September 27th, 2021
Official KKK Timeline
Anime Relations: K-On!!
Retarded Revolution - late 2020
Beniporag was once your average MAL user, enjoying the anime that he watched and stating his thoughts on them as a normal weeb would. However, in late 2020, he met Epicgamermoment, 4and4, and 69Lolicon69, a trio of shitposters, leading to him catch autism and acquire multiple new chromosomes. A self-proclaimed retard, Beniporag lost the ability to have normal conversations. But it wasn’t all bad, for his retardation spread to Positiv2, and the now 5 of them went around MAL, trolling and further bringing their retardation to users like JizzyBizzy.
First cumsade (against mywifesson) - Oct 2020 to Early 2021
In October 2020, beniporag took his shitposting to the grounds of mywifesson’s profile. He spammed his profile with the power of 9246765 chromosomes before being joined by others, including Positiv2, Bruhpablo, and Kuswo. Beniporag and Kuswo started rumors that Mywifesson was a pedophile, and Mywifesson was eventually annoyed enough by the trolling to get the mods to ban beniporag.
The trolling then died down, and positiv2 became great friends with mywifesson when the two discovered that they had actually had a lot in common, like their shared racism and loliconning.
Underaged Simping - December 2020
Imagine the stereotypical young teen girl fujoshi anime fan. That’s exactly who Hellicey was. She had quite the bratty personality, but since this is MAL, a hub for loser virgin boys, she was also simped for this personality, especially by Kuswo, who spread rumors that Mywifesson was a pedophile to her because he didn’t want him, nor any other guys talking to her, even if the conversation had nothing sexual or romantic about it. During Christmas time, Kuswo decided to buy Hellicey 1-month long Discord Nitro as a gift, despite her having not asked for it. Kuswo was interested in her, and it shows in his simpy messages to her.
Hellicey stopped responding to Kuswo, probably because he was kinda fucking weird. As you can see, Kuswo didn’t seem to take this too well.
Come-up of the Cock Cap - Jan 2021
positiv2 said:
Then, about a year or so ago, some anitwit (Anime Twitter) users started to use various caps on their profile pictures, including the cock cap (namely Dimitri Monroe who I love and follow and who I stole it from - he had lying Kazuma cock cap). Around January this year, I remembered about it and found it retrospectively funny as fuck

DarkAwaken-kun was helping me spread the cock cap far and wide (though originally I had no idea this would catch on on MAL as well), and Mr Balls joined shortly.
So it (imo) rapidly gained fame, and became a symbol of retardation
Then, about a year or so ago, some anitwit (Anime Twitter) users started to use various caps on their profile pictures, including the cock cap (namely Dimitri Monroe who I love and follow and who I stole it from - he had lying Kazuma cock cap). Around January this year, I remembered about it and found it retrospectively funny as fuck
DarkAwaken-kun was helping me spread the cock cap far and wide (though originally I had no idea this would catch on on MAL as well), and Mr Balls joined shortly.
So it (imo) rapidly gained fame, and became a symbol of retardation
Attack on Titan Shitposting - Early 2021
It is no secret to anyone who had been around on MAL at the time that the airing of Attack on Titan: The Final Season created a very toxic landscape. Not even during the airing, but even leading up to it and in its aftermath. Beniporag took this toxicity in a way that extended his reach of retardation to lengths that had never been seen before- probably the peak of his MAL presence. As satire of SnK fanaticism, he changed his name to erenyeager_69, replaced all his favorites with SnK seasons, OVAs, manga, spin-offs, and characters, and changed all his ratings so that all SnK-related content was 10/10 and everything else was 1/10. Playing the character of a braindead AoTard, he elevated his shitposting and his com-to-coms show it. Even if you were not a part of MAL’s SnK fandom, you knew erenyeager_69. He was everywhere, which caught the eye of some who would go on to become cock cappers in the future. Positiv2 also took this opportunity to edit the cock cap png onto drip Eren. Aside from season 4 airing, the manga was in its final chapters, and their quality created a lot of worry in the community. As a way to cope with the toxicity of SnK vs. FMA:B, forum fights over how good the final chapters were, haters, and fanatics, Stretched Pfp Gang and Chair Gang were formed.
Stretched Pfp Gang - March 2021 to April 2021
Wanting to have more fun in the SnK community without the toxicity, Lil Coomstick did something that would lead one of the largest recruitments in the KKK’s history: steal Bhungus’s idea of horizontally compress his MAL pfp so that it’d appear stretched in comments sections, and make the image below his forum signature.
The trend quickly caught on with Xsader and Fubur. Also wanting to break away from the over-seriousness of the SnK community and loving the stretched pfps he now often saw in many comments sections, fellow SnK shitposter Bengofo joined. Chair Gang was rather short lived, but for the stretched pfps were way funnier and more noticeable, the trend lived longer, and spread to others such as Cryokinesis, Hybristophile, and non-donning cock capper Wakenowakane. Eventually, Stretched Pfp Gang started dying, and Bengofo found himself as one of the last. Wanting to bear it proudly, Bengofo compressed his pfp to the highest length:width ratio possible, so much so that it would extend beyond the bottom border of the MAL UI. But things would then take a turn for the worst when the mods banned him and forcibly removed his pfp. This marked the end of Stretched Pfp Gang, although it was not the end of its former members, whose legacies would live on as by then they had joined the cock cappers in the Marriage Migration.
Marriage Migration - April 2021
On the last day of March 2021, the most based Discord server was created by Wannabe for the sake of her marriage to MrBalls. After the two of them decided that they wanted to get married to each other, they both sent out the invitation posters down below to their MAL friends.
To this server, the cock cappers of the Retarded Revolution, Stretched Pfp Gang, and other MAL users that were willing to be associated with the cock cappers were added. For example, Andre, who had been associated with cock cappers from the Retarded Revolution, but never took on cock-capism, nor the cock cap itself, joined. The wedding kept getting delayed for multiple reasons, but other marriages, adoptions, and sex-having took place in the server in the meantime, building the family tree and introducing the fellow cock cappers to each other. However, some people could not integrate themselves into the environment. For instance, Hellicey showed unnecessary hostility toward many cock cappers, and overall did not have the personality for cock cap-ism. Before she even joined, she had already been trolled in the Retarded Revolution, and she was trolled by others in the server, so she eventually left on her own volition, denying that she was bullied out. Kuswo also joined, but only for a few minutes. The moment he accepted an invitation, he immediately started spamming the server with obscene content. Gay scat porn and cartel beheading videos were a little too much for the cock cappers to accept, and he was almost immediately kicked out.
Second Cumsade (against MAL mods) - April 2021, ongoing
Another well-known fact of being on MAL is that the mods do lots of unbased shit. Cock cappers were getting banned for completely nonsensical reasons. Of course, this is not a problem exclusive to the cock cappers, but as friends, the cock cappers got triggered for each other. MrBalls literally got banned by the mod kunii for meeting the 30 character limit by adding an ellipsis at the end of a forum post. In response, Bengofo commented on kunii’s profile, ironically saying “Based kunii 🟥🟥🟥”. He told Positiv2 on Discord, who then dropped the subtlety and instead commented “unbased kunii ⬜⬜⬜”, and then danksonic commented with an ellipsis. Now that the trend had been set, when Morvick was banned by Koito91, the cock cappers were ready, having coordinated their strike in the marriage Discord. Bengofo, Lil Coomstick, Danksonic, and Fubur all ironically commented “Based & redpilled Koito91 🟥🟥🟥🟥🟥”. Danksonic and Fubur even took it a step further, personally asking why their friend was banned.
A month later, wakenowakane was banned by NoLiferSoul. This time, it was Bengofo, Xsader, Fubur, and later MrBalls who did the usual. But the interesting thing here was that NoLiferSoul played into the meme themself, commenting the same thing on his own profile.
This let the cock cappers know that they now had the recognition of the mods. NoLiferSoul would come back into conflict with the cock cappers in July 2021, when MrBalls received a two-week ban from him. At the time that MrBalls was supposed to be unbanned, NoLiferSoul was not online to unban him, so Bengofo, Chains, Kai, Wannabe, and Loli Lord, all cock cappers, took to NoLiferSoul’s profile to tell him to unban MrBalls, most bringing along with a memorial poster. Along with them, Swagernator, someone who was already talking with NoLiferSoul and completely unaffiliated with any cock cappers, also joined in on the chain of commenting the poster and calling for MrBalls to be unbanned. Since the two of them were already talking, NoLiferSoul only responded to Swagernator, telling him that he would do so.
Half a year later, multiple cock cappers such as Danksonic and Bengofo were banned by Tensho for shitposting in a thread discussing the Deletion of the KKK. Being in mourning and with the bulk of the fighting force banned, no cumsade was declared. But, MrBalls was banned in the same time period for another reason: a dumber reason that might give you some déjà vu. It certainly gave him déjà vu, and as his ban was one month, the cock cappers were ready for his call to cumsade.
On a positive note, many cock cappers are on good terms with mod NoLiferSoul, for being able to appreciate a harmless joke. NoLiferSoul also claims he did not take part in the future Deletion of the KKK, and he also warns cock cappers to stop their offenses rather than banning them. The cock cappers are also on good terms with review mod AlexPaulLEWZ because he is overall just cool, even humble enough to reject MrBalls’s compliment that he is based. He even later went on the join them!
Third Cumsade (against Okeanix) - April 2021
The cock cappers may act like they have no brains in their heads, but that is undoubtedly preferable to angry elitists that take anime way too seriously. Especially when it gets to the point where these users harass other users for having a different opinion on an anime-related issue, something that the Turkish user Okeanix did. Okeanix was the embodiment of everything the cock cappers were against. He would often get unreasonably mad at people who don’t like Re:Zero, which would be the direct cause of the cumsade against him. Bengofo was heavily inspired by Beniporag, who later commended his efforts, using retard humor and spamming emojis on Okeanix’s profile. Positiv2 joined with his usual racism: anti-Turkish edition. Lil Coomstick posted a copypasta about wanting to fuck Felix. Danksonic ironically friended him only to call the cumsaders based. Fubur and Wakenowakane sent a few messages to him. Xsader, a Re:Zero hater and fellow Turk, was able to be taken more seriously by Okeanix. This would end up being the final cumsade, and it would also go down as the most successful one, for there were other users that were unaffiliated with the cock cap who had beef with Okeanix joining in on the raid. Eventually Okeanix was banned, marking the end of the Third Cumsade as a total victory. However, it was not without sacrifices, as Bengofo’s participation in the cumsade was the biggest cause of his ban that also marked the end of Stretched Pfp Gang. Acknowledgements are deserved for non-cock cappers VioletteloiV and AlterIgor for being the ones who reported Okeanix’s account to the mods and got him banned, which was totally deserved. Okeanix and DipItFoo, the mod that banned Bengofo, deleted most of the comments that were sent during this raid, but some evidence did manage to have been saved. AlterIgor even made a meme out of Okeanix’s acting tough online.
