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Feb 4, 2017 4:05 PM

Dec 2016

The river that surrounds the castle is very deep and wide. When rping, you take a boat to the castle entrance
Sakura_megamiFeb 15, 2017 7:52 AM
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Feb 9, 2017 10:20 PM

Dec 2016
Sakura de la Luna

Sakura traveled a very long way to Berry Island, but that didn't bother her, since the island was beautiful. She was definitely looking forward to staying here and living the luxurious life. She saw a boat with a person standing next to it. From the looks of it, he was a butler. "He must be giving me a ride to the castle. That boat is huge, I wonder if more people will be on it Sakura made her way over to the boat
Feb 9, 2017 11:15 PM

Feb 2017
Jesa Necticielo

So, this is the choice but to cross by water, I suppose. Not that that's a bother at all, this place looks amazing. These were the first thoughts that Jesa had, admiring the scenery and castle of Berry island. Though the place itself was of course interesting and valuable, it was not the thing that Jesa was most interested in here. That would be the queen Yui, or at least who Jesa considered the queen, and she would not listen to those who said otherwise. Her thoughts were interrupted by the need to get on a boat and get there as soon as possible.
"Excuse me," These words Jesa would murmur multiple times as she made her way to the nearest boat, a faint apologetic smile on her face for all who she had almost bumped into, which were quite a numerous amount. Upon actually getting on a boat, paying any fares required, she would see a woman on the same boat as her. With her hair and eyes a beautiful shade of blue, and her clothing, the woman was certainly attractive, but that is not what gained Jesa's attention so quickly. No, it was the woman's wings, indicating that she was an angel. She hadn't seen many angels before, but this one in particular struck her as having some importance. Perhaps it was her clothing, maybe her appearance, or maybe even the simple reason that Jesa was without better thing to do, but she wanted to interact with her. "You're going to serve queen Yui as well, I presume? Is that correct?" Was Jesa's attempt at striking up a conversation. Looking at the swords at Jesa's sides, and her use of "as well", it could easily be guessed that Jesa was indeed going to serve the queen. This was little more than a wild guess that Jesa was making, but it did seem to make sense to her, who didn't see angels around often. Her tone was friendly, and she made sure not to make even the slightest gesture of hostility.
Feb 10, 2017 7:48 AM

Dec 2016
Sakura de la Luna

As Sakura made her way to the boat, a thought hit her. It hit her like a lightning strike that would come out of no where. "duh, I can just fly to the castle.." Sakura looked up at the beautiful blue sky, it was certainly perfect for flight. She was approached by a boy, no a girl. Despite having short hair and a butler like outfit on, the person was definitely female. She was a pretty girl with a boy like appearance. "Yes, I am. Although my loyalty lies with the current king, he has ordered me to protect princess Yui so I now have vowed to give my life to protect her. Are you excited to meet the queen? Or perhaps you just want all the luxury that comes with serving, princess Yui?" Sakura was a bit attracted to this girl and wanted to find out more about her. More to the point, that she decided to not fly to the castle. Sakura was going to get on the boat and talk to her and maybe some others. This was going to be her new home after all.
Feb 10, 2017 8:27 AM

Sep 2016
Raiores Dragryder

rai arrived when he did he saw that the castle was surrounded by seemed that the only way to get there was by swimming or by a boat so he sighed and was about to h mo in the water when he noticed a boat.oh,a boat. he said as with a face Palm and continued with a smile glad I noticed that before it's too late. he then walked to the boat and as he did be looked around and saw two girls and one had wings.He approached them and asking hey,you two work here?I'm raiores but you can call me Rai.who are you two?
Feb 10, 2017 9:50 AM

Dec 2016
Sakura de la Luna

As Sakura was talking to the girl, a boy approached them. Guess that they really stood out since he decided to talk to them out of all the people that where there. The boy introduced himself as Raiores and asked for their names. Sakura then realized that she had not introduced herself to the girl, nor did she know her name. "My name is Sakura de la Luna. It is nice to meet you both" She bowed her head as a polite gesture to the both of them. She then looked at the girl, in hopes that she would also say her name. "Guess we are all on the same side, so why don't we try to get along. What brings you here Rai?"
Feb 10, 2017 9:58 AM

