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Mar 29, 2015 2:22 PM

Dec 2011

The harbor. No goods come into or go out of the city without going through here. For obvious reasons, conflict and tension between the factions exists and is relatively common here, as well as foul play when it comes to shippings.
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Apr 10, 2015 4:03 PM

Jan 2013
Laughing a bit upon killing the connection, Wolf had capture her interest..what despair could she bring down on would he was he in bed. Numerous questions raced her mind, but for now she would give him a gift and use him in turn.

Pausing to review information passed on to her, it seems Vincent was starting to patch his life with a stray..she would need to correct that, his life was hers to shape, and to eventually crush. The Russians where doing a fantastic job in cleaning out the trash, though she ratherd the North Koreans held on. The Rest were as still as always. Laughing once more, Mia grabs her PKM, testing the bolt, as she glances up at the cameras overwatching the docks, she sees two targets of note. Off in the distance seemed to be that car Wolf drove, he would likely be there in a matter of minutes, but he wouldn't be anywhere near her.

Headed right for her were the last two North Koreans. However a set of foot falls come from behind her. Her boss..well who she agreed to follow for now. Smiling as she turns to face him, Mia rubs her hands across his chest smiling. "So..what do we do with the Koreans? Also our sponsors shipments made it across just fine..those worthless idiots proved useful."
Apr 10, 2015 4:54 PM

Dec 2011
"Keep them... The brainwashing they go through in their own blasted country makes them loyal subordinates. We'll keep them until their usefulness fully depletes," Stated the so-called boss. The man in question stood tall, fit and adorning a dark blue suit with dull blue trims and a gray dress shirt underneath. His hair was long, reaching slightly past his shoulders and black and his face covered by a white mask with dull blue streaks coming from opposite ends of the top of the mask, curving a bit towards the middle after traveling past the holes for the eyes,then ending down towards the chin. The man did not seem to care for the woman's... advances, simply ignoring her. "Did we run a full inventory? I don't want anything missing."
Apr 10, 2015 5:08 PM

Jan 2013
"aww..but I wanted to kill them..fine..besides I have a meeting with someone else soon..I guess I'll even put them in contact with the dear fatass for reserves."

Looking at his eye slots, she giggles slight. "One day I'll see whats under there.." Thinking back to the shipments Mia nods solemly. "Yes a count has been done. We can start operations shortly." Pulling out a sealed bag the white gell like substance shimmers in the light. "Just heat it up. Also our investors have plans to send a few more things in, and a couple requests from me."

"Well if theres nothing else, I have I need to take care of." Rubbing her breasts against the mans side she smiles thinly. "Maybe three? Or are you still not willing to sleep with a barely tamed snake?" Waiting for her okay to leave, she plans to deal with the Koreans, then go to meet wolf.
Apr 10, 2015 5:44 PM

Feb 2013
The sound of the engine of the car could be heard soundly as Wolf parked in a small parking lot right in front of the pier. He opened the door and then made his way through the pier, completely desolate. It seemed as Mia had an impressive ability of choosing eerie locations for her encounters, not that Zedriks minded, really. In fact, he preferred being alone when he talked with the woman... Less chances of him saying or doing something someone else could see. In fact, the woman drove him mad sometimes, which was one of the reasons he really disliked meeting with her personally, especially since she was extremely vulgar.

He made his way to the end of the pier and drove his right hand into his pocket instinctively. Drawing out a cigar pack, he took one out and lit it up so that he could take a smoke. The morning was still cold and Zedriks could see some ships in the distance, closing in on the harbor. "More drugs and more weapons for this hellhole, I guess." He mused to himself as he sighed and continued to smoke as he awaited for his "friend" to arrive.
Through me the way is to the city dolent;
Through me the way is to eternal dole;
Through me the way among the people lost.
Justice incited my sublime Creator;
- Divine Comedy, Inferno, Canto III.
Apr 10, 2015 6:38 PM

Dec 2011
"I don't care what you do so long as you do not hinder me or those loyal to me until deemed... expendable," The man stated calmly as he stared ahead, refusing to look into her eyes for only a few moments. Huffing at her comment, he pulls a phone out of his pocket and stares at it a few moments. "My face will not be revealed so easily... especially not to one as unpredictable as you," He commented, sliding through... whatever he was looking at on the device as he then replied to her reports. "Good... Though I remain wary towards whatever it is you requested... You may go do as you please long as you do not kill yourself... and once again, I state I will no sooner trust you in bed than I would with scissors... It's a wonder why I let you carry a gun," Sighing at that, he put the phone up to his ear and left the area whilst talking to... someone, letting Mia do as she pleased.
Apr 10, 2015 6:51 PM

Jan 2013
" let me carry a gun as I'm good at my job." Smiling with a wink, she leaves the drug sample in his hands. "And, that I'm loyal..well so long as you can keep your leash on me..and give me what I desire." Letting that final word draw out for a bit longer than needed, Mia continues to stare at him as he leaves. "Ahahahaha...ahh..the webs we weave.

Heading to the docks she stops to deal with the surviving two North Koreans. "Ahh.. Comrades, I told you to be wary of the Russians..thats why we want them to break themselves. That Major bitch has a fine force at her command." The Older looking of the pair scoffs.

"We are not impressed by you Yankee Dog, we required reinforcements from the homeland..we will listen to you in regards to these Russians, but it is not you whom we came here to see." The man was quite Agitated with Mia as she clings to his arm. If he had a gun he might would have even likely shot her.

"Now now Captain Hwong Il, is that anyway to treat a lady?..oh well who you came to see is in the back store house..I'm sure he'll be happy to speak with you." Watching as the man rips himself free from her grip, she for a brief instant tights it enough to cause the mans brows ripple in surprise. "Also Captain...the night is young and dangerous..why accidents happen all the time here..even as the sun comes up..accidents always happen."

Heading out on her own way, she finds Zedriks easily enough. From the smell of his cigars. Approaching him directly, she wonders how she can toy with him. "If it isn't my most...beloved comrade." Walking up to him she starts to lean against him. Whispering in his ear she grins. "I know where the man you want dead the most in the whole world is...but what could make me part with this information?"
Apr 10, 2015 7:14 PM

Feb 2013
Zedriks watched as the waves broke and shattered in the walls of the coast. He sighed as he smoked his cigar and thought about the time he was still back there... In Lebanon. Perhaps it was the worse time of his life, yet it didn't matter now... Everyone was dead, that's all that mattered. Zedriks continued to smoke until a certain voice he could be heard.

