: 11
Gender: Female
Race: Cursed Children
Affiliation: Unaffiliated
Rank: N/A
Theme Song:


Almost exactly like your stereotypical "genki girl", Maho is energetic and always ready to hop into action, though this is typically only around other people. However, while alone, she's usually quiet and reserved until she sees someone else. She often gets carried away unless she has someone to hold her back and is very protective of her friends.



Newmn84Oct 23, 2014 8:44 PM
Oct 25, 2014 9:57 PM

Feb 2013
Name: ???
Alias: Rajin, the God of Knives.
Age: 20
Gender: Male
Race: Semi-Human
Afilliation: Governmental Civil Security. Previously member of the Black Claw.
Rank: 1 (on U.S), 1( on Europe ) and Revoked( on Japan ).
Theme Song:

Bio: Rajin, the God of Knives, was born in Russia, during the Gastrea wars and invasion. Due to the situation he was in, his family was not able to raise much, and died when he reached 8 years old.

When they died, he was left alone to live in this world, before he was recruited by the Black Claw.

A terrorist group that aimed to destroy all governments and make liberty in the Regions, the Black Claw trained him and it's leader raised him as his own son. Because of that, Rajin presented excellent abillity and promising skills ever since the beginning of his training. During his 6 years of training, Rajin was shown the best and worse of all humanity. Emotions that he had never seen. Desperation, anger, love and hope. Though he saw them, he was never able to fully understand it. He had been left for so long without any feeling and emotion aimed towards him that he became bitter and cold. That was exactly what the Black Claw wanted. Rajin was supposed to be an Assassin for the Claw and he had not to hesitate when killing someone, because of that, he was raised to be merciless, cruel and nearly emotionless. Rajin's emotions would nearly not appear whenever someone looked at his face, and they would only be scarce and appear at few given times whenever something interested him. Even though he was emotionless, he still quivered to find some sort of reason to be alive.

It would be only 1 year later that he discovered something that lit the flame on his heart.

During one of his missions, Rajin met an older woman, whom he fell in love with. She, however, was his target, and he couldn't let her live. She had to be killed, but Rajin refused to kill her. Instead, he designed, along with her, a plan to fake her death. She would disappear for the following three years so that the Black Claw would not command him to kill her again. Everything went as he said and the woman disappeared on the following day.

Though the Black Claw congratulated him on his success, they already suspected him. It took them a mere year to discover his betrayal. The Black Claw was a very insane group, and they disliked betrayals.

In order to kill Rajin, the group sent him on a suicide mission, with the objective of detonating and demoling a Monolith in Germany. Rajin never went against the Black Claw... Only once he disobeyed them. However, he could've not predicted that they would try to kill him mercilessly like that. They sent him to a trap and detonated the bomb before Rajin could escape. To his luck, however, he was able to survive and escape the explosion barely unharmed. Half of his body was burned and, as if that was not enough, he had to survive for four days against all types of Gastrea that went through the Monolith he had destroyed. His chances of survival were very low... Had the Japanese Army not interveined and helped the Germanic Region. He was found nearly dead by a scientist by the name of Akira Adern. She had recovered him and ordered for the medics to keep him alive until they reached Japan.

It was there that Rajin's whole body would be changed, to adapt and increase his chances of survival. The burned area was so badly damaged that he was barely able to stand. Akira offered Rajin a chance to live but also to become a greater existence. She would implant on him a Gravity Core, that would grant him the power to control gravity itself and extend his control later on to other kinds of things. Without much of an option, Rajin accepted the offer and submitted his own body to the tests of the scientist.

It took him half an year to perfect the mechanical half of his body. Still, it gave him insane powers, one that no normal human or mechanical soldier could ever possess. Over half of his body was turned into a machine that was able to control gravity and, to a degree, matter itself.

What the woman required of him, however, was for him to work as a Promoter on the Civil Security all around the world, to show off her discovery and technology. With that, she would acquire great reputation all around the planet's humanity. Rajin had little to no choice, and accepted it with little hesitation. Unlike most people, the woman seemed to care for him, even if as her test subject. That was already something for him.

He worked with the Civil Security, gaining reputation and becoming a feared legend. Rajin, the Thunder God of Knives was a feared name that circulated all around the world by that time, mainly because he was the first ranked in many ranks and because of his very violent attitude even towards humans and Cursed Children alike. However, that only lasted for 2 years. After those two years, Akira got killed in a Gastrea invasion and made Rajin go back to what he was before, a rogue killer that care for nothing but fighting.

