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Apr 16, 2009 4:59 AM

Sep 2008
Mion blocks the doorway for Mirai,
"hey new kid why dont you stay for our club games, so we all welcome you properly?"

She then turns to Shion, "hey sis, give me a minute. I wil be with ya in a moment. Can you please set up the card game for us?"
Apr 16, 2009 5:15 AM

Mar 2008
Seeing Mion blocking the door way, Mirai did not say much more but turn around, he looked at the old and wrinkled deck of cards, and quickly figured out one thing.

I see...Strategy A2, counter B7...need to memorize the back of the cards. Seeing Sonozaki Mion so confident when saying "punishment game", there must be some way she will never be punished. Seeing this deck of old cards, it is very possible that she or the others have already memorized the looks of them. If this is the case then...but also a good chance to find out a bit more about this person...

"Poker...anyone should know that. I will play that with you 1 on 1" he took a seat on the table, quickly starting to look at the back of each card, in no time he has gone through the entire deck. Then he shuffled and put it in the middle of the table.

Apr 16, 2009 5:16 AM
Jul 2018
"sure~" i say "everyone sit!~" i say with a laugh..i don't know what he will say but if he will say yes then i will start to ask him things now...or maybe i will ask him at the 'Angel mort'...
"Oh poker with Onee? goodluck Onee~~" i say with a smile.
Apr 16, 2009 5:28 AM

Sep 2008
Mion joins the rest of the group around the table,
She picks the seat next to her sister Sihon.
"hey sis why dont you deal the cards?" says mion as she slides the deck of cards.

She then whispers softly to shion
"sis are you okay?? something seems to be bothering you.."
Apr 16, 2009 5:33 AM
Jul 2018
"its so wierd everyone asked me today i am fine Onee really" i whispers to Onee "anywhy i deal the cards~Onee VS Mirai in a poker~" i said and that i deal the cards
Apr 16, 2009 5:43 AM

Mar 2008
Mirai picked up his cards, it already contained 3 aces, but the other two cards were not ideal, he took a look at the back of Mion's cards, then another look at his own. Then took a brief glance at the top card of the deck in Shion's hands. But then noticed the slightly ripped edge of the barely seen second card.

"To some extent I follow the concept of ladies do as you like..."

Any sane person would not break that full house combination, even if she did, she would not have much of a chance. Upon calculations, the chances of another full house appearing is extremely low. Whatever she does...victory is mine

Apr 16, 2009 5:50 AM
Jul 2018
"its only a game remember that" i say with a little smile its Onee VS Mirai...i hope that Onee will win "So...Mirai from where are you?" i ask with a smile.
Apr 16, 2009 6:01 AM

Sep 2008
"Okay shion chan here it goes!!! Wish Mi chan over here some luck!!!"

Mion smiles to Mirai in a very evil way
"I wont lose!!!!! You are dead, Im gona make you walk around in a bikini in the punishment game afterwards!!!"

Mion picks up her cards... An king, queen, jack and a ten....

hmm only one more card needed for a straight royal flush and I better not let him get his hands on it!! Or else he will end up with a full house

Mion secrets signals shion to deal the last ace to her...
Apr 16, 2009 6:11 AM

Mar 2008
"The secret to your invincibility is indeed memorizing the back of this old deck of cards...unfortunately I have this cursed photographic memory. I remember whatever I see...for a lifetime, since the day I was born and raised, I have not forgotten anything I have seen. Your cards can most definitely outcast mine, but before you're taking that last ace with the ripped edge, I think you would make better use of this..."

Mirai still had no panic on his face, as he discared the 9 from his hand and took the last ace Shion planned to give to his sister. Leaving an 8 on the top of the pile. Mirai dropped his cards on the table revealing four of a kind, and more ironically, he had a full house to start with. Seeing the both the discared and the one in his hand was a 9

Apr 16, 2009 6:45 AM
Jul 2018
i mix up the cards to looking for a 9 when i find 9 i give it quietly to Onee "i see but you didn't answer for my question "from where are you?" i ask again.
Apr 16, 2009 7:13 AM

Mar 2008
Although Shion tried to help her sister, but Mirai already took notice of her actions.

