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Mar 17, 2020 8:35 AM

Dec 2015

A home or place of the coyotes, that is the name it was given. The one it is remembered by. The remnants of a small village from the oldest of origins of Mexico City which bordered the southern shore of the lake which no longer remains. The village, now turned municipality, of Coyoacan remained in its independence till the mid of the 19th century and was made into a small borough of the entirety of Mexico City in the first half of the 20th century.

Now the urban sprawl has turned the farms, formed lakes and forests into developed areas, yet its cultural heritage has not gone, as the former villages stand firm within the sprawl. Considered as one of the oldest neighborhoods the historic center of Coyoacan is filled with narrow cobblestone streets and small plazas, giving a distinct and bohemian identity.

The residential homes are mostly single family homes, yet many mansions and country homes from the colonial period still remain. Today the streets are quiet and peaceful, giving a calming feeling as you walk through, though during festivities more crowded is something only seen in the plaza of Cauathemoc. A large portion of the borough now besides residential area is invested to nature reserves, universities, parks and musea.
ByakugaranMar 28, 2020 4:33 AM
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Mar 18, 2020 3:10 PM

Dec 2011
The day before the war: Day 0 - A hotel somewhere in Coyoacan

David Jackemo

On the day before the war began, David Jackemo took hisself and his son to the site where the war began. He wanted to show off to his son how a powerful leader would act, and that maybe his son would inherit the power of his crest. Unfortunately, his son was a weak maggot, and so far hasn't showed any sign of learning the family's magic. David took it out on his wife almost daily, berating her for the fact that their son was so useless, but today he had not done that. He was actually feeling pretty good today. He was feeling as if things would go his way for once.

So after they flew from America to Mexico for the preperations, they took a ride to the hotel they were staying at, and set up a magical base. The base included a summoning circle for the servant they would be summoning for the war.

"You see, son, this is how a mage sets up their base. Not with some weak magic, but some strong Jackemo magic." The older of the two said.

The young man did not respond, and instead stared at the ground.

The father, growing angry at the boy's non-response, raised his hand and smacked the back of the boy's head, "When I say something to you, you answer me!" He yelled angrily.

The boy, who had felt the sting of the hand before, rubbed his head and responded, "Y-Yes father..." Before staring at the spot where the would-be-servant would be summoned.

David tsked angrily, but let it slide, for now. He had some summoning to do. After placing the catalyst, a small piece of metal, he stepped back from the circle in front of him, instructing his son to stand aside as he did.

David then raised his hand with the command seal towards the circle, chanting the chant that one does to summon a servant.

Simply, shatter once filled.

Silver and iron to the origin. Let the stone and the archduke of contract be the foundation.

Let Silver be the color I pay tribute to.

The alighted wind becomes a wall. The gates in the four directions close, coming from the crown, the three-forked road that leads to the kingdom circulate.

Let it be declared now.

Your flesh(self) shall serve under me, and my fate shall be with your sword.

In accordance with the approach of the Holy Grail, if you abide by this feeling, this reason, then answer.

Here is my oath. I am the one who becomes all the good of the world of the dead, I am the one who lays out all the evil of the world of the dead.

Yet, thou serves with thine eyes clouded in chaos.

Thou, bound in the cage of madness. I am he who command those chains.

You, seven heavens clad in three words of power, arrive from the ring of deterrence, O keeper of the balance ―――!

A cackle of red lightning lit up the room, and David was suddenly glad he placed a barrier to dissuade non-mages from coming into the room to check what was going on before arriving here. The wind grew stronger, which was weird since they were inside.

The wind grew stronger, and there was a final flash of lightning, which covered the area that the catalyst was in, the shadow of a person appeared...

"Berserker. What is your name? Who are you?" David asked, stepping towards Berserker.

There stood someone, clad in silver armor, with streaks of red on it. Their helmet covered any identifying facial features they had, as well as made their voice sound metallic, covering their speech. Berserker... It placed its sword down in front of it, stabbing it directly into the carpet,


The rest of the day they rested, and waited until the next day, if something might happen, to be able to kickstart this war....
LondotheGreatMar 18, 2020 3:19 PM
Mar 18, 2020 5:13 PM

Dec 2015
It is the late evening, as the grey clouds and smog cloud out the orange sky as the sun has passed under the mountains out of sight.

Since the beginning of morning this day a torrent of rain has settled onto Mexico City which had yet to break apart, giving a heavy and tense feeling for those whose day was more then just a Thursday. With the barrage of rain and the cars drowning out the sound around yourselves.

Those whom would find interest in this ''invitation'' would find themselves travelling to Coyoacan the borough which kept its old heritage and yet also developed heavily this last century. To walk between the streets it was a bit eerily alone outside.

Though the lights from within their homes could be seen, as almost all individuals had hunkered down for as long as they could within their homes.

Distinguishable would be the least to call the location that this invitation had sent you towards. A location that likely would not only have been recognized by word of mouth but a location that would have been researched. As here at this location.

Here at the source of magic stood the Olympic stadium of Coyoacan. Stretching more then 300 x 300 hundred meters easily this building dwarfed the size of any other nearby. A location that would be distinguished easily by the large empty space around it that put all the emphasis on the structure itself.

With a large open space between the buildings around it and the perimeter only already you would have to move on the ground out in the open towards the stadium, the large perimeter of the stadium held by the blue iron bars surrounding it.

No life could be heard nor felt as you looked upwards at the stadium, those whom would themselves walking through the empty parking lot to opened doors which echoed with each step taking as with each entrance into the stadium looked out onto the large open field within.
Mar 21, 2020 4:34 PM

Nov 2015
Adventures of a certain Lancer : Day 1.

A man wearing a suit and black sunglasses was driving a car towards the beacon. Despite of the weather he was suddenly speeding up the car and driving at speeds rarely seen at this era. The car was surprisingly silent.

'~ It appears that the situation is unraveling. ~

'Yes master. It appears someone has left out an open invitation. It would be wasteful to squander this opportunity."

'~ Into the den of a beast. It might be a carefully laid trap or a foolish mistake. If possible, we should avoid a confrontation until we know what we are against. You're close, aren't you?' ~

'I'm already driving there. Should be only a few minutes before I arrive. What about you master?"

'~ I will provide support, if I get close. Do try to keep me updated. ~'

'Yes master."

The man parked the car on a street, roughly 900-700 meters away from the site of the origin of the magical signal. Well away from the actual stadium and covered by some buildings. Before he stepped outside from the car, he picked his nose with his pinkie for a moment. And then he opened the door to take a few steps out into the light rainfall. He wasn't exactly the most charismatic fellows out there but he was still incredibly well built and the suit did somewhat fit him. Perhaps his obession with sunglasses didn't.

