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Oct 23, 2014 8:48 PM

Aug 2010
Please read everything before filling in the template. Anything without an optional tag is mandatory to fill out. You can have two characters, but only one maximum is allowed to own a Teigu unless there's proper reasoning behind it. Not all characters should have Teigu as they already make your characters very strong.

Epithet: (Optional - An Epithet is essentially a title bestowed on your character for famous or infamous deeds that they've performed. Not starting with one means that you're more likely to obtain one later on in the RP).
Faction: (3 Factions are currently available: The Empire, The Revolutionary Army, and N/A -> Neutral third party .. an indication that you are not allied or afflicted with anybody. This is just the beginning - More factions may be created over time. The Revolutionary Army includes sub-groups such as the Night Raids that we've seen in the series as a FYI note.)
Rank:(If you are associated with a faction that has ranks you include what rank your character holds here. Upon creation a character may hold anything up to the rank of Sergeant. Don't worry about updating with changes in rank.)
Appearance: (Please spoiler tag these.)

Personality & More:

Description: (Optional)
Quote: (Something your character would say. You can include more than one quote. A quote is better for 'showing' how your character is, rather than providing a description for what type of person they are. Of course, you can still provide a description of their personality if you like.)
Alignment: (The Chaotic Evil, Lawfully Good kind of stuff)
Biography: (Optional)

Skills and Equipment:

Fighting Style: (Optional - You don't need to reveal how your character fights, but it is helpful to include it for the sake of referencing when others are RPing with you. I'd like to also mention about meta-gaming: You shouldn't know how other characters fight until your character has actually fought with them. Don't perform subconscious meta-gaming with this information or the information regarding the Teigu available, please.)
Skills: (You are to list up to a maximum of 5 different skills. These can range from anything, whether it be swordsmanship, martial arts, to first-aid treatment, trading commodities, cooking, and so on. The less number of skills you have, the more skillful you are in the few that you have.)

Equipment Name: (Optional - You can start with 2 pieces of equipment maximum)
Description: (Optional but preferred to include if you have an equipment. Talk about how it looks like, its size & length, and various other unique characteristics that come to mind.)
Classification: (Teigu or Non-Teigu)
Type: (Fill out for Teigu only)

Ability: (Fill out for Teigu only)
- Ability Type: (Passive or Active type)
- Ability Duration: (Lasting time)
- Ability Effect: (What it does)

Information regarding Teigu (帝具, Imperial Arms). Teigu, in case you are unaware, are mysterious and extremely powerful relics that exist in the world of Akame ga Kiru. They grant supernatural abilities not normally available. However, they themselves are not invincible and can be broken in battle.

Teigu 'Types' are classified under 3 Classes: Class 1, Class 2 and Class 3. Class 1 is the least powerful, while Class 3 is the most powerful.

Class 1 Examples: Tatsumi's Incursio, Nyau's Scream
Class 2 Examples: Run's Mastema, Susanoo's own Biological Teigu
Class 3 Examples: Akame's Masamune, Esdeath's Demon Extract, Kurome's Yatsufusa

You are only allowed to start with [i](and own at ALL TIMES) 1 and only ONE Teigu. If you plan on starting with a Teigu, you must start off with a CLASS 1 Teigu. You are allowed to have a MAXIMUM OF [i]2 ABILITIES - 1 Primary, 1 Secondary in the beginning. Please also include what kind of Teigu it is ... Offensive, Defensive, Support, etc. Teigu can belong to more than one category. When listing your Teigu, list it by Class and Type.

Example: Class 1 - Support

Over time, the Teigu you started off with or acquired through the wilderness will grow gradually more powerful. By 'evolving' Teigu, they can gain one additional ability. At class 3, Teigu users gain their Trump Card or Ultimate Ability.

I'll be doing some judging to see what can be allowed in the beginning. Think of class 1 as standard, cool and somewhat applicable teigu. Class 2 is when it becomes really useful, and Class 3 involves broken abilities :]

I'm not disallowing the use of copying a Teigu from the wiki, but I would suggest designing a new one for yourself. There's nothing wrong with having Teigu that seem similar to that of the actual series.
CrogLatteNov 12, 2014 10:57 PM
Reply Disabled for Non-Club Members
Oct 23, 2014 10:13 PM

Aug 2010
Character Sheet Example (For an NPC I plan on using in the future):

Name: Caesar Mainyu
Epithet: Pandemic Circus
Faction: The Empire
Age: 22½
Gender: Male
Height: 6'1
Weight: 70 kg

Personality & More:

Quote: "The premier of the first Act is now at hands! Members of the army ... of the capital, I welcome you to Circus Extravaganza!"
Likes: Clowns, Cards, Daggers, Circus Animals, Jokes
Dislikes: Justice, People without any humor, Serious people
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

Skills and Equipment:

Fighting Style: Lo's fighting involves a variety of sly hand-to-hand combat movements combined with a bag 'o tricks through the use of his various equipment and Teigu.
- "Chaotic" Bajiquan - 10th Dan: Caesar is a master practitioner of the Chinese, Shao Ling Monk martial art: Bajiquan. However, he's developed his own 'chaotic' style to it, abandoning certain fundamentals to creatively open up his ability to surprise and catch opponents off-guard. It's also relieving for him when he does daily medication exercises at night.
- Poison Engineering: Caesar has experimented with various kinds of poisons. Not only has he developed his own kinds of poisons, but he's also created antidotes for them. His body is already irregular from consuming different kinds of poisons and as such, is already immune to the majority out there.

Equipment Name: Throwing Knives
Classification: Non-Teigu
Type: N/A
Description: Some basic throwing knives, some coated with Caesar's exclusive poison(s).

Equipment Name: Cards of Redemption
Classification: Teigu
Type: Class 2 - Offensive

Ability: ???
- Ability Type: Active
- Ability Duration: ???
- Ability Effect: ???

Ability: ???
- Ability Type: Passive
- Ability Duration: N/A
- Ability Effect: ???

Class 2 Ability: ???
- Ability Type: ???
- Ability Duration: ???
- Ability Effect: ???

(??? - To be revealed ^^)
BeyondOct 24, 2014 1:05 PM
Oct 24, 2014 4:55 AM

Oct 2013
Name: Ikura Vonbaiyan
Epithet: The Angel of Death
Faction: The Revolutionary Army
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Height: 6'4

Personality & More:

Quote: "Ive come to reap your soul, prepare yourself."
Likes: Food, Strong people, Women, a good sparring opponent
Dislikes: Annoyances, Weak people, Cocky people.
Alignment: Choatic neutral
Biography:??? (To be revealed @.@)

Skills and Equipment:

Fighting Style: Ikura's fighting style resolves around strategy, he analyzes his opponent before he strikes and he uses the easiest possible ways to take down his opponent.
-Ikuras expertise in Kenjutsu, Taijutsu, and Jujutsu allows him to easily use his opponents force against him to dominate his opponent, also giving him advanced knowledge in Martial Arts combat and Armed combat (sword,Katana)

Equipment Name: Shinigami

Classification: Teigu
Type: Class 1 - Offensive(katana)

Ability: Soul Transfer
* Ability Type: Passive
* Ability Duration: N/A
* Ability Effect: It allows the user to absorb his/her opponents life force through contact, resulting in an increase in power.

