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TV: 245, OVA: 25, Movies: 46, Spcl.: 24, Eps: 5014, Days: 76.68, Mean Score: 7.4, Score Dev.: -0.10 More stats
#Image Anime Title Score Type Started Date Finished Date Premiered Genres (reset filter) Rated
1 Acchi Kocchi
7 TV 10-25-23 01-01-24 Spring 2012 Comedy, Romance PG-13
2 Acchi Kocchi: Place=Princess
- Special 01-01-24 01-01-24 Fall 2012 Comedy, Romance PG-13
3 Aharen-san wa Hakarenai
7 TV 04-09-22 07-08-22 Spring 2022 Comedy, Romance PG-13
4 Araburu Kisetsu no Otome-domo yo.
8 TV Summer 2019 Drama, Romance PG-13
5 Bakemonogatari
8 TV 01-25-20 Summer 2009 Mystery, Romance, Supernatural R
6 Beelzebub-jou no Okinimesu mama.
7 TV 03-08-23 Fall 2018 Comedy, Fantasy, Romance PG-13
7 Boku no Kokoro no Yabai Yatsu
8 TV 05-14-23 06-18-23 Spring 2023 Comedy, Romance PG-13
8 Boku wa Tomodachi ga Sukunai
6 TV 07-15-24 07-15-24 Fall 2011 Comedy, Romance, Ecchi R+
9 Boku wa Tomodachi ga Sukunai Next
7 TV 07-28-24 07-28-24 Winter 2013 Comedy, Romance, Ecchi PG-13
10 Boku wa Tomodachi ga Sukunai: Relay Shousetsu wa Ketsumatsu ga Hanpanai
- OVA 07-28-24 Summer 2012 Comedy, Romance, Ecchi R+
11 Byousoku 5 Centimeter
- Movie Winter 2007 Drama, Romance PG-13
12 Chitose Get You!!
5 TV Summer 2012 Comedy, Romance PG-13
13 Coquelicot-zaka kara
8 Movie Summer 2011 Award Winning, Romance G
14 Danna ga Nani wo Itteiru ka Wakaranai Ken
7 TV 12-04-19 Fall 2014 Comedy, Romance PG-13
15 Danna ga Nani wo Itteiru ka Wakaranai Ken 2 Sure-me
7 TV Spring 2015 Comedy, Romance PG-13
16 Elfen Lied
8 TV 03-31-24 03-31-24 Summer 2004 Action, Drama, Horror, Romance, Suspense R+
17 Eromanga-sensei
I was in the mood for a trash slice of life from the 2015-17 era. That's exactly what I got. 7.
7 TV 03-13-24 Spring 2017 Comedy, Romance, Ecchi PG-13
18 Eromanga-sensei OVA
- OVA 03-13-24 03-13-24 Winter 2019 Comedy, Romance, Ecchi PG-13
19 Futari Ecchi
Surprisingly very cute and wholesome
7 OVA 11-17-23 11-18-23 Summer 2002 Comedy, Romance, Ecchi R+
20 Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki-kun
7 TV Summer 2014 Comedy, Romance PG-13
21 Hige wo Soru. Soshite Joshikousei wo Hirou.
7 TV 11-17-24 11-18-24 Spring 2021 Drama, Romance PG-13
22 High Score Girl
Maybe I gave this a ten because it was one of the first real romance anime I had ever watched, and it’s definitely still really good but after rewatching I’m reducing it to an 8, not because I think it got worse but more because I’ve found out what a true 10 looks like
8 TV 03-18-23 Summer 2018 Comedy, Romance PG-13
23 High Score Girl II
9 TV 03-19-23 03-22-23 Fall 2019 Comedy, Romance PG-13
24 High Score Girl: Extra Stage
8 OVA 03-19-23 Winter 2019 Comedy, Romance PG-13
25 Horimiya
8 TV 07-05-23 08-29-23 Winter 2021 Romance PG-13
26 Howl no Ugoku Shiro
8 Movie Fall 2004 Adventure, Award Winning, Drama, Fantasy, Romance G
27 Ijiranaide, Nagatoro-san
7 TV 03-17-22 03-28-22 Spring 2021 Comedy, Romance PG-13
28 Ijiranaide, Nagatoro-san 2nd Attack
7 TV 02-04-23 03-18-23 Winter 2023 Comedy, Romance PG-13
29 Imouto sae Ireba Ii.
I really enjoyed the tabletop games episodes!
6 TV 03-13-24 03-13-24 Fall 2017 Comedy, Romance, Ecchi PG-13
30 Jijou wo Shiranai Tenkousei ga Guigui Kuru.
Definitely rewatching this!
