Aoi "Sapphire Griffin" Kakitsubata

Aoi Kakitsubata

I★Chu: Halfway Through the Idol
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I★Chuu Comic Anthology: Happy Time
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Aoi Kakitsubata (杜若 葵)

The graceful beauty of Tenjou Tenge. His movements and demeanor are full of elegance, his atmosphere brimming with eloquence and composure, and his work ethic is serious and earnest. As he wants all his work to be perfect and stylish, he's a hardworker that never holds back during practice. He's the best actor in Tenjou Tenge and appears in a lot of dramas. Aoi is kind and gentlemanly towards women, while towards men he's rather strict. This is especially true towards Tatsumi Madarao, whom he competes a lot with, despite acknowledging his talent.

(Source: Etoile Stage Wiki)

Voice Actors
Kimura, Ryouhei