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Jul 13, 2013 12:08 PM

Apr 2013
If you all would please properly fill in the format here,

Name: Your name. To avoid confusion, names are in traditional Japanese, starting with the surname followed by a given name.
Kanji: OPTIONAL. For those who are, like me, obsessed with Japanese speling of a name.
Age: Your character's age.
Gender: Male or female.
Personality: Your character's personality.
Likes: What your character likes.
Dislikes: What your character does not like.
Problem: What does your character have to do with the supernatural? You can think up your own cases of supernatural beings, you don't have to take one from the main series. To avoid everyone choosing the same, every problem can only be taken twice. At the bottom you can find a list of cases you can't take anymore.
Powers: What powers did you gain together with becoming involved with the supernatural? Try to be realistic. Of course more powerful Kaiis have more powers. By the way, you don't need to have any powers.
Weaknesses:The more powers you have, the more weaknesses. Meaning, no powers, means no weaknesses. Try not to have many more powers than weaknesses when thinking up your own Kaii.
Appearance: If you have a picture, please put in a spoiler button. Oh, and apparantly, no one understands this: a weakness is not a restriction on your power, it's really something that can terribly hurt or kill you.
Bio: Your character's story.
Extra Info: OPTIONAL. Anything else worth mentioning.
Theme song: OPTIONAL. Please no links.

List of taken Kaiis:
Shiura_AoiSep 2, 2013 10:28 AM
Reply Disabled for Non-Club Members
Jul 13, 2013 12:44 PM

Apr 2013
Name: Hozuki Chirumi
Kanji: 宝月 ちるみ
Age: 15
Gender: Female
Personality: Very unsure about herself, and not very good with making friends However, once you get to know her, she's a very warming person. She also thinks of herself as a monster, but she's afraid to die at the same time.
Likes: Swimming, other people with a supernatural problem, the moon
Dislikes: The sun, when people find out about her problem, being lonely
Problem: Became a vampire two years ago.
Powers: Instant regeneration, immense physical power, grow bat wings, hide in shadows, turn into fog, turn into darkness, disappear, shape-shift, eye power, materialize matter. (Yes, this is really the complete list from Kizumonogatari!)
Weaknesses: Sunlight, crosses, holy water, garlic, being bitten by another vampire.

Bio: Chirumi was born the only daughter of a very rich Japanese businessman. He loved her a lot, and spent all of his free time with her, since her mother died at her birth. Just like her mother, Chirumi was born with a rare disease where she is allergic to sunlight. She often went out alone during the night as a child, but that changed when she was almost kidnapped one day. After that her father forbid her from leaving the appartment. When she turned thirteen, she was finally allowed to go out again, but on the first night she met with a somehow strange indivual. A vampire. After being bitten by him, and turning into a vampire herself, she was allowed to go back home by him. One week later, he was killed by a vampire exorcist together with all of his subordinates, except for Chirumi whom the exorcist did not know about. She has lived like for the past two years, being forced to kill a human every few weeks. All this time, her father, not knowing about her true nature, has thought there was something strange with her and a few months ago, he decided that moving to a more quiet, peaceful town would be good for her, so they moved here.
Theme Song:
Shiura_AoiJul 21, 2013 9:45 AM
Jul 13, 2013 1:21 PM

Dec 2012
Name: Coldhart Gergern
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Personality: He is normally kind but if he get bored it is unknown how he will act
Likes: games, the color blue, the night time
Dislikes: the color red, people talking about him.
Problem: His father made him into a homunculus using both Kii blood and body parts. with a bit of werewolf to try to make him Stronger.
Powers: he can stop anything that get close to him as long as it not super fast(ie as long as he can follow it with his eyes he can stop it), he can telport up to 10 feet away,immense physical power, fast healing , can transform.
Weaknesses:he at times cant see, he get sick esaly, he is some what slower then most, water burns him, silver burns him and slowly kill him.
Bio: his father was a mad man and he did many experiments on his son to make him into something more then human because he could. the last ting he did finally change him but Geregen killed his father not long after that.
Extra Info: he dose not trust many people.when transform he lose most of his powers but inretern he get faster, stronger and heal even faster.
Theme song:

frogotenJul 22, 2013 10:24 PM
..... :'(
Jul 13, 2013 1:36 PM

Apr 2013
Name: Rose,Akari
Personality: Smart, Doesn't trust people easily, can be short tempered.
Likes: Music, Stars and constellations, being outside
Dislikes: Being kept in, People who lie to her
Problem: She has been alone her whole life after being turned into a demon
Powers: Telekinetic, Telepathic,Teleportation, Controlling fire and lightning, regeneration
Weaknesses: Being in intense light or touched by purified water causes her to temporary lose her powers.
Being in the cold slows her down and weakens her powers making her vulneerable

