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Statistical Information, Abilities, Killer Moves & Enhanced Armanents Sheet

Jul 18, 2014 5:28 PM

Aug 2010
Basic information regarding statistics, abilities, killer moves and enhanced armaments (EAs) is provided here.

Duel Avatar Name:
Real World Name:
Metal Avatar Resistances and Weaknesses: (Only applicable to avatars, with a metal as part of the first word of their name).


Contrary to popular belief, duel avatars do not become obtain stronger base-parameters over time. Rather, they gain upgrade bonuses by which they are able to use to home their abilities or EAs, learn new special attacks and moves along the journey, encounter new EAs, foster their Incarnate Abilities, etc. As such, the statistics you set for yourself are permanent - They are designed in a way to only allow mastery of one to two respected parameter if you decide to fully specialize (though note that your character will have glaring weaknesses in other parameters if you decide on this).

The parameters are:

Melee Capabilities (MC) - Your duel avatar's prowess in close range combat combined with their overall strength (ie. ability to pick up boulders to whip at your opponents).

Range Capabilities (RC) - Your duel avatar's prowess in long range combat combined with their overall precision or accuracy in landing blows from far away (ie. snipping with a rifle).

Indirect-Rangeless Capabilities (IRC) - Your duel avatar's prowess in utilizing non-conventional, non-damage based abilities (ie. such as Yellow Radio's illusion based abilities and their effectiveness. Please note that these abilities are range-less and as such, can be used to target anybody from as far as they can see.

Speed (SD) - Your duel avatar's movement speed.

Physical Defense and Endurance (PDE) - Your duel avatar's capacity to withstand attacks and their overall resistance to physical attacks.

Special Defense (SD) - Your duel avatar's capacity to withstand special attacks (ie. elemental) and indirect-rangeless attacks (ie. radio's illusion).

Potential (P) - The strength of the avatar's starting ability, enhanced armaments, and killer gauge moves.

You have 70 points to invest in these parameters. Each parameter maxes at 25 points, except for Potential (P) which maxes at 35 points.

Please note that there are 'rankings' to the number of points allocated to each ability.

S Rank = 25 / (35 for Potential (P))
A Rank = 15 - 24 / (25 - 34 for Potential (P))
B Rank = 10 - 14 / (20 - 24 for Potential (P))
C Rank = 6 - 9 / (12 - 19 for Potential (P))
D Rank = 3 - 5 (6 - 10 for Potential (P))
E Rank = 0 - 2 (0 - 5 for Potential (P))

[b][u]COLOR BONUSES[/b][/u]

Now, onwards to the color of your duel avatar. Colors also provide statistical bonuses, abet in a different way. Colors will give "+", or "++" bonuses - A "+" next to a rank ... for example: "B+" means that the points allocated a stat are multiplied by 1.25x ... "++" multiplies the rank of a stat by 1.5x.

So for insane, investing 14 points in Melee Capabilities (MC) would make it "B" ranked. By being a color that provides a "+" to Melee Capabilities (MC), the rank would become "B+" and the point total for the rank would multiply by 1.25 (14 becomes 17.5!). See how a "B+" ranked stat (17.5) will rival an "A" ranked stat (15 to 24 Range)? Had it been "B++", the stat would become (14*1.5 = 21)! This is the power of the specialization bonus you get by choosing a certain color or metal color.

(Please note that if you are a mix of two colors, such as Azure - a mix of white and blue, you will take the bonuses of the more dominant color ... in this case, it is Blue. Metal colors have a separate bonus altogether).

Blue = "++" to Melee Capabilities (MC), "+" to Physical Defense and Endurance (PDE)
Red = "++" to Range Capabilities (RC), "+" to Speed (SD)
Yellow = "++" to Indirect-Rangeless Capabilities (IRC), "+" to Speed (SD)
Green: = Either "++" to Physical Defense and Endurance (PDE) and "+" Special Defense (SD) or the REVERSE (+ to PDE, ++ to SD)
Purple = "+" to Melee Capabilities (MC), "+" to Range Capabilities (RC) and "+" to 1 of your choice (Cannot stack with MC or RC ... ie. ++ to MC, ++ to RC)
Orange = "+" to Indirect-Rangeless Capabilities (IRC), "+"to Range Capabilities (RC)" and "+" to 1 of your choice (Cannot stack with IRC or RC... ie. ++ to IRC, ++ to RC)
Black/White = "++" to Potential (P)
Metal = "+" to Potential (P), "+" to 1 of your choice (Can stack with Potential (P) or be for any other stat).

