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Oct 11, 2011 7:32 PM

Apr 2011
Downtown district of the 2nd tier of Fragrance, the 3rd and upper tier belonging to the upperclass and royal family and the 1st and lower tier being used for storage and militia use. But here on the 2nd everything is either commercial or residential... a safe place here in the Garden.
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Oct 11, 2011 7:34 PM

Apr 2011
Basil walked down the boulevard with his ManaTool Redeemer at his hip and the keys in his pocket to his 'Golem' GyroScope safe in storage... all seemed well and he was bored.
Oct 11, 2011 7:47 PM

Feb 2011
Walking down the boulevard Masami cause quite a few people to turn,with silky snow white hair,a mini skirt and black shirt Masami was a thing of beauty.She even caught the attetion of 3 guard who were on break.Whipsing to themself they walk over and ssurround her "Excuse me can you come with us for a minute?" one of them ask.Looking at them she raise her eyebrow but didn't agure she said "Sure".All the stall people knew what was going to happen.
FockfearOct 11, 2011 8:04 PM
Oct 12, 2011 3:27 AM

Apr 2011
Basil saw out of the corner of his eye saw the girl go with the men, and being how he is... he followed them swiftly and silently with his hands on Redeemer
Oct 12, 2011 9:11 AM

Feb 2011
Masami follow them to a dark alley,here there were only a few people and even then they ran away when the guard came.Finally they were far enough so they guard thought this was a good time to of them began taking off his armor.Masami was still clueless as to what what happening until he took off his shirt."o s***! She try to run away but were stop by the other two guard behind her.They were too powerful for her to break out of.They put their hand over her mouth and the now shirtless man advance apron her lust in her eye.
Oct 12, 2011 11:17 AM

Apr 2011
A whisper from the darkness muttered αέρας, and suddenly a large burst of air exploded in front of one of the Guard's faces sending him flying back 10 feet, the other guards turned a round to see the offender... The offender had hi ManaTool out and it was inits gun mode and pointing towards them. The young man stepped out of the shaodws showing his face and said " I am Warrant Officer Basil Angeles, C-Division of the FGM (Fragrance Guard & Military) and you gentlemen... are in deep f***ing s***" and he switched his gun into blade mode and lunged forward. The Guard's released the woman and charged towards him as well...
Oct 12, 2011 12:45 PM

Feb 2011
Masami was amaze that someone had follwed them.She was thinking about running away when she saw that the man with out a shirt started to pull something out from his pant.He had pulled out his manatool and aim it at the man who just saved her.Without thinking she pulled on the sleave of her right shirt showing a manatool custom made attach to the underside of her arm.She turn it into a knife and shoved it deep into the guard neck.
Oct 12, 2011 1:16 PM

Jun 2011
Angel was watching from the shadows.Akai was safe in the form of a small knife(hided in a rosario) and she didn't took it.When she heared the name of the guys,she sighed for herself."That nasty arrogant son of a bitch eh...Well,atleast he can save a lady in deepshit." she thought."κόλαση σκύλος:ομίχλη !" she said outloud,demanding two aparitions in form of dogs made out of mist.One of the guards fallen to ground,chowed by the dogs."My my." Angel muttered coming out of the shadows.
Oct 12, 2011 1:46 PM

Feb 2011
Dropping the man body Masami began panicing.The blood of a guard was spoil on her hand now and having consealed weapon was against the law in many Garden and she just showed the guard...AND an FGM that she was an assassin what worst there was ANOTHER person that she just showed to too.Without waiting for a replied Masami rapidly climp the surrounding buliding however she stop just at the roof top to see if they were going to follow her.
Oct 12, 2011 1:51 PM

Jun 2011
"καταπίπτω!" Angel shouted making the girl fall in her arms."In the name of FGM organization,I,Angel Kiro,captain of A Division ask you to legitimate!" she softly said.
Oct 12, 2011 1:57 PM

Feb 2011
Masami however reacted with a swift punch however Angel manage to dodge it but she drop her and Masami started running down one of the alleyway.
Oct 12, 2011 2:01 PM

Jun 2011
"Little brat,stop when I say so!" Angel said whit a swear,starting to fire Akai after the girl.Shooting one of her legs,the girl fallen whit an ouch.
Oct 12, 2011 2:06 PM

Feb 2011
Masami was running when all of a suddeny she heard a bang (or whatever the thing make) and the ground came flying up.The next thing she knew she was flat on the ground with a wound to her leg and a ugly gash on her forhead.Even this didn't stop her from trying to crawl away.
Oct 12, 2011 3:06 PM

Jul 2008
Ivy stood there watching this, gaining some sort of satisfaction in watching them make spectacles of themselves. Unfortunately, she would have to stop it eventually...
Now seems a good time as any.
"ἀποτειχίζω." She mutters and the ground around both of them shoots up, closing them off from each other and trapping the guards, while also blocking the girls path.

