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Nov 12, 2014 9:59 PM

Feb 2010
General Knowledge:
After the revolution 100 years ago a Council was set up to put a check on the new Minister and prevent him from growing corrupt or selfish. This Council is elected by the people and made up of eight influential members, with a single member being elected every year, although it is entirely possible for an current member to be re-elected. The Minister chosen to restore the Empire died thirty years ago and has since been replaced by his son who is said to be far less capable as a ruler. Despite many laws made to keep a solid middle class, the space between nobility and the slums is only growing larger and taxes have inflated greatly. Many rumors say that all the money collected is staying with the Minister as he neglects his citizens. Recently many Council members have been running their campaigns with the claim that they will end the Minister's selfish acts and give the money back to the people.

Revolutionary Army Intel:

Empire Intel:
Reply Disabled for Non-Club Members
Nov 13, 2014 1:27 AM

Apr 2011
The light tapping of footsteps were the only sounds that echoed through the halls of the Council Chambers. Kazutora, a bastard son of one of the ministers of a powerful city allied with the Capital, was walking through the hallways leading up to the Council Chambers. He had just returned from an important mission not long ago, and he found himself increasingly anxious. It bothered him to stay idle, and so he was often willing to take on any job that came his way.

Rounding the corner, Kazutora arrived outside the grand doors leading to the Council Room. He heaved a sigh, closed his eyes, and took a deep breath. After standing there for what seemed like hours, a guard opened the door.

"The Council will see you now," he said in a gruff voice. He swung the door wide, and Kazutora entered.


Stepping into the room, Kazutora kept his head low. When he reached the center of the room, he knelt down on one knee and spoke.

"The mission in the far Eastern Sector was successful. The nomadic tribes that were considering rebellion against the Empire have been...taken care of. As it was a mission performed solo, the Empire suffered no losses, only increased in gains."
QuakeUPSBNov 13, 2014 2:20 PM
My Anaconda dont want none unless you've got a brain, class, and aren't acting like a total hoe.~

Nov 13, 2014 8:16 AM

Jan 2013
Looking on from a observation balcony Lieutenant Hono yawns briefly but keeps it low enough to not distrub the proceadings, she was here mostly at the request of a few ministers that brought her here on request, she trusted them unlike the vast majority, most of them were from rural parts of the Empire or Families that had more honour than brains as some would say...but once she had cause and knew who to trust.. "Heh. The Fire will purge all. Isn't that Right Freya?" Moving her hand along the patch she rubs the burning eye that demanded a high price from her. In part she was still a bit resentful of her demotion to Lieutenant from Captain, but it was the best way to keep some of the councils less honourable members happy...she would rise again she was sure.

Lowering her hand to the Katana kept at her waist she stands at stiff attention as befitting a guards regulations as a man addressed as Kazutora enters the room, and starts a debreifing. Kasaki would have to talk with this assassin at some point. If only to see the type of man he was.

(someone else is doing the npcs yes?)
RedArmyShogunNov 13, 2014 12:50 PM
Nov 13, 2014 5:21 PM

Feb 2010
(Yeah, of course since the other council members haven't been made yet I'm just gonna pretend only quiet ones are present at the moment, and play Cornelius.)

"Oh yes, yes! Very good Kazutora!" Corneilus clapped joyously and turned his large grin towards the other Council members, although as usual several were absent at the moment attending to their own matters. "Those barbarians are just so dangerous when they can't understand the demands of civilized society, they go around killing indiscriminately! It's crazy really." The large man shook his head and frowned at the lack of understanding the nomads had, but suddenly perked up. "Well, on the bright side taking their treasures will help the economy and save our poor hungry citizens. We'll send some scouts to pick up anything valuable and bury the bodies. May they rest in peace!" Cornelius gave out a cheerful laugh and looked at the other members present, then faced Kazutora again.

"You know you really have proven your competence my boy. I'd be most relieved if you'd join me on an outing today as security detail. You know how we Council members are always targeted by some more corrupt noble or misled citizen. How does that sound, yes?"
Nov 13, 2014 9:16 PM

Dec 2011
"A pity you have been demoted to mere guard duty." A female voice, both somewhat raspy and slightly distorted due to the breathing apparatus covering half of her face. After commenting, she looked down from the balcony to see Kazutora making his report as well as the fellow member of the council known as Corneilus being highly amused by the results. Valeria herself scoffed at the sight. She wasn't exactly a fan of her supposed colleague.

"Why hello, Lieutenant. Having a fair day?" The Sybil family's top servant, known as Sebastian questioned politely in an equally distorted tone, due to him wearing a similar rebreather to his mistress. He as well gave a slight bow to her before looking down to the council as well.

"Have they been speaking of anything prosperous or merely the slaughter of meagre tribesmen of no necesity to us?" Valeria questioned the girl once more. She probably shouldn't have even come. Not only were military affairs not her forte, but her condition was quite unruly today as well, and it showed as she entered a short coughing fit after questioning the new Lieutenant. "Sebastian, when we leave go acquire a change in my prescription. The current medication is losing its affect again..." She order, coughing once more after she did so.

"Of course, Mistress." Sebastian answered immediately with a nod. "Right when we leave."
Nov 13, 2014 9:49 PM

Jan 2013
Kasaki knows who the woman is at once. "Well someone has to be the cat that watches the mice...more so one that likes to make nice speeches." Bit acidly she says the last bit while motioning with her head.

Nodding in a kurt military fashion she speaks. "Yes, just more tribesmen getting unrulely..its nice they mention the coffers while forgeting the excesse of some is what sends them into these moronic freenzies..but the last time I mentioned that we dare give them breathing space.." Motioning at her collar she shrugs. "Though if this keeps up I'll be back at the front..and then I'll get my rank back and more.." Her eye like a dagger she overlooks the ministers untill she hears Sybil's coughs.