8 TV 05-14-23 06-26-23 Spring 2023 Comedy, Romance PG-13
31 Kaguya-sama wa Kokurasetai: First Kiss wa Owaranai
9 Movie 02-15-23 02-15-23 Fall 2022 Comedy, Drama, Romance PG-13
32 Kaguya-sama wa Kokurasetai: Tensai-tachi no Renai Zunousen
Changed from 9 to 10 after first rewatch
10 TV 02-09-23 Winter 2019 Comedy, Romance PG-13
33 Kaguya-sama wa Kokurasetai: Ultra Romantic
9 TV 04-09-22 07-09-22 Spring 2022 Comedy, Romance PG-13
34 Kaguya-sama wa Kokurasetai? Tensai-tachi no Renai Zunousen
9 TV 03-17-22 03-17-22 Spring 2020 Comedy, Romance PG-13
35 Kaiba
8 TV 10-13-24 10-14-24 Spring 2008 Adventure, Avant Garde, Award Winning, Mystery, Romance, Sci-Fi R+
36 Kaichou wa Maid-sama!
8 TV Spring 2010 Comedy, Romance PG-13
37 Kanokon
Now THIS is trash!! I needed something like this to balance out the amazing, heartfelt, tearjerker anime I’ve finished recently. The sound effects I’ve definitely heard in Scooby-Doo are great too.
5 TV 09-04-23 09-05-23 Spring 2008 Comedy, Romance, Supernatural, Ecchi R+
38 Karakai Jouzu no Takagi-san
9 TV 03-16-22 03-17-22 Winter 2018 Comedy, Romance PG-13
39 Karakai Jouzu no Takagi-san 2
On my first rewatch, I already can tell that this will be the first of many rewatches over the years because of how much of a comfort anime this is for me, so because of that it’s staying a 10. (April 10, 2023)
10 TV 03-22-22 03-26-22 Summer 2019 Comedy, Romance PG-13
40 Karakai Jouzu no Takagi-san 3
9 TV 03-31-22 08-06-22 Winter 2022 Comedy, Romance PG-13
41 Karakai Jouzu no Takagi-san Movie
8 Movie 06-09-23 06-09-23 Spring 2022 Romance PG-13
42 Kaze Tachinu
7 Movie Summer 2013 Award Winning, Drama, Romance PG-13
43 Kimi ni Todoke
9 TV 03-12-23 03-16-23 Fall 2009 Drama, Romance PG-13
44 Kimi ni Todoke 2nd Season
9 TV 03-17-23 03-17-23 Winter 2011 Drama, Romance PG-13
45 Kimi ni Todoke 3rd Season
9 ONA 08-04-24 08-06-24 Summer 2024 Drama, Romance PG-13
46 Kimi ni Todoke: Kataomoi
7 TV Special 03-17-23 03-17-23 Winter 2011 Romance PG-13
47 Kimi to, Nami ni Noretara
7 Movie 05-15-24 05-15-24 Spring 2019 Drama, Romance, Supernatural PG-13
48 Kimi wa Houkago Insomnia
9 TV 05-14-23 07-03-23 Spring 2023 Romance PG-13
49 Kiss x Sis
- OVA 03-16-24 Fall 2008 Comedy, Romance, Ecchi R+
50 Kiss x Sis (TV)
I like how each side character was developed more and given more screen time vs the ovas. This version was definitely more tame overall, but when they went there, they went hard.
- TV 03-18-24 Spring 2010 Comedy, Romance, Ecchi PG-13
51 Koori Zokusei Danshi to Cool na Douryou Joshi
7 TV 03-04-23 03-22-23 Winter 2023 Comedy, Fantasy, Romance PG-13
52 Kotonoha no Niwa
8 Movie Spring 2013 Award Winning, Drama, Romance PG-13
53 Kubo-san wa Mob wo Yurusanai
7 TV 03-04-23 06-20-23 Winter 2023 Comedy, Romance PG-13
54 Kurenai no Buta
7 Movie Summer 1992 Action, Adventure, Award Winning, Comedy, Drama, Romance G
55 Lovely★Complex
9 TV 01-08-22 Spring 2007 Comedy, Romance PG-13
56 Mahoromatic: Automatic Maiden
8 TV 11-03-23 11-04-23 Fall 2001 Comedy, Romance, Sci-Fi, Ecchi R+
57 Megami-ryou no Ryoubo-kun.
5 TV 10-08-24 10-09-24 Summer 2021 Comedy, Romance, Ecchi R+
58 Metropolis
9 Movie 02-17-24 Spring 2001 Adventure, Drama, Romance, Sci-Fi PG-13
59 Midara na Ao-chan wa Benkyou ga Dekinai
7 TV 03-17-22 03-17-22 Spring 2019 Comedy, Romance, Ecchi PG-13
60 Mimi wo Sumaseba
7 Movie Summer 1995 Drama, Romance G
61 Monster Musume no Iru Nichijou
This is great. One of the first anime I watched. Rewatched half a decide later, still holds up