Ability: Shadow Realm
* Ability Type: Active
* Ability Duration: 5 minutes
* Ability Effect: It allows the user to reach incredible speeds, for a short period of time.


Not Approved Yet - Please edit in your Alignment (Search up Chaotic Evil, Lawful Good ... etc to see what this is if you're unfamiliar) AND edit in your ability details.

Soul transfer seems to be more of a passive ability so I've changed it to that. You need to also include details regarding your second detail - Please and thank you!


Thanks for making the edits! Approved
MyayOct 30, 2014 1:06 PM
Oct 24, 2014 9:40 AM

Sep 2014
Name: Memphis beyoung
Faction: N/A
Gender: male
Height: 5'6"
Weight: 180 lb

Personality & More:
Description: ???
Quote: " its always a battle of profit or honor"
Likes: Money, Power, Teasing people
Dislikes: Bribery, corruption
Alignment: good but could change
Biography: ???

Skills and Equipment:
Fighting Style: ( to be revealed ) said to be very sly
Commodity Trading
Rumour spreading
Equipment Name: steel Sword
Description:A average looking sword with a secret
Classification: non
Type: Support
- Ability Type: (Passive or Active type)
- Ability Duration: (Lasting time)
- Ability Effect: (What it does)

(??? revealed in plot)


Approved - it could actually be a brush or something ya know :3
61235Oct 26, 2014 8:03 PM
Oct 24, 2014 2:52 PM

Sep 2012
Name: Stella Ekubu
Epithet: Sword Princess
Faction: The Empire
Age: 21
Gender: Female
Height: 4'11
Weight: 111

Personality & More

Quote: "My blade will pierce your heart."
Likes: Fish food, Sword training, Reading, Dogs, Sword designing (She makes her own swords.)
Dislike: Annoying situations, weak minded people, liars (she can easily sense dishonesty and begins to get irritated by it.) People who talk too much.
Alignment: Lawfully good.
Biography: Born in a small house on the mountains, her father trained her to become the best swordsman. She was her father's favorite daughter. Along with her mother, she would help her mother doing house duties and taking care of her siblings. She grew up becoming strong at heart and soul. Her body is small but do not be mistaken by her looks. She might look cute and adorable, but she's fierce and powerful. Along the way she'll explore and meet new things come across her life, as she seek for new and interesting things and people. She's outgoing, laidback, and sociable. Her life has just begun as she wanders around her world.

Skills and Equipment:
Fighting Style: Her style revolves around sword fighting, and she's perfectly good at it. She would call her style Blade Dancing. Fast, sharp, and precise. Her knowledge with swords are so perfect you do not want to underestimate her.
Skills: Swordsman/Blade Dancer
Equipment Name: Dancer The Excalibur
Description: Her large sword called Dancer The Excalibur is wide and not as long as you'd imagine. Perfectly sized for the small girl who holds it. It's twice as strong as you'd imagine. (See her appearance picture for a brief look on how the sword really looks.)
Classification: Teigu
Type: Class 1 - Offensive/Elemental
Ability: Ice Observant
- Ability Type: Active
- Ability Duration: N/A
- Ability Effect: Ice Manipulation

EmperorsChosen01Oct 27, 2014 7:19 PM
Oct 24, 2014 7:13 PM

Dec 2011
Name: Kurosaki (Left) | Shirosaki (Right)
Epithet: Kurosaki - Lunar Talon | Shirosaki - Hollow Talon | The Empire’s Twin Talons
Faction: Capital
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Height: 6”3
Weight: 175

-Personality & More-

Description: (May fill in later)

Kurosaki -
-(To a noble) “Shove it up yer ass. I’m not serving the Empire to enforce your bullshit arrogance. I ain’t yer lapdog and frankly, yer name doesn’t give you any damn right to stomp on others.”
-“I’m doing what everyone else serving should be instead of kissing ass and slaughtering; Protecting.”
-”I haven’t once drawn my blade and pointed it at some cause I wanted to win. What the hell’s that going to accomplish if you fight because you want to? I fight… because I need to win… and that’s why I’m gonna’ keep winning. Tha’ guy who desperately needs to win will always win in end, and no one, not matter how strong, is gonna’ stop him.”
-“Fer the last damn time! I don’t dye my hair!”

Shirosaki -
-(To a noble/”superior”) “Oh? You think that you have the right to order me around? HA! That’s fuckin’ hilarious. There’s only one person in each situation that has tha’ right to boss everyone else around. Wanna’ know who that person is? It’s tha’ person who can kill everyone else in tha’ blink of an eye and-Oh, wait! Guess who that is now? Yup… Me.”
-(To a beaten down opponent) “Oh, come on. Don’t beat yerself up over this. Nobody’s perfect after all… and I. Am. Nobody.”
-”You know why I’m called the Hollow Talon? Ever heard of the myth of Hollows? Well a hollow is said to be some sort of undead or spirit that feeds on the souls of others in order to satiate their endless hunger… Get it? I’m called the Hollow Talon cause I break you and make you hollow before I kill ya’.”

Kurosaki - Getting stronger, Protecting, Relaxing

Shirosaki - A good fight, Strong people, Breaking strong people, Alcohol, Women
Kurosaki - Arrogance, Pride, Religion, Being looked down on, Failing to protect someone, Alcohol

Shirosaki - Arrogance, Pride, Religion, Honor, Being looked down on, Feeling weak, Annoying women
Alignment: Kurosaki - Chaotic Neutral | Shirosaki - Chaotic Evil
Biography: Kurosaki and Shirosaki were orphans who lived in a small village later to be commandeered by the Empire. The Empire failed to conquer it with several, though rather meagre, attempts and eventually sent a higher ranked officer with a larger detachment to investigate. The cause of their troubles were the two boys who, despite being in their early teens at the time, were quite capable combat wise. They were capable of handling small detachments of minor soldiers, however with an officer in control of a Teigu along with their more elite personal guard, they stood little chance. They were, however, given an option few others would get. In normal circumstances for being such a nuisance, the village would just be pillaged, raped and slaughtered, however they were given the option of saving it in exchange for joining the empire. Kurosaki of course agreed, though reluctantly while Shirosaki agreed simply because it meant he’d grow stronger, get richer as well as meet stronger people. After the years of training and “enhancements”, they became full-fledged soldiers of the Empire known as the Empire’s Twin Talons, an elite two-man strike-force.

Skills and Equipment:

Fighting Style: Kurosaki wields a long black Nodachi and tends to attempt to use a more professional style with some of his old street-styled attacks mixed in. Shirosaki wields a giant cleaver-like blade and fights with a style much more based on his own attitude, bloodthirst and most importantly instinct.
Kurosaki - Swordsmanship, Brawling, Strong Will

Shirosaki - Swordsmanship, Brawling,
Equipment Name: Kurosaki - Tsukikiba | Shirosaki - Kudokiba


Classification: Teigu
Type: Tsukikiba - Class 1, Enhancement | Kudokiba - Class 1, Offensive

Ability: Tsukikiba - Tsukikiba Shogekiha
- Ability Type: Active
- Ability Duration: N/A
- Ability Effect: Condenses and focuses energy into the blade and upon slashing releases a black, crescent-shaped wave of energy at the target.