Obviously enough, it didn't take long for Mia to arrive. The woman was as beautiful as ever, but there was always that sinister smirk across her face, something that always made him wary of her. She approached him on her usual way and he didn't seem to resist in the least... It was futile after all. "You can stop the false flattery, Jackal." He said, looking away from her with a serious expression, he threw his cigar into the ocean and then heard what she had to say... Which she whispered in his ear. If this was told to him around two years ago, Zedriks would've shot up, immediately grabbed Mia's shoulder and shouted at her to tell him. However, he had learned to suppress these emotions by now.

Zedriks took a deep breath and then he looked at the breaking of the waves again. "So that's what Clown told you, huh?" He asked rhetorically. "Well, there's nothing I can offer you, Jackal. Even if there was, I don't think I'd just give you like that. If you don't want to help a fellow member of the Beasts, that's not a problem, I can find other ways to get the information." If Mia knew, that meant other members of the Beast knew as well, namely Clown and Rat.

Deep, deep inside, Zedriks was boiling with hatred and anger already, a feeling he had learned to suppress, but not one that was nonexistent. It was there, fervent as ever. Shabal... He reminded himself of the man's name... If that was ever his real name.
Through me the way is to the city dolent;
Through me the way is to eternal dole;
Through me the way among the people lost.
Justice incited my sublime Creator;
- Divine Comedy, Inferno, Canto III.
Apr 10, 2015 7:25 PM

Jan 2013
Grinning a bit at him as she tilts her head, Mia walks around to his rear to watch the waves. "...hmm this spot is rather lovely." As if brushing him off she chuckles. "Which part of its false, do you think? Oh I may have some interest in you." Walking back to Wolf's front, she runs her right index finger down his chest, smirking a bit. "Why not mix business and pleassure, I might be capable of some Pillow Talk.."

Smirking a bit on mention of the clown she shakes her head. "Uh-uh. Oh he knows he's here, but I know exactly where he is, and where he will be. Mister Terrorist is having a meeting with the Russians, among others soon." Pulling her finger back she smiles slightly. "Theres just a few people there I want fact I might help you..depends what we decide on." Smiling a bit as she sniffs his neck with another whisper. "Or how about we try the pillow talk..though I don't mind both."
Apr 10, 2015 7:38 PM

Feb 2013
Zedriks kept himself quiet as she moved around and, finally, right in front of him. "You have an interest in any healthy human male, as far as I know." He said, with a jokey tone, even though he meant it. "Sorry, but today I'm here strictly for business." He responded to her with a serious tone as he smirked slightly.

He then heard what else she had to say. So she knows exactly where Shabal'll be. Well, she already told me enough so that I don't need to help her out... But she did come all the way here to tell so I don't think I'd mind giving her a hand. He thought to himself as he heard what she had to say. "You never change, do you?" He said, sighing before making a simple question. "Why is he here? He knows I'm here, it doesn't make sense for him to come to his death."
Through me the way is to the city dolent;
Through me the way is to eternal dole;
Through me the way among the people lost.
Justice incited my sublime Creator;
- Divine Comedy, Inferno, Canto III.
Apr 10, 2015 8:19 PM

Jan 2013
Laughing at that she sighs a bit as if to pity him. "Not every man..I do have some standards." Playfully teasing him she sighs crossing her arms. "Fine fine.." Not many knew she only went after those she found powerful, mostly to get close to them. Only later to break and ruin them for her own enjoyment.

At the never changing remark she giggles, then at his questioning holds up her finger. "Uh just gave the answer to your own question. The Past and change chases us all, some more than others. Offically, he's here for an arms deal, unofficaly some people in his orginization want him dead..or maybe he wants you did. Regardless at times the best place to hide is in plain sight."

Laughing lightly at that, she admires his car a bit. "Don't worry I don't play to attack the Russians, thats just stupid. There are three Targets I have to hit, one is your terrorist, one is at my bosses request, and the last for my other boss in DC." Smiling a bit she lays back on his car, feeling the hot metal beneath her. "...ahh...for a bonus I get to kill any security foolish enough to resist..I would just hire you to kill all three but...I rather doubt Elena will make that easy..though luckly her men arn't tasked to protect any of our targets.."

Motioning with her right finger as if to call him, Mia keeps her trademark grin in place. "So will you kill with me?..Other things we can try later if you are keen."
Apr 10, 2015 8:35 PM

Feb 2013
Zedriks looks as she walks away and, as usual, teases him in all ways she can. He wondered for a second why she was always doing that. It was something he wanted to know, but not to feel. She started to walk away and he started to follow her, seeing as he now had little option.

He sighed as he heard Shabal's reason to be here in Kraja. It wasn't unnatural of him to do that. In fact, during most of the time Wolf was in Lebanon, all Shabal would do was make use of Zedriks to uplift his own market and client list. Still, he was risking a lot coming here, rather people wanted him dead or not, coming here was the definition of asking to die. Zedriks knew that. Once again, he questioned why the man would come here, even if he had business with the Russians.

As she saw the car, Zedriks noticed her gaze of admiration. It was clear that Mia admired power... And nothing showed more power than a powerful car. "Oh, that's sad... Here I thought that I'd be able to shed some ruskie blood tonight." He said, smirking slightly. With that, he made his way to the car as she leaned on it. "And, as if coincidentally, all your three targets will be in the same place tonight?" He asked. It seemed way too much of a coincidence. He had a feeling that something was wrong here, but, truthfully, he didn't care as long as he got to kill Shabal. "So they won't give their lives for our targets. That sounds good. Though I prefer the hunt when there's more difficulty." He said with a slight chuckle before she asked him.

"Well, after business perhaps we can "have some fun" on your terms. However, on one condition..." Suddenly, Zedriks' tone went serious... Dead serious. "I want to kill Shabal up close. I want to see his expression of despair. That's the only condition I have for helping you out, Jackal." He said, his expression as serious as it could be. He had something in store for Shabal... Something he had been saving for years, just for this day.
Through me the way is to the city dolent;
Through me the way is to eternal dole;
Through me the way among the people lost.
Justice incited my sublime Creator;
- Divine Comedy, Inferno, Canto III.
Apr 10, 2015 9:04 PM

Jan 2013
Laughing at his remark in regards to the Russians and guards she holds up a hand. "Not so easy, while the Russians might not guard them, Elena will for sure fight us if we are near her. You should know that." Pondering the rest of it she decides to play with the information she had. She very well wouldn't tell him to much, but what he needed to know.

