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gisele_alain's Blog

November 17th, 2011
In which, thumbnail reviews are found for the stuff I'm watching/dropped currently

Maji de Watashi ni Koi Shinsai!: I can't figure out if this is a romance or harem, martial arts?, powahLevels or what. Tits, tits and tits appear to be the only recurrent theme. Barely watchable, added to backlog.

Guilty Crown What if Shinji, of EVA fame, could man up, AND still be a bitch? And get NTR'ed and find a semi-girl friend Rei clone*literally* that went all Macross songstress set in a Code Geass world? Why, you'd have Guilty Crown.

Horizon My utter lack of any insight or knowledge about the world this is set in is only exasperated by the QUALITY subs. If i actually cared more about GIANT BALLON BREASTS and a story that took 6 eps to actually get through a single day, I'd research that a bit, but I do not. Dropped till I find a fucking guidebook to the world setting.

Last Exile:Famservice I'm a bit lost, pirates capturing battleships and delicious Yuri over/undertones, betrayal and conspiracies. It's pretty but not very exciting.

Ika Musume S2 Definitely lackluster compared to S1, but still enjoyable. Any scene with mini-ika is HNNNNG worthy.

Ben-to This season's dark horse. Who would have though Xtreme Martial Arts would work so well when combined with slapstick comedy over 1/2 priced dinners and a MC that is actually useful? Also: delicious Yuri rape.

Mirai Nikki Actually kinna digging it. Who wouldn't love Yuna, especially if they knew what was good for them.

Maken-ki aka Freezing Season 2. All I can figure is the school must be damned cold, or the girls aren't allowed to wear bras. Dropped for the same reason I dropped Freezing. It's shit.

Chihayafuru Charming and full of pre/teenage/early adult angst. Enjoyable anyways.

UN-go Again the lack of detail about the world *aside from Japan's new current anime theme of being the martyred noble nation of..whatever vs. the world full of oppressors* makes it hard to sympathize unless you've read the LNs.

Working!! Now with less Inami! Making it better, formulaic but still worth a laugh or three. The comedy is bit more hit and miss, but a possible budding YamadaXSouta is hawt. Sato is the most interesting support character I've seen in ages.

Boku Ha Tomodachi Ga Sukunai was/is a severe disappointment. The glowy skin, head tilts, referential humor and DAWW worthy smiles can't make up for the loss of the SD hillarity from the manga. Stick with the LN or manga. A fairly solid comedy ruined by fanservice. Holy shit, did I just write that?

C3 Fanservicey and stylishly. Plot is a strange up and down, GRIMEDARKE: BLOOD AND SOULS! to SoL and dark sinister conspiracies. I dunno how this is gonna wrap up. Adequate watch, but I don't go out of my way to look for it on release days.

FateZzzzz I wanted to like it. GOD HELP ME I DID WANT TO LIKE IT SO MUCH. Its scenery porn to be sure, but the plot is almost entirely DERP and HERP and facepalming.

Mashiro Iro Symphony Actually a rather charming romance/harem, despite the obvious clichés and tropes that run amuck through every facet of it. None the less I actually LIKE most of the female leads *even the token tsundere* and just wish the MC was a bit less fucking oblivious.
Best girl?
Posted by gisele_alain | Nov 17, 2011 5:57 PM | 0 comments
August 9th, 2011
Not my usual anime or random rant based blog.

Yesterday my Wife and I's beloved betta FredVIII passed away. We'd had him about a year and a half. I got up in the morning, to him not being his usual perky and inquisitive self nosing at the tank wall while I made my morning coffee.

He was hiding in the bottom level of his little house. When he didn't come out when I tapped on the tank top, for his breakfast, I became concerned. He struggled out of the little house barely able to move, and immediately got him to the sick fish tank I keep on hand for such purposes. I added some Bettazing and single ampicilin drop for shock and possible bacteriological infection. Sadly despite all I could do our Fred passed on about an hour later.