Ability: Tsukikiba - Tsukikiba Shunpo
- Ability Type: Passive
- Ability Duration: N/A
- Ability Effect: Automatically condenses and focuses energy into the host in order to drastically increase the users speed.

Ability: Kudokiba - Kudokiba Shogekiha
- Ability Type: Active
- Ability Duration: N/A
- Ability Effect: Condenses and focuses energy into the blade and upon slashing releases a white, crescent-shaped wave of energy at the target.

Ability: Kudokiba - Kudokiba Koka Hifu
- Ability Type: Passive
- Ability Duration: N/A
- Ability Effect: Automatically condenses and focuses energy into the host in order to harden the users body and skin to increase defense.

Sick Character - Approved!
EmperorsChosen01Oct 24, 2014 9:46 PM
Oct 28, 2014 12:23 PM
Sep 2014
Name: Hayashi, Katsuo
Epithet: Dark Flame
Faction: N/A
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Height: 5'8
Weight: 63 kg

Personality & More:
Quote:''Don't waste my time''
Likes: to travel, to learn new things, to protect people important to him
Dislikes: irritating people, a weak oponent, to be disturbed while training or doing something important.
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

Skills and Equipment:
Fighting style: Katsuo's fighting style easily adapts to his oponent.He does not give up with ease but he knows when a fight cant be won.
Skills: He masters the sword and he is very agile.

Equipment name: Kodai Yami (Ancient Darkness)

Classification: Teigu

Type: Class 1- offensive

Ability:Dark Gauntlet

Ability Type: Passive

Ability Duration: N/A

Ability Effect: It covers its user's arm in a dark gauntlet like flame and it duplicates the user's power and makes the Kodai Yami able to cut through ALMOST everything but it slowly takes away the user's life with every hit.(The user can recover after deactivating the ability, the average recovering time is 24 hours also depending on the hits that were landed during the ability)

Double-edged sword eh? Cool ability ^^ =Approved=
RelayHKOct 30, 2014 10:51 AM
Oct 30, 2014 1:43 AM

Feb 2010
Name: Naraku Jiku
Faction: The Revolutionary Army
Age: 23
Gender: Male
Height: 6'2"
Weight: 200 lbs

Personality & More:
Quote: "And how is that going to benefit me?"
Likes: Luxury, getting what he wants, revenge, successfully manipulating others for his gain
Dislikes: The thought of being stuck in one place (social class for instance), falling prey to manipulation or scams, being injured, having "friends" depend on him
Alignment: Neutral Evil
Biography: Naraku grew up in the Empire with his mother, living with the small income provided by his father's career as a traveling merchant. He did not eat well, he was not bought toys, and he didn't have much space, but he did have enough to live. His father always cursed the nobles who hoarded all the money and required high taxes when he stayed at home, speaking of how they had everything they could want but just took more and more. Naraku wanted to be one of them. Really his father was foolish for saying these things and not trying to be like them. His father was smart, he could have made deals and moved up in the world, but he was a chicken and left his family to live like peasants; at least that's what his mother would say. Naraku set out to be different when he turned 18 and began his campaign to become a spoiled rotten noble, corrupt as all the rest. Soon he found just how out of his league he was. After being framed he was robbed of all he had and given a criminal record that would impede any further attempts to gain ground in the Empire even if he could build the means to do so from scratch. Even then he respected the scheme used against him. He longed to be so corrupt and powerful. He was envious of the man who duped him. He hated him.
Naraku stalked the target of his animosity obsessively and finally found a moment to assault him. His dagger cut into the man's flesh but the wound wasn't fatal, leading to a small struggle which ultimately ended when Naraku strangled his opponent with his belt. He was seen by guards before managing his escape and marked, leaving him no option to stay in the Capital. A member of the Revolutionary army was sent to recruit him after his actions against the Empire and successful assassination. After receiving the invitation he decided that he would destroy the ones who crushed his hopes of living the life he desired while also gaining reputation and power in the Revolutionary Army so that once the Empire was toppled he could secure a high position and live how he pleased. Once he began to get his footing he was allowed to test a Teigu with none of the members of the Revolutionary Army had been compatible with. It wasn't unexpected, as almost all of them were hoping to help the world or bring the corrupt nobles to justice, and neither of those goals were respected by the Teigu. Naraku however was capable of wielding it and loved the power it gave him.

Skills and Equipment:
Fighting Style: He doesn't exactly fight man to man very often, but in assassinations he prefers to strangle his target or incapacitate him or her and slit his/her throat.
Skills: Proficient with a Whip, has some political and business knowledge

I'd rather keep it a surprise for now

=Approved= Unless Beyond has an issue with it.
EmperorsChosen01Oct 30, 2014 10:14 PM
Nov 4, 2014 2:18 PM

Feb 2013
Name: Salvatore Doni
Faction: N/A
Age: 24
Gender: Male
Height: 182cm
Weight: 74kg

Personality & More: Salvatore is quite carefree and irresponsible, and believes that if there is a problem he can solve it with his sword. He has been known to be the kind of person who can be fighting to the death against a person, and later sitting down to drink with them.
Quote: "Well, I guess it can't be helped."
"Hahaha~ This looks interesting!"
Likes: Swords, sweets, anything interesting
Dislikes: Complicated plans and minor details
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

Skills and Equipment:
Fighting Style: Fast and up-close. He fights with the Bruciante Lama with excellent swordsmanship and uses the abilities of the blade as well.
Skills: Excellent swordsmanship - Has trained for most of his life and is a master swordsman.
Stealth - He can hide well and is skilled at moving around without being noticed.

Equipment Name: Bruciante Lama
Description: A large silver broadsword approximately 140cm long.
Classification: Teigu
Type: Class 1 - Offensive

Ability: Scottare
- Ability Type: Active
- Ability Duration: N/A
- Ability Effect: The blade of Bruciante Lama becomes incredibly hot so that if someone is in contact with it, they would suffer severe burns.

CrogLatteNov 4, 2014 9:21 PM
Nov 8, 2014 7:21 PM

Jan 2013
Name: Kasaki Hono
Epithet: The Firestorm
Faction: Imperial
Age: 25
Gender: Female
Height: 5'10"
Weight: 165 lbs
Appearance: Post Teigu Implantation.

Personality & More: Kasaki tends to be serrious and will do whatever it takes to keep order, she doesn't have much love for the Ministers or any corrupt officals, any more than she does for rebles.. She herself however is only a Lt Col., and because of this over looked by more powerful officals, minus those that have the same ideals as her at least.. While a bit of a sadist her personality is much more serious yet laxed. So not of the level of the Infamous Esdeath.

She is capable of torture, and while she looks down on the peasantry she normally does not tolerate pointless abuses and acts of cruelty among her forces, though as of late shes been reassigned to a specialist unit of the Imperial Guard in the capital. She has problems with elements of the political class, though she herself is of the Aristocracy. She oddly agrees with the need of the corrupt officals removale, but believes the Revolutionary Army has no legal rights to be...or at least the growing rebel forces.

Quote: "Ara ara" "Don't play with Fire." "Lets play.." "The Opinions of sheep matter little and less..but we are the shepards and have a duty to them." " "Spare the innocent, purge the guilty." "I..I'm not reading anything! Get out!" "I..I'm not that tall..your just short." "Those of wealth and power should carry it in actions, not in material."