He quickly verified that there were no familiars nearby (or would shoot them down with a few pebbles in the event there were, with the flick of his fingers.) the kinetic impact should have be enough to destroy their bodies. After all in the hands of the servants a simple pebble still packed more power than a bullet.

Had he encountered a familiar, he'd simply go back to the car and drive it bit further away before stepping out.

After a simple sweep of familiars in his immediate vicinity, he would start walking towards the origin of the beacon, trying to figure out who or what had sent this invitation out. He used the cover of the buildings to hide his tracks and concentrated on suppressing his presence as much as possible, both his bloodlust and how much mana he was using.

Still despite of taking measures in subterfuge, he wasn't exactly trying to sneak around or be stealthy. He simply didn't want to draw any unnecessary attention to himself until he had a good overview of his surroundings. And any poor familiar that got too close to him, would suffer the might of a pebble.
Mar 21, 2020 8:28 PM
Mar 2016

Naturally, there was no way Caster could've possibly missed out on the display from the stadium. It seemed like the War was finally going to get underway. How long had they been waiting for this? Far too long, it felt. Well, someone had decided to make a move with that signal, and Caster was of a mind to answer it.

Unlike Lancer, Caster just strolled straight over to the stadium. She'd keep an eye out for any sort of foes or magical traps, of course, but other than that, she'd not stop until spoken to or she reached the open center of the stadium. "No sense waiting around for others to show up before entering after all. Is there, Master?" She casually spoke that, more than loud enough for anyone nearby listening in to hear, as they walked. Was she stupid, or merely confident? Others would have to make their own opinion. Of course, they'd have to show up first.

Once in the middle of the field, she'd open the satchel she wore over her shoulder and pull out a folded up blanket. Spreading the blanket across the field as if she were setting up for a picnic, she sat down seiza on the blanket before pulling out a vacuum flask that released steam into the crisp night air. There was nothing to do but wait for others.
Mar 22, 2020 4:35 AM
Aug 2014
Caster's Master

Glad to finally start doing something, he walked along with Caster with a confident stride. He stood out, not just because he was pretty tall and buff, but also due to the fact that he dressed as if he was going to attempt winning a cosplay contest or if he was heading for a LARP gathering.

Well, he didn't mind the attention. After all, he was the dude, the shizzle, the next big thing. All he had to do was win this little Grail War, and he'd be set. It's why he wholeheartedly agreed with Caster. “None at all! Let's go get 'em~”

Assuming they made it to the stadium without interruption, he watched Caster set up her territory a blanket. “I should have brought a ball!” If he knew they were going to a stadium, he would've done so. After all, what was better than to impress others with his football skills? Or was it soccer that they called it here. He wasn't sure. Well, he did know the sport, he had just forgotten whether it was just the United States that called their hand-egg sport football or if Mexico was equally wrong.
Mar 22, 2020 6:20 AM

Apr 2013


Rider, noticing something amiss with the stadium, rode his jet black steed towards the stadium, but stopped several hundred meters away from it, stopping on top a roof of a nearby tall building. He stops his horse, and looks onward. His red leather armor lined with fur keeping him warm from the chilling night wind as he stood by.

His fur-lined red.... helmet? hat? swayed with the wind as the eyes behind his red metal mask watched on sharply. The burly, rather plump looking man stepped down from his horse and relayed information to his master.

"....Very well, Master."
HarukaMar 25, 2020 9:31 PM
Mar 22, 2020 12:28 PM

Dec 2011

As several servants appeared in the stadium, Berserker's master gave his servant the orders to reveal itself through the bond that a master and servant shared, "Go Berserker, and show them your power."

"..." Berserker did not respond, but instead looked down towards the unlit stadium. Upon the Que, the stadium finally lit up, and Berserker was revealed from atop the announcer's box, where it had been the entire time. Berserker's master was nowhere to be found, although his familiar could be seen through the announcer's box. A deer, which was a weird choice to use in this kind of place.

Berserker then jumped down from the announcer box, but did not attack. Instead, Berserker tilted its head. A child? What was a child doing here? But it was no child, it was a servant.

Berserker walked up to the pair, much to the dismay of its master yelling in its ear about why it wasn't attacking. Berserker did not attack, however, but stood in front of the Caster/master pair.

Berserker itself was clad in a silver armor, with red streaks going through the armor. Its head was obscured by the helmet it wore, "Which servant are you? Saber?" Berserker asked, its voice obscured by the helmet, giving it a metallic ring, and making anyone unable to identify just who was talking underneath.

Meanwhile, back at the hotel, David Jackemo was watching through the familiar in the announcer's box, and was getting more and more frustrated from Berserker's lack of action...
Mar 23, 2020 4:20 PM
Mar 2016

Caster didn't react to the stadium lights suddenly turning on, beyond blinking a bit more frequently while her eyes were adjusting. Nor was she startled by Berserker's flashy entrance; considering they/their Master had shown off by lighting up an entire stadium at night, subtlety wasn't to be expected. In fact, they'd probably need to worry about attracting trouble from curious mortals at this point. Berserker's question did catch her slightly off guard though. Someone of her stature being assumed to be Saber? Something was definitely off about this Servant, beyond the helmet making their voice and face alike.

"Sorry to let you down, but I am not Saber." The young girl stood up and bowed to the armored person before her. "It is a pleasure to meet you, friend. I am the Caster of this Holy Grail War. And this one beside me is my Master."

Now, how would this steel-clad stranger react? And would the other Servants ever show up? Only time could tell.
Mar 24, 2020 2:09 AM
Aug 2014
Caster's Master

He was glad to see the lights turn on in the stadium, as he didn't like shooting in the dark. It made it a fair bit more difficult to score a goal. Then again, he still didn't have a ball, so it wasn't like it was helping all that much. Whomever had invited them here should've prepared better. This degree of unpreparedness was just plain rude.

They were soon greeted by a knight in (shiny?) armour, but apparently their armour was so overwhelming towards their overall features that you couldn't even make out if they were male or female from their body or voice. Take that MMORPG's. By LARP standards, that meant they were likely male, but you never knew. It seemed like they were after Saber, which Caster revealed to not be. That was a shame. Caster would make an interesting Saber to say the least.