Skipper International - April 2021 to June 2021
Danksonic, for whatever reason, is not only alright with cock cappers knowing his full real name, but also random Internet strangers. So when the cock cappers found out his very Mexican name, Bengofo changed his server nickname to Danksonic’s real first and last name and set his Discord pfp to his real face. Almost every other cock capper added his last name onto their server nicknames. Positiv2 brought the trend to MAL when he set his MAL pfp as a cock capped Skipper from Madagascar with the Mexico-shaped Mexican flag edited onto Skipper’s body, as well as Mexican flag backgrounds.
Hana followed the trend up by setting her pfp as the same thing, but every Mexican flag was replaced with a Czech one, as Positiv2 is Czech, and adding a blushing look on Skipper’s face. Bengofo continued the chain with a Japanese cock cap Skipper, as Hana had Japanese ancestry. MrBalls added himself to the chain with his American Skipper, corresponding to Bengofo’s nationality. Morvick would then break the chain when he set his pfp as Indonesian Skipper, for MrBalls is not Indonesian. This trend died out naturally and peacefully, as all of the international Skippers just lost interest in the meme.
Establishment of the KKK - May 2021
After numerous delays, the wedding between MrBalls and Wannabe had finally taken place. Unfortunately, the promised cock sucking for invited guests did not. But after the wedding, there was uncertainty in what the Discord server would be dedicated towards and what its name would be. It had previously been known as the wedding server, but the wedding had now passed. The Guests server role was now an inappropriate name, as for one, there was nothing to be a guest of: the wedding was over, and for two, the guests had gotten so accommodated with the bride, groom, and each other that everyone had become Hana’s bestie, rendering the “Hana’s bestie” role inappropriate. Many server names were attempted. MrBalls tried “Speedwagon (JoeJoe 😳)” and set the icon to Speedwagon, but virtually the entire server protested that Jojo is no longer funny. His now wife, Wannabe, set the server icon to the cock cap and named it “Based Server”, a name that was definitely not incorrect, but was kinda boring. At long last, the cock cappers realized two things: that they were all united by the cock cap, and that they all liekd racism (whether unironically or as a joke)!1!1!!!!1!1 So the cock cap icon stayed, the server was finally settled on the name “Kock Kap Klub™” for it could and would be abbreviated to “KKK”, and “Guests” was renamed to “The POCs”, which stands for “people of cock/cap”. To officiate the establishment, Wannabe created a club for the newly formed KKK on MAL, which was quickly deleted when she would be banned soon after, only for Positiv2 to start another, where many new POCs would go on to find the KKK and be recruited in. Some wonderful POCs that found the KKK through MAL are Kzzz, Chains, Kai, IrishReigen, and Raven.
First Jihad - May 2021
There is but one problem that comes with official establishment, and that is that it gives enemies something specific to target. Lucid took full advantage of this weakness, declaring that all POCs were his enemy, and that he would steal Wannabe as his wife from MrBalls. Wannabe would be the one to lead the defense against Lucid’s Jihad, for she did not want to become Lucid’s whore. Lucid would be added into the KKK server many times, and every time, he would wage a battle and troll before being kicked back out. His Jihad would ultimately fail as a result of his own lack of morale. There was not much evidence left behind of the Jihad, as the 2 accounts that Lucid made that served as battlegrounds were both deleted by himself. However, future conversations with Lucid over Discord would reveal that he never aimed for his Jihad to succeed in the first place; he was already planning to leave MAL and Discord permanently, and the Jihad was an expression of how he unironically disliked many of the POCs, viewing them as cyberbullies (although that was not his big reason for leaving). When this fact was discovered, Wannabe accepted it as she also found Lucid to be a bit annoying, but Bengofo was very surprised, as he believed that the Jihad was nothing more than silly shitposting. Most POCs harbored no ill-will toward Lucid, and none of them wanted bad blood, so through friendly and peaceful interactions, Wannabe, Bengofo, and Hana let Lucid know that they wanted to be friends and that he could have a place in the KKK. He eventually chose to joinon new accounts.
Decline Shrouded in Revamp - June 2021
Leadership of the KKK Discord server had always been rather unstable, and could be described by Wannabe and Ppositiv2 passing ownership of the server to each other, only to ask for it back. And every time one was owner, the other would have the co-owner role, still higher than all POCs of the server except for the owner. Initially, this was a system that functioned for the KKK, as Wannabe and Positiv2 were always higher than all other members, so all other POCs never felt much of a shock every time ownership was passed. As long as the two of them remained on good terms with each other, there would be no problems in KKK leadership. But, that would not be the case. Wannabe, while having helped the server since its birth, had a history of making arbitrary changes to the server, whether that be creating and deleting channels without reason, or giving the wrong people admin. During a time when she was co-owner, Wannabe made changes to the server, editing channels, moving them, deleting old ones, and creating pointless ones. She called this the revamp, and renamed the server to “Kock Kap Klub™ | revamp”. Despite Wannabe’s good intentions to beautify the server, this was the first time that such a high volume of POCs asked her what the fuck she did, because the server became difficult to navigate after everything was changed. The revamp itself really was not disastrous to the KKK, but this event solidified Positiv2 as the KKK’s better leader, and Wannabe as… well, a little bit cringe. The problem would only exacerbate itself when some POCs including Wakenowakane and Xsader had started to call Wannabe out on her being cringe. Rather than responding to this with the kock kap klassic troll shitpost response, which could entail brushing the remarks off or jokingly responding, she took the hardline approach and started deleting Wakenowakane’s messages. Positiv2 told her to stop, but she didn’t listen, so Positiv2 tried taking her admin perms away, to which she responded by creating new admin roles, or giving herself existing roles and giving those roles admin perms. They got into a cat and mouse chase through the list of roles. Eventually, Positiv2 stopped Wannabe. Out of frustration that she had just lost the power over the KKK that she had always had, Wannabe abruptly left the server. It turned out that every time she made an aforementioned arbitrary change, or every time the two exchanged ownership, there was a lot of private discussion and arguing. Once, Wannabe even had to send feet pics (with socks on) to Positiv2 to have admin returned to her (I promise you that there was no grooming here). Positiv2, claiming that he was tired of her “mood swings”, gave ownership to Wannabe’s alt account, and left the server. For a few hours, the POCs was unsure of their future. The owner and co-owner had both left, and Wannabe was not logging onto her alt account (probably because she went to sleep and it was night-time where she lives). Because the roles were now fucked, no one had admin perms, which meant that no one could clean up the mess that was left behind. The stage had now been perfectly set with instability for another Jihad.
Second Jihad and ISIS Occupation - June 2021
Wannabe had finally logged into the KKK’s server on her alt after receiving DMs from multiple POCs to both accounts, telling her to come back and clean up her mess. She immediately broke into a frenzy, sending multiple messages at once, with one of them saying she was having a panic attack. Jokingly, Bengofo suggested that she should give him ownership over the server. And you’ll never guess what happened next: SHE ACTUALLY FUCKING DID IT. Bengofo originally didn’t want to be the KKK’s owner, but after getting it, he kept it, knowing he could now fix severe problems. He restored admin to those who were supposed to have it, returned the advanced perms to those who were supposed to have them with the new “Trusted Doers of 9/11” role, reversed the revamp by deleting the useless channels and renaming the server to “Kock Kap Kaliphate™ | ISIS Occupation”, and changed the “Owner of the KKK” role to “Caliph of the KKK” before bestowing it upon himself. But if he was going to retain his legitimacy, he would need to do more for the POCs. He asked the POCs which roles they would want, what colors they wanted them to be, what channels they wanted to keep and get rid of, and followed through on the requests. Bengofo quickly won the support of MrBalls and Lucid, two POCs who were already Jihadists, and other POCs were willing to accept him as a sustainable replacement of Wannabe. A few days later, Positiv2 returned to the server after numerous invites from POCs, for he was missed by the whole KKK, even including Wannabe. Bengofo gave him the co-owner role, which had now been renamed to “Imperial Wizards of the KKK”, and the beef was now settled, with the POCs all friends with each other once more.
Redemption of Hellicey - July 2021
Hellicey was a controversial topic often discussed in the KKK Discord server. There are several points of view toward her actions and behaviors. Some POCs like her, others hate her, and there are those who are neutral about her. But everyone knows her, even those who joined after she left. Ever since Hellicey’s exit, Wannabe would try to convince her to come back, for the two were friends, being some of the only girls. Hellicey had told her multiple times that she wouldn't join back because she didn’t like any of the people there except for Wakenowakane, but after a long time of not interacting with them, she was almost able to be convinced by Wannabe to rejoin the server. But at the last moment, it failed, when she was reminded of her dislike of Bengofo after he sent her EDP445’s shit pic over MAL. So Wannabe thought up an idea in which she would convince Hellicey to come back and tell her that Bengofo had been banned. But Hellicey wasn’t gonna take that on word alone, so to execute this prank, Wannabe changed her Discord alt’s tag to Bengofo, changed the profile picture to Bengofo’s pfp, changed the “about me” to Bengofo’s, banned it, and took a screenshot of the profile and ban list to prove that he had been indeed banned. What Hellicey didn’t know was that Bengofo also wanted her to come back for some more epic trolling, so as a part of the plan, he quickly made an alt meant to impersonate Wannabe’s alt, transferred ownership to it, and used it to kick his main. This made the step of making Wannabe’s alt impersonate Bengofo unnecessary. The two were making the plan as they carried it out, and they didn’t realize until later that Bengofo’s main would also have to be kicked because it was blocked by Hellicey, and she’d know he was still in the server. Hellicey kept making false claims of how Bengofo was a creep and a pedophile and so to play along with her, Wannabe sent messages from her disguised alt to her main to feed into Hellicey's idea that she agreed that Bengofo was a creep that needed to be banned, and it worked. Wannabe had gained Hellicey's trust and sympathy, and convinced her to return to the server. The next step would be for Bengofo to reveal that he had been in the server the whole time the next day, and end the prank on the KKK. Kai was a spectator of the prank since its plotting, watching on the sidelines and even chatting with Hellicey for the first time ever after she rejoined. Many POCs in the server had several concerns over why Bengofo had left, what caused him to leave, and what happened to the ownership. Bengofo told them that some drama was currently going on with Wannabe, and that it was nothing to worry about, for the prank would only work if no other POCs knew about it and could potentially tell Hellicey just what was up. Chains was also online when Bengofo and Wannabe started plotting, so he figured it out pretty quickly, backing Bengofo into a corner in which he would have to let him in on the joke. Luckily for him, Chains agreed to keep it a secret and did not spoil the joke. Hellicey was hesitant to talk at first, but soon started befriending the newer and active POCs such as IrishReigen and the aforementioned Kai. After a day of waiting for Hellicey, and Wannabe to sleep and get online, it was time for Bengofo to drop the façade. He was in VC listening to Juice Wrld with MrBalls pretending to be a new POC named Pyrus on yet another alt, where he would talk to Hellicey pretending to be a new POC, when Wannabe had just come online. After ensuring that Hellicey was online, Bengofo then joined back on his main, gave both his alts (Pyrus and fake Wannabe) the Caliph of the KKK role from his Wannabe impersonating alt, and announced that he had been Pyrus the whole time. Reactions varied. Some were surprised, others were just happy there was no beef between Bengofo and Wannabe, others were glad ownership was still secured under Bengofo, and most surprisingly, Hellicey, who was surprised that she had been conversing with Bengofo in the past hour, was not even angry. She did not even feel a motive to leave. This surprised both Bengofo and Wannabe, as the two believed that this was probably one of the cruelest trolls that they could do. When they inquired Hellicey as to why she not only was not angry, but even decided to stay in the server, she said that it was because her decision didn’t actually have anything to do with Bengofo, nor anyone else in the server, but because she had a deep conversation with one of the only POCs that she liked, Wakenowakane. He was able to help her understand that no one hated her, and that the POCs just love messing around, which was true, and she really did understand. Hellicey would form seemingly ambiguous relationships with Wannabe, Positiv2, and MrBalls, and Bengofo, who she now claims to have never actually hated. She also admits to having been a cringe 11 year old, and she still engages in cringe behavior, but having matured a bit, she can now own her cringe behavior, and understand that every POC is cringe to some degree at the end of the day, but that that’s ok. However, as a Christian, she cannot be in a server that discusses such haram content like porn genres and nude sending, so she finds herself in a constant cycle of leaving and rejoining.