Likes: Chocolate, stability, strong people, spartanish living, animals, Fire, romance novels.

Dislikes: Jokers, chaotic people, weak people, tyranny, unlawful acts, her height. Incompetence.

Alignment: Lawful Evil


Skills and Equipment:

Fighting Style: Trickster Gunnery: Tends to avoid direct up close fights, prefering to bounce, relfect, and to guide her shots in a deadly crossfire. Her eye's abilities only aid in this, though she is able to fight at medium range. She however has been known to use a multi-directional in close gunnery style if the situation calls for it.

Knows basic hand to hand defense, but rather not fight up close. Regardless she never plays around unless wanting someone for questioning.

Expert Marksman: Almost uncanny with her use of a rifle, could get a job as a trick shooter easily.

Skilled Tactician and accountant: Could run a bank or coffers as well as she can shoot a rifle. Proven to have a dangerous tactical mind and strong will, stays in shape knowing a strong mind needs a strong body.

Equipment Name:

Lever Action Imperial Standard Battle Rifle (Lever action rifle) x2: Standard Issue to gunner squads, however it has been modfied with a twelve round capacity, and a quickload slide.

Freya's Eye

Description: Human eye in form and size, the end however has seeker probs that seek out and attach directly to the users brain.
Classification: Teigu
Type: Offensive Support.


Kanton Fire
- Ability Type: Active
- Ability Duration: N/A
- Ability Effect: Turns the offensive capability of her weaponary into something like napalm, super hot fire that sticks to and burns a target, for instance fired bullets from a gun, or the blade of a Sword.

Freya's Gaze

Ability Type: Passive
Ability Duration: Depends on Endurance.

Ability Effect, allows the user to compute advance math (for trick shots) and tactical thinking, endurance against fire, and poisons, limited night vision. Improves speed and flexability. Eye must be uncoverd, unlike previous ability it glows a bright red, and puts more preassure on her.

Locked Ability:


*Note on Endurance, at first only 30 minutes or so, with the time going up the more she gets used to it, to 3 hours max in a 24 hour period, her hair is white when the eye is coverd, turning bright red when in use. First Active ability can be used however, but the eye cannot be used indiffinatly, advanced techniques cause that time to depleat faster, requires almost double the used time to recharge, thus tactical thinking it needed with the eye. Can make a set time or such with this if need be.

RedArmyShogunNov 13, 2014 8:06 AM
Nov 8, 2014 9:49 PM

Jan 2013
Name: Cyrus Mercer
Epithet: N/A at this time.
Faction:N/A hired gun and Bounty hunter.
Age: 25
Gender: Male
Height: 5'7"
Weight: 150

Personality & More:

Description: Mercer is a bit of a smooth talker yet brash, loves money, and generally doesn't care about any cause other than his own. Oddly he has a strong sense of honour and would not turn on an empolyer unless they break the contract. Not too picky with who he works for, and while he disdains politics he has shown a depth of knowladge far past most Mercs, and even some who's jobs are around those situations.

Isn't afraid to speak his mind if pressed, but overall he likes to keep things low key, can be a bit arrogant, and doesn't see anyone that he's hunting any different than most would see a animal. Could care less on moral concerns, or the word of the Law, as far as he see's it both have done nothing but caused trouble for the common man.

Quote: "No reward is worth this." "I fight for no cause but my own." "Dead or alive, your comming with me." "How about a penny for MY thoughts?" "I'm just a simple man making his way in the world."

Likes: Money, Easy jobs, women, wine, painting, books, long term investments.

Dislikes: Tough jobs with little pay, lawful people, fanatics, politics, and people that go back on their word.

Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

Biography: Cyrus Mercer was from a simple hunters village in the Eastern District, with poverty and Danger Beasts a constant threat. The stong survived and the weak did not, growing up with weaponary and a family of six, Mercer was more of a loner that seemed older than his years, learning to kill bandits and poachers, its even hinted at his village likely killed more than a few troublesome officals.On his 15th Birthday Cyrus was drafted into the Imperial Army, however he found it bothersome, boring, and far too demanding with its rules. His skill sets landed him in a spcialist Imperial unit, made to confront Teigu users, and Danger Beasts, though he never seemed to take the job seriously.

Rubbing shoulders with some Enlisted men who were working on the black market Mercer quickly decided once his three years were up it was time to work for coin, rather than some idiots papers. With his Imperial Army connections he quickly climbed his way up as a reputable bounty hunter, bodyguard...and if the rumours were true Assassin. Working for anyone with the coin he trends carefully between the various factions.

Unknown to most, he also does a bit of paintings under a false name, his peices are very popular among the more well off populance. Incidently he also owns a large percentage of stocks among some companies.

Skills and Equipment:

Expert Huntsman: is a marksman far past the level of the typical soldier, albit his skills arn't too fancy, can build various traps, bindings, as well as being a great tracker. (more or less he's not as good as someone that specializes in these its more of a jack of all trades)

Infiltration: Can get anywhere he cares to be, with in reason of course, while not able to shapeshift, he knows how to break in to places, and to dress up and act in a number of roles.

Artist: Is uknowingly to most a well know painter and has done a bit of writing, given that he deals with these under an allias and with dealers, its only helped to further his underground contacts.

Fighting Style:

Self Taught fighting style, relies on ambush, traps, dariging rushes, and overwhelming firepower or force. (In terms of real world matches, say systema meets Gun Kata, with Guerilla tactics thrown in)

Eastern District Huntsman: The Eastern district more poor and remote than the rest had to come up with tactics and ways of fighting the monsters and bandits that also called the region home. Because of this Mercer is a master of ambush and knows how to target small vital area's quickly as well as learn to move quickly and situational awareness.

Imperial Guard Training: while already able with weapons, stealh, and traps, the demands of the Imperial guard quickly refinded and added to his Eastern Tribe Abilities. However he learned some means of surviving if not defeating Teigu users, though from expeirance he would prefer avoiding them in combat..unless the coin is very good.

Equipment Name: SA Revolver x2 (seen in apperance)

Description: High Powerd Revolvers with custom rounds, such as.,

Knock out round..albit they must impact directly the rounds are made of a special heat resistant shell thats filled with a stunning toxin from a special type of snake, rubber rounds, crowd control rounds that can knock most people down.

Lethal Rounds, Armour Piercing (derp), fragmentation rounds, fly apart into a mess of shrapnel, mostly for danger beasts. And lastly normal lead rounds, keeps specially coloured cylanders so he knows whats what for fast reloads. The bulk of his rounds are of the more harmeful type, given the expensive nature of the first pair.

Equipment Name: Spring-loaded grappler knife.
Description: A blade with jagged edges, more of a dart really, that fires from Mercers left hand, can be kept semi-stationary as knife, but its mostly meant to impail and snare up a foe for capture. The cord has 15 meter reach and a mechanical firing and reeling mechanisim.

