# | Anime Title | Score | Type | Progress | ||
1 | Kimetsu no Yaiba: Katanakaji no Sato-hen | - | TV | 4
11 | ||
2 | Naruto | - | TV | 101
220 | ||
3 | Undead Unluck | - | TV | 5
24 | ||
4 | Boku no Hero Academia Fine start for the Izuku Midoriya's All Mights character development. Little short paced but I think it was necessary for the build up is released in next seasons. | 7 | TV | 13 | ||
5 | Boku no Hero Academia 2nd Season | 8 | TV | 25 | ||
6 | Boku no Hero Academia 3rd Season The best season in my opinion and lots of character development. | 8 | TV | 25 | ||
7 | Boku no Hero Academia 4th Season Well, this season has some contrast in it! Hardcore first part and easygoing High School festival second one but the tension was there even in easygoing parts. I liked that contrast a lot and it was executed very well imo! | 8 | TV | 25 | ||
8 | Boku no Hero Academia 5th Season Shinto's developement as a character was okay and we get to know Shigaragi Tomura's background better in this season. The liberation army had appealing ideals and Shigaragi's character made some real development in this season. We get to see the drama within Todoroki's family. It is interesting in some way but not that appealing as Shigaragi's development. Hawk's mission is also a niche plot twist and there's tension to it and it builds up to the next season. Interesting how things turn out there! | 7 | TV | 25 | ||
9 | Boku no Hero Academia 6th Season | 8 | TV | 25 | ||
10 | Boku no Hero Academia 7th Season | 8 | TV | 21 | ||
11 | Boku no Hero Academia the Movie 1: Futari no Hero The message by all might and Shield in the end was appealing to me and taught some important life lessons to adults too! There were interesting plot twists that were somewhat predictable but they were still thrilling! | 7 | Movie | 1 | ||
12 | Boku no Hero Academia the Movie 2: Heroes:Rising The best part of this movie was the final fight and Midoriya passing All For One to Bakugo. The fight and combat strategies had some eye-candy visual-effects and great action in it. | 6 | Movie | 1 | ||
13 | Boku no Hero Academia the Movie 3: World Heroes' Mission | 6 | Movie | 1 | ||
14 | Boku no Hero Academia: Training of the Dead Well, fine fanservice but nothing special and extraordinary here I think. | 5 | OVA | 1 | ||
15 | Carole & Tuesday The story was appealing at the beginning at least and I like the environment where the plot takes place. Made me want to watch even more musical anime. | 7 | TV | 24 | ||
16 | Cowboy Bebop I was about to rate this as fine (6) but the ending changed it to good (7). I liked cowboy Bebop's vagabond and misfits aesthetics the characters had. It had also few good gags and down-to-earth quotes (like spike's Hunger works as a good spice and everything that happens, happens) to everyone to their lifes in a few episodes. The character plot was sometimes hard to follow clearly because f.e. the character story of spikes took so long to finish but that was the only crucial mistake this story has. | 7 | TV | 26 | ||
17 | Date A Bullet: Dead or Bullet Tokisaki Kurumi, my favorite character in the Date a LIve series, plays Hunger Games. What could go wrong? Well, I think these OVA-miniseries were quite story driven but I didn't get the feeling I got fulfilling explanation to Kurumi's backstory. The settings were there in the first part and they got some neat twist there but few scenes lacking proper animation and lack of conclusion were turn off for me. Good thing though we see Kurumi crying for Sawa. That was something anew from Kurumi! | 6 | Movie | 1 | ||
18 | Date A Bullet: Nightmare or Queen Tokisaki Kurumi, my favorite character in the Date a Live series, plays Hunger Games. What could go wrong? Well, I think these OVA-miniseries were quite story-driven but I didn't get the feeling I got fulfilling explanation to Kurumi's backstory. The sett | 4 | Movie | 1 | ||
19 | Date A Live Ok introduction to the series. Felt shallow at first but made me enjoy it a little by little because of the characters. Did make me want to watch this series further. | 5 | TV | 12 | ||