"...No good, the dealer shouldnt be helping one side...but no worries, Im not interested in any punishment games, so even if you lose...I'd take this as a focus training to keep my sense in check. And to answer your afraid I cannot give you an answer. All I will tell you is that Im not the resident of this village." Mirai replied pointing at Shion with a 9 secretly handing it over to Mion.

Revealing I am not a resident of this village...could possibly make them reveal a bit about why this village is so closed...the head of the Sonozaki family should know...

Apr 16, 2009 7:25 AM
Jul 2018
"Oh sorry my Onee want me to help her..Mirai don't get mad its only a game" i smiled "oh..." i say "ok your life if you don't want to say its your decision" i smiled..why? why he come here? he want to play only with Onee...
but he didn't say where he live before here...i need to find out for a start where he live before here.
Apr 16, 2009 11:53 AM

Jul 2008
Rika watched them play. "Good luck, Mion-san!" She said. "But, also good luck to you, Mirai-kun!" She said smiling. "Nipah~!"

Azu-nyan! <3 *She's my current obsession*
Apr 16, 2009 1:14 PM

May 2008
*rena watches them play besides rika*
Apr 16, 2009 7:54 PM

Sep 2008
Mion confidently replies "OH sure you do buddy!! You cant bluff and fool me with that poker face of yours!! I can SEE right throught your lies!!!"

A four of a kind, hmm Im screwed. The most I can get out of this is a flush, NO GOOD SHION, that card DOES NOT help. I better do something fast.

"OOOPS" shouts Mion as she pretends to accidentally kick the table over. The table flips over spilling all of the cards onto the ground...
"SORRY!! It was an accident, I guess we will have to call that game a draw. We can play again next time...." says Mion. "And hmm since no one lost today I think my sister the card dealer should receive the pushiment games for being a bad card dealer. SHION~~~ Time to parade you around in a bikini..."
Apr 16, 2009 8:09 PM

Jul 2008
Rika giggled. "Sorry, I wish I could watch, but there's something I have to do, nano desu!" She said smiling, running toward the door, and grabbing Mirai's hand, and taking him outside the room. "Now that we're alone..." Rika said, staring the boy straight in the face. "Who are you, and what are your intentions?" She said her voice going deep,

Azu-nyan! <3 *She's my current obsession*
Apr 16, 2009 9:48 PM

Mar 2008
Mirai did not reply, then looked at Rika. ...why? I see, two personalities, appearances can be indeed rather decieving.

"You have no need to know..." he quietly replied

Apr 17, 2009 3:01 AM
Jul 2018
"Onee i am so sorry but i need to go to work~" i smiled get up and go to the plase that Mirai and Rika-Chan talking "oh! Mirai~ well i waiting out side~ don't run away from me we need to go to the Angel-Mort~" i smiled..and then i look at Rika-Chan...what she ask him? does she think something going on?

then i just went out side waiting to Mirai.
Apr 17, 2009 5:54 AM

Sep 2008
Mion follows after Shion,

"My dear sister, where do you think you are going? Im not going to let you get away before you play my punishment games hehe"
Apr 17, 2009 5:57 AM
Jul 2018
"Onee~~~~~!!!" i looked at her "umm~~~maybe wait! why me? why you can't dress Rika-Chan or Rena-Chan?!" i said..try protect myself.
Apr 17, 2009 7:54 AM

Mar 2008
"No, according to your rules, the loser has the recieve the punishment game. There was no loser, or more accurately it became the fact that nobody lost. Therefore nobody should recieve the punishment...why then lets go..." Mirai interupted still with that poker face of his. He took Shion by her hand and rather quick paced walked away from the rest of the club.

...isolate her from the others...then question...