Classification: Non-Teigu

RedArmyShogunNov 9, 2014 10:08 AM
Nov 9, 2014 3:00 PM

Jul 2012
Name: Kiriya Hamada
Epithet: Beast Hunter, Traitor of the Empire and Revolutionary, and the Uncouth Mercenary.
Faction: N/A
Age: 23
Gender: Male
Height: 5'5"
Weight: 129 lbs

Personality & More: He'll ignore people in general for the most part unless they request for his help,in the meantime he just fights against danger beasts for a living.
Description: Dressed in warm clothings most of the time due to his teigu ability and tends to smoke and drink despite how young he is.
"There is no right or wrong in this world...we just over complicate our lives by deciding our fate..."
"Weak or strong so long as you are willing to make changes then so be it..."
"I do not take sides...only those who I believe are worthy of my strength can come seek me..."
"Fool!!! You're wasting my time!"
"Things never do change..."

Likes: People who are strong and willing to make attempts at something...
Dislikes: Those who do nothing and manipulate others...
Alignment: Neutral
Biography: Former Empire Soldier and Revolutionary Fighter Kiriya found working with both led him to nowhere in finding the justice he wants and found that it was best to take justice upon his own hands. In the empire he tried to stir something up from the inside but that almost led to his death and he barely escaped with his life. In the revolutionary they didn't have enough influence and he found progress in helping others slow and took it upon himself to help those who ask for it so long as there is a good cause. No matter who or what so long as the person is worthy of his help he'll help them even if they're part of the Empire.

Skills and Equipment:
Fighting Style: Strategically either he freezes them by using his active or passive teigu ability and then finishes them with either weapons depending on the situation. Usually goes straight for the kill.
Skills: Fighting in broad and general meaning and Cooking

Equipment Name: Yukikage and Fall From Grace

Fall from Grace:

EmperorsChosen01Nov 9, 2014 7:51 PM
Nov 9, 2014 7:14 PM

Apr 2011
Name: Kazutora Verdana

Epithet: The 1st Fang

Symbol: A Blood Rose in the center of a black star.

Faction: The Empire

Age: 24

Gender: Male

Height: 5’11
Weight: 175


Personality & More:

Description: Kazutora Verdana is a highly skilled assassin working for the crown. Despite his line of work, he is quite friendly and enjoys spending time with the citizens of the Empire. He has a liking for young children, and can often be found in the streets buying them food or playing with them. He values the lives of the people, and believes he is serving them with his actions.

Quote: “This is Bubbly. Bubbly is a teddy bear who loves little kids and candy. Do you like candy?” Waits for response. “You do? Here you go then! This is a sweet treat for you!” -Speaking to a little girl
“You are an enemy of the crown. Do not take this personally, but you are a threat. And as such, I will eliminate threats. All of them. –Speaking to a Revolutionary Army Member

Likes: Children, Fighting, Food,
Dislikes: Brutality, Abuse, Drugs

Alignment: Neutral


Kazutora Verdana is the bastard son of the Minister of Kivo, a city to the east of the Capital which is closely allied with the Empire. Alicia Verdana, his mother, was a “woman of the night” who spent much of her time in the palace with the king and his other concubines. However, when it was discovered that she was pregnant with child, the Prime Minister ordered to have her assassinated so that the child would not be born. However, with help from the villagers, Alicia escaped the palace and fled into the night. Traveling to a nearby village, she stayed there until she gave birth to her son, whom she named Kazutora.

When Kazutora turned 5, he was captured and brought back to the Kivo in order to see the Minister and meet him for the first time. Against his will, the threat of his mother being killed was the only thing that kept him in line and prevented him from trying to escape. After spending some time together, Kazutora’s father decided not to kill him. Instead, Kazutora was sent North, to live in isolation in the harsh winter wilderness for a year. If he could survive, his father would recognize him as his own blood.

A year came and went, and Kazutora refused to die. He did everything to stay alive; not for his Father, or himself, but for his mother. He merely wanted to see her again. After returning to Kivo a year later, he was sent to the Capital. There he was introduced to a man by the name of Vance Rockwell. Vance had been the head of one of the assassination squads during his prime, and he was to be Kazutora’s mentor. For many years they traveled throughout the Empire and to the badlands away from the Kingdom. Kazutora was put through hell every single day, training for countless hours a day, and resting little. When he wasn’t training, Vance taught Kazutora language, math, science, medical treatment, and art. Failure, whether in training or education, was punished extremely severely, while success was rewarded with more hard work. Despite the harsh and strict man Vance was, Kazutora grew to respect and love him as a father figure. Vance taught him many other things too, such as how to shave, hunt, and even talk to women. Together they formed a very strong father-son bond.

When Kazutora turned 16, Vance took him to the Mountains of De’sa’ku Shiki, one of the highest points in the entire world. In these mountains resided an incredibly powerful Danger Beast called Nocleus. Kazutora had done countless amounts of training, but he had never faced a Danger Beast of such power before. Nocleus was very similar to an oversized raven with a single eye, standing at 300 feet tall and amassing a wingspan of 450 feet. It’s wings were so powerful that when they flapped they could easily uproot trees, boulders, and almost anything in it’s way, making the possibility of avalanches much higher.
For three months, Kazutora climbed through the mountains searching for Nocleus. Vance had left him to defeat the beast on his own, and Kazutora knew he had to deliver. After climbing up and down the treacherous cliff faces, Kazutora finally located the behemoth known as Nocleus. Sneaking up to it, he was about to deliver a killing blow to its’ head when it awoke! He quickly pounced on its’ head before it tried to escape. As he was swung around wildly, Kazutora noticed that the constant and crazed flapping of Nocleus’ wings were causing the winds to blow the storm clouds towards them.
Three hours later, not much had changed. Kazutora had somehow managed to hold onto the Danger Beast’s head as it bucked and flew, attempting to throw him off. As rain poured down and thunder crashed, Kazutora had an idea. He removed his main weapon, a retractable spear, from his back pouch. He quickly aimed and plunged the spear down into Nocleus’ eye, blinding it. As the beast shrieked in pain, Kazutora’s grip failed him, and he was thrown from the beast. In that moment, lightning came down and struck the spear, electrocuting and sending 10000 volts of electricity to Nocleus’ brain, killing it instantly. This was a proud day for Kazutora, and one he would remember forever. He was now ready for the next step in the process of becoming more than just a skilled assassin.

For a whole year, Kazutora spent every day hunting for people who wielded different kinds of Teigu. Working with his master, they found and defeated ten different Teigu wielders, collecting their Teigu and sending them to the Capital. This training taught Kazutora to think quickly on his feet and learn to adjust to his opponents and their abilities.

After two more years of training, Kazutora was summoned to the Capital. The Council had ordered that Kazutora lead his own assassination squad to prove both his worth, leadership abilities, and pure skill. With three other members assigned to him by the Council, Kazutora formed the infamous Death Squad known as The Four Fangs. Each of the other Fangs, the 2nd Fang, 3rd Fang, and 4th Fang, were extremely powerful and were rated on ability based off what Fang title they held. Together these four assassins went on countless successful missions, eliminating targets right and left without any losses. They quickly became popular and were feared throughout the kingdom.

Then one day, everything went wrong.

