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Jun 10, 2009 5:49 PM

Jan 2009
I know I already have a story on here but this one is great!


Chapter 1: High School Graduate!

“… And we must always remember who we were these years. Where we go, whether it is Japan, China, or USC, we’ll always be friends. No matter who you are, we will never be high schoolers again. We will always remember our times here. Never forget them. Thank you.” I conclude my speech at graduation. The crowd erupts, and I start crying again. We get our diplomas and finally, we’re free. I reach Akari first. We hug fiercely. “We did it, Kari.” We cry some more. Then Sprinkles comes over. “Sprinkles, Congrats on your acceptance to USC.”

The two look at me, then at each other, and Akari says “No, Congrats to you for getting accepted to Tokyo University.” Tears roll down her face. “You’ll visit often, right?”

I smile and say “Yeah. I’m not leaving until after my birthday, so we have plenty of time.”

Sprinkles finally says, “So Kari, you’re staying in Ventura and going to Community College?”

Akari nods. “Yeah, so I’ll always be here.” We hug again, and then go find our parents.

“Congrats Akari!” My mom yells. We hug and then she starts crying. “So, you got accepted to Tokyo University. That’s… great. When are you leaving?”

“Three days after my birthday.” I reply.

“That’s soon.” My dad says. “Your speech was great. I’m so proud of you.”

I hug them and go find my boyfriend, Yokamu Hikaru. “Hikaru!” We hug and kiss.

“So, you got accepted to Tokyo University. Good work.”

“Thanks, I’m happy you got what you wanted. You get to go to China to study law. I’m happy for you.” I say. He says nothing. “Hikaru, is everything okay?”

“Huh? Oh, yeah. There’s something I need to tell you.” I wait. He takes a deep breath and finally begins. “I didn’t want to tell you unless it worked out. I also applied to Tokyo University. I was accepted in the Law section. I’m thinking of going to Japan with you.”

I get angry fast. “WHAT? You applied? But you’re giving up your dream!”

“No, Hikari, I’m not. I want to be with you.” I’m still angry.

“How could you? Your dream… I won’t get in the way of it!!! Go to China, and I’ll go to Japan.” I yell.

“Hikari, I want to be with you. If going to China takes me away from you, then I don’t want to go!” He replies. “Hikari, you won’t be in the way of my dream. I choose to be with you.” He says. I’m speechless. “You can teach me Japanese before we go. It’ll be fine.



I soften. “No, they’ve been so great. But if I’m in the way of you going to China, then I can’t be with you.”

“Please, just think about it. I’ll talk to my parents.” He walks away as I’m crying. Akari sees me crying and rushes over.

“What happened?” I tell her the story between gasps. When I finish, she’s quiet.

“Hikari, do you want to be with Hikaru?” She asks.

“Yes, I love him.” I reply.

“Then let him come.” She tells me.

“Kari, He’s picking some girl (me) over his dream! I won’t be with him if I get in the way of that!” I yell.

“That’s the thing Hikari, you’re not just ‘some girl’. You’re his life, his present, and his future. Think about that.” She says, and walks away,

That night I barely eat my dinner. When my mom notices, she freaks out.

“Hikari, are you okay?” She asks.

“Huh? Oh, yeah. I don’t have much of an appetite tonight. I think I’ll just go get some rest.” I say, and go up to my room. I lay on my bed, thinking about what to do.

About 30 minutes later, my mom knocks on my door. I tell her to go away. She tries again every 30 minutes until my dad tells her to get some sleep. I take the opportunity and sleep a dreamless sleep.

In the morning, I wake and eat my breakfast slowly. Then I take a shower, brush my teeth, and get dressed. I log on to my computer and check my E-mail. Nothing new. Then I watch some anime on my TV, but it’s a boring one and I start reading the manga that goes with it. Hours pass, and soon I finish the entire series, of both.

My cell rings, and I answer it. It’s Hikaru. “Kari, meet me in front of the school.” He tells me, and then hangs up. I think about what he wants. He sounded urgent, so urgent it scared me. I get my purse and leave. As I walk, I sing songs in my head to distract me. I see him and it corrupts my vision, my heart races, and my breathing speeds up. I feel like I’m going to throw up. He holds his hand out to me, and I take it. We stand there, staring at the school, hand in hand. “This is the exact spot you changed our lives. The exact spot where you confessed.” I nod. He walks me inside the school, to a bench. He directs me to sit down. “This is…”

“Where we first kissed.” I finish for him. “What is the meaning to all this?”

