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April 27th, 2024
Anime Relations: Lupin III: Part III

A jewelry fair for all the states' finest jewelers is set up. The guys dig out underneath the jewelry store. They leave for the night, and outside the manhole is a kid claiming to be Lupin's son. Of course, he couldn't be, right? Around the corner, a girl appears, saying Lupin is her papa too. Even in their hideout, a baby in a basket is outside with the same letter from the mother. He starts to doubt himself, and Jigen and Goemon insist he would do something like this, but he really starts to believe it. Soon enough, Jigen and Goemon are approached by kids who claim to be their dads, too. It's a full house, so Lupin asks Fujiko to care for them. Fujiko declines; she plans to steal the jewels all on her own and doesn't want anything to get in her way. So the gang just has to steal the jewelry with the kids. Since they carved out underneath the building, they drop the floor and easily swipe all the jewelry before Fujiko can get to it, but since she's the only one left hanging, she's blamed for the robbery. Fujiko pleads at the police station that she was forced to steal them because of Lupin, but they present her with the bag she stole; they're all fakes. The jewelry owner, Mackey, requests his $8 million policy since all his jewelry was stolen. Meanwhile, the gang is back at their hideout, where Zenigata has tracked them. Zenigata is stumped to see them all with kids. Lupin tells the kids to go play outside while he deals with Zenigata. But he's in no mood to arrest them, feeling bad that he doesn't have a wife and kids; meanwhile, they all have families. They escape while he has his midlife crisis, only to find no sign of the jewelry or the kids. They conclude they were set up, meant to believe the kids were theirs, while the kids returned all the jewels back. As it turns out, Mackey had them return all his jewelry to him as well as getting the $8 million. That is until he's cut off when Goemon cuts the bridge he's on so Lupin can swipe all the money right from him.

I was expecting this episode to be pretty annoying with so many kids. I couldn't remember what I originally thought of the episode, I don't think it was negative, but I know it certainly wasn't this time. This is the most fun I've had with a part 3 episode in a while. The kids don't really do much, so you mainly see the reactions the guys all have to the kids showing up. It's really nice how compliant they are so it really doesn't interfere with the plot or become annoying. Granted, that was their job, so it makes sense. Still, I think that brought on a really fun spin to what would have been a standard episode.


The reactions the guys have to kids showing up are priceless. Lupin doubted himself, and Jigen and Goemon like, "Well, we saw this coming eventually," and I think we all did, too. What's funnier is when the kids show up for Jigen and Goemon. Jigen just falls out of his chair and asks for more coffee. It's great. There's so much catty banter between them in this episode, and that's something I've been dying for for a while.
Jigen also said Goemon looks good in drag. 🧍Hell yeah...

Zenigataaaaa my poor boy just want a family. He really was just straight up having a midlife crisis. I think I've already said this before, but I completely believe that Zenigata has the most father potential of them all. Which is weird because they even illuded to him having a wife/kid in like the 2nd episode of part 3, but we know how consistent that is. Anyway, yeah I don't have much faith at all in any of the other characters, except Zenigata. Well, as we see in Fuma Conspiracy, it's not completely unlikely.

Fujiko playing innocent certainly isn't unusual, but I feel like her whole act was a lot more played up in this episode, which made it more enjoyable to watch. She's also wearing the Cat's Eye outfit again like the last episode. I'm wondering if this is just a straight-up reference to it since Cat's Eye is another TMS property. The show was airing at the same time as Part 3, so it would definitely make a lot of sense to cross-promote. I mean, like, episode 3 of Cat's Eye had a villain named "Lupin's Bride." But this isn't the first time, anyway. Look at the crossover episode that Part 2 did with Rose of Versailles. Wouldn't it be CRAZY if Lupin and Cat's Eye ever did a crossover?!?!?!?


Their reactions are so good. The top one I love because Jigen's voice is so high pitched, I just find it very entertaining. But I love the second one for how ashamed Lupin looks LMAOO. The reactions in this episode were just amazing. And they changed the art style when that baby pulled up. They never get this dramatic, even for part 3. It seems