"Sebastian, if you do not mind my saying, then allow me to accompany you two...afterall I am here to guard the council. Accidents have been prone as of late..and should attempts be made I have ways of making people talk." Looking at the minister she smiles a little sadisticly. "Besides..I assume we have something to talk on of a mutial interest.." While a soldier, she was also a member of the Aristocracy, such topics and duties were meerly just another day for her.
Nov 13, 2014 10:17 PM

Dec 2011
Valeria sighed at her answer. "I assumed as much. Is it not humorous, though, that their reactions differ depending on who is the suggesting it? It matters not to them if it is logical, only the status matters. A soldier suggests it, they are out of place and it is foolish. If I were to suggest it they would dance around the idea much more carefully however... Though I doubt even my words would reach their logic." She commented, scoffing again at the sight before turning to face the two.

Sebastian looked at Kasaki questioningly before closing his eyes and shrugging. "The decision remains with my Mistress. I am simply a materialization of her will." He answered, looking over to Valeria.

"Something to speak of... do we? Mm.... I-" Valeria was cut off by yet another coughing fit, however this one much more violent. It even caused her to practically double over. Sebastian had to hurry over and help her up as the fit eased. As she regained her composure, still breathing somewhat heavily. "...I suppose that would do... I do not think that I can remain much longer without new medication regardless... Let us depart." She agreed, nodding slightly to Sebastian as a sign that she could stand on her own once more and was alright, to which he stepped back and bowed slightly in response.
Nov 13, 2014 10:45 PM

Jan 2013
"Hmm they only seem to like or listen to me when killing is needed. Least I have some sense unlike the empires old pet female." Shrugging a bit at the rest she nods solemly. "Well..I never have been one to mince my words..more so to these..fine ministers."

Looking at her in slight concern She steps over to Sebastian as she leads them off. "Her condition is worsening?..I could send for my family orderly if its of use.." She knew somewhat the womans condition, but she also needed her alive till the Empire could be stabelized. So the womans health was a cause of concern to her. Waiting for his response she doesn't want to shrink from her duties and speaks up so that Syble doesen't get too watchful.

"Mind you I care not to speak of any plots, I follow the laws of the Empire, and see stability as needed. The simple fact is I think I can speak with you on matters of the Empire and not have to deal with political double talk..or rather we may have information for one another. But enough of that for now, lets get you to your estate in one peice shall we?" As she takes the least slightly with the Butler she notices guards taking note of passage, though most of them seemed to have some respect for her at least.

Fingering at her eye patch she sighs heavily. "I may have the better health, but you likely have the better looks my friendly Minister." In part this was both sincere and to throw off any that are listening in rather than doing their duties as they walk the halls.
Nov 13, 2014 11:07 PM

Dec 2011
Looking to Hono, Sebastian simply gives a very small nod as he closed his eyes. "Unfortunately... that would not be of any help. Mistress's sickness is nearly unheard of... and incurable. I'm afraid all we can do is delay it through the use of expensive medication... and even with that we must continue to switch and cycle through prescriptions periodically." He answered her honestly. "I personally hope that by delaying it we are able to give more time to those researching such illnesses... but not many are holding their breaths... the Mistress included."

Valeria had a hunch of what they spoke up, but didn't interrupt. She knew she wasn't getting any better and the chances of a medical breakthrough happening were slim at best if you were the hopeful type. As Kasaki spoke to her again, she nodded in response. "Yes... please speak freely and blatantly in my presence. I'm no fan of beating around the bush."

Hearing her compliment, Valeria sighs. "Such flattery is unnecessary... and unrealistic. My looks do not outrank yours in the slightest." She answered bluntly.

"You should not think so lowly of your own appearance, Mistress." Sebastian commented, getting a scoff from Valeria which caused him to chuckle slightly. As they began growing closer to the exit of the hall, there stood a few men with similar rebreathers equipped, the sign of servants of the Sybil family. "The Mistress requires her next prescription. Retrieve it and deliver it back to us at the estate." He ordered the two, getting little to no response as they simply left to follow said command.
Nov 13, 2014 11:22 PM

Jan 2013
"Gods be damned.." Letting out an annoyed Sigh she whispers back to Sebastian. "The Hono family is always willing to assist. The Empire needs those that will do what must be done."

Laughing a bit at that she shrugs. "Hmm white hair and red only when your other eye looks like its on fire tends to turn people off more than you would think." Thinking on matters she waits till the servents are away, and doublly sure no would be spies are around.

"To speak frankly while we wait for your ride, I still have men in my old units loyal to me..the rates at which these uprisings are happening, I think we both draw the same conclussions, both the why it is happening, and what it will lead to. To think the day would come yet again." Remarking on it a bit she laughs slightly. "The more we what of the political and finace end..some funds on our end are..turning up missing."

(hmm I'm going should have couple hours ago playing vaklryie chronicals, see yah, feel free to take this where ever or down what path you thinks most interesting.)
Nov 13, 2014 11:40 PM

Dec 2011
Sebastian smiled at that, even though it could not be seen. "I am grateful for your concern of my Mistress." He thanked her with a nod before calling for the horse-drawn carriage which pulled, yet again someone with a rebreather holding the reins. He opened the door and stepped aside, allowing for both Valeria and Hono to enter before he did as well and the carriage began to move.

"Of course it's happening again." Valeria stated in an annoyed tone before a few coughs interrupted her. Clearing her throat, she continued. "The council was created as a countermeasure for it... but if most are simply spoiled children like rulers a century ago, it will occur again. History repeats itself regardless. What do they expect to happen when you don't even attempt to reform?" She added before sighing at her second statement. "I'm not at all shocked of that, either. They spend too much of their own income on stupid, extravagant things when they aren't on whores or alcohol, so they quickly need quick cash and figure that they can take out a few, or a lot, here and there. I am then as well forced to clean up the mess they make." She stated honestly, though she was as well partly venting.