He doesn’t say anything and directs me to a shady tree. “Remember this place?” He asks.

“This is where we first told our friends we were going out.” I say. “Why are you bringing me to all these places?”

“To show how much you mean to me. I’ve remembered each one, year after year; month after month… kiss after kiss. Hikari, I want to be with you, forever.”

“I do too, Hikaru. I really do. But with your dream… I won’t let you come with me.” I say. He stays quiet. “Yes, I do love you, but I just don’t know.”

“Would you change your mind if we were married?” He asks.

I stutter. “WHAT? MARRIAGE? Hikaru, I can’t. Not now. Maybe in a few years, but not now. Hikaru, I will marry you, but not now. Maybe in a few years. I’m not even 18 yet!” I say. “Where did that come from anyways?”

“I just… said it. But you will marry me?” He blushes.

“Yes. In a few years, but I know its you.” I say. “It’s always been you. Ever since we first met, that first impression, that first smile you gave me. My heart was pounding then. It still is.”

“Will you ever change your mind about me coming to Japan with you?”

“No. China is your dream. I won’t take it away from you.”

“Will this change your mind?” I start to ask what, but he kisses me. I can’t think. I can’t do or say anything. He’s mine. Forever. Mine. It has a nice ring to it. Hikaru is mine.


Chapter 2: Remembering - COMING SOON.
wonderlander_7Jun 30, 2009 3:22 PM
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Jun 10, 2009 6:23 PM

Jan 2009
Okay so chapter 2 might be a while. I just deleted it and chapter 3.
Jun 10, 2009 7:36 PM

Jan 2009
This chapter was difficult to do because I deleted it and there are pictures invloved. Hope you guys like it. If you guys were wondering how I type it out; I type ALL of it on word and copy it here.


Chapter 2: remembering

“Hikari, don’t you see? You’re the only girl for me! We are supposed to be together! I love you. I want to be with you. I have to be with you. I will DIE if you leave me.” He says, tears rolling down his face. I realize I’m crying too. I take a photo out of my bag. “What’s that?” He asks. I show him.

“Remember this?” He gasps. “We were in love, even then.” I take out another picture and show him.

“I kissed you back then too.”
I take out another more recent one.

“Official Love.”
I take out another.

“We were always in love.”
I take out the last one.

“I’ve always loved you, Hikaru.” I say. “I wouldn’t survive without you, I’ve realized.”

“So, we’re going to Japan together?” He asks.

“Yes. I have always loved you. I want to continue to love you.” We hug and kiss like in the picture.

Later on in the day we go to a field and enjoy a picnic. I start teaching him Japanese. He also teaches me Chinese. We have a great time, and then it starts to get cloudy. We hurry back to my house, and head up to my room. He sits on my bed and smiles at me. I have a weird feeling.

“Hikari, are you okay?” He asks.

“I’ve just realized… I’ve never lived with anyone besides my family. It’ll be interesting, living with you.” I reply.

He laughs. “Come here.”

I sit next to him, and we share a kiss. I love him. He’s mine. ALL MINE.

We share another laugh, hug, and then my mom calls us down for dinner. We tell her the news. She’s happy, and knows the pictures worked. We smile at each other. I start crying. “Hikari?” Hikaru looks worried.

“I’m going to miss my moms dinners…” I cry. He laughs.


Chapter 3:
Coming soon
wonderlander_7Jun 11, 2009 7:28 AM
Jun 11, 2009 4:47 AM

May 2008
hikari... such a lucky person T_T
i wish i had someone like hikaru...
Jun 11, 2009 7:27 AM

Jan 2009
LOL Me too! Hikaru is such a nice guy.....

Hey I just can't believe I got this idea from a dream!