Birth of the Banner - July 2021
Bengofo was an officer in the Big, Fat, Round, Voluptuous Anime Tiddies Club (BFVRAT), and he wanted to get some of the club’s 3,000+ members into the KKK. To do this, he would attempt to pursue an affiliation between the two clubs. So he reached out to Cjessop, the creator and an admin of BFVRAT, who was also a POC, to ask if such would be possible. Cjessop’s only requirement was for the KKK to make a club banner so that there would be an image to symbolize the affiliation. An announcement was made in the discord server, and POCs started coming up with ideas. After a little bit of discussion, two qualities that were agreed to be on the banner were the cock cap and lolis. Chains submitted the following draft:
Wannabe also submitted one of her own:
Both were fine, but Cjessop would make a suggestion that also had some good ideas:
It turned out that coincidentally, Kzzz had already made an edit for Positiv2 that fulfilled the first step:
Things would go on to take a turn for the worst when other staff members of BFVRAT looked into the KKK, and decided that they did not want an affiliation with them because of their sense of humor. The project to make the banner was then called off along with the proposed affiliation. That is until two weeks later, when 3miL, another officer of BFVRAT found out about the KKK through Bengofo. They got along well, sharing a similar sense of humor, and so 3miL joined. As an officer of BFVRAT, 3miL knew about what had transpired between the two clubs, and offered to restart the banner project with his skills as a former card-maker, even while knowing the impossibility of an affiliation. Bengofo gave 3miL the idea to work off Kzzz’s edit, to which he followed through on, adding text informing readers they were at da cock cap club, along with a background of an ahegao collage:
Since the guidelines on ahegao made the banner illegal to be embedded on the club’s page, Bengofo relayed an idea that he had in his mind for some time to 3miL, which was to insert some cock-capped lolis hugging the penguins, along with some Arabic text at the bottom. Adding the Arabic would be left to a native speaker, and so 3miL presented his second draft:
As you can see, 3miL not only added the hugging cock-capped lolis, but also a background of them. The only issue that would later be discovered was that the image size would be too small to take up enough space on the club’s front page:
3miL’s share of hard work was done, and all that was left to do was for MrBalls, a native Arabic speaker, to add Arabic text in a Jihadist flag looking font. He chose a Quranic verse, but slightly modified it. The final result translates to, “Those who reject the idea of the club will receive God's greatest punishment.” And by the end of the month, the banner was posted to the club’s front page.
Kock Kap Kompetition - Aug 2021
On the 3rd of August, Positiv2 decided that he would host a club-wide competition for a week, in which any club member could submit a cock cap edit within the span of a week. By the end of the competition, the four club admins, DarkAwaken-Kun, Bengofo, MrBrawlz, and Positiv2 himself, would each choose a different winner, and all 4 winners would win a key for a different VN bought and paid for by positiv2.
positiv2 said:
Hello fellow gamers, racists, and cappers!
We are holding a competition for the best cock cap image to celebrate the new banner, as well as general growth of this chromosome-abundant club. You can enter by sending an image that you have cock-capped before the deadline, 10th of August, at UTC noon. If you do not have a good cock cap image that you would be confident to submit, now is the time to make one 😳
As for prizes, you can look forward to Virtual Novels on Steam. Each Cock Cap Club admin will pick a winner, and that winner will receive a key for a VN activatable on Steam. We will be handling each winner manually, so if you already own all VNs we can offer, or you are afraid your mum will hit you with a stick if she finds out you own these, we will figure an alternative 😄
These are the rules:
Good luck!
More effort was put into many of these edits than was originally thought. The winners were as follow:Hello fellow gamers, racists, and cappers!
We are holding a competition for the best cock cap image to celebrate the new banner, as well as general growth of this chromosome-abundant club. You can enter by sending an image that you have cock-capped before the deadline, 10th of August, at UTC noon. If you do not have a good cock cap image that you would be confident to submit, now is the time to make one 😳
As for prizes, you can look forward to Virtual Novels on Steam. Each Cock Cap Club admin will pick a winner, and that winner will receive a key for a VN activatable on Steam. We will be handling each winner manually, so if you already own all VNs we can offer, or you are afraid your mum will hit you with a stick if she finds out you own these, we will figure an alternative 😄
These are the rules:
- You may submit only one image. Only the last image you have submitted before the deadline in this thread will count.
- The submitted image has to contain a cock cap.
- The post has to follow general Club rules as well as site-wide rules.
- The winners will be picked by the admins of this club based on completely arbitrary personal criteria (how much they liked the picture). This means there will be up to 4 winners.
- Anything that follows the rules above is eligible. No limits on size, cock-capped entities (animanga characters vs anything else), or any other limitations.
Good luck!
Despite being one of the winners, MrBrawlz actually did not pick himself. Also interesting is that all the characters in Oofmastre9000’s submission were taken from each admin’s favorite characters list from that time.
Deletion of the KKK - Oct 2021
On the morning of the second of October, DarkAwaken-Kun received a private message from Ardanaz, one of the lovely moderators of MAL. The contents of the message were regarding the deletion of the KKK as a club on MAL. But DarkAwaken-Kun was not the only one who received this PM; all the other club admins: MrBalls, Positiv2, and Bengofo did too. This was no joke. The mods had decided it was time for the Cock Cap Club’s death, as well as its backup “Cock Hat Club”. Confused, POCs scrambled, wondering and asking others what had just happened to their beloved club. Why did it no longer show up on their MAL panel, on their own club lists, or when they tried searching it up? Eventually, it was known to all active POCs what had happened to the KKK. Their treasured club had been forcibly taken away from them by the infidel mods. In his message, Ardanaz describes the KKK as “having been causing problems on MAL for a while now”. He then lists a series of reasons for the ban, and posts screenshots of the club page as evidence, ranging from admissions of rule breaking in the timeline you are currently reading, the banner for its Arabic sentence which was deemed as a rule break, and most of all, sus club comments like these that violated MAL rules.
* This timeline is limited to how much of the message can be shown by MAL’s rule against showing mod PMs. If you would like more details, feel free to join the Cock Cap Discord server and ask around.
Positiv2 and DarkAwaken-Kun responded to the message with sarcasm, while MrBalls and Bengofo tried to appeal to have their club back with assurances that rules would no longer be broken. The appeal was denied, with Ardanaz citing Anime-prime’s previous warning to Positiv2 months earlier, as well as how the club was “themed to troll”. It should be noted that Anime-prime’s warning was specifically against talking shit about mods in club comments, and it was made at a time when Positiv2 was the only club admin, meaning that neither DarkAwaken-Kun, Bengofo, nor MrBalls got that warning. Bengofo responded with his final disagreements to no avail.
MAL mod Tensho then started removing pfps that had cock caps in them. Dorian Pompa’s cockified pfp flew under their radar, but the club was still gone, and there have not been attempts to revive it on MAL. Still, Ardanaz’s message raised other questions. Ardanaz’s screenshots showed segments of the timeline that were outdated and had been updated, as well as the profile pictures of POCs that had not been used for months by the point of the message’s sending. Did this mean that the mods had been collecting evidence against the KKK for months? There would have been no reason to use the wayback machine, as old club comments can easily be found, and the same information was in the updated timeline. Associate of the KKK and moderator NoLiferSoul would reveal that the decision to delete the KKK had been made long before. The most likely scenario is that the mods collected all their evidence in late July, as the most recent club comments screenshot in the private message was from July 23, and all the other screenshots could have existed by that time. So why was the action to actually delete the club taken over two months later? One hypothesis was that they wanted to make sure they had as much evidence beyond reasonable doubt as possible, but this is unlikely as no screenshots past July were taken. A more likely, and the prevailing hypothesis, is that actions of one specific POC that occurred about half a day before the message was sent served as the straw that broke the camel’s back. About half a day prior to deletion, Hellicey created the following now deleted thread in casual discussion that even made it to the Popular New Topics list:
_korone_ said:
so my friend told me cuddled an 8 year old girl in bed, he is 18 and no they are not related at all. they were close together cuddling and were watching videos. I feel so weirded out knowing this, i know they arent doing anything bad but it weirds me out so much. what if a 30 year old man(a stranger) was cuddling the girl? and he said it was so wholesome. he even said that sometimes she wanted to kiss him and they would do air blow kiss or whatever. what do you guys think about this?
more info ig : he said everytime he went to her house she would give him a big hug and bring him to her room
so my friend told me cuddled an 8 year old girl in bed, he is 18 and no they are not related at all. they were close together cuddling and were watching videos. I feel so weirded out knowing this, i know they arent doing anything bad but it weirds me out so much. what if a 30 year old man(a stranger) was cuddling the girl? and he said it was so wholesome. he even said that sometimes she wanted to kiss him and they would do air blow kiss or whatever. what do you guys think about this?
more info ig : he said everytime he went to her house she would give him a big hug and bring him to her room
The friend that Hellicey, a POC, referenced was Loli Lord, another POC. Loli Lord told this story as bait, so due to his efforts to defend his reputation as well as existing dislike of Hellicey from other POCs, this thread went beyond casual discussion, turning into KKK business involving many other POCs, including but not limited to Chains, Kai, Wannabe, Bengofo, and IrishReigen. And this thread went beyond the usual little trolling. Wannabe insulted Hellicey with racial slurs. But more importantly, Loli Lord acted as a KKK spokesman, responding to another MAL user saying that all the POCs are proud lolicons, as well as trying to respond to criticism of him in a way that sent a message to the MAL community that the KKK was a group of malicious child predator apologists, neither of which were not true, rather than harmless shitposters with immature senses of humor. Nobody: not those within the KKK nor other MAL users found Loli Lord funny, nor did he salvage his reputation as a shitposter who told an outlandish story as bait. The hypothesis that Loli Lord brought the KKK back to the mods’ radar was further supported by the fact that after club deletion, Wannabe was thanked by Ardanaz for letting him know that Loli Lord and his behavior was not representative of the KKK. The sentiment of the POCs toward Loli Lord had soured very quickly, which then brought about a weeklong Discord ban, marking the beginning of Operation Beniporag.