The Four Fangs received a mission that stated that a traitor to the Empire had been spotted in the Capital, and they were to take him out. For the four, this was a simple mission; get in, kill the traitor, escape. However everything went awry when they discovered the identity of the traitor: Vance Rockwell. As the 4v1 battle ensued, Kazutora found himself conflicted. He had so many questions, but no time for answers. Despite Rockwell’s insane ability and power, four skilled assassins of near-equal ability turned out to be too much for him, and he was disarmed and surrounded. As Kazutora stepped forward to kill his former mentor, he saw the calm and tranquility in his master’s soft eyes…

“Why? Why did you…turn against the crown? You were a legend... My father treated you well, so did the Empire. Why would you turn against us..against the Empire…” Kazutora struggled to understand.

Vance smiled sadly and sighed.

“Oh, my boy. I never turned against you. There is so much you do not know. You have this false idea; that the Empire is everything good and clean. That is because you are at a point of power. You have not seen this world from the eyes of the common man, Nor have you seen it through my eyes. Your father is not who you think he is.”

Kazutora gritted his teeth, both in pain and irritation.

“Do not speak against my father. He may not be a model citizen, but he is still a voice of power, whom I serve. I see that you have truly fallen to the side of evil. You have been corrupted like those in the Revolutionary Army…” Drawing his weapon, he placed the sharp end at Vance’s throat. He struggled with his words, but knew he could not show weakness or softness around the other Fangs. If he did, they would never trust him or his leadership ever again…

“Goodbye..Sensei. For years, you taught me that failure leads to punishment. These were the lessons you branded into my soul and mind. Now..the roles are reversed, and you have failed. Thus, punishment is in order.” In a flash, Kazutora sliced his spear across Vance’s throat, letting his head fall to the ground. As his master fell, a piece of Kazutora died along with him.

As the Fangs fled the scene, Kazutora was troubled. He no longer knew what to believe. His mentor had turned against the crown, but for what reason? In his quest to attempt and find out the truth about the Empire and the Revolutionary Army, Kazutora disbanded the Four Fangs, leaving mixed emotions between him and the other members of the team…

[I purposely chose not to describe the other Fangs in any way in case someone else ever wanted to create a former Four Fang Member.]

Searching for answers, Kazutora went to visit his Alicia, his mother. Since he had returned to the Capital after his training, he had used his salary to take care of his mother and provide her with her own security detail as well as a nice home to live in. However, she had fallen in the depths of despair, and surrounded herself with drink and drugs. She was no longer the woman he had once known, but was merely a shell of her former self. It hurt Kazutora to see her this way, but he knew not how to help her. Most of the time she was so high on drugs that she could barely respond. He would merely talk to her to voice his thoughts, never expecting any form of response.

“Mother…These past years…I have always followed my orders...I’ve always believed in my the Capital...Never once have I doubted the leadership of those in power. Yet now, I have begun to wonder…Am I missing something? Am I blind to the needs of the people? Is my faith misplaced? My former master…he turned against us…I..” Here he choked up, and struggled to find his words. “I..killed him…And for what?” Here he looked at his mother, expecting to see the same hollow stare he always received. To his shock, her eyes were closed. Even more than that, her chest was rising and falling like it normally did. Springing out of his chair, he dashed to her side, anxious to check on her. He was horrified to find that there was no pulse. In that moment, he knew. She had passed away. As he slowly arose from the lifeless body, he made his way to the door when he suddenly stopped. Something had caught his eye. Turning back, he noticed a syringe next to her body. Now this was nothing unusual, as she often injected the drugs into her bloodstream. Only this time, something seemed off. He checked her arm for a puncture wound, but found nothing. He searched and searched, until finally, he found a puncture wound slightly under her chin. That wound gave it away. She had not overdosed. She had been murdered.

Five years have gone by now. Despite his many questions, Kazutora continues to serve the crown and works his hardest to be the best assassin he can be. He works alone, and carries out his orders as a Hitman for the crown. He isn’t fully recognized by members of royal families and high powered officials, as many still view him as a bastard child, and thus have little respect for him. Even his father and other members of the royal family don’t fully recognize him. However, his ability, skill, and infamy often are what prevent them from speaking their mind about him in public. He pursues the Revolutionary Army relentlessly, cutting them down wherever he can find them. He hasn’t stopped training, nor has he stopped searching for answers…

Skills and Equipment:

Fighting Style: Kazutora is extremely skilled, and having trained for so long, has incredible reaction time and a keen eye for finding the weaknesses in his enemies. He is a quick learner and is constantly formulating multiple ways to defeat his opponents. In combat, he is extremely fluid and quick, easily moving from one point to another and overwhelming his opponents with a barrage of attacks in the blink of an eye. Although he has not found a Teigu that has accepted him yet, he has defeated multiple opponents that wielded Teigu before.


[*]Martial Arts: Kazutora is well versed in Martial Arts, able to go hand to hand with some of the best fighters in the world, as well as be able to wield many different types of weapons; most notably, the Bo Staff. His many years of training have hardened his body, allowing him to withstand large amounts of damage while still dishing out a sizeable amount of pain.

[*]Medical Training: Taught to him by Vance Rockwell, Kazutora learned the art of medicine and using whatever he can find to manage wounds. He is able to think outside the box as well, finding odd ways to use everyday objects as medical tools.

Equipment Name: Gokaku (五角形)

Description: Gokaku is a compact, foldable, double tipped Bo Staff/Spear that Kazutora uses as his primary weapon. With it, he has defeated countless opponents, such as Nocleus, Vance Rockwell, multiple Teigu users, and many other enemies of the Empire. When folded up, Gokaku’s length is about 6 inches long. When fully opened, the staff reaches a length of 5 feet. It has an obsidian coiled spring in it as well, allowing the end to extend an extra foot. The spear tips are made of an extremely hard diamond/obsidian mixture, making them both sharp and durable. The entire weapon is black and gray, with slight gold tips. Despite its durability and strength, Gokaku is still light enough to be wielded with one hand.

Classification: Non-Teigu
Type: N/A

Ability: N/A

EmperorsChosen01Nov 9, 2014 7:52 PM
My Anaconda dont want none unless you've got a brain, class, and aren't acting like a total hoe.~

Nov 9, 2014 9:56 PM
Nov 2014
Name: Daisuke Lamotto
Epithet: not one yet
Faction The Revolutionary Army
Age: 22
Gender: male
Height: 6'1"
Weight: 195

Personality & More:

Quote: ‘Go throw your money somewhere else I can’t be bought” “It’s never hey Daisuke how’s your day going instead it’s just order, order and more orders!’ ‘The Lamotto name will be restored count on it!’
Likes: kind people, fairness, relaxing
Dislikes: selfishness, seeing the weak hurt, serious people
Alignment: Chaotic good
Biography: Daisuke grew up as part of the nobility in the empire growing up in the family mansion. His father and mother were always kind to him and the family servants believing that the empire needed to change the way it treated people. His father had hired a General known as Claw who was an elite with blades and daggers to train Daisuke so he would be ready to join the military one day and help bring change. Six years went by and the political state in the capital began to change for the worst. Daisuke’s father knew what was coming but he couldn't tell his son or he would refuse to leave. He sent Daisuke to a neighboring village to stay with friends of the family saying it was for a vacation. Days after Daisuke left the mansion was raided and his parents were killed by solders. Daisuke heartbroken vowed to carry on his father’s wish and joined the Rebels to bring the change his Father wanted.