"However, the three targets will have one case, American Special Forces Soldiers. Well former, now working for Triple Canopy." Guessing his line of thought she smiles, getting up off the car, it vanishes briefly. "Ahahaha...ahh so why are so many VIP's together...well lets thank the local PMC's, the Americans, our local PMC group, and the Russians are all to thank...lets just say a sunkenship with a cargo that could make all of Shabal's dreams come true was found..what is death in the face of victory in the mind of a terrorist?"

Addressing his agreement to join in on her fun as well as his request, she smiles a bit. "Oh..up close huh? Good, I like that. Lets just see how close we can work together."

Deciding to now trust him with more information she reaches her right hand, under the rim of her shirt, pulling it up, all thats there is muscel tone, a low level kevlar vest, and a folder, that falls out from beneath.

"Take a look." Handing the folder over she names the targets.

"US Major General J Jacobs..Commander of 28th Logistics Command, he's been dipping into the cookie jar too much. Next is, well out mutial Target. And last is Boss Chen of the Chinese Triads..he's a bit too crafty for his own good." Smirking a bit she waits for his reply, leaving the details of each man to the folders. "Leave Chen to me..I think you killing the leader of the 2nd most powerful gang leader here might be bad for your health."

(Astros planned to make a replacement triad leader to serve a "temp post" till a player wanted it)
Apr 11, 2015 3:31 PM

Feb 2013
Zedriks watches as she lowers her hand to pull the shirt up. He was impressed that she was even with a Kevlar vest. She was prepared for everything, something that somewhat made Wolf wonder what she was really doing here in this city and who she was working for.

She then handed him the folder with the targets that she had to kill. He looked at the pictures and heard the information she said about them and about the security. From his point of view, this job was very easy. All they needed to do was time their attack right. However, Wolf wanted to kill Shabal up close, so there was no point in sniping them from afar. Invading the place was his best option if he wanted to kill the man that way.

With that, he he read the files quietly and then closed the folder. "Seems like you're going for some high-value targets, Jackal. No wonder you're going to be needing my help." He told her, smirking slightly. "What about the location. Where's the meetup? How though'll security be?" He asked back with the serious tone.
Through me the way is to the city dolent;
Through me the way is to eternal dole;
Through me the way among the people lost.
Justice incited my sublime Creator;
- Divine Comedy, Inferno, Canto III.
Apr 11, 2015 4:24 PM

Jan 2013
"That..we arn't sure on. That little Russian is conducting the meeting, three possible locations are known, and confirmed. Thats why I don't just use a sniper. That needs time to prepair."

Pausing for a bit, she names the three most likely locations. "First is the China International Bank in the Business district. Your standard dime a dozen building. Next is the Atlantic Hotel in the Tourist District, and lastly, is right over there.." Tilting her head back, and extending her left arm, is a Cargo ship on the horizon, flying the banner of the Russian Federation.

"I think the hotel is most likely..I don't see the Russians or Chinese going to something belonging to the other." With that out of the way she shrugs. "I have someone on the inside, we'll have one hours notice likely. As to OPFOR hmm.."

Tilting back up to face him she smiles thinly. "They security is what you would expect, however given the nature of the meeting, the Russians have overall security of its merchants. The others are asked to co-operate, but they have there own chains of command. Plus as I said I have a mole that will help us get in. Security will likely be set to a rapid deployment setup. In otherwords, the longer we are there, the more there will be. However to keep the peace, I figure maybe a total of thrity to fourty people will be in the main meeting area. At least half of those will be guards, differing from the Russian GRU soldiers, to Thugs in suits, Haji's, and American PMC's."

Pausing at that she gives a small shrug. "As to the others, as I said the Haji's want there boss dead, the Chinese is another matter, and the General is on orders from the CIA. The men in the room with them will be there most Loyal. The rest.." Smiling as she taps her lower lip with her left index finger. "well in either of the three cases I'm sure its a long walk.. As to the Russians, heh we might have to fight the snake bitch if she takes a interest in us, but they'll likely purely guard there long as we don't pursue.."

Leaving off on that she smirks a bit, albit not a happy one, so much as in a sadist fashion. Walking over to a nearby set of containers, she grabs hold of the containers lock, entering a spinwheel code, the lock comes undone. Backing away with the door in hand, there seems to be a few standard supplies, and a crap load of ammo for a PKM. But most noteablly were the bundles of explosives. "I think these will help discourage any chase, or to block off the area's behind us. I'm betting heavily they'll use the hotel. Opinions?"
Apr 13, 2015 12:04 PM

Feb 2013
Zedriks carefully hears all she had to say. She proposed some nice and interesting views of the problem at hand and the possibilities for the three targets. Honestly, Zedriks was thinking of where Shabal would most likely go to, but there were some other facts that he had to put in the balance as well, considering there were other people in the meeting besides just Shabal. Obviously, though, Shabal was intelligent. Wherever the meeting was decided to be, he knew Shabal would have a few things in preparation for the two, whether they would attack him or not.

Security wasn't going to be a problem. Targets were easy to get to and, if Zedriks or Mia had a chance to get close, they could deal with them with relative ease. The big problem was the randomness in the location. As there were three possibilities, it would be better to have three members instead of two, in order to maximize the chances of finding them. That way, they could make a triangle with the locations and place themselves in positions that allowed them to be near the possible areas, thus saving the travel time from an area to another, in case they were wrong. Still, Zedriks knew that they had little options and few advantages at hand. This could just work out the way he wanted if everything went alright.

Zedriks sighed. "If were to tell you... I'd say that they would likely choose the ship. If Shabal is to conduct business with the Russians and he has a say in the matter, he will likely choose the ship in order to difficult our invasion, since long-range assassination would then be impossible. In other words, I don't know. If they are making some kind of vote considering everyone, you might be correct, but if Shabal's the only one choosing, then he will choose the ship. Still, let's just not consider it for now." He mused as he walked to the driving seat door of the car and opened the window. Picking up something from below the car's seat, he reveals a small map of the city with the areas of gangs, special locations, contact places and even small things like drug and weapons dealers. "The hotel is right here, in the middle of the Tourist District. If you're correct, there's a way into the building without needing to barge into the front door or using a disguise. The Atlantic Hotel is a 95 store building with another one likely as large right besides it... The Trade Center." With that, he pointed to a building to the north of the Atlantic Hotel, almost the same size. "It's not as tall as the Atlantic Hotel, but it can save us some floors and allow us to burst into the building or sneaking in without having to worry with the guards or anything that would attempt to get on our way. Considering who they are, they'll likely use one of the top floors." He said with a small smile as he then pointed at a river that crossed the city to the ocean. "And if they're not there, we can use the River to get to the ship quickly or to the Chinese District. In other words, this place is perfect. However, let's not discuss strategy right now. We still have no idea of how we're going to do it all, after all. And there could be subtle changes in their plans." He added as he closed the map and then gave it to her. "Seeing as you know more than I do. I'll give you the map for you to do some planning of your own." He said with a serious expression. He then made his way back to the driving seat door of the car.