"Enough of my complaining, however. I do have some information you might like to hear." Valeria changed the subject. "It could help raise you through the ranks once more." She added, pausing before continuing. "I would not mind raising your rank myself, however my word doesn't hold as much weight in the military, so to regain your status you would either have to participate in many battles... or participate in battles that win favor with other councilmen..." She then paused, waiting for Hono's acknowledgement before she would continue.

(Later, Red. I'm actually pretty tired too XD)
Nov 14, 2014 2:20 AM

Apr 2011
Kazutora's eye twitched. He was not a huge fan of the idea of becoming a bodyguard, but he recognized the importance of protecting a Councilman. Regular foot soldiers could protect Cornelius against mere citizens and a perhaps a couple roudy mercenaries, but Kazutora knew that if there was ever any serious threat, such as trained assassins, a danger beast, or even worse, a skilled Teigu user with a bone to pick with the Empire, foot soldiers would be a bigger detriment than anything else.

After thinking for a moment longer, Kazutora found it in himself to drop his ego and understand what needed to be done. He rose slowly, lifted his head and replied.

"It would be my honor to accompany you. Shall we leave now?"
My Anaconda dont want none unless you've got a brain, class, and aren't acting like a total hoe.~

Nov 14, 2014 7:09 AM

Jan 2013
Listening to her, Kasaki nods, albit curious on the rebreathers she doesn't ask on them, it would be unseemingly. "Once status should be in our barrings, not our wealth. However the fools only dig their own grave. I do wonder what the current minister thinks on all of this." Pondering the issue to her self she shrugs it off.

"Yes that is true saddly, truth be told the council if not for the support of some of the other nobels and the rural council members would of had you removed, my Lady." Fingering her eye patch. Kasaki nods in agreement. "None have ever doubted my loyality as there is no such doubt, and on the fields I've proven my worth and that I will do waht must be done...I just have the..unforunante habit of speaking my mind." Chuckling a bit at that she waits for Sybil's information. "That could be rather...useful to me."
RedArmyShogunNov 14, 2014 7:13 AM
Nov 14, 2014 12:41 PM

Dec 2011
"Well, it seems Corneilus's daughter has passed. She wed to the head of a small rural town and had supposedly perished in some sort of farm accident." Valeria began, pausing before continuing. "And with his personality... I suspect he might attempt to take some action against her groom or the town, blaming it for her death. It is only a suspicion, but with how his mind works I wouldn't be surprised in the least. If he does take action and you volunteer to help avenge the "wrongdoings" to his daughter, I'm sure you will earn some of his favor."

"Though he hasn't spoke anything of this matter... at least not to the Council. Meaning if he does commit such an act, he will be trying to do so secretly." Sebastian chimed in. "Of course, he's only one other Councilman, but this process would be much faster than if you were to fight in a few long wars."
Nov 14, 2014 2:21 PM

Jan 2013
"Hmm..if a situation arises that needs it, then I will be first in line." Thinking on the situation plus the intell she had on the town. She hesitates briefly then speaks. "You never heard this from me, but rebel activity has been spotted in the town. Or at least we think they are rebels, but now days its everywhere and anything."

Thinking on the rest of the words, she was no stranger to doing dirty work, albit it was normally sanctioned. "Hmm..I likely should shadow him or set up a meeting..but then again I could out right offer, he would know I'm using him as much as he is me regardless of what I do.. Though I think thats the real reason he wants to speak with that assassin. However if rebels are envolved, then he will need more troops..or one as skilled as many."

Pondering her next course of action she waits to see if either of the pair have a suggestion.
Nov 14, 2014 3:32 PM

Feb 2010
DjSpiN said:
Kazutora's eye twitched. He was not a huge fan of the idea of becoming a bodyguard, but he recognized the importance of protecting a Councilman. Regular foot soldiers could protect Cornelius against mere citizens and a perhaps a couple roudy mercenaries, but Kazutora knew that if there was ever any serious threat, such as trained assassins, a danger beast, or even worse, a skilled Teigu user with a bone to pick with the Empire, foot soldiers would be a bigger detriment than anything else.

After thinking for a moment longer, Kazutora found it in himself to drop his ego and understand what needed to be done. He rose slowly, lifted his head and replied.

"It would be my honor to accompany you. Shall we leave now?"

"Oh I'm afraid I have some business to attend to before I can leave the Capital, but I'd be most appreciative if you could meet me at the Southern Gate in about two hours. It could take some time to get my normal escort together and all." The portly man nodded and dismissed Kazutora with his hand. "Of course you may do as you wish in the meantime. I'll make sure you're properly rewarded if all goes well. Now allow me to get ready." Standing up, Cornelius gave a partial bow to the other members of the Council and walked off towards his private quarters.
Nov 14, 2014 3:36 PM

Dec 2011
"Could you not do a bit of kiss up like that Kazutora fellow? Most on the Council aren't as perceptive as Mistress is. I doubt he could tell the difference between honest loyalty and simply manipulation." Sebastian suggested to her.

"He recruited Kazutora for something... Perhaps if you offered to assist as well..." Valeria spoke, pausing to cough a few more times. "I am... unsure of how many soldiers he'll want, but if he recruits elites... he will probably not recruit that many... in order to not draw as much suspicion..." She continued, pausing between every few words.

"Mistress, perhaps you should rest your voice. You're using up energy." Sebastian suggested, however Valeria shook her head in insistence that she was fine.
Nov 14, 2014 3:42 PM

Jan 2013
Thinking on it hshe doesn't much like it but nods in agreement. "I'll do as you instruct..and I agree with your butler, rest well my Lady." With that Kasaki takes a bow. "You should be safe out here, if you have need of me send one of your servents and I will come."