20 | Date A Live II More depth and interesting characters and bit of plot twists and character developement. Enjoyable to watch! | 6 | TV | 10 | ||
21 | Date A Live II: Kurumi Star Festival I personally like this and found out something about life and yandere-gurls. | 8 | OVA | 1 | ||
22 | Date A Live III Somewhat predictable but still enjoyable series this is. For me, this series has progressed in the right direction. I liked the message in Origami's part that was some kind of karma, buddha and hindu spirituality and that you can alter the past but not change the memories of past lives. Illogicality every now and then and time traveling is different in this universe it seems. The "OVA" episode 12 in the end also revealed something about the nature of men. | 7 | TV | 12 | ||
23 | Date A Live IV | 9 | TV | 12 | ||
24 | Date A Live Movie: Mayuri Judgment I have enjoyed and digested with pleasure Date a Live series up until this movie but this movie wasn't engaging. At least, there was no conflict and fanservice for me that would have been enjoyable for me at least. The only conflict there was was like between Tohka and Origami and it took like over two thirds of the movie to get even there. It is slow-paced and uninteresting as a snail which tries to enter the Pandoras box. There was only struggling suspension until the very end like 20 last minutes and the build of suspension and its payoff wasn't that impressive to me. The idea of the movie was the only great thing I would say and few gags for fans like me. But otherwise it was bland, frustrating and time-consuming experience to watch. Maybe a wonderful twist and in a format of OVA's or mini-series or a longer movie would have been greater ways to make time for a twist or two. I did not feel almost any thrill in the dates whatsoever, even with my favorite characters dates. They were so shallow for me at least. This movie had some good ideas but there wasn't any creative twists or development in characters that would make it interesting movie to watch. Only the me as a fan of Date a Live found this movie even barely watchable. It was a flunky and clunky movie to watch. | 2 | Movie | 1 | ||
25 | Date A Live V | 6 | TV | 12 | ||
26 | Date A Live: Date to Date Fanservice and had to be drunk to watch this. The closing theme reveals something that this harem anime tries to get through our skulls. Good 1 promille state of drunkeness is almost a necessary condition to have to get most out of this. | 8 | OVA | 1 | ||
27 | Death Note | 9 | TV | 37 | ||
28 | Dumbbell Nan Kilo Moteru? This anime is a format of product that provides quite an insight from current fitness and overall ideal, individualistic trend: The is a story from Sakura Hibiki, a high school student, who likes to consume a lot of food, has gained some weight and has made her belly look little plump. She is confronted by her friend Uehara Ayaka that she has gained an unwanted figure and she then observes herself her poor fit. She is feeling very horrified and upset about this when she realizes this and she wants to act immidiately to get herself back to good shape. She then decides to join Silverman Gym. During her orientation, she also happens to encounter her high school student council president Souryuuin Akemi. Soon he discovers two unpleasant things: the gym she (is in is) for hardcore bodybuilders and athletes and that Akemi has muscle fetish. Hibiki is about to give up but then they meet with Machio Naruzou, their new personal trainer at the gym. She is so infatuated by her new coach charm that she signs in to the gym in impulse. It is entertaining with it's funny gags and sitcom comedy and facial expressions. And in my subjective current condition, this was exactly an anime show I needed for two reasons. First, when I started to watch it, I was in the same situation as Hibiki so I was able to identify with her. Second, the show partially reminded me from good hard work ethic what becoming bulk and lean needed and those splendid and remarkable feelings in your mind and body you have after your exercise is done f.e. the tension and feeling your muscle tissues ripped and ready to grow when you