In my dream Hikaru was all godlike...
Jun 11, 2009 2:24 PM

Jan 2009
Chapter 3: shopping
In the morning I wake up and find a note from Hikaru on my desk. He writes:
I’m so happy that I met you and that we are going to Japan together. I love you. I can’t wait to spend the rest of my life with you.
Love always, Hikaru.
I’m crying, I realize. I’m going to spend the rest of my life with this man. I’ll never date again. Is this okay? Yes, if I can be with Hikaru. I smile and put the note in a drawer. Akari and Sprinkles call later, saying that I need a new wardrobe before I go to Japan. I meet them later at the mall. Its empty, considering school let out 2 days ago. Before we start shopping, Akari has to tell me something.

“Hikari… Okaru and I are going to Japan.” I’m shocked. “He got accepted to a small community college around Tokyo, so I’m going with him to study up on cake making and open a bakery.”

“Akari… you’re coming with us?” I ask.

“I wasn’t going to say anything until it was official. He got his acceptance letter last night when I was at his house.” She continues. “And who is us?”

“Oh, Sal also got accepted to USC!” Sprinkles says.

“Yay! Now you can study together!” I’m happy. “You two… I have to tell you something.”

“Kari, what is it?” Sprinkles asks.

“I gave in to Hikaru. I just can’t live without him. We are going to go to Japan together and maybe in a few years we will get married. Actually, we WILL get married in a few years.” I finish.

“That’s great Hikari! You’ll always be together.” Akari says.

“Just… why did I feel so sad last night when he left?” I say.

“That means you can’t survive without him.” Sprinkles says.

“Is it like that with you two?” I ask.

“No, I just met Sal” Sprinkles replies.

“Same with Okaru. We just met.” Akari says.

“Oh, so I’m the only one who is in a major relationship?” I mutter. “That’s nice, I guess.”

“Well, it’s starting to get serious. Just a bit, but I do like him a lot.” Akari says.

“That’s nice.” I say, daydreaming of Hikaru.

“Lets SHOP!” Sprinkles yells, and we buy many things. Sprinkles buys USC merchandise. I buy CUTE clothes. Akari buys accessories.

After two hours, we eat lunch. We talk about our boyfriends, and our loves. Or, more so, they do. I stay quiet. They don’t question it.

“You were always crazy.” It’s a picture of Sprinkles and her older sister. Tears escape Sprinkles’ eyes. Her older sister, pictured on the left, Lily, died three years ago. Sprinkles is pictured on the right. I take out another picture and show it to Akari.

“You were always beautiful.” It’s a picture of when she went to prom with Okaru a few weeks ago. She is so pretty. They laugh and enjoy the memory. This is a great day.

Chapter 4: Birthday
Coming soon!!!
Jun 12, 2009 7:21 PM

Jan 2009
Chapter 4: Birthday

My birthday came too fast. Before anyone could breathe, it was my birthday, and the four of us were to leave in three days. We had finished packing and were going to ship everything tomorrow. When I woke up on my birthday, I was pleased with what I saw.

Hikaru was standing there, smiling at me. I smiled back at him. My parents must have let him in. He walked over to my bed and gave me a birthday kiss. I didn’t want to stop, but we had to. He led me downstairs where my parents were waiting with breakfast. They each hugged me.

I ate breakfast, took a shower, and got ready. Then Hikaru took me away for the day. He first went home to get a few bags and we headed to a field. He spread out a towel and motioned me to sit on it. He got out a few gifts. “You shouldn’t have.” I say, blushing. “Seriously.”

“I had to.” He says, and hands me the first one. I open it and gasp. It’s a locket. I open it… and there is a picture of me on one side and Hikaru on the other. I start to say something, but he hands me another gift. I open it and this time it’s a book on Japanese culture. Its one I’ve wanted forever. I start to say thanks but he hands me that last one. It’s smaller than both of them… “Listen, you…” I open it and gasp. It’s a… “I know you’ll say no, but my mom knows I had to.” He says. “You don’t have to. I know what you’ll say-“

“Shush. Its beautiful, Hikaru.” I say, mesmerized.

“Its nothing, really. It was the ring my dad gave my mom…” He mumbles.

‘I love it.” I tell him, and kiss him.

“So… is this a yes?” He asks.

“Hikaru… You know I can’t. What with going to Japan… I… can’t. I do love you. We will… eventually.” I say. “Its not that I won’t marry you…”

“Wait… I have an idea.” He begins. “You could take the ring… and we could get married at a later date.”

“Hikaru… I can’t.” I say. “I’m sorry.”

