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Create your character -old (gona delate it soon)

May 10, 2014 5:34 AM

Mar 2014
Race: (you can be Angel, Human or Demon) (demon may be vampire, werewolf, witch, spirit or something else or just demon)
Where you live: Hell, heaven or human world
Personality: Please don't write only 1 line.. make it interesting, and put there everything. Write there what they like and dislike
Ability/Power: Write down if the character has any special abilities like magic or telepathy.
Weapon: (Optional) Can be anything from swords, handguns, staffs, axes, explosives, etc...
Bio: Don't be 1 liner.. A long text explaining your character's life
Appearance: is spoiler
Setsu_KaNov 4, 2014 6:13 AM
Reply Disabled for Non-Club Members
May 10, 2014 6:51 AM
Jan 2014
Name: Arkest
Age: 24 (142 in human years)
Gender: Male
Race: Demon-Elite
Where you Live: Human World (Formerly Hell)

Personality: He's distant, hateful, he prefers to be alone, doesn't care about his demon heritage. He doesn't like most humans traditions but loves their food. He accepts his live on the human world. Smokes too many cigarettes, one of the vices he got in the human world.
-High strength and speed.
-Fighter/Martial Arts type.
-Quick healing.
-Invokes ice in his hands to makes his fists harder.
Weapon: Fighter gloves, black and red, with metal spiked knuckles.

Bio: Born in the slumms of Hell and raised in the Vhertan family. Formerly an elite guard for the Demon army, Arkest was exiled from hell after he discovered a plot by his former captain, Dariuss, to overtake a seat in the coucil of the clan. He was framed for a crime he didn't commit, and he was incarcerated. His captain didn't order to execute him, instead decided that it was more pleasurable to strict him of his clan status and banish him to the human world. There he can't use his powers at full. Now he is branded a "forgotten".
His girlfriend Dhalia died years ago in a fight against an angel. He's still hurt by that event.
Now he tries to find a way to get his revenge and return to Hell to kill his former captain. But he needs the power of the Dark Rosary.

himoriRyuMay 13, 2014 9:08 AM
May 10, 2014 8:58 AM

Mar 2014
Name: Setsu Iostin.
Age:170 (look like 17)
Gender: female
Race: demon
Where you live: Hell
Ability/Power: she can control fire, she is pretty fast.
Weapon: Daggers.
Personality: She is a kind girl but this side of her no one knows. she actes really cool, and she's a cold person. She is pretty sexy and like her personality she wants to be stronger so she is training all the time
She is a troublemaker too, she sometimes fights with others. and never listens to others.

She likes reading, listen to music, eating, she rarely cries, she likes suiside boys.
She hates to lose to someone else. Hates when she loses her control of herself.

Bio: She is an Elite demon, so she's a fighter on her family. She's ambitious to the point of getting to rule her family. Her father... A rigid and stubborn man. Rules the family in traditional ways, that Setsu doesn't like. She wants to be stronger and rule the family in a more ruthless and dominant way. But she loves her family and wants the best for them. Her mother killed herself, and she blames her father for not helping her. But she also blames herself. She always was driven by her desire to see her family's name at the top so she kinda neglected her social life. Years after she regrets that, now she doesn't know what exactly she should feel about that.
Setsu_KaMay 13, 2014 2:14 AM
May 11, 2014 2:37 PM
Nov 2013
Name: Mei Ryoko

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Race: Human

Where you live: Human World

Personality: Mei is a bratty, school girl that knows briefly of the other worlds, but pretends not to care. Deep down she's a wonderful chick, but she closes herself off from others because of her dark past. She can be cocky, rude, and ignorant, but also kind-hearted, gentle, and caring if she opens up to you.
Likes: K-pop, running, strawberries, and her desk in the back of the classroom
Dislike: The other worlds, demons, people who try to talk to her, being alone (secretly)

Ability/Power: Brief precognition (all that is known of)

Weapon: N/A

Bio: Mei lived her whole life running from demons. As soon as they figured out her father has extreme abilities and could kill them by hundreds, the demons wanted him dead. Mei never asked for the life of a hunter's daughter, but she got it.

One day she was saved by a demon, and even fell in love, but that very same year he betrayed her. She had thought he loved her too, but it was all a show. That demon had used her and killed her father. She hated him, and all the demons now. She was all alone, and had to run far away. Somehow her father saved her, but she had to leave him to die under her beloved hands. She knows she has powers like her father, but she never wants to have them reveal. She wants a normal life away from the demons.

