Hikaru "Blizzard Queen" Orihara

Hikaru Orihara

I★Chu: Halfway Through the Idol
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I★Chuu Comic Anthology: Happy Time
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Member Favorites: 6

Hikaru Orihara (折原 輝)

Valuing beauty more than anything else, Hikaru is a cheerful, candid, and eloquent Adonis. He is an artist who specializes in carving ice, making quick work in creating beautiful, sparkling ice sculptures.

He is a narcissist who loves gorgeous things, including himself, and speaks with a dramatic flair. Although Hikaru is a gentlemanly mood-maker with endless positivity, the person he looks up to is the Statue of David, making him a rather disappointing beauty. Hikaru relies on Raku Wakaouji, his childhood friend.

(Source: Etoile Stage Wiki)

Voice Actors
Matsuoka, Yoshitsugu