With that she Salutes a bit and pivots on her heel...she would have to find the minister or at least see to it that she ended up on his detail. Wit that she makes her way to the Council residential area's. With luck maybe one will notice the other.
Nov 14, 2014 3:51 PM

Apr 2011
Kazutora nodded, turned, and walked out of the hall, and into the hallway where he had been waiting earlier. The large glass window panes provided a wonderful view of the garden, and Kazutora couldn't help but enjoy it's beauty. In the back of his mind, he felt an itching, nagging feeling that this was more than just a simple trip, but he pushed it back. He would find out answers, he swore to himself. Answers as to who killed his mother, why his mentor had betrayed the Empire, and if he was really doing the right thing by serving the Empire. He gritted his teeth in frustration. These past couple months had left him feeling like he was getting nowhere.

He calmy leaned against the windowsill, looking out upon the garden...
My Anaconda dont want none unless you've got a brain, class, and aren't acting like a total hoe.~

Nov 16, 2014 7:00 AM

Aug 2010
"Raise by 110 chips.

The flung of various 'tokens' - Followed by a confident smirk by the Empire's finest jester. He had seen through the buff.

"Fucking damn. There goes my lunch money.

The soldiers were getting tired of playing him - These trickster clowns were too meddling and sinister to handle. He hung at the highest point of the Empire, close to where the council members would meet daily. For now, he was assigned as a mere bodyguard - Caesar would use this time to make some more money. After all, his circus would soon open.


A trail of ash. Grass was but reduced by the blazing forest-fires that seemed to have appeared near the Empire recently. Guards would faint to the recent heat stroke close by to the Empire despite the upcoming colder weather.

He was coming ..

Perhaps he had already entered. The hunt for Teigu users would soon begin.
BeyondNov 16, 2014 2:41 PM
Nov 18, 2014 5:51 AM

Apr 2011
After picking up something to eat as well as take a quick nap, Kazutora made his way to the Southern Gate. He'd had some time to think about the whole situation, and was feeling a bit more.. understanding, albeit he still hated the idea of being a bodyguard. A part of him hoped this would be a simple, regular visit to some homey place, but his intuition told him that this was probably far more than just a simple stroll.

Arriving at the Southern Gate, he leaned against one of the pillars of the gate and waited for the Councilman, and whomever else he might be bringing along.
My Anaconda dont want none unless you've got a brain, class, and aren't acting like a total hoe.~

Nov 20, 2014 7:44 PM

Dec 2011
"You cannot simply-"

"Oh? An' who's gonna' make me? You? HA!" A man clad primarily in white with extremely pale skin and silver hair to match. "Like I said, you noble fuckers can bark orders ta' whoever ya' want... I'm just not gonna' listen." The man said with a shrug and a devilish grin. "Oh boo hoo, some whore didn't want to sleep with my fat ass, teach her a lesson. Oh some homeless rat on the street didn't step off to the side for me! How insolent!" The man scoffed in disgust. "Everyone else may be metaphorically sucking your dick, but I won't. Got a problem with that? Then make me obey. Oh wait, you're too much of a pansy fat ass to do that, aren't ya'?" Finishing his retort the man let out an unnerving and dangerous laugh as he walked ahead of the noble, the air around him making the arrogant man freeze, growl in frustration and leave.

Kicking the doors open, Shirosaki entered a room that was seemingly being used for gambling by an... odd looking individual. But hell, Shirosaki was pure white, so he couldn't really comment on the clown-looking individual. "Gambling? Hasn't some fat fuck from the council come to bitch at ya'?" He inquired with a raised eyebrow to the men. "What's the game, anyway?"
Nov 21, 2014 8:45 PM

Aug 2010
"Nay. For the Hall of the Royal Council welcomes you."

One of the men who had lost all their chips from the last dealing with Caesar had no more money. He was of no value any further as he could not repay his debts. As a result, he planned on escaping with his life in tact while Caesar was preoccupied with somebody else. As hopefully oblivious as he wanted to believe Caesar was, it was not unfortunately the case for him ..

As Caesar began to gulp down alcohol, the man began to slowly make his way to the exit.

"Ga. Terrible."

He puked the drink, filled with a high concentration of alcohol at the man. The man who was now covered with alcohol put on a rather dreary, grimace. The clown like character then took out and lit a match.

"Here you go, mate'.

The man bursted in flames. Caesar casually tossed his cards back to the dealer while redirecting his attention at the newcomer.

"Blackjack. You interested?
Nov 21, 2014 10:24 PM

Dec 2011
"That was a bit uncalled for... tha' vomit I mean, not tha' fire." Shirosaki said with a slightly disgusted look. Shrugging at the offer, however, he sat down. Not before grasping the large cleaver-like blade on his back and stabbing it next to his seat, however. "I'm game... but you try vomiting on me for any reason, I'll gut you." He warned, resting his arms on the table. "I'm suprised the... nobles haven't bitched at you yet though... maybe cause they're always to busy riding my ass with their trivialities."
Nov 22, 2014 2:01 AM

Aug 2010
"Nay, mate. You're paying with your life if you ain't got the money to cash out.

The clown took out a few cards from his own pocket. They had a strange, ominous feeling to them and were clearly dressed differently than the playing cards they were using. It was as obvious as day that Caesar wouldn't try to cheat with them given the physical impossibility to do so, but it seemed as though he had a more interesting motive in mind - Something that involved the use of these cards.

He flipped them down without looking at any before mixing them. The dealer in the meanwhile, was shuffling cards to prepare for the next set of games. Close to the next dealings of Blackjack, Caesar abruptly picked the middle of the 'Revolution Cards' he had taken out.

"Lad - It seems as though you are 'Strength'

Following his words were a smirk.

"Unfortunate, eh? Strength loses to 'The Fool'.