Metal avatars are known to be particularly strong or weak to certain types of physical or non-physical attack. However, considering the complexity, we will not include all of it here. Rather, all Metal Elements now suffer from a bonus 25% reduction (damage modifier of 0.75x) to ALL PHYSICAL TYPE ATTACKS: Blunt, Slashing, Piercing.

(Please note: This info will be also stated in the Burst Point / Level Up thread, in greater clarity). At level one, your character starts with a Killer Gauge move, along with a choice of either an Ability OR an Enhanced Armament.

Before that, please understand that there are three different groups that ALL attacks and abilities fall under.

[Passive] - These are either regular attacks, such as punches or kicks, OR are abilities that do not require the use of your Killer Gauge to keep using.
[Limited Activation] - These are for abilities that use up a certain amount of Killer Gauge per every few seconds/posts based on how long you active them for. Silver Crow's Wings: Aviation is the ultimate example of this (say it uses 5% KG per post or per minute).
[Activation] - These are for abilities and killer moves (Note: Killer Moves can ONLY BE [Activation] based moves) that use a chunk of Killer Gauge (50% per one use)

An ability can either be passive, limited activation, or activation based. In Crow's case, he is peculiar because maintaining his wings constantly requires Killer Gauge to fuel (Limited Activation), but he also uses a burst of KG% (25% for say) every-time he punches or kicks someone using his wings, that greatly expand his speed and strength as he can hit his opponents with enormous momentum gained by propelling himself with his wings. Other abilities can be simpler or more common - you have a lot of flexibility when designing it here. However, please note that abilities will generally not be too powerful until it has been upgraded ... which is one of the rewards for leveling up! Check the template to see how to fill in the details for your ability.

Ever wonder about the cool-looking swords that duel avatars have? It's their enhanced armament! aka equipment. Your character is allowed to start with one or start with an ability. An enhanced armament - the one you start with, is typically essential to your character's fight-style. Though note that they can only provide minor statistical bonuses in the beginning. The weapons themselves may be capable of obtaining additional killer moves and abilities, however that will occur at higher levels. For the sake of distinguishing between their capabilities, they will be assigned different rarities: Common, Rare, Exquisite, Legendary, and Seven Arc. (Seven Arc will be expanded in the general knowledge thread). As mentioned earlier, you can upgrade these items over time. The EA you start with is only considered a 'Rare' EA until you begin to upgrade it.

You can also earn EAs from defeating enemies, beating and uninstalling other duel avatars, obtained as a level up bonus or buying from a shop. Note that most items (outside of Legendary or Seven Arc class or the EA you decided to start with) will only be a supplement to your character's fighting abilities. Also, note that EAs can break in battle but will respawn for use in the next fight.
[b][u]KILLER MOVES[/b][/u]

Typically, these are the ultimate, special moves of a duel avatar. They are purely [Activation] moves that consume a chunk of KG to do some serious damage or effect. Because of its high KG use (minimum 30% here in this RP), they are more situational and are not as useful in battle as EAs and Abilities. Every user starts with one and will obtain more over time as a result of events, leveling up and so on.

[center]NOTE: You start with one killer move, and EITHER one Enhanced Armament OR one ability. You DO NOT START WITH BOTH!
BeyondJul 19, 2014 11:13 AM
Reply Disabled for Non-Club Members
Jul 18, 2014 6:57 PM

Aug 2010
Character Template & Example Character

Duel Avatar Name:
Real World Name:
Metal Avatar Resistances and Weaknesses: (Only applicable to avatars, with a metal as part of the first word of their name).
(Please include ranks + points)

Melee Capabilities (MC):
Range Capabilities (RC):
Indirect-Rangeless Capabilities (IRC):
Speed (SD):
Physical Defense and Endurance (PDE):
Special Defense (SD):
Potential (P):