"Jackal. We'll meet again later for us to form some plans and see how things will go later. I'll give you a call when I have time. For now, just study the map and see if you find anything interesting." He told her with a small smirk. "If we're successful, I'll be sure to give you the "gift" you so much desire from me..." He added before getting into the car and starting up the engine. However, before going out, he opens the other seat's window. "Ah, I almost forgot. You're without a place to sleep, right? Here, this is a key to an apartment I got. Make yourself cozy and give me a call if you need anything." He told her before throwing a key towards her. He made a sign with his hands before he drove back the car and then made his way back to the Speakeasy.
Through me the way is to the city dolent;
Through me the way is to eternal dole;
Through me the way among the people lost.
Justice incited my sublime Creator;
- Divine Comedy, Inferno, Canto III.
Apr 13, 2015 1:19 PM

Jan 2013
(Nice how you add all these details when I get too lazy too lel. no smart ass remark, mean that.)

Grunting a bit at his assesment of the situation, Mia had to admit, he was impressive. In most regards she was content with basic information, then just slaughting everything in her path. Taking the map in hand, she might as well attempt some basic planning, she at least knew how to escape trouble, and where her enemies would likely run. Which to her was more important. "Hmm..that Trade Center could be possible. My man might not be too far in the loop..but his information is rarely wrong."

In short she Simply never made plans to far, her role was mostly Search and Destory, leaving plans to her own antics, heat of the momment thinking, or dictates and overview of command.

"I'm sure you would." She says with a smile, at his notions of hitting on her..or rather recuperating her own hits. Taking the thrown key she smiles thinly. "Hmm..I might consider it if you use the room. Other wise I have a couple places I go for sleep.." The way she said the last bit, seemed to hint at actually sleeping, than other activities.

"I'll wait to hear from you. Maybe I'll take your room offer up as well." Pausing to look at the key, already in the back of her mind, she was classifying the wolf as a threat...he clearly knew this city well, and was formidable at planning..if he could not be brought to heel for herself, and her employer...then..

Smiling as that thought trailed off, it might be fun to shake the Zoo to its foundations, just like with Vincent..thinking of him, that was another problem she would need to deal think someone was bothering to live with him..
Apr 18, 2015 1:00 PM

Jan 2013
As the four leave the coastline heading to the Depths, Yan mostly badgers at Hank over his shitty ship vs his shitty helicopter, Vincent seems to pace the upper deck, taking a couple of his pills during the trip, and Laura..Laura was livid. Using the time to hang on Ichika, and tease him, moving him towards the edge, or rocking him towards the waves. Normally she wasn't clingy, though in this case it seemed to be out of spite.

As the ship nears its distination however she adopts a more professional pose.

"Hank, you and Yan bloody well stay up here, me, Vincent there, and the boss are going down. Just keep an eye out for visitors..and sharks. A cargo ship is set to meet us out here, It'll have a Japanese flag, if it doesn't. light the bastards up with the MG. Then get us the hell out of here..or rather you two get out of there, then come back for us." Handing the other two masks and tanks, plus communicators she goes over what they need to know in gear opperations. "Boss, have yah ever been under the waves like this?"
Apr 18, 2015 9:15 PM

Dec 2011
"Laura... you're being awfully clingy... and moving me awfully close to the edge... Is this revenge for groping you or am I being too optimistic in assuming you've just decided to be more loving...?" Ichika questioned doubtfully. It was unlikely that Laura was just being loving... though that would be quite a sight. But Ichika knew the only chance of her being all lovable like that was if he were to actually get shot like they had joked prior.

After changing into the wet suit, Ichika peered over the edge as Laura gave out orders. "If someone does come here and force you away... make sure to memorize what their flag looks like..." He demanded blankly... Obviously, anyone who dared to trap him under there was going to die horribly. Sighing to Laura's question, he shook his head. "Never... Why would I if I dislike it?"
Apr 18, 2015 9:35 PM

Jan 2013
"Hmm..I wonder.." With a smile she goes back to her final gear checks. "Everything seems in order." Making sure all the valves work, and they have the neede floaters to bring salvage up she returns her attention to Ichika, Laura can't help but supress a sinister smile. "Hmm why indeed..don't worry so much, I'm sure any sharks that come will mistake you for shit, by the taste."

Somewhat teasing him, she takes note of Vincent suiting up, and simply back falling over the side into the water. Seems he was in a hurry, though he seemed worried most of the way. "..we still need to ask him about Scythe you know..though he seems distracted. Then again if Dani is living with him, where is she.." Pondering that question she shrugs. "After you boss."
Apr 19, 2015 2:26 PM

Dec 2011
"You seemed to like how I tasted last night..." Ichika retorted, hushed to keep it only to the two as well with a mock pout.

Nodding to her serious inquiries, Ichika replied. "We'll speak to him about that afterwards... He'll tell us whatever he can, especially since we have... information on her, although vague. As well that he wants to know how Daniella came to be so aggravated with me. It's an equal trade, I say... As for Daniella's location, perhaps she's off on a job? If they were looking for jobs together and they scrolled upon my offer, Daniella likely blew up and scared the hell out of them, then stating how she'd want to kill me... etcetera. She obviously would go with a different job... and perhaps that was Vincents reason for choosing mine out of the others; to find out why she blew up. Maybe he's worried, though, he's plenty paranoid as it seems already."

After that analysis on Ichika's part, he sighed and nodded, equipping the headgear and checking through his equipment. "I have all this on correctly... right?" He questioned. He really didn't like this, but was being decently professional about it before letting himself drop into the water.
Apr 19, 2015 2:49 PM

Jan 2013
"Well you know what they say about english cooking, love." She says in kurt reply to her tastes.

Nodding her head in reply to his remarks, Laura seen no fault in them, but crosses her arms slightly. "I myself am curious as to why that is."

Tugging on his mask and lines, she gives a nod, slapping him on the ass as him slides into the water she laughs. "Ah don't bleed'n go dying on me down there."

Turning on her own comm, and giving the two left on the ship, she dives into the water, submerging quickly, though she also brought on a pulling trolly with the floaters for recovery. "Hey Boss. If you get tired of swimming use the trolly. She can carry yah no problem. Just grab the side handbars."