The cards were dealt.
BeyondNov 22, 2014 9:30 AM
Nov 22, 2014 8:50 AM

Jan 2013
Walking the halls looking for the Minister to offer her services given the death of his daughter, Kasaki hears someone mentioning being surprised the nobles haven't came by to bitch yet, abruptly turns on a pivot, kicking the door open, to see one of the ready rooms had been turned into a gambeling den. Some of the soldiers that knew of the Firestorm stiffen as if being faced with a General than a lower rank officer. "You called? A problem with nobles have we? Though I do agree some forget their duty, as do some of you." Walking to the far wall as if oblivious two the strange pair or rather ignoring them, she flips through the ready list. "Ara, Ara." With a hint of flame burning beneath the eyepatch she stares at a group of onlookers. "Those of you on Patrol duty, would you kindly. Or do you want to play with fire?" With that most of the room rapidly clears out.

Another man a bit shorter than her starts to stamper and pleads as if fearful. Kasaki lays a hand on his shoulder and taps it a couple of times, while trying to be reassuring her emotionless face is anything but. "No Please go back to your game, this is in accordance to Moral and Imperial Law. Only those on duty were of any concern." With that the men at the table go back to seeing what the Clown would do next.

Eyeing him and the game a bit, she never much did like clowns, but was curious as well. Looking down at the two seated men she motions for them to continue. "By the Way have either of you seen Councilman Cornelius? I have a matter to bring to his attention." If they had not she planned to wait here, technically he would pass the hall or the window outside, unless he had learned flight, then she could meet up with him, if they knew where he was, all the better.

Noticing the burnt soldier they had tried to hide upon her entry, her hand tightens on the man. "Explain. Now." The chubby Private goes on with the story with the clown, but judging by the mans stammering he made it look more like defense, than the murder attempt it clearly was.

Albit the reassoning of it was sound, without being able to repay debts one could challenge another to a duel...this however.. "See to his wounds Now. Or I'll burn the lot of you myself. Fools." For now she'll see if either man would be of use in her hunt. The portly Prviate and one other carries the burned man from the room. As the trio leaves Kasaki makes a bit of a dark joke.

"Most Loansharks or..fine..establishments tend to break the knees of penniless patrons. I'm not sure if I should be horrified or to commend you. Also the Minister?" For now it was those three, and a couple of left over guards that watched the game, and the interaction between the three.
RedArmyShogunNov 22, 2014 8:56 AM
Nov 22, 2014 11:55 AM

Dec 2011
Shirosaki eyed the clown suspiciously as he waited. He wasn't afraid nor wary, however. He didn't think the man would attack him or anything... and even if he did there was a good chance, especially since he saw no weapon on him, that hardly any damage, if any, would be inflicted.

As he slapped some cards down and spoke, Shirosaki's lips curled into a smirk, then stretched into a grin before he leaned back in the chair laughing. Just like with the noble, it was an extremely malicious, unnerving laugh, though it probably wouldn't have any affect on someone like Caesar. "I don't know what nonsense yer blabberin' clowny... but I don't lose. Ever." He corrected him. "Anyone who wants a fight, I'll gladly give it to'em. If they're weak, I'll cast'em aside. An if they're fun... well then, I get to break them an' slaughter'em like my epithet entitles me to do." He added with a slight chuckle.

As the door was kicked open, Shirosaki glanced in the direction. "The fat-fuck? Nope. On my way in here I was being bitched at by a different prick with a pole up their ass." He stated with a shrug. "Careful though... He finds it difficult to control himself around pretty little faces like yers girly." Warning her with a mischievous chuckle, he leaned back in his chair and folded his arms behind his head. Shirosaki didn't recognize people through titles, names or gossip... he knew them through their blade per say. As such, it was likely he wasn't familiar with Kasaki. "Though actually... you might be safe... Probably isn't into tall chicks. Might make him feel a bit self-conscious."

At her demand for the explanation on the burnt man, Shirosaki raised his hands up in mock surrender. "I just got here... Also, I don't kill weaklings. Too much of a boring hassle." He said with minor disgust. "Also, clowny. Who the fuck gambles without any booze? What's wrong with you?"
Nov 22, 2014 12:21 PM

Aug 2010
The third person had entered. However, outside the realm of Caesar's expectations, lied a 'fourth' person. The sole individual who was unwelcome to Caesar's little ongoin' party.

Kasaki said:
"Most Loansharks or..fine..establishments tend to break the knees of penniless patrons. I'm not sure if I should be horrified or to commend you. Also the Minister?

"Worthless organs that have been soiled by tobacco are of no real value. It isn't possible for ye to see the minister with that rank of yours ..

In any case - I welcome ye, 'the Hanged man'."

Shirosaki said:
"I don't know what nonsense yer blabberin' clowny... but I don't lose. Ever."

Shirosaki said:
Anyone who wants a fight, I'll gladly give it to'em. If they're weak, I'll cast'em aside. An if they're fun... well then, I get to break them an' slaughter'em like my epithet entitles me to do."

Shirosaki said:
"Also, clowny. Who the fuck gambles without any booze? What's wrong with you?"

"Foolish strength hangs men."

"It's regrettable that this gamble cannot continue," he added.


A torrent of flame bursted through the northern entrance of the Empire - Flames powerful enough to scorch everything into ashes. The surviving civilians took this signal to run. The silhouette of a single man was visible, though it had been heavily covered up by the nearby smoke.

The fourth, uninvited guest had arrived.


Caesar turned open the two cards that had been just dealt by the dealer. An ace and ten - 21.

"The World's entrance was unexpected. Here's to surviving another day."

He gulped down a glass of fine alcohol that had been exclusively prepared by a soldier in advance. The wave of his fingers was clearly a sign for Shirosaki and Kasaki to follow him.

It was immediate that they needed to repel the threat before themselves. The Inferno Emperor had finally arrived.
Nov 22, 2014 12:41 PM

Jan 2013
Chuckling lightly at his responses in regards to the councilmen she can't help but approve.