Skills and Equipment:

Fighting Style: Daisuke uses his twin daggers ebony and ivory he relies on extreme speed and agility when he fights hoping to exploit any mistake and go for the kill
Skills: Daggers, Swordsmanship and Taijutsu
Equipment Name: The twin daggers ebony and ivory
Description: two rare daggers of white and black steel made to be used together and cause quick death. Classification: Non-Teigu
Nov 12, 2014 1:49 PM
Nov 2014
Name: Sakura Kurnai
Epithet: The second fang, Red Death
Faction: ex empire
Age: 18
Gender: F
Height: 5’8
Weight:125 pounds
Appearance: Beautiful with red flowing hair that resembles blood. A scar below her right eye and red eyes.

Personality & More:

Description: Sakura Kurnai was a server to the crown and part of the legendary fangs until they were disbanded.
Quote: “your blood is so pretty show me more” “I want to swim in your blood”
Likes: Blood, killing, her sister
Dislikes: The fangs, empire, happy endings
Alignment: Chaotic Evil

Biography: Sakura Kurnai was born a happy girl in the eastern tribes. Her life growing up was hard but she had an unbreakable bond with her sister Mahara Kurnai which always brought her smiles. When she turned 10 the eastern tribe was attacked by the empire because of a greedy minister demanding that they give five slaves as tribute to letting them live. Her sister was picked out to be one of the slaves but Sakura pleaded with the one in charge to go instead. Sakura told her good byes to a sister promising to meet again and that she needed to be strong. When they arrived at the capital they arrived in chains and were brought to a cage. A scientist named Weaver came to explain the situation to them after a week imprisoned.

“Hello there my name is Weaver and you are here today because your tribe is special in the fact that your warriors by blood. The empire wishes to make use of that so starting tomorrow we will manipulate your body’s using the blood of a danger beast and a few other things to create the perfect killer. Anyone who actually survives this will be our new monster all together.”

Four years of experimenting and unimaginable pain only Sakura remained her once silver hair and eyes now shined with red she was no longer who she once was. Soon after the door to her cage was opened by a man named Vance Rockwell. He explained that he wanted to help her and if she agreed to follow him he would get her out of the hell she now lived in. She became that day the second fang and was given a Teigu that because of the new blood now in her veins she was compatible with. Under the leadership of the first fang she performed many assassinations which she found that she was good at and loved to kill. She didn’t get along with the first fang soon because he hated brutality and she became fascinated with playing with the blood of her victims.

Then the day came when they received the mission to kill a traitor that turned out to be Vance. Vance the man who freed her she found cared little about it and was curious on how his blood would spill. Soon after finding him the 4 four fangs fought and defeated him. The rest of the fangs then turned their attention on the first waiting to see if he would have it in him to kill his master she was prepared to kill them both. He took his masters life to her surprise she didn’t think he would be able too.

Once the fangs were disbanded she saw no reason to stay in the empire anymore so she decided to find her sister the only happy memory she had and the only thing that brought her humanity out. She eventually found out that her sister used to hang around a man named Cyrus Mercer before disappearing. With that information she headed out to look for this man to hopefully find her sister the only thing that she could possibly love in the world.
Skills and Equipment:

Fighting Style: fights with a sadistic blood craze to her using her scythes long reach to keep the enemy back. She only fights serious when afraid and that rarely happens in her life. Skills: she’s a master with her scythe she and her weapon are almost connected. She’s physically amazing thanks to all the upgrades to her body.
Equipment Name: Blood scythe
Description: a long black scythe with a red blade that almost appears to be alive
Classification: Teigu
Type: offensive

Ability: Blood Revival
* Ability Type: Passive
* Ability Duration: N/A
* Ability Effect: any blood spilt is animated into a sword and shot at her opponent and continues unless diluted by another substance like water or someone else’s blood.
Ability: blood armor
* Ability Type: defensive
* Ability Duration: if she loses enough blood in goes away
* Ability Effect: armor made of her own blood protects her body it’s an hard armor because of her blood but has openings around the back area and is not impenetrable armor can be broken through with enough hits.
Nov 13, 2014 3:11 PM

Sep 2014
Name: Richardius Bastardius
Epithet: The Greedy
Faction:The Empire
Rank: ???
Age: 78
Gender: male
Height: 5' 6"
Weight: 180
Appearance: (Please spoiler tag these.)

Personality & More:
Description: grumpy, anger issues, distrusts many
Quote: The world is full of money
Likes: money, good moneymaking workers, power
Dislikes: righteous people, bad workers, night raid
Alignment: Evil
Biography: Richardius Grew up with Two parents that were merchants that were doing bad due to the "honesty" that made them not doing good in the first place. As he grew up he found out how to make money in "various" ways and made a huge fortune off of he currently "works" for the empire now.

Skills and Equipment:
Fighting Style: cant fight
Skills: (You are to list up to a maximum of 5 different skills. These can range from anything, whether it be swordsmanship, martial arts, to first-aid treatment, trading commodities, cooking, and so on. The less number of skills you have, the more skillful you are in the few that you have.)
arms dealing
"strange" dealings

no weapons, his people and money are his weapons

Wow, a non-combatant PC. Unexpected but interesting. Approved
CrogLatteNov 13, 2014 4:38 PM
Nov 14, 2014 9:40 AM
Sep 2014
Name: Sagara, Zen
Faction: N/A
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Height: 180 cm
Weight: 70kg

Personality & More:

Quote:''Are you even trying?''
Likes: to fight, to think different methods of assassination, to do parkour (free running), to succesfully complete a mission
Dislikes: stuck-up people, to fail a mission, to express any emotion
Alignment: Neutral Good

Skills and Equipment:

Fighting style: Zen usually observes his objective/opponent and plans out a countermeasure to defeat him/her. If he has no time to think about what's next, he just improvises.
Skills: Intelligent, knows parkour (free running), masters kenjutsu.

Equipment name: Katana and a Hidden blade.

Classification: Non-teigu
RelayHKNov 15, 2014 2:50 PM
Nov 14, 2014 3:13 PM

Jul 2009
Ricardo Rodriguez Santos
The Ghost, Seller, One-Man Black Market
182 cm
80 kg

[b]Personality & More

A bit of a ladies' man, suave, mysterious and cool despite the fact that he almost always has someone trying to kill him. He's always out to make a profit, and revels in his wealth with satisfaction. He's actually quite a affable guy on the outside, but the instant he sees an opportunity to grab some cash, he'll do it, morals be damned. He isn't a swindler, however - he always gives people their money's worth, and only sells people what they need.

At least, that's how he sees it.

The reality is very different. Even when blackmailing the socks off of a client, he is completely calm and perfectly charming, able to use his mastery of words to manipulate them into following his orders. He can be completely ruthless, however, as his goals are entirely selfish. He has no problem with letting others take the fall for his misdeeds, and while he has a reputation to uphold, he always makes his promises with fingers crossed.
"I'll buy and sell anything. Antiques, Weapons and Government Secrets, all for a fair price"
The Ladies
The Humorless

[center][b]Skills & Equipment[/center][/b]

Fighting Style
While it is true Ricardo has learnt martial arts and even owns a Teigu, he openly admits that he dislikes fighting. He loathes having to get his hands dirty, and would much rather escape than face someone in open conflict. That isn't to say he is weak. Far from it, Ricardo can be a surprisingly capable fighter when he puts his mind to it. What he lacks in raw physical strength he more than makes up for with acrobatics and cunning.
- Changquan(Long Fist)
A martial art developed ages ago, painstakingly taught to Ricardo by a wandering monk in exchange for several "favors". Changquan, or Long Fist, is a martial art that focuses on Centrifugal Movement, increasing his power through continual movement. Sideway somersaults, wide-arc slashes and an aggressive offense makes Ricardo a surprisingly able opponent once he opens up his stance. Although he has not mastered Changquan, and most likely never will, his interpretations of its stylistic movements are instinctive and almost savant-like.