Apr 17, 2009 8:01 AM
Jul 2018
"Thanks you~" i say leave his hand "so~~Mirai~~why you come to Hinamizawa? i mean why you left the city that you came from?" i asked with a little smile.
Apr 17, 2009 8:31 AM

Mar 2008
"I just like the nature here...I dislike cities where people crowd." Mirai answered still with a poker face, they were walking towards Angel mort

Apr 17, 2009 8:36 AM
Jul 2018
when we get to the Angel-Mort i say "Mirai take a sit i will be right back!" i smiled go to change close then i look after Mirai when i find him i walk to him "Yo~welcome to the Angel-Mort" i smiled
Apr 17, 2009 8:48 AM

Mar 2008
Mirai took a seat, although upon ordinary male's perspectives, the waitress' uniforms here would be considered to be cute indeed, but Mirai just looked out the window until he decided to open his mouth again.

"That face, you have something to ask?" he questioned Shion

Apr 17, 2009 8:54 AM
Jul 2018
i look at him "maybe..or...maybe not...why you think i have something to ask you? i just want to be friend with ya..this is why i asked all this questions.." i look at him.
he read me...he know that i want to know want he want from Onee but not now i can't ask him now.
Apr 17, 2009 8:59 AM

Mar 2008
"I think you have more that you want to ask or say...either ways, answer my quesetion. As I have just come to this village for not long...tell me about this place. I heard this place is basically ruled by the Sonozaki family..." his red eyes stared at Shion as if those eyes have pierced any lies that could be within his sight.

Apr 17, 2009 9:06 AM
Jul 2018
I look at him seriously "and remind me again why i need to tell you about my family?" i look at him.
"i have no reson to tell YOU about my family" i say seriously "i think you need to go Red eyes" i say
Apr 17, 2009 9:12 AM

Mar 2008
Hmm...just as I thought, getting annoyed here raises suspicion. There must be something about her family that they dont want others to know. Investigation Plan, shift pattern 8.2...T0300. Now then...

"Fine if you do not wish to tell about your family, I heard theres a famous festival here called the watanagashi...tell me about that then. And on a side note...this pair of eyes, not that I want it to be red..." Mirai did not panic or feel any sorrow for asking the wrong question. It appears like that poker face will stay there for the rest of his life...

Apr 17, 2009 9:19 AM
Jul 2018
"ok i will tell you about watanagashi will tell me want you want from Onee" i say seriously i sit opposite to him.
"in watanagashi every year that we have the watanagashi...1 person disappear and 1 person get killed..." i say sadly...its..reminding me...Satoshi-Kun..that disappear at watanagashi...
Apr 17, 2009 9:31 AM

Mar 2008
Ho...that was unexpected. Skipping the basics about the festival, and directly revealing about the murdur cases. But wait...from that expression, she must have lost someone important. I see...

"Soon is shall be...this year's watanagashi. I heard for 5 years it had been like this...starting with the murder of the dam project supervisor..." Mirai eyed Shion with supicion as he started to deeply consider the case.

Apr 17, 2009 9:49 AM
Jul 2018
i look at him "don't...don't ask to much questions about watanagashi...He..he decide who will die and who will be alive don't do anything we can't stop Oyashiro-Sama we need to worship him he is our god..." i say with a wierd eyes.
Apr 17, 2009 10:13 AM

Mar 2008
...!! Wait, her fear...this is abnormal. Does it mean that it is not the Sonozaki family in control of the curse? Or does it mean she knows nothing about it...? Either way, its worth a search. Seems like I can shake a bit more out of her...but the lab reports about the swamp water have not yet returned, best not to make a move before that arrives...

"Sorrow reflects on your face, if watanagashi takes...basically two lives, have you lost anyone important?" he asked

Apr 17, 2009 10:17 AM
Jul 2018
"Satoshi-Kun...Satoshi-Kun..." i say still with my weird eyes "Satoshi-Kun...i need to protect Satoko..." i say...holding my head.
removed-userApr 17, 2009 10:30 AM
Apr 17, 2009 6:16 PM

Mar 2008
Satoshi...think I saw that name on the death list of Hinamizawa, nothing of importance at first it appears, but best to look a bit into that

"You alright?" he asked, apparently without a worry look on his face.

