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May 30, 2008 8:14 AM

May 2008

In the world of Syrus, godly beings ruled the land and led the world to war with humans. After a long 2 years at war with Syrus, a group of brave humans decided to head for Syrus and see what the gods had planned for future attacks. What the group didn't know was that by entering the land of Syrus, you gain powers of your own.

*Okay, this isn't a very good plot, but I suck at writing plots ^^;*
Cookie-chan-May 30, 2008 4:25 PM

Music is from the soul~ ♥
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May 30, 2008 8:19 AM

May 2008

1) You are the humans who get powers, you are NOT GODS
2) No god-modding even though in Syrus there are gods
3) You may use damn, hell, ect., but don't over do it!
4) If you must, put OOC in (())
5) OOC is Out of Character chat
6) You may have up to 2 characters
7 )Read the next rule
8) Have Fun!!!
Cookie-chan-May 30, 2008 4:25 PM

Music is from the soul~ ♥
May 30, 2008 8:22 AM

May 2008
-Character Skeleton-




Race: (Humans or citizen of Syrus)



Appearance: (You may use pictures)


Other: (Optional)
Cookie-chan-May 30, 2008 4:26 PM

Music is from the soul~ ♥
May 30, 2008 8:22 AM

May 2008

Music is from the soul~ ♥
May 30, 2008 4:22 PM

May 2008
Name: Ayumi Sunohara

Age: 15

Height: 5'8

Race: Human

Likes: Animals, action, working for peace

Dislikes: Weak people, pink, science


Bio: Ayumi is a strong girl who doesn't let anything stand in her way. Ayumi is the type who works for peace whule being apart of the action. She loves animals of any kind and once had a cat, but it ran away from home. Ayumi is a rebel and is stern. Also, she speaks her mind and gets in a lot of fights. Ayumi ran away from her home when she was 13 and has been living with her friend Miyu since then. The reason Ayumi ran away from home is that her parents didn't really care for her. Ayumi is gifted with the power to read peoples minds. She has a weapon she uses during fights, that weapon is the Butterfly Glaive.
Cookie-chan-Jun 28, 2008 5:34 PM

Music is from the soul~ ♥
May 30, 2008 8:25 PM

Jan 2008
Name: Grace A. Hoshi
Age: 13
Height: 5'4", almost 5'5"
Race: Human
Likes: Dogs, foxes, other cute animals, magic, anime, manga, drawing, cosplay, her friends, snow, swimming, jeans, chocolate, ginger ale, ice cream, staying up late, sleeping in, strawberries, her staff, her brother
Dislikes: Waking up early, stupid people, mint-flavored things, animal abusers, most meat, selfish people, darkness, being alone, thunder storms, sharp things (knives, cleavers, etc.). school, being bored
Appearance: Her hair is dark brown, and falls to chest, and she always keeps it down; never tying it up at all, and just has a simple part in the middle and no bangs. Her eyes are a deep emerald green. Her skin is very light and she has light faded scars on her arms and some on her torso, but they can't be seen due to her clothing. She has a slender build and is about one-hundred pounds. She generally wears jeans and a blue, tight long-sleeve shirt with a looser, black t-shirt over it.
Bio: Grace lives with her older brother who is twenty-five. Her abusive parents were murdered when she was eight; her brother takes good care of her though, however he is out a lot at work to sustain them. Her best friend moved away two years ago, and they still contact each other through the phone and the computer, and she visits once a year, but that's it. She doesn't really have any friends besides that due to her closed-off personality from others, dislike of stupid people, and her unusual interest and habit of skipping classes at school because she finds them boring. She has a fear of thunderstorms and darkness, and absolutely hates to be alone, though she'd never admit it. Grace is prideful, stubborn, and self-righteous. She cares those close to her very much, but tends not to show it. She hates being wrong and even worse, admitting she's wrong, and tends to turn everything into a competition of intelligence or some other skill she is good at. Grace is very smart, and has a great aptitude for magic and is a good runner; however, she has virtually no upper-body strength and although she is very quick and agile and can evade most attacks, when she gets hit, she gets hit hard. She always has her staff with her, which she calls Aqua Star, and it is a white staff with light blue ends, and a sapphire jewel at the top which is closed in by a light blue half-circle (which is part of the staff).

((Is magic allowed? D:))

May 30, 2008 9:11 PM

Dec 2007
Name: Jinxos

Age: 21

Height: 5'9

Race: Human

Likes: looking stylish, poems and singing

Dislikes: chicken, watermelon and the color purple

Appearance: stylish emo. Wears a business suit and tie but has long black hair that comes down to the eyes.