Nakba of the POCs - Oct 2021
In the afternoon of the 7th of October, Bengofo was doing his homework when he decided to take a short break to check his Discord messages. When he clicked the Discord icon on his laptop, he had apparently been logged out. This was quite odd. Just a few minutes earlier, he had been talking on the KKK Discord server, and he never closed the application; he had just minimized it. Perhaps there had been an issue with the connection. But this was quickly disproven when Bengofo attempted logging in again, and Discord rejected the login, saying that the account associated with the login email had been disabled. So Bengofo went to check in on the server through his alt account that impersonated Wannabe, the one used to troll Hellicey. But the KKK server was not showing up in the server list. Something mad sussy af was among us. Bengofo then checked if the same would be seen on his Pyrus alt. Tragically, it was. The Marriage server had been deleted. Bengofo quickly created a new server on his Pyrus alt, turned the Pyrus alt into his new main account, and re-invited the POCs he could, be it through his friends list or old DMs. While still confused, those members then reinvited the old POCs they could, and the new server was rebuilt to replace the old one. In a stroke of luck, the new server was quickly built, and it was a successful project with the same active members equally as active as they had been previously. This event is viewed by the POCs to be more tragic than the deletion of the MAL club. The Discord server was more active, and had more conversation stored on it, while the MAL club was mostly shitposting and saying “sex” and “cum”. With the deletion of the server, the funny pins. old messages, good conversations, and spicy drama could no longer be accessed. The reason for the OG server’s deletion is unknown, and it may never be known. Discord did not send a message to any POC explaining the situation, nor was there even a notice that the deletion had happened. However, it cannot be a coincidence that it happened at the same time of the disabling of the server owner’s account, which did have a formal message.
Bengofo did not receive a response from Discord when he inquired further, asking for some specific details. And so, speculation was resorted to. Was it Bengofo being a sussy baka that caused the server’s deletion? Or was the server by itself the main issue, with its owner being punished for not solving the issues? One hypothesis was that Bengofo and the server were deleted because POCs often sent gay porn in SFW channels without the owner taking action to stop it, even partaking in it himself. Another possibility was the sheer amount of slurs that could be found in the message history. But the most likely conclusion that can be drawn is that the server was deleted for a combination of factors. For months, the server was used as a staging ground for raiding jihading other servers, which was commonly done by Loli Lord, Chains, Wannabe, Beniporag, Lil Coomstick, Quintavious, and Bengofo the owner. Thus, all these accounts were likely reported by members of the servers they raided. The reports would bring Discord’s attention to these accounts, and they probably found out that there was one server all these users were in, and had even planned their raids in said server. So Discord would have inspected the server for raid evidence, and then stumbled upon the slew of slurs and gay porn, and then also punished the server owner for it all. In the new server, planning raids was banned, and an automod was turned on to detect gay porn. No mentions will be made on the topic of slur frequency, although the KKK referencing roles were changed to Islamic ones. For example, the equivalent of the “Imperial Wizards” role was named “Emir” in the new server. Although Jihad culture was very popular in the KKK, it started in the first place because of Loli Lord, and he would engage in it the most. Initially, no one blamed him for the server’s deletion. But ironically enough, his frequent self-blaming for the server’s, and also MAL club’s deletions drew negative attention to himself, and it also made him appear pathetic and annoying, which further soured perceptions of him. Thus, this event escalated Operation Beniporag.
The Snitching - Oct 2021
On the ninth of October, a mysterious user with the name of “Just Here to Resolve Things” popped up in the verify channel of the new Cock Cap Discord server. Despite the mysterious profile, the Cock Cap Wa’lis, the equivalent of Discord mods, who had access to the verify channel were anticipating for this to happen. After the deletion of the MAL club, another now deleted thread had been created by a random MAL user on the topic of the deletion. Seemingly unintentionally, that user had stirred up a storm on MAL again, with another KKK-related thread that made it to MAL’s Popular New Topics list due to a speedy rush of POCs coming to the thread. On the outside, this thread seemed to have been better for the POCs. The quality of shitposting was much better with Loli Lord, at this point still suspended from the Discord server, taking caution in his posts. But, shit still hit the fan when a user that will not be named out of consideration for their poor mental health posted their opinion on the club and its situation. Gween, who knew and disliked this user from Forum Games immediately started trolling them. However, they did not take well to a little trolling being done, and this was compounded with IrishReigen getting into a shitpostesque, yet still unironic argument with them in the same thread. These took a toll on the unnamed user’s already fragile mental health, especially when Gween sarcastically threatened to sue them. After the thread’s inevitable deletion, Danksonic, Bengofo, and other POCs were banned for such offensive trolling such as saying
But the thread’s deletion by the mods did not take the thread off the user’s mind. They entered into a series of PMs seeking explanations and apologies with their friend and POC 3miL who had also posted in the thread. Loli Lord also entered into a series of PMs with this user, wanting to “apologize” and find out what they had against the KKK (which, as they were saying from the beginning of their activity in the now deleted thread, was absolutely nothing). Despite his suspension, Loli Lord was still in contact with many POCs through Discord DMs, which he made full use of when he would discuss the PMs with 3miL, as well as other POCs such as Bengofo, but to a lesser degree. 3miL was less shy in sharing his intel with Bengofo, who himself was a bridge to Wannabe. Across the PMs, the unnamed user had revealed information that should have only been known to POCs. Due to low communication with Loli Lord, Bengofo thought it was Loli Lord who was unnecessarily giving the user this information, once again acting as the KKK’s spokesman, and the hypothesis spread to Wannabe. But the POCs would later find out that this idea was totally wrong. It turned out that the information the unnamed user had was actually inaccurate, and this user had a totally incorrect perception of reality. They said they wanted to talk to an admin other than Gween, which means they thought Gween was a KKK admin on MAL. They had also thought that another user named Amatniki was a POC and an irl sex offender, neither of which were true. The anon eventually figured out that Bengofo was the person to talk to, but Bengofo initially did not want to talk to them, which would unnecessarily let private information out. Fortunately for him, the mods were based enough to have banned him at such a convenient time. But then, this user got the bright idea of making a Discord account to join the KKK to try to reach Bengofo there. Luckily for them, by then, 3miL had convinced Bengofo that talking to them could clear her information up, as they were planning to snitch to the mods about what had happened. So, expecting an arrival, Bengofo and his emir Wannabe were confronted by an account named “Just here to resolve things” in the verify channel. Bengofo and “Just here to resolve things” decided to, well, resolve things in the verify channel without giving them full access to the server. And that they did. But a shocking revelation for the KKK came when the anonymous user started sending and asking about screenshots of messages from the old server. When Bengofo wanted to know how they had these screenshots, they said they had an entire folder of Discord screenshots mentioning them, both from the old and new server! This was where they had gotten their vague and bad information. There was a rat. A snitch. An imposter among the KKK had given it to them. After the conversation, the user deleted all their messages, and agreed to not snitch to the mods, although it would have had no effect anyway because mods do not ban over offsite drama. In response to the existence of the folder, Bengofo and Wannabe decided to purge server members that they did not know enough about to rule out as a snitch. It was never figured out who the snitch was, so the evidence cannot be revealed in this publicly available timeline. Readers interested in knowing what criteria Bengofo and Wannabe made their judgements on are suggested to ask either of the two. Based on available evidence, it was probably not Loli Lord. However, the Kaliph and an Emir knowing that he had started PMing the user was a big enough cumstain on his reputation for Operation Beniporag to be escalated even further. For IrishReigen, this incident affected his mental health too, as he felt partially responsible for embarrassing the KKK and getting POCs banned, which wasn’t true. As a result, he would take a hiatus off of MAL as a social platform for half a year. And most of all, the rest of the POCs learned that nothing they say is truly private, and even the community they thought was tightly woven had weaknesses and holes they had to watch out for.
Operation Beniporag - Late 2021 to Early 2022
Operation Beniporag refers to the kicking of Loli Lord from the KKK and related instances. Like syphilis, when Loli Lord first joined the Cock Cap Club in July, no one had predicted the problems he would later bring. He was an active POC on both MAL and Discord. He livened the server with his passion for sending links to other servers that POCs would join to send racial slurs, gay porn, terrorist videos, nonsensical conversation, and whatever else caused chaos. He participated in the Kock Kap Kompetition. And, he had the perfect personality for a POC, enjoying and partaking in the klassic ironic humor… or so the POCs had thought. Many factors would later cause opinions of Loli Lord to be virtually universally negative, becoming possibly the most hated POC in the KKK, surpassing Hellicey. One such factor was that he would make statements initially thought to be ironic, but would later turn out to be motivated by various degrees of truth, or at the very least incredibly sus. One example would be the name Loli Lord itself. When he first joined, his MAL was named YuiCutie and his Discord was named Fuck Capitalism. At one point, he set his Discord nickname to Loli Lord. This was fine, until it turned out that he actually unironically got off to loli hentai, which if we’re being real is extremely fucking weird even if it’s “not real” or whatever, which was what most POCs felt. But oh well, the KKK is a very nondiscriminatory group of people, so he could still stay despite the fact. Aside from his not actually ironic jokes, he would try to make jokes that were unfunny and went too far. He deleted every channel in IrishReigen’s own Discord server with PsychoJDM after they were trusted to be mods there, and set his Zoom name as Chains’s irl name when he and Bengofo were raiding Chains’s online class. At this moment, Chains became the first POC to genuinely dislike Loli Lord. Then there were his jokes that did not have any sensible motive. Case in point is the story that became the subject of Hellicey’s thread that probably put the KKK on the MAL mods’ radar. No one but himself knew that the story was bait until after the drama went down. So if Loli Lord originally wasn’t planning to let anyone in on the joke, who the fuck was supposed to laugh? He let the whole KKK think he was some kinda pedophile, which made the POCs like him even less. You may have read in his bio that Loli Lord also has multiple bad takes on various subjects. He would argue in the server over the superiority of being a NEET with no goals, how he was going to single handedly lead a global revolution “just like Eren Yeager” to become president of the world simply by telling his friends about anarcho-communism, and having them tell their friends (this is not a joke), all while complaining about “never kissing a girl”. Loli Lord would also engage in other totally uncalled for behavior for no reason, not even as a joke, like messaging Lil Coomstick’s irl girlfriend. One by one, these actions slowly made people think Loli Lord was an actual fucking retard. Operation Beniporag finally began after the Hellicey thread made before the KKK’s deletion, with a one week long ban from the KKK Discord. This was the first time any POC was officially punished with suspension, and even then, the goal was for him to stop acting the way he did, rather than to permanently remove him. But after his return, Loli Lord did not change much. He messaged Raven’s irl girlfriend and sent loli hentai to the whole server even though he knows the KKK is against it (we do still accept gay porn, though). Then he would blame his unironic retardation on “high functioning autism”, which does not excuse his behavior ok. It doesn’t make any sense either because other POCs have the same condition and can still act retarded only ironically. Eventually, Loli Lord was getting clowned on whether or not he was in chat. No one liked Loli Lord, and he started getting called a pedo, muted, kicked, and banned and let back in for more clownery left and right. A faction within the KKK that wanted Loli Lord permanently banned started to form with Chains at the forefront, and Danksonic, Wannabe, and Kai behind him. Initially, the Anti-Pedophile Coalition resorted to bullying Loli Lord in ways that went beyond the usual trolling. Without Kaliph Bengofo’s support, they could not take harder measures. But they wanted to, and so they started asking for Bengofo to either ban Loli Lord or for his permission to. At first, Bengofo thought the POCs enjoyed fucking with Loli Lord, and Loli Lord never committed a sex crime irl, so he chose to let Loli Lord stay. But the Anti-Pedophile Coalition did not accept Bengofo’s reasoning. An argument ensued over what to do with Loli Lord, when Bengofo learned that the situation had come to a point where “trolling” Loli Lord was not even fun anymore, and they genuinely wanted him gone. Insults were thrown on both sides, and for the first time, Bengofo started losing the support of the POCs. There was a passionate faction who hated Loli Lord, some POCs who didn’t care as much but still wanted him gone, and some who didn’t give a shit about him. But there was no one who genuinely wanted Loli Lord to stay. Not wanting to die on a hill he nor any other POC really stood for, Bengofo announced for the Wa’lis to vote on what to do with Loli Lord.