(Repeat this part if you have more than 1 ability. Also note that your character's Potential (P) determines how strong your ability is. Legendary abilities like Silver Crow's Aviation can only be given to users who have an S in Potential (P)).
Ability Name:
Number of Times Upgraded: (Upon leveling up, your level up bonus has one option to upgrade your ability. You are allowed to modify its contents and have an admin recheck it for approval if you decide to upgrade it. Number of times it is upgraded in total is listed here)
Ability Type: (Passive, Limited Activation, Activation)
Range: (In meters)
Number of Users Affected: (1 if only to buff yourself or against a single enemy, 1+ if considered usable against multiple enemies at once)
KG Cost: (Passive = None, Limited Activation = Please specify a "%" KG cost that happens PER POST, Activation = Please mention a one-time cost when using it such as 50%)
Description: (A brief overview of the ability)
Enhanced Armanents

(Repeat this part if you have more than 1 EA)
EA Name:
EA Type: (Sword, Armor, Lance, Gun, Shield, etc)
Number of Times Upgraded: (Upon leveling up, your level up bonus has one option to upgrade your EA if you have started with it. You are allowed to modify its contents and have an admin recheck it for approval if you decide to upgrade it. Number of times it is upgraded in total is listed here)
EA Rarity: (Common, Rare, Exquisite, Legendary, Seven Arc)
EA Appearance: (A brief description and or image of the EA on how it appears)
EA Bonuses: (Any statistical bonuses, resistances, abilities or killer moves that it can allow the user to perform. Please note that statistical bonuses and typically very powerful abilities/killer moves are reserved for Legendary class items or better).
Killer Move

(Repeat this part if you have more than 1 KM).
Killer Move Name:
KG Consumption: (An amount for a one time use. Minimum should be around 30%, but note that your KM is considerably weaker the lower the amount is. Setting something like a "50%" use and a full "100%" use is allowed too, but don't stretch the boundaries and include 50% use ... 60% use .. 70% use ... You know what I mean)
Range: (In meters)
Number of Users Affected: (1 against a single enemy, 1+ if considered usable against multiple enemies at once)
Description: (A brief overview of the KM. Please note that it cannot be a passive or limited activation ability - Hence its name as a KM. Think about Lotus's Death by Piercing, Pile's Cyan Pile Driver, etc).
BeyondJul 19, 2014 11:11 AM
Jul 19, 2014 2:30 PM

Aug 2010
Duel Avatar Name: Imperial Warrior
Real World Name: Ryuu Kazunari
Level: 1
Metal Avatar Resistances and Weaknesses: N/A - Not a Metal Type
(Please include ranks + points)

Melee Capabilities (MC): S++ | 37.5 (Original = 25)
Range Capabilities (RC): E | 0
Indirect-Rangeless Capabilities (IRC): E | 0
Speed (SD): B | 10
Physical Defense and Endurance (PDE): S+ | 31.25 (Original = 25)
Special Defense (SD): B | 10
Potential (P): E | 0

Ability Name: Infinite Weaponry
Number of Times Upgraded: 0
Ability Type: Limited Activation
Range: N/A
Number of Users Affected: 1
KG Cost: 5% per Weapon
Description: Being a master of any battlefield requires the grand mastery of all weapons alike. Imperial Warrior's ability, Infinite Weaponry, allows him to generate any regular weapon by using 5% KG - Chains, Axes, Swords, etc. However, they are only common-class weapons at this moment (until he upgrades this more often) and have very weak durability. He needs to constantly re-generate new weapons to fight effectively in the battlefield. Though not supremely powerful, the ability allows incredible versatility. In addition to generating weapons, he can also spend 15% KG per use to enhance the quality of the weapons, temporarily changing their class to a rank higher (common -> rare for example) and permanently increase their durability during battle.
Killer Move

(Repeat this part if you have more than 1 KM).
Killer Move Name: Hell Slaughter
KG Consumption: 50% or 100%
Range: 2 Meters
Number of Users Affected: 1-6 Units
Description: Upon activating, the user is given a temporarily boost of 50% in speed. Propelling himself at his opponent, the user is capable of mixing up his speed with movement feints and combines the momentum gained by accelerating his body to unleash a devastating blow on his opponent. Usable with simply his fist or melee weapon(s). Upon impact (100% version), the move avoids 50% of the physical defense of his opponent(s).
BeyondJul 23, 2014 9:51 AM
Jul 19, 2014 3:23 PM

Feb 2013
Duel Avatar Name: Zaffre Avenger
Real World Name: Tadao Nakamura
Level: 1
Metal Avatar Resistances and Weaknesses: N/A

(Please include ranks + points)

