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Jun 18, 2012 4:33 PM

Jul 2009

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ChotgoriinJun 20, 2012 2:19 PM

Stop. Calm yourself. You're an idiot.
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Jun 19, 2012 5:14 AM

Mar 2012
Name: Saiko Baltimore

Title: Lance

Age :16

Gender: Male

Weapons: a Lance, A nyoi staff, and throwing knives.

Lightning strike: Lance strikes the ground creating a chain of lightning that stay there for 10 seconds. (Can burn through rubber)

Lightning Spirit: Lance grasps one of his lightning bolts (Which hurt) and changes it to a Spirit that stays around for 60 seconds no matter what.

Lightning Lance: Lance creates a lance out of lightning that can shock his opponents with each attack.

Personality: Joker, Easily distracted by lightning (Unless it's his own),


-Snowman-Jun 19, 2012 11:15 AM
I am Invisible
Jun 19, 2012 9:10 AM
Feb 2012
Name:Hime Hajime

Title: Commando


Gender: Female



Personality: Silent, yet gentle


Light_AzrealJun 22, 2012 6:22 PM
Jun 19, 2012 10:18 AM

Jul 2009
I'll allow the GunBlade, as long as its a Flintlock,

Other than that, Approved

Stop. Calm yourself. You're an idiot.
Jun 19, 2012 12:58 PM

Jun 2009
Name. William Jackson
Title Pevnost

Age 26

Gender Male

Weapons A Kanabō made of solid iron with a spear tip on the handle end. and a short sword and pistol

Abilities . An Age old demon curses him, its name is Pevnost When it comes time to fight his curse activates, and pevnost takes over, williams size double and his strength becomes that of the demon. a benefit of the demon being increased healing rate

Personality. William tries to be a calm and calculated individual, he is often very cold to those around him and avoids making friends

Bio. William comes from a very wealthy family but inherited the curse of Pevnost at birth and was thus shunned, he grew up on the streets often having to fight and kill just to get the food to make it to the next day


i couldnt find a picture i liked for fighting form, so ill describe it, he usally gain about 3 feet in height and his muscle build is x4. with the bariers of the human mind broken he is incredibly strong and fast.
Jun 19, 2012 2:19 PM

Jul 2011
Name: Frederik Rein
Title: Guardian of the Lonventine Family
Age: 29
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Weapons: Lance
Discipline: Frederik is very skillful with lance type weapons. Through his discipline in mastering the lance, he is able to fight efficiently with lance type weapons. This ranges from sticks, to iron poles.
Hardened defense: Frederik wears high quality armor and his body has been hardened after years of training and discipline. Physical attacks deal less damage to Frederik.
Personality: Frederik is very serious in times that require so. He maintains confidence on the battlefield and his strategic mind rivals many. He is a veteran that prefers to guide others with his profound wisdom and composure. He is very knowledgeable about the world and advises those who seek his help. Aeira looks up to him dearly.
Bio:Frederik started off as a knight in Vineria serving in the military. As he climbed the ranks, he met Aeira's father, they became good friends after that. As time went by, Frederik eventually became a distinguished knight in the country. He served as guardians for many noble families, but when he served for the Lonventine family, he felt very much at home. Thus, he served them for a long time, gaining the title: The Guardian of the Lonventine Family. As part of completing the contract he signed when he became a knight, he was to participate in the Royal Arms Tournament. The contract said nothing about winning, so despite his thoughts of being overshadowed by all the other contestants, he will participate in the tournament and get as far as he can. So he left Hohenheim and ventured north.

Shifo-ChanJun 20, 2012 2:21 PM
Even Death has a heart
It's okay to spin around and around in the same place. Just so long as you're singing your heart out.
THAT's what life's all about.

Jun 19, 2012 2:58 PM

Jul 2009

Stop. Calm yourself. You're an idiot.
Jun 19, 2012 4:16 PM

Jan 2012
Name: Sana Hibisaki

Title: The Sharp Ranger...(i didnt know what to think of.)

Age: 19

Gender: Female

Weapons: 2 swords


Personality: She is very carefree and only thinks positive. But when it comes to certain thinks she is very serious.

Bio: When she was young she always fought other people. Especially those who liked to disrespect her. She was always quit witted. She stopped when one night her parents were murdered. She leaves her town to find what she wants believe in after that. So she enters a tournament to see if she can.

MagicalGirlMelJun 25, 2012 7:10 PM
Jun 19, 2012 4:18 PM

Jul 2009

Stop. Calm yourself. You're an idiot.
Jun 21, 2012 3:31 AM
Jun 2010
Name: Angelina Shelden

Title: the spider

Age: 13

Gender: Female,
Race: ELF
Weapons: A simple sword, with an intricate wave design upon the blade, the blade is silver, and has no hilt guard. Leather rapped hilt, and only requires one arm to wield. Do to being fordged using elven magic, though extremly light the blade is nearally indistructible.
She also carries a veriety of knives, for throwing and mondain ussage.

