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Jan 27, 12:56 PM
Jan 2024
I want to start this off by saying that Hellper (Season1 i mean) was one of my [b]favorites[b] webtoons of all time, i dare say one of my favorite series of all time competing even with One Piece (My favorite of all time) but this season was extremelly garbage, it completelly destroyed every god damn thing that made this series so epic and so enjoyfull, it was so much that one can see Hellper 1 & 2 as COMPLETELY diferent series!
I'll be listing all the issues i saw with series and the huge discrepancy from of The good Hellper (Season1) to the garbage that became of it (Season 2).


1: The Action: In season 1 fights were violent yes but it was a creative violence the purpose was to display a epic and interesting fight showing the oponnents using epic techniques, unleashing bursts of power driven from emotions that conected to the story adn overall just to display a artistic entertaining combat.
In season 2 all of the fights felt like it they were there to show gore, to show dirty violence with no sort of presentation to it, and most of the time without even real meaning.

2: Power: Still a bit on the topic of fights but with a incline to the world building, Hellper has two dimensions to it, The world of the Living & The World of the dead aka hell, in hell one attains flying and dark power absortion wich leads to the various different unique powers one can use in the plane of existence, the very way one lived and died cretates a unqiue set of abilities that only that person can use -- all of this rules paved the way for creative, exagerated epic and fun combats, possible ONLY IN HELL, you see one extraordinarly breaking it's limits and doing the impossible there because you understood that the rules of hell allowed for one to do so.
If Gwangman was slammed against a mountain in the World of the Living he would die, in Hell that's just another tuesday
Season two already start with mfs doing SUPER HUMAN stuff right on the World of the Living! Those fights are not only ugly to watch but everybody sustains so much damage that i began to question if they were really human to begin with, like when season 2 show in depth how Gwangnam's and Deukchin's childhood went, in season 1 it gave us the understanted that they were abused/mistreated yes but in season two those kids were being ACTUALLY TORTURED! First of all why? That adds nothing to the characters and if they were to actually survive all of that then they should be SUPER HUMANS as adults! It does not make sense, the kid versions was doing more f-ed up shit than when they became actual gang members! That severely breaks the power scalling in the world of the living and it makes Gwangnam look weak as a adult, what he was doing literal ninja shit and beating up beating up gangsters trying to kill the leader WHEN HE WAS 12 and they he's just a tougher than most young adults??? If were following that then he should be a god damn Winter Soulder working for the government and shit!

3: Dark themes: Another HUGE discrepancy of something being perfect in Season 1 and completely garbage in Season 2, In season one they are dark themes yes but they were there to make us understand the charcaters, their motivations, the world they lived in more, they had a purpose, like when it showed Jaewa going off to be sold as sex slave, it wasn't there for impact but to add to Gwangnam's motivation: He loved her, the thought of that happening to her was a nightmare and was what drove him to LITERALLY FIGHT OFF 100 GUYS ALONE AND WIN! He didn't care if he would die, all he cared for was her safety and that's what unleashed that burst of will power when he SCREAMED "JAEWA!" right on the middle of the 100 vs 1 fight, it was epic!!
In season 2...Themes like, rape, the selling of rape videos, LITERAL MURDER GRAPHIC MURDER, torture, was there just to impact the reader and not in a good way, you know when you see something fucked up and you kinda get those uncorfatble chills from it? It's that, you don't get chills form a epic battle, you don't get chills from a interesting moment or dialogue, you just get repugnated from that many horrible themes being presented very graphicly with little to no reason for them to be presented.
Like why show child Gwangman tied to a post being beat up until he coughed up blood by a adult strong former gang boss if it didn't add nothing to the story?? It did not make him stronger: child Gwangnam could go toe to toe with his adult self, it did not get through any sort of message, it was just there to make us feel digusted, same as every other theme it presents there.

*Breathes iiiiiiiiiiiin

I'm sorry i'm just mad because this series did not establish itself like this, in season 1 it was fun, deep, interesting, epic, imaginative, in this season it's overly violent and dark without purpose to the point where it's disgusting.

It really makes me sad to see a series that was so interesting, so funny when it needed to be and serious when it needed to be, that had such interesting cast of characters, that had such world building, that teached me so many things...for it to reached the peak of it's everything in the Season 1 finale just to be utterly destroyed in Season 2...

Season 1 of Hellper and Season 2 of hellper it's like Killberos and Scar in the stroy.
One was something beautiful,epic and captivating and the other it's just a pile of rot using the shell of what it once was.

Idk about the author but I will ALWAYS be KILLBEROS.

-The LoFi Boi
Feb 5, 12:47 AM
Oct 2020
I feel you, bro no wonder no one is talking about Hellper anymore. It's a damn shame. I wish we could have just had a continuation of season 1. The author seemed to think they could milk the story from all angles, but damn did it backfire.
Feb 10, 10:50 AM
Jan 2024
Reply to OreNoOchinchin
I feel you, bro no wonder no one is talking about Hellper anymore. It's a damn shame. I wish we could have just had a continuation of season 1. The author seemed to think they could milk the story from all angles, but damn did it backfire.
@OreNoOchinchin You understand me brother.
May 24, 2:06 PM
Jan 2022
I agree with some of your points, but I disagree with your overall conclusion. I don't see how killberos is at all trash. It does do some things worse than S1, but it also does some things better. It is true that S1 had better fights and more interesting world building, but it doesn't go as far in character writing. S2 is a necessary step to setup the role of background characters like Deukchun and Dogseller, and I think it does so in a more than intriguing way. The path the story takes to develop characters to me is more interesting than the fights and actions that probably appeal to broader audiences. That said, I do think the story makes the most out of its fights regardless with its limited power system.

I completely disagree about your points about the themes. The purpose of darker themes is to showcase how a darker world would affect Gwangnam, which ties in with the purpose of the vote counter. The example with Gwangnam tied up contributes to the story by creating a disturbing setting, as intended. This fits narratively because it ties in with the dark party's intentions. This is not anything new, you can see it in any other top work like Berserk or Monster.
May 24, 2:07 PM
Jan 2022
Reply to OreNoOchinchin
I feel you, bro no wonder no one is talking about Hellper anymore. It's a damn shame. I wish we could have just had a continuation of season 1. The author seemed to think they could milk the story from all angles, but damn did it backfire.
@OreNoOchinchin you're completely wrong. No one ever talked about hellper in the west in the first place. There was no "anymore".
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