Mei now lives in hiding, trying to live a normal life. Tries. She can't keep away the visions she gets from the future, but she can make them blurry and ignore them as much as possible. Demons still hunt her and she hides, hoping she will be safe. But it can't go on forever.

May 11, 2014 2:38 PM

Mar 2014
Mei Ryoko

Setsu_KaMay 12, 2014 3:26 PM
May 12, 2014 2:51 PM

Dec 2011
Name: Sunemizuki
Age: Unconfirmed, Became renown in the Sengoku era
Gender: Female
Race: Demon, Nine-Tailed Kitsune
Where you live: Shrine in the Human World
Personality: Sunemizuki may be a "deity" to many humans, however she holds many of the stereotypical traits of a Kitsune. She tends to act on her current mood, which is almost always a playful or teasing one. She has been known to trick and manipulate some humans at times, though her tricks and pranks rarely end up damaging said human, at least not that much. She has also been known to help humans greatly, by granting their wishes and even sometimes assisting them without their knowledge. There have also been times when she has formed a personal contract with a human she found entertaining and ended up granting them some of her power as well as following them around and pestering them. She also appears to dislike dogs and dogs as well seem to greatly dislike her. Sunemizuki doesn't seem to express interest or concern in the current conflict, finding more amusement in the human world than her own or the land of Angels.
-Enhanced Physical Prowess/Senses: Especially speed, stamina and agility. Strength as well however to a much lesser extent. Heightened senses.
-Foxfire: Able to generate and manipulate purple colored flames and fire.
-Shape-shifting: Normally for the purposes of pranking or tricking someone. Sometimes just so she is able to walk around without drawing attention. (Includes the ability to hide ears and tails.)
-Dream Manipulation: Like Shape-shifting, it is mainly for the purposes of pranking humans. Not necessarily damaging, however if overused it can cause the human to feel slightly fatigued when they awaken.
Weapon: Several katanas that protrude from the tips of her tails. Though she does not wield them herself, her contractor, if there is one, does.
Bio: It is unclear exactly when Sunemizuki was born or where she grew up, however her first major appearances began in the Sengoku era. She took advantage of the battles and fighting, granting wishes to the many men and women who sought power, authority, renown, or even to just survive their upcoming conflicts. Of course, Sunemizuki never simply granted wishes out of good will. There was always some sort of catch or something of equal value they needed to give up. Even so she became quite renown as a diety. There are still some people who believe and pray to her, however her shrine's activity has died down much, mainly due to the fact that her power was sought by fortune seekers and the sorts. Now her shrine is more often the subject of ghost stories and rumors told by students than the subject of praying or praise.
May 12, 2014 3:23 PM

Mar 2014
Name: Sunemizuki

May 12, 2014 7:40 PM

Feb 2010
Name: Uriel
Age: Old. Like really old.
Gender: Male
Race: Archangel (Cherub)
Where you live: Heaven
Personality: Considering that Uriel has existed for centuries and seen the world continue for so long, one might think he is very wise and tolerable, with an almost omnipotent point of view. Well this certainly isn't the case. Rather Uriel is incredibly impatient in achieving his goals and extremely spiteful towards demon kind. He is pitiless to humans that interfere in his goals and to all demons, simply labeling them as those who impede order and killing them with prejudice.
Ability/Power: Masterful pyrokinesis, all seeing eyes, slight mental powers only available against humans, and angel form
Weapon: A long sword
Bio: Uriel was brought into existence as one of the first archangels and witnessed many of the universe's first events. Because of this he believes the angels who have always been around should rule and guide humans properly, while the corrupt and vile demons should be burned. Uriel has long served in the army of angels and thusly been dispatched to kill many demons who attempted to "mislead man" or "cause chaos where angels have kept order". His view has remained biased and he was given the position of commander while Micheal guards heaven.
Don't look in my spoiler please! It'll spoil!
CrogLatteMay 23, 2014 12:00 AM
May 12, 2014 11:46 PM
Jan 2014
Name: Uriel

