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May 27th, 2014
500 words long (500WL), because you’re in a hurry, and I can’t articulate my opinions and thoughts completely.

Jinrui wa Suitai Shimashita or Humanity Has Declined (in English) is an anime adaptation of the on-going novel by the same name. The synopsis of the story I read so far, however, does not introduce you to the absurdity that you will be seeing. A better word will be to call the synopsis a preface or foreword.

If I am to give a summary, I will state the preface plus mention that it is an absurdist fiction; elements such as satire, incongruity and the abasement of reason are largely present. This is all thanks to our fairy friends who are in search of endless fun and enjoyment. Such is a good example of a fine line between insanity and genius. And their plastered smile on their face doesn’t aid with their characterization either.

Started without knowing what I am getting myself into, I nearly wanted to give up at episode 2 when humans are running after naked chicken that can talk, walk and smoke cigar. Such is the declination of humanity (pun intended)

The “unconventional” method of storytelling does not help to clear up the air either on what the hell am I watching but on thinking back, I realize it could not have been done either ways 1. Thankfully I decided to give it another go at episode 3 and was glad that I did. The “unconventional” method of storytelling coupled with not knowing what you will be thrown into next makes me look forward to each episode, just as how Alice got curious and wondered into Wonderland.

The episode on the meeting of the assistant and the story of her childhood are two good story arcs (my fav too) on what it is like to be human; we seek external validation, at times we hold unrealistic demands etc. The questions brought up were “Who am I?” and “Can I meet people at where they are and love them at the level they want to be loved?”(Bishop T.D Jakes 2) These were shown through various form of interaction between the people and the thoughts that were running through the main character’s head.

All in all, you may find yourself wondering what if I were the main character and the world is declining. After all she known as Watashi which means ‘I’ in Japanese. For me, I think I will agree with her, that my treasures will be my relationship with people that matters to me.

Summary Highlight:

Creative and somewhat disturbing worldview.

Meeting of the assistant

Monologues of the main character (Ms Sweet)

Relationship between the main character and those people that matters to her

Overall Rating: 7.8/10 (Good. Will recommend to like-minded people)

Reverse chronology ↩

You got to meet people at where they are and love them at the level they can receive it. From Oprah’s Live Class with Bishop T.D Jakes ↩
Posted by d3stinY | May 27, 2014 2:59 AM | 0 comments
May 7th, 2014
Anime Relations: RideBack
500 words long (500WL), because you’re in a hurry, and I can’t articulate my opinions and thoughts completely.

Rideback is set in the future after GGP took over as superpower. It shows the life of Rin Ogata in her first year of University and her newly joined club about Rideback. Highlights of the stories are:

1. GGP’s dictatorship approach after it gains power.
2. And more importantly, Rin Ogata’s search for something else in life after she loses her one only stage.

The anime started with showing Rin Ogata initial interaction with Rideback while she tries to figure out what Rideback means to her. As the story unfolds, it slowly reveals that she is unable to meet her own expectation in ballet, especially because she keeps comparing it with her amazing mum, and she is unsure where her stage is (what life means to her).

From her, I am unable to figure out initially what she is trying to do or feel and I wonder whether is it intentional (does Rin feels the same way) or is it because the execution was lacking. As time passes more emotions/explanation are revealed, but I feel that the revelation should seek to enhance/support the initial emotion/expression instead of to show what it supposed to be initially.

At the last part whereby she “dances” for her friend Suzuri Uchida, I seriously thought that that was the highlight of the show. And totally agree with Suzuri when she told Haruki Hishida that she would rather see Rin dance on the stage than see her on a Rideback. That conversation with Haruki Hishida and what he said after is what I thought was one of the main points of the show1.

On the plot of GGP and the terrorists or about its dictatorship, not much meat is given though much could be done. However it is intentionally shown the cruelty or lack of consideration for human life in ways such as rolling out your new toy (white ridebacker) to “play” with human. For Rin Ogata’s situation, I think it is crazy that if you “flew” in to save someone, you will be prosecuted as terrorist. Even the media in the show could tell you that she is not one. That speaks a lot and it shows a gap either in the GGP/GGF or Romanov Kallenbach. I find the coincidence2 hard to accept and painfully obvious.

However, I congratulate the anime because hardly am I able to finish a whole series in 1 to 2 seating. Execution/pacing was one of the better ones as both points are weave together even with obvious issues. With this, I will end this review with my favourite picture from this show. Oh how gracefully she(it) reach out, with the purpose in live is to intertwine the lights.

Overall Rating: 7/10 (Good)

She is able to dance with Fuego because she did ballet. Conversely, dancing with the Fuego might even help with ballet. Hence she should not give up on ballet. That is her stage. From episode 10. ↩

Coincidences to get characters into trouble are great [Pixar #19] ↩
Posted by d3stinY | May 7, 2014 2:02 AM | 0 comments
Private Entry
October 6th, 2010
You know, comments like these remind me of a story, about a Father and his Son, taking their donkey to the market. When the Father rode the donkey, the people chastised him for making his ‘little kid’ walk. When the Son rode, they criticized him for making his ‘old man’ walk. When neither rode, people call them ‘idiots’ for not using the donkey. When both used it, people called them out for burdening the ‘poor beast’ too much. Finally they both carried the donkey on their shoulders, but when they were crossing the bridge, the donkey panicked and slipped, and fell to the river below.

Moral of the story: Some people just like to yap, they don’t actually have genuine advice to give, nor do they actually know of your situation. They just perceive things from their POV and give judgment, as if that will fit all.

Posted by d3stinY | Oct 6, 2010 2:40 AM | 0 comments
July 27th, 2010
" Life is a process of becoming, a combination of states we have to go through. Where people fail is that they wish to elect a state and remain in it. This is a type of death." - Anais Nin
Posted by d3stinY | Jul 27, 2010 7:12 PM | 1 comments
May 22nd, 2010
I wonder how i should live...
in order to be happy?
I want to change the painful present
but i can't seem to figure it out.
Unable to go anywhere
i kept looking up to the blue sky.
At times i like myself
and at times i hate myself.
I just have to step forward and keep wishing that i will change
Grasping my hand tightly
If i fall down like this
I will get better little by little.
I wonder, can small joys laughably be called treasures?
Without a strength or weakness and with my feet trembling like this.
I wonder if i keep on believing will i one day be able to paint a rainbow in the sky?

translation from the anime
Posted by d3stinY | May 22, 2010 1:11 AM | 0 comments
It’s time to ditch the text file.
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