Bio: In the age of ledgens, long ago elves were friends with the woods. By friends with the woods, I mean the trees, animals, etc. When angelina's family traveled to this god forsaken land, a little spider bonded to her. not as a summon, and not as a slave. more, as if it was a companion. over the years of her growing up, they learned to fight side by side. Do to the spider being her constant companion she learned lots of things. one of those, being spider magic; such as, forming a web or other silks like spiders. When learning this however, all other forms of magic were lost to her forever.
ender95Jun 25, 2012 1:59 PM

◦It feels so close to me, yet i can't grasp it even if i extend my hands. Even so ... Even if i cant reach it ... there are things that will stay in my heart. Being in the same time and looking up at the same sky, If i can remember that, then even when we are apart from each other, I believe that we can be together. I will run forward now. If i set my goal far enough, then someday .. I'll be able to reach what I aimed for.
Emiya Shiro (Fate/stay Night)
Jun 21, 2012 5:22 PM

Jul 2009
Ruri Elivagar
Steel Princess
Unknown. Dwarfs age at a different rate then humans.
A large Sword. It is made from highest quality Dwarven Steel, making it nigh-indestructible.
Like all Dwarfs, Ruri's small body hides amazing strength. This allows her to swing her heavy blade with relative ease.

A unique type of Magic created by the Dwarf Kings of Old. MetalMancy is taught to all Dwarfkind, as standard. It allows them to shape and bend Metal at will, with thier bare hands. Thanks to MetalMancy, the weapon trade has flourished, and has lead to Dwarven Weaponry being the best in all of Krokar.
Ruri is a very competitve person, a trait found in most Dwarfs. She can also be very childish and whiny, especially when she loses. Because of her small body, most people think of her as a child, though she is most likely older than them. Its a Dwarf thing.
Ruri is the daugther of the Dwarf King of Horgenthar, and has managed his steel mill for the last 30 years. She has entered the Royal Arms Tournament to prove the superiority of Dwarven Weaponry.

The Steel Mills are in danger of shutting down, after an alarming drop in business. This is mainly due to Alchemy, a trade that has recently grown in popularity. It allows weapons to be made quickly and cheaply, and with little risk. The downside, of course, is that these weapon are typically of low quality. Despite this fact, they sell in great numbers, and have taken the Blacksmith Market by storm.

As a Dwarven Blacksmith, Ruri takes pride in her work, and as such finds these weapons to be a disgrace.

Stop. Calm yourself. You're an idiot.
Jun 22, 2012 9:44 AM

Jun 2011
Ruri Elivagar is Approved.
Jun 22, 2012 12:22 PM

Jun 2011
Name: Gabrielle
Title: "Gabrielle Crux","Gaby","Fated Maiden","Princess"
Age: Is unknown.She appears to be nineteen - twenty one,but she is far more older.
Gender: Female
Race: Skiitarii

Twelve daggers made of solid and sharp iron,a red fan.


  • Dual Elementalist

    Gabrielle is able to control Fire and Water to a mild degree,giving it shape and manipulating it.She cannot,however,cause natural-disaster sized events of it,or atleast we do not posses any record of it.

  • Perception

    Like many Skiitarii,Gabrielle has all five senses greatly enchanted.Just like Midori,she has them all greatly and equally developed.

  • Healer

    Like any Skiitarii,she is able to heal wounds and with a bit of push,restore lost limbs.She will however use her talent only in the duel aftermaths.

  • Tongue Of The Ancients

    This is a particular,and very weird ability.Gabrielle was,since a young age,able to understand and speak any language,even foreign,"dead" dialects/languages.

    Personality: Gabrielle is generally kind,and shy.Some would class her as a bluntly honest and naive person,but she is highly perceptive to everything around her.She has a natural good instinct and is able to tell "a person's true colors",even if she never spoke or met that person face-to-face.In nine out of then cases she is right.

    Bio: Moskar,the 47th heir of the Dragonfly Clan and Lord of the Skiitarii,fell in love with Helena,the 35th heir of the Firefly Clan.

    This cross-clan love,initially not accepted,resulted in the marriage of the two(and thus to the famous "Fly" alliance),and in the birth of the only successor of both clans:Gabrielle.

    A relatively tough childhood,as her maternal grandmother never really agreed with the marriage of her parents,and saw an evil enemy in the little girl(but lately came to a tsundere love-feeling towards the now favorite -and only- nephew);filled with training and learning,build up a strong character.

    Gaby came to have a special interest in humans,after watching and judging duels herself,so she was granted a special,additional position - as long as both her parents are alive,she can do whatever she wants,and is free to live between humans,to observe their habits and traits,in order to "understand and judge better".

    The sad day her parents will die,she will give up on this additional position,and take up her role as the ruler of the Fly Alliance,and possible new Lord(or Dame,if you prefer) of the Skiitarii race.


  • Jun 25, 2012 2:09 PM

    Jul 2009
    Angelina Shelden is approved

    Stop. Calm yourself. You're an idiot.
    Jun 27, 2012 4:15 PM

    Apr 2011
    Name: Caius Orrin

    Title: The Bowless Archer, The Swordless Myrmidon, The Axeless Barbarian, The Armorless Knight, The Lonely Companion, The Friendless Friend, and He-Who-Walks-Alone-Together.