Setsu_KaMay 13, 2014 12:42 AM
May 13, 2014 5:40 AM

Dec 2013
Name: Elle
Age: 117 (looks 17)
Gender: Female
Race: Angel-elite
Where you live: Earth (Formerly Heaven)
Personality: An impatient, lazy and stubborn girl. She stopped to trust people since the moment her brother died, she's a loving and caring girl when she let someone and trust someone. But she's really a serius person when she's into something. Above all, she got a brain like einstein's.
-she can control ice and water
-high speed and strength
Weapon: long gold sword and gold bow
Bio: Elle is Archangel Michael's daughter. Her brother "Alexander" and her was got trained by their own father, Michael. Both of them are pretty close to each other. Time pass by, her brother became a general and she became an angel-elite. But sadly, a couple years later her brother was killed by a demon-elite. She's so desperate when she heard about the bad news. She ran away from Heaven and went to Earth, she believed that she could find something about her brother's killer. And in there she found rumors about "Dark Rosary", so she decided to stay a little longer.
-Lea12-May 14, 2014 6:38 AM
May 13, 2014 5:43 AM

Mar 2014
Name: Elle

May 13, 2014 8:20 AM

Jul 2013
Staz Verthan



Elite Demon

Where you live:
Human world – Formerly Hell, Verthan Household

He appears as a cold person, he always speaks up his mind, treats everything as bothersome, is calm and sleeps whenever possible. He doesn’t really care what’s happening around him, as long as he doesn’t have any orders, he sleeps. As part of the Verthan family, he’s a loyal person who always follows his orders and executes them perfectly. He likes to be alone and loves the thrill of hunting his targets. He dislikes loud noises, noisy people and waking up.

Actually Staz isn’t that of a bad person. He might be rude sometimes because he always says what he’s thinking, but he always speaks the truth. Staz is reliable and helpful to the people he likes. He is proud to be part of the Verthan family.

Available in both forms:
Xtreme speed - Enables Staz to move faster than sound.
Night stalker - Allows Staz to move without a sound and see in the dark.
Empowered senses - Staz has better hearing, sight and smell.
Lock-on bullet - Always hits it’s target.
Bola strike - Roots the target on the ground.
Shape-shift - Staz is able to shift between human and werewolf.

Only in werewolf form:
Thrill of the hunt - Staz is able to enter stealth mode, becomes even faster and is able to hear the heartbeats.
Savagery - Staz’s stabs make the enemy target bleed non-stop for a period of time.
Frost bite - A bite that freezes the enemy.

Verthan only:
Pressure Chains - Verthan's are trained to have high spiritual pressure. These chains hides the pressure and can be loosen by command.
Battle Roar - Empowers allies.

Claws - Only in werewolf form
Fangs - Only in werewolf form

Staz grew up as the 1st son of the Verthan family, the family in charge of the army of hell. He grew up to be the commander of the army, but he always thought it was a bother. Rather than leading an army, he liked to hang around in the human world, most of the time for assignments. He often got assignments to ‘’silence’’ some bothersome people, whether they were angels, humans or demons, it didn’t matter. He would execute them perfectly without a trace left. A clean assassin. Even though Staz is specialized in silencing people in the dark, he still is a great warrior in face-to-face combat.

Despite Staz didn’t took over the command lead, his father was still proud of him, because he was an excellent killer. Staz really looked up to his father and respected him deeply. He loves his mother and cherishes his younger brothers.

As soon as Staz turned 18, he got the assignment to look for the Dark Rosary. At first he thought it was bothersome to be involved in the war, he never cared about the war, but he couldn’t disobey a command. That’s why Staz moved to the human world to find the Dark Rosary and bring Hell to victory.

Favorite line:
''Such a bother.’’