"Ara ara, how have you lived so long?"

Before she can reply to the clown she starts to wonder how far shes fallen with the higher ranks..but before that a massive fire can be seen from the window. Then with her own eye acting up she removes the patch, with her hair turning a bright red and a bit of flame shining from the uncoverd eye, she sighs..more relieved than not. Casting aside her officer cloak, two lever action rifles were hidden from view, and her baggy pants can now be clearly seen to hold mutliple rails of ammunition. "Ara ara..we need to teach whoever this is to not play with fire.." Bowing to the pair she pivots letting the clown lead off, though she was disappointed in not getting to see what he would do with the cards.

(Also I might keep the cosmetic effects of the eye on going for this fight, not the abilities however if thats fine)
RedArmyShogunNov 22, 2014 2:16 PM
Nov 22, 2014 1:57 PM

Apr 2011
Kazutora had been calmly waiting by the Southern Gate when he noticed the flash of flame go up near the northern entrance. " that?"

He quickly responded, dashing as fast as he could across the compound and through the halls, making his way to the opposite end of the Council building. He wasn't sure what was going on, but if it was some sort of threat to the Council, he would have to take care of it. The Council hid secrets, secrets to pieces of his life that he had not learned yet; why his mother had been killed, why his master betrayed them... If the Council was killed off, their secrets would die with them.

Kazutora could not let that happen.
My Anaconda dont want none unless you've got a brain, class, and aren't acting like a total hoe.~

Nov 22, 2014 4:43 PM

Dec 2011
"Aw... isn't that cute. A little assassin thinks this some pansy little fire's gonna' hurt." Shirosaki snickered as he stood up, grasping his Teigu, Kudokiba and hefting it onto his shoulder. "You can play leader if ya' want, clowny... Just make sure not to get in my way... At least until I see if this wuss is a challenge or just a wimp." He warned, heading off after Caesar. "If he has to ambush... I doubt he can even draw blood." He added with a grin.

(Sorry didn't reply until now. Had to go places)
EmperorsChosen01Nov 22, 2014 6:25 PM
Nov 22, 2014 6:15 PM

Aug 2010
Torrents of flame covered the northern surroundings of the Empire. Everything was being burnt into ashes without question.

The dust and smoke dispersed in the nearby area and a rather muscular man who appeared to be in his 30s could be seen. With every step he took, more and more areas would be incinerated without question. He then eyed the center of the capital directly.


Spurringly, Caesar made his way up to the northern entrance as fast as possible. He had only heard of the man's conquests, but this would be their first actual encounter. On the safe side, he'd be preparing a few tricks to ensure his survival. The man on the other hand, may or may not choose to target weak Teigu users. As it could go anyway, preparations had to be made.

It didn't take too long. About 20 or so minutes until Caesar reached the top of a two-story building.

"Ye are The World huh? Or would you prefer 'Raging Inferno King?'"

No comment. At this point, the man was only observing his surroundings and gauging the strength of Caesar and the others who had soon begun to arrive.
Nov 22, 2014 6:40 PM

Jan 2013
Not carring to be too close to the men Kasaki stands off a bit on the railing, ready to drop down in a momments notice, studing the area and the flames she has to admire this tresspassers handywork. A shame he burned nothing of importance..

Getting a look at the man, she cycles a live round into both rifles, so long as they could keep him busy he would never see her. Or rather she had no interest in fighting him upclose. People could say what they wanted on honour, but dead honourable men could say less.

(I assume by empire you mean the buildings along side that part of the capital district and not the WHOLE Empire.)
Nov 22, 2014 7:04 PM

Apr 2011
As more and more flames appeared, Kazutora knew that whatever was going on was nothing minor. He could hear the screams of the people, and he knew that whatever was causing the flames was a serious threat. He hoped it wasn't a Teigu user, because teigu were always so complex and full of surprises that they were difficult to beat, especially when wielded by a skilled opponent. Nevertheless, Kazutora continued to make his way towards the direction of the flames. He had defeated Teigu users before, and this would be no different.

Or so he thought.
My Anaconda dont want none unless you've got a brain, class, and aren't acting like a total hoe.~

Nov 22, 2014 7:28 PM

Dec 2011
Shirosaki scoffed as he spotted the source of the attack. "Silent types piss me off." He commented with a scowl as he stared at the invader. "C'mon, Torchy! You just gonna' sit there spoutin' flames everywhere or are you actually make this fun?" He questioned, gaining an arrogant grin once more. "With this pretty little light show, I expect some entertainment!" He shouted at the enemy. Just as Shirosaki didn't recognize Kasaki, he wouldn't know who this "Raging Inferno King" was until he actually fought him at least once.
Nov 22, 2014 8:09 PM

Aug 2010
Inga looked around - He identified 3 notable people around the area: Caesar, Shirosaki and Kazutora. Kasaki was far away and as a result, was not detected. Regardless, it didn't appear as though he was fazed by the nearby Teigu opponents at the very slightest. He proceeded to analyze them.

[Caesar] - Capacity: Medium - Current Threat Level: Minimum
[Kazutora] - Capacity: XX - Current Threat Level: Low
[Shirosaki] - Capacity: XX - Current Threat Level: Low

"Presently, the enemies are unworthwhile to pursue. As such, they will be ignored." He murmured.

As Inga continued to walk, he noticed the clown before him. Only exchanging a glance with each other did the battle go underway.

"Ridiculing opponents from the start? That's unlike you - 27th Cycle."

Pulling out his Teigu, Caesar immediately casted some form of attack using the cards he whipped out.

"The Wheel of Fortune presents Death to The Wor-"

Before his chant could be complete, however ...

Inga smashed one of the buildings he was beside. Stone, rumble and metals scattered downwards.