Bio: One day his sister tragically disappeared with no trace. Searching for years on end without any progress he finally thinks that she may be in Syrus

May 31, 2008 8:30 AM

May 2008
Yes, magic is allowed =D Thanks, when we get a few more people, we'll start rp-ing ^_^

Music is from the soul~ ♥
May 31, 2008 2:49 PM

Mar 2008
((*taps chin* This looks interesting...But I'll need to create a new charater...xD))
Jun 1, 2008 12:59 PM

Jul 2007
I think I’m going to reuse a character for this one since she fits so well, this is from a previous RP Forum that I used to go to and was one of the best character’s I had ever Role-played as.

Name: Fiora Christina Graves

Age: 17

Height: 5'4"

Race; Citizen of Syrus

Hair: Fiora has long, straight silver-white hair, it's never tied up, and it's always kept neat and tidy. She has long bangs that occasionally get in the way of her eyes, sometimes hiding her right eye under them.
Eyes: Fiora's eyes are a crimson red, despite her overall happy personality, they always carry a slightly serious look to them. Though at times her eyes look melancholy, dull and longing for something.
Skin: A healthy "cream" color
Clothing: Fiora wears a long white dress that fits somewhat to her form and ends at around her ankles, it’s cut vertically at the sides, the cut beginning around halfway down her thigh maybe a hand and a half width down from her waistline, allowing for much greater movement than a skirt like that would normally give. She wears long brown leather boots reaching halfway up her calves and two thin engraved silver belts at the curve of her waist, in an sideways lopsided “v”. The top portion of the dress is plain with no designs. Fiora wears detached sleeves, with cross-like insignias on the top and circular embroidery down the side of the sleeves starting at the crosses. The collar is a v shape, ending shortly above her cleavage. The bottom hem of the dress is embroidered similar to the sleeves.

Talents: Fiora has a delicate understanding of people's emotions, and tries to help people as much as possible.

Inabilities: Doing nothing but one thing for an extended period of time.

Fears: Nothing in particular

Wants: Nothing much in life, mostly strives to serve.

Loves: Holding some affection toward an unnamed man.

General Personality: Fiora has a rather delicate personality, she tries her best to help people as much as possible, and usually succeeds, her general attitude is normally happy, yet somewhat refined and serious. Though sometimes she seems like she's bored, or sad, or something along those lines. But, when she does fail at helping, or instead makes things worse, she feels really depressed.

Inner Personality: The same as her general personality for the most part, but she likes to spend time thinking about things or finding something exciting to do when left alone.

Bio: Fiora had never known her parents, her father is said to have been a rapist and her mother apparently had died at birth. Born into the world alone Fiora had strived to have friends, quickly gaining a penchant for easily reading people and trying to gain their trust and friendship. However, she had fallen under ill influences, her friends at the orphanage teaching her how to be a thief and other such things. Being as it may, years of successful thieving meant that sooner or later she would make a mistake, and when she finally did it had been a grave one: stealing from one of the “gods” of Syrus, more specifically pick pocketing the being, of which had by chance been disguised as a human at the time. Though she had committed what should’ve been a crime punishable by death, the “god” had shown mercy, forgiving her under the condition that she serve his will for her life. As such she had became a servant and priestess directly under the “god”, quickly making herself useful in every way she could and doing every will and whim she was asked of by him and the higher members of the religion as well as doing the dirty work without question. Fiora quickly earned the trust from her acquaintances and even the god and is now his direct servant and confidant under the guise of a high priestess and maid/servant.

Jun 1, 2008 1:20 PM

May 2008
Thanks =D

Music is from the soul~ ♥
Jun 2, 2008 3:59 PM

May 2008

You guys can start rping now now =D

Music is from the soul~ ♥
Jun 2, 2008 4:04 PM

May 2008
Ayumi woke up that morning, ready for the day. She looked around her small bedroom. Ayumi rubbed her eyes to re-focus on her surroundings. She had partially forgotten that she was in her friend's house. Miyu had taken care of Ayumi since the day Ayumi ran away from her parent's house. Ayumi changed into her school clothes and walked downstairs for breakfeast. "Ohayo('morning), Miyu-chan!", said Ayumi as she got a bowl of cereal fixed for herself. Miyu smiled and replied,"How are you this morning?", and Ayumi gave a tired smile.