Melee Capabilities (MC): S++ | 37.5 (Original = 25)
Range Capabilities (RC): E | 0
Indirect-Rangeless Capabilities (IRC): E | 0
Speed (SD): S | 25
Physical Defense and Endurance (PDE): A+ | 25 (Original = 20)
Special Defense (SD): E | 0
Potential (P): E | 0

Enhanced Armanents

EA Name: Vengeful Blade
EA Type: One-Handed Sword/Two-Handed Sword( causes 1.5x more damage if handled with two hands ).
EA Rarity: Rare
EA Appearance:

EA Bonuses: Vengeance( Abillity ): Whenever the user is hit, he gains one Vengeance stack. If the user attacks while the Vengeance Stack is active, his next attack deals 1.25x Normal Attack Damage + Damage Accumulated by attacks defended/parried/taken. Requires 50% KG.

Killer Move

Killer Move Name: Revenge
KG Consumption: 100%
Range: Melee
Number of Users Affected: 1
Description: The next attack of the Avenger deals (MC Stat Overall)% + 25% - (Target Level x 3)% of Bonus Damage. If the Killer Move kills an ememy, it is immediatly removed from cooldown and recovers 50% of the KG wasted. Killing an enemy with Revenge also grants a 10% Damage Reduction for the following 20 Seconds.
YzmaelJul 20, 2014 1:18 PM
Through me the way is to the city dolent;
Through me the way is to eternal dole;
Through me the way among the people lost.
Justice incited my sublime Creator;
- Divine Comedy, Inferno, Canto III.
Jul 19, 2014 3:27 PM

May 2014
Duel Avatar Name: Shadow Katana
Real World Name: Takuma Shiba
Level: 2
Metal Avatar Resistances and Weaknesses: N/A - Not a Metal Type
(Please include ranks + points)

Melee Capabilities (MC): A | 15
Range Capabilities (RC): E | 0
Indirect-Rangeless Capabilities (IRC): E | 0
Speed (SD): S | 25
Physical Defense and Endurance (PDE): B | 10
Special Defense (SD): B | 10
Potential (P): C++ | 15 (Original = 10)

Ability Name: Shiba Kenjutsu Style: Fleeting Shadow Technique
Number of Times Upgraded: 0
Range: 30 meter
Number of Users Affected: everyone
KG Cost: 25%
Description: The user is moving with 2x his normal speed and becomes invisible, until he moved 30 meter, attacks or 5 seconds are over, letting him disappear and reappear in a limited range. An afterimage is left at the position of the user.
Enhanced Armanents

Name: Shiba Style Katana
Type: Katana
Rarity: Rare

Bonus: Attack Speed +15%, Evasive +5%
Killer Move

(Repeat this part if you have more than 1 KM).
Killer Move Name: Shiba Kenjutsu Style: Quick Slash
KG Consumption: 50% or 100%
Range: 2 Meters
Number of Users Affected: everyone withing the slash cone
Description: 3 (at 50% KG) / 5 (at 100% KG) extremly fast slashes towards the oponent, dealing normal damage but are released at the time span of a single attack. The opponent will be forced to move back 3 meters.
KinithJul 23, 2014 9:50 AM
Jul 19, 2014 3:37 PM

Jun 2014
Duel Avatar Name: Ebony Moon
Real World Name: Takeshi Yamo
Level: 1
Metal Avatar Resistances and Weaknesses: N/A
Melee Capabilities (MC): C- 25
Range Capabilities (RC):
Indirect-Rangeless Capabilities (IRC):
Speed (SD): S- 5
Physical Defense and Endurance (PDE): 5
Special Defense (SD):
Potential (P): S++ - 52.5
Enhanced Armanents
EA Name: Cerberus
EA Type: Large Knives
Number of Times Upgraded: None
EA Rarity: Legendary
EA Appearance:
EA Bonuses: Attack gains 10% of Potential stats.(5)
Killer Move
Killer Move Name: Dark Swipe
KG Consumption: 50-100%
Range: 10
Number of Users Affected: 1
Description: Takeshi runs at ultra fast speeds and stabs the enemy using multiple smaller Cerberus knives. After 5-10 knives(depends on KG used) the knives explode once Takeshi reaches a safe distance.
JRak5724Jul 20, 2014 5:00 PM
Jul 20, 2014 1:00 PM

Feb 2013
Duel Avatar Name:
Moss Caliber

Real World Name:
Lynne Wilson


Metal Avatar Resistances and Weaknesses:



Melee Capabilities (MC): B 10
Range Capabilities (RC): E 0
Indirect-Range-less Capabilities (IRC): E 0
Speed (SD): C 13
Physical Defense and Endurance (PDE): S++ 37.5 (original 25)
Special Defense (SD): A+ 25 (original 20)
Potential (P): E 2


Enhanced Armament

EA Name:
Canopy Shot

EA Type:

Number of Times Upgraded:

EA Rarity:

EA Appearance:

EA Bonuses: Canopy shot has two primary uses. The first is to act as a bluff. Despite its appearance it possesses no offensive capabilities. The second use is to create a shield covering the area directly in front of the user. A bullet is fired and at approximately 0.5 meters it breaks apart and for a short interval of 0.4 seconds shields the user from attacks. During this short time the user is immobilized. As well, only regular attacks and select abilities of the user's level or below can be blocked via this method. Killer moves or attacks with equal or greater strength than the user's regular or special defence are not impeded.
Lastly, Canopy shot is limited to a sum total of two shots per battle with a minimum cool down of three minutes (approximately 3 posts) required between shots.


Killer Move

Killer Move Name:
Battering Ram

KG Consumption:

10 m

Number of Users Affected:

As its name suggests, the move turns the user into a battering ram to be used against a single enemy. During activation Moss receives a 50% increase in Speed and Melee Capability. These buffs remain for the next four seconds and Moss can fire herself in one direction to crash into an opponent. Direction cannot be changed after the initial push.
Raion21Jul 22, 2014 8:32 PM
Jul 20, 2014 4:30 PM

Feb 2013
Character Template & Example Character

Duel Avatar Name: Amaranth Blaster
Real World Name: Shinju Yamaiisha
Level: 1
Metal Avatar Resistances and Weaknesses: N/A

(Please include ranks + points)

Melee Capabilities (MC): E | 0
Range Capabilities (RC): S++ | 37.5 (25)
Indirect-Rangeless Capabilities (IRC): E | 0
Speed (SD): A+ | 18,75 (15)
Physical Defense and Endurance (PDE): B | 10
Special Defense (SD): E | 0
Potential (P): B | 20


Ability Name: Overheat
Number of Times Upgraded: 0
Range: N/A
Number of Users Affected: 1
KG Cost: 3% Per Shot/ 10% Per Weapon
Description: Weapons can be created and used in a fight. These weapons have certain characteristics depending on where they are created and have an infinite ammount of bullets, though each requires a certain ammount of time to recharge themselves with bullets.

  • Per Shot: The user will enhance the following shots and will cause 5% more damage with each shot as well as, at every 5 shots, knockback the enemy.
  • Per Weapon: The user will create a weapon from a certain part of his body. Here follows the list of weapons and a brief explanation of each one of their functions:
      • Arm Guns: The most versatile area. The user can create an astounding ammount of different weapons from this area and each of them have strong characteristics. These weapons can be short-range like a Flamethrower and a Shotgun or long-range like a Sniper and a Minigun.
      • Shoulder Guns: Mostly, weapons created from the shoulder have a very strong knockback and a tough stopping power, but deal barely any damage. These weapons have long recharging time, thus not allowing the user to negate an incoming enemy every time he/she gets close. At point blank range, these guns are able of very precise and quick shots.
      • Back Artillery: This large set of two cannons able to easily destroy buildings and desintegrate enemies when they directly hit has a large blast area, able of damaging enemies even when the hit was not direct. These weapons are mainly for long-range and the variabillity that can be applied on them is the replacement of normal bullets to Energized Bullets, that deal Electric Damage instead of Physical Damage. The recharge time for this gun is low, but it still existent.
      • Chest Guns: These are also a very versatile arsenal and Blaster can choose between a Missile Launcher or a Shock Shotgun. The missile is pretty much a mobile artillery and can cause monstruous ammounts of damage( 20% against E-Ranked PDE Avatars ). The Shock Shotgun will blast off close range enemies in a wide area and cause minor damage. Both of them have very long recharging times, however.
      • Leg Blasters: The user's legs become an energy blaster that causes minor Fire Damage and shoot an immense stopping power. This can be used to increase Blaster's Melee skill, though the Energy Blast can only be used once every 5 minutes( five posts ). This weapon can even throw away A PDE Ranked Avatars.