have strained your muscles a lot and the gain of endorphin dopamine you receive from gym activities. In addition, you learn basics of many useful work-outs during every episode when they are introduced to Hibiki. You also get to see some art style changes during changes in mood which make . I also liked when they decided The bad: As the season went forward, it got boring and I was little annoyed about the jokes that had little twists in them because they used same formula. Akemi's muscle fetish was enjoyable though for me through the entire show. The humor also took some space from the final battle of fates between Hibiki and Akemi and made the end of the show quite lame and it felt empty. We weren't quite seeing much of a developement from main character Hibiki from the episode ... forward too which was a shame too. But yeah, as a summary, Dumbbell nan kilo moteru was quite enjoyable slice-of-life anime that educates and motivates people to exercise properly. It has also little ecchi moments every now and then humor that keeps repeating itself too much toward the end and making the "show-off duel" in the end lame. So I regard this as quite an enjoyable anime to watch. | 7 | TV | 12 | ||
29 | Karigurashi no Arrietty
I adored and enjoyed this movie from the beginning to the end. My favorite Ghibli movie up until now. The philosophy I caught from this movie is great too and it should be considered by every human-being. | 9 | Movie | 1
1 | ||
30 | Kaze Tachinu | 9 | Movie | 1 | ||
31 | Kimetsu no Yaiba Quite interesting show and the story is engaging. There would have been a little more into the sidekicks of Tanjiro. | 7 | TV | 26 | ||
32 | Kimetsu no Yaiba Movie: Mugen Ressha-hen A huge dissappointment: The CGI looked so terrible in some parts that it almost made me vomit, mourning of Rengoku`s death and demon`s escape felt unneccessarily dramatic etc. | 3 | Movie | 1 | ||
33 | Kimetsu no Yaiba: Yuukaku-hen | 5 | TV | 11 | ||
34 | Kurenai no Buta
Shows well the consequences of WW2 (f.e. physical labor in factories etc. was transferred to women) | 7 | Movie | 1
1 | ||
35 | Mononoke Hime
Very impressive work from Miyazaki. Good setting in a feodal Japan that addresses dilemmas between man and the nature that are very topical in today's society too (in what extent man can apply the resources provided by nature, how much is man able to prevail the nature before nature turns against man, in what extent/limits we can possess and exploit the riches that nature provides to mankind etc.) There is also a subplot in the movie that wills to tell us that we as humans can have hunger for power but we also do have a mind of justice which can. Ashitaka was expelled from his tribe? The movie felt so cold and primitive sometimes it was so interesting to watch because in other miyazakis movies that love between boy and a girl was a main topic. I felt it wasn’t in this one (Sani felt so cold even against Ashitaka) but yeah, we get the reasoning if we think of her as a character as it was interpreted and expressed in the movie by the storyteller and the plot. Miyazaki also added some interesting new things like the half-matriarcal society, spiritualism from Shintoism that is depicted by animals that are intelligent, independent creatures such as Moro, Ottoko and Nego. The only negative aspects I can point out are odd and clumsy lip-sync with animals (or was it intentional?) and the decision-making and judgement of characters in the first third of the movie (My personal opinion). However, artstyle, music and designs of the character are top-tier! Especially I liked the animation and design of the cursed boars! Ashitaka was a fighter who wanted to settle down things between the . He was a great main character in the movie! However, I don’t know how he evolved and what he learned in actuality because he was so aligned with his line of peace and justice and wanted so much to protect both sides and also set itself in opposition against both extreme ideals. That’s the other criticism I found out in this movie. But when I think about it further, perhaps in the end he has won the sin of the humankind