“Its okay. I knew what you would say it’s just… with how much we have progressed on the past few weeks…” He says. “I’ll take it to Japan if you change your mind.”

“Okay.” I say. We kiss some more. He puts the locket around my neck and we sit there, talking. I’m not sure what will happen for the next few years, but I hope Hikaru’s involved.

I look back at the past few weeks and remember what has happened. Hikaru took me out almost every day, except for the days the girls dragged me to the mall. I was bored, but they said I HAD to come.

I just can’t believe we are leaving in three days. I’m going to miss Sprinkles, Sal, and my family. Everyone I know is here. I can live without them, but not without Hikaru.

“Hikaru…” I start to say, “I really love you.”

“I really love you too.” He tells me. “Really.”

I think some more. We have some time before school starts in Japan… I wonder if…

Chapter 5: Goodbyes
Coming soon!
Jun 12, 2009 9:12 PM

Jan 2009
OMG the next chapter is getting really emotional.

It'll take a while for me to write it....
Jun 13, 2009 1:13 PM

Jan 2009
And here it is... the emotional goodbyes of Hikari's family, and the place she used to live. The hello to her new life. Jam-packed in this short chapter of her life.


Chapter 5: Goodbyes
Just another same old day…

That’s what I thought in the morning. I soon realized what day it was. I walked downstairs. My mom and dad were sitting on the couch, my 3 other siblings playing the Wii, sitting on the floor. They all see me come down the stairs and smile. I force a smile back. I sit on a chair and sigh. Hikaru will be here soon. I’ll be happy.

I was looking forward to this day, but when the day arrives, why do I feel so sad?

I get dressed for the day, typical travel clothes; slip-on shoes, no jewelry. I put the remainder of my clothes in my carry-on suitcase and take my carry on’s – suitcase and small backpack – downstairs. I put them by the door. The doorbell rings, and I answer it.

Hikaru stands there, same packing ideas and clothing ideas as me. He smiles at me and then kisses me. He waves hello to my parents and siblings.

“Mr. and Mrs. Yukari, Ohayo. Monami, Kimona, and Kimonu, hello.” He says to my family. “Hikari, ready?”

“Give me a minute.” I say, and first walk over to my younger sister, Monami. “Take good care of Mom, Dad, and the twins. I then walk over to my younger brother and sister, Kimonu and Kimona, and hug them. “Be good for Mom and Dad. Don’t annoy Monami.” I finally walk over to my parents. My mom is crying and my dad’s face is hard as a rock. I hug each of them. “I’ll miss you. I’ll see you at Christmas.” Then, I walk away and out of my house.

Hikaru and I walk to Akari’s apartment first. She is waiting for us. Then we walk to Okaru’s house and finally, walk to the airport.

We go through security and wait at our gate for an hour. Akari and I are talking about how much we will miss Sprinkles, our families, and of course, our town.

I am on the verge of crying when the plane arrives at the gate. It just got back from China. Air Asia.

Hikaru squeezes my hand. I squeeze back.

Tears are welling in my eyes.

They call our rows.

I force myself to move.

We sit.

I say goodbye.

Goodbye Mom, Dad, Monami, Kimona, Kimonu, Sprinkles, and Sal. Goodbye California. Goodbye my town. Goodbye America.

Hello my new life.

Are you ready for me?

What hardships will Hikari, Hikaru, Akari and Okaru face next?

Stay tuned for the next chapter: Japan.

Chapter 6: Japan
Coming soon!
Jun 14, 2009 1:28 AM

May 2008
give me more!

T_T i've always wanted to go to japan...
Jun 14, 2009 7:46 AM

Jan 2009
same here.

Okay so the next chapter is kind of long so I might not get it up today.
Jun 14, 2009 7:19 PM

Jan 2009
Prepare for devastating facts of truth, the entryway to Japan!!!!!!!


Chapter 6: Japan, jobs, java
I sleep on the plane, Hikaru’s lap to be exact. Akari and Okaru sit behind us, Akari sleeping on Okaru’s shoulder.

I dream of my family. I miss them, but not enough to go back home.

Hikaru wakes me when we are close to Tokyo. Okaru wakes Akari at the same time. I stretch my arms and kiss Hikaru swiftly. The plane lands within a few minutes. I look out the window with Hikaru. Japan, here we are.