  • Per Weapon Overheat: Blaster will overheat the weapon and add more damage to them as well as speed up the weapon's recharge. Certain weapons, like the Artillery, will receive other bonusses. Artillery, as an example, receives more blast damage, while the direct damage is still the same. Chest Gun will receive a wider area and a higher distance to push enemies away.


Enhanced Armanents

EA Name: Pacemaker
EA Type: Arm Gun
Number of Times Upgraded: 0
EA Rarity: Rare
EA Appearance:

EA Bonuses:
  • Rift Opener( abillity ): The shots of the Pacemaker can open black holes when it hits a target, these black holes pull weak enemies towards it. The Pacemaker will then detonate the black hole after 4 seconds, causing medium ammounts of electric damage. Costs 25% KG for a microscopic hole. Holes can gain size the more KG wasted to create them. 100% Will create a small-sized black hole that will devour anything in the nearby 10 meters before exploding in medium ammounts of electric damage. A black hole can't be made if one is currently in existence.

Killer Move

Killer Move Name: All Guns On Deck
KG Consumption: 75% / 100%
Range: 400
Number of Users Affected: 1
Description: The user will shoot gigantic energized bullets from his guns for the following 15 seconds. All shots can knockback or stun the enemy( depending on the enemy SD ), throwing them away from the Blaster. Shots cause massive ammounts of damage and( if used with 100% KG ) reduces the enemy resistance to physical attacks for the following 30 seconds. The ammount of resistance reduced depends on the ammount of shots taken.

1 Shot Taken: 5% Reduction
2 Shots Taken: 10% Reduction
3 Shots Taken: 20% Reduction
4 Shots Taken: 30% Reduction
5+ Shots Taken: 50% Reduction
YzmaelJul 22, 2014 9:03 PM
Through me the way is to the city dolent;
Through me the way is to eternal dole;
Through me the way among the people lost.
Justice incited my sublime Creator;
- Divine Comedy, Inferno, Canto III.
Jul 20, 2014 7:54 PM

May 2014
Duel Avatar Name: Burnt Streak
Real World Name: Yin Chihiro
Level: 1
Metal Avatar Resistances and Weaknesses: -
(Please include ranks + points)

Melee Capabilities (MC): 0
Range Capabilities (RC): A 20
Indirect-Rangeless Capabilities (IRC): S++ 37.5 (25)
Speed (SD): S+ 31.25 (25)
Physical Defense and Endurance (PDE): 0
Special Defense (SD): 0
Potential (P): 0


Ability Name: Trap in the box
Number of Times Upgraded: 0
Ability Type: Limited activation
Range: 1 Metre
Number of Users Affected: 1+
KG Cost: Various
Description: After winding Pandora's box, Burnt streak unleashes an indirect rangeless debuff/staus ailment on her opponent.
As of now the choices are:
-Paralysis (costs 10%)
-Sleep (costs 20%)
-Poison (costs 15%)
-Walk speed -10% (Costs 5%)

Killer Move
Killer Move Name: Juggler
KG Consumption: 100%
Range: 1 metre
Number of Users Affected: 1+
Description: All debuffs unlocked in "Trap in the box" appear in the form of juggling balls. Burnt Streak has to keep juggling these balls or else they will explode and the debuffs are inflicted upon her. By throwing the balls at the targets, they are inflicted with the debuff.
Jul 20, 2014 8:06 PM

May 2014
Duel Avatar Name: Royal Flush
Real World Name: Yang Chihiro
Level: 1
Metal Avatar Resistances and Weaknesses: -
(Please include ranks + points)

Melee Capabilities (MC): S++ 37.5 (25)
Range Capabilities (RC): 0
Indirect-Rangeless Capabilities (IRC): 0
Speed (SD): S 25
Physical Defense and Endurance (PDE): B+ 12.5 (10)
Special Defense (SD): B 10
Potential (P): 0

(Repeat this part if you have more than 1 ability. Also note that your character's Potential (P) determines how strong your ability is. Legendary abilities like Silver Crow's Aviation can only be given to users who have an S in Potential (P)).
Ability Name: Thrust
Number of Times Upgraded: 0
Ability Type: Limited activation
Range: 4 Metres
Number of Users Affected: 1
KG Cost: 5%
Description: Having jet thrusters in her legs, Royal flush is able to perform tepid evasive manurer dodges. Maximum distance is roughly four metres