Music is from the soul~ ♥
Jun 3, 2008 12:32 AM

Jul 2007
(Sorry ahead of time if this is not how you imagined the Syrus or one of their gods to be, I didn't see any form of hint on their structure or culture so I'm just doing this improv~ ^-^)

The light of day filled the sight of a certain maiden's vision as her eyes cracked open, fluttering and adjusting to the brightness, the pupils of her crimson red eyes focusing in and out, causing her vision to blur in and out until she was finally fully conscious. Fiora yawned; she had a good rest, a rest with a pleasant dream and no issues. It was early, as it always had been as when she woke up, just at the break of dawn and enough that the sun peered through the draperies on her windows and cast a beautiful glow among the white marble and similarly white sheets of her bed. White, the color of purity was what made up the majority of the room's colors, and that is all Fiora had wished from the world, purity and devotion to her lord, master, sovereign and god.

Pausing a few moments before finally slipping out of bed, Fiora thought over her morning tasks, first of which being preparing herself for the day ahead... Her nightgown softly fell toward the ground as the power of gravity took it to the ground, the seventeen year old priestess and servant stood, stretching and giving a radiant smile to nothing in particular, it was but one minute into the day and it already seemed beautifully orchestrated, she jaunted over to her dresser, sitting down on the chair in front of it and picking up the brush that lay atop the piece of extravagantly carved and engraved furniture, brushing her hair quickly before standing once more, slipping out of her nightgown and changing into her day clothes, tying her belts and making sure everything was in pristine and straight order then fashioning her amulet around her neck, the beautiful gem emanating a strange aura, an unknown power inside swirling and glowing green. When convinced she was ready Fiora finally exited her room, taking a deep breath and heading to the shrine room, where she gave a short offering and a prayer then headed to the kitchen. Even gods liked food, though they did not necessarily need it, at least that was what she had thought.

Carefully and with the quickest of intent Fiora had prepared Sariel, the object of her devotion and unending faith, his breakfast. Walking with grace and swiftness she held the tray in one hand as she opened the door to his quarters, of which she held the tray with both hands and bowed before entering, saying a quick "Excuse me my lord, I am entering." then entering for real. Fiora closed the door behind her with a tap of her foot and placed the tray on a table near the god's bed. After she had done this she turned to the bed, surprisingly Sariel was not there, the bed sheets kempt and no evidence the bed had even been slept on. Worried about Sariel, Fiora looked about the rest of the room and saw the door to the balcony open and thankfully, Sariel was there very much awake and aware of her presence.

The god smiled, his form literally glowing underneath the morning sun, a very distinguishable aura surrounding him and a certain splendor you could only achieve from such a divine being showing, seeing his smile, Fiora looked down at the ground, flustered, strands of hair fell over one of her eyes, something that she constantly had to deal with, she pushed the hair aside, the crimson of her eyes glinting and shining in the daylight and the soft breeze of morning brushing through and swaying her robes. Either way, Fiora still could not shake the question of why he was awake, but nonetheless her lord spoke, "Good morning. Fiora. I see you are still impeccable as ever with your service, my gratitude is extended. Please, sit." the lord hushed her as she attempted to speak and motioned for her to sit down which she did.

"Ah... Fiora. How you have changed since I had first met you those 9 years ago. From something as lowly as almost being a Terran to something as splendid as you are now… Once again I thank you for your great service to me and to the rest of my followers." Sariel said.

"My lord... You do not have to say thank you to a being such as myself, a woman such as myself can only do as much as she possibly can for your holiness..." Fiora had replied, once again her flustered emotion written across her face, she had never been complimented before by Sariel, who despite being the benign and mighty god he was had always confided with her and given her his trust, despite the circumstances of their original meeting.

“Please, just accept the gratitude in which I am instilling upon you.” Sariel pressed, gaining a simple nod from Fiora, which he cracked a grin once more and taken a seat. Sariel’s voice reverberated through the room, as if there was an echo within the chamber and within the mind of the person he talked to, another mark of his divinity, his voice picked up once more, “but now, let us focus on a much different matter at hand. Fiora, may I ask you, what is your opinion about the Terran race, of which we have been at war with for these two long years? This is something I had asked my brothers, of whom have their deep hatred rooted within their hearts.”

“They… They certainly are a troublesome people my lord, an entire race of over 6 billion run by greed and lust, their paranoia leading them to kill even each other and to take advantage over one each other. They are a sinful race without the light of you and the rest, but… They are also a harmless race, at least to us of Syrus, and if they could be peacefully turned it would be of no consequence, I do not understand the hatred toward their kind, they are like the people of our lands, simply without a shepherd to guide them…” Fiora finished her short soliloquy and took a deep breath, having not spoken that much at one time for a while.