Then again, he realised it was his turn when Caster introduced him. “Yep, that's me! Nice to meet you miss, or mister, or whatever you're hiding under that neat looking armour of yours~” Truth be told, it did make a bit of a difference. “I'm not gonna like, I've got a thing for well-armoured female warriors, but it's also cool if you're a bro. I've already got Caster to work with, after all~”

Well, with that out of the way, he figured it was time for more serious business. “So, now that the lights are on, did you bring a ball? We could go for a few shots at the goal, before we figure out whether or not all the others are just cowards hiding under their blankets at home or something.”
Mar 24, 2020 8:30 AM

Dec 2011

Berserker didn't know what to feel. It looks around the arena, confused, then back at the pair, caster and her master, "You two are... Why are you completely unguarded? The war has started. My master is the one who sent the signal-" Although Berserker could hear its master blaring in its ear about the entire situation...

Berserker stared at the small girl, this couldn't possibly be caster, could it? Berserker summoned its sword, much to the delight of her own master. The sword itself matched Berserker's armor, an extremely thicc thick sword with silver plating, but more red than silver this time, although the parts that were silver were more dazzling than any silver. Berserker then pointed it at caster, waiting for her reaction. If none happened, and she just sat there, Berserker would place the sword above her head, and push down slowly.

A normal human wouldn't be able to hold the sword with the force that Berserker pushed down with, but even a servant with the lowest strength possible would be able to resist the sword, if only for a bit, as Berserker's strength was definitely above anything Caster could output. After confirming that Caster was, indeed, a servant, Berserker put away its sword, once again much to the dismay of its master, staring at the pair.

Then it looked at Caster, "You... Are caster?... You're only a kid."
Mar 24, 2020 2:29 PM
Mar 2016

The armored Servant continued to question the pair. Or rather, mostly question Caster; they didn't seem particularly interested in her Master. "We were invited here by that signal. At least where I am from, it is generally considered rude to greet your host with a blade." And speaking of weapons, the Servant summoned their own: a thick sword with the same sort of silver and red combination as their armor. When the blade was leveled her way, Caster smiled and replied "My my. I'm not really much of a masochist, but I don't mind trying." She'd let Berserker do their thing with the blade, so long as it didn't cause any real damage to her.

One more question was asked, about her age. Caster expected that; her appearance tended to get such questions asked. "I am indeed Caster. As you should know, Servants are summoned in their prime, but that also assumes they live to be in their prime. My time was cut short prematurely, so I get summoned like this."
Mar 24, 2020 2:31 PM

Nov 2015
Adventures of a certain Lancer : Day 1.

Lancer would lean against the wall at one of the alcoves leading out to the stands, covering in shadows and staring at the field like a certain assassin would. He took out a pack of cigarettes and lit up a lighter to light one up. Taking a deep inhale he would look almost mysterious and cool in the dark. He stared at the master who had exposed himself and the two servants that had arrived. It wouldn't probably take too long for them to figure out that there was a third servant in the stadium.

"I've located a master. A kid that wants to play a knight. And that servant, a child. Caster, Assassin? A knight in shining silver armor. Probably Saber? Claims to be the one who sent out the signal." Lancer took a deep inhale, burning the entire cigarette in one big inhale and he extinguished it's stump in his hand.

~"That probably isn't enough. Stand down and wait for the situation to develop." ~

"Got it master..." Lancer took off the sunglasses off from his head and stepped outside to walk out to the stands. A lance appeared before him and he slammed it on the concrete flooring, sinking the blade deep within the structure. The lance had two blades opening in it's side forming up a cross. These two blades on it's sides prevented the blade from sinking any deeper to the concrete. The shaft of the spear was made of gold but tarnished. The blades were made of steel, polished and sharpened.

And then he opened his eyes and shouted, his voice thundering like lightning from the stands, looking down at the onlookers in the field: "Oh noble heroes participating in this holy war. I now stand before you as one of the three great knight classes, I proclaim myself as the servant of Lance. Let thou names be heard. Or forever be silent." Lancer's face gave out not one of a noble one but that of a soldier seen war. His eyes were brimming with conviction.
Inaru-samaMar 24, 2020 2:58 PM
Mar 24, 2020 2:54 PM
Aug 2014
Caster's Master Ricardo

Considering Berserker didn't give them their gender, it was up to him to gender-identify them. Of course, there was only one logical option; female. A guy was allowed to have his kinks after all, and he had already been vocal about what his kink was. It also seemed like Berserker wasn't there to bring them a ball. Such a shame. As Berserker revealed that her master had sent out the signal, he couldn't help but mumble. “Should've at least brought a ball then...”

As Caster and Berserker were up for some light-hearted version of whack-a-mole, with Caster being the mole and Berserker the whacker, he suddenly make a breakthrough observation. “Wait, so if he sent out this invitation, why is he not even here himself? That's just rude.” It also seemed like he thought his Servant was too young. Well, she was a little too young and far too lacking in being armoured for his tastes, but that was nobody else's business to judge. How rude.

That said, they were interrupted by a call-out from Lancer. Finally someone that neatly introduced himself, even though he was pretty loud and flashy. Far too loud and flashy, as it meant he couldn't be as loud and flashy anymore in comparison. Ah well, one had to deal with the cards they were dealt. “Hello, I'm...” A short moment of silence. “Caster's Master, Ricardo!” He didn't look like much of a Ricardo, but let's be honest, who cared about the name of some random master when you've got awesome Servants hyping up the place.
Mar 24, 2020 9:36 PM

Dec 2011

To be taken in life so young. Even younger than Berserker was, but still, Berserker knew this pain, a pain of one's life that could have been fulfilling stuffed short by someone. Berserker felt anger flare in its mind, enough to snuff out the entrance of another servant, although it did hear the end, that the servant's class was revealed. Lancer...

Berserker could resist the angered flares of its master no longer, as he was screaming at his servant to attack. Berserker put its hand to its head, "Annoying... If I were king, you'd be silenced." It said, which pretty much silenced its annoying master.

Berserker looked at Caster, and then Caster's master, "My master is not here. He's a coward looking to further his own goals. His Familiar is in that box up there, though." Berserker said, pointing to the announcer box, in which there was a Deer-shaped familiar.

Berserker looked at Caster's master, "I respect that you aren't a coward, and followed your servant to what could have been a battleground, but my Master's ramblings are annoying me, so I'm going to attack someone now."

And with that, Berserker, summoned its sword, then turned towards Lancer, throwing it with an explosive force worthy of someone in the Berserker class. Berserker then launched itself up with ungodly strength, using only its legs to propel itself towards lancer, so that if he dodged the sword, then he would meet with Berserker's knee instead, then its elbow.