With a 3 to 5 vote that Bengofo did not partake in, Loli Lord was permanently banned, and the anti-pedophile coalition got what they wanted. But the story does not end here. Loli Lord still liked the shitposting that the KKK stood for, so he created his own server that was supposed to mimic the KKK’s atmosphere. Some POCs joined, but the core of the server was his irl friends who did not have cock capist humor. Interestingly enough, the POCs who joined and were active were those who had not been active in the KKK in a while, such as PsychoJDM and Hellicey, of all people, who had made it her goal to try to “fix” Loli Lord. Also strange was the fact that Danksonic and Raven, who were mainly there to play Mudae and Karuto, were mods. Chains and Wannabe joined to clown on Loli Lord a little more. Bengofo joined to see what was going on there, but when he discovered that Loli Lord had made the server a space to freely post loli hentai with no owner to stop him, rather than minding his own business and leaving, he decided to disrupt the server as much as he could, constantly pinging @everyone to ask for mod until he was banned. The reactions showed just how big of a failure this server was. Loli Lord’s irl friends unironically responded to him with 6th grade your mom insults, praising each other for being megafuni comedy gods. The core of the server was people who did not have cock cap humor, nor understand it. Initially, this server caused Bengofo to regret banning Loli Lord, as the course of action allowed him to do all his cringe shit unrestrictedly. But, the server also allowed Loli Lord to reveal how poor his character really was, to both other POCs and himself. In one instance, Loli Lord force divorced all of Raven’s and Danksonic’s harem in Mudae, which lead to an exchange where Danksonic, who is almost never serious, straight up told Loli Lord when he asked, that he “does not even respect him as a man”. And this was what got Loli Lord to rethink himself. They had a conversation together that led to Loli Lord deciding to “take a break from the internet”. Loli Lord kicked out all his irl friends from the server, deleted every channel, made Danksonic the owner expecting to have ownership returned upon rearrival, and took his hiatus that would last about a week. But Julio wasn’t fucking around.
Unlike Loli Lord, he was actually funny when joking about racism and homophobia, but he did indeed turn the server into a Kanye West fan server. He also banned Loli Lord and all his alts. Loli Lord was still given multiple chances, even by the Anti-Pedophile Coalition, to rejoin on the condition that he stop acting so weird. But in none of these opportunities could he fulfill this one condition.
Later, when Bengofo publicly called out Loli Lord in his MAL interview, Loli Lord deleted his Discord and MAL accounts, which marked the finale to Operation Beniporag. Chains, the most radical member of the Anti-Pedophile Coalition, had his desire for Loli Lord to do just that came to fruition.
The current state of Loli Lord in the KKK can be defined by him being let back into the server on his alt every month to clown on him for a few hours before he annoys a Wa’li enough to get banned again. By the end of the operation, no one was missing Loli Lord or advocating to let him back in, unless to do a little trolling. In the few hours per month he is in the server, the POCs are constantly reminded that Loli Lord really wasn’t ever funny, he derails every conversation, and he is overall cringe and annoying. This period of KKK history is called Operation Beniporag for two reasons. The first is that Loli Lord had another one of many cringe habits where he would call himself Beniporag’s successor and taint his legacy by naming his MAL account erenyeager_69. In reality, there are two important distinctions to be drawn between Loli Lord and Beniporag that must be made clear to Loli Lord himself.
#1: Beniporag was funny.
#2: Beniporag would call lolicons pedos and troll them, which was one thing that made him funny.
Which leads to the second reason for the operation name: Beniporag’s legacy was carried on in the operation to clown on a cringe ass lolicon that was branded a pedo.
This long winded section will be closed off with a disclaimer that Loli Lord is not really a sex offender, child predator, or any other kind of criminal who has ever caused harm to a real child. But at the end of the day, nobody wants to see a guy who gets 94% ageplay on the BDSM test unironically agree with the following take:
]Nigtwrk Conversion - Mid 2021 to Mid 2022
In mid 2021, Chains began posting a certain type of gif and videos. The formula was as follows: it starts out as something totally innocuous, like an anime girl, and then immediately cuts to a black man shaking his ass, which was sometimes oiled up. As time went on, this content got increasingly outlandish, eventually phasing out the beginning of the innocuous imagery, and going from black men twerking to straight up gay porn. Finding this content to be quite humorous, Bengofo developed a morbid curiosity, and asked Chains where it was coming from. Chains then introduced Bengofo to a number of Discord servers that featured vast swathes of this type of media. One such server was called CSP server, a Filipino group with a channel named Thug Hunter. This channel’s description was
nigga send nigga twrk
As you may expect, it served as a bank for gay black porn edit memes. When discussing this new phenomenon of posting gifs and videos of gay men shaking their asses or having sex, not wanting to say a racial slur, Bengofo began referring to this culture as “nigtwrk” in reference to the Thug Hunter channel in CSP server. Of course, nigtwrk was not unique to the KKK, and outside it was called “hood irony” or “thug shaker,” but this was unknown to the KKK at this point in time. Bengofo would start copying the content links, and reposting them in the KKK channels as bait. The trend would catch on, with many other POCs like MALstinks and Reigen also partaking in these pranks by posting nigtwrk they found from other sources. One of the motivating factors behind the rise of thug shaker culture was that it was such an effective counterbalance to Loli Lord’s loliconning, which caused people to troll him by posting it when he would say some cringe shit in the chat. But the funny trolling factor also came with its consequences. The KKK was an Islamic group that participated in Jihad, and MrBalls, being a devout Muslim, was originally OK with the milder nigtwrk in which creators like The Erotic Barber just twerked a little bit, but felt that the more extreme Nikocado Avocado Onlyfans leaks were going too far. DarkAwaken-kun outright deleted the haram NSFW channel where much hood irony was posted. Positiv2 began blocking anyone who posted any gifs of black men twerking, and one of the most beloved POCs of the time, Kai, permanently left the KKK in part because of Bengofo’s frequent thugging. The division caused by the new nigtwrk religion in the KKK would be one of the many events behind the Cumsluts Civil War.Third Jihad & Nigtwrk Posting - apr ‘22
On the 31st of January, a user by the username of Kim Taena appeared in the Verifuckation channel of the Cock Cap Caliphate. She verified her now deleted MAL account, revealed she was a friend of Kompetition winner Oofmastre, and was let in and greeted by Raven. She turned out to be a friend and invitee of Kompetition winner Oofmastre. But her “friendship” with Oofmastre had some aspects not very characteristic of normal friendships. This was evident when Zuhayr jokingly asked if Kim wanted to e-date, to which she responded by rejecting him because she claimed to already be dating Oofmastre. Oofmastre would deny all claims of such a relationship, but Kim would often flirt with him regardless, with Oofmastre continually rejecting all of her advances.
It is possible that Kim was only jokingly hitting on Oofmastre. Whether or not this is the case, the fact of the matter was that Kim did not engage in this type of humor with anyone else, which was unlike the rest of the POCs, who often made violently hypersexual jokes with each other. However, it was quite pointing that Oofmastre was the only person she would act this way with. The day after joining the KKK, Kim invited her friend NastyBoxer, who wasn’t shy in showing his interest in her too.
Kim wouldn’t reciprocate with NastyBoxer’s feelings, which hints at the possibility that her advances towards Oofmastre were genuine. Thus, Kim’s pitiful attempts at e-dating Oofmastre in the general channel, along with her bratty e-girl personality that reminded many of Hellicey for the worst reasons, was a recipe for disaster. Kim’s UwU girl persona simply can never mesh well with the POCs in any universe. The cock cappers found her cringe, and she didn’t understand their sense of humor. Despite all the animosity between Kim and the mentioned individuals, it is important to remember that when there come e-girls, there also come simps. And boy did Kim Taena have simps. They came in the names of NastyBoxer, and even crazier, but to no one’s surprise, Loli Lord.
Meanwhile, the jihadis had succeeded in their goal of driving Kim Taena out of the KKK.
These images are what were saved:
You may have noticed all the mention of gay porn. This is because this jihad took place during the Nigtwrk Conversion, and it ended up marking the first time a jihad would go beyond just trolling with words, and would include trolling with imagery, specifically nigtwrk.
Unfortunately, all the fun would begin to end when Raven was sent this message from Kim:
Loli Lord believed he deserved to stay in the KKK for unearthing this mystery, so he presented his case to Bengofo, who agreed. But this wouldn’t last for long, as Danksonic banned him just a few hours later. With all enemies gone and no stupid drama to engage in, the KKK entered a new age, one in which there was nothing to be united against…
In the end, no POC ever got banned for the jihad. Overall, it was a massively successful operation. All goals were accomplished with Kim Taena and NastyBoxer never coming back, and Kim especially being left in shambles. The KKK did not absorb any losses either, with no POC getting banned, a mole being outed, and not having to bear the burden of Loli Lord’s presence. Perhaps the only downside of the Third Jihad was that the saved screenshots are rather fragmented, and there is now no way to see the original messages the jihadists sent because they deleted them. Funny enough though, NastyBoxer never took the screenshots down, so you can still see them on his profile. In retrospect, this course of history is not surprising. Kim Taena hadn’t witnessed the weird shit Loli Lord did, and in the process of researching old chat logs to write this, the POCs’ trolling was disproportionately against her rather than hers against the POCs.