Apr 17, 2009 6:22 PM
Jul 2018
i look at him..back to normal "i am sorry" i smiled "now what you want from Onee?" i ask seriously " i told you about watanagashi now tell me want you want from Onee"
Apr 17, 2009 10:29 PM

Mar 2008
Ohhh...smarter than I thought...didnt see this one coming. But...

"Nothing just a bit interested in her, thats all..." even saying indirectly "I like Mion", Mirai did not change expressions, took a look at his watch, then a look out the window. Then he checked his phone, and looked out the window again, and back a Shion.

Apr 18, 2009 2:31 AM

Sep 2008
Meanwhile, since shion managed to escape Mion's punishment games...
She wasnt feeling too happy...

Mion decided to head home home and call it a night
Apr 18, 2009 4:06 AM
Jul 2018
"seriously? seriously?" i asked him look at him with a little laugh "you really think that i belive you? ok let's think that you really like Onee want's worng with ya? why you can't say where you live?" i ask.
Apr 18, 2009 5:39 AM

Mar 2008
"I just have bad memories of the past, that even if I want to forget...I cant. So sorry, I rather not mention it. I can tell you a bit about myself only, but in exchange...tell a bit about your sister. Shes very intersting..." Mirai tried to draw more out of Shion...but he is not panicing.

Apr 18, 2009 5:49 AM
Jul 2018
"if you will hurt Onee its will be your end" i say seriously "now..start tell about yourself a bit and maybe i will tell you about my family" i say.
Apr 18, 2009 9:23 AM

Mar 2008
"...I was born in the darkness, and raised in the darkness...I dont even know who my parents are. When I realized it...I was covered by a pond of blood...thats all the memories I have from my past. Originally I did not have a name...until I decided to name myself..." Mirai clenched his teeth, showing a deep hate for his past and all that hurted him.

Apr 18, 2009 9:48 AM
Jul 2018
"we al raised in darkness...well i need to work if you want to know so much about my family wait until i finish my job" i smiled get up and starting to work.
Apr 18, 2009 10:02 AM

Mar 2008
I know, not we...only we two were suppose to have been dead long ago...

Mirai walked outside the cafe, dropping the required money at the counter, but didnt even bother asking for a change. He looked at the setting sun, the skies were dyed orange as the summer breeze got stronger, and insects cried louder.

"Not much time left today...seems like..." he mummbled to himself

Apr 18, 2009 10:16 AM
Jul 2018
i watch him left i smiled "your lost" i say.
keep to work after work i went out side walking to home..but i always think about what he say i still don't belive that he like Onee but i am still want to know more..he hide more things...more.
Apr 18, 2009 11:57 AM

May 2008
rena sees Shion* hi Shion'' she said
Apr 18, 2009 12:08 PM
Jul 2018
"Rena-Chan hello" i said with a smile "what you doing here?" i asked
well maybe Rena [oooh~~~i want to take it home XDDDD] will make me fell beter this talk made me a little angry
Apr 18, 2009 5:48 PM

Mar 2008
Mirai saw Rena came as her and Shion seems to have a little talk, as the sky got darker, Mirai took out a little hand mirror and reflected on himself. His green hair started to get darker as the sun is setting.

This is all I can go today...I suppose...

Suddenly the phone in the phone booth rang, and he quickly answered it. He did not say anything but after 30 seconds, a "yes" was said. He walked deep into the forest, and there was a small wooden cottage, there was nothing inside other than a bed and a table, and some simple toiletries with a small kitchen. A long black cloak hanged down the celing. He removed the casual clothes on him, folded it nearly and put it under his bed as he dressed himself in black jean and clothes, then draped the long cloak over him. He picked up the wide sunglasses on the table and very quickly his hair turned from green to dark black, as he scraped it up to look better.

"Night raid...begin..." he muttered as he walked out of the cottage towards the city.

Apr 18, 2009 10:34 PM

Jul 2008
Rika was sitting on the window sil of Her, and Satoko's home, as she often did when Satoko was asleep, and she talked to Hanyuu about the events of the day.

Azu-nyan! <3 *She's my current obsession*
Apr 19, 2009 1:58 AM

May 2008
''oh i was just taking a little walk, but you seems a little angry.....have something happened?''*she said*
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