If Lancer had dodged the knee, then Berserker would instead go flying past him, landing outside the stadium, where it would summon its sword, and turn back towards Lancer, red lightning coursing through its sword.
Mar 25, 2020 11:07 AM
Mar 2016

The armored Servant's Master must've been trying to goad said Servant telepathically, considering what the Servant said about being king all of a sudden. Of course, even that one line was useful information. Caster carefully filed it away in her mental dossier that she was developing on this Servant. They also called out their Master's familiar, and commented on how they respected Ricardo. Mostly good stuff.

Any chance at having a quiet evening at the stadium seemed to evaporate a moment later though, since a new Servant showed up, introduced themself as Lancer, and was promptly sexually assaulted by Berserker. "Nice to meet you, Servant of Lance. I am the Servant of Cast. But don't mind me, you two have fun."

Caster would calmly continue sipping the steaming liquid in her vacuum flask as she watched the scene developing before her eyes while relaxing under the golf umbrella that she had since the start but I never mentioned because I never realized it was raining. However, she'd also make sure she kept an eye out for potential ambushes as best she could. Since there were now three Servants and at least one Master present, it wouldn't be at all surprising if Assassin were to show their ugly mug, or Archer to try creating a rain of literally anything but arrows.
alatartheblue42Mar 25, 2020 4:58 PM
Mar 25, 2020 5:04 PM

Nov 2015

Lancer had no idea that the mad ravings of the Berserker were actually intended for his master. "A king, huh..." Lancer let out a quiet chuckle, tone poisoned by rancor. He pulled the spear towards himself and it would crack the concrete like a wedge had been put in it, a vibrating rumble would be heard as the concerete gave way under the strength of a servant.

"Impudent worm, know your place..." His tongue hissed as he whispered the voice, any attempts to maintain his composure were now in vain and prana gushed around his clothes enveloping him in gentle yellow light as if signifying a holy element. One could swear a red gleam in his eyes as his suppressed bloodlust was oozing out.

"A king shall not repeat their decree, spe-" Lancer watched for a moment in disbelief that the Berserker was actually going to throw his weapon towards him. Instinctively pulling his spear from the ground with his full might towards himself with the aid of his legs jumping back a step in order to intercept and attempt to deflect the blade. The cross-blade in his spear had a lot of surface area to catch the flying sword. (This act most likely seriously shattered the concerete and structural integrity in the stands)

Before the two blades met, it was if an unseen pulse of bloodlust came from the servant. (With an unknown mystery at play.) [1]. For caster. [2] For Berserker's master.

And as the blades were about to meet each other, the light around Lancer's body brightened and his armor materialized.

This lancer did not really strike out as a nimble agile one but rather as one clad in heavy and rigid armor, although the armor did provide some features for extended mobility. There were very few gaps and the armor was gilded throughout. Layers upon layers of plate covered his armor like large dragon scales, his feet were especially protected, platelegs and plateskirt. Every gap in his armor was covered by a mesh of thinly braided chainmail, tarnished by dried blood. As a matter of fact his entire armor was tarnished by blood and dirt. Though golden, it had seen some serious use. Additionally the armor covered multiple decorative rubies. It was truly a suit of armor fit for a king, however more grandeur than almost any king could have ever afforded.

The most notable feature in his armor was however the plate helm. It was difficult to make out wether it had been fashioned to match that of a dragon or the head of a lion. A bundle of red strands came out from the back of the helmet in likeness of hair. And the face of the beast depicted by his helmet was twisted in a grin, sharp tooth lined up, each size of a child's finger. The only thing that was still visible from him were his eyes, a burning red glow from the two dark sockets.

Each time the servant drew a breath, the design of the armor made a hollow echo of the breathing, making it sound like it was a great beast as the sound of heavy breathing revebrated with a pompous echo.

And he wasn't going to dodge, he locked the joints in his heavy armor and braced for impact. The two weapons clashing would quake as the sword overpowered through Lancer's defense. Lancer did not dodge and the blade would impact at his right shoulder.

Metal would break and it was likely that an injury was probably sustained by the fragmentation of his heavy shoulderplate. The servant's right side was pushed back from the impact and his armor now a nasty tear in it at his right shoulder. Regardless, Lancer wouldn't relent. After all he had mostly forsaken defense and instead had chosen to meet up with the attack of the Berserker with full force. And now was his turn. He lunged forward with his full might to thrust the lance forward towards Berserker's charge, utilizing the reach of his spear in an attempt to brutally impale him during his aerial flight.

If his blade caught the servant head-on and impaled him deeply, Lancer would raise up the spear to a 45-degree angle to make the Berserker fly overhead of him. This was to exploit berserker's own armor against him in order to deal most of the damage to his internals because the heavy armor would likely be resistant to a blade simply slashing neatly as it passed by.

Mar 25, 2020 9:39 PM

Apr 2013


Sensing a surge of mana from the stadium, quickly got back on his steed and rode towards the stadium, jumping from rooftop to rooftop before riding up the stadium walls to reach the very top edge of the stadium. There, he continued to observe the other servants and masters, rubbing his chin as he considers what to do.

"...Master. Things are happening. If we do not hurry, then things might get out of hand. Perhaps it's time to [1]"

Having sent a message to his master, he merely continued to surveil the area, memorizing the layout of the stadium, escape routes, objects that could be harmful or helpful, and so on. He then looked back towards the main battlefield.

"That lance... It's probably Lancer. However, that one with a sword... Saber? And those two... this mana... the small one is a servant. And.." he notices something in the announcer's box. "... A familiar... hmmm I see. That would be an option indeed."
Mar 26, 2020 11:06 AM

Dec 2011

As Berserker flew towards Lancer, Lancer stuck out his spear to pierce Berserker. Not being one to take blows head on, Berserker thrust its left hand out in front of it and used it to push the spear aside as it flew towards Lancer, metal screaming against metal as it did so. Of course, its hand would suffer some damage, even under the armor it wore, but that was better than being pierced. This, of course, would also slow Berserker's flight down a bit, but it would still crash into Lancer, the surfaces of both of their armors crashing against one another, with Berserker suffering less from it because it was on the attack with its knee.

Then, while still pushing the spear aside, Berserker resummoned its blade in its right hand, which was now over its head, the blade now cackling with red lightning as [1], and then swung the sword down onto Lancer from above, the attack causing considerable damage to whomever, or whatever, it hit.