As they get closer she notices Vincent, for a man that had been shot he seemed to be handle the water pretty well. With that thought passing her mind, he pauses and waves to the pair. As his voice comes on boths come units, slightly distorted by the water and distance. "Ship in view, huge fucking impact in the side, guessing torpedo's brought her down. Hellship, and someones been here recently like your contact said. I'm not going in first though." He says flatly while waiting on the pair to catch up. "About 30 meters down from looks of it."
Apr 19, 2015 3:53 PM

Dec 2011
"Hm... I'm not sure I should tell you, thought... You certainly wouldn't be... happy, with what occurred..." Smirking at that a bit in revenge, he left it particularly vague on purpose. As they approach Vincent, his voice cuts in. "Well, would you like to take point or shall I, Laura? I doubt there'd be people hiding out here... but it's not as if I'm an expert in this damned environment," Ichika really didn't like open water. "Least we haven't seen any sharks yet."
Apr 19, 2015 7:55 PM

Jan 2013
"Huh Sharks? Ehh I seen one or two off in the distance." Vincent motions while swimming, with not a hint of concern in his voice. "Long as we don't spill any blood or make alot of vibrations in the water, they won't show up."

Laura simply glares at her boss from behind her visor, obviously from his first comment. Pipping in over the comm her voice starts with light laughter. "On don't worry I'm sure the smell of the boss will make them run..and hmm I'll go in, least you shit your pants if a bag of bones hits you."

Swimming ahead she enters the hole left by the Torpedo hits. Using her head gears lights she scans around. "..hmm..more than a few bloody skulls in here, transport ship." Though of course none of the remains were bloody so much as she was swearing.

Vincent follows in behind her swimming to the aft end. His voice comes on the line. "Looks like some stolen artifacts Red X's on them...the hell were they after.."

Laura at this heads for the Bow finding there target, neatly packed in rusting coral incrusted metal frames, with a pair of of over turned artillery cannons. "Umm..boss..I..well..I found the Cargo..but we might should blow it up." Vincents attention picks up at her comments, waiting for Ichika he swims around at the torpedo hole, waiting for the man.
RedArmyShogunApr 20, 2015 9:26 AM
Apr 20, 2015 8:08 AM

Dec 2011
"You aren't helping Mister Barracuda..." Izaya stated flatly.

Though, he could at least take amusement in the fact that Laura seemed to be a bit jealous and bitter about his words. He had to get back at her, after all. Ichika couldn't let her stay on the offense.

Following behind the two, he glances around. "A morbid structure in an even more morbid environment..." Keeping behind her, he seems determined to find the targets and leave as soon as possible. "I don't want to have to say that I came down here for nothing... It was unnerving enough when I had incentive... Wouldn't explosives damage it?"
Apr 20, 2015 9:34 AM

Jan 2013
"Bloody hell! Explosives would damage us. Its fook'n Artillery shells, dozens of em!" Pointing forward at the collection of shells, a few were clearly broken, but most seemed intact,

Vincent swims forward to look at the collection. "She's partly right..but notice the bands, and the odd color markings?" While the paint mostly was peeled away or coverd in coral the markings were there. "These are Chemical shells. Sarin or Mustard, I'm not sure, but they are Chemical Artillery rounds."

Laura looks at the collection unsure of what to do. "Boss we were paid to retrive these...but..what does our client want with them."
Apr 20, 2015 4:11 PM

Dec 2011
"So, they aren't normal shells then...? Hm... That's suspicious... Normally, I'd say to let whatever happens happen... but.... Oh, there would be something to make me think and stay down here longer...." Complaining a bit in the end, Ichika examines the equipment. "When they said they wanted us to retrieve something, I assumed they meant meager treasures and artifacts for selling... something of this nature we should have been told about... I almost want to destroy the damned things just for their secrecy..." Though Ichika seemed to care mostly about profit and cash, whenever his aid was enlisted, he acquired payment not only in money but as well in information. If someone wanted something escorted safely somewhere to guarded, he would be notified what it was they were smuggling, escorting, guarding, etc... or they could go deal with it themselves, which they then had little choice but to give up the information as, if they were going to Ichika, it was fairly obvious they couldn't for whatever reason do so without aid. "Well, what do you think? Should we pause and I give them some shit for this or just destroy it to teach them a lesson?"
Apr 20, 2015 6:27 PM

Jan 2013
"..we should break them." Laura says flatly. Vincent shrugs at that while kicking his feet to keep in place.

"Shit we passed weapons like this on all the time in the CIA..but yeah I don't like..Besides we got the artifacts." Pointing back to the bow stern of the ship.

Reaching for her rifle, Laura slaps one of the warheads with a buttstroke, breaking its container head thanks in part to the rust and tear, as a colorful liqued floats from it to the surface. "Might just want to blast these."

While they are debating the course of action, a containership flying the Japanese flag comes along the small tug. As its captain looks down upon the pair in the boat, he waves with a smile. "Huh you boys work fast huh?" He says to Hank.

Noticing the colorful trail floating at the surface, his smile remains, but he backs away from the ship. Grabbing one of his crewmen by the shirt his smile is still there, though it does little to reassure the man. "Suit up twelve swimmers...keep them from breaking all of the shells..or I'll feed you to the goddamn sharks.." Looking at some others he motions with his head while he goes for a handgun hidden in his pants at the back.

"..kill those two fuckers in the boat. Don't worry they can't get up here, I'll be happy with you just driving them away, if you are that shitty of shots." With that a number of men approaching the railings of there ship to look down on the tug. As the Captain calls out to them. "Hey! No hard feelings, we didn't plan to let you guys leave here alive to start with you know."
Apr 21, 2015 12:40 PM

Dec 2011
"Then let's grab the artifacts, blast them and leave... I'm done with this," Izaya said with a small huff. He was sure going to have words with the employer... to say the least. Aggravating Ichika into being serious wasn't a good idea for anyone. Though he wouldn't be as aggravated if he were anywhere else in the world."...Wasting all this time and making me come down here... They're really going to have to be kissing my ass to get out of this easily..." Murmured Ichika in slight annoyance as he swam back towards the stern of the ship. The only good thing about this was the artifacts they would retrieve as well as now being able to leave.
Apr 21, 2015 7:58 PM

Jan 2013
Yan wasting no time, just sticks his middle finger up at the men on the upper deck, before switching the boat into drive. Picking up his radio he replies to the dive team as gunfire echos. Wisely he only talks to Laura, explaning the situation he sets up a meeting point 200 meters to the south in a barrier reef.

"Bloody damn balls up!" Laura says while looking at the other two. "Vincent you and boss just grab whatever you can carry, gold coins, jewels, I don't care, sling more of it on the diving cart if you have to just do it, and do it now, then swim south, and keep swimming till you reach the gods damned bloody reef! Watch out for fucking sharks. I'll take care of this."