Sep 2016
Raiores Dragryder

The girl introduced herself as sakura and asked why he works as a knight.well,i was naturally the strongest in my friends and I couldn't help but think why I was born with such strength so I tranined for a while to get even stronger and decided to use it for something useful so I became a soldier 3 years ago and got promoted to become as a knight. he answered and then continued by asking how about you?what brings you here?
Feb 10, 2017 2:34 PM

Dec 2016
Sakura de la Luna

"haha, I hope that being the strongest didn't impact your ego" She said with a smirk and giggling a bit. "I was sent here by the king himself to protect Yui. So I swore my loyalty to her. I'll have you know that I also am one of the strongest here. It kinda runs in the family"


A handsome young man approached the three that were talking. "hello there, you three. I am one of princess Yui's butlers and I will be your guide for the day. Please step aboard the boat and feel free to ask me any questions you may have."
Feb 10, 2017 2:48 PM

Sep 2016
Raiores Dragryder

one of the strongest here huh?wanna fight? he said but before he could finish someone interrupted.the man introduced himself as a butler if yui's and asked wether or not they had any questions.well,what's your name?and I've never been here before can ya show me the place?I think the same goes for you too.right,sakura?
Feb 10, 2017 3:09 PM

Feb 2017
Jesa Necticielo

"I'm Jesa, It's nice to meet you both." Jesa would say, at least wanting to introduce herself while Sakura and the boy, Rai, who had approached them spoke. Her words had sincerity to them, she was truly glad to meet more followers of the queen. She would listen in on their conversation in a way that was clearly not meant to be secretive, as they didn't seem to be talking about anything too private. One of Yui's butlers showed up as well, and Rai asked for his name. Though Jesa was not particularly interested in that she had nothing else to say an so she kept silent.
Feb 10, 2017 3:21 PM

Dec 2016
Sakura de la Luna

The girl introduced herself as Jesa, right after rai decided to challenge her to a fight. "I will accept your challenge for some other time. It is a bit rude to just fight here, ya know?" Sakura took her first step into the boat, "come on guys, let's go. Also I don't have any questions, mr butler"
Feb 10, 2017 3:28 PM

Sep 2016
Raiores Dragryder

The butler didn't tell him his name and he would ask again but sakura said that she's might fight him later making him forget to ask again.ok,I'll beat you then.why don't you fly there,sakura? he asked as he got on the boat
Feb 10, 2017 3:35 PM

Feb 2017
Jesa Necticielo

Jesa stepped onto the boat as she was told to, listening to Sakura refuse to fight here, it did seem like a good idea to wait for that, they were on a boat after all, it probably wouldn't make for a good fight. "So, you two are some of the strongest? You know what, I don't doubt that one bit for some reason. I also don't doubt that you could fly there if you wanted to Sakura." She said, smiling and with a tone of playfulness in her voice and look of honesty in her eyes. Sakura did indeed seem strong, and considering that Rai was a knight he must be as well. Jesa did hope that this wasn't just a bluff, while she didn't consider herself strong she wouldn't brag about it even if she was, much less as she was now. Sakura did seem like she could fly, having wings and all, but Jesa wouldn't push the question too much.
Feb 10, 2017 3:43 PM

Sep 2016
Raiores Dragryder

Jesu told them that she doesn't doubt their strength making him wonder about how strong she is so he asked.what about you,Jesu?are you strong?if you are then may be I can fight you too one day
Feb 10, 2017 4:02 PM

Feb 2017
Jesa Necticielo

"Strong? Well, that depends entirely on what you consider strong, but I'd be glad to fight you anyways. " Jesa replied, meaning it. Perhaps she wasn't considered strong, but if Rai was a knight then maybe their strength was in the same general area. Regardless, she's be willing to fight Rai someday, it was good practice, though Jesa often practiced it was rarely with other people.
Feb 10, 2017 5:31 PM

Dec 2016
Sakura de la Luna

"well if I fly over there, then I wouldn't be able to talk to either of you and that would not be so fun. There is a time and place for everything. When the time comes, we can take turns facing each other. That would be some good training, as a matter of fact. Are you guys looking forward to trying out any of the food here?"