Should Lancer be able to block the attack [2] or even if he were able to dodge it, Berserker would comment on Lancer, "Your armor... [3]" To which Berserker's master exploded in Berserker's mind, yelling at him for revealing such a crucial piece of information. This was countered by Jackemo's son, saying maybe it might not have done something, which caused Jackemo to yell at him instead.

"... Annoying..." Berserker said, its body shaking, "Shut UUUUUP!" Berserker yelled, and activating [4] once again.

But instead of attacking Lancer, Berserker threw its sword at the announcers box, "SHUT UUUUUUP. PIECE OF SHIT!" It yelled, holding its head in its hands, "I hate you. I hate you. I hate you. I hate you. I HATE YOU!!!" It screamed, now incoherently yelling into the air, and would attack Lancer if he should attack it.
LondotheGreatMar 26, 2020 11:10 AM
Mar 26, 2020 2:38 PM

Dec 2015

As the deluge continued to plummet down onto to land the rapid gale continued, the was not a moment of quiet between them, yet even still the sound could easily be heard. As Berserker drew their blade and stood ready, with a destructive force behind it in one hand only it blew through the air creating a shockwave of sound at it flew forwards (-40 MEU). Yet that was not all, within what could be only the blink of an eye the Berserker whom threw the blade had like a run man prepared themselves and with the push of their legs causing a ripple and crack of the floor below they had almost reached Lancer but a moment later then their sword did.

However Lancer did not wait nor hesitate, cracking the cemented floor beneath as the spear was strong out with such force and speed that pieces of rock flew outward, as the balanced spear hit the sword his stance faltered naught. Redirecting the blow yet not dodging to prepare himself for Berserker the sword lodged itself within his right shoulder (-120), his right side pushed backwards, he quickly pushed forwards and thrusted his spear towards the lower central mass of Berserker as it flew towards him. (-50 MEU)

To avoid the spear that neared Berserker, with their stance and the proximity that they had brought themselves to Lancer to dodge with the speed airborne was one feat they could not perform flawlessly. As both reacted instinctively to each other.

Thrusting out their left hand in front of as their knee had begun to rise up with the force behind each, and Lancer adjusting himself, with the force exerted upon the spear as [1] Berserker had caused an uneven balance within their form causing them to rotate. The spear that was to lodge itself within the abdomen of Berserker had pierced through the armor and caused a wound in the left side of Berserker's waist as they flied past Lancer (-165). Quickly going into a roll with their right foot and rotated to face Lancer once more as Berserker summoned its blade in its right hand once more, as Lancer would ready his stance and face Berserker.

The blade cackling with red lightning, they began to scream incoherently after throwing their sword at the announcers box behind Lancer to the opposite end of the stadium, causing a large explosion of cracking lightning and dust together with debris upon impact. (-30 MEU)
ByakugaranMar 26, 2020 2:42 PM
Mar 26, 2020 11:21 PM

Nov 2015

Upon striking Berserker, Lancer opened his stance for a moment. In one fell swoop he cleaned his blade of blood with air pressure, though this was a very light motion in servant standards and he took a small step forward. "Migoto Impressive. Such courage, such grace. Only a few sword wielder have ever landed a blow on me." Lancer turned to face Berserker, however after noticing the servant's tantrum he opted to turn towards the center of the stadium.

Lancer walked forward towards the Caster pair and laid it's eyes upon Rider for a brief moment. It's armor gave a hollow rumbling as raindrops bombarded it.

"Caster, I ask thou. Why were you summoned into this war. In war, there are no victors. With every battle you lose a part of yourself, each victory is but honey'd lie to help one forget what was lost. And with defeat you lose it all. So I ask you. Why do you two fight?"

Lancer had a fairly open stance, yet it was in a position where it could comfortably swing it's lance towards Berserker.
Mar 27, 2020 2:20 PM

Dec 2011
Berserker's Master

As Berserker stood there, hating upon someone, its master from the hotel was getting more and more frustrated, "D-did Berserker just try to attack my familiar? What the hell is it doing?! First, I can't see from it, and I have to see through Berserker's eyes, but now all I see is the ground and Berserker going berserk!" This was sucha waste of Jackemo's time. He wanted to show off Berserker's power, but it just sat there doing nothing. There was only one thing left to get it under control.

Jackemo took off the glove from his right hand, revealing the command seals on the back of it, then raised the hand, "Berserker! By order of Command Seal-"

"Wait, father no!" The son said, finally speaking up, "D-Don't waste a command Seal on that! You might need it later!" The son yelled, desperately panicking and reeling back his father's hand.

David Jackemo looked angrily at his son, "Are you telling me what to do? I am your father, and you will not disrespect me like that!" He said, using his other hand to slap his son across the face, "I am the master here in this war, you were only taken along to see just how powerful I can be as a mage. So you shut up, and be quiet! Now, Berserker! With my Command Seal...-"


Berserker had heard the whole thing, the entire exchange that Jackemo was too headstrong to not allow Berserker to hear, thinking that he himself was invincible just because he was the father, the patriarc, the person everyone had to respect. It pissed me off. It pisses me off. He can't have his way. He will not be allowed!

Berserker yelled once again, and lept towards the announcer's box, summoning its sword once again. It crashed into the Announcer's Box with the force of a freight train, and proceeded to annihilate the familiar within, repeatedly attcking the deer over and over and over and over, until nothing remained even of the announcer's box.

"[1]" It yelled to the heavens, although the servants and masters could hear it clearly.

and once it completed its destruction of the box, Berserker lept out of, leaving the stadium in its entirety, and heading towards where its master was.
Mar 27, 2020 7:45 PM
Mar 2016

The one who had introduced himself as Lancer began to fight with the armored Servant from earlier, though they did not fight for very long. Berserker (most likely) decided to hurl its sword at the announcer's box and destroy the deer familiar within. What with that ability Lancer seemed to have used, Caster somewhat doubted the need to destroy the familiar, but then again, it was Berserker (probably).

Lancer disengaged from Berserker and descended to speak with Caster. Clearly, he had noticed the other Servant up top as well. It almost certainly wasn't Assassin. With their range advantage, surely an Archer would observe from a greater distance. That left Saber or Rider, which were basically the same things anyway. Well, no matter. Either they'd come down or they wouldn't.

"My my, how forward of you. We've barely met and already you ask for an elephant lady's secrets." Yes, she said elephant, not elegant. "And such a foolish question. I have already died. I am in a land far from my home, both in location and time. The prize in this war is my greatest wish. And if I am defeated, I merely return to being dead. The War would occur regardless of whether I or a different Caster was summoned, so I am not causing any more death than there would be otherwise. I see no downside; why wouldn't I fight in this war?