Killer Move

Killer Move Name: Brain shake
KG Consumption: 30%
Range: 1 metre
Number of Users Affected: 1
Description: Flush delivers a devastating headbutt that deals MC +50% damage and makes the victim dizzy for a few seconds.
Jul 22, 2014 8:15 PM

Jul 2013
Duel Avatar Name: Electric Beetle
Real World Name: Yosuke Okita
Level: 2

(Please include ranks + points)

Melee Capabilities (MC): S++ 37.5 (2)
Range Capabilities (RC): 0
Indirect-Rangeless Capabilities (IRC): 0
Speed (SD): S 25
Physical Defense and Endurance (PDE): B+ 12.5 (10)
Special Defense (SD): D 5
Potential (P): 0

Enhanced Armanents

(Repeat this part if you have more than 1 EA)
EA Name: Stingers
EA Type: Twin sticks
Number of Times Upgraded: 1
EA Rarity: Rare
EA Appearance:

EA Bonuses:
[*]Deal shock damage and may stun a target.
[*] Each consecutive hit adds a speed token, each speed token adds 1 SD points and 1 MC point. Taking damage resets the counter. Max of five counters.
[*] Level 2 upgrade: Each speed token now adds 2 speed and melee points instead of one
[*] Level 2 upgrade: Taking damage now reduces stacks by one instead of re-setting them.

Killer Move

Killer Move Name: Get over here.
KG Consumption: 50%
Number of Users Affected: 1
Description: Beetle shoots claw pronged chains out of his arms that dig into an avatar's armour on impact and retract, reeling the victim towards Beetle at an incredible speed. These chains are electrically charged and will deal shock damage (MC stat + 10% vs enemy SD stat)
King-in-YellowJul 24, 2014 4:51 PM
Jul 22, 2014 9:13 PM

Jan 2014
Duel Avatar Name: Orange Stinger
Real World Name: Jack (Jackie) Homera
Level: 1
Metal Avatar Resistances and Weaknesses: n/a
(Please include ranks + points)
Melee Capabilities (MC): 0 | E
Range Capabilities (RC): 25 | S +
Indirect-Rangeless Capabilities (IRC): 10 | B +
Speed (SD): 25 | S +
Physical Defense and Endurance (PDE): 5 | D
Special Defense (SD): 5 | D
Potential (P): 0 | E

Enhanced Armanents
(Repeat this part if you have more than 1 EA)
EA Name: Stinger
EA Type: Gun
Number of Times Upgraded: n/a
EA Rarity: rare
EA Appearance:
EA Bonuses: Switches between high powered sniper to full automatic rifle firing power (switches ammo so it will NOT fire sniper shell at rapid fire)
Killer Move
Killer Move Name: Angel Tears
KG Consumption: 30%
Range: (In meters) 22 meters
Number of Users Affected: 1+
Description: Similar to an AC-130's flares, the angel tears launches 5 rpg shells at a radius of 75 ft, cannot be used on a single target
MoniStarJul 22, 2014 10:04 PM
Jul 26, 2014 3:34 PM

Dec 2011
Duel Avatar Name: Citron Tyrant
Real World Name: Akira Hiraku
Level: 1


Melee Capabilities (MC): A | 15
Range Capabilities (RC): E | 0
Indirect-Rangeless Capabilities (IRC): E | 0
Speed (SD): B | 10
Physical Defense and Endurance (PDE): S++ | 37.5 (Original = 25)
Special Defense (SD): A+ | 25 (Original = 20)
Potential (P): E | 0
Enhanced Armanents

EA Name: Wall of the Guardian
EA Type: Shield
Number of Times Upgraded: N/A
EA Rarity: Rare
EA Appearance: A green shield large enough to act as a tower to Akira’s Avatar.

EA Bonuses: Reduces damage taken by 20% if the shield takes the brunt of the attack in question.
Killer Move

Killer Move Name: Guardian Charge
KG Consumption: 50%
Range: 5
Number of Users Affected: 1
Description: Tyrant gains a stable stance and readies the Wall of the Guardian before charging shield-first at the target with the intent to bash them with it and stun them as well as slightly damage them. Once charging Tyrant is near incapable of redirecting his course. Chance to stun for a short while and inflicts MC +10% damage upon contact. If Tyrant misses or is stopped via crashing into something then he requires a few moments to regain his stance.
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