Bio: Growing up she practically had to figure out how to live on her own. Her father had left her and her mother when she was three. Her mother was out trying to make a living to provide for them but then fell ill when she was seven. Akari then decided to leave her home so her mother wouldn't have to take care of her anymore. Thats when she ran into a high class demon. He took her in and made her a demon. With that she got many of her powers but she stood out and was different from the others which made her isolated from other. When she turned 17 the demon that had taken her in betrayed her by trying to kill her, using her powers she killed him and fled promising never to trust anyone.
Alice157Jul 29, 2013 6:10 PM

Jul 13, 2013 10:14 PM

Apr 2013
Coldhart Gergern

I don't really understand your problem... It's usually someone meeting a Kaii, but here are some exampes from the show (I know you haven't seen it)

So something like that, I guess... Of course, you don't have to choose between these, they're just examples

Rose Akari

A demon, right? Approved!
Jul 13, 2013 10:22 PM

Nov 2012
so can we have like, the Kaii turns them into something? or something similar? oh i have a good one
Jul 13, 2013 10:58 PM

Dec 2012
he was a gin pig and became a well homunculus because of what his father did to him.
..... :'(
Jul 13, 2013 11:06 PM

Apr 2013
I get that part, but it has nothing to do with our rp. If you would please think of something else.
Jul 13, 2013 11:34 PM

Nov 2012
Name: Minawa Kumiko
Kanji: 三輪 久美子
Age: 18
Gender: female.
Personality: fun loving bubbly person. caring. quiet. determined (never give up person)
Likes: sweets, flowers, stars, music, singing
Dislikes: spiders, not being able to sing, sour thing

- Can see peoples names above their heads
- Telekinesis
- Control of Fire
- Changing into what the Kaii in her looks like
- Water

Kumiko is a singer, her family cherished her because of her voice, they were really strict and whatnot. when the incident with the Kaii happened, she couldnt control the Kaii from coming out. Her parent kicked her out and sent her to an institution to do research on what it was, they never got what it was. She managed to escape and is now on her own

Extra Info:
Jul 13, 2013 11:49 PM

Apr 2013
Minawa Kumiko

Approved :) By the way, what should I call the Kaii?
Jul 13, 2013 11:50 PM

Dec 2012
hmmm...well i i wanted it to be somtheng one of a kind. being turnd into somthing or geting atk buy somthing is so commen..o well
..... :'(
Jul 13, 2013 11:54 PM

Nov 2012
Shiura_Aoi said:
Minawa Kumiko

Approved :) By the way, what should I call the Kaii?

ummm call it (if your going by colors) blue/white or call it (if a name) Saki
Jul 14, 2013 12:17 AM

Apr 2013
ayachan1996 said:
Shiura_Aoi said:
Minawa Kumiko

Approved :) By the way, what should I call the Kaii?

ummm call it (if your going by colors) blue/white or call it (if a name) Saki


Is "Kaii that takes over half of the mind/soul" good enough? I need something for the list.
Jul 14, 2013 12:24 AM

Dec 2012
if i make his father use body parts and blood from the suprnatral creaters then can it work?
..... :'(
Jul 14, 2013 12:41 AM

Nov 2012
ahh yeah totally fine :3
Jul 14, 2013 12:58 AM

Apr 2013
Coldhart Gergern

Jul 14, 2013 2:26 AM

Dec 2011
Name: Katanashi Kiba
Kanji: N/A
Age: Appears 16
Gender: Male
Personality: He's usually really stiff, being serious about most things. He's really cold and looks emotionless, as his eyes showed nothing at all. But in his cold words, you can find his friendly side. Unless you've pissed him off for some reason.
Likes: Sleeping, relaxing, quiet places.
  • People he considers weak
  • Those disturbing his sleep
  • Anyone committing a crime
  • Betrayal