Ravenist Hegemony - Early 2022 to Mid 2022
Upon joining the KKK, Spoon was immediately a polarizing figure. Chains instantly took a dislike to him, and started mod abusing him. This was not a surprise. Prior to joining the KKK, Spoon was an avid forum dweller who hung around other forum gamers. Like many previous KKK opps, he did not understand the KKK’s sense of humor. This was one of the factors that made him hard to get along with. But unlike the previous KKK opps, he was, in some ways, the most extreme POC. This was shown when he relentlessly bullied Loli Lord, using stronger language more frequently than the other POCs. Funny enough, this was also detrimental to POCs’ interests because he would bring his beef to other servers. This happened in the MAL Interviews server, in which he constantly told Loli Lord to kill himself, which made the server staff suspicious of his KKK associates Chains and Bengofo. Spoon and Loli Lord would get banned, and Chains and Bengofo sealed the deal for themselves when Chains posted nigtwrk by Bengofo’s encouragement. Aside from spreading internal beef to other servers, the constant “kys pedo” actually did throw off normal KKK conversations. But most of all, what probably caused the most dislike towards him was his high level of activity that mostly consisted of having shallow conversation with Raven, appearing to have no personality of his own. Oftentimes, it seemed as though Spoon would always just agree with whatever Raven said without offering much substance to discussions. Worst of all, these two were the most active POCs during this time, and their 1-on-1 discussions would continuously clog up the general channel. Raven was one of the only POCs that liked Spoon, so every time Spoon got kicked by a mod for annoying them, Raven would instantly bring him back. Under Raven’s protection, the two POCs created an era of hegemony over the KKK. This was a dark period in the KKK’s history. Chains, Kai, and Dorian Pompa were some POCs that left the KKK during this time, in part due to feeling powerless to stop Raven’s hegemony that he created with Spoon. But it wouldn’t last forever, for Wannabe would incite the Cumsluts Civil War, which would bring on an even darker age.
Despite being the KKK’s pariah of the time, much credit must be given to Spoon for never giving up on the KKK. He never quit like Hellicey or Kim Taena, instead enjoying the good experiences that he did have, and defending himself against his haters, even if it was a mod who got pissed off enough to kick or ban them. Eventually, Spoon would come to understand the KKK’s humor and become an active and contributing POC of the KKK. A year later, even without being as active anymore, he is still ranked #2 by MEE6, only behind Raven, which goes to show how dominant the Ravenist hegemony truly was.
Cumsluts Civil War - Mid 2022
During the Ravenists’ hegemony, Raven and Spoon were able to express opinions that many, particularly Wannabe, did not agree with. Many of these opinions were considered to be misogynistic by her. One of the earliest incidents of this was when a debate sparked between Raven and Wannabe over the role that body hair plays in dating preferences. Initially, Raven even had support in the debate from Zuhayr, who would go on to be his opp in the war that would come. It would take more than a meaningless feminism debate to tear the KKK apart. A bigger factor was the unpopularity of Spoon. During the Ravenist hegemony, Besides Wannabe, Chains, Zuhayr, and Reigen also took a dislike to him. But as Raven was the only obstacle before Spoon being banned, the dislike from Wannabe and those who remained friends with her, who would come to be known as Wannabe’s cumsluts, named after the server role that she bestowed upon her friends, also transferred over to Raven. Finally, what truly brought the conflict to the biggest one ever seen in KKK history was when the POCs had begun to truly understand the extent of Positiv2’s unironic racism. Wannabe, being the feminist she was, also did not appreciate such racism. Believing the KKK was only supposed to be ironically racist, Reigen and Zuhayr also took issue with Positiv2’s views on black people. When his opinions were brought to light, a massive argument in the general channel between Positiv2 and Wannabe erupted, while Raven and Spoon tried staying neutral. But with them already being on the bad side of the Cumsluts, they effectively ended up closer to Positiv2’s side of the battle lines, despite disagreeing with his racist perspectives. With the two founders of the server fully against each other, and many active POCs against many others, the darkest age the KKK had ever seen had begun. Bengofo, MrBalls, Danksonic, Lucid, and Chains remained neutral, shitposting and posting nigtwrk in attempts to defuse the situation. After enough arguing, Positiv2, with his co-owner perms, banned Wannabe and Zuhayr. Positiv2 also blocked them, along with every nigtwrk convert. His bans wouldn’t last very long, with Bengofo immediately unbanning the Cumsluts. But this would prove futile, when Wannabe ended up leaving again just a few days later, getting tired of the arguing and the tension between the Ravenists. But she still wanted revenge on Positiv2, so she asked Bengofo for an invite to the Pedo Server, a server that could be considered the predecessor of the KKK created and owned by 69Lolicon69 originally for communication with the other original shitposters Epicgamermoment, 4and4, and of course Beniporag. Bengofo, opposing Positiv2’s blocking of about half of active server members as well as his mass ban, sent her the invite on the conditions that she would spam a bunch of nigtwrk, call Positiv2 some insults, and then leave so as to be a mild annoyance to him. But Wannabe would go overboard, instead sticking around in an attempt to argue with Positiv2. As she was blocked, it took a while before Positiv2 noticed her presence, but when he did, he got 69Lolicon69 to ban her and mute Bengofo, straining Bengofo’s relationship with Positiv2 and the OG shitposters, when he still wanted to remain neutral. She then created her own breakaway server, in which she invited all her fellow Cumsluts and neutrals she got along with. The Ravenists would focus their attention towards beefing with Zuhayr, causing him to leave after a few days, and hide in Wannabe’s server. Disapproving of the current state of affairs, Reigen would constantly leave and rejoin the server. Bengofo unbanned Wannabe, believing she didn’t do anything unjust in calling out Positiv2 on his self-admittedly racist positions. He invited the Cumsluts back into the KKK, but they all refused the offer, with the condition that they would only accept if the Ravenists were out of the server, be it through voluntarily leaving or being banned. At this point, the Ravenists had defended their hegemony in the KKK from the Cumsluts. This would change when Raven was forced to touch grass (he had exams coming up, so he had to temporarily leave the online world to avoid distractions). With his protector gone, Spoon was also banned by Chains with no way to retaliate. Not liking what the server had become, as well as for its inactivity that had come of most active members leaving, Cryokinesis, Dorian Pompa, Akira Kurusu, Coolest, and Akira Kurusu also vacated the KKK. In an attempt to save the server from inactivity, Bengofo informed Wannabe that her opps were gone, and that perhaps she may feel inclined to rejoin as a result. The bid was successful, but it came with its own issues too. Positiv2, feeling isolated as the only Ravenist among a server now dominated by Wannabe’s Cumsluts, fled the KKK on the terms that he would rejoin if the Cumsluts left or were banned again. At this point, with having her own server and hegemony over the KKK, you would think Wannabe was happy and would try to enjoy such nice things. However, this was far from the case. After leaving the KKK, Raven and Spoon still continued to converse in the server Loli Lord created turned Danksonic’s Kanye West server. But also being there, Wannabe continued her bloodlust, taking every chance she got to insult Raven and Spoon. Fortunately for the Ravenists, Spoon had been working on his sense of humor during exile. Beginning from the jihad against Kim Taena, Spoon had improved on his sense of humor and ability to not take things so seriously by getting into doing more trolling on MAL, Discord, and other platforms with Raven. By not giving a fuck, the Ravenists effectively nullified Wannabe’s attempts at bullying them. The next week, when Raven’s exams ended, he finally resumed his POC status. He would also be joined by the other Ravenists, as well as Coolest, Akira, Malstinks, and Luck. But unknown to his fellow cock cappers, Raven brought one more person with him. He called himself Crusader, and he had his pfp set as the famous white supremacist GypsyCrusader. Crusader presented himself as your average new member. But as the cock cappers should have suspected, of course gaining a new member in the midst of a Discordian civil war, especially during a join wave, Crusader was fishy. Mere days later, Raven would reveal the Crusader had actually been Loli Lord the entire time. Battle in #general reignited between Raven, the one who invited Loli Lord, and Chains, the leader of the former Anti-Pedophile Coalition who had worked so hard to get Loli Lord out.
This argument culminated in a ban battle between the Ravenists and Cumsluts. Chains, Wannabe, and Zuhayr banned Loli Lord as well as Spoon, who hadn’t yet been able to prove his character development. But Raven would unban them both, and this cycle continued.
The loop continued until Wannabe asked Danksonic, who was a server manager ranked higher than Raven, who was a mere moderator, to remove Raven’s mod powers. Despite his neutral status through the civil war, by this point, Danksonic was arguably the most vehement bearer of anti-Loli Lord sentiment. His position on the issue was enough for him to break his neutrality, thus he did as Wannabe asked. Now unable to protect Spoon and Loli Lord, and being ranked lower than Wannabe, Raven was banned by Wannabe, along with Spoon, Loli Lord, and Positiv2. With Danksonic’s support, Wannabe’s Cumsluts had retaken the upper hand in their war. During this battle sequence, Bengofo had been working out at the gym, and when he finished up, he was nothing short of shocked when checking his new messages. Wanting to return to a fair balance of powers between the two parties, he discussed recent events with Raven and Positiv2 in the Pedo Server. Raven advised unbanning the Ravenists and removing mod perms away from everyone involved in the beef, including themselves. They had grown tired of fighting, and Bengofo with the other neutrals had especially gotten tired of seeing it. So despite Raven being the one who invited Loli Lord back in the form of Crusader, he sold a narrative which emphasized him revealing Crusader’s true identity, and Bengofo was willing to go along with it if it would help to remind the KKK of its true enemy, and that POCs shouldn’t fight among themselves. Bengofo then did as Raven asked. He unbanned him and Positiv2, removed mod perms from Wannabe, Chains, and Zuhayr, and did not return them to Raven, nor admin perms to Positiv2. Their jobs were replaced with neutrals, with Co-Kaliph given to MrBalls, Danksonic being promoted to Sultan, which had admin perms, Lucid being the new Emir, with manager perms, and Coomstick becoming the new Vali, with moderator duties. Loli Lord would stay banned on all accounts. The only caveat to Raven’s terms were that Spoon would need to wait a week before being unbanned to let the dust settle before he could show off his new character development. After the week, Spoon was unbanned, and the Cumsluts’ Civil War ended with reconciliation between the two factions, besides Positiv2 keeping all of Wannabe and her Cumsluts blocked out of a belief that Wannabe will always be the cause of meaningless drama, and the others post too much nigtwrk, meaning any at all. Regardless, that was his personal decision, and peace was still a byproduct of it.