In her death wish, Akira wanted Rajin to prove that he was the ultimate creation, further increasing her reputation even postmortem. Rajin holds onto that and craves to find strong oponents that are able to challenge him and fight against him, which aren't many.

It has been two years ever since the death of Akira, and he still seaches around the globe for a worthy enemy...
Personality: For Rajin, nothing other than fighting and killing others matters. He lacks any sort of emotion to normally socialize with someone. However, he does not do any of this on purpose, as all of his emotions were taken by force. He no longer has any emotions to use and because of that, he turns out as an extremely cold person, whose appearence is not the only shocking thing.

Since he has no sort of social interactions with anyoen and tends to scare people away with his appearence, he usually shoves people away with warnings and threats, and they obey without any sort of hesitation, mostly out of pure fear from the man's horrid appearence.

Rajin is not easily offended, as the same way it is impossible to get his friendship, it is very hard to get a battle with him where he will go all out. Considering the death of Promoters and Initiators "a waste of power", Rajin prefers to show them why he is the Rank 1 on two different regions. The sheer power of his attacks are usually more than enough to scare off others.

Rajin is emotionless even in combat, and craves to find someone able to match him in power so that he can kill them and prove Akira's point. However, he will not fight for nothing, unless extremely provoked or in awe of someone's power. When it comes to killing, however, he is merciless and will deal with an impecile without any hesitation...

YzmaelOct 29, 2014 9:17 PM
Through me the way is to the city dolent;
Through me the way is to eternal dole;
Through me the way among the people lost.
Justice incited my sublime Creator;
- Divine Comedy, Inferno, Canto III.
Oct 29, 2014 8:16 AM

Sep 2012
Name: Chun-Li (Chun-Chun)
Age: 9
Gender: Female
Race: Cursed Child
Afilliation: Govermental Civil Security
Rank: 109
Theme Song: (I'll add one soon.)
Bio: (I will edit later.)
Personality: (I will edit later.)

Weapons: (I'll add one later.)
Powers: (I'll edit later.)
DarthAshOct 29, 2014 8:22 AM
Oct 31, 2014 5:41 PM

Jan 2014
Name: Taiga Gento
Age: 18
Gender: male
Race: human
Afilliation: Governmental Civil Security
Rank: 99

Bio: ( A long text explaining your character's life. )
Born in an upper middle class family in Tokyo, Taiga was raised as a normal kid. The gastra made sure those days were over. Killing his mother, father and sister and taking his vision. Taiga aimlessly wandered the slums of the aftermath. He cursed the gastrea and wanted revenge. A promoter walked by and felt taiga's resolve and brought him under his wing. Using experimental science, Taiga regained his vision and soon trained under his master. His master was summoned to a mission outside the monoliths and left Taiga alone again, but taiga was ready to become a promoter and civil worker to combat the Gastrea. Picking up two rapiers, taiga became known as the scarlet flash, named after the strange scarlet color his eyes turn when he is in combat or as the human computer due to his special eyes
happy go luck outside of work, determined and borderline psychotic when fighting, cold and calculating when he processes info from his eyes

dual rapiers

His eyes act as a supercomputer, processing information, data and statistics on people, places and enemies. Connected to a computer filled with gigabits upon gigabits of memory and connected to governmental files. From birth and crime records of people to floor plans of buildings to scouting reports of enemies, his eyes process these at lightning fast speeds and brings the info to him.
MoniStarOct 31, 2014 6:01 PM
Oct 31, 2014 11:41 PM

Dec 2011
Name: Akula
Age: 13
Gender: Female
Race: Cursed Child
Affiliation: Rajin, Rogue. Previously Black Claw.
Rank: Information Unavailable
Theme Song:

Bio: Akula was picked up by the same terrorist group that adopted Rajin; The Black Claw, albeit a bit after Rajin arrived. They offered her everything to live in exchange for her service; food, drinks, a roof… as well as a “family” and a way to bring forth retribution upon the sinister governments that neglected her kind. When they found her, she was living in old burnt shack in the slums of Dzerzhinsk, Russia. Otherwise known as one of the most polluted cities in the world. Though, she didn’t care about vengeance nor gaining a family, real, fake or otherwise. She was content with getting what she needed to live… and in exchange she’d give The Black Claw what she could; A shark.