Problem: "With great power, comes great responsibilities."
Because he is immortal due to his vampire inheritage he has seen enough people die, enough evil and bad things to seal away his emotions. He has to live with this. The worst problem he has is that he won't die. He doesn't know about the immortality fading when he's hit by sunlight either. He's also bad at making companions, he doesn't like to call them friends.
  • Immortality
  • Inhuman Strength, Agility and Defensive(Stuff like that and sh*t like that.)
  • Control of Shadows
  • Stronger during the night
  • (Not Supernatural)Swordsmanship, which he has been perfectioning for a long time. He's a vampire after all.

  • Moves Slower in water
  • Unable to Control Shadows during the night
  • Sunlight stops his regeneration
  • Immortality is sealed when being hit by sunlight.
  • Unable to stay in the sun for too long
  • Disappears when bitten by another vampire.


Bio: It is unknown when he was born, who he has met through all those years. Though it's known that he has seen things happen that would break a normal human. He has overcome wars, standing in the middle of them, seeing people get slaughtered. This causted his emotions to have a "shut-down", and they haven't "activated" ever since. Though the people he lived with despised vampires, they made themselves believe that he was more of a god than a vampire, as he helped them reach victory in every battle. His emotions came back to him once he met a girl. For the first time since a long time, he was able to smile. Though this didn't last for too long as the village he stood in, the village he and the girl resided got raided, everthing went up in flames. The worst sight ever was printed into his memories, making him lose control, slaughtering everyone who walked past him during the time. It took him one whole week to recover. He remembers everything that has happened and once again, his emotions got a "shut-down". He didn't like people who made friends and didn't think of anything. "Weaklings", that's how he called them. Acting tough, but once you let them feel fear, they'd act on that. They'd panic. The sight he hated the most.
Extra Info:
  • Used to have a lover
  • Older than he actually looks
  • Full Blood Vampire.
  • Rampaged once, in which he slaughtered a lot of people

Theme song:
Discount66Jul 14, 2013 3:22 AM
Jul 14, 2013 3:43 AM

Apr 2013
Katanashi Kiba

Jul 16, 2013 2:42 PM

Nov 2010
Name: Hoshikawa Kazumi
Kanji: 星川 和美
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Personality: a poetic and poised person. She's feeling and has a sensible side which specially shows when she appreciates art, music, and nature. Ironically however, even though she notices and respects the worth of human nature and emotions, she might react coldly and unemotionally toward some shaking and sensitive situations, which makes people doubt whither Kazumi is a sensitive gentle person or a cruel cold one.
Kazumi usually wears a sleepy face with a faint smile most of the time.
Likes: Music and musical instruments, art, reading, antiques, animals and nature, sweets and desserts, the rain.
Dislikes: any harm caused to animals, antiques and musical instruments being treated badly, wasting, cigarets and tobacco.
Problem: Inherited her family's treasure which is a cursed conductor's baton. The baton granted her several supernatural abilities, and it turned out that the baton was originally a witch's wand but was turned into a baton and the witch placed her soul in it before she died.
  • capable of changing inorganic objects she touches with her baton into living organisms. Like a pen can be turned into a snake, a bullet into a beetle and so on
  • capable of the restoration of objects and organisms by touching with her baton. Able to repair damages and heal injuries, she can also revert an item back to its original components (i.e. reverting a table back into its component lumber).
  • When Kazumi plays or sings any music she personally composed, the things she could cause to anyone who hears is sever physical pain/healing/stamina power-up/calmness. Kazumi can choose whither to activate or not activate the powers in her music.

  • The more harm she causes using her music, the more severe the headache that comes along later.
  • her resurrection power (the second one mentioned in the "powers") cannot resurrect the dead, and it also cannot heal it's own user.


Bio: Kazumi comes from a rich and prestigious ancient family, and one of the main facts about her wealthy family is the fact that many famous and renowned musicians came from them.

Most of her childhood days were filled with training to play music and training to be a lady suitable to her family name, so she didn't get to play outside much like most of the children her age and she didn't have any friends at all. However Kazumi didn't mind that and didn't feel lonely at all, because she loved music and art and she had several pets that have always kept her company.