"So violent these days..." She chuckled. With a flick of her wrist, the white-haired girl was suddenly in a bubble. "That is thrice-forged iron bubble. You can't escape from that, at least not from the inside."
TamoballOct 12, 2011 3:16 PM
Oct 12, 2011 3:55 PM

Feb 2011
Masami couldn't belive her luck.First she was almost rape, then she was shot at and now she was going to drown! She manage to bring herself to the edge of the bubble but try as she might should could't break get out of the bubble.Masami vision was begining to blacken out.Cryying a little she bang on the wall of the bubble Masami plead with the mysterious girl to let her go but of corse Ivy couldn't hear her inside the bubble.
Oct 12, 2011 3:58 PM

Jul 2008
Ivy sighs and facepalms. "You can breathe in their, you know..."
Oct 12, 2011 4:01 PM

Feb 2011
And to Masami delight she could! But now there was a problem of her being trap "What do you want with me?"
Oct 12, 2011 4:07 PM

Jul 2008
"Absolutely nothing...well other than why you carried a concealed weapon without a permit. I'm just doing my job." She answered and pulls out a needle. With a swift poke, the needle breaks the surface of the bubble, popping it.
Oct 12, 2011 4:10 PM

Feb 2011
Stagging to her leg and shaking off some of the water "D-Don't tell me you with the FGM too?!" and with a flick of her wrist Masami cause a blade to come out.
Oct 12, 2011 4:16 PM

Jul 2008
Ivy laughs. "The FGM? ME!? That's a good one. No, I'm with the security force. I'm basically a hop, skip, and a jump higher than the FGM. Head of the Heavy division. Name's Ivy."

She bowed as a courtesy. "Put that toy away before you poke someone's eye out."
Oct 12, 2011 4:21 PM

Feb 2011
Masami spirit drop "O crap" and without warning she half ran half hop away from Ivy.
Oct 12, 2011 4:24 PM

Jul 2008
Unfortunately, Masami moved right into a wall that Ivy created.

"You see...the two of use are isolated and you could be of use to me. You are way out of your league here. The thin ice has already shattered and your only escape is a rope thrown by yours truly..."
Oct 12, 2011 4:28 PM

Feb 2011
"Sound sweet but no thank i don't trust the goverment"grinning a bit.Then Masami flick out another blade from her left arm took a fighting stance.
Oct 12, 2011 4:42 PM

Jul 2008
"What a coincidence! Neither do I." She said as she stance at all.
Oct 12, 2011 4:47 PM

Feb 2011
Masami didn't belive she wasn't taking a fighting stance at all?! "All right then" then Masami charge at Ivy swinging a right hand at her.
Oct 12, 2011 4:48 PM

Apr 2011
"Ahem... ladies" coughed Basil now standing behind them with his ManaTool in gun mode again and resting on his shoulder. He had a small cut on his right cheek, but besides that he was uninjured as a small pile of beaten bloody Guards lieing behind him groaned. He kicked the gorning one to get him to shut up and he continued saying with a charming smile"Are you both alright?"
Oct 12, 2011 4:51 PM

Jul 2008
A wicked grin covers Ivy's face as she says "ἀναλεαίνω" a powerful force pushes Masami to the ground just out of reach and the force feels like its trying to crush her. "I can't believe you just tried that!" She laughs.
"Ahh one of the really should keep the streets clean, even from your own. It makes the top brass look bad. And if it makes them look bad, it makes me look bad." She says to the boy in front of her, recognizing his face, but not knowing his name.
Oct 12, 2011 4:58 PM

Feb 2011
Masami try to stand back up but the force was so powerful that it only resulted in her slamming back down so hard that she cough blood.From the conor of her eye she saw the man that had saved her earlyer.
Oct 12, 2011 5:08 PM

Apr 2011
"Oi! Don't get me wrong, I love a good chick fight. But your pushing it alittle to hard don't you think ma'am?" he winked at the lady and proceeded to walk over and help the the other miss up saying while doing so "And those filthy louts were D-Division pigs, they weren't mine... I'll be having interesting talk with their superiors, so worry not milady" said Basil smiling at the the injured girl on the ground offering his hand...
Oct 12, 2011 5:13 PM