“Wow. Hikari, you’ve been to Japan before, right?” Akari asks me.

“Huh? Oh, yeah, but not Tokyo. I went to Kyoto a few times. Sure looks different than Kyoto.” I say.

“Hmm… Okaru, have you ever been to Japan?” she says and I tune out. I hear him say no.

“Hikari, how far are we from the university?” Hikaru asks.

“If from our apartment it is about 15 miles. If from the airport, then about 5 miles. Why?” I reply.

“Just wondering. Its so pretty.” He says, and then goes quiet.

I love it in Japan. It is so different than America. I have studied and studied my Japanese with Hikaru for the past few weeks. He knows it pretty well. I know I’ll be doing most of the communicating.

We get off the plane and each get a rental car. We are buying a car next week. Each pair.

We drive to the apartment complex. Akari and Okaru’s apartment is three away from ours. We each enter our own apartment and begin unpacking our stuff that was shipped there.

“We made it, Kari.” Hikaru says to me.

“Yeah… we did. We are really here. Together, forever.” I say. We hug and kiss. “Come on, we want beds tonight, right?”

“Yeah.” He laughs. “Wait… beds?” He asks. “I though we were only shipping one.”

“Did I say beds? I meant bed.” I laugh.

We unpack everything. I enter the kitchen and put on my apron. “What do you want to eat, love?”

“I don’t know. How about Miso Soup?” He replies.

“Coming right up.” I say, and make our dinner. We eat in silence. Afterwards, we wash dishes.

“Doushitedesu?” I ask Hikaru.

“Huh?” He says.

“How was it?” I repeat.

“Oh. It was good.” He says.

“Geez. You need more practice.” I say.

“Later, okay? Lets get some sleep.”

“Okay.” I reply.

We sleep dreamlessly. I wake before he does, so I start to make breakfast. Today is the first entire day in Japan. We are going to try and find jobs today. We are also going to do some shopping. Probably I will do some shopping.

Hikaru wants to work at a travel agency. He will try the one across the street. I am going to try the cosplay café next to the travel agency. Okaru and Akari want to work in a bakery. We’ll always be near each other.

As I finish making breakfast, Hikaru wakes up. He asks what I’m making. “It’s a surprise.” I tell him. I take it into him. “Enjoy these rice balls.” I say, giving it to him.

“Thanks…” he says, trying one. “OH. MY. GOD! These are really good!”

“Thank you. My mom taught me how to make these when I was little. Hers are really good. Better than mine.”

“But these are soo good!” he says.

“Okay, hurry up. We have a big day ahead of us. Jobs ahoy!” I say, finishing my rice ball. He finishes soon and then we each get ready. We go over to Akari’s apartment. “Akari, Okaru? You in there?”

Okaru opens the door. He has bags under his eyes. “Akari’s got the flu. I’m just going to get food. I’m not applying today. Come in.” The boxes they shipped are all still packed. “She nearly fainted when we entered our apartment last night. I had to lay her down quickly. She’s sleeping right now.” He says. Then he goes and gets his stuff. He leaves a note for Akari if she wakes up, and then we go to the grocery store. Okaru gives me the money and the guys wait outside.

“If they weren’t going to come inside, they should’ve just stayed home.” I mutter to myself. I find everything quickly on each of our lists and purchase them. As I leave, a woman comes up to me.

“Ano… Daijoubu?” She asks. I must look beat. (She said, “Excuse me, are you okay?”)

“Hai, obasan. Arigatou gozaimasu kikyuudesu.” I reply. (I said, “Yes, lady. Thank you for asking”)

“Naruhodo. Saraba.” She says, and walks away. (She said, “I see. Bye.”)

I exit and a little girl is asking the boys something.

“Shimatta!” I mutter. “Youjo, Daijoubu?” I ask the girl. (I say “Crap!” and then “Little girl, are you okay?”

“Hai… rosuto futaoyadesu” She tells me. (She said, “Yes, I lost my parents”)

“Hossuru fujodesu?” I ask. (I say, “Do you want help?”)

“No-sankyu” She says, and then runs off. (She said, “No thanks.”)

I give Okaru his stuff and we part ways. He heads home and Hikaru heads for his interview. I go home to put the stuff away and then go to my interview.