An entire building began crumbling downwards at the direction of Shirosaki and Caesar, along with the nearby Kazutora.

The Inferno Emperor continued to walk towards the center of the Capital. There seemed to be some objective he needed to accomplish.


Some snickers echoed throughout the nearby forest of the Capital. It seems as though Inga was not the only invader.
BeyondNov 22, 2014 11:11 PM
Nov 22, 2014 9:21 PM

Jan 2013
Looking at the display Kasaki is happy about her choice, she doubted that would be enough to kill the Clown or the other two, but she wouldn't want to be around it. Not firing just yet she runs back and ahead, up along the inner halls of an old barracks. The Main forces would likely be counter attacking soon. But what were his powers...insanely strong, and fire based for sure, more importantly what was his target or motive. Not Wonton destruction..he simply brushed the fight aside and moved on..

She had her eye but it was a trump card she didn't want to use for now. Glancing at the other side of the alley she quickly cycles four rounds out of each rifle, eight total. two hit the pavement and begin a skipping pattern, two more from the left, the right, and then two more from above. At least thats where the tragectory would take them. It was likely the gunfire gave her away, no matter how fast she fired. And with that in mind she ducks down low with both rifles, running foreward, she angles to run over to yet another building, but this time leaping out a window for its roof, as she glances backwards to see the results of her attack she's already planning her next position of ambush.

(basically like any of the battles with that asshole revolver oceclot lel)
Nov 22, 2014 11:09 PM

Dec 2011
Shirosaki blinked a few times in surprise at their opponent's strength, however then began to laugh to himself. "Pathetic. Underestimating someone you haven't fought? Looks like yer gonna' die faster than I'd hoped." He mused, cracking his neck before acquiring a peculiar stance. He slid his left foot ahead of himself as well as his right to the side, lowering his center of gravity slightly before hefting up his giant blade and holding it straight out behind himself. "Don't think I'm much of a threat?" He questioned, breaking out into bloodthirsty laughter afterwards as an eerie white energy enveloped his his blade, fluctuating wildly around it. "Fine then... How 'bout now!?"

After questioning this, he swung the blade in a large arc over his head towards both the building... and Inga. The feral white energy around his blade shot out in a crescent arc of almost blinding white light at the target, crushing through the building and flying straight at inga.
Nov 22, 2014 11:32 PM

Aug 2010
'Not bad - Glad ye aren't dead waste on board.

The Clown was snickering, enjoying his alcohol while Shirosaki was doing all the work in pursuing Inga. He merely sat at a building higher up, having been forced to move upon Inga's suddenly decision to collapse a building before them. Observation would be key - Especially since the likelihood of bringing down a beast wasn't high during their first clash.


The sound of flinging bullets. Inga didn't have particularly exceptional hearing, and could only react from when he could finally hear the sound of the bullets traveling midair. A step or two was all that was needed to avoid all the incoming ones. The sharpshooter was never a problem in the first place.

On the other hand, a white blast of energy surged towards him. Someone seemed to be rather bloodthirsty for his life, considering the murder intent he was releasing.

"Are you angry of my assessment of your abilities?

Immediately, Inga spun his body before kicking the air before him - At the direction facing Shirosaki. An enormous wave of compressed air generated by the sheer strength of his kick headed in a direct collusion course at the white wave Shirosaki sent out. Though invisible, its size was much greater - The result was clear: The wave tore through Shirosaki's white energy, though some of its energy had dispersed upon impact, and headed for Shirosaki at once.

Inga continued to move forward. His objective lied just ahead, or so he thought.


There, directly before Inga, stood one of the Empire's Generals. He was covered in what appeared to be reinforced steel armor and held a medium sized scimitar. From the back of his body, spurt out a single, massive wing. He looked like the living definition of a 'Dragon Knight' or so they would say.

"Dragon King - It is time."

"Quite regrettable - I take it that you will not take the Empire's offer?"

"I exist to slay Teigu users - Nothing less, and nothing more. Love, War, partaking in Conquest, and even political battles are of no importance to me. Those, slain by me, shall obtain Nirvana - The truest form of enlightenment. For it will continue, until reincarnation once again."

No more words needed to be exchanged. The clash between the two were immediate and of course, the nearby buildings and shops would be reduced to rumble without question.
Nov 23, 2014 4:29 AM

Apr 2011
When parts of the building flew down towards Kazutora, he reacted quickly, bringing out his Bo staff and unleashing the spear tips on both ends. He quickly aimed and fired the staff/spear straight upwards, piercing and destroying all the debris that would have crushed him otherwise. The rest of the debris fell around him, busting up large amounts of dust and smoke.

About 300 meters away, Kazutora saw the cause of all the damage; a middle aged man who was surrounded by flames. He was about to engage when he saw one of the Generals.

Figuring he'd watch and let the General handle the situation, he took a few steps back and disappeared into the dust...
My Anaconda dont want none unless you've got a brain, class, and aren't acting like a total hoe.~

Nov 23, 2014 6:59 AM

Jan 2013
Kasaki decides now to activate her powers, about 200 yards out, her eye blazes adding to her calculations. She wasn't sure if her previous misses where as he felt or heard the rounds coming or pure luck. Her eye however seems to have picked up the mans counter attack, feeding information to her the eye simply states inside of her own mind.. WARNING: Higher combat capability required, avoid direct confrontation, retreat viable. You must unlock our potential. With that a General comes along standing in the mans path, and her own.

Rather than moving however, she simply takes aim forward. She would fire alongside the flanks of the general, if her aim was any good, and the man was worth his rank, she would not hit him, and he would not be phased abt gunfire. This would she hoped keep the man pinned for the general and the others to deal with. Already she could feel energy slowly shifting from her to the rounds om her rifle, upon being fired they would become something like Napalm and plasma. She had hoped to not rely on the eye, but this man was a problem if a General of all things had to step out.
Nov 23, 2014 12:18 PM

Aug 2010
(I feel the need to be chuu right now - Hope you don't mind the names. Also my Japanese might not be correct haha.)

