LPGeneratorx's Blog

Jul 28, 2014 10:53 AM
Anime Relations: Mirai Nikki (TV)

So... Mirai Nikki. I watched this anime after seeing it's popularity as well as ranking on M.A.L. Since it was near to Neon Genesis Evangelion in both sectors I expected it to at least keep me entertained. Sadly, It failed to achieve that.

Evangelion and Mirai Nikki differ mainly in 2 points, the plot and the characters. But no matter how much I bash Mirai Nikki, I must admit that the series does have its high points.

High Points

1. The first opening:- While this may seem like a minor counter to a laundry list of flaws, this opening is what allowed me to continue with the series. It's an addicting opening, with a great set of lyrics as well as a great singer to execute those lyrics.

2. The Concept:- The setting of Mirai Nikki is extremely unique. A survival game where each competitor is given a diary to match their personality, and the winner of the game is god. So you could say that the show had potential to be a very good thriller anime, but it just fell flat on its ass.

3.The Character Development:- Now, while I do say that the characters of Mirai Nikki are "bad". But this has a few exceptions. While there are a few characters who are unbelievably underdeveloped(For example:- Eleventh, Twelfth, Fifth, Sixth etc.), it also has a few very well developed characters(For example:- Yuno, Minene, The Sevenths, Akise A.K.A the gay one who resembles Kaoru from evangelion).

4. The Sound/Music:- Yes, I made two separate sections for the opening and the OST. If you don't like it then write your own blog.

The soundtrack for Mirai Nikki while nothing spectacular, but it's still worth a mention.

I'm not even going to talk about the dub as it's one of the most detestable dubs for an anime I've ever heard, up there with Higurashi. The sub however, is a different story. The voice actors for the Japanese dub of the show did a spectacular job portraying the characters the voiced, regardless of how stupid the character really was. Especially props to Tomosa Murata, the woman who knocked it out of the park as Yuno.

5. The Animation:- Same as the soundtrack, the music again, is nothing near brilliant, but it's still better than average.

Now for the negative side of the anime. And believe me, there's a lot to say here.

Plot Holes

The plot holes.. OH MY FUCKING GOD. THE PLOT HOLES. This is probably the first anime that I've seen has this amount of plot holes. The amount of worthless shit that happens just tells me that the majority of characters are either complete retards, or have absolutely no common sense. So lets get to this.

1. Yuuki/Yuno "Relationship":- This relationship is one of the bigger and more obvious sticks up this show's ass. There is absolutely no reason as to why Yuuki would even consider being Yuno's boyfriend after he saw the room where in Yuno's house where the corpses were there. And even if he didn't see that room, he probably should've have caught on to the fact that YUNO IS A PSYCHOPATHIC BITCH. I mean I'm pretty sure when we saw THIS:
we all realized that this girl was waaaaaaaayyyyy off her nut.

Then there's the point of Yuno even liking Yuuki in the first place, but when someone's as crazy as Yuno, then I really don't have any logical explanation to apply on her.

Also, remember that scene where Yuno and Yuuki were HAVING SEX?! Let me remind you that both of them ARE MIDDLE SCHOOL CHILDREN, AND ARE 14 FUCKING YEARS OLD.

2. Deus Ex Machina, God? MY ASS.:- This is a pretty smart god eh? He somehow realizes that the Mur-Mur in his world actually works for Yuno, who became a god in another world(I pity anybody who lived in that world), BUT STILL DOESN'T"T ATTEMPT TO DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT?! I mean is he an idiot?! Well, he has done stupider things.

"Let's make a deathmatch, and the one psychotic killer who's the most efficient at killing people will become a god! Also, let's give people who are mentally broken, psychic powers! I'M A GENIUS!"

Yeah, real good idea god.

[u]3. The Disappearance of Gasai Suzumiya[/u]:- So Yuno went back in time and killed her parents as well as her past self. Well, first of all, this forms a paradox. If I go back in time and kill myself, then I would never exist and thus never go back in time to kill myself, thus a paradox. So that kind of caught my attention, but since time isn't a fixed concept,(and according to Steins;Gate, there's the world line theory) so I won't count that as a plot hole.

But what I will count as a plot hole is the death of Yuno's parents. They owned a big bank, right? So when they were killed, I'm guessing someone should've noticed that their bank was going bankrupt, or at least that they were no where to be found. SO WHY DIDN'T ANYONE INVESTIGATE THE GASAI HOUSEHOLD?! Again, are the police fucking morons? Plus, when Nishijima did confront Yuno, he just asked "So, did you kill your parents?" when she says "No", he just leaves? Why?!

"Uhhh... So this teenage girl's possibly a psychopathic and genocidal maniac. I should probably discuss things with her over a cup of coffee, without backup, and I should just ask her if she murdered her parents. I'm pretty sure she'll confess!"

[u]4. Yuno, the Legendary Yandere, with a hint of stupid?[/u]:- Yuno came back in time to spend more time with Yuuki. So why doesn't she just kill that worlds Deus before he even proposes the survival game. I mean, she did just become a god. Mur Mur shouldn't ever have erased her memory, and she could've easily gone to Deus and said - "Die". And knowing how stupid Deus is, he probably would've.

Also, how does Yuno have skills that would make even Clair Stanfield cringe. Honestly, is it ever explained how she got her superhuman powers? Was she born on an alien planet? Is she a mutant? Was she bitten by a mutant spider? HOW?!

[u]5. The Stupidity of Haruhi Yukiteru[/u]:- While I've already mentioned that Yuuki should never have even considered being Yuno's boyfriend, these points merely highlight how bad and inconsistent of a character he is.

(i) The first time he tried to believe another person(Sixth) he was betrayed. Yuno even warned him that this would happen. I forgave him for that one. But after that same scenario being repeated over and over again I think it's about time that he realized that when Yuno's saying it's a trap THEN IT'S A FUCKING TRAP.

But, no. He doesn't. And due to him not realizing that all the diary owners ,aside from a few, are out to kill him, he gets himself and Yuno into several different predicaments which could've easily been avoided had he listened to Yuno's advice.

Admittedly he does become a complete and total prick in the middle of the series, where he kills off an orphanage. Real nice Yuuki. He keeps jumping between Alucard("I'm gonna kill them all" mentality) and Shnji Ikari("I don't want to kill anything" mentality). And, I'm pretty sure you know that, those two characters are practically incomparable.

Non-Plot Holes
1. There's very little character development for various characters.
3. The ending of the show is complete shit. Even with the OVA, it's still shit.
4. Enjoying the show requires you to never think about the decisions made by the characters. And considering that this is a psychological/thriller anime, that is definitely not a good sign.

Therefore, I dub this the Dumbest Thriller EVER.

Other than the problems I just shoved in your face, I'm sure you can add many more. So feel free to add to the points I said, and if you want to start a flame war, I'd be happy to bring out my fire extinguisher. Just make sure your arguments are at least valid points, and not bullshit points. Also, don't say something like "I enjoyed the show, so it's good!". It makes you sound stupid.
Posted by LPGeneratorx | Jul 28, 2014 10:53 AM | 1 comments
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