“That is exactly what I had said as I discussed this matter with them last night, however, they had insisted, Terra, or Earth as a certain few call it, must be destroyed. Something that sacrifices our follower’s safety and lives, I for one believing that we as Syrus have the responsibility of assuring that the foreign land be either converted or left alone. Whichever way is of no consequence to our personal selves. But... my brothers and sisters have come to the revelation that within the next year, Syrus is to take a full scale invasion of Terra’s major capitals and cities and cut their civilizations from their leaders and destroy them…”

“But why?”

“My dear Fiora, that is a question I myself do not know…”
DivergentKarmaJun 3, 2008 11:31 AM

Jun 3, 2008 7:39 AM

May 2008
((Wow! Awesome job Siren!))

Music is from the soul~ ♥
Jun 28, 2008 5:33 PM

May 2008
Ayumi finished her breakfeast and stood up to look out the window. Miyu looked at Ayumi with a worried look. "Is something bothering you?", asked Miyu. She waited for Ayumi's response,"Yeah...i've been thinking, when will this war on Syrus end",replied Ayumi. "Ayumi-chan, I don't know, I just don't know....", said Miyu as her worried look change to an emotionless face. "I wish I could help end this war, but I don't know how the hell I could help out...", Ayumi continued. Ayumi walked to her room and grabbed her backpack and headed for school. She was silent the whole walk there. The school Aymu went to was in walking distance of her and Miyu's house, but she had to walk up a small hill to reach it.

Music is from the soul~ ♥
Jun 30, 2008 5:30 PM

Jan 2008
((*cough* totally improv here))

Grace rolls over in her bed, blinking sleepily. The sun pours down from the window on next to her bed, and she moves her arm over her face, covering the light. She yawns, slowly sitting up and rubbing her eyes. Standing, she throws off her pajamas, changing into her usual clothes. Not bothering to pick her nightwear up, she exits her room and heads to the small bathroom, cleaning her teeth and brushing her hair. She pulls out a small digital clock from her pocket, and sighs. I don't feel like going to school today... Silently deciding to skip once again, she tosses on her sneakers before heading out the door.

Grace glances down at her wrist, tightening the blue ribbon she always had on it. There was a small blue gem in the center -- no one knew this summoned her staff, and she didn't plan on telling anyone soon -- she had trained herself in her magic, though in the human world her aptitude wasn't terrific. Her brother had told her about the land of Syrus, how her magic could be used there. Since then, she'd always wanted to do there, just to see if it was true. She wasn't going to just waltz on in there without a proper reason, though. It'd be doing something that put her life in blatant danger, and she wasn't going to do that without a good reason.

Turning a corner in the rural village, she spotted the hill she climbed when she decided to go to school, though that wasn't much of the time. She saw a girl headed there. long blonde hair and black, almost gothic-like clothing. Maybe I should head to school... nah... don't feel like it...

((Hope it's okay x_x))

Jul 1, 2008 2:50 PM

May 2008
((That was really good Medli =D ))

Ayumi looked down at her necklace and stared at it for a while before re-focusing and realizing that class was about to start and wasn't even inside the school yet. Her pendant was a light green color and gleamed when turned toward light. The pendant was used to summon her staff, the Butterfly Glaive, her weapon she used to fight with magic. There was a rumor that if you entered Syrus, magic was powerful and a way of life. Ayumi had always kept it a secret that she knew magic, not even Miyu knew.

Ayumi started to walk faster before the bell rang. Ayumi noticed a girl with dark brown hair,was a bit farther back behind her. Ayumi slightly smiled at the girl and walked into school. Suddenly, right as she entered the hallway, the bell rang and classes began. "Oh crap...",murmured Ayumi as she walked slightly faster hoping she could make it to class before anyone noticed she was gone. "Miss Sunohara! Why are you not in class?", asked the Vice Principal. Oh great, not again...

Because she is most of the time late getting to school, the Vice principal always is angry at Ayumi. "Come to my office, right this instant!", exclamed the Vice. Ayumi walked into the Vice's office and sat in the chair she normally sat in when she was in trouble. "This is the 3rd time you were late to school this week, young lady!",said the Vice. "Look, Vice, don't have a cow, I'll try not to be as late towmorow. ", replied Ayumi. The vice principal shook her head and dismissed Ayumi to class. Ayumi walked into her Science class and sat down in a chair closest to the back of the classroom. After about 10 minutes into class, Ayumi began to daydream like she normally did.

After Science class was over, Ayumi got very bored. So with that, she snuck out of school and ditched the rest of her classes. She took her iPod out of her backpack and put in the earpieces. I should have at least stayed until after lunch...oh late to go back now...