Looking at Ichika she smirks. "I'll be right behind you. I'm not paid enough to be a hero. We got company on the way and they arn't get out of here, or i'll just shoot you and let the sharks deal with it all." If she had to hazard a guess it was the sharks why they didn't bring the items up..or they wanted to wipe out the company..and who was they..
Apr 21, 2015 9:29 PM

Dec 2011
"What? What's going on?" Ichika questioned in response to Laura's orders. Upon her answer, he scowled. "I've had just about enough of this... someone's dying when I get dry," Stated Ichika in a tone that showed he was more than tired with the current ongoings. "And don't remind me about the damned sharks!" Sighing at that, he shook his head and glanced back at her just in time for Laura to speak her assurances. "Then don't get hit at all... I won't be able to get you back for teasing me today if you're injured. That would just make me an asshole," He commented before nodding slightly and swimming south of the area... Hopefully no sharks would interfere with that.
Apr 21, 2015 9:46 PM

Jan 2013
Vincent nods in kurt reply, hurridly grabbing as many things as he can, slapping the loot down on top of the device Laura mentioned, he grabs its guidance handle, ventruing behind Ichika. "So..this normaly how it is for you guys huh?" He seems to ask this half mockingly. "Goddamn this and her job both smelled to me...fucking water, and fucking sharks.." Reaching for his pill bottle, he would do him no good here. "Lets stay up towards the reefs, the red ones would be best, call it fire coral. Don't touch the shit or you'll see why. Should keep the sharks away..wonder what that crazy woman of yours is trying."

While the pair swim away, Laura speaks to herself with a laugh. "Too late for that Ichika, you are an asshole..we'll see if I can do that promises..but I got three grenades."

Pulling the pin on one, and tossing it in among the artillery shells, she hoped it would do the job well enough. Even if it didn't set the explosives off it should fragment the warheads for good meassure. As the water plumes behind her speedy swim, she notices a hint of yellow. Tossing another in, she keeps the thrid primmed swimming for the bow, when the first of the enemy swimmers enter. Trading fire with them under the waves, she has the advantage, but the well as attention the bloodshed might attract puts her on a defensive.

Hitting three of the divers their comrades quickly swim away from them, clearly intent on leaving them at natures mercy. This however leaves nine. Smiling grimly behind the mask as a shell clips, yet doesn't thankfully puncture here air tank, Laura releases her last handgrenade while swimming out the rear doors of the bow. Vanishing in a wake of water preassure, the Swimmers decide to ignore her, concentrating on salvaging whats left of the cargo.

As the Pair swim away Vincent notices the think strands marking preassurized gunfire, plus the plums from the two Grenades, however he doesn't mention it, but that last one was cutting it close. He would be surprised if she were alive.
Apr 22, 2015 1:02 AM

Dec 2011
"No, actually. Most in Kraja aren't so foolish... Lying to me... Keeping information from me... then either getting us shot at by someone else or stabbing us in the back, depending who our aggressors are... This isn't something even the heads of this city would try doing so easily... Elena. The Dandy Man... They wouldn't try something like this unless they were near out of options and they're rather understanding of my need for all available details on the contract and compliant with my requests... anyone who isn't should be prepared for me to tell them to fuck off or to be taught a lesson," Stating that with a bit of spite, Ichika sighs, nodding to Vincent as he kept closer towards the reefs. "Rest assured, you'll get your full pay and answered before I track down this son of a bitch... As for Laura, don't worry about her. I hired her straight out of the S.A.S. I doubt these bastards will scratch her... and if they do, well, just put that on the list of my... incentives regarding tracking them down."
Apr 22, 2015 1:22 PM

Jan 2013
Vincent ponders he sureness on the situation, then gives a slight tilt of his head as if in thought. "Well if what you say is true then its someone in the outside world likely. Or someone helping them. Only they would be that stupid."

Pondering on the woman as they reach the Reef base, Vincent looks through the loot collection. "Hmm looks like I grabbed a bit..shame we had to leave most of it." noteablly is a collection of gold bars.
Apr 22, 2015 10:32 PM

Dec 2011
"Oh, don't worry... I have connections to the outside as well... They're foolish if they think they're safe..." Grinning not all too sanely at that, Ichika reaches the reef base and checks through it as well. "With my bartering, I can cover the price of that sub with this... I cannot, however, replace Laura so easily... For various reasons... Hopefully she shows up soon. It's been quiet since that last little explosion... Murmuring that, Ichika looks back towards where they retreated from for signs of his... assistant. "Though if she doesn't show up, I suppose I can hurt them a bit more when I find them..."
Apr 23, 2015 2:56 PM

Jan 2013
"Hmm.." Pausing for a bit Vincent stares at Ichika. As if working what to say he pauses. "Well..she seems to mean a lot to you, huh?" Grabbing a few bags of loot from the cart his face likely would have a smirk beneath the mask.

"I'll just take these. I grabbed all of it, so technically its all mine. Treat her well. Also while we're at it, just why in the hell where you looking for me? And what is the issue Dani has with yah..the fucking stray is with me now, and I aim to keep her its a good idea to know why she wants you dead."

Pausing a bit he turns to face the direction of the sunken ship. "They must be busy trying to salvage what they can..also depending on both those answers, I won't try and kill you today. Afterwards depends on those anwsers.."

He half wonders where the woman is as well, but likely she was just swimming a wider route to the pair. He just hoped the ship got in and out unoticed to pick them up.
Apr 23, 2015 3:21 PM

Dec 2011
"You could say that... I could assume the same thing since you're dealing with Daniella. She's hot-headed, stubborn and foul-mouthed... You wouldn't keep her around if you disliked her," Ichika mused, laughing a bit at his inquiry on his meeting with Dani.

"Well, it's not all to extravagant if that's what you're hoping for... though tell Laura, I'd like to tease her a bit longer if possible... Anyway, Daniella arrived here a year or so before I did... After Kraja was founded. By that time, she was already one of the better mercenaries and gunmen around. So, part of her hatred of me, I think is the fact that, even when I was younger and less experienced, not to mention without allies, I was, at the moment, the only person she couldn't touch no matter how hard she tried. You know how aggressive she is. And if you're so angry at someone, doesn't it simply tear you apart to know you can't actually do anything? I was one of the first to be completely out of her reach."

