July 9th, 2009
Burning Possum

It was midnight,the sky was perfect with stars,and clouds were
black and white...A beautiful combination.
I went to my cousin's house to sleep over. I brought my PS2 with my
games DDR and Guitar Hero. So we got bored and then headed outside.
I was eating icecream. It was so hot outside so you know how we all
crave for cold stuff. Anyways their house isnt fully built. So they have no
roof but just for the living room and their mothers room, and restroom.
Sorry i changed subject....-_-'
When i stepped into the house i noticed something moving at the corner of
the house. I couldnt see anything becuz it was so dark. All of a sudden my cousin Priscilla
comes in and says
"Dude what is that?"
"I dont know.....It looks like a farret or a possum." i said.
"Lets get closer." She said
I just nodded my head and we went towards the creature. Then my cousin Alicia came
and screamed
"What the hell is that you guys!"
"Shhhh! Quiet down or else you will scare it away." I said
Pricsilla was just laughing. So Alicia ran inside the living room and closed
the door shut. I tried to look for a light but i couldnt find anything until i went
inside the living room and found a mirror. A small mirror. Oh well lets try it out.
So then i reflected it to the light from outside and we caught the creatures face.
Priscilla found a shovel and handed it to me and i gave her the mirror.
I hesitated to kill the possum but it is poisoness and has rabies. But i just couldnt pound it.
Then my uncle Chuy came back from picking up my cousin Evelyn from a date at the movies.
We told him about the possum and the advise he gave us was "Burn it"
We screamed "Hell Yeah!
So then we waited and waited for the possum to be washed
with gasoline and stuff.....Then the fun part came!!!
Alicia and Evelyn poured gasoline all over the possum and
the possum was just acting dead....Smart thing to do....NOT!!!
Alicia burned a page of newspaper and threw it at the possum...
The possum ran to the right side instead of the left. The plan was for the possum to
run outside not stay inside! So then Alicia ran then stopped. She freaked when she saw the burning possum
heading her way. So she ran full speed! I saw the possum coming towards me and so
i hit it with the shovel on the back and it still ran. It was headed towards the living room!
Some idiot left the damn door open! So Chuy took away the shovel from me and ran
towards the possum. When he killed it in the living room, It smelled really bad....so
i sprayed some frebreeze......
The smell kinda went away....
So Evelyn,Alicia,Priscilla,Chuy and I went to the river and dumped the body
But when it was burned you know dead...The tounge was sticking out...
BUt man the way Alicia ran was freakin hilarious!!!
She hates running she is kinda slow.....But she ran for her life!!!
I was shocked! While Priscilla was laughing..and Evelyn was texting..:)
Yea im the one with the shovel...:D
And thats mainly the end of this story...:) Thankx for reading..XD
Hope you leave funny comments...XD
Posted by AnimeArtist | Jul 9, 2009 1:43 PM | 0 comments