LaviyabiMay 14, 2014 1:57 PM
May 13, 2014 8:22 AM

Mar 2014
Name: Staz Verthan

Setsu_KaMay 13, 2014 11:45 AM
May 13, 2014 11:10 AM

Sep 2012
Name: Abaddon (Formerly: Novitatis)
Age: Created along with his fellow angels. So his age is of a time immemorial.
Gender: Male
Race: Demon
Where you live: Captive in the human world.
Personality: Rife with indignation, Abaddon despises his kin (fellow fallen angels) for the brash actions that led to there banishment. The once esteemed angel made the mistake of finding empathy in Lucifer's jealousy of man, attempting to persuade the Most High to consider the soon to be dark lord’s complaints regarding the gifts of free will and forgiveness being bestowed upon man, a lowly mongrel race formed from dirt, whilst the Lord’s most trusted, beings forged of holy flame, were to be judged as little more than slaves given no choice but to serve. His sympathetic support of the Morning Star earned him a place amongst those cast out of heaven and banished to the realm of man, a punishment Abaddon has ever felt undeserved.
Ability/Power: Enhanced strength, wisdom befitting his incalculable longevity, manipulation of wisp-like hell-fire. Keen inventive prowess.
Weapon: A tri-tipped spear that he may materialize at will.
Bio: After serving a myriad of millennia in the high heavens as Novitatis, the angel of innovation and invention, the holy modernist was moved by matters more philosophical; namely, the advent of humankind, and the nature of their behaviors. A violent kind: selfish, and petty, and full of hate. Novitatis began to question the Lord’s love of these morbid creatures. It was the fiery words of the Lord God’s most esteemed angel, the Morning Star, Lucifer, that convinced Novitatis that his concerns held merit. Joining his brother angel in querying Jehovah as to his purpose in creating and caring for the malevolent masses of mankind, the holy innovator was swept up in the conflict that followed, and punished accordingly. Resenting now his place amongst the insects he has come to loath, and despaired in being forsaken by the Most High whom he had so used to love and revere, Novitatis took a new name, Abaddon, to spite the Lord, shunning his gifts of inspired creation and vowing to instead act in utter opposition to them as a demon of destruction and hindrance.
himoriRyuMay 14, 2014 12:15 AM
May 13, 2014 11:13 AM

Mar 2014
Name: Abaddon

Setsu_KaMay 13, 2014 11:47 AM
May 13, 2014 3:19 PM

Nov 2009
Name: Sakura Chevalier
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Race: (Demon
Where you live: Human world, but she shift from the human world to the demon world often
Personality: Sakura comes of as sarcastic and selfish. She's known to take the path that best suits her well being. Only on occasion does she speak up and defend what seems important to her. She Flirts a lot and with anyone, especially if they can offer her something. she likes to seduce men and get them to do all her work and pamper her. she can easily well you and make u carry the money for her without you even knowing it. she can also be very vindictive a manipulating when it comes to getting what she wants.
Ability/Power: telepathy and darkness
Weapon: (Optional) sword..
Bio: She is the daughter of a very powerful demon. her father dumped her demon mother for a human women. She hates humans because of this, especially human girls, she dislikes them even more then angels. She normally stays in the demon world but sometimes goes to the human world to have some fun.
she is from the kionti's family, she loves to make deals with human in order to take there souls

Name: Misaki Kurasaki
Age: 20
Gender: Male
Race: Angel
Where you live: human world
Personality: he loves to dance, and is one of the best out there. he is absolutely brilliant aka nice and charming when it comes to dealing with people. He is always getting confessions from girls but he denies them nicely and always ends up keeping them as friends. He was never really all that into dating girls. He prefers the presence of other man and can be very affectionate towards the one he likes.
Ability/Power: Water/liquids
Weapon: (Optional) handgun
Bio: He was born by angel parents and was brought up to be a nice loving person. his parents always spoiled him. he was raised with the idea that demons are evil and he should stay away from him. there really isnt something unique about his past, so he hopes there will be in the future
Appearance: is spoiler
SakuraSweetHeartMay 14, 2014 10:52 AM
May 13, 2014 3:32 PM

Mar 2014
Name: Sakura Chevalier
Name: Misaki Kurasaki

Both Approve
Setsu_KaMay 14, 2014 10:58 AM
May 13, 2014 10:52 PM
Jul 2013
Name: Adam
Age: 21 but is actually 150
Gender: male
Race: archangel
Where you live : heaven but flies down to the human world if he needs to
Personality: loyal to the angels and will risk his life immediately if needed. Loves fighting and long walks but is other wise normal. Dislikes anything demon related and calls humans a lower breed so he rarely goes to the human world do to hatred of humans
Ability: fire
Weapon: none
Bio: killed due to a accident he was chased down by demons to take him to hell. But Angela saved him and he has followed them ever since. Fought his way to where he is and is know a high level fighter. Dreams of the angels killing all demons and ruling the humans fate.