Feeling despondant, I doublechecked the tank temp, the Ph, filter, nitrates and overall water quality and couldn't find anything that could have caused his death. Fred's body had no visible parasites, no discoloring, eyes and gills were healthy and the body smooth, sleek and slick. Fred's 3 tank mates, a pair of long suffering snails and a pygmy cory remain healthy.

So maybe it was just his time, since almost all our little friends live on vastly different time-scales from us.

Fred was a joyous little fish. I picked him from the breeder since he was so lively and interested in the goings on beyond his tank.

He never hesitated to investigate anyone in his visual range. Interacting with whoever was in his vision, seemed to be something he enjoyed. It was often difficult to tell who was more entertained. Fred's wiggly dance in the morning when it was feeding time was a joy to behold, as he'd wiggle from the tank top to bottom over and over and over till he got fed.

What I remember most, was one afternoon about a week after we got him, while I was by the sink sharpening the kitchen knives with a red ceramic sharpener, that Fred was INTENSELY interested in my movements with my hands. So I moved it over to him to show him more closely. And suddenly he spotted the sharpener, GLORIOUSLY red and about his size. He moved into full threat display, all his erect and poofed fins and gill covers dazzling in the kitchen light.

That become our game. Fred's game was tormenting the 2 small snails that had the temerity to be on the plants in the tank with him. God help them if they went up the tank walls in the daylight. He'd bow up at them, swim threatening close to them and something even bump one. Though other times he'd ignore them when he'd had enough or didn't deign them worthy of his glorious poofi-ness. I dare say I shall regret never snapping a photo of him in such a pose. I don't think he ever noticed the cory.

But, I digress. The knife sharpener became our game. I'd bring it over to him every few days and wiggle it back and forth in similar fashion to him, and let him strut about for a bit then move it slowly out of range, and self satisfied with defending his sacred territory, Fred would slowly deflate and seem to act insufferably please with himself and usually even ignore the poor put upon snails.

Once my wife left that sharpener on the counter and he nearly wore himself into tatters trying to get its attention to come closer and duel like a betta! He enjoyed that small thing so much.

And we enjoyed him so much. He rests now, buried out under the fragrant rosemary bush in the backyard: in a Peppermint Altoid tin alongside that damned sharpener. You earned that sharpener, little friend.

Fred, as I remember him, just chilling and wondering what in the hell that giant grey thing was...

Posted by gisele_alain | Aug 9, 2011 7:03 PM | 0 comments
August 7th, 2011
One of the common things I get messaged besides: “Are you a faggot?! How could you hate XXYY?!?” is "How do I become a scanlator/start my own group?"

Well , first off, I am not a faggot, because I do not normally suck dicks, and that one time was totally out of my control anyways and I hate your favorite manga/anime because it sucks. Not dicks, because I don’t suck dicks and that other time doesn’t count either.


The better question is: Why would you want to be a scanlator?
You will likely end up feeling harassed, annoyed, betrayed and incredibly under appreciated.

Clearly, I have failed to disuade you.

I am not going to list specific and detailed instructions for how to debind, scan, clean, edit, typeset, QC and work releases. There are much more detailed guides for each of those out there, and are beyond the scope of his entry, which is Listing the Basic Requirements needed to get something initally rolling and offer a few tips to help smooth things along.

This quick and dirty guide assumes you want to scanlate a completed or ongoing series. One shots are such much easier to do.

My personal advice to a person wanting to start up their own scanlation group is simple: Do as much of the work as possible by yourself.

Mo’ people mo’ problems.

The chance of DRAMA and RAGE increase by the square of the number of people involved. 1-2 People can easily handle a single manga with a weekly/monthly release cycle or any number of one shots. Just look at all the Doujin releases done by a TL/editor, who is sometimes the same person.

Things to keep in mind:
Is anyone else working on this manga? Is that group currently working on it? Are they disbanded? On Hiatus? Dropped?
This may or may not stop you, the question is if you care about the trollery or butthurt that may result.