As Caster spoke, there was quite the commotion going on with Berserker. After screaming, they took off, departing for who knows where. [1]. There wasn't much reason for Caster to chase after a Berserker more Berserk than usual right now, so she would just remain down by Lancer. However, she would call out to the figure up above. "Roof-Servant-sama, would you like to join us?"
Mar 29, 2020 1:40 AM

Apr 2013

Seeing the battle continue, Rider kept his eye on it, as well as looking at the familiar, ready to strike and interrupt the battle when needed. His master seemed to have prepared something to pursue their ends as well. If all goes well-


Catching Rider off guard, the servant threw his weapon towards the announcer's box, before leaving after a short while, ending its fight with Lancer.

"...ah,I see. Berserker." He thought before looking down and seeing the pair of servants and masters speaking. He thought about taking action now. It was an opportunity, two masters were there- but unfortunately, two servants were also there. "Master... call off our initial plan. Please do as you please. I will handle the situation here."

Soon after, the small girl spoke to him. It was no wonder, he was not an assassin, he did not posses any such cloaking skills. She asked him to come down.

He took a deep breath and spoke loudly "And risk being in your spells' range, Caster? I cannot be too careful. If you wish to speak with me, I will speak from here. My hearing and volume aren't that bad."

Meanwhile, he received additional information from his master and slightly nodded.
Mar 29, 2020 1:32 PM

Nov 2015

Despite of everything, the berserker's trantrum caught the eye of the Lancer. And suddenly the holy aura around him twisted and a quiet sound could be heard uttered underneath his mask: "That..." Lancer's hands started shaking. As the Berserker fled the scene Lancer slowly finished his words: "... sword..." though his mask was concealing his emotions, the tone of Lancer's words was poisoned by rage and rancor. The heroic radiance of a noble heroic spirit was briefly replaced by a negative surge that almost poisoned the air around it with hostility. Despite of it's outbreak of anger, the servant still attempted to suppress it's rage and after a brief pause it managed to do so. "Whatever. I'll deal with the likes of you later, Saber... Our next battle shall be legendary!" Lancer had some difficulties understanding that it was actually Berserker

It then gave one look at the caster-pair and then to the servant that they invited over. Lancer brought it's attention towards that same servant. The negative surge that came from his anger would appear to have recessed. However one couldn't help to feel that it's bloodlust was now redirected at the rider on the rooftop. "With the powers bestowed to me as the imperator, my word is the law. I gave a fair warning to everyone. Introduce yourself or forever be silent."

With these words, Lancer's bloodlust surged and he charged towards the rider, jumping at him after a few strides with a spin in order to gain momentum to swing his great lance as if it was a three meter long sword. Though the adjustments to the aim of the swing were done once in air, he still sought to behead the rider in one swing. One could probably say that right now Lancer had now become the acting Berserker of this battlefield, keeping the flag high for team berserk. If Lancer missed, he was probably going to jump over and land outside the stadium.
Inaru-samaMar 29, 2020 1:45 PM
Mar 29, 2020 10:47 PM
Mar 2016

Evidently, Lancer didn't actually care that much about her answer. Either that, or he just couldn't be bothered to reply to it before trying to assault the Servant at the top of the stadium. With how he was behaving and how he thought the previous armored Servant was Saber, Caster wondered briefly if he might not be Berserker himself. Were it not for his previous insistence that he was Lancer, she'd contemplate it seriously. Well, it was possible that he had been ordered to deceive others about his Class, but that seemed unlikely. Likewise, Caster had been about to reply to the Servant at the top of the stands. He was most likely Rider, given the horse, but it wasn't outside the realm of possibility for a Saber to have a mount. Perhaps she would fire upon him and prove him a fool; no self-respecting Caster would lack the ability to strike at such a short range. But with Lancer(?) already on his way up, perhaps it was better to refrain.

What to do, what to do? With the first Berserker having fled, and Lancer challenging the other Servant as well, it was questionable how much more info she would be able to obtain, save for by watching the duel and hoping for a useful gleam of insight. Assassin was hardly likely to show theirself, and Archer's appearance was questionable when they could strike from afar. And with the final Servant (Saber or Rider) having yet to appear, it was entirely likely that they had decided against the invitation. Yet, chasing Berserker was unlikely to help much, and she didn't fancy challenging a Berserker at its full strength. Perhaps simply loitering here further was indeed best. Caster sighed, and pulled out a small paper bag. From within this bag, she extracted a long, thin, cylindrical creation. It was some manner of biscuit or cookie, partially coated in chocolate. A strange sort of snack, presumably of Caster's own invention, as one would certainly not find it in any local shops. But perhaps one day it would become popularized and sold to the masses. It made a delightful crunch when broken or bitten into, a sort of pokkin sound.

Edit: evidently Rider's been on a horse this whole time
alatartheblue42Mar 30, 2020 12:20 AM
Mar 30, 2020 12:12 AM

Apr 2013


Rider raised an eyebrow as the supposed Lancer started to speak again about some nonsense. Using his immense battle experience to sense that something was not right, he quickly repositioned his mount, preparing to flee.

"This is quite dangerous-oh, you're there, good." he said while looking towards the opposite stand, riding away to his left as Lancer jumped at him, attempting to dodge him completely with the speed of his mount. He would continue to ride around the stadium as suddenly, a hail of about ten arrows pelted the striking Lancer, coming from the opposite end of the stadium. Three aimed at his head, Three at his back, and one on each of his limbs. There stood another servant, looking identical to Rider. Bow in hand, he kept firing at Lancer. "Hmph"

Meanwhile, the first Rider would continue riding around the stadium to go towards the other Rider. If Lancer would follow him, then the other Rider would shoot another 5 arrows at Lancer to cover the first Rider, all aiming at his head, who aimed to regroup with the newly arrived one, galloping full speed ahead throw the stadium, taking the shortest path and wrecking the seats and bleachers as he did so.
HarukaMar 30, 2020 12:23 AM
Mar 30, 2020 12:05 PM

Nov 2015

As Lancer leaped to intercept the rider he noticed that his opponent was not looking at him for the briefest of moments. There was another presence, he twisted his head to look on the other side of the stadium. He shouted: "Imperator defendere Roma in gloria" -- if the rider was still within a reasonable reach, a sudden explosion of mana occured, manifesting as flames that would unnaturally shift Lancer's position, aligning itself with the rider so that his swing could have the possibility to connect anywhere in the backside of the rider (and ruining the aim on the hail of arrows). If the horse was faster, then instead the explosion would suddenly shift his trajectory downwards towards the stadium field; (OR) after his hit had connected he would blast off to the stadium field -- where he would crash down like a meteorite in both cases. "Accursed heathens. Should have known. Honorless dogs attempting to ambush -- me?*"