The stage was finally set - The finale came at last.

(Yama's Blade)

A blazing sword materialized in Inga's hand. It was surprising that he could 'wield' it, as the entire substance that comprised of it was not 'solid' in the first place. Following the call of his weapon was proceeded by the chant of the Dragon King.

(Call of Great Heaven and Hell: Dragon King's Reign)

Buildings began to sink. People nearby dropped to the floor and immediately became unconscious. In fact, their bodies seemed to be breaking up - having begun to 'sink' into the floor.

Yes - The Dragon King utilized an ability that temporarily increased the gravity of the surrounding area. Inga felt its effects immediately, but still held its ground.


Sticking out his hand, a colossal bolt of fire was sent directly at the Dragon King. Before coming close enough to hit him however ...

(Wrath of the Inferno Emperor: Great First Awakening: Supernova)

Inga snapped his fingers. The flames expanded tremendously outwards and exploded next to the Dragon King, who stopped at nothing to parry every incoming flame.


Blow for blow. Parry for flame. And yet, he hardly exhausted.
With a greenly lit arm, the King seemed to be invoking a type of whirlwind ability. Within an instant, the flames were scattered and dispersed - Though weakened, they spread out and were launched at various parts of the capital ... coincidentally at the direction of Shirosaki and Kasaki.

"You gave me a single opening - This is enough for me to finish you at my current level, general."


A slash from a merciless blade. The Dragon King's armor split and cracked at the area that endured the attack. However, it left his flesh right open - He had been knocked back and could not move.

(Judgment of the Inferno Emperor: Enlightenment from Nothingness)

"Had you forgotten about my 'other' ability?"

"It was a mistake - Although expectations of your paramount growth could not be inferred."

"I am constantly evolving. Now, you are to be reduced to nothing - A greater essence than mere ash. This symbolizes the respect I upheld for your previous strength."


The general's body suddenly 'disappeared'. No, that was incorrect to say. He had been utterly, completely obliterated. Not even ashes remained. Both him and his Teigu had left the world.

"The mission has been complete. It is now time to depart from the Capital."

The man, surrounded by the background of glorious mutilation and destruction, began to walk forward to the southern exit of the Capital. Everything was burning, and continued to burn. Flames that could not seem to be extinguished.


Up above the Capital were flooded with ... Dragons. They were only a single Ultra class dragon that was followed by the normal class ones that were nearby during this fight. The death of their King had led to the breaking of the shackles that once constrained them.

Sensing that the man who took down their Master was on a seperate class on his own, the dragons avoided direct contact with the man. Instead, they began to go berserk and hunt down the various other individuals in the Empire - Whether it was Teigu users or even children ...

A massacre had started.
BeyondNov 23, 2014 12:24 PM
Nov 23, 2014 3:16 PM

Apr 2011
The force of such powerful gravity had nearly planted Kazutora flat on his face. The only thing that helped him stay upright was that he had speared his staff into the ground, using it to hold himself up.

What destructive power, he thought to himself as he watched the carnage that ensued around him. Seeing the dragons, he realized he would not be able to deal with them and the man who had started all of this. Plus, the people were in danger.

When the strong pull of gravity finally stopped, Kazutora heaved a sigh of relief before turning around to see a large Normal class Dragon standing before him.

"I don't have time for the likes of you, my friend." In an instant, he fired his Bo Staff straight through the skull of the Dragon, killing it instantly. Leaping up, he removed the staff from it's skull before continuing on through the Capital, searching for more Dragons to exterminate...
My Anaconda dont want none unless you've got a brain, class, and aren't acting like a total hoe.~

Nov 24, 2014 2:12 PM

Jul 2009
Ricardo Rodriguez Santos was a man who enjoyed the finer things in life, as evident by the office here was currently occupying. The room, like all the others that made up the apartment he rented, was lasciviously furnished. Rare and expensive painting adorned the walls. Soft, white carpets covered the floor, and all of the furniture was made of the finest materials money could buy.

Ricardo himself sat behind his desk, reclining in his black leather chair as he read through a letter that had arrived early in the day. Judging from the expression on his face, the contents were not good. Annoyed, he scrunched the piece of paper into a ball and threw it in the bin.

"Idiots" he proclaimed, reaching for the packet of Rorschach brand cigarettes that lay within his breast pocket. Shaking the packet and taking one loosely between the lips, he lit it and relaxed as he breathed in the musty, acrid smell of the smoke. The letter was a band of bandits, who had recently stumbled across something intriguing and was looking to trade it for armaments. Ricardo had agreed. Even if the object in question was garbage, he could no doubt sell to some fool noble for a tidy sum. Now the bastards were trying to negotiate for more than what was agreed upon, and threatened violence if he didn't meet their demands. He sighed.

He always hated it when he had to eliminate a potential customer.

Clearly, this small band would have to be taken care of, and the object taken by force. He'd have to hire someone skilled enough to kill the bandits, and trustworthy to hand over the goods. The first part was easy. There was no end of hired swords within the capital, and finding someone reliable enough shouldn't be too hard. The second part was slightly more difficult. He'd have to make sure they wouldn't try to pull a similar stunt.

As he pondered this problem, Ricardo interrupted by the sounds of explosions and mass panic that had suddenly erupted outside. A blind light flooded the room, accompanied by a deafening sound as a building not to far away was destroyed.

"What the hell is going on!?" he shouted, quickly getting up from his chair and looking out of the large window that made up the back of his office. A swarm of dragons where invading the capital and laying waste to anything in their path.

"Holy Shit...."

Stop. Calm yourself. You're an idiot.
May 1, 2015 7:08 PM

Sep 2014
(this is a Joke Post)

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