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bubbles92's Blog

July 10th, 2010
yay im back but dont expect many entrys because i have a life now ihave a license and a car so therefore i can go and do stuff now but i really hate work im thinking of quitting the money is os not worth it and they dont even want to give me my certificate because they dont think i have enough experiance more like they just dont want to give me a pay rise... i want to go to an anime con... i didnt get to go to the one earlier this year which was dissapointing so i guess im going to have to save up some moeny which will be hard seeing as i have a loan to pay off as well now... i want to save up to buy a house because the place im in doesnt charge rent so i guess it would be smart to save while i am able tostay here its good because now i have people to help me make dinner an all so i dont have to dworry about it as much well its not like i really talked about much but im going to say goodbye now and get back to my anime reduced lifestyle thanks to the all encompassing work

Posted by bubbles92 | Jul 10, 2010 6:33 PM | 1 comments
December 27th, 2009
ok so now that i am looking after my nans house its really lonely lol like i can talk on the phone if i want to but i feel bad using somene elses phone to call my friends so i dont really do that and i also dont have internet access seriously i have no idea how people do it im going CRAZY like friggin withdrawal or somthign i dont know.. the only human contact i have is at work but thats not the same ... people who work will understand this, its just not personal enough although i love talking to the girls at work i already see them as friends lol also i am going to start stalking this hottie that works at gloria jeans (lets just hope hes not an anime fan and finds this by accident hehe) but yea hes really cute and flirty and really enthusiastic bout his job (i wonder why?? seriously??) lol but it just makes him more attractive ^_^ so yea i havnt seen my two best friends in ages not even the one that lives close to me its so depressing but its all good because i am goinng to see them both on the 30th hopefully ^_^ so i will be really happy

ok thats all for now,
Posted by bubbles92 | Dec 27, 2009 12:06 AM | 2 comments
December 21st, 2009
well as the title suggests i got a new phone today woot! its so awsome... i want to take a pic and put it up eventually lol when i finally manage to go back home, im actuallly a little home sick >.< weird right? well if you knew me you would know it was weird lol oh i went over to my mates place to exchange presesnts i got heaps of stuff i feel kinda of bad becuse i didnt have much monney and i didnt really get them that much lol but i love them all they are the best and they totally spoil me even though i dont really deserve it lol

okies only 3 sleeps till xmas woot cant wait i love presesnts and i get to see so many relitives that i hardly see any other time its all good ^_^ plus i get the day off work but i have to work boxing day,

well thats all im suposed to be cleaning the house lol
Posted by bubbles92 | Dec 21, 2009 2:17 PM | 2 comments
December 18th, 2009
thats it ive decided im not going to be nice to my non existant readers *turns away and ignores* hmph.... *peeks over shoulder*.. ok ok im sorry its just that no one comments T.T its sad that i must rely u-pon comments to make my day good lol.. oh speaking of good days, today at work a girl that i surved like 3 days ago came up to me today i didnt recognise her at first thuogh, she was waving at me and she was like do you remember me? and i sort of waved back then stared at her for a minute then i was like oh! you came in for foundation right? she looked so happy that i remembered her that it made me feel good, lol then we talked for a bit it was kidna weird at first but then i was like meh its how you make friends her name was christine and i also introduced myself ^_^it was so nice to talk to her and she was like really happy to see me i guess i left a good impression on her oh and there was also another lady that saw me in the store and she was like i came bacck because you were nice to me :P i felt pretty proud because its not foten that you get genuine compliments is it ^_^

ok im in a good mood again i guess i shall keep this up :P
Posted by bubbles92 | Dec 18, 2009 2:25 AM | 1 comments
December 15th, 2009
i dont really have anything interesting to talk about today... so i think i will just write crap.. so.. the usual i guess hehe i am listening to short stack the name reminds me of dgrey man hehe if you dont know short stack is allen walkers nick name... i worked 8 hrs today.. i had to open and close >.< gosh i didnt e4ven realise i did open and close until i wrote it just then oh i found a good yaoi the other day eheh junjou somthing or other (not romantica its somthing else) its inmy manga list anyways its pretty good hehe so yea i cant be stuffed writting any more so i think that will be all.. gosh no wonder no one comments its not like im writing anything comment worthy...


ok all done,
Posted by bubbles92 | Dec 15, 2009 1:13 AM | 0 comments
December 14th, 2009
ok so im looking after my bros house and my brothers fiance's brother comes over.. would that make him my brother in law? or somthign i dont know ^_^anyways.. when he comes over its good because he brings his kids and they all go in the pool with me.. and seeing as its summer it s quite nice not all freezing and not too hot either.. but that besides the point. ok so my point is im really annoyed because why the hell does my hair dry so fast when i go swimming and it NEVER dries when i go for a shower like WTH? well i do know why but still my hair is pretty long so when it takes forever to dry after a shower it gets pretty horible and when i go into the pool it even drys nicely and not knotty or anything its so unfair why cant clorine smell nice then i wouldnt have to go thru the torture of re-washing.. T.T oh and guess what ... i havnt had any comments *bawls eyes out* T.T no one wants to read my bloooogggg .. ok im over it..oh i know ill tell a joke to show just how er funny? i am ... well i think they are funny jokes hehe

Q. what happened when the cow jumped over the moon?

A. It landed on the other side heheheheahahahhahohohohoh

i loooove lame jokes they are my salvation :P

okies enough from me tonight,
bubbles92 ^^
Posted by bubbles92 | Dec 14, 2009 1:49 AM | 0 comments
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