himoriRyuMay 13, 2014 11:28 PM
May 13, 2014 11:29 PM
Jan 2014
Name: Adam

Setsu_KaMay 14, 2014 1:00 AM
May 14, 2014 12:43 AM

Feb 2010
Name: Tai Kyo
Age: 20
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Where you live: Human world
Personality: Tai is a forward thinking university student yet to find his passion in life. As such he's taken a large variety of classes like philosophy, religious studies, and psychology. He's formed strong opinions about humankind and believes in their potential while acknowledging their flaws. He is also a fan of many anime and fantasy stories, and occasionally roleplays online. Friendly but socially challenged, he feels more confident when prepared and after thinking on a subject.
Weapon: None... yet
Bio: Tai grew up with a nice family and a few siblings. He was the first child and the favorite, so he was pretty privileged in his childhood. He hadn't realized this fact until he was older and began to try to make it up to his siblings and help them through their troubles, so he has a close protective relationship with them. Always doing well in school, he began to attend a prestigious university but it taking a year off due to noticing that his family is running low on money and not deciding on his major. He figured this would be a good year to experience the world and go out more, but still finds himself online often.
May 14, 2014 12:45 AM

Mar 2014
Name:Tai Kyo

Setsu_KaMay 14, 2014 12:58 AM
May 14, 2014 5:12 AM
Jan 2014
Name: Christoffer Gunther
Age: 15
Gender: Male
Race: Human-Exorcist
Where you Live: Human World

Personality: He's cheerful, a little naive, always has the desire to learn more. Trust people to easily and because of that he get's fooled and tricked very often. Never says no to help someone, even if it's a demon or any other non-human race. Although he's from a religious order that tries to eliminate and cleanse every evil on this world. Always try to see the good side of life.

-Knows how to read many different spell books.
-Knows many techniques of exorcism.
-Has some knowledge in curatives.
Weapon: A gun/revolver, with silver bullets. Holy water. Spell books of holy magic.

Bio: Born in remote village in Europe, Christopher was an orphan that never met his parents. He doesn't know if they are alive or dead. Raised in a orphanage, he had a hard time getting along with others. He was bullied often, but was always cheerful. He had an intelligence higher than the other kids, and make him get hated. One day he met a priest, who was an exorcist, who took him under is wing. Christopher became his apprentice and then became an exorcist. He joined the exorcist order and quickly raised through the ranks. But because of his child like nature he doesn't get the respects he deserves. But he doesn't get that kinda stuff to get on his way. He tries always to see the positive aspects in live. He also believes that someday humans, demons, and angels will understand each other. He went to Japan for a mission, from his superiors, that claim that a great evil is lurking there.

May 14, 2014 9:12 AM
Apr 2014
Name: Daichi Kanda

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Race: Human

Where you live: Human World

Personality: Daichi Kanda is an energetic and athletic teenager with bright red hair. Daichi Kanda is often shown sleeping (and drooling) in class and slacking off. Though he is shown as a lazy student, he is very courageous and would protect his friends at all costs. Daichi Kanda is shown to be popular among the student body of Yeran High and other school due to his superior fighting skills.
Likes: martial arts, Sleeping, food
Dislike: demons/thwy are who can not helps others and who torture the others.

Ability/Power: Master of martial arts / his right eye color changed in red if near him any deman and angle.

Weapon: N/A

Bio: Daichi is alwayes Chase demans and kill. his moto is kill that Deman who kill him whole family.

One day he was return from school than his eyes Spread and he war cried . his whole famly members were dead (mom,dad,younger sis)in front of his eys. he Swore he will kill him who did this than 1 fallen angel appear and said your Father and me are good friend and i give you pawer for your revenge. angle give him our right eye and some power than he capable to see the demon and angle and he can kill the demons.

May 14, 2014 9:17 AM

Mar 2014
ok.. please change about his eyes... no human can feel demon or angel sorry..

so he is hunter right?

wel because your eyes must be changed that means the bios must be changed.. sorry
May 14, 2014 11:31 AM

Apr 2013
Name: Manaya Amakaze (甘風 愛夜)
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Race: Human
Where you Live: Human World

Personality: Overall she seems to be an energetic and kind girl, who loves spending time with others. She seems very strong and selfless, but in fact, she's a shy and lonely girl who can't properly communicate with others, so she built a wall around herself of fake strength and lies. She talks with people all the time, but it just feels different for her than how other people feel when they're talking to each other.

Manaya doesn't possess any real powers, but she's a good stratician who can always find the best way of solving a problem.
Weapon: A certain holy cross she always wears as a necklace. It can keep weak demons away.