Feb 2011
All though she didn't want to Masami had no choise but to accept his generosity.Clasping his hand she manange to hope up to her feet but had to lean against him a bit "T-thank you" blushing as she thank him.
Oct 12, 2011 5:14 PM

Jul 2008
Ivy seems a little annoyed. "This was no "chick fight", more like...a curbstomp battle. Either way, keep them on a leash if you must. As for you, chica." She snaps her fingers and the pressure releases Masami. "You'll be taken into custody for the following charges: Concealing a weapon...or three, resisting capture, and attempted assault on a security corp officer. If I were still a terrorist, I would commend you..."
Oct 12, 2011 5:16 PM

Apr 2011
"No a problem miss" and he kissed her hand and turned to the other lady and back to her saying "Now... what shall we do now? Introductions perhaps? Like I said earlier: I am Warrant Officer Basil Angeles of the FGM C-Division..."
Oct 12, 2011 5:21 PM

Jul 2008
"I am Ivy Rougedream, Brigadier General of the Defense Corp, Heavy Division. Reformed terrorist, and captain of the Sorahime." She replied, tucking her hands into her sleeves. "Just call me Ivy. I hate formalities with a passion."
Oct 12, 2011 5:26 PM

Apr 2011
"Ah... B-Division's cosplaying terrorist... I've heard of your cute self, but I've never seen you in person" mused Basil, giving her the up down look over.
Oct 12, 2011 5:30 PM

Jul 2008
"My lovely trio of mechs don't see much use these days. A pity." She muses. "Don't push your luck, I'm married to my work and cosplay."
Oct 12, 2011 5:32 PM

Apr 2011
Basil held his hands up in mock surrender and said "No worries ma'am, I'm not a pervert... I just have a special place in my heart for all women" he winked and said "But as for the charges on the miss here, I'm afraid you're goin to have to drop them..."
Oct 12, 2011 5:41 PM

Jul 2008
"And why is that, exactly?" She asked, a curious look in her eye. Would she pull rank or would she not? Hard to say.
Oct 12, 2011 5:48 PM

Apr 2011
"Well for starters, I think 'Self Defense Clause' covers most of the charges and as for the concealed weapon... I gave that to her, she's a new recruit I got that I was suppose to train. We were going to meet here DownTown, but she was tricked by those D-Division thugs." said Basil confidently and then looked at the girl in his arms and said "Right miss?"
Oct 12, 2011 5:51 PM

Feb 2011
"Ah yea I a new Recurit" Masami agree with him.She Even nodded her head.She didn't know what he was doing but she decided to play along.
Oct 12, 2011 5:53 PM

Apr 2011
"Ah, you see ma'am? No harm, no foul... right?" said Basil with his pretty eyes sparling with his little flirt smile.
Oct 12, 2011 5:55 PM

Jul 2008
"That WOULD work...if I was the one attacking her. She had no reason to pull a blade and charge at me." She shrugs and sighs. "Tell you what though, since you asked me so nicely, I'll label it 'due to shock' or something but that leaves the other two concealed weapons. You only mentioned one...and if she's a recruit, where is her license?"
Oct 12, 2011 6:02 PM

Apr 2011
"License? Do we really need to go into this? Since when were you, Ivy, a former terrorist a stickler for rules and regulations? Please... let's put this one behind us, tell you what I'll by you a drink" said Basil smiling and trying to negotiate with a terrorist... how ironic.
Oct 12, 2011 6:04 PM

Jul 2008
"It had better be a damn strong drink then!" She shouts, apparently agreeing. "I don't like to be fooled, that is all. Don't misinterpret it."
Oct 12, 2011 6:08 PM

Feb 2011
"Drink?" Masami ask in an dumbfound state."Why would want water so much?"
Oct 12, 2011 6:10 PM

Apr 2011
"Agreed, call me when you want that drink Ivy. I need to take the newbie here down to C-Division" he winked kissed Ivy and walked away hurriedly with the other girl...
Oct 12, 2011 6:12 PM

Feb 2011
"What wait nnnooooooooo!" Masami voice echo as she get drag.She still didn't get her answer.
Oct 12, 2011 6:14 PM

Apr 2011
"Chill girl, I just saved your cute arse... follow me, we need to talk" whispered Basil walking back to the crowded street.
Oct 12, 2011 6:16 PM

Feb 2011
"Well what would you want to know?" Masami ask him after getting drag around the vrowd place
Oct 12, 2011 6:17 PM

Apr 2011
"Well for starters..." he drags her forward so her chest collides with his and he says "How about who are?"
Oct 12, 2011 6:18 PM

Jul 2008
With a sigh, Ivy walked off. She had better things to do right now...including wash her face.
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