- Master of the spoken word
Ricardo is a veritable master in the art of wordplay and conversation. He is capable of swindling just about anybody.

Equipment Name
Rorschach Brand Cigarettes
Exceptionally high quality cigarettes, which are naturally exceptionally expensive.

Equipment Name:
Wandering Forest Demon;Yuurei
A weapon resembling a machete, with a wide, straight cutting edge. The blade has a clean, silver finish and is slightly translucent. A midnight black material makes up the handle, wrapped decoratively in a deep, royal purple cloth. Ricardo acquired it through his dealings, buying it for an exceptionally cheap price off of merchant who thought it was just a decorative piece, albeit a bizarre one.
Class 1 - Offensive
Incorporeal Shifting
- Active
- Ricardo can remain in a sustained incorporeal state for roughly an hour, though this rarely happens
The primary ability of Yuurei allows any portion of both Ricardo and itself to phase out of the material realm and into an incorporeal state. Physical matter cannot actively interact with anything shifted in such a way. This allows 'The Ghost' to pass through solid material as if he were a specter - his namesake is derived from this - or bypass a parry in order to cut the opponent behind it. It also permits him to dodge many forms of ranged combat by fading portions of his body out of the corporeal world; any body parts or items in such a state are identifiable by their translucence.

However, due to not having mastered it use, Ricardo faces several limitation when utilizing Yuurei. First and foremost, he is unable to 'shift' his body without first making the blade itself incorporeal. There is also a slight time delay between shifts. While it varies, the time delay is most noticeable during a full body 'shift' which requires a full ten seconds to achieve. Lastly, while it is true that no physical matter can harm while incorporeal, the same applies vice versa. He cannot attack while the blade is incorporeal, as it will simply pass through the opponent.
CrogLatteNov 18, 2014 4:07 PM

Stop. Calm yourself. You're an idiot.
Nov 15, 2014 10:33 AM

Jan 2013
Name: Ryu Kusanagi
Epithet: Dragon Fist Of The North
Faction: Neutral
Rank: N/A
Age: 19
Gender: Male/Female (at night)
Height: Male: 6.2ft (189 cm) Female: 6.1ft (186 cm)
Weight:Male: 246 lbs (112 kg) Female: 239 lbs (108 kg)


Tho he has tanned skin and blonde hair even in female form and his gi is dark blue.
Personality & More:

Quote:"I win, you lose. So what? It’s what you do with the experience that counts!" "Let's keep fighting until we are both completely satisfied!"
Likes: Fighting, Honor, His style, Loyalty, Cats, a challenge.
Dislikes: Betrayal, Dishonor, Greed, Fast food, bugs with alot of legs
Alignment: Neutral
Biography: Ryo was born in a far away village near the mountains. He was born cursed with the curse of changing gender from day to night this caused his poor family trouble as the rest of the village who fond out after 8 years about this. They called him the "devil child" and wanted to execute him because he would bring down bad luck to the village. His parents hade no choice but to leave the village but since they barely had anything they left their child in the care of his Grandmother that lived in the mountains a.k.a The Dragon Of The North and left. Ryo passed his life with his grandmother learning the Kyoukugen Ryu karate that his grandmother was a master of. 10 years later his grandmother felt that she was dying of old age so she asked him for one last fight for her to die as a warrior. Ryo did not want this and refused to fight her however she attacked him anyway but fell down and died of an heart attack before Ryo could do anything. Shamed that he could not acomplish the last wish of his grandmother he stoped using the martial art because he considered himself a disgrace. A year after he finds a document in his grandmother's belongings. In it their where all the teigu and one of them was circle with a text on the side "Ultimate Weapon". With this Ryo understood that that teigu was a teigu his grandmother wanted to have as the unltimate weapon of her karate. To redeem himself he decided to look for this teigu. He sets of to the Capital for this reason.

Skills and Equipment:

Fighting Style: Kyokugen Ryu Karate.His main strength relies on his fierce punching attacks. His infamous Tenchi Haou Ken (Heaven & Earth Supreme King Fist) is a good result of this type of style as such a punch often was able to automatically put oppnents in stun upon impact.
Skills: Gather chi: Ryu can gather ki from Gaia, the mother-earth.
Multiple Attacks: Ryu can channel his ki energy into his arms to deliver multiple punches at a very fast ratio.
Equipment Name: A simple katana his grandmother had tho he doesn't know how to use it.

Classification: Non-teigu

Interesting character xD Not often you see a genderswapping character Lol
Wow awk as I went to approve it it was approve by Emp. Anyway it is approved, but you might wanna mention it was a danger beast that cursed him or something. Also lol at badass grandma and that anticlimactic but meaningful death. Just don't go firing any ki blasts and you're good to go.
CrogLatteNov 15, 2014 3:01 PM

Nov 15, 2014 4:43 PM

Sep 2014
Name: Sakura Yasuke
Epithet: ???
Gender: female
Height: 50 inches
Weight: 50 lb

Personality & More:
Quote: "hurting people is bad!"
Likes: candy, animals, games
Dislikes: blood, fighting
Alignment: none

Skills and Equipment:
Fighting Style: ???
Skills: hiding

Equipment Name: tiny rat
Classification: Teigu
Type: biological base

Ability: increase in size to that of an average wilderbeast
- Ability Type: Active
- Ability Duration: ???
- Ability Effect: ???
(this is my third character though 1 of them is easier to kill than the three)

(holy darn, i dont expect this kid to be naruto or something. Well Whatever i have Edited To per your request)
61235Nov 18, 2014 4:36 PM
Nov 16, 2014 12:07 AM

Dec 2013
Name: Ryo Mori

As far as your Teigu goes, it should be fine as long as you can't use both abilities at once, oh and I dunno what you mean by circular pattern in Scattershot. Also you can only have one Teigu, so between your two character please choose the one you think is more instrumental to your character and at least for now leave one character without a Teigu.
CrogLatteNov 18, 2014 4:41 PM
Nov 16, 2014 6:13 PM

Dec 2013
Name: Lewis Enfield

First, I can allow you that cool non-teigu but just don't expect it to be that effective because, well, guns are op so in anime they are easily blocked and miss a lot. Even with your Teigu on, bullets should be blockable with other teigu or weapons. The sniper would probably be the only thing capable of outright piercing a non-Teigu sword or Teigu armor. Also you didn't specify if the armor is outright unusable when it is dark out or the sun is blocked out. I'd prefer that it is to give non-Teigu users a chance. Btw I'm not gonna approve your Rank 3 atm cause well I don't really have anything to compare it to personally, I don't read the manga. Lastly I know he was afflicted with the Empire, but is his Neutral atm? Please specify.

CrogLatteNov 18, 2014 4:24 PM
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