    Age: 19

    Gender: Male

    Race: Halfling (Mother was Dark Elf, Father was Human)

    Weapons: Quiver of Black Arrows on back, five short Throwing Knives attached to Cords/Threads used for summoning, and chalk & charcoal for drawing circles from scratch.

    Abilities: Summoning (he can only summon ONE ‘thing’ at a time, something must be unsummoned in order to summon something else.)

    Personality: A lonely sort of person who loves music... works well with others, although others tend to avoid him.

    Bio: His parents had an almost fairy tale romance that unfortunately ended in a rather shakespearen tragedy. Thus he was orphaned and rasied by his maternal grandmother, who was an elf and secretly a witch who trained him in many arts ranging from alchemy to necromancy. But what he excelled at was Summoning, his first summoning he made when he was 9-years old. He created from SCRATCH, his fire golem ‘Flare’ out of a charcoal drawn circle... but when he was around 13 years old his grandmother passed away and he was once again alone in the world. Since then he has traveled seeking a place he can truly call ‘home’.

    Jun 30, 2012 8:48 PM

    Jun 2012
    Name-Daichi Satou
    Title-Mind Adept

    Personality- childish, kind, and occasionally arrogant.

    Bio- Even at an extremely young age he was able to access a persons thoughts. He trained his talent and learning how to fight with a blade with extreme proficiency. People feared his talent as they knew he occasionally exploited it's powers, and his parents even feared him enough to send him to and orphanage which he escape with little effort. He stole to live and was never caught; for his entertainment he would challenge power warriors to duels and when by confusing and toying with their mind. He now wishes to prove his "tricks" are more powerful then people might believe.

    64poweredJul 1, 2012 2:50 PM
    "The incident, are you behind it? If you are i'll slash you, and if you arn't i'll slash you and move on."
    Jul 1, 2012 2:59 PM

    Jul 2009

    Stop. Calm yourself. You're an idiot.
    Jul 4, 2012 12:28 AM

    Jul 2008
    Name: Hitori Kakurenbo


    Age: 13

    Gender: Female

    Race: Human

    Weapons: Whatever she crafts

    Abilities: Spirit magic - allows for the manipulation of spirits in various ways. Creating spirit weapons is called crafting.
    Spirit possession - Can totally erase the minds of others and take them over. This is not in a traditional sense, though, as she remains in her own body. Think of it more as a mind-controlling virus. With this ability, she's more akin to a necromancer than a monk as it can effect the living, dead, man, even animal...with the dead being nearly effortless. Any living target, however, must know absolute terror before their bodies can be stolen.

    Personality: A bit bitter but calm and meticulous. She signed up for this tournament after months of careful planning.

    Bio: She's had a rough life. Her father being abusive and then abandoning her. Her mother being an addict and bringing in strange men who wanted her to call them uncle at inopportune times. Excessive bullying didn't really help her either.
    At only 13, she has managed to blend spiritualism and magic into one singular art form and is known as a prodigy. In reality, she's just insanely driven towards a certain goal...what that is is anyone's guess.

    TamoballJul 4, 2012 12:53 AM
    Jul 4, 2012 1:08 PM

    Jun 2012
    Name: Mikeru Ryoritchi

    Title: Omega

    Age: 17

    Gender: Male

    Race: Known commonly as a "βeta". A prototype stage of evolution caused pre-emptively. Was he ever really human to begin with? Yes, I think he was.

    |Edit: Wow, didn't even see the races section; My race will just count as Human.|

    -Kōgeki: A straight bladed katana, known as a chokuto, with a matte black finish to its entirety. A distinguishable feature apart from its sole colour; it has no Tsuba, no guard between the handle and the blade means the blade is completely straight utilizing the purpose of slicing through the air with minimal resistance. Held in a straight black scabbard.

    Being a βeta allows Mikeru to unleash up to 50% more of his mind than a normal human, this allows him to use telekinesis, combined with his natural talent of using "Crystal" to generate energy.

    -Manifestation: With the ability of being able to create crystals which consist or raw energy and the combination of telekinesis this gives Mikeru a very wide arsenal when it comes to abilities he can use. Allowing him to create crystals the size of needles to barrage his opponent with or large crystal monoliths in which to utilize their power in other ways.

    -Increased agility:On the premise of his condition Mikeru is able to move extremely fast and perform feats of agility once thought very difficult to the ordinary human.

    Personality: Mikeru for the most part is a very subdued person, not liking to be the center of attention or the loudest of a group, but he is also very zealous and self-confident and has complete and utter faith in his abilities over anyone elses.

    Biography: His past is a mystery, all he knows is his apsiring eagerness to fight led him to the Royal Arms Tournament.

    Mikeru-SempaiJul 4, 2012 1:27 PM
    |"Noblesse Oblige, I hope you are a savior tonight." |
    Jul 4, 2012 1:27 PM

    Jul 2009
    Hitori Kakurenbo is Approved

    Stop. Calm yourself. You're an idiot.
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