Obviously, the MAL rules still apply here, but I'd like to stress a few things:
1. Be civil to everyone, regardless if the other's opinions doesn't align with yours.
- We all have different opinions. Please remember that.
- This excludes racist, homophobic and other sensitive topics of discussion, because of obvious negative implications. In other words, be respectful.
2. Always spoiler tag manga-related discussions, threads, and sentences.
- This is to make the club open to anime onlys as well, and as to not ruin their experiences.
- When creating a thread relating to the manga, include [SPOILER] or [MANGA SPOILER] in the title. Something similar also works.
- You spoiler tag something by writing [spoiler]the spoiler[spoiler], but with a "/" before the second [spoiler]. For clearer instructions, click on the blue "BBCode Help" button.
3. Arguments are fine, but please keep it civil.
- Do not let it devolve into a fight. You are more mature than that.
4. Mentioning and comparing Mochizuki Jun's other works to this one is fine.
- As long as you follow the other rules and still keep the topic related to Vanitas no Carte in some way, that is.
Other rules might be added in the future.
Thank you in advance. |