1. Raws
2. Translator/Translation
3. Web Presence *dunno where to properly shoehorn this in at*
4. Staff? and Basic Position Requirements *whether all you or not*
5. Process and Workflow
a. Editting the Script
b. QC
c. Editting/Cleaning Raws and QC
d. Typesetting and QC
e. Release

1. RAWs
You will need a reliable source of RAWS.
a. These can generally be found on any number of web raw aggregator sites, IRC, P2P (including PD, BT, Whiny and Share). Don’t ask me about PD, Whiny and Share: GOOGLE it. These raws may be of varying quality.

Make sure the web-raws you’ve obtained are adequate for your purpose and readable by your translator.

b. You can purchase the magazines/tanks and ship/debind/scan them yourself. This can be quite expensive to do on a regular basis.
c. You can purchase scanned and pre-leveled raws from several sites/groups. I will not list them here due to the possible wrath of a MAL mod. This is fairly inexpensive and a great option if all else fails
d. You could have an awesome buddy in that region who will purchase, debind, scan them for you! *We should all be so lucky -sigh-*

a. You will obviously need a translator. This is almost ALWAYS more vastly difficult to obtain than finding raws. Individuals even barely fluent are in high-demand in scanlation. Often a single translator will be working on several projects across any number of groups.
b. You may be fluent in written Japanese, though if you are reading this, that is unlikely.
c. You can attempt to recruit a translator from Mangahelpers and other sites, or find an available completed translation.
d. You can attempt to crowd-source a translator/translation from /a/

The real issue with translators is like any scanlation staff, they are unpaid and motivated so long as it’s fun and real-life circumstances do not interfere or vice versa. It is quite possible they may simply get tired of it and disappear.
It is very likely your translator, like any other staff member, may not be available in a crunch at some point. *Remember me hinting about keeping the staff size small?*

There are other options for a crisis or just starting out Scanlation group.
e. You can purchase a Translation from any number of online Translation sites; I will not list them here. If a simple text translation is all you require, you will typically pay .25-50 cents per page.

I have had generous translators for quite a few of my private projects that I sought out and others I met by accident, just keep it chill and have fun and you may make a friend.
Life is about networking, the more people you know: the more people you know.
I have also purchased translations when no other source was available and had great results.

I couldnt figure out quite where to put this in at. So here is as good anywhere.

a. You VERY likely will want a website/blogsite. This can be as minor or epic in scope as you desire. Starting out, you really just want a place for fans to come to grab new releases and see news about upcoming releases, new projects and recruitment, if desired and to get your new release noticed or listed on manga aggregators such as mangaupdates.
b. It is entirely possible to forgo a website/blogsite entirely and simply dump on /a/. /a/ is an image board from a certain notorious –chan site. It is a very nice avenue for releasing a chapter to gain visibility and attract fans. I would advise a mid to late evening chapter dump thread Central or Eastern US time: after most of the trolls have gone to bed.

Remember to NOT get butthurt about lack of comments or trolling. Some people will like your project, some will not. But hopefully you are scanlating because you love that manga and want to share it regardless of how many may or may not like it.

c. Get your group/site and releases listed on Mangaupdates and These will provide great exposure.

Now that concludes the essentials. You now have raws, a translated script and even tentatively thought up a blog site to post about it. Next up where be: WHERE DO YOU GO FROM HERE? You've accomplished the basics, you have a raw and a script. Now you know the basic process is , erase japanese text, and insert english text and release!

There is a bit more to those steps that we will go over next time in Part 2.

Posted by gisele_alain | Aug 7, 2011 3:05 PM | 0 comments
December 20th, 2009
The 2009 Season Winds down.

What has had that been worth a damn this year in animu? Has anything really moved you? angered you? allowed you to convert an animu fan?

This is my list. **Does NOT include the potential for RAGE INDUCING ending eps. I tried to not include a numerical order since I liked each for really different reasons.

Best of 2009

Natsu no Arashi S1-S2: A totally overlooked gem. This is a minor masterpiece about life, love, comedy, growing up, the magic of youth and the transience of it all. Sublime VA, art, music, plot and character development.