and got rid of rage of the forest. He was a symbol of Jesus. Maybe he realized in the end that the fight and its conclusion was not even in his hands even though he did everything he possibly could do with his honed skills and quick-witted intelligence. Even his destiny was in the hands of nature in the end (when spirit of the forest took a head from him and Sani) In a nutshell, princess Mononoke is another piece of art, film-format oeuvre made by Miyazaki’s creativeness. I would recommend Princess Mononoke as the first jewel to pick up from the replete treasure chest of Miyazaki for those who haven’t seen the works of Miyazaki before. Tatara (rautasulatto) is a metaphor to human kind and cold technology. Many things in the film made me think of the Legend of Zelda series (Re-Deads (Kodama), four giants from Majora’s Mask (Spirit of the forest (peurajumala)) f.e., Forest/Swamp Temple (the forest where boars and the wolf lived with Sani Mononoke)) | 8 | Movie | 1
1 | ||
36 | Nanatsu no Taizai | 6 | TV | 24 | ||
37 | Nanatsu no Taizai: Imashime no Fukkatsu | 7 | TV | 24 | ||
38 | Nanatsu no Taizai: Kamigami no Gekirin | 5 | TV | 24 | ||
39 | Nanatsu no Taizai: Seisen no Shirushi | 5 | TV | 4 | ||
40 | Pokemon | 8 | TV | 276 | ||
41 | Pokemon Movie 01: Mewtwo no Gyakushuu | - | Movie | 1 | ||
42 | Pokemon Movie 02: Maboroshi no Pokemon Lugia Bakutan | - | Movie | 1 | ||
43 | Pokemon Movie 10: Dialga vs. Palkia vs. Darkrai | - | Movie | 1 | ||
44 | Re:Zero kara Hajimeru Isekai Seikatsu | 7 | TV | 25 | ||
45 | Re:Zero kara Hajimeru Isekai Seikatsu 2nd Season | 6 | TV | 13 | ||
46 | Sen to Chihiro no Kamikakushi Amazing concept and the environment the story takes place in. Introduced me to a few Japanese religious and ethical custom. | 9 | Movie | 1 | ||
47 | Shinseiki Evangelion | 6 | TV | 26 | ||
48 | Steins;Gate | 8 | TV | 24 | ||
49 | Steins;Gate 0 | 8 | TV | 23 | ||
50 | Steins;Gate 0: Kesshou Takei no Valentine - Bittersweet Intermedio | 6 | Special | 1 | ||
51 | Steins;Gate Movie: Fuka Ryouiki no Déjà vu | 7 | Movie | 1 | ||
52 | Steins;Gate: Kyoukaimenjou no Missing Link - Divide By Zero | 8 | TV Special | 1 | ||
53 | Steins;Gate: Oukoubakko no Poriomania | 7 | Special | 1 | ||
54 | Tenkuu no Shiro Laputa Character and visual designs in this movie are top-tier! The only critique comes from the villains. They are not that appealing, they're more than pathetic to me. | 8 | Movie | 1 | ||
55 | Vinland Saga | 6 | TV | 24 | ||
56 | Vinland Saga Season 2 | 7 | TV | 24 | ||
57 | JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken (TV) | 5 | TV | 20
26 | ||
58 | JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken Part 3: Stardust Crusaders | - | TV | -
24 | ||
59 | Kuuchuu Buranko | - | TV | 1
11 | ||
60 | Pokemon Advanced Generation | - | TV | -
192 | ||
61 | Black Clover | - | TV | -
170 | ||
62 | Bleach | - | TV | -
366 | ||
63 | Boku no Hero Academia the Movie 3: World Heroes' Mission - Tabidachi | - | Special | -
1 | ||
64 | Boku no Hero Academia the Movie 4: You're Next | - | Movie | -
1 | ||
65 | Cowboy Bebop: Ein no Natsuyasumi | - | Special | -
1 | ||
66 | Cowboy Bebop: Tengoku no Tobira | - | Movie | -
1 | ||
67 | Cowboy Bebop: Yose Atsume Blues | - | TV Special | -
1 | ||
68 | Dumbbell Nan Kilo Moteru?: Silverman-Gym Oni Tore Kouza | - | Special | -
2 | ||
69 | Evangelion Movie 2: Ha | - | Movie | -
1 | ||
70 | Fullmetal Alchemist | - | TV | -
51 | ||
71 | Ged Senki | - | Movie | -
1 | ||
72 | Haikyuu!! | - | TV | -
25 | ||
73 | Haikyuu!! Second Season | - | TV | -
25 | ||
74 | Hinamatsuri | - | TV | -
12 | ||
75 | Jujutsu Kaisen | - | TV | -
24 | ||
76 | Kimetsu no Yaiba: Hashira Geiko-hen | - | TV | -
8 | ||
77 | Kono Subarashii Sekai ni Shukufuku wo! | - | TV | -
10 | ||
78 | Meitantei Conan
| - | TV | -
- | ||
79 | Mob Psycho 100 | - | TV | -
12 | ||
80 | Odd Taxi | - | TV | -
13 | ||
81 | Saint Seiya | - | TV | 31
114 | ||
82 | Shinseiki Evangelion Movie: Air/Magokoro wo, Kimi ni | - | Movie | -
1 | ||
83 | Spy x Family | - | TV | -
12 | ||
84 | Sword Art Online | - | TV | -
25 | ||
85 | Vinland Saga Season 2: Same Old Story | - | ONA | -
1 | ||