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feestjurken's Blog

April 24th, 2012
Skoene af den gyldne regel
Dagens sociale liv og livsstil ?ndring er stille og roligt at ?ndre holdningen hos de sko. N?r stemningen er trykket ned, kan et par nye sko, g?re brudetilbeh酶r
dig feje v?k frustration. En kvindes skab er ikke sko, men i det samlede.

1, hvis du ikke kan b?re det at g?, uanset du elsker, hvordan det, og ikke tage den med hjem. Stepping p? tynd og sk?lvende kn? walking er ikke elegant.

2 har allerede sorte sko, en fed fors?g p? at lyse start med beige, kaki indrejse, til den bl?de farver, s?som farveblyanter, og endelig til en neon farve sko til at lysne det overordnede billede. Men den r?de nederdel er det bedste valg for lav-profil sko, oh.

3, hvis du v?lger visuelle effekter grand t?j, s? skoene vil v?re lidt bl?dgjort. Hvis dit t?j er relativt afd?mpet, s? de sko er bedste udh?ng, at dette kan g?re dig ophidset.

4, at v?lge de rigtige sko til forskellige lejligheder, kan ikke dosis af sexede cocktailreception festt?j par afslappede flade h?le dig, du kan h氓rpynt bryllup
ikke ?bne sandaler at matche en konservativ jakkes?t. Hvis du virkelig ikke ved, hvordan man passer, derefter v?lge de par sorte header h?le.

5, udend?rs aktiviteter, n?gtede at tynde h?le. Denne sko vil g?re dig ondt, vil sko blive skadet. Flade h?le er det bedste valg, men hvis du ?nsker en lidt h?jere effekt kile h?l er et godt valg.

Fine med h?jh?lede sandaler giver dig mulighed for at blive en sex symbol. Hvis du ?nsker mere personlig, kan du v?lge nogle postyr i h?len sko.

7, natten er det bedste tidspunkt at komme og g? af de bl?ndende sko, arbejde i l?bet af dagen, bedstbrudesl酶r
s?tte header eller fisk hoved sko.

8, n?r du b?rer super h?je h?le, nederdel l?ngde, det bedste fra kn?et, en tomme. Hvis du v?lger en mini nederdel, s? anbefales det at du bruger flade sko eller h?le. For ikke at afsl?re for meget ben, det synes at have en visuel fornemmelse for balance.

Bem?rk med visuel balance. Plateausko med de mere komplicerede kostumer, ved fingerf?rdighed og fine detaljer i det overordnede udseende er ikke alt for overdrevent bureaukratisk. N?r du l?gger p? et tyndt lag rem sandal er den bedste partner.

10, har tre slags sko enhver kvindes garderobe, der er i h?len, h?je h?le, flade sko eller kiler. M? ikke altid b?re flade sko, og ikke altid h?jh?lede sko p? grund af korte statur, en kvinde der er ber?rt, er det brudesko
vigtigt, fordi det sub-jobbet, er du ?ndrer.
Posted by feestjurken | Apr 24, 2012 3:06 AM | 0 comments
Brude h?r Raiders

Sl?ret er at sige "jeg" f?r for at holde den mystiske sk?nhed af en solid mur, man i sidste ?jeblik at bryde kokon af genf?dsel som bruden. S? ?bnede sl?ret, f?r du, er du klar? Henvisning til den nyeste internationale bryllup stil endnu, tager dig ind i glasset sl?r af lys og skygge verden.
L?ngden af ??den hemmelige
I enkle vendinger, er sl?ret ikke mere end de lange, mellemlang og kort tre muligheder. "Brug en bred vifte af vilde affinitet i det lange sl?r" bl?t blod wedding dresses
"lang sl?r med en fuld luksus, ultrakort sl?r forfriskende grad af avant-garde avant-garde" end du kan forestille dig.
Reem Acra

Mini sl?r - det hat og sl?r erstatninger respekteret, men enkel ?gteskab af det moderne sind, mini sl?r sted. Den s?kaldte mini er, fordi det er v?gten af ??Hummingbird-niveau, l?ngde over skulderen linje, enkelt og sl?r, hat sammen som en multi-funktionel stil. Mini sl?r er en anden m?de at fremh?ve brudens gode udseende i design, selv fed ?stetiske v?gt p? hans tidlige garn dekorative finish. Den avantgarde personlighed af bruden vil helt sikkert forme har taget.
Medium l?ngde - rig gradient influenza

Fakta har vist, at l?ngden bare kan diffundere gennem taljen eller fingerspids sl?r er det mest praktiske, fordi uanset bruden, hvad h?jden, kan det v?re en god match, men giver ogs? mulighed for gommen nemt fuldf?re "l?fte garnet ceremonien. Sl?ret af bagfjerdinger af v?ksten i gradienten mere aflange kropsform og berige Niveauet af p?virkning, for at skabe en lys transflektiv tekstur, som Kenneth Pool denne s?son sl?r er s?rligt velegnet for multi-levelbryllup
modellering af en fiskehale nederdel.