Lancer quickly rose up from the crater and the ground around him was burning in a holy fire, wilting away the grass regardless of the rain. And a holy radiance came from within his armor like he was a truly divine spirit. Or an angel. The servant appeared to also stand taller now. "As you can see. My fair lady. This is war. The longer it lasts, the more it consumes. If there truly exists a noble wish that rises from the ashes of war and retains it's innocence, justifying the trampling of other hearts and deaths of countless innocents. Then I shall stand behind it. You cannot justify actions based on that someone else would have done the same. If your wish is not selfless, then abandon this foolish quest and forfeit the war. We should all take responsibility for our own actions in good and in evil...**"

* & ** Assuming no interrupts.

As he addressed to the Caster that was rather close to him right now, he kept his eyes on the rider pair and joined up together, vapor and mist came from his armor as the water evaporated rapidly as it hit the ground around him and his armor. It would naturally slowly decline the visibility around him as there was an ample supply of water coming down, yet the heat was not receding from the water.
Inaru-samaMar 30, 2020 12:17 PM
Mar 30, 2020 3:47 PM
Mar 2016

Rider attempted to escape from Lancer's leap (with unknown success). Lancer revealed a powerful ability, quite possibly a Noble Phantasm. Rider also demonstrated that he was able to be in two places at once. Staying had definitely been a good choice, considering how much information she was acquiring. However, it seems like time had run out for remaining passive. Lancer spouted some egotistical nonsense, causing Caster to sigh and return her thermos and snack to her purse.

"Are you an idiot? No Servant is selfless. We are dead people who have returned to this world to have our wish granted. No matter how you may try to justify yourself, in the end, we are all here to obtain our selfish desire. You are no different from I, and I will not be preached to by a hypocrite. Now, if you will excuse me, I will remove my Master from the fight you are selfishly starting here with no concern for those who are still alive before I return to spectate."

With that said, she'd scoop up Ricardo (and her umbrella) in a princess carry and lightly run out of the stadium. She ran a fair distance away before [1]. Once that was taken care of, she'd return to the stadium alone and continue to monitor the fight, though from the top of the stands like Rider had done before, rather than standing in an enclosed space that was being destroyed.
Mar 31, 2020 9:16 AM

Dec 2011
Berserker's Master

At the hotel

"Perfect. Just great! Now Berserker ran away and I have nothing to gain for it! Great..."

"F-Father..." The young boy spoke up, "I really think you should be more worried about Berserker coming here. [1]"

"Oh? And why should I care? It wouldn't dare try and kill me epic foreshadowing so why should I care? Besides, I have the command seals, so it can't touch me!" Jackemo said, when the door suddenly burst inwards, and there stood Berserker in all its glory.

LondotheGreatMar 31, 2020 9:36 AM
Mar 31, 2020 9:35 AM
Aug 2014
Caster's Master Ricardo

For quite a long time, Ricardo just stood in the rain while watching the stadium getting destroyed left and right. All in all, his urge to play football here started to decrease the more the damage to the stadium started to increase. Was it really that bad for this stadium to get destroyed this much, or was it just a lingering desire that was dimming? He wasn't sure. Eventually, Caster carried him off somewhat making up for his lack of a steed like Rider had.

Right, having met the Servants, and having been ignored by them nearly entire, Ricardo figured it'd be better to just go with Casters suggestion of [1]. There was little fun to be had when you weren't able to be the knight in shiny armour, considering Lancer had already called dibs on enough armour to account for all Servants and Masters together.
Mar 31, 2020 9:39 AM

Dec 2011

Apr 1, 2020 11:39 PM

Dec 2015

Even under the harsh winds within this storm his words rang through clearly. His tone and the words themselves were like poison. Filled the arrogance of the man whom stood before them. The man whom believed in a meaning of the status that he had once obtained.

The term of an Imperator, that was something any servant could recognize easily, a term to order or to command from the Roman Empire. A term which held meaning as a ruler or a commander from the Roman Kingdom till the Roman Empire.

With his words spoken his intention had become clear as day. And it would become clear that this first night of the holy grail had yet to end. Rider grasped onto the reins of his horse, observing the minute changed in Lancer’s stance, to ready himself to dodge what came his way.

As with a charge that 'what' became clear, with only a few strides he lowered himself for but a second, putting his weight onto his knees. And with a release of force he brought himself forward in a spinning motion. Adjusting his spear in the few moments he was airborne, to wield it in a manner more befitting a sword missed its mark as Lancer twisted his sight to look towards the other end of the stadium and Rider grasped his opportunity.

Yet a retaliation was to come. As the strike missed its mark and the hail of arrows surged forward towards his position, with the intent to skewer lancer man began to flow outward at a rapid rate. With the utterance of the true name the release of a noble phantasm became clear. Becoming engulfed in an unnatural flame he shifted from the force of the initial explosion towards Rider in a final attempt to wound the man. Not having anticipated the occurrence Rider would be surprised as Lancer closed the gap he had made between them enough that the swing made its way across the back of Lancer could be reached even if not too deeply the wound was painful as it was seared from the heat of the flame. (-65 Health)

But given that Lancer did not give chase he would land in the center of the stadium once more from the force of the surge of flame and looked upon the two rider as they regrouped.
Apr 2, 2020 11:45 PM

Apr 2013


Rider grimaced as he felt a spear cut through his back. "How could one move with such speed? Is he simply that strong of a lancer? No... he chanted... it was a noble phantasm.." Realizing this, he seemingly smirked under his mask and simply continued riding with his wound, reaching the other Rider before nodding to each other.

The other Rider looked at the caster duo from above, then Lancer, before turning back with the other Rider and jumping off the stadium, leaving the place
Apr 3, 2020 12:25 AM

Nov 2015

Lancer observed that all the other servants left him. For a moment he took a throwing posture and gazed at the direction where the Riders went. "Hpmh.."

Lancer eased his shoulders and then gazed at his broken shoulder plate. With one hand he touched the wound and observed blood in his fingertips. "Oh?" He let out a low chuckle. "As was expected of Saber wielding the... Hmm?" Lancer stood there in the rain, dead center of the stadium. "Assassin!? Can you hear my words? I heard rumors that your kind hunts only for masters. Surely you would have a dance with a 'wounded' servant too? No? A shame." Lancer ran his index finger through the wound and cauterized it. It was as if the act itself caused him no pain. Rather one could even say he did not even realize that he had been injured before this moment.