When she was seven years old, when her grandfather was breathing his last breaths he gave the cursed baton, saying that "The witch ordered me to give it to you". Kazumi didn't understand what he meant until a few days later when the witch appeared in her dreams and told her about the powers and the curse that comes along the baton. Since then, the witch never appeared again and Kazumi didn't tell her family about her and the baton.
Extra Info:
  • She can NEVER get rid of the baton. It can't be burned or destroyed, and if she tries throwing it away and such, the next day or maybe even the next hour she would find it laying on places such as on her bed, her piano, her desk etc.
  • Can play many kinds of musical instruments
  • She's well loved by animals.
  • Being the current owner of the baton, Kazumi is destined to someday die by playing a musical instrument to death

Theme song:


The baton:

Ps: even though I said "witch", it's actually a Kaii who calls herself a witch.
rika713Jul 17, 2013 10:21 AM
"Hateful feelings. Hurtful feelings. Unforgivable feelings.
To face one's own feelings is akin to throwing oneself into a bottomless pit, or setting sail on an endless sea.
You must not look there. You must not think about it. Though you search your soul on the dark, heaving waves, you must never look in that place." - Kusuriuri
Jul 17, 2013 12:06 AM

Apr 2013
Hoshikawa Kazumi

Approved :)
Jul 20, 2013 1:02 PM

Aug 2008
Name: Grants Corey
nicknames: 001, or blood prince
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Personality: wanting to be be the new devil
Dislikes:the weak
Problem: his father gave him two swords which had been given to him by the devil and he told him that he'll get powers and turned him into a demon

Weaknesses:the extreme speed makes him age faster when he uses it
Fire; makes burns him if he uses it longer than an hour
wind: makes it hard to breath for him
Appearance: human form

demon form

Bio: Once Corey got his two swords from his dad, he lost all controll when he drew onto his sword the first time and kill his whole family while a demon fused with him
Extra Info: there is a scar on his right forearm that he keeps covered by a wrap
Theme song:
Jul 20, 2013 1:31 PM

Apr 2013
Grants Corey

Well, okay, you're approved, but you'll be the last one without any weaknesses. I just explained it in the template, I hope people will undrstand from now on.
Jul 20, 2013 7:13 PM

Aug 2008
my weaknesses are what i said its right under the powers
Jul 21, 2013 12:43 AM

Apr 2013
Those are restrictions, not weaknesses. Anyway, it doesn't matter, I said you were approved, right?
Jul 21, 2013 9:19 AM

Feb 2010
Name: Wakahisa Amaya
Kanji: 若久 雨夜
Age: 196
Gender: Female
Personality: progress...
Likes: Clouds and Rain, Night time, Reading, Asphodel (Flower)
Dislikes: Bright lights, Crowds, Churches, Chains, Margiold (Flower)
Problem: (Lich - Deim-Lich) Amaya's body is bound to the exorcised remains of a Lich, sealing it's power and preventing it from regenerating. The sealed Lich has corrupted her body and turned her into a Demi-Lich.
Powers: Immortality, Necromancy, Aura of fear, Paralyzing touch.
Weaknesses: Destroying her Phylactery - The exorcised Lich, Energy Drain, Holy water, Exorcism.

Bio: ....also in progress....
Extra Info:The skeleton, cross and chains in her appearance picture show the exorcised Lich that is sealed within her. It is only visible to others who have already made contact with the supernatural, or those who are supernatural and only becomes tangible - capable of being physically destroyed - when Amaya uses her powers.
Theme song:
Shadow543Jul 28, 2013 4:16 AM
"If you can't accept the worst - what else will you accept?"

"People like to tell me darkness is the absence of light, so i tell them - darkness can only be found in the presence of light" - Amane Chiyo
Jul 21, 2013 9:40 AM

Apr 2013
Wakahisa Amaya

Your Kaii is awesome :) "Lich". I like it. Once you add your bio and personality, you'll be approved, you don't have to wait for my message anymore once you've done that.
Jul 28, 2013 1:49 AM