When she was brought into the “family”, she was five, and she cared for nothing there but herself. Everyone there annoyed her, and she made it quite evident. However, there was one who caught her interest… a thirteen year old boy in the midst of training. She assumed that she would be put through similar training as well. Power was pretty useless if you didn’t know how to use it, after all. And train she would, however rather than act as an assassin or murderer like they were training him to be, she was given a special mission by the big boss himself; Protection. He wanted her to watch over Rajin, whether that be directly by his side as an official partner or from the shadows, he didn’t care so long as Rajin remained in optimal condition. And so, protect him she would.

Akula would constantly “bump” into him and shadow him thereafter. Of course she wouldn’t make it obvious and if caught she’d easily make up some excuse that’d make it appear as if it truly were a coincidence and not what it actually was. She even shared some training sessions and missions with him, stating that she was bored and needed to stretch her jaws… yes, jaws… despite everyone knowing she always killed her free time and boredom with sleep. It started as a mere assignment, however slowly, he grew on her. She couldn’t explain it herself, but she did care for him. If she believed any of the bullshit about “families” that was spoken, he’d be the only person Akula actually considered family. Of course, her attitude didn’t change in the slightest, gaining absolutely no suspicion.

A year after his training completed, Akula yet again tailed him on a mission. However… she partly wish she hadn’t of. There… she witnessed something she hadn’t seen come from him before; emotion. Another woman and his target. Akula couldn’t explain it, but she possessed the strongest urge to tear that woman apart. She almost did just give into her instincts and go into a frenzy, but stopped herself for Rajin’s sake. It was her duty to protect him, after all, and whether that pertained to his condition, mental state or happiness… she would make sure it was kept in tact. This was also the reason why she did not report it to the rest of The Black Claw. Of course, they could not suspect her for helping Rajin as they couldn’t even tell if she left with him or not. Though she followed the various orders given, she acted very independently most of the time.

A year later, Rajin left on what would be his final mission for The Black Claw. Akula would have departed as well had the head not stopped her, saying that she had her own orders and he as well had to speak with her. After she completed her assignment, a meagre assassination, and long after Rajin had left and the monolith had been destroyed, the head alerted her that she would no longer have the duty of protecting him. The words spoken hit her like a truck and she responded like a shark going into a frenzy. She slaughtered a mutilated everyone in the area, originally aiming for the boss’ head, however her instinct to survive took over her thirst for blood. In the battle with many members of The Black Claw, she was injured and as well lost her left eye and she knew that the closer she got to the leader the more resistance she’d encounter. She needed to escape. There was also another reason to escape though, and that was of course the fact that Akula believed that Rajin wouldn’t fall that easily.

It took her years to track Rajin down. She of course started in where he was supposedly killed and followed his trail from there. She was going to find him no matter what. She would hunt him down if she had to swim across the entire world to find him… and her obsession paid off, as she finally has tracked him down. Akula will continue to protect him… even if he doesn’t realize her intentions.

Personality: Akula to anyone appears very grouchy, lazy and uncaring about all. She groans at the thought of work and would much rather just sleep on some couch somewhere rather than do anything productive. She also carries a bad attitude whenever she’s awake, openly insulting and criticizing people with her sailor’s mouth for little to no reason usually, acting as if she couldn’t care about anyone but herself, which is mostly true. She honestly couldn’t care for anyone but herself and will not hide this fact… despite it not being completely true.

There is one person whom she’d do literally anything for, and has; Rajin. It isn’t at all obvious, but to say that she cares for him would hold some truth, however isn’t completely accurate. Rather, it would be more precise to say that she is obsessed with him. Akula spares the details of her life and back story from all, even Rajin. Were her feats for him known it’d be obvious that she did not do such things out of her own interests nor would a normal person for a mere interest or friend. She might even go berserk if his safety is threatened, though that hasn’t happened since the incident in Germany.


Weapons: Right -

Left -

-Endurance: Extremely tough and durable
-Agility: Decently faster than most Cursed Children, nearly unmatched in the water.
-Physique: Stronger than most Cursed Children.
-Recovery: Good enough to deal with minor wounds, such as scrapes and small cuts. Incapable of helping with more major wounds, such as when she lost her eye.
-JAWS!: Akula is a shark type, which quite obviously points to her teeth, jaws and mouth in general. Her teeth are as sharp or even sharper than any blade combined with her powerful jaws make it possible for her to tear through almost anything.
-Senses: Normal senses, can smell blood a long distance away, otherwise normal above average sense of smell.
EmperorsChosen01Nov 1, 2014 5:38 PM
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