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May 12th, 2016
Anime Relations: D.Gray-man
I tend to write a good bit about my favorite fictional characters. This one one of the things I have written regarding Cross Marian, of D.Gray-Man.

I feel he's a very misunderstood character. And part of that reason is how the anime portrayed him. I notice people who have only seen the anime, but not read the manga always seem to have the worst impression of him.

But I am here to say, the manga Cross that was created by Hoshino Katsura, is not that bad. Anime Cross is an example of Adaptational Villainy, where a character is made worse in the new material than in original story. So, I am going to cover the Manga to Anime differences in this entry.

We'll start with the entirely filler episode 27: My Mentor, General Cross.

Let's start with the manga contradiction of Allen's way of making money.

In the manga, Allen states he and Cross lived off his friends, and lovers of his'. Then Allen mentions he would gamble to make money if he and Cross were really hard-up for cash.

The episode has Allen being sold into slave labor to pay off Cross’ debts.
Nowhere in the manga did it say that Cross sold Allen into labor. All Allen says is gambling. So, something extra the anime added in, making Cross seem like a slave owner.

The episode also has Cross telling Allen to bring him a lion to see. Cross travels all over the world, even before he met Allen. I am sure he’s gotten a glimpse of a lion without Allen having to bring him one. So that made no sense.

And again, when Allen recalls trauma with Cross, debts seem to be what comes up.
He didn’t say anything about Cross torturing him with wild animals.

Also, when they’re staying in India, Cross makes Allen gamble for money, and here, he has Allen pinned to a wall taking his money like a pimp to Allen's scared hooker.

Complete with Allen asking how long he’s going to be made to do it.
And this makes no sense, because Allen says he only gambled when he and Cross really needed money.

While in India, Cross was living in a palace, with a maharajah’s widow.

So he had a willing lover, and given how they both always have wine in their hand, he gets plenty of that there too.
Also, since she and Cross are sleeping together, they also got free room and board.

So why the hell are he and Allen out in town scrapping for money? That doesn’t seem to make sense- given Cross is staying with a rich woman that most likely gives him whatever he wants.

Into the episode, Allen mentions to Lenalee the Maharajah’s widow was a lover of Cross, and that’s why they got to stay there. Lenalee asks if Cross really has sex with a widow. Allen the says his Master has a thing for rich women.
This is another contradiction and makes Cross specifically look like a gold digger. His character info in the databook/fanbook, done by Hoshino, states that his likes are good women, expensive wine, and visiting the red-light districts. But again, it says he likes “good” women, not “rich” women.

I am sure he appreciates if he’s with a rich woman. But the anime, with that line, makes it seem like he specifically seeks out a woman to take their money.

We had, earlier in the episode, a man wanting to beat him up for taking his woman’s money. So those two things together don’t paint Cross in the best light. Making him look like a lowdown gold-digger.

But this could be an issue with translation. Some I have seen is that Cross likes rich women, specifically, as the above says. Then another says he’s popular with rich women. So depending on translation this point can vary.

So it seems like this episode tried to make Cross seem as disgusting and nasty as possible to make Allen miserable, so they can throw in a punchline at the end with all the women gushing over Cross, to show “women like bad boys” or like men that treat people like crap.
Cross is not perfect, but if you read my previous manifesto entries, you could see why I didn’t care for this episode. Seems like one big build-up for the gushing women love bad men punchline finish.

Now, lets move on to episode 96, which takes place manga chapter 137.

In the manga, Allen wants to speak with Cross, but it’s forbidden. So the guards drag him away. Cross seems surprised at how quick they moved, but that was it.

With the anime, they have Cross smirking and waving Allen off and humming mockingly while he’s dragged away, calling for him.
Definitely more of an asshole with it than he was about it in the manga.

Then we have two things here. In earlier chapters, we see Cross in flashbacks. And we see the food vendor talk to him as he boards a train.

With the anime, we got 2 problems with this scene.
1, he is carrying no bags on his travels, which makes no sense -he had a suitcase in the manga. 2. They have him snatch food right of the man’s cart and not pay for it, which did not happen in the manga.

Fast-forwarding to the Exorcists returning to HQ. Roufa cries, happy that Allen is ok. Cross shoves Allen aside, determined to move in a hurry.
We see him ask in passing if Roufa is Allen's woman, but that was it.

The anime however has Cross push Allen aside, with a lecherous grin on his face.
Which contradicts the fact that he’s supposed to be in a hurry, and makes him seem creepy, because it seems his sole purpose for pushing Allen aside here, was so he can check out Roufa

Then he holds on to Roufa’s head while he gets up close and personal to her, and stares at her as if he’s studyin
What the hell was this? Suppose to be funny I am sure. But it makes Cross come off as some kind of weird pervert.