Bio: Manaya's had a lonely childhood, with no real friends up to Junior High. She used to have really long hair and wore dresses and skirts, and was not allowed to play outside because she'd get her clothes dirty. Her classmates treated her like some rich girl who lived in another world, and Manaya slowly got distanced from them. She lived out her time in elementary school like that, but when she graduated and started Junior High, she saw her new classmates treating her the same way as before, and it scared her for some reason. That night, she grabbed some scissors and cut off her hair. Her mother panicked and got angry, and Manaya didn't know what to do. But the next day at school, people asked her why she'd cut her hair, and they had conversations, and they laughed and she had contact with others. She felt so happy that evening. She started playing outside with other kids, behaved more like a boy, and even wore the boys' uniform for a short while. She found her escape in changing herself to make semi-friends and live a semi-happy life.

May 14, 2014 11:34 AM

Mar 2014
Name:Manaya Amakaze

May 19, 2014 1:41 PM

Mar 2014
Name: Shiki Acura
Race: human
Where you live: Human world
Personality: cold and cool, really scaary, loves fighting and thinks he is all alone so he dont need love. he is really troublesome boy for everyone because he is fightinf and doing what he wants all the time.
Ability/Power: he is good fighter pretty strong,
Weapon: non
Bio: Shikio is hight shooler, a gang leader. he is pretty rich. his mother died in car acsident whan she was going to see him. that's why he thinks its his and his fathers foult she died. Shikio is not talking with his dad and live alone, but he still have much money. He LOVES his motorbike and walks around the sity.
Appearance:" target="_blank">[].jpg?st=8VGho_yP71AhzTFNa2F92w&e=1400535511
May 20, 2014 1:56 AM

Dec 2013
Name: Morrigan Iostin
Age: 116 (looks 16)
Gender: Male
Race: Demon
Where you live: Hell (usually transferres to human world)
-martial arts
-high-speed and high-strength
- controls fire (his flame colour is gold)
Weapons: Long black gold sword
Personality: Rude, cold, arrogant, and talk-less demon. Usually, when he talks too much that means someone is pretty annoying around him or around the people he likes. Likes to do whatever he wants to do, usually hates to get some orders. But when he feels like it, he'll finish his mission perfectly.
Bio: A good looking demon and a second son of the Iostin. And a little brother of Setsu. He doesnt like being around his sister, but he really cares about her and takes care of her. Even though he's setsu little brother and got pretty similar personalities, some of them are different from her. . He usually hides his powers from his family, he has been always wanted to enter demon-elite, but he never got his chance. After knowing his mother died killing herself, he went far away from home to recover himself. And now, he's back to the Iostin Family
-Lea12-May 20, 2014 9:03 AM
May 20, 2014 1:59 AM
Jan 2014
Name:Morrigan Iostin

himoriRyuMay 20, 2014 2:06 AM
May 20, 2014 8:23 AM

Oct 2013
NickName: Ikura
Age: over 1000 but looks 19
Gender: Male
-Mastery of dark and fire magic
-Mastery of the use of Fire arms
-Mastery of swordsmanship
-The ability to tap into the fire of hell
race: Demon
Weapons: A sword both holy and demonic and a magnum like gun that
shoots fire dark and light bullets
Personality: Active, Badass, likes to joke around at times
Where you live: Hell (but currently lives in the human world)
bio: He is a highclass demon that exels in his studies at school and can uses of dark, firearms, and fire magic . He has a move allowing him to tap into the fire of hell using the seven levels of Hellfire he only used level seven once in his life and thats how his whole family died, he taught his brother how to use three levels of hell not daring to teach him the rest. because he could kill allot of people if he wasnt careful ,When he is really mad his Demon powers overwelm him and he gets a huge power boost and he starts to fight like a monster.he also has a high fire rate gun shaped like a magnum that gun fires either darkness, or fire bullets, and there are times when his demonic personality takes over and he is turned into a different person.
Setsu_KaMay 20, 2014 8:41 AM
May 20, 2014 8:42 AM

Mar 2014

May 21, 2014 7:13 AM

Jul 2013
Yuzuru Takahashi




Where you live:

Yuzuru is a cheerfully and friendly person who always smiles. He always fools around to have fun, trying to make people happy, but when things get serious, he gets serious as well. He’s an excellent warrior who excels in close combat. He loves food and cooking and he hates bullies. He would always fight for the ones he love and for heaven.