Ayumi walked down the hill and headed down the sidealk to get a cup of mocha. She walked into the local cafe and ordered a mocha and left quietly. Miyu's gonna be pissed at me for skipping classes again..... Ayumi sipped her mocha and walked back home. She walked up to the door and tried to open it. Ayumi had forgotten that Miyu said she was going to do some errands that day. She took out her house key and walked inside the empty house. Ayumi walked up the stairs and plopped her backpack in her room. Ayumi's room was a bit crowded with her anime and manga collection wich consisted of DVD's, artbooks, figurines and posters. Ayumi sat on her bed and lay her head back on her pillow and began to fall asleep.
Cookie-chan-Jul 1, 2008 5:07 PM

Music is from the soul~ ♥
Jul 1, 2008 4:24 PM

Jan 2008
Grace blinks after seeing Ayumi smile at her, and gives a small wave as her cheeks turn a slight pink. Great, she probably thinks I'm weird for skipping or staring or something... oh, whatever... She sighs, heading in the opposite direction, away from the school. Looking down at the ground, she notes the lingering morning dew, making her sneakers slightly damp. After walking for a few minutes, she finally comes upon her destination she had decided only minutes ago, the large, crystal-clear lake that resided in the middle of town.She sits at its edge, her legs stretched out in front of her. Supporting herself with her hands on the ground, she tilts her head back, looking up at the sky between the trees. What to do today...

Jul 1, 2008 5:23 PM

May 2008
Ayumi woke up and decided to read some manga. She walked over to her shelf the contained probably over 30 manga. She glanced at the titles and picked the 3rd volume of Full Moon wo Sageshite. The manga was pretty enjoyable, yet Ayumi was more of the anime type.

After a long 20 minutes of reading, Ayumi decided to take a walk. She locked the door and headed down the street. Ayumi looked at her necklace for the 2nd time again and began to wonder if anything interesting would happen soon. As she walked down the street, she saw the neighborhood street gang bullying a young girl. "Hey! Don't pick on her, jerks!", exclaimed Ayumi as she walked up to the gang. "Oh, what do ya know, guys, it's miss tough Ayumi.", replied one of the taller of the boys. The little girl ran off in the other direction, that distracted the gang for a moment, so Ayumi punched one of them in the stomach when she had the chance. "What the hell!? Get her guys!", said the angry gang leader and the other 3 gang members ran at Ayumi and started to punch and kick her. Ayumi did a slight backflip and the gang dispersed. "At least that's over with....", said Ayumi as she brushed off the dirt of her outfit.

Ayumi hadn't really gotten any wounds for a long time due to the fact she was a bit tougher that she looked. Ayumi wasn't the type to she had any physical injuries. She walked down the street and decided to go to the lake. Ayumi rarely went to the lake since she had moved in with Miyu. As Ayumi turned the corner, she noticed a girl sitting at the edge of the lake. Hey! That's the girl from this morning!

Ayumi fiixed her outfit to look like she hadn't been in a fight and walked over to the girl. She sat down next to Grace and smiled. "Hello...", said Ayumi in a shy voice.

Music is from the soul~ ♥
Jul 1, 2008 7:01 PM

Jan 2008
"Why can't you be more like your brother?"

"I'm going to kick you out of this freaking house if you don't shape up!"

The words of Grace's late parents echo in her head in the middle of her daydream. Her eyes are shut, thinking of events in the years past. Sure, her parents were brutally murdered and she was the one to discover the bodies, but to be honest, at the funeral, she felt more relieved then wallowed in grief; abusive parents, mentally and physically, weren't the best thing to grow up under. Luckily, she always had and still had the one thing that kept her going, her brother. Even so, her brother got on her nerves -- of course he did, he's a sibling, and siblings are bound to get on the nerves of each other sometimes -- but most of the time all good at the house now.

Lost in her train of thought, as she opens her eyes, she is surprised to hear a voice next to her. Snapping her head up and looking to the side, she sees the girl from this morning, the one that had smiled at her. "Oh, h-hi," She says, surprised.

Jul 1, 2008 7:20 PM

May 2008
Ayumi smiled and looked at the lake's clear water. "This is where I use to come when I was younger... this lake brings back memories...", said Ayumi.

Then, Ayumi realized something she forgot to do. "My name's Ayumi, nice to meet you", said Ayumi, as she looked back at Grace. The sun began to shine brightly and Ayumi's necklace gleamed in the light.