Shrugging with a chuckle, he continues. "Not to mention with my attitude... I studied philosophy and the inner workings of the mind before I came here, even tested them in real life, so it is quite easy for me to manipulate those around me... whether that be into doing something I need... or just figuring them out... Paired with the fact she can't punish me, I'd say she's also angry that, so quickly upon meeting and speaking with her, I was able to draw out more from her personality, thought process and background than she'd have liked," Explaining that, Ichika smirked.

It wasn't hard to believe. Ichika was a master with people, after all. Even if they were wary of or aggravated with him, he still could work them like puppets for the most part... or at least decipher what they didn't want known. Not to mention, Dani wasn't the... brightest or most subtle...

"I don't know what she's told you... but she hates being outdone and even more, being useless and unable to do a thing about her issues. She thought that when she came here, she wouldn't have to deal with that. It would be as simply as punching, beating or shooting them... Unfortunately, none of those worked against me," Likely this tied into how much she was lead around on a leash and used in her days as a teen, unable to do anything to go against what she was being made to do. "Well? Want to kill me still? I never harmed her or go out of my way to aggravate her further. Honestly, I was investigating those of interest in the city; needed connections, you know? Honestly, these days I can't even tease her if I see her on the street. She always notices me first and starts shooting," Sighing at that, it's as if Ichika is more upset about being shot at simply because it means he can't get a taunt off. "And, of course, if you think I did something worse, you can go ahead and ask Daniella. Though what I'm saying makes sense, doesn't it?"
Apr 23, 2015 3:32 PM

Jan 2013
Hearing the story he stares at the man briefly as a stream of bubbles from his exhaling and inhaling. Shruging a bit he continues.

"Nah thats fine..seems believable enough from her. But you still didn't answer one question. Just why were you looking for me? Need someone killed?" Overall that point still interested him as well as the mans reluctance.

While he waits for the answer on that score, a set of batterd flippers and a female figure with a handheld rebreather approaches. Heading right for Ichika, Laura simply grabs his face mask, or rather the face portion, connecting a small hose to it she breathes off the same air tank as him. "Bloody hell fucking grenade too bits of my flippers and my fook'n tank, nevermind the goddamn sharks that came to visit..they must really want those shells..not like manys left, but bloody hell they only chased me for 50 meters." A bit frantic with her near brush with death she clings to Ichikas right arm, though with the rebreather hose she could easily say it was as they had no choice.
Apr 23, 2015 3:40 PM

Dec 2011
"Hm...? Oh! That's right! I almost forgot," It seemed as though Ichika wasn't reluctance... but simply forgetfulness... Or it looked like it.

"That's because..." Soon after he said that, a figure appeared and sure enough it was Laura, wasting little time in doing... things he didn't know they could do with the damn equipment. How was he supposed to know? Ichika hated this damn water. Though he didn't mind the clinging. "Injured at all?" He asked her firstly. "Don't worry... I'm going to track them down for that... Hopefully, Hank got a good look at them. Anything you could tell me about the divers as well would help... maybe I could speak to Ghoul as well... Ah! Right... Sidetracked..." Stopping himself from yammering on about that, Ichika continued on with Vincent's question. "To that... I was employed to find the source of some trouble between a couple of people. We took care of the riffraff... but we need to find the source of the trouble... which seems to be connected to someone my the call sign of Scythe. I was hoping you could tell me more about whomever this person is."
Apr 23, 2015 5:05 PM

Jan 2013
"All part of the job boss, and yeah I think so the tank and fins took the most from the impact..I might have some dislocations or fracture from preassure force, but I can't tell for sure." Thinking on her attackers she gives a shrug. "They were Swimmers, and Asian. Not much else to say really. I didn't stay long enough to get into a major firefight, though they seemed to have mostly eastern block gear and weapons." Pausing as Ichika's question comes out she braces..

At the very mention of the word Vincent turns to face Ichika with visable rage across his face. "SCYTHE!? WHERE! WHERE IS THAT BITCH!?" Drawing his M9 under the water, Laura quickly moves in front of the guns path which is leveled dead at Ichika. Pausing for a bit to relect on the words he pauses. Taking a few slow breaths as the words process. "..ah.." Putting the gun away he motions for the surface. "Lets go up..want to see what those fucks are doing.."

Swimming to the surface, Vincet slowly surfaces, the ship crew was more interested in its recovery efforts and seemed intent on getting underway as fast as they can. Removing his mask, he waits for the pair. "..if she is here, trouble will follow. Her actions took my very first love from me, and she killed many of our friends. She's broken, and a sadist. If shes here.." Shuddering a bit he goes for his pills, taking a couple and crunching down on them his jaw clenches slightly.

"If shes here its for someone else. She nothing more than pure Evil Chaos. The only plans she can formulate is how to pull a trigger, or to bring down the strong that interest to how she looks, Smiles all the time like one of those fuck'n cats...whats it called? Brown hair, squatish face, massive rack. Carries a PKM mostly. Shes a Blood Knight sort, but don't let all that fool you. She Blends in well, you would never guess shes nuts, even as she sits at a high class bar sipping a drink..all the while manipulating those around her."

Looking at the gun in his hands, he makes a tch sound as he spits off to his left. "I'll make yah a picture later. What good it would do."
Apr 23, 2015 6:28 PM

Dec 2011
"Well, rest for a while. You might need it. I'll treat you to something later," Ichika told her before moving his eyes to Vincent. His stare was rather blank at his outburst. If he wanted to, Vincent could kill Ichika down here. What was he supposed to do? He couldn't fight under water. He relied on mobility and getting in peoples' heads... which he couldn't do here. Though, Ichika didn't think he'd shoot. He had more logic than Dani did. That didn't stop Laura from stepping, or swimming, in front of him. As he calmed down and they surfaced, Ichika sighed. "If we have a picture... I doubt we won't be able to find her. Though, we don't necessarily need to kill her. We just need to find her employer... How skilled is she? Depending on her loyalty, conflict might be unavoidable... And now I have two people to hunt down..."
Apr 23, 2015 7:07 PM

Jan 2013
" might not mean to kill her. But I do.." Vincent says darkly. Thinking on the matter at hand he nods however in agreement. "I'll give you that much, but it won't be that easy to find her, unless she wants to be found. Its a rather odd habit she had.." Thinking on where to place her on skill, he looks at Laura briefly as if sizing her up. "I would say better than her. Hell better than Dani even. Or me. She's CIA wetworks, just like I used to be. Minus she would also hunt down agents that went rogue. She has no real skills in terms of planning, minus setting ambushes general tactics. But she's agile and spot on with her weaponary, pretty good inclose with a knife as well. Uncanny luck with avoiding gunfire."