Inaru-samaApr 3, 2020 12:29 AM
Apr 3, 2020 7:23 AM

Dec 2015

Observing the Olympic stadium from afar sat a lonesome figure on top of a slightly distant building. They wore a brown suit with a green tie that had been dampened by the downpour, their short black hair now slick and straight. Their appearance was quite young looking, making out to be within the early to mid twenties. A deep sigh came out from him. This individual was waiting on someone, and seeing as they had no manner of telling when they'd arrive really they simply sat in a bored state overlooking the stadium.

His eyes wandered to the binoculars that sat in his lap. ''I can't believe we got ripped off with these things so badly. I don't know how much we payed for them, but it certainly was too much.'' Though the individual whom had been ranting before suddenly grew quiet as his attention lied elsewhere. ''He is gonna be going on a little excursion? I barely can see with these things, what can you expect of me to make out here!? Oh whatever, I will fill in for him then. Not like he is missing out, it seems the action has begun to die down now and what we are assuming to be Lancer is screaming out something I think.. I can barely make anything out with these things. Oh seems like Caster has gone back inside and the two men on horses have begun to leave.''

As Lancer's words rang through he did not hear a apply, besides the winds. As he looked upon only Caster whom would have arrived back after the two horsemen had left the stadium to go elsewhere. Their presence could still be felt, but they were ''fleeing'' at quite a high speed.
Apr 22, 2020 9:54 AM
Mar 2016

Caster looked around at her surroundings and "tsk"ed. She was at a hotel, but calling it luxurious was impossible, no matter how you looked at it. They're definitely Berserker rather than Saber. Nobody would force a Saber to dwell in a place like this. Sighing again, she moved in on her destination and knocked on the door.... No answer. Well, she had tried to be polite. Caster faded back into her spirit form for a moment and slipped through the door, reforming her corporeal body on the far side. The interior looked just as she suspected from the outside; that is, it was hardly fit for a dignified Servant to live in. Caster poked around for a few minutes, but there was nothing of interest, just some clothes and whatnot. Also, more importantly, the people she was looking for weren't anywhere to be found either.

It was just about when she was finishing up her brief search that she felt an eruption of magical energy some distance to the north. Hmm, probably around Cuauhtémoc. She had a familiar in that area. Accessing said familiar, she moved it in for a closer look at the magic source, and promptly sighed. "Honestly, I go out of my way to come here, and there they are trying to attract attention somewhere else."

In Cuauhtémoc

A few minutes after they had sent up their magical beacon, Berserker and company would notice a young woman approaching their table. Beyond making a beeline for their table and appearing to be foreign for the area, there wasn't all that much notable about the woman. "Pardon me, sirs. My Mistress would like me to inform you that she awaits you at your current home." The woman would linger at the table in case Berserker and Co wanted to give her a reply.
Apr 22, 2020 10:46 AM
Mar 2016

Under the assumption that Berserker & Co knew where they were living, the woman that had approached them would depart after leaving the message, leaving the men to their own merry way.

Caster couldn't help but be mildly surprised when she heard the knock at her door. Why would someone knock at their own door? Especially when Caster could sense the presence of a Servant right outside too, so it was hardly like they were passing themselves off as room service. Well, anyway, "Enter!" Caster called out in a commanding voice. The sounds of the television playing news would also accompany her voice and reach Jackemo as he entered. He'd find Caster drinking from her vacuum flask and sitting seiza on a floor mat that she must've brought over herself, watching the television. "Please, do have a seat where you like."

If Berserker was still wearing their helmet, Caster would continue "Come now, you ought to remove your helmet. Concealing your face is generally considered impolite, but beyond that, how will you be able to eat?"

And regardless of whether Berserker's helmet had been on or off, Caster would pull out a small box and open it. Inside were six delectable-looking onigiri. It had been more than a minor pain to find nori over here in Mexico, but she had eventually done it. Now, (some of) the fruits of her labor sat before the group. "Please, go ahead," Caster said as she took one out herself and began to eat it delicately.
Apr 22, 2020 11:14 AM

Dec 2011
Berserker & his master

Jackemo was confused to see the Caster from yesterday making herself at home in her room, "Caster? Where's your master at?" Was she the mistress that the woman had told them about? A result of her legend, or just a normal person?

Berserker, on the other hand, decided to make itself at home, and crashed on one of the beds, arms behind its head, "I refuse. I have to keep my identity a secret."

Jackemo, on the other hand, walked up to the food that Caster had brought, and took one tentatively. After taking a bite to make sure it wasn't poisoned, and if it wasn't, he would continue to eat it. However, the son, who took a seat next to Berserker, not eating the food, as he already ate this morning and wasn't that hungry.

Jackemo finished off his onigiri, "Japanese dish, huh? Is that a clue towards your identity, or do you just enjoy riceballs?" And after brushing off his fingers on a nearby napkin, he asked, "Now, where is 'Ricardo', or rather, your master?"
Apr 22, 2020 12:07 PM
Mar 2016

Caster couldn't help but sigh a bit when Berserker refused to take off their helmet. "You know, you've gotten a second chance at life. You ought to enjoy yourself a bit more. Not everyone gets a chance to live again. Or try my onigiri, hehe." Jackemo would take a bite of an onigiri to test for poison. Perhaps not the safest method of testing, but it'd probably be effective. At any rate, he wouldn't notice any abnormalities in his body within the short time of taking a small bite, presumably swallowing, and then continuing. Caster continued to slowly and delicately eat away at her own, so Jackemo would probably be finished with his well before she with hers.

"Perhaps its a clue. Perhaps I just enjoy them. Who can say which is the truth? Other than me, of course." Caster chuckled lightly as she spoke, a soft smile growing on her face. "My Master is elsewhere, taking care of other matters. If you fear objections to our meeting, then rest assured, there will be none. My Master leaves decisions such as who should be fought up to me. I've come over here to meet with you and see what you are like. Are you worthy of being my ally, or will we simply be enemies? This discussion shall determine our future." Even as her speech turned more serious, her face retained the soft smile. Despite no physical change in her facial muscles, the smile seemed different. It was no longer the delicate smile of a girl playing word games, but the devilish smile of a strategist's poker face.
Apr 22, 2020 8:55 PM

Dec 2011
Berserker & his master

Jackemo listened intently to the conversation, then

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