Issues presented themselves when writing this chapter of the KKK Timeline resulting from messages being mass deleted resulting from bans, as well as The Pedo Server and the Kanye West server both being nuked by their respective owners, making a large portion of research necessary very difficult, and causing a lack of surviving screenshots of action. Many of the interactions had occurred in those two servers. The Cumsluts’ Civil War probably could have ended long before it did had Bengofo implemented Raven’s solution of disempowering all combatants involved earlier. The lesson of history to be learned from this conflict is that OG status must sometimes be put aside. Positiv2 and Wannabe had been beefing since the founding of the KKK, and in many ways, this chapter of KKK history is a continuation of their eternal beef. Despite them both being as OG of the KKK as one could possibly get, there was no way for both their OG statuses to be respected. The only way to rebalance power and make everyone happy in the end was to disregard both of their OG statuses. It did prove to be an effective strategy. A year later, you could never tell that Wannabe and Raven ever hated each other from how they interact, and Wannabe still seizes every opportunity to ask Positiv2 to unblock her.
Posted by HoodKublaiKhan | Sep 27, 2021 11:28 PM | 7 comments
Private Entry
July 14th, 2021
The Official Cock Cap Club Timeline: Prologue
Anime Relations: K-On!
The Official Cock Cap Club Timeline: Prologue
- The KKK is an abbreviation for the infamous MAL (MyAnimeList) club known as the Kock Kap Klub. It is active on MAL and Discord.
-The people who are active in this community are known as cock cappers, cock gang, POCs (People Of Cap/Cock), or based mfs.
-It should also be noted that while not all POCs display the cock cap on their profiles, those who do not are still equally as based as those who do.
- epicgamermoment
Epicgamermoment, known for being good friends with Positiv2 is a very based person and is known for being a gigachad lolicon. He has no join date because he has always been around, kinda like God. He is the last one in the original trio of shitposters to be active on MAL.
- beniporag - joined oct ‘20
Beniporag, once having also taken on the identity of erenyeager_69, is known for being based, hilarious and based again is the most well known POC of the KKK (Kock Kap Klub). His MAL profile has been banned on the website three times for fighting against pedophillia. He is married to Bengofo with 2 children and 5 grandchildren. Raising his grandchildren has driven him into senility. This man is the most loved member of the Cock Cap Club and is a role model for all, having been the vanguard of the Retarded Revolution.
- positiv2 - joined oct ‘20
Positiv2 is probably the second most well known member of the Cock Cap Club. He is a former 22 year old heterosexual cisgender white male, groomer, lolicon and a University student who owns a company that makes him rich rich. His favorite anime is Konosuba and has a kink for ponies, catgirls and dogs. His favorite waifu from My Little Pony is applejack. He is known for being racist, sexist and homophobic 45-year-old NEET but is yet widely respected due to his intimidating aura (and voice) which makes you think, "damn does he beat people up or some shit?" But that aside, he is a very good person and likes cats (I think).
He is married to Wakenowakane and adopted by Epicgamermoment.
- hellicey - joined nov ‘20
Hellicey, known for being an underage black female, has a history of getting into drama with many POCs. She is also known for her complicated, yet interesting relationship with the cock cappers and for her character growth.
- wannabe - joined nov ‘20
Wannabe/Aiden/Aidsensemen/CockInUrMouth/GoHarderDaddy69/kpopluvrr69/Yoonbums_ankless/Araragi_raven/phryicc/pixxlated is known for catalyzing the Marriage Migration that united the cock cappers across the various corners of MAL. She is married to MrBalls.
- Quintavious - joined dec ‘20
Quintavious or Quin, is a good friend of Beniporag and proud Retarded Revolutionary.
- wakenowakane - joined dec ‘20
Wakenowakane, now known as Wakane/Wakeno/Wallup is a person who is obsessed with Breaking Bad, The Boyz and Gurren Lagann. He is known for his activity on MAL forums and being quite opinionated. He is married to positiv2.
- Andre - joined jan ‘21
Andre is an interesting POC, for he has been friends with the POCs since the Retarded Revolution despite not having been a part of it himself, instead taking on a more sarcastic sense of humor than retarded. He is also a gigachad that all the waman simp and men respect.
- MrBalls - joined jan ‘21
MrBrawlz or better known by his real name MrBalls was one of the people who contributed to the founding of the Cock Cap Club. He is currently married to Wannabe and has multiple children. He takes interest in vTubers, Doki Doki Literature Club, and keeping his forum posts at 666.
- DarkAwaken - joined jan ‘21
Joining the cock cappers in January, DarkAwaken-Kun, aka FartAwaken-cum, is also one of the Co-Founders of the Cock Cap Club, having spread the cock cap by cockifying many pfps after being inspired by Positiv2’s pfp, and cockifying his own.
- Mywifesson - joined feb ‘21
Mywifesson gained popularity due to the rumors started by Kuswo and Beniporag of him being an alleged pedophile around December of 2020. The rumors were later cleared up in March 2021. He is a white male who has a surprisingly fit body and a femboy kink. There have been other rumors of him having a crush on Hana, a POC who was 15 at the time.
- Danksonic - joined mar ‘21
Danksonic, also known as Julio or Dr Based, is crip af, as indicated by his chad voice. He is the oldest generation in the cock cap family tree.
- Bengofo - joined mar ‘21
Bengofo, proud husband of beniporag, is known for being confused with danksonic over being the sussy Julio imposter, owning the KKK Discord servers, and acting as the rep for the Cock Cap Club. He was deeply affected by the Retarded Revolution, as Cock-Capism now seeps into aspects of his day-to-day life.
- IrishReigen - joined mar ‘21
Reigen/LCLicepops/redrum is a cool dude with lots of bitches. He has the best anime taste, He’s segc af, and he likes dogs 😎. (All allegedly)
- Hana - joined apr ‘21
Hana is known for calling everyone she sees her bestie, liking kpop and having an unhealthy obsession with strawberry cake, and getting groomed by Mywifesson.
- Morvick - joined apr ‘21
Morvick, also having called himself Kyrosys, Kytren, Kyro, Flochad, Flochy, Neroo, Sceptikal, and other names is a Yeagerist extremist who cannot stop making Jojo references.
- Fubur - joined apr ‘21
Fubur/Hendrix_10/Totalitarian is a veteran of the cumsades without actually having been too retarded (but he is automatically partially retarded for being a cock-capper).
- Xsader - joined apr ‘21
Xsader, also known as Tesla, is a based Turkish man known for complaining about the state of affairs in his country and of his government. He takes interest in visual novels and learning new languages.
- Lil Coomstick - joined apr ‘21
Lil Coomstick/shingojira-san/Nyess/yeager_bomb/ is the one who started Stretched Pfp Gang and Chair Gang. He has also garnered an affinity for fucking with Lucid.
- Lucid - joined apr ‘21
Lucid was once the sworn enemy of the cock cap and the club that flaunted it. After his failed Jihad against the KKK and attempt to steal MrBalls’s wife, he pondered for a while before turning himself over to the KKK, becoming a contributing POC. For he believed in his Jihad, he greatly benefitted from Bengofo’s ISIS coup.
- Takora - joined apr ‘21
Takora was a MAL POC for the longest time before he could get on Discord. But after joining the Discord server in July of 2021, he would be inactive except for when pinged.
- Cryokinesis joined may ‘21
Cryokinesis, also having been known as 6ugustin among other names, was a skilled image editor who did advanced cockification jobs. With Kzzz and Dorian Pompa, he constituted the KKK’s Romanian speaking subcommunity.
- Chains - joined may ‘21
Chains is an avid cock-capist that is extremely loyal to the KKK’s doctrine of revering beniporag. He also seems to take the rule of failing to be funny very seriously, which would explain why his sense of humor consists of spamming
- Kai - joined jun ‘21
Kai has his own unique cock-capist persona. He did fall into cock-capism quite quickly. Allegedly, he has a very large penis (trust us we know 😉) and is confirmed to have a high level of basedness.
- Akira - joined jun ‘21
Akira is the sugar mommy of the KKK. She has bought Discord Nitro for many POCs. Except for one unbased moment, she is liked and respected.
- Loli Lord - joined jul ‘21
Loli Lord is probably the most outgoing lolicon of all lolicons in the KKK; too outgoing, even. He is a NEET who very much enjoys raiding jihading other Discord servers, MAL profiles, and MAL forum threads. He is perhaps the most problematic POC within the KKK for his takes on lolis, dating, and the world overall, as well as thinking he is Beniporag’s successor despite being the exact opposite in all meaningful capacities, and annoying everyone by other means.
- 3miL - joined jul ‘21
3miL found the KKK through his shitposting in the Big, Fat, Voluptuous, Round Anime Tiddies club with fellow based POC Bengofo, when he discovered he had found a place for people just like him. Because of his account being on the site longer than any other POCs, he has met many MAL users from time periods years before the Retarded Revolution and he introduced the cock cap to many of them and got a few to join. He has other contributions to the KKK, chief among them his major role in the creation of the club’s banner. He's also a serial fapper, claiming it gives him brilliant ideas.
- Coolest - joined jul ‘21
Coolest put on the cock cap before having any formal affiliation with the KKK, which was odd for a time as late as July 2021. He probably has larger testicles than any other POC, as shown by his willingness to turn on his in VC. Coolest is the biggest weeb in the KKK, and possibly even on all of MAL, with how much anime he has seen.
- Raven - joined sept ‘21
Raven was the last notable POC to join the KKK through the MAL club. But ironically enough, his connections to POCs go back before the KKK’s founding, having been acquainted with the Retarded Revolutionary Quintavious. Raven considers himself to be an anime elitist and calls his friends Ravenists.
- Spoon - joined dec ‘21
Spoon marks the beginning of a new generation… one in which future new members would not know about the previous glory of the KKK, including the existence of the group as a MAL club. Despite all that, he has done his duty in learning.
Associates of the KKK
- Kuswo
Known for gifting hellicey nitro then getting scammed, Kuswo was especially known for his interesting relationship with Hellicey.
- NoLiferSoul
A mod that has been cumsaded against twice, for he has banned POCs twice. But he responds to the cumsades well, so much so that he won first place in the most based mod kompetition, for which he was offered a hentai game that would be gifted by Positiv2. He humbly declined, opting for photos from multiple angles of the condensed milk that Positiv2 ate for dinner the night before.
- Gween
Gween was a POC that was ashamed of his status as one, even calling himself a “member ad-honorem” in a forum post. He would often find himself at odds with other POCs.

- The facts and dates in this timeline may not be 100% accurate and if you think/feel that you or some user should be included here then DM me or positiv2
- This timeline only includes biographies of users before the establishment of the KKK and as time goes on, we may add more.
- This is for enjoyment, so if the references made here offend you then please DM me and I will try and look into it.
- As a native English speaker, I did most of the editing, including but not limited to the entire historical events section and being an overall fucking grammar nazi (and still failing at it).
- Yes, the POCs of the KKK are all a bunch of weebs that actually spent their time on this bullshit.
-We will try to keep updating the timeline as time goes on so that we may all have something accurate to look back on when the KKK dies for whatever reason, and we move onto the next stages of our lives...