My interview went well, and I got a job at the cosplay café. I start next week. Hikaru gets back home later than I did, so I was making lunch when he got back. “Oh, Hikaru-kun! How was the interview?” I ask, chopping up vegetables.

He sighs. “It was okay, I guess. They said that they need to decide on who to hire and would let me know tomorrow.” He says.

“I know you’ll get it!” I say, giving him a java-flavored smoothie.

“Wow… this is good. So, how was your interview, Hikari?” He asks.

“I start next week." I reply, finishing our lunch.

Chapter 7: Problems
Coming soon!
wonderlander_7Jun 19, 2009 6:03 PM
Jun 19, 2009 9:31 AM
Jul 2018
I want to go to Japan!Your story's really good btw
Jun 19, 2009 10:41 AM

Jan 2009

Chapter 7 will be a while.
Jun 19, 2009 10:47 PM

Mar 2009
Wow this story make me want go to Japan. But your story was great and good i hope there more~
Jun 19, 2009 11:01 PM

Mar 2008
Are you the one who draws the pics?
I have this doubt because of
Kira01 said:
I voted Love me for me by Hikari_Writer as that its the only one that features so many chapters with fanarts and official artwork.^^

Jun 20, 2009 7:23 AM

Jan 2009
No, I do not draw the pics.
Jun 27, 2009 3:11 PM

Jan 2009
This is a fast chapter but it has so much information. Enjoy!!!!

Chapter 7: problems

Hikaru didn’t get the job. Another, more responsible person got it. I started working with no problems at all. Hikaru kept searching for another job but couldn’t find one.

And to top it all off, Akari and Okaru are going back to California. Akari is very sick and we think it is because she has changed environments.

Hikaru has searched and searched for jobs but can’t find any. I regret him coming with me.

There are a few good things that have happened.

1. We both have started taking classes at the University.
2. I have a steady job now and provide income
3. We have a wonderful apartment.

But then again… the bad things overpower those good things.

I have been watching anime and reading manga when I am at home. I talk to my parents every other day and I called Sprinkles three days after we arrived. I really want to call Akari but she might be resting.

Hikaru is having trouble adjusting to the time change and the environment. I hope he’ll cope well eventually.

We had a fight the other day. I was watching anime when he had come back from job searching and he started yelling at me for no reason. I finally locked myself in our room and didn’t come out for hours.

I miss my dog. He was 5 years old, energetic, and very sweet. I wish I had a dog here but we can’t. Especially on my salary.

I have felt homesick for a few days. It might be because I have never been this far away from home. I am glad Hikaru’s with me.

Listening to my favorite music group, NEWS, calms me down. What calms me down even more is my other favorite music group, Tegomass.

I listen to all their songs every day. My favorite song my NEWS is Summer Time. My favorite song by Tegomass is Miso Soup. Both calm me down wonderfully.

My favorite anime at the moment in Katekyo Hitman Reborn! It is a wonderful anime.

My favorite manga at the moment is also Katekyo Hitman Reborn! It is so detailed.

A month after we arrive in Japan Hikaru finds a job at an insurance company. He gets $550 weekly. Add that to my $350 dollars weekly and we get $900 per week.

I feel even more homesick now that we have steady jobs. I listen to Tegomass and NEWS more and more.

Two months pass and now we are going to classes daily. We study, work, relax, and eat.

Life is nice. Life is not kind though. It is evil. I love some things, but life is painful.

Jun 28, 2009 10:06 AM
Jul 2018
I hope her friend's alright
Jun 28, 2009 2:28 PM

Jan 2009
Oh you will be surprised then. I have a huge surprise in store for you.
Jun 29, 2009 9:46 AM

Feb 2009
I Can't Stop Reading ! Your Stories are too Good >< . Keep Writing, i wanna know the next part ! (=
Ikuto is mine D:
Jun 29, 2009 1:00 PM

Jan 2009
Thanks... I am working on chapter 8 right now.
Jun 29, 2009 4:32 PM
Jul 2018
Hikari_Writer said:
Oh you will be surprised then. I have a huge surprise in store for you.

Don't die Akari!
Jun 29, 2009 6:02 PM

Jan 2009
well.... she won't die... but some pretty interesting things happen.
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