Seitokai no Ichizon Only one of a very few gag mangus that actually hold up to becoming an animu. A worth successor to Azumanga Daoih. And how can you not love Sugisaki? *DEEP revelations not withstanding*

Kemono no Soujo Erin Another unrecognized gem. Lush, deep and full of moving characters and places.

Hellsing Ultimate Everything the mangu promised us.

Denpa Teki Kanajou Holy. Shit. A mystery/psychological thriller that doesn't have a witch and "magic"?! Beautifully realized LN come to life.

Sora no Otoshimono How could you not love this? HOW COULD YOU NOT?!

Fight! Ipaptsu Juuden-chan Yes. It WAS good, and it was unbashedly ecchi beyond over the top and made no apologies for it or tried to have a DEEP plot.
did i mention, DITAMA!!!!!!!!!!! ?

Worst of 2009
none of these deserve more than cursory comments from me for obvious reasons.

Queens Blade
Kanokon OVA
Mahoromatic OVA
Haruhi S2
Princess Lover
Vallkyria Chronicles
Kiddy Girl
I could go on and on and on.

Feel free to toss me abuse and potential entries for either category!

Posted by gisele_alain | Dec 20, 2009 11:00 AM | 0 comments
September 23rd, 2009
OK. That was a skosh dramatic. Can't believe I didnt see anything about the goings on here. SO I will endeavour to leave the info in its raw format and draw only my personal conclusions.

So. Mangahelpers want to become the Crunchyroll of Mangu?

Email that MH is in a bit of denial over.
Get it before they get it taken down again.

Their Business Plan

MH's response and back-pedalling to the ensuing shitstorm.


I don't have much of a problem with the idea of paying for professionally TL'ed mangu in digital form. I have a problem with MH trying to both eliminate scanlation and sell out to the manga licentors and expect the community to smile and pony up cash, and then they act hurt and bewieldered when they get caught outright in lies and misdirection. The fact they were deleting posts on their forum w links to this material is particularly telling..

**update they stopping deleting posts w links on their forum now that everyone is aware of it. Haha.

The fallout from this will be interesting. Already ,apparently, several smallish scan groups are making announcements on their sites disowning any further relationship MH.

I did various releases on MH under another pseudonym. I will no longer do so as Viz might decide to buy the information from MH on the people contributing TLs, RAWS, and scanlations and try to SUE them. Don't think MH wouldn't sell you out in a heartbeart.

Its about THE FANS fuckwits.

Posted by gisele_alain | Sep 23, 2009 7:20 PM | 0 comments
August 24th, 2009
Princess Lover My god. The more I watch the more I'm almost convinced this is one of the best offerings of the Season! F-Cup endowed girls fighting over our newly fabulously wealthy bumbling hero. WHO WILL GET THE ROSE ON THE SAMURAI BACHLEOR. Awesome. Also: F-Cup Saber

Tokyo Magnitude 8: Here I was expecting Towering Inferno meets MICHAEL BAY's: S'PLOSIONS! How could a show about the destruction of Tokyo be so GODDAMN BORING? Is this the positive and fluffy counterpoint to Grave of the Fireflies?

Aoi Hana Dropped. Watch Maria-Sama for some entertaining Yuri Drama.

Kanamemo It has grown on me. A little. Mostly the censoring. Which I'm given to understand will be revealing in the DVD to be the ladies only in their undies. LOL Japan

Valk Chronicles: Dropped. In a word: BORING

Fight Ippatsu! Juuden-Chan!! Despite the over the top fan service, the urine laden orgasms and woman beating lead, it has been good for a few laughs and a vaguely cute story. <=Whatwhat?
Also: DITAMA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Haruhi S2 Anticlimatic. I watch in a robot fashion, neither alive nor dead.

Posted by gisele_alain | Aug 24, 2009 9:42 AM | 0 comments
It’s time to ditch the text file.
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