Maybe I gave this a ten because it was one of the first real romance anime I had ever watched, and it’s definitely still really good but after rewatching I’m reducing it to an 8, not because I think it got worse but more because I’ve found out what a true 10 looks like
Now THIS is trash!! I needed something like this to balance out the amazing, heartfelt, tearjerker anime I’ve finished recently. The sound effects I’ve definitely heard in Scooby-Doo are great too.
On my first rewatch, I already can tell that this will be the first of many rewatches over the years because of how much of a comfort anime this is for me, so because of that it’s staying a 10. (April 10, 2023)
I like how each side character was developed more and given more screen time vs the ovas. This version was definitely more tame overall, but when they went there, they went hard.
I strongly considered giving this an 8 until I realized that I can’t really see myself re-watching it, which was a factor in most of my 8s. I still really enjoyed it though, a lot more than I thought I would!