At the mention of loyality a sudden look thats a mix of rage, and saddness crosses his face briefly. "Oh she's not loyal to anything or anyone, unless they prove themselves strong. Who ever her current employer is likely has some sort of leverage over her..if she is here."

Pausing at that he looks at Laura once more, as the small tug swoops in to grab them, noticing the trio and the ship, the cargo boat is already lowering a speed boat of some sort to intercept. "They don't want us leaving alive huh..also she has bruised or fractured ribs. Nice stone face princess."

Staring at him with a glare that would kill, Laura sighs a bit waving him off with her right hand. "Bloody Hell, I'll be fine..its not too major..but yeah I got a little banged up." She says while still leaning on Ichika, which made her clingy antics this time more understandable. "Though I guess thats okay. I let that grenade go danger close."
Apr 23, 2015 7:31 PM

Dec 2011
"If that's so, I shouldn't have much more trouble getting into her head than Daniella's... Any more information personality wise would be useful; things that she's soft against, holds an aversion to... anything," Stated Ichika as they finally were on dry land.. well, on the boat, but it was close enough in Ichika's book. Narrowing his eyes at the sight, he tried removing the wetsuit and going over to where he put his equipment and coat, though it was difficult with Laura still clinging to him. "Yan, get us out of here... Unless Mister Barracuda here thinks he and I could deal with whomever is on that boat... preferably getting one alive... Besides..." Glancing a moment at Laura, Ichika sighed and tried to sit her down on a chair.

"No, never mind. We don't know enough about them to accurately combat them. Best to retreat for the moment. Let's get going," He ordered, now pulling on his coat, then grabbing her hand. "As for you... you should know better than to keep information like that to yourself."
Apr 23, 2015 7:55 PM

Jan 2013
As Vincent watches the boat in the distance, he acts quickly to grab the Machinegun hidden below the false deck on its mounting. Unleashing a few rounds, the smaller boat seems to get the message, and turns back as a few .50 cal rounds impact its surface, undoubtably doing some damage.

Thinking on the the question however he pauses, letting the gun rest as smoke comes from the barrle.

"Hmm..power. Other than that, shes a predator. She likes sex, parties, alone time. But its all a means to an end. Anything weaker than her, she ignores or kills, or torments. Getting into her head would likely be bad for you. She has no concept of good and evil. She is an animal. You would be better off trapping her like can show her all the kindness in the world, and she'll treat you nicely. But the first chance she gets, and that you slip up..but she is human at least... In terms of combat capabilities, expect her to use a machinegun or sniper rifle, though she is a skilled infiltrator, her love of violence made it her least loved way to do a job. " Laughing lightly at that with a head shake, he sighs, reaching into his wet suits cargo container, he pulls out his shades slapping them on.

"I felt I knew her once, but in reality it is as I said she is chaos. If you really want her gone, make the city peaceful." The last bit he says a bit smartassedly. "I..don't want to talk about her anymore..she took a great many things from me..everything, some of which I'm just..maybe gettng back, just on orders she herself recommended."

Laura scoffs at Ichia's treatment of her, but none the less rests against him. "Idiot, I been hurt like this before, yah buffoon. I'll be fine in a few days, sides you likely would have died otherwise. I'm your securtary and guard. This is my job. And I was prepaired for this..and worse when I signed on." Closing her eyes, Laura seems to focus on trying to sleep. "Theres nowhere else for me to go anyways.."
Apr 23, 2015 8:50 PM

Dec 2011
"If you're worried about my mental state, don't be... There aren't any who can outclass me when it comes to the workings of the mind, especially one that lets herself be a slave to her own desires and emotions so easily... Neither will she kill me so easily... Regardless, I don't quite know how I will get through her... but I will," Stated Ichika flatly, gripping Laura's hand as she decided to fall asleep.

"So, stubborn, Laura," Commented Ichika with a sigh, nodding to Vincent's plea. "If I have no choice but to kill her, I'll be sure to let you know... Regardless, we don't need to speak of her, anyhow. I'll do my own research now... Though, a bit of a friendly warning... tell Daniella when you next see her," Ichika suggested as he sat next to his unconscious... whatever it was they were. "Scythe's taken people from you before, if she's in town and has the time, I wouldn't be surprised if she tries to do it again. Daniella isn't weak by any means. You could call her a type of chaos in and of herself as well, however she'll be at a disadvantage if she doesn't know or doesn't think Scythe is here or targeting her... or you. If she's ready, she can at the least defend herself."
Apr 23, 2015 10:09 PM

Jan 2013
Thinking on it Vincent's thoughts are hidden behind his shades, however he does speak after a bit. "I'll tell her if I see a chance. And yeah Dani is a handful she does have a cute side thats worth keeping around..but..yes, Scythe needs to be stoped. But short of killing her, I'm not sure how that can be done. But one thing is for sure. She isn't the Ringleader of this. She's not that smart. In some ways I guess you could say she's simple minded...albit not stupid, if that makes sense."

Looking at Laura sleeping his stare lingers, cleaning his M9 he turns away. Ejecting the mag, and pulling off the slide, Vincent seems to have one last thing to say. "The same with you and her. She's dangerous and good at her job, but she's still freash to this hell. If Scythe takes a interest in you, she may try to remove her..though maybe not."

Pulling his boot knife, and throwing it suddenly he sighs. "I take these fucking pills as I constantly felt her eyes on me still. Now I have to ponder how much of that is real..or insanity as some say..anyways I'll keep watch on the Stern, just tell me when we are back to base."
Apr 23, 2015 10:34 PM

Dec 2011
"If she tries, I will kill her," Stated Ichika so quickly he almost interrupted him. "I'm not like you... No offense, but I'd assume that when things went awry with the CIA you ran here; to a shithole where they wouldn't bother hunting you in, yes? Well... I won't do something like that. If she's acquires my aggro, I won't run or hide or sit there while I'm being encircled. I won't display fear, or worry like she'd enjoy... I will take the mantle of hunter, and she of the prey," Stating that a bit blankly, Ichika then gains a grin and partially looks back at him with a light laugh. "Oh, and do note the fact that the word try wasn't in there at all... Sorry if I'm sounding hostile... but I myself am very protective and aggressive when it comes to things I've taken an interest in as well..."

A short while later, they arrive back at the docks of the building. At this point, Ichika was back to his seemingly goofy, taunting and laid-back persona... cuddling Laura a bit enthusiastically in his arms. "Oh, Laura, if only you were this loving when you weren't injured," He commented with a pained sigh... likely trying to wake her up as well as taunt her at the same time... luckily, he was safe since it'd probably cause her too much pain to hit him. "Vincent, we've arrived."
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