8 TV 03-19-24 Summer 2015 Comedy, Fantasy, Romance, Ecchi R+
62 Monster Musume no Iru Nichijou OVA
- OVA 03-19-24 03-19-24 Fall 2016 Comedy, Fantasy, Romance, Ecchi R+
63 Okusama ga Seitokaichou!
4 TV Summer 2015 Comedy, Romance, Ecchi R+
64 Okusama ga Seitokaichou!+!
4 TV Fall 2016 Comedy, Romance, Ecchi R+
65 Omoide Poroporo
- Movie Summer 1991 Drama, Romance G
66 Onegai☆Teacher
7 TV 11-04-23 11-05-23 Winter 2002 Drama, Romance, Sci-Fi PG-13
67 Onegai☆Teacher: Himitsu na Futari
7 OVA 11-05-23 11-05-23 Fall 2002 Comedy, Romance, Sci-Fi, Ecchi PG-13
68 Ore no Imouto ga Konnani Kawaii Wake ga Nai Specials
- ONA 03-14-24 03-15-24 Winter 2011 Comedy, Romance PG-13
69 Ore no Imouto ga Konnani Kawaii Wake ga Nai.
I didn’t exactly LIKE this, more like got really into it for some reason…
6 TV 03-13-24 03-16-24 Spring 2013 Comedy, Romance PG-13
70 Ore no Imouto ga Konnani Kawaii Wake ga Nai. Specials
- ONA 03-16-24 03-16-24 Summer 2013 Comedy, Romance PG-13
71 Osake wa Fuufu ni Natte kara
7 TV Fall 2017 Comedy, Gourmet, Romance PG-13
72 Otome Game no Hametsu Flag shika Nai Akuyaku Reijou ni Tensei shiteshimatta...
7 TV Spring 2020 Comedy, Fantasy, Romance PG-13
73 Otonari ni Ginga
7 TV 05-14-23 06-26-23 Spring 2023 Romance, Supernatural PG-13
74 Rikei ga Koi ni Ochita no de Shoumei shitemita.
7 TV Winter 2020 Comedy, Romance PG-13
75 School Days
6 TV Summer 2007 Drama, Romance R+
76 Senpai ga Uzai Kouhai no Hanashi
I strongly considered giving this an 8 until I realized that I can’t really see myself re-watching it, which was a factor in most of my 8s. I still really enjoyed it though, a lot more than I thought I would!
7 TV 09-01-23 09-02-23 Fall 2021 Comedy, Romance PG-13
77 Sono Bisque Doll wa Koi wo Suru
8 TV 03-16-22 03-27-22 Winter 2022 Romance PG-13
78 Tejina-senpai
6 TV Summer 2019 Comedy, Romance, Ecchi PG-13
79 Tenki no Ko
9 Movie Summer 2019 Award Winning, Drama, Romance, Supernatural PG-13
80 To LOVE-Ru
7 TV 10-14-24 11-16-24 Spring 2008 Comedy, Romance, Sci-Fi, Ecchi R+
81 Toki wo Kakeru Shoujo
8 Movie Summer 2006 Award Winning, Drama, Romance, Sci-Fi G
82 Tokidoki Bosotto Russia-go de Dereru Tonari no Alya-san
5 TV 11-18-24 11-20-24 Summer 2024 Comedy, Romance PG-13
83 Tomo-chan wa Onnanoko!
7 TV 02-04-23 03-29-23 Winter 2023 Comedy, Romance PG-13
84 Toradora!
9 TV 03-17-22 03-18-22 Fall 2008 Drama, Romance PG-13
85 Tsukuyomi: Moon Phase
This is one of those special 7s. You can tell a lot of love went into making this
7 TV 11-05-23 01-20-24 Fall 2004 Comedy, Romance, Supernatural PG-13
86 Uchi no Kaisha no Chiisai Senpai no Hanashi
7 TV 07-16-23 10-14-23 Summer 2023 Comedy, Romance PG-13
87 Ueno-san wa Bukiyou
6 TV Winter 2019 Comedy, Romance PG-13
88 Yamada-kun to Lv999 no Koi wo Suru
7 TV 05-12-23 06-26-23 Spring 2023 Romance PG-13
89 Yoake Mae yori Ruriiro na: Crescent Love
What a great surprise! I’m glad I decided to watch this!
7 TV 11-04-23 11-04-23 Fall 2006 Comedy, Romance, Sci-Fi PG-13
90 Yosuga no Sora
To think the one reason I watched this turned out to be the ending I hated
- TV 03-18-24 03-19-24 Fall 2010 Drama, Romance, Ecchi R+
91 Yubisaki to Renren
8 TV 04-29-24 04-29-24 Winter 2024 Romance PG-13