Dec 2011
Name: Satsujin "Jack" (Real name unknown)
Kanji: N/A
Age: 24
Gender: Male
Personality: For people who know of Jack, they are terrified. Believing he is a merciless killer who will cut apart anything that gets in his way and even cut anyone apart just for the fun of cutting. And in truth, part of him is like this, which is what got him his nickname 'Jack' after the killer Jack the Ripper. Jack is currently trying to be more... civilized, polite, and passive. He still has the ability to fight, however he is extremely cautious as to not bring out 'The Ripper' in him. In certain situations 'The Ripper' will come out and he will return to how he was before, however he despises this side of him and therefore tries to be a pacifist. It is also why he tries to keep his distance from most people.
Likes: Books, Helping people, drawing, music, 'The Ripper' seems to only like pain, blood, and cutting.
Dislikes: Violence, 'The Ripper' getting out, death, wheras 'The Ripper' only seems to dislike his victims staying calm
Problem: Jack's soul has been bound to a knife possessed by the will of Jack the Ripper.
Powers: The knife gives Jack enhanced physical abilities as well as an advanced regeneration. While he is himself, only his advanced regeneration is activated. His enhanced physical abilities only activating when in 'Ripper' mode.
Weaknesses: Despite his increased physical abilities, Jack's ability to reason and intelligence significantly drops when in 'Ripper' mode, only thinking about killing and cutting basically. Another weakness is that medicine or anything else used to 'heal' is like deadly poison to him as the blade craves blood and death, which is the oppisite.
Appearance: Wears glasses when not in 'Ripper' mode.


Bio: Jack's childhood is unknown as is any family or friends. He is known to have been apart of a gang during his teen years which originally got him into his 'cutting' hobby. He would always use a knife or dagger or something of the sort. Afterwards, he was recruited into the military. He truthfully wanted to try protecting people for once rather than hurting them. Though, he was still a master at melee with a knife or dagger. It backfired however, as the horrors of war only feuled his urge to draw blood. He left the military only to join a private military firm. Currently he is taking a little 'vacation' away from blood and killing in hopes to keep 'The Ripper' from coming out. It is believed that he found the knife he uses know during his days in the military.
Extra info: When in 'Ripper' mode his eyes glow red.
Theme song:
EmperorsChosen01Jul 28, 2013 1:53 AM
Jul 28, 2013 2:02 AM

Apr 2013
Satsujin "Jack"

Approved :)
Aug 31, 2013 4:24 PM

Jul 2012
Name: Utaha, Kin
Kanji: 歌刃 琴
Age: 14
Gender: Male
Personality: Cold, distant, often expressionless.
Likes: Classical music, making music, playing flute, composing, any kind of food, looking at the sky.
Dislikes: Rap and popular music, singing
Problem: Made a contract with a Siren.
Powers: Can play any instrument skillfully, can sing beautifully, and can hypnotize people with his music. Those who hear his music usually fall victim to the Siren and die (this power is uncontrollable and can also be thought of as a weakness).
Weaknesses: Weak to loud sounds.
Appearance: I don't have a picture, but I can give a description: Medium length, unevenly-trimmed and messy black hair, spring-green eyes, skinny, wearing tattered clothing, no shoes, scar marks over entire body.
Bio: Kin grew up mostly on his own. He was born to a mother, who shortly after his birth passed away, and an abusive father. Kin ran away from his home at the age of 10 when his father began to threaten him with a knife. After running for days with little to sustain him aside from a few loaves of bread he'd stolen from home and what water he could find, he stumbled upon this town.
Wandering the town at night, he passed by a home where he heard the most beautiful sound he'd ever heard. He made his way towards the home and looked in through the window where the sound was coming from to see a woman playing the flute. He sat under the window and listened to her. When she was done playing and had left the room, Kin, who had decided he must have what created such a sound, slid the window open, snuck inside, and stole the flute. However, after he was safely away from the house and tried to play the flute, the sound didn't come. He sat on a bench for an hour trying to recreate the very sound he loved. Just when he was about to give up, a gorgeous woman appeared out of no where. "Would you like to know how to play it?" She asked in a tempting voice. Without a moment's notice, Kin yelled out, "Yes, more than anything!" Before he knew it, the woman disappeared and he could play the instrument. However, he later found out that such a thing would come at a cost.

(That's as short as I can make it >.>)

Theme song:

Edit: I guess the link isn't working...
Wecc said:
All Hail HaXXspetten King of the Loli Traps!

Sep 2, 2013 10:27 AM

Apr 2013
Utaha Kin

Approved :)
Reply Disabled for Non-Club Members

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