Music is from the soul~ ♥
Jul 1, 2008 7:24 PM

Jan 2008
Grace blinks and watches Ayumi as she mentions going to the lake when she was younger. Upon her introduction, Grace gives a small bow. "I'm Grace. Pleasure to meet you."

Unable to not notice the sun shine on her pendant, Grace says, "That's a nice necklace you have there."

Jul 1, 2008 7:36 PM

May 2008
"Thanks, it's very special to me...",says Ayumi as she looks down at the necklace. As she looked at the sparkling pendant, an image of the Butterfly Glaive came into Ayumi's mind.

Music is from the soul~ ♥
Jul 1, 2008 7:40 PM

Jan 2008
Grace looks ahead at the lake, sighing a sigh of comfort and peacefulness. After moment, she says, " sick or something?" She opens one eye, glancing to her side at Ayumi. "I saw you going to school earlier."

Jul 2, 2008 6:13 AM

May 2008
"I decided to skip the rest of the classes today, I always get really bored in class", replied Ayumi. Ayumi eyes averted toward Grace and noticed a ribbon tied around Grace's wrist, it had a blue jewel on top. "The gem on your ribbon looks a bit like the one on my necklace...but your's is a different color than mine...",said Ayumi.

Does she use magic too....? I wonder...., thought Ayumi, Maybe it's just a coincedince that these look almost alike....

Music is from the soul~ ♥
Jul 2, 2008 8:19 AM

Jan 2008
Grace nods as she mentioned skipping class. "Yeah. Most of the time I'm skipping, too." Upon mention of her ribbon, she too looks down at it. "Yeah, you're right..." She lifts up her arm with the ribbon on it, tightening the tie, while glancing to the side at Ayumi's necklace. She wouldn't have magic. It's impossible.

Jul 2, 2008 12:13 PM

May 2008
Ayumi looked back out at the lake and ask,"Have you ever felt like you wanted to do something that would help end the war between Syrus and Earth, but you didn't know how you could help?".

Music is from the soul~ ♥
Jul 2, 2008 12:46 PM

Jan 2008
Grace looks at Ayumi with her eyes, not moving her head from facing the lake. She's surprised by the sudden topic of the war, a touchy subject for some, but nonetheless, keeps her face completely calm. "...I suppose," she finally says. "After all, the innocents subject to the endless fighting shouldn't have to die. It's almost pointless now -- not that it wasn't near pointless to begin with." Grace knows everyone has different feelings on this war -- some believe it has a rightful purpose, some believe it's totally wrong, but regardless of this other girl's opinion, she feels as if she can speak her mind and probably not be retaliated by a narrow-minded argument. Ayumi seems like an intelligent girl, but you can't judge a book by its cover.

Jul 2, 2008 6:20 PM

May 2008
"I hope this war will end soon...and I must agree, too many innocent casualities have happened since the begining of all of the fighting. I feel that if we could find out what Syrus's true point of fighting with us, we could find a way to put an end to this.", Ayumi replied. Ayumi really never talked about her thoughts about the war that much before. It felt good to express her opinions on the touchy subject.

After about a minute, Ayumi could hear voices far behind them. She slightly turned her head and saw the gang she had fought with earlier that day. "Crap...",said Ayumi in a mid-whisper,"...not them again...".

Music is from the soul~ ♥
Jul 2, 2008 7:23 PM

Jan 2008
Grace opens her mouth to respond to Ayumi's opinion, then stops, seeing her turn. She listens closely, hearing the gang behind them. Without hearing what she had said, she whispers quietly, "Do you know them?"

Jul 2, 2008 7:43 PM

Mar 2008
Name: Neroshi (nickname) Neko

Age: 20.

Height: 5" 8'

Race: citizen of Syrus (but lives in earth realm)

Likes: To be alone, but does like the company of children (on occasion)

Dislikes: the gods and evil doers.


Bio: once a citizen of Syrus but because he cared for the humans he was kicked out and made a mortal, he now enjoys life living as a lone wolf. but he wishes to rid the world of the gods so that there can be peace.

( i hope this is ok)

i sat on the bank and watched the clouds, my sword resting at my side. a couple of young girls had sat on the opposite side, but i don't think they even noticed me. i was trying to clear my head of all thoughts, but i heard a group of people making noise from the other side of the bank. i looked up and saw them heading for the pair of young girls.

"What's going on here," i sat up and didn't like the look of what was about to happen. "those kids don't stand a chance against them, guess i'll go help." i picked up my sword and jumped to the other side, landing on knee just in front of them.