"I will gladly show you guys around, just leave it to me. This ride to the castle will take around 15 minutes. Once we are there, I'll give you a tour of the castle" Sebastian bowed his head while looking at all of them. "well, I must take my leave now, my name is Sebastian" With that, he made his way over to the front of the boat and started to drive it to the castle.
Feb 10, 2017 5:52 PM

Sep 2016
Raiores Dragryder

The butler introduced himself as Sebastian and left.see ya around,Sebastian he said to Sebastian as he was leaving and after he left sakura that they could fight later which made him a little excited about it but he got a lot more excited when she mentioned food.he smiled and said in excitement I sure am.I mean who wouldn't?she is the princess so she must have a good amount of food.don't you think?
Feb 10, 2017 6:43 PM

Feb 2017
Jesa Necticielo

"Food sounds great, and I think Rai agrees. I'm looking forward to it." Jesa said, commenting Rai's completely undisguised eagerness to eat with a smile. Food is always a good thing to have. Jesa thought, she knew the value that food could have and all, and though she wasn't one to overeat she definitely had a liking to many types of it. She herself had never gone without food, especially with her power, but she did understand that it was a privilege to have such easy access to food, and that was a privilege that she enjoyed having very much.
Feb 10, 2017 10:08 PM

Dec 2016

After 15 minutes, the boat had arrived to the other side. They were face to face with the huge castle. Sebastian was the first to get off the boat and step foot into land. "Alright guys, we are here. Since you all love to fight so much, I know exactly the place to show you" he said this while specially looking at Raiores. "btw, do any of you know how to ride a horse. I mean it is a basic skill but I am forced to ask it"

Sakura de la Luna

Sakura followed right behind Sebastian, "I am not that good at riding a horse but I can use my wings to get me about anywhere." Sakura could only hope that the two of them knew how to ride horses since she couldn't really carry someone.
Feb 11, 2017 5:16 AM

Sep 2016
Raiores Dragryder

He got if the boat after Sebastian and as he did Sebastian told them that he'll take them to a place where they can fight and where is that,bro? he asked excitedly and before he could finish it Sebastian asked wether they can ride horses well,I never tried it before but it can't be that hard.well,can it?If I couldn't ride a horse I can always just run
Feb 11, 2017 1:26 PM

Feb 2017
Jesa Necticielo

"Yes, that I do. " Jesa answered to the question of if she could ride a horse. In all her years training, it was a skill she had picked up rather quickly, as it was practically necessary where she had been. She hoped that Rai could learn quick, else it might be a hard time for him. Sakura's flight had to be a useful skill to have, as she mentioned that she could just fly there.
Feb 11, 2017 2:04 PM

Dec 2016

"ok, for today's sake, Jesa, Can you please let Rariores ride in the same horse as you" He went and got two beautiful white horses. if Jessa would agree and give Rai a ride then he would get on his horse and lead the 3 of them to the training field. If Jesa did not agree then he would let rai get on the back of his horse.

Sakura de la Luna

Sakura spread her wings and took of into the air, "I will be up here, if you need me" She would follow them to the taining ground and leavethe castle entrance
Feb 13, 2017 1:18 PM

Dec 2011

Luca arrived at the entrance of the castle, looking at it. It wasn't really awe that he felt, but more like jealousy. Or more in the form of hate. Though he didn't have a grudge against the Royal Family, he just loathed the rich. He's always gotten into contact with the 'rotten apples' after all. Luca sighed, bracing himself for what he might find in the castle. He just wanted to ask the ruler of this place something, nothing personal, but of importance.
Feb 14, 2017 2:36 PM

Mar 2014

Setsu fined out Yui-sama went to berry island and she went after her.. she wanted to surwe her no mater was. she was not a good warier nor had powers was making her solder stronger, but the only thing what she could do is to Heal Yui-sama's people by her herbs, massages and knolage how to heal other. as Setsu stand in front of a castle she started getting nervouse.. she was gona see a person who saved her so she take a deep breath and smiled "i can do it" she said but now she was lost.. should she cnock on the door or just walk in
Feb 14, 2017 10:35 PM

Dec 2016
Setsu and Luka had a great side of the castle, there only problem was that there was a river separating them from the castle. It was deep and long and the only way to get their is by boat. Luckily for them, there was a huge boat and a maid right in front of them. It seemed as if the maid was awaiting for their arrival. Ecaise she was looking at the both of them.