Why is he showing so much interest in a girl whom he thinks may be dating his apprentice? Did he wanna sleep with his apprentice’s girlfriend?

Next, there's Anita's flashback in episode 60. Completely filler, and had a few things wrong with it.

Let's start with the flashback's opening. Anita’s mother was killed recently it seemed while Anita sadly looks at the clips. We pan over and see Cross is there-laying in the middle of the room with his back to her.
Seems like they’re ignoring each other. What a great way to start.

Then we cut to Cross, who's drinking and seems somewhat content. He says “hm?” and looks over at her as if he forgot she was even there.
How close they seem to be. /Sarcasm

Then we see Anita acting shy / awkward around, Cross, which doesn’t seem to fit her character. It seems she is determined not to look him in the eye.

She only looks back at him we his eyes are closed, and he’s drinking.

Close up, it appears she’s blushing.

But why blush? She just got done saying she hated him.

Cross stops drinking, then looks at her, and calls her name. In response to him looking at her, and calling her name, she turns away quickly, like she’s embarrassed, or doesn’t want him to see her looking at him.

She answers him with a stutter. After which, she looks down, and turns her head even further away.

I know she’s younger here, given her more round features. But possibly being raised to run her mother’s brother, and her probably having been around men before, I can’t see her being so shy and nervous.

After all, she was helping her mother deliver babies when she was 7 yrs., according to Chaozii.
Anyway, maybe she has a crush on Cross already? but Cross asks her “do you hate me?” and she says yes. So, why was he asking her that?

If she really does hate him, why?

Is she trying to hide her crush for him? And again, if so, why?

Anita being raised around a brothel, by a mother who’s a brothel maiden, I don’t really see her hiding feelings of, or being embarrassed about, finding a man attractive.

The flashback just seemed random and made no sense. Anita is talking about how she’s do anything for Cross, then there’s that flashback which I don’t know what it was trying to convey?

This flashback just raised questions rather than telling us anything.

Is it showing that Anita fell in love with Cross in that one instant? And if so, why? Because he made one comment about her being a good woman?
Sorry. Given Anita’s determination toward Cross, I think her feelings run a tad deeper than him making one comment.

So if the anime is saying she fell for Cross just because he gave her a compliment, then it makes her look like a fangirl with a schoolgirl crush like all those women Allen met in episode 27.

So if they were trying to build up Cross x Anita, they didn’t do a good job of it, and should’ve done something else.

Also, something else messed up is Cross’ appearance in said flashback.

In anime, when characters are younger, they tend to be drawn with rounder eyes, and sometimes with females, no lips. I guess it makes them look younger and more naive.

The anime threw in a flashback where Anita is clearly much younger-looks to be a teenager. However, Cross looks exactly the same as he does now.
Unless Hoshino shared something secret with the animators, that’s a bit odd. Cross’ age is weird in the manga, but he was younger at some point lol

And this is just an extra. It's no related to Cross, but just going further to show some flubs and stupid decisions the anime team made. Anita's Incoming Death.

In the manga, it'a not revealed that Anita was killed until she sees the exorcists off

Then, there’s a close-up of her, and we discover she is now wearing her mother’s hair clip in her final moments.
We readers find that out the same time Lenalee does. Lenalee had no idea of Anita’s fate before then.

However, the anime has Lenalee bring Anita her clip

Anita asks Len to put it on for her.
That was a dead give away that something was wrong. because Anita says she hasn’t worn them since her mother died. Now, all of a sudden, she wants to wear it. And Lenalee put it on her. So it’s very noticeable.

In the manga, Lenalee drops the clip. But that’s the last we saw of it until the close-up on Anita showed it.
There’s no telling when she put it on, probably after she changed clothes-and decided it her last chance to wear it. Remember, Anita was wearing a shirt and boots. When seeing the exorcists off, she’s wearing a Kimono.

Then after the clip incident, Anita hugs Lenalee and tell her to take care of Cross.
That was another dead give away. She wanted to help the Exorcists find Cross, so surely she wanted to see him. Why would she hug Lenalee and ask her that if she was going to see Cross herself?

So, the fact that lenalee didn’t pick up on these 2 things makes her break down at the send off seem stupid, because it was obvious to her, and us viewers before then.

So, just as the anime messed up on this, they messed up some stuff on Cross too.

It all seems minor, but seems very noticeable to me, and if you are very familiar with the manga, you can see the contradictions. So, if I notice it, it’s a very big mistake lol
Posted by SilverWolf442 | May 12, 2016 12:19 AM | 0 comments
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