Weapon-shape-shift - Yuzuru is able to change his weapon by command, his favourite weapons are swords and great axes.
Shape-shift - Changes between human from and angel form.
Overdrive - Grants Yuzuru superhuman strength and speed.
Traverse cut - Quickly lunges 15 times at the enemy.
Air slash - Shoots an air compressed projectile.
Whirlwind - Creates a tornado.
Delay - Creates an illusion, an afterimage, which confused the enemy.
Eye of the storm - Creates a windshield for either himself or an ally.
Air compress - Compresses air in a small ball, the ball explodes when it hits.
Last Breath - A guillotine move, Yuzuru jumps high in the sky and drops down with a gigantic air blade.

Shape-shifting sword

Yuzuru wasn’t born a special person, he had a normal life as an Angel kid, till he met a certain girl. That girl was none other than the daughter of Archangel Michael, Elle, which even now, is still his childhood friend. By always playing with her, the army of Heaven noticed his great potential as an Archangel. Yuzuru trained hard every day to become a great fighter and eventually mastered the wind style technique. Even to this day, he is respected by many Angels and was granted an elite status, an Archangel.

Since Yuzuru was friends with Elle, he also became friends with her brother Alexander, which treated Yuzuru as a little brother. His world fell apart when he heard the news, but knew the same thing happened to Elle. He couldn’t show his weak side to her, so those the way to protect her, be strong himself and support her in any way possible.

May 21, 2014 8:45 AM

Mar 2014
Name: Yuzuru

himoriRyuMay 25, 2014 12:56 AM
May 22, 2014 2:02 AM
May 2014

Where he lives in the human world at a old army base where he spends most of hes time with the vets from the wars

Age:413 looks 18


Bio: parents dead for breaking old rules only liveing relation is a sister Who serves as a merc to the fallenthone he has scars all over him from the countless battle fields he has been in gorn thru most wars the humans have had he has got to the point where pain doesnt borther him anymore people ordering him around make him angry unless they are someone he trust or who is of higher rank then him has train in most military roles but like to fight with old style weapons harbers a hatered for demons he has a set of wings that allow flight but rathers walking

Personally:warm and friendly unless confronted about hes past or about hes parents will try to make friends as best he can has a sence of humor he finds most people eather a distraction or a useful resource to help or destroy who ever turns on him will abid demons and angel but finding out who killd hes oarents is what he wamts to do

Weapons claymore sword with fire runes carved into it and a always carries a tower shield

Powers he has unmatchd speed and enouth power to hold hes own can use some magic but doesnt like to unless forsed to

And ok il rewrite it out proply
DraconessMay 22, 2014 10:16 AM
May 22, 2014 8:39 AM

Mar 2014
ok... draconess, but there is not writen who you are i mean race (human, demon or angel) and than the place where you leave... it must be hell paradise or human world.
and please write as everyone makes character

Where you live:
May 23, 2014 9:03 AM

Aug 2013
Name: Ocean Hitori
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Race: Demon Fox? (if thats allowed)
Where you live: Hell
Personality: Ocean is a quiet person but open ups a lot to people he trusts. Ocean is very sharp with amazing hearing but can be a little slow when it comes to other things. He is able to play instruments and cook as well. Ocean also thinks a lot about everything he comes across and writes them down.
Ability/Power: Can control white fire that look like wisps. He can run very fast and has quick reflexes. (if allowed) He can also control the wind to some extent.
Weapon: (Optional) Carry's around a katana and a special handgun for killing evil spirits.
Bio: Raised by his mother he has never been too outgoing but is willing to give something his all if he needs to. As far as he knows he doesn't have any siblings (just in-case someone wants to rp as a sibling) and his mother disappeared when he was 15. He has been wondering Hell moving from place to place. Ocean is a little paranoid and very protective. He has helped out shelters and orphanages before moving. He always liked seeing kids smiling faces. Ocean has blood red eyes and black hair.
May 23, 2014 11:00 AM

Mar 2014
Name: Ocean Hitori

himoriRyuMay 25, 2014 12:58 AM
May 24, 2014 2:37 PM
Jan 2011
Name: Trent Kionti

Name: Leon
12345trent8May 25, 2014 1:20 PM
May 25, 2014 12:48 AM
Jan 2014
Name: Trent and Leon

himoriRyuMay 25, 2014 12:52 AM
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