Feb 15, 2017 2:46 AM

Mar 2014

Setsu noticed a boat near the river and a maid was looking at her as Setsu walk to this maid and bow a little "hello there... can you take me on other side of the river? i want o meet Yui-sama.. well it's not meet i mean i want to surve her"she said and smiled as waited Maid's reply
Feb 15, 2017 3:10 AM

Dec 2011

Luca noticed someone else arriving and waiting to get to the castle. She seemed nervous, but didnt take notice of Luca. But it is fine, he wasn't here to make friends. As the maid arrived on the boat Luca waited. But the maid also waited. She seemed to be here for their arrival. Luca sighed and walked up the boat, after the girl. He sat down, it not paying too much attention to others. He was careful, but that was all. He didn't need to make friends.
Feb 15, 2017 3:20 AM

Mar 2014

suddanly a boy walk after her on boat.. would this boy be on Yui's side? he looked sacary... and he was not talking as Setsu stand near maid as she was scared of him... mostly she is scarred of all males.. but he looked scary too *what to do what to do?* she was thinking hiding maid's back :D
Feb 15, 2017 8:16 AM

Nov 2015
Erika Ashton

Erika dashed to the ferry by the bank and only after she had reached it, she sighed in relief. Erika's forehead and clothes were drenched in sweat and the girl was panting heavily. She'd jump on the boat before it could depart.

She didn't say a word and instead she'd just try to use a small towel and comb to fix her face and hair but after all the running she looked like a mess.
Feb 15, 2017 8:36 AM

Dec 2016
Saya Usagi

Just about the time that she was about to depart, A handsome girl rushed towards the boat, being soaked wet and managed to board just in time. "p..p.. prince" was the only words she could say as she was mesmerized by the handsome young person that boarded. She had a prince like aura. Saya blushed while looking at saya but she knew that the only ruler for her was yui. Still.. She developed a crush on Erika. She couldn't stop looking at Erika but she then looked at setsu and at Luka, "Hiya guys, I will be your guide for today. I a one of princess yui's maids and I will be showing you 3 around the castle. We will end in the throne room. This is where you will meet the princess, Yui. Any questions??? Also if you want, I can help you get dry, miss" Saya said the last part blushing while looking at Erika.
Sakura_megamiFeb 15, 2017 9:06 AM
Feb 15, 2017 9:03 AM

Nov 2015
Erika Ashton

(I guess she really is a 'Prince'.. Thats what you get for looking like Utena :D)

Erika bowed before Saya. "Thank you, miss." She looked her into eyes, placing her index finger underneath Saya's chin. Before gently sliding her hand up to Saya's cheek.

"Could you be so kind and help me with my hair, please - miss?" She left that question hanging so that it could've been also a question about Saya's name.

Knowing that Erika might've flustered Saya she'd pull her hand back, with a sweet but charming and strong smile on her face. Erika's hairband had gotten bit loose. In addition to the sweat.
Feb 15, 2017 9:13 AM

Dec 2011

The girl seemed to be cautious about Luca, hiding behind the maid. Luca sighed, maybe he should lighten up his face a little. If the royal family thought of him as an enemy, he'd be in trouble. He would have less clients as well.

Another person got onto the boat, a quick glance would make you think that they were a male. But upon closer inspection you could find the feminine features. Luca sighed, seeing the maid fawn over the new arrival.

The maid introduced herself and explained about what would happen today. There were no questions from Luca, so he just nodded. Only to see the maid and the new arrival flirting.
Feb 15, 2017 9:14 AM

Dec 2016
(yeah, she looks like a prince. Your making me want to make Saya in the character sheet just to ship her with Erika @.@)


Saya felt Erica's hand slide up her face to her cheek, Erica's touch was soft and warm. She felt like just melting in Erika's arms. Her touch was making her forget about setsu and Luka and her current job. The only thing on her mind right now was Erika. This girl had such a strong presence that it made her seductively dangerous. "My name is Saya Usagi. It is a pleasure to meet you. what is your name?" Saya took a towel and stated to slowly dry, Erika's hair. She took advantage of the situation and started to cares it as she dried it. "You have such beautiful hair."
Feb 15, 2017 9:36 AM

Nov 2015
Erika Ashton

(Is it greedy to desire multiple ships... XD)

"My name is Lady Ashton. But you may call me Erika - Miss Saya. There is no need to be formal in here." She seemed to not have any interest in titles either.

"I fear I might've been expected a few hours ago. I am terribly sorry for being so tardy. I can't disgrace my father any more than what I have already." she didn't seem to mind that her hair was being toyed in addition for fulfilling her request.