Jul 2, 2008 7:59 PM

May 2008
((Good job =D and welcome!))

"Uh...I kind of got in a fight with them earlier...",whispered Ayumi to Grace,with a bit of embaressment. Then, a man had jumped in front of the gang and weild a sword. What the...who is that?, thought Ayumi as she watched the man stop the gang in their tracks. I feel a strange aura coming from him...
Cookie-chan-Jul 2, 2008 8:02 PM

Music is from the soul~ ♥
Jul 3, 2008 12:50 AM

Mar 2008
I stand, resting my sword over my shoulder. the gang stop and stare at me.

"what do a think ya doing buddy?" the leader growled.

"you know, punks like you are the worst kind of scum, picking on innocent young girls, you don't deserve the life you have been given," i bring the sword to my side and watch as the gang shudder in fear.

"what you gonna do with ey?" i raised an eyebrow to him.

"if you don't want to find out, i suggest you leae and don't bother either of them again." i said poiting at the girls. the gang took the advice with no hesitation. i turned o the grils putting my sword in it's case.

"are you ok?"

Jul 3, 2008 7:37 AM

May 2008
Ayumi slightly smiled and nodded. "Thanks...", replied Ayumi. Ayumi decided to read his mind to figure out why he had the magical aura around him. After a few seconds, Ayumi figured it out! He's from Syrus, huh....and he was turned into a wonder he had the same aura as people who could use magic do...

Ayumi stood up and walked over to Neroshi. "Hi, i'm Ayumi, nice to meet you!",greeted Ayumi.

Music is from the soul~ ♥
Jul 3, 2008 7:50 AM

Mar 2008
" i'm Neroshi, but you can call me Neko, do you know those guys." I replied, she seemed different to other humans. but she was kind, i could sense it in her.

Jul 3, 2008 9:01 AM

May 2008
"I kinda got in a fight with those guys earlier, so it's mostly my fault they came to bother us...",replied Ayumi with a bit of embaressment.

Music is from the soul~ ♥
Jul 3, 2008 9:13 AM

Mar 2008
"well i don't think they will be bothering you again," The mask covering my mouth opened like shutters, by itself revealing my entire face, including the scar down my left cheek. "But what are you doing out here by yourselves, don't you have school or something?"

Jul 3, 2008 9:46 AM

May 2008
"Well, Grace and I are skipping school today",replied Ayumi as she looked toward Grace.

((This has got to be the least I have ever written in an rp xD ))

Music is from the soul~ ♥
Jul 3, 2008 9:49 AM

Jan 2008
Grace looks at Ayumi as she mentions her name, and gives a small nod.

She looks at Neroshi. She doesn''t like him. She's getting a bad vibe. Like something bad was going to happen if they continued associating with him -- but of course, she couldn't be sure. It was just a gut feeling.

Jul 3, 2008 9:54 AM

Mar 2008
"i see well i think that you'll be ok, but don't be out too late, it's dangerous after dark." i sheath my sword and turn to leave. my mind still focusing on figuring out why that Ayumi kid was different.

Jul 3, 2008 10:05 AM

May 2008
I have a strnge feeling about him....I think all give it a while until I can completly trust him..., thought Ayumi as she interpreted what Neko said. Ayumi glanced at Grace and could tell she didn't like him either.

Ayumi knew she could defend herself if something were to happen again, and if she was in real trouble, she could use her magic skills to help.

Music is from the soul~ ♥
Jul 3, 2008 10:11 AM

Mar 2008
"by the way," i say turning to face them again. "you haven't seen a man with a black robe, carrying a giant sword, going by the name of Raven have you?" i had asked everyone that i came across but still hadn't found him yet.

Jul 3, 2008 10:15 AM

May 2008
"No, I haven't, sorry...",replied Ayumi. She wondered why Neko was looking for him, but didn't bother to ask any further questions. Ayumi turned back and sat down next to Grace again.

Music is from the soul~ ♥
Jul 3, 2008 10:25 AM

Mar 2008
"well thanks any way, see ya," i turn and leave. "things could get really bad if i don't find him, he has to be stopped at all costs." i say to myself. only having a couple of leads on his location, my options where limited. "I'll head for town and see if i can find some information." i make my plan leaving the situation with the two girls behind me and focusing on my real mission.

Jul 3, 2008 10:45 AM

May 2008
Ayumi looked toward Grace and asked,"Do you want to go get some lunch with me?". Ayumi was still thinking about what just happened. I have a feeling things are begining to turn interesting...maybe something exciting will happen in this boring town soon...