- Thank you for reading this abomination; have a good day
Wannabe for starting and co-writing the timeline
Bengofo for co-writing and editing the timeline
positiv2 for being interviewed
MrBalls for being interviewed
Lil Coomstick for being interviewed
ɪɴᴛʀᴏᴅᴜᴄᴛɪᴏɴ ᴛᴏ ᴛʜᴇ ᴋᴋᴋ:
- The KKK is an abbreviation for the infamous MAL (MyAnimeList) club known as the Kock Kap Klub. It is active on MAL and Discord.
-The people who are active in this community are known as cock cappers, cock gang, POCs (People Of Cap/Cock), or based mfs.
-It should also be noted that while not all POCs display the cock cap on their profiles, those who do not are still equally as based as those who do.
positiv2 said:
Sometime between 2010 and 2013, an edit of Ritsu (K-On!!) wearing a "ROCK" cap appeared, where the word "ROCK" was changed to "COCK
Sometime between 2010 and 2013, an edit of Ritsu (K-On!!) wearing a "ROCK" cap appeared, where the word "ROCK" was changed to "COCK
- epicgamermoment
Epicgamermoment, known for being good friends with Positiv2 is a very based person and is known for being a gigachad lolicon. He has no join date because he has always been around, kinda like God. He is the last one in the original trio of shitposters to be active on MAL.
- beniporag - joined oct ‘20
Beniporag, once having also taken on the identity of erenyeager_69, is known for being based, hilarious and based again is the most well known POC of the KKK (Kock Kap Klub). His MAL profile has been banned on the website three times for fighting against pedophillia. He is married to Bengofo with 2 children and 5 grandchildren. Raising his grandchildren has driven him into senility. This man is the most loved member of the Cock Cap Club and is a role model for all, having been the vanguard of the Retarded Revolution.
- positiv2 - joined oct ‘20
Positiv2 is probably the second most well known member of the Cock Cap Club. He is a former 22 year old heterosexual cisgender white male, groomer, lolicon and a University student who owns a company that makes him rich rich. His favorite anime is Konosuba and has a kink for ponies, catgirls and dogs. His favorite waifu from My Little Pony is applejack. He is known for being racist, sexist and homophobic 45-year-old NEET but is yet widely respected due to his intimidating aura (and voice) which makes you think, "damn does he beat people up or some shit?" But that aside, he is a very good person and likes cats (I think).
He is married to Wakenowakane and adopted by Epicgamermoment.
- hellicey - joined nov ‘20
Hellicey, known for being an underage black female, has a history of getting into drama with many POCs. She is also known for her complicated, yet interesting relationship with the cock cappers and for her character growth.
- wannabe - joined nov ‘20
Wannabe/Aiden/Aidsensemen/CockInUrMouth/GoHarderDaddy69/kpopluvrr69/Yoonbums_ankless/Araragi_raven/phryicc/pixxlated is known for catalyzing the Marriage Migration that united the cock cappers across the various corners of MAL. She is married to MrBalls.
- Quintavious - joined dec ‘20
Quintavious or Quin, is a good friend of Beniporag and proud Retarded Revolutionary.
- wakenowakane - joined dec ‘20
Wakenowakane, now known as Wakane/Wakeno/Wallup is a person who is obsessed with Breaking Bad, The Boyz and Gurren Lagann. He is known for his activity on MAL forums and being quite opinionated. He is married to positiv2.
- Andre - joined jan ‘21
Andre is an interesting POC, for he has been friends with the POCs since the Retarded Revolution despite not having been a part of it himself, instead taking on a more sarcastic sense of humor than retarded. He is also a gigachad that all the waman simp and men respect.
- MrBalls - joined jan ‘21
MrBrawlz or better known by his real name MrBalls was one of the people who contributed to the founding of the Cock Cap Club. He is currently married to Wannabe and has multiple children. He takes interest in vTubers, Doki Doki Literature Club, and keeping his forum posts at 666.
- DarkAwaken - joined jan ‘21
Joining the cock cappers in January, DarkAwaken-Kun, aka FartAwaken-cum, is also one of the Co-Founders of the Cock Cap Club, having spread the cock cap by cockifying many pfps after being inspired by Positiv2’s pfp, and cockifying his own.
- Mywifesson - joined feb ‘21
Mywifesson gained popularity due to the rumors started by Kuswo and Beniporag of him being an alleged pedophile around December of 2020. The rumors were later cleared up in March 2021. He is a white male who has a surprisingly fit body and a femboy kink. There have been other rumors of him having a crush on Hana, a POC who was 15 at the time.
- Danksonic - joined mar ‘21
Danksonic, also known as Julio or Dr Based, is crip af, as indicated by his chad voice. He is the oldest generation in the cock cap family tree.
- Bengofo - joined mar ‘21
Bengofo, proud husband of beniporag, is known for being confused with danksonic over being the sussy Julio imposter, owning the KKK Discord servers, and acting as the rep for the Cock Cap Club. He was deeply affected by the Retarded Revolution, as Cock-Capism now seeps into aspects of his day-to-day life.
- IrishReigen - joined mar ‘21
Reigen/LCLicepops/redrum is a cool dude with lots of bitches. He has the best anime taste, He’s segc af, and he likes dogs 😎. (All allegedly)
- Hana - joined apr ‘21
Hana is known for calling everyone she sees her bestie, liking kpop and having an unhealthy obsession with strawberry cake, and getting groomed by Mywifesson.
- Morvick - joined apr ‘21
Morvick, also having called himself Kyrosys, Kytren, Kyro, Flochad, Flochy, Neroo, Sceptikal, and other names is a Yeagerist extremist who cannot stop making Jojo references.
- Fubur - joined apr ‘21
Fubur/Hendrix_10/Totalitarian is a veteran of the cumsades without actually having been too retarded (but he is automatically partially retarded for being a cock-capper).
- Xsader - joined apr ‘21
Xsader, also known as Tesla, is a based Turkish man known for complaining about the state of affairs in his country and of his government. He takes interest in visual novels and learning new languages.
- Lil Coomstick - joined apr ‘21
Lil Coomstick/shingojira-san/Nyess/yeager_bomb/ is the one who started Stretched Pfp Gang and Chair Gang. He has also garnered an affinity for fucking with Lucid.
- Lucid - joined apr ‘21
Lucid was once the sworn enemy of the cock cap and the club that flaunted it. After his failed Jihad against the KKK and attempt to steal MrBalls’s wife, he pondered for a while before turning himself over to the KKK, becoming a contributing POC. For he believed in his Jihad, he greatly benefitted from Bengofo’s ISIS coup.
- Takora - joined apr ‘21
Takora was a MAL POC for the longest time before he could get on Discord. But after joining the Discord server in July of 2021, he would be inactive except for when pinged.
- Cryokinesis joined may ‘21
Cryokinesis, also having been known as 6ugustin among other names, was a skilled image editor who did advanced cockification jobs. With Kzzz and Dorian Pompa, he constituted the KKK’s Romanian speaking subcommunity.
- Chains - joined may ‘21
Chains is an avid cock-capist that is extremely loyal to the KKK’s doctrine of revering beniporag. He also seems to take the rule of failing to be funny very seriously, which would explain why his sense of humor consists of spamming
Chains said:
and saying how much he hates them. Chains led the anti-pedophile coalition that upheld Beniporag’s legacy.nigger
- Kai - joined jun ‘21
Kai has his own unique cock-capist persona. He did fall into cock-capism quite quickly. Allegedly, he has a very large penis (trust us we know 😉) and is confirmed to have a high level of basedness.
- Akira - joined jun ‘21
Akira is the sugar mommy of the KKK. She has bought Discord Nitro for many POCs. Except for one unbased moment, she is liked and respected.
- Loli Lord - joined jul ‘21
Loli Lord is probably the most outgoing lolicon of all lolicons in the KKK; too outgoing, even. He is a NEET who very much enjoys raiding jihading other Discord servers, MAL profiles, and MAL forum threads. He is perhaps the most problematic POC within the KKK for his takes on lolis, dating, and the world overall, as well as thinking he is Beniporag’s successor despite being the exact opposite in all meaningful capacities, and annoying everyone by other means.
- 3miL - joined jul ‘21
3miL found the KKK through his shitposting in the Big, Fat, Voluptuous, Round Anime Tiddies club with fellow based POC Bengofo, when he discovered he had found a place for people just like him. Because of his account being on the site longer than any other POCs, he has met many MAL users from time periods years before the Retarded Revolution and he introduced the cock cap to many of them and got a few to join. He has other contributions to the KKK, chief among them his major role in the creation of the club’s banner. He's also a serial fapper, claiming it gives him brilliant ideas.
- Coolest - joined jul ‘21
Coolest put on the cock cap before having any formal affiliation with the KKK, which was odd for a time as late as July 2021. He probably has larger testicles than any other POC, as shown by his willingness to turn on his in VC. Coolest is the biggest weeb in the KKK, and possibly even on all of MAL, with how much anime he has seen.
- Raven - joined sept ‘21
Raven was the last notable POC to join the KKK through the MAL club. But ironically enough, his connections to POCs go back before the KKK’s founding, having been acquainted with the Retarded Revolutionary Quintavious. Raven considers himself to be an anime elitist and calls his friends Ravenists.
- Spoon - joined dec ‘21
Spoon marks the beginning of a new generation… one in which future new members would not know about the previous glory of the KKK, including the existence of the group as a MAL club. Despite all that, he has done his duty in learning.
Associates of the KKK
- Kuswo
Known for gifting hellicey nitro then getting scammed, Kuswo was especially known for his interesting relationship with Hellicey.
- NoLiferSoul
A mod that has been cumsaded against twice, for he has banned POCs twice. But he responds to the cumsades well, so much so that he won first place in the most based mod kompetition, for which he was offered a hentai game that would be gifted by Positiv2. He humbly declined, opting for photos from multiple angles of the condensed milk that Positiv2 ate for dinner the night before.
- Gween
Gween was a POC that was ashamed of his status as one, even calling himself a “member ad-honorem” in a forum post. He would often find himself at odds with other POCs.
- The facts and dates in this timeline may not be 100% accurate and if you think/feel that you or some user should be included here then DM me or positiv2
- This timeline only includes biographies of users before the establishment of the KKK and as time goes on, we may add more.
- This is for enjoyment, so if the references made here offend you then please DM me and I will try and look into it.
- As a native English speaker, I did most of the editing, including but not limited to the entire historical events section and being an overall fucking grammar nazi (and still failing at it).
- Yes, the POCs of the KKK are all a bunch of weebs that actually spent their time on this bullshit.
-We will try to keep updating the timeline as time goes on so that we may all have something accurate to look back on when the KKK dies for whatever reason, and we move onto the next stages of our lives...
- Thank you for reading this abomination; have a good day
Wannabe for starting and co-writing the timeline
Bengofo for co-writing and editing the timeline
positiv2 for being interviewed
MrBalls for being interviewed
Lil Coomstick for being interviewed
Posted by HoodKublaiKhan | Jul 14, 2021 7:16 PM | 12 comments
Private Entry