She looked at the other two for a moment before sighing. "I'm sorry, if I may seem insolent but I think we are ready to depart?"

If Saya was going to operate the boat, Erika would've insisted that she would instead.
Feb 15, 2017 10:14 AM

Dec 2016

"I do not mind calling you lady Erika because it suits you to well to not call you that." After drying Erika's hair, she placed the towel in bucket and smiled. "There, is all dried now. Do not worry about your tardiness, this can be a secret that flows away with the wind and gets forgotten. Well I better go and drive this boat" All that Saya wanted to do was spend time with Erika but she was brought back to her senses when Erica looked at Setsu and Luka. S"Ill be back" She started to walk towards the Driving part of the boat (XD)
Feb 15, 2017 10:21 AM

Mar 2014

Setsu looked at them.. a maid was acting really strange.. and there was a girl... but was called as a pronce as she was lost in her thoughts.. but this was disgasting for her "h-hello?" she said and looked at Maid Saya and Erika "wh-why are you flirting with etch other? oh..sorry it's not my bussines.. i am so sorry for asking it" as Setsu got blushed still hiding on Maid's back
Feb 15, 2017 11:16 AM

Nov 2015
Erika Ashton

Erika looked at the blushing shy girl. "Sorry, if I have confused you. Erika would try to pat Setsu's head.

"No need to be shy, what is your name miss?" She'd smile at Setsu.
Feb 15, 2017 11:45 AM

Mar 2014

Erika try to pet Setsu as she moved a little away, even thought Erika was not a male she still asked "i am Setsu... i am not scared of you.. but why are you so prince like? are not you a girl?" she asked and did not get she was rude.. but after this she get it was rude and smiled and bow at same time "sorry i was rude again"
Feb 15, 2017 12:11 PM

Nov 2015
Erika Ashton

Erika closed her eye smiling brightly: "It is alright. My father did teach me to be a fine lady, but I guess the clothes and my face fit me better, than a prince. And don't worry about it. I think you should take it out for real princes that even a girl can do it better than boys." She'd wink her one eye at Setsu and pat the sheathed rapier by her hip.
Feb 15, 2017 12:15 PM

Mar 2014

Setsu looked at her and smiled, it was not as scarry as it looked like at first "well i thonk you are pretty... and if you put some other cloth like a dress you would be super cute and at same time sexy too... well if you want to be sexy" she said and smiled "i can see you are knight.. i wish i could be strong too.. then i could protect Yui-sama too... but i am bad at fightings...but i really wish i can be good in it"
Feb 15, 2017 2:13 PM

Nov 2015
Erika Ashton

Erika got a faint blush on her cheeks, but it was hard to know, if it was due to the physical exercise. "Thank you miss Setsu. I promise there'll be time in the castle to see me dressed up too. And you can protect Yui-sama on your own way, support her the best you can, okay?"

She wound press her palm against her own chest: "To be strong, you need to be strong in here. If you're strong in your heart, you can accomplish anything."

After this, Erika would look back at Saya who was driving the boat, she had intended to take off that chore off from Saya but Setsu interrupted Erika's original intentions.
Feb 15, 2017 5:28 PM

Dec 2016

Saya was quick to get them to the other side, will it was a normal 15 minute ride, she made it to the other side in around 10 minutes. "Alrighty! we are here. Land sweet land.but, erika is much much sweeter" Saya blushed at the thought as she made herself towards the others. Erika and Setsu seemed to be getting along just fine but Luka was all alone. Luka probably was the type that would rather stay alone. She couldn't help but feel bad for him. In the end, she was in charge of the 3, so she wanted them to get along and hopefully become friends. "Alrighty, Erika, Luka, setsu, are you guys ready to go explore the castle? Do you guys know how to ride a horse?"

Feb 15, 2017 8:14 PM

Dec 2016

Yui Berry

Yui was both ecstatic and shocked that he had taken her proposition. guess she expected it to be more challenging since most things in life aren't handed to her on a silver platter. then again, she is a candidate for queen and that was kinda handed to her. "I think my life has taken a turn for the better, maybe when we get to the castle we can get a couple of drinks, to celebrate a bright future. Well, my castle is on an island so, hope you don't get seasick or anything" Yui and Arvius traveled by horse until they got to the sea, then they took a boat to the island. They traveled by land again until they got to the entrance of the castle. Now the only thing separating them was a long and deep river. "So what do you think about my castle?"