Ayumi glanced down at Grace's jewel on her ribbon. The more I think about it, that jewel looks more and more like mine, even the shape of it is the same...

Music is from the soul~ ♥
Jul 3, 2008 12:22 PM

Jul 2007
My dear Fiora, that is a question I myself do not know...

Those words reverberated through the young maiden's mind. Sariel, her God, didn't know something. This cast confusion to mind but at the same time ease, at least her God could be a bit closer to a normal being sometimes... Fiora had no time to revel in this fact as she returned herself to the matter at hand, laying a hand down on the table she sat at and looking intently at Sariel, wishing she would know all his thoughts, an impossible and maybe even blasphemous desire. The situation at hand was trifling indeed, she thought those of Terra were low creatures, greedy and run by fear, but they were still beings that only strived to live, like any other being in existance. So why, what is in the other Gods' agenda to destroy them, are they really that much of a threat to Syrus' saftey?

Moments of silence passed and Sariel spoke once more, his words flowing out of his mouth in such a beautiful fashion that it demanded one to listen. Though this time it was not of contemplation, thought or any form of conversation but one of warning and urgency, "Fiora, quickly, I need you to leave my room and get out. Something will happen soon and I feel my brothers and sisters wish to betray me for my views and opinions."

"But.. My Lord... I would rather stay and help you. I will defend you with my-" Fiora was cut off by Sariel as he pushed his finger to her mouth, hushing her instantly. So warm was that hand, almost as if the collective warmth of the sun and Syrus' soul were within that tiny bit of touch, Fiora was quiet as she blushed. Sariel's face was serious.

"Be silent now Fiora, I do not wish you to finish that sentence, your life if something you should treasure and is yours alone. Even a God would understand that. Unfortunately they are already here. I am sorry I did not take notice sooner..." Sariel finished his sentence, leaving an even further puzzled and flustered Fiora and as if on que the door shattered, the beautiful carved and engraved wood splintering and turning to dust as the personal guard of Eusemisi, the Goddess of Wind, had walked through, followed by the very woman herself.

"Brother..." the Goddess started, "and his loyal servant, we are left with no choice but to silence you both for your traitorous thoughts. Fiora you are charged with Heresy, and as for you... Even a God can fall from the Heavens."

With naught but a glance at Fiora the guards had restrained her, powerful magic binding her and countering her own, strong a caster as she was she was nothing if it was prematurely stopped and held. Sariel moved to help but instantly Eusemisi was upon him, a fight began as the two Gods quarreled in the room, which was instantly wrecked...

Jul 3, 2008 12:39 PM

Mar 2008
Name: Raven.

Age: 19

Height: 7" 2'

Race: citizen of Syrus

Likes: ravens and battle.

Dislikes: losing and the humans.


Bio: brother of neroshi, he feels that his brother betrayed his people by siding with the humans. now he roams the earth killing as many humans as he can, he believes that if there are no humans, his brother will come home.

i sat on the edge of the town waiting to make a move, but before i did i watched them, the humans, what made him like them so much, they are pathetic weak creatures, not worthy of living. i stood satisfied with my observation. as i did a group of young hoodlums came near.

"look guys another freaky looking guy," the leader laughed and stepped forward so that he was no more then a couple of feet from me. "i say we take out our frustration on him, what do you guys say?" his cronies nodded.

"so you think that you can take me on, how amusing. " i smiled evilly at him, with in seconds he was a bloody corpse laying on the ground. the others stared in fright, before they could make a run for it i had tore them limb form limb. "now on to the rest of you worthless worms." i said pointing at the town.
niko_hakubiJul 20, 2008 8:46 PM

Jul 3, 2008 1:25 PM

Mar 2008

i could feel a strange disturbance from syrus, where the gods fighting already?

"i hope sariel is safe, he will be needed if peace is to be made." i sit crossed legged on the ground laying my sword in front of me, i took one of the bottles filled with mist from my belt and removed the lid and the mist surrounded me, i closed my eyes and focused on seeing on what was actually happening in the gods world. there was darness at first but then i could see a beautiful room, with a shattered door, i could see four people, two where gods, one was sariel the other was the goddess of wind, the other two people looked like their servants, they were fighting and it wasn't looking good. i opened my eyes and quickly stood.

"raven can wait this is more important." i pulled as econd bottle from my belt and threw it into the air, i picked up my sword and as the bottle dropped i sliced it into two, the mist then moved at the speed of light at me carrying me to the realm of syrus

Jul 7, 2008 9:59 AM

May 2008
(( You can start posting as Raven whenever you want =D ))

Music is from the soul~ ♥
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