H?jde 155cm ~ 175cm bruden g?lder.

(2) multi-level effekt af sl?ret slanke stilarter holder brugt nedbryde de komplicerede konturer er.
Lang sl?r - indhyllet oversigt

Ligesom kjoler af l?ngden af ??afg?relsen af ??den h?jtidelige og aristokratiske palads, at l?ngden af ??brudesl?r repr?senterer ogs? niveauet for hellige og h?jtidelige bryllup. Det er den luksus det kongelige bryllup skabte beundring for almindelige mennesker at vaske gulvet l?ngde sl?r. Den lange sl?r har nu en ny trend, m?ske for bekvemmelighed af bruden til at g?, begyndte den lange del af sl?ret for en tendens til at de "skygge-type" konturer, signifikant stigning i sikkerhedsfaktor.

En h?jde p? mere end 170 cm h?j brud anvendelse.

Lang sl?r med et vandfald, holder blomster, bruden kjole passer til atmosf?ren.
Mini-sl?r - hat og sl?r erstatninger

Respekteres simple ?gteskab er stadig det moderne sind, mini sl?r sted. Den s?kaldte mini er, fordi det er v?gten af ??Hummingbird-niveau, l?ngde over skulderen linje, enkelt og sl?r, hat sammen som en multi-funktionel stil. Mini sl?r er en anden m?de at tilbeh酶r
fremh?ve brudens gode udseende i design, selv fed ?stetiske v?gt p? hans tidlige garn dekorative finish. Den avantgarde personlighed af bruden vil helt sikkert forme har taget.


En h?jde p? 155cm til 165cm petite bruden g?lder.

(2) afholdelse blomster med at v?re lille og delikat bouquet form.
Variety sl?r materialer

Oversigt over den internationale brylluppet showet, er det ikke sv?rt at finde brudesl?r er en tendens til at polarisere det minimalistiske og komplekse lys og overh?ngende tynde rendering eller konsistens remodellering. Uanset om det er en simpel fortolkning, eller dekorative st?rk sans for stil, under kyndig h?nd brudekjole designeren, hugget ud af stoffet og belysning psykedelisk spil.

Gennemsigtig tyl pr?senterer et klart ansigt

Transparent tyl lysgennemtr?ngning, lov til at d?kke ubrugelig. For de nysgerrig g?ster til bruden ser, Yidufangrong under d?kke af denne "proforma". Er faktisk meget simpelt, naturlige sk?nhed af de smukke udseende er, hvad behovet er der for at d?kke det?


Et temperament delikat makeup naturlige bruden g?lder.

Velegnet med en perle halsk?de eller ?reringe at ?ge f?lelsen af ??lys.
Remodeling tekstur rendering arkitektonisk ?stetisk

Siden vinter 08, mode designer, der l?gger fangarme mod de industrielle design elementer, du ?nsker brudepigekjoler
at oprette en "type", til at kr?ve brug af nogle s?rlige emner, s?som en metal ramme, eller fluffy fyldstof. Modellere en r?kke forskellige m?der for at behage fed fantasi.
Bruden sagde: Jeg Ailei Si

Chokerede verden i Prada avancerede custom car lager blonde kvinde varmt Ailei Si, stemningen bliver mere intens, oprindeligt lille og ubetydelig sl?r af kniplinger, med et gran klar forst?rkning af blomster-formede m?nstre skiller sig ud.
Posted by feestjurken | Apr 24, 2012 3:00 AM | 0 comments

<p>Kjole tilbeh?r<br>

Kjole tilbeh?r kjole afspejler den samlede effekt afg?rende for en smuk og elegant aftenkjole med passende tilbeh?r, vil g?re hele kostumer spr?d lyd-Hui, og at en simpel form af kjole, tilbeh?r skifte kan tilpasses til forskellige lejligheder slid.</p>

<p>For eksempel, n?r en koncert med nogle af de fine og sm? ?reringe, halsk?der, ringe, elegante og anst?ndigt samlede billede, n?r Shiyou til fest med mere i?jnefaldende og smart styling tilbeh?r, ser elegante og rige og smukke, enkle kjole og smukke tilbeh?r til at supplere hinanden.</p>

<p>(1) karakteristika kjole tilbeh?r</p>

<p>Tilbeh?r som de ekkoer af et dekorativt og tilbeh?r til bekl?dningsgenstande, er en uundv?rlig del af den samlede t?j. En meget bred vifte af bekl?dningsgenstande, s?som produktion af fint guld, s?lv, diamanter, ?delstene, perler og behandling fancy efterligning smykker kan v?re som tilbeh?r i kjole, med ringe, halsk?der, ?reringe, st?tte dannelsen af ??tre <a href="">brudekjoler</a><br />dele, fire s?t.</p>