Feb 15, 2017 11:39 PM

Dec 2011

Luca didn't pay a lot of attention to te flirting trio, and just silently took the torment. He didn't have a lot of choice, if he wanted to cross these waters. So.. he waited..

Until they got to the island. The maid asked if they were ready. Luka got off the boat, when she asked if they knew how to ride a horse. He nodded, and if she didn't see it, he would just say "Yeah.".
Feb 16, 2017 12:35 AM
Oct 2015
Pyralis Ignitus

Pyralis stood at the riverside admiring the castle on the other side. Originally he had been worried that he would have to swim across the river, luckily he noticed a few other people board a boat headed towards the castle. Not wanting to mingle with others he waited until they left. Now he walked to the riverside waiting for the boat to return. Maybe it may have been a better idea to go along with the others but there was no point regretting that now. While waiting he revised over what he as going tell the queen and checked over his gear. Dual blades sharpened, knives hidden, flames still as hot as ever, he was in top condition.
Feb 16, 2017 12:57 AM

Dec 2011
Lorak Bloodfang

A quite big figure came from the woods, blood dripping from it's teeth. It's eyes small, but focused and the shadows covered it's silhoutte. Slowly, it walked away from the trees that protected its body details from being seen. Slightly it marched forwards, seemingly tired from it's previous hunt.

The blood dripping from it's fangs had created a trail. It warned all about the predator that was walking around. Wiping off the blood from its face, it kept walking forwards. Until he finally stepped out of the shadows, revealing... a man with bald head.

Upon arriving in front of the waters that separated him and the castle, Lorak looked around to find a boat or anything that could transport him over it. If not, he wouldnt mind swimming the distance. He could use some more workout.

There was someone else at the riverside, and Lorak went over to greet him. Maybe he knew about a way to get to the castle. "Hello, stranger!", a deep voice, yet somehow reassuring, came out of Lorak's mouth, "Do you happen to know how one gets across without swimming?". If the stranger didn't know, Lorak would shake his head. Then took a deep breath, then trying to figure out if there were any creatures in the river.
Discount66Feb 16, 2017 1:01 AM
Feb 16, 2017 1:17 AM
Oct 2015
Pyralis Ignitus

The sudden shout surprised the boy causing him to jump backwards, nearly falling into the river. A large figure had appeared before him, to think such large creatures existed in the outskirts of the castle. Pyralis placed his hands on the swords at his sides, ready to slay such a beast, but wait, it was just a bald man. The boy's hands moved away from the blades at his sides and he gave a greeting to the man. He had nearly killed a random person...again.

As to answer the man's question, Pyralis pointed towards a boat floating on the river.

It would seem that someone else was also headed towards the castle, though Pyralis would have preferred going by himself, he didn't want to waste anymore time waiting. Anyway this man didn't seem like too much of threat.
Feb 16, 2017 1:37 AM

Nov 2015
Erika Ashton

Erika gave out a smile at Erika's enthusiasm. "I think I am just fine, Saya-chan." Her voice was filled with confidence and self-esteem. "I am quite versed in equestrianism. I can take care of those majestic animals. Her smile turned bit brighter.

Erika would keep up a posh posture as she walked onwards.
Feb 16, 2017 2:59 AM

Oct 2016
Joshua Nefiar

After a long journey Joshua arrived at the Berry Island. The sun was hiding behind clouds and the atmosphere was gloomy. The whole Island was surrounded by water. He was looking for a way to get to the castle. Suddenly he noticed there's a boat. As he walked toward the boat, he saw a maid. "Probably a castle maid", he mumbled to himself. As he walked toward the girl...
Feb 16, 2017 3:18 AM

Dec 2011
Lorak Bloodfang

It seems that Lorak had scared the man, whom instinctively jumped backwards, putting his hand on his blade's hilt, ready to strike. But he seemed to calm down once he noticed Lorak standing there. "Haha! Is it that surprising to see a bald head?".

The stranger pointed at a boat in the river, and it seems that they had missed their ride. Loak let out a deep breath, looking at the castle. "I see, that is a shame.". Unsure what he should do, and not really being in a hurry, Lorak stood there, arms crossed, as he waited on the boat to come pick them up.
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