<p>Fra modellering perspektiv, er kombinationen af ??tilbeh?r ikke kompliceret, og b?r struktureres, med den generelle atmosf?re af kjolen kan bruges, n?r en harmonisering eller overdrevne stress, men b?r v?re baseret p? de kloge arrangementer og rimelige med.</p>

<p>Hertil kommer, nogle sko, hatte, tasker, handsker og kl?de v?sentlige tilbeh?r. If?rt lejligheder, ?rstider, med kjole sko og mere lette, smukke sko, og nogle gange dekoreret med den smukke kjole med nogle indlagt med ?dle sten eller diamanter.</p>

<p>Om vinteren er st?vler kjole med st?vler opdelt i st?vler, st?vler, st?vler tre slags ungdommelig elegance, s?som en lille kjole med st?vler, men farve med farven p? kjolen er der en harmonisk forhold. Den udend?rs ceremoni eller sociale sammenkomster, undertiden b?res med kjolen for at b?re en passende hat, form og farve af den f?lles landbrugspolitik b?r kl?de koordinering, praktiske smart cover up, som det dekorative. Med kjolen pakken til at v?re lille, med slebet h?ndtaske, posen er begge rigtige varer kan ogs? v?re en modregning kjolen for at bl?de.</p>

<p>Partiet Pack er en s?rlig pakke med kjole, slank og meget mere forskellige stilarter, materialer almindeligt anvendte l?der, nylon, <a href="">brudekjole</a><br />polyester fiber, og med perler, metallisk garn, broderi og anden dekoration, rige, smukke, mindre. Handsker og andet tilbeh?r, kl?de prikken over i'et til rollen. En aften kjole til at matche handskerne end de muslimske s?rlige handsker, h?nd fit, med henblik p? at b?re n?r det er belejligt, og nogle ?bne munden p? kanten af ??en lille spalter, eller der er en vis l?shed i den nederste, slid i dag arm naturlig fold-lignende, smuk, elegant.</p>

<p>Vinter kjole med varme, med en high-end kashmir eller pels sjaler, n?r de bl?de l?derhandsker bliver det f?rste valg. Mere er en brudekjole handsker til brug i den kjole, generelt transparent tyl stof sammen med blonder, kniplinger stof, med en vis grad af fleksibilitet, if?rt meget pasform, s? brudens slanke Yu Zhi begge er blevet beskyttet, men ogs? karakteristisk dekoration betydning. Den enkle sort l?der modeller nitte udsmykning er rock fuld kraft, ikke blot i?jnefaldende og bl?ndende festmiddag og let med en st?rk, selv if?rt jeans, let kan tage foring er ogs? meget elegant.</p>

<p>(2) farven af ??tilbeh?r</p>

<p>Og kjole, tilbeh?r omr?det er lille, men materiale, form, farver er meget rig, det klang udsmykning, understreger den rolle, og dermed i h?j grad ?ge den kunstneriske effekt og visuelle effekter af kjolen.</p>

<p>Ms Lau sagde, at fra et andet perspektiv, tilbeh?r, uanset <a href="">bryllupskjoler</a><br />tekstur, pris og dyrebare i hvilket omfang, vil hvis ikke modregne den kjole af konsekvenserne v?re fra ?del?ggelsen af ??hele smukke, at de mistede den sande v?rdi af slid, s? kjole tilbeh?r Farven kan betragtes f?lgende aspekter:</p>

<p>A: Farven og kjole tilbeh?r til dannelsen af ??en samme farve eller lignende forhold. S?som: en sort aftenkjole ledsaget af en sort ?reringe, halsk?der, sort beaded h?ndtaske eller en lille sort l?der sko, samme farve og ikke homogene, der er til at danne en forenet og har sk?nhed af forandringer; n?r kjolen er en lys Tonen kan v?re udstyret med nogle ud af h?j og lav renhed af tilbeh?r til dannelsen af ??en bl?d og elegant stil.</p>

<p>B: kl?de farve jade tilbeh?r brug af kontrastfarver til at matche, selv om nogle problemer, men med den rette blanding vil have en st?rk dekorativ effekt, s?ledes at farven p? den kjole og smykker til at modregne hinanden. S?som: bl? aftenkjole med orange tendens til halsk?den er bl?ndende, if?rt en sort kjole, if?rt en perler?kke af hvide halsk?de er endnu mere ?delt.</p>

<p>Farvekontrast, men den kjole og tilbeh?r er et stort omr?de og lille omr?de, og tilbeh?r materialer har generelt en st?rre refraktion, derfor vil de materialer, kontrastfarver, tilbeh?r og producere en st?rk kontrast betydningen af ??koordinering og de reklamation effekter.</p>

<p>Guld, s?lv, sort, hvid og gr? tilbeh?r n?sten alle farverne passer, fordi de er selv fra den koordinerende rolle farve, kombineret med<a href="">billige brudekjoler</a><br /> den klasse af metaller, ?delstene, diamanter smykker overfladen er meget glat, reflekterende og st?rk af det omgivende st?rre nuance og lys, med lyset forandring og transformere. S?som: lilla aftenkjole, if?rt en platin eller diamant halsk?de effekten er meget elegant og rige og smukke. Kun klog og taktfuld brug af tilbeh?r, farver og vil spille en prikken over i'et til den rolle, det i kjole designet.</p>
Posted by feestjurken | Apr 24, 2012 2:53 AM | 0 comments

Den smukkeste brud<br><img src="" align="left"></a>

Neds?nket i lykke kvinde er den smukkeste, n?r de s?de udfyldt deres ansigt, t?j og kosmetik arbejde. Nogen der kender meget kedelig proces at planl?gge et bryllup, bruden, i alle aspekter af, hvordan du forbereder det? Reporter nylig CCTV til at deltage i aktiviteter, interviews med ber?mte makeup artist Mao Geping historie Yan, chef planner af &quot;Bazaar&quot;, CNR psykologisk Moderator gr?n tone, str?mmen af ??modebranchen brude r?dgivning.<br>

Kjole hofter for fladt ikke v?lge Cheongsam<br>

Enhver brud ivrige efter at Yitaiwanfang i brylluppet scene, valget af kjole er s?rlig vigtig. &quot;En masse af brude vil v?lge Cheongsam, men vi skal v?re opm?rksomme p? deres<a href="">kjoler online</a><br /> krop, s? lad Cheongsam smukke morder.&quot; Mao Geping.<br>

Han foreslog, at v?lge Cheongsam, skal du v?re opm?rksom p? spalterne i Cheongsam. N?r spalter, vil den nederste kurve af ballerne pakkes meget stram, is?r fra den side, vil hofte og fuld af nok f?nomen tydeligt.<br>

Hertil kommer, at valget af sk?rtet kan du pr?ve bryllup taljen del af multi-level design, som A-formet bryllup, kan du vise figuren fordele skjule utilstr?kkelig.<br>

En anden type af brud ?verste standarder, benene er kortere. S?danne kvinder b?r styre fri af Cheongsam, skal du v?lge avatar kjole, kan du v?lge en lille talje h?j kjole. Hvis taljen stole p? den lille farve kjole, V-krave, lav V-, gr?sk-stil hvid kjole dyb V, med lidt kinesisk elementer af vestlige kjole.<br>

Mermaid stil kjole og qipao har til f?lles, kan valget af tid henvise til den Cheongsam grund til at undg? ubehag.<br>

Hair s? meget som muligt for at fremh?ve ovalt ansigt<br>

Face ovale type, de grundl?ggende forn?denheder. Kun f? h?r fluffy og fuld h?jde og bredde til hele ansigtet t?t p? ovalt ansigt, &quot;sagde Mao Geping.<br>

Mao Geping mener, at en anden frisure at skabe en anderledes ?stetisk. S?som h?r fletninger Shoulong, kombineret med buen, elegant og romantisk, fokus p? bagsiden af ??hovedet af kort h?r, hvilket afspejler den s?de ?nde, tryk krusning af h?r, afspejler den sk?nhed orientalske kvinder, men ogs? retro smag; plade lavet af g?r du bliver en overlegen uforglemmelig bruden.<br>

Historie Yan, t?j udveksling, b?r smykker ogs? v?re i overensstemmelse med det. Den traditionelle<a href="">kjoler</a><br /> kinesiske bryllup, mest for guld smykker af denne farve. Institut for s?lv smykker, egnet til en hvid brudekjole med s?lv og hvid med og f?re mennesker til en v?rdig elegance. Hvis du bruger en enkel kjole, s?som toast t?j, perle smykker er den mest velegnede.<br>

Forst?else er det f?rste skridt i ?gteskabet<br>

At blive gift bruden Wei for at v?re i stand til at spare omkostninger, pr en konto husker tydeligt, men stadig med sin k?reste gennem to personer uenige om bryllup i forberedelsen af ??en r?kke pligter.<br>

Wei fuld af klager: &quot;Jeg g?r s? meget, han ikke forst?r mig, jeg kan virkelig ikke finde ud af pr?cis hvorfor&quot; I virkeligheden, den kommende brudgom Li ogs? f?lte forurettet, hver dag b?de at v?re travlt med brylluppet ting, kan ikke blive forsinket men mange ting kan ikke lade Wei tilfredshed, k?bte hendes t?j til side.<br>

&quot;Dette sker, fordi bruden til sig selv som en ny mor.&quot; Gr?n tone, sagde ?gteskab, til at blive gift brude vil alvorligt regnskab kommando til at g?re ting sin k?reste, uden at vide at positionere sig som den rolle, som sm? mor i psykologi kaldes forpligtelser. Antaget for meget, og selv overtog ansvaret for andre til at b?re det selv, g?r den anden part ikke lytte til den mentale vil v?re uj?vn, vil det mildne, for den kommende brudgom, at det ansvar b?re hinanden, Der er en f?lelse af afsavn og mistillid, sindet vil naturligvis ubehageligt. For at l?se dette problem, m? den kommende brud l?re at dele ?gteskabet <a href="">t酶j og sko</a><br />af to personer deler, for at g?re hinanden med at l?re at dele, l?re ansvar, s?ledes at vokse sammen.<br>

Mikes klage, den gr?nne tone, at mange piger studerende selv for?ldrenes engagement &quot;arrangementer afsluttet, er dette uden tvivl de sm? piger havde en st?rk&quot; selvtillid &quot;f?lelsesm?ssig. Boyfriend k?bt sine ting, ofte fejlagtigt troede, at blande sig med hende, og hendes opr?rske k?reste at t?nke hun er meget fornuftigt. &quot;Forst?else er det f?rste skridt i ?gteskabet, skal bruden forst?r, er det had han er god for dig, eller var han god til dig at v?kke du f?ler, at? arrangement ?misforn?jelse. Ikke g?r ondt dem, der elsker dig, og ?del?ggelsen af et lykkeligt ?gteskab. &quot;
Posted by feestjurken | Apr 24, 2012 2:47 AM | 0 comments
April 23rd, 2012

<p>Dress select<br><img src="" align="right"></p>

The face of the clothing styles, clothing color first appeared. The dress color fabric texture on the one hand, on the other hand by the traditional dress colors and popular color at the same time, the wearer's temperament, image, posture, complexion, hair and other relevant factors and interrelated, only to capitalize on these factors, the dress color to reflect the overall beauty.</p>

<p>Bear in mind is that all of the dress color looks must be whole and unified, strong sense of hue. Rounds the probability not more often used is the same hue color and approximate hue color, contrast hue to use the time to consider the disposition and temperament of the occasion and the wearer.</p>

<p>(1) Color Matching</p>

<p>The same Seji simply use the same color for color. The same combination of colors is easy to get the same harmony effect, but the ratio is not good it tends to create the sense of monotony, and adjust the brightness of the same color, purity, will get rich. Visual psychology of different colors makes a big difference.</p>

<p>A: The red line</p>

<p>Red has the enthusiasm, excitement, festive, eye-catching features. Often used in the design of a festive, holiday atmosphere. Of red color of red, orange, red, red, rose red, purple, etc., due to changes in lightness and purity would give rise to a wide area of ??performance, when red lightness improve the pink becomes <a href="">evening dresses</a><br />a sweet, gentle, happy , feminine color. The same material, the texture of the red in the dress design call performance wear.</p>

<p>B: yellow lines</p>

<p>The yellow line has a bright, eye-catching, warm, gorgeous, elegant visual effects. When the yellow near the green, as if with the breath of grass. Some Like It Hot, a sense close to the red. The dress color with yellow as much as possible to keep the yellow purity and brightness or use in the area of ??smarter, because of low purity, low brightness of the yellow will be weak, anxious feeling.</p>

<p>C: Blue</p>

<p>The blue line is stable, elegant and quiet sense of. And red compared to blue gives elegant, introverted, ice and other characteristics. Full of dreamy colors of blue. Like the of Bo light sparkling ocean. However, when we further observed the blue lightness, purity change will impact Blue's own visual effects, such as dark blue matte fabrics will be steady, modest visual effects, and blue silk material people gorgeous, delicate feel.</p>

<p>D: the green line</p>

<p>Color rub of the green nature, it gives life, hope, tranquility, calm and a sense of People wearing dress color green, it is necessary to consider the relationship with the color, skin color will affect the effect of wearing yellow or reddish, with pale skin will look fresh and vibrant. Malachite green with a gorgeous sense, olive green with an elegant sense.</p>

<p>E: purple</p>

<p>Purple brightness and low visibility, it has a mysterious, gorgeous, charming, elegant features, the different brightness of the purple will reflect the different effect of wearing. Light purple light, sweet; purple calm, thought-provoking. Purple feel most vulnerable to the fabric texture, the flash of purple fabric will be even more gorgeous and elegant.</p>

<p>F: Black</p>

<p>Black, although they are no color line, but it is a strong and intrinsic color, the black areas of the performance of a wide, both to adjust too strong or too weak color, and can exist independently of the superior, rational , mysterious, solemn visual effects. Most black stand the test of time, regardless of color in how the change will not affect the charm of the black, black dress since <a href="">evening dresses ireland</a><br />ancient times has always been favored.</p>

<p>G: white</p>

<p>White no color line has a dual personality: dress color white and black the same expression, is a noble and intrinsic color, like pure fantasy, appeals to the imagination; evening dress pearl flashing white can produce gentle feeling.</p>

<p>(2) similar to the color matching</p>

<p>Similar color on the color wheel located adjacent to each other each other containing the ingredients, such as yellow, orange, red three colors, easy to form when the color of harmony and unity, but there are subtle color changes. Dress colors, costumes commonly used similar color matching, similar to the color of orderly arranged together to form the unity of color, and in unity to seek changes.</p>

<p>(3) contrasting color color</p>

<p>Distinctive color, contrast, very easy to produce a feeling of unity and messy, but the color of the contrasting colors in the dress color is challenging, with the right mix will leave a memorable impression. Colored brightness, purity, size, proportion of the amount of color and fabric texture to control the use of contrasting colors, only to unify the various factors in the changing balance in order to play the greatest charm of the contrasting colors.</p>

<p>Recommended evening dress to consider the following points:</p>

<p>Body type and dress:</p>

<p>Tall petite - suitable for high waist, gauze waist discount dress, the proportion of body modification. Should try to avoid too fluffy skirt, rotator cuff design should avoid exaggeration; upper body can be more changes in waist micro V-low rise design in order to increase the sense of slender.</p>

<p>Tall person - a natural coat hanger, any style of dress can be trying, especially to Baoshen hem was fishtail wedding better show appearance.</p>

<p>The body is full - for straight line cutting, wear more slender. Lace flowers should use a thin flat lace, optional high collar style; waist skirt design should try to avoid complicated.</p>

<p>Skin and dress:</p>

<p>White type: choose the color pink dress, to avoid too heavy colors of red, black velvet, otherwise it will significantly incongruity.</p>

<p>Dark Healthy: choice of bright lines, with a healthy image and set off the color. Should avoid choosing a pink dress, otherwise it will be a dark color to cover up.</p>

<p>Yellowish color: the color yellow people think the color is poor, why not choose the color of the dress of the middle.</p>

<p>Unless the face shape is fair, and should generally be avoided to choose the dress is too complicated.</p>

<p>Evening dress dress skill essentials:</p>

<p>A black is never out of date</p>

<p>Dress fashionable overhangs, of course, the best theme color of the clothing and fashion<a href="">evening dresses online</a><br /> colors combine. If no time to pick a unique style of dress, it would only buy the style could not be easier - the black, open-collar, sleeveless, simple and subtle, never out of date. And then fine details to the point of the eye. Delicate fringed embroidery shawls heightening the old lady style with leather slippers, can be expressed in lethargy; pink suede rose handbags and coral necklace with a full romantic.</p>

<p>2 accessories in the decision of the fashion</p>

<p>We can not always have the same face? This requires giving some more details. A gorgeous shawl, sparkling necklace, a pair of dazzling earrings, and a slim bracelet, are ordinary clothing to the conversion of small dress choose the easy way. Scarves, headgear ... is the introduction of the avant-garde elements of the carrier can best embody the fashion, and must spend much, but also to the pursuit of alternative, do not follow the crowd. But remember that when worn, cut not a full set are on, be sure to refinement. Handbag style must be complete, to cater for different occasions.</p>

<p>Three trend vest very useful</p>

<p>Pro to work, the boss to inform you that night with him to participate in the important reception. Go home and change naturally not, are also temporary street repairing? A small vest is the best helper at this time.</p>

<p>European designers launched a day-night dual-use gorgeous vest. Buy a beads, embroidery, flash material of the vest to wear during the day in the coat, the scenery is not remarkable; night take off his jacket, sexy, luxurious atmosphere is immediately apparent. As for the color thing, want eye-catching little optional red powder Chromic subtle optional black, gray --- guaranteed not to let the boss of your dress rolling his eyes.</p>

<p>4 are installed with the most able to choose the easy way</p>

<p>Chui Thai green long vest, or dressed in cheongsam --- seemingly random, but must be the new darling of the party or reception. Installed with the Heat for several years, unexpectedly showing fueling the momentum, as<a href="">cheap evening dresses</a><br /> long as with a nice, one can access are installed on a variety of formal occasions. Course, are installed to wear clothing with taste, but also rely on the recount. Are installed with the most taboo of imitation, alternative ways to improve, in particular, in line with their own temperament, this is the most important thing.</p>

<p>5 refused all cartoon</p>

<p>Dress occasions is not a fancy dress party is unfit to play naive - this is almost law. After all, the avant-garde and classic, totally different thing.</p>

<p>Black - black gives the glamorous and mysterious, noble feeling, while filling a woman sexy qualities of. Style, some changes, or to be brightly decorated, such as crocheted lace on the skirt, floral fabric embellishment, a different kind of shawl ... you can immediately break the black too dignified feeling, so that women lovely.</p>

<p>White - white evening dress, elegant and noble qualities, and at the same time a symbol of the female snow-white quality. The evening dress is usually bright embellishment to make it at night star-studded, flashy fabrics, folds, lace, sequins, or precious stones, dazzling.</p>

<p>Red - red, passionate, red dress, leaving the women look charming. Bright red, makes the whole night burning. Therefore, in the red fabric to add flouncing to balance the impact of the red people to become soft, sweet and more.</p>

<p>Color - color dress refused to single dress: the color to colorful and bright, decorated with a novel. Flouncing, lace, beads, a continuous but changing the shape of flowers, square elegant and fashionable.</p>

<p>In general, a dress only in a big scene. If the conditions are too harsh, at least not in the adjacent two meetings, always meet in the circle of people to see you wear the dress of the same set. If by economic conditions, it can choose to match evening.</p>

<p>The sleeveless to slits dress: the leg shape and bust is less than ideal, one can choose such a dress, try to choose high-end fashion fabrics, such as animal stripe fabric the floodlight silk fabric to add a brilliant appearance. Points: selection of high collar, shoulder dug concave sleeveless style, otherwise appear too homely.</p>

<p>Suspenders silk skirt: the dress, it is to maximize the performance of a fresh, pure and vitality. Style to be the easiest. Fabric colors, flowers, mystery and passion of the subtropical Black is quiet and shy in the noble and mysterious, green is outstanding temperament. Highlights: Dress and short tops of the straps of the dress, the finer the more evening taste, if the width is more than 7 mm, it is neither fish nor fowl.</p>

<p>Chinese clothing + upright slits skirt: fabric with oriental charm, made of Chinese clothing and upright slits skirt with classical above, to build a unique temperament. Chinese clothing, red or bright blue as the main Vulgar and Elegant atmosphere in a gilded background. Important: this section is more suitable for women of mature Ling-hui.</p>

<p>Harness shorts + silk upright trousers: Although more than 90 percent of the women's dress to the dress style pants personality established. Harness more or less can take the low-cut style, halter-style fabric with the colors of black, green, gold and silver is appropriate, loose-fitting trousers can take more or less the same color, so easy to balance. Important: must wear stiletto heels or like a slightly decent casual.</p>
Posted by feestjurken | Apr 23, 2012 12:22 AM | 0 comments

<p>Dress knowledge<br><img src="" align="right"></p>

Dress knowledge: dress Overview</p>

<p>Dress, also known as social services, and clothing is worn to participate in ceremonies, weddings, rituals, funerals and other solemn ceremony. With the concept of updating of the accelerated pace of life, clothing, dress more and more attention.</p>

<p>The dress has its own unique style, color, fabric. Style design reflects the personality, set focus on classical and modern one; the color is very rich, and filled the fold the color of the modern use of Road dress design from the elegance of the monochromatic Road.</p>

<p>Dress materials in shiny silk, velvet, fine wool fabric, or a senior wool fabrics and chemical fiber mixed fabrics based.</p>

<p>In the fabrication process, workmanship, and embroidery, beading, mosaic, stenciling and other methods to create high-end, gorgeous effect.</p>

<p>Dress clothing accessories also constitute an essential aspect of dress, the overall effect, such as headdresses, necklaces, brooches, earrings, wristlet, nepotism, rings and dress to match the oblique, boots, hats, bags, gloves, etc. will<a href="">bridesmaid dresses</a><br /> give a set of dress is the icing on the cake.</p>

<p>Form of dress and wear, inherited from the European aristocracy, been retained so far, and another part with the changes of modern social life has taken on new meaning.</p>

<p>With the development of science and technology, lifestyle and the concept of life change, new materials, new styles in clothing sector after another, making the dress design more in line with the needs of the modern shape is simple, took substantially, fashion and civilians, popularity.</p>

<p>Evening dress after 20:00 in the evening wear formal dress, evening dress Ms. Ms. dress of the highest grade, most unique, and fully display the dress styles of personality. Also known as evening dress, dinner wear, dance clothes.</p>

<p>Often match with clothes like shawls, jackets, capes, with beautiful decorative gloves together constitute the whole costume effect.</p>

<p>The traditional evening dress style: emphasis on women's slim waist, and weight of a sense of exaggerated skirt below the hips, shoulders, chest, arm fully revealed, and leave the performance space in a gorgeous jewelery.</p>

<p>Such as: low neckline design, decorative and strong sense of design to highlight the elegant, focused use of mosaics, fine embroidery, collar fold, ornate lace, bows, roses, give the impression to classical, orthodox clothing.</p>

<p>The traditional evening dress fabric: the night of communication for the purpose, in order to meet the night of luxury and warm atmosphere, the selection of multi-mercerized fabrics, flash satin gorgeous, noble materials.</p>

<p>Dress knowledge: the dress.</p>

<p>The classification of dress can have the following ways:</p>

<p>In accordance with the style points: Chinese dress, western dress, Chinese and Western-style dress;</p>

<p>In accordance with the dress form of points: formal dress and semi-formal dress;</p>

<p>Divided according to the way they dress: full piece jumpsuit style, two-piece, three-piece, pieces of modular;</p>

<p>In accordance with the zoning: Day dress, evening dress, wedding dress, dance wear, costumes, evening gowns.</p>

<p>(1) day dress</p>

<p>Dress only at night in the traditional concept of social occasions to wear clothing in the form, make it natural to think that the bare-chested, white rose, accessories and gorgeous floor-length dress.</p>

<p>In fact, as modern social life is becoming richer, at the design activities during the day wear dress has also become indispensable in people's lives, clothing, such as the opening ceremony, banquets, weddings, garden, paid an official visit, the appearance of a dignified, solemn suit can be as a day dress, it is not as special provisions in evening <a href="">bridesmaid dresses ireland</a><br />dress.</p>

<p>The fabrics are mostly wool, cotton, linen, silk or silk fabric. Gadgets and clothing using the corresponding style.</p>

<p>It is worth mentioning is the little dress, it can be worn in an informal party, family dinner, keep the appointment, amusement parks, and other occasions, compared with the evening dress more casual, lively, romantic, to show the wearer good manners for the purpose.</p>

<p>The skirt suit dress: professional women in professional occasions attended the ceremony, the ceremony wearing ceremonial with clothing.</p>

<p>Appeared skirt suit dress is elegant, dignified, capable career women style.</p>

<p>The costumes reflected in dress and skirt suit with subtle and solemn, as the first choice of pearl jewelry.</p>

<p>(2) evening dress</p>

<p>Evening dress, also known as evening dress or evening wear, the clothing worn in the evening ceremonial activities.</p>

<p>Evening dress in two forms, one is the traditional evening wear, and the dominant form of low-cut, strapless, backless, waist. And tailor-made dress, suitable for wear in the senior occasion, with a sense of security;</p>

<p>The second is a modern evening dress, with the changing development of the social life, making the night courtesy occasions, not only limited to a few people, but also due to the diversification of lifestyles in the city, evening dress to the <a href="">bridesmaid dresses dublin</a><br />people and social and recreational activities indispensable clothing .</p>

<p>Modern evening dress with the traditional evening dress, in shape, more comfortable and practical, economic and beautiful evening dress, such as suit suit jacket dress style, inside and outside the two combined is even trousers with a reasonable</p>

<p>(3) The wedding dress</p>

<p>At the time of the marriage, the bride wore a garment called a wedding dress. Western-style wedding dress from the European clothing habits, in most western countries, people get married to the church for the priest or pastor's prayer and blessing, so in order to be recognized as a legitimate marriage.</p>

<p>Therefore, the bride should wear the sincerity and purity of the white wedding dress logo, and with a hat, headdress and veil to set off the gorgeous wedding dress. Sometimes the bride and bridesmaids wear the bride's wedding dress coordination and differences between the dress and the formation of a foil relations.</p>

<p>Western-style wedding to obey the shape, color, fabric, there are some common law, mostly on modeling the X-shaped dress, color, usually white, a symbol of sincerity and purity.</p>

<p>China's traditional wedding dress is cheongsam, multi-color mainly in red, a symbol of celebration, luck and happiness.</p>

<p>With the communication and influence in Western culture, Western-style wedding dress in China has gradually prevailed, but because of the color difference in attitudes, our wedding more colorful, such as red, pale pink, the bride's choice.</p>

<p>(4) costumes</p>

<p>Theatrical costumes in general mainly to reflect the specific identity and purpose of the wearer's clothing such as presenters, singers clothes, playing an actor clothing and so on.</p>

<p>Coordination of a number of factors shape of the focus on performance content of stage costumes, stage design, lighting and so on, highlighting<a href="">cheap bridesmaid dresses ireland</a><br /> the dignified and elegant, or the effect of light entertainment.</p>

<p>Pure Gala host clothing has a festive, auspicious and joyful atmosphere, elegant concert presenters clothing should be reflected in a solemn, serious effect.</p>

<p>(5) dance clothes</p>

<p>The dance is that people wore to the dance with clothing, is generally based on the contents of the ball, the scale is different. Dance clothing to focus on a dynamic effect and decorative, fully reflects the dynamic beauty of the wearer.</p>

<p>Ms Lau said the deep white long been engaged in custom wedding dress, evening dress. Quality and price in the industry have a high competitive advantage.</p>
Posted by feestjurken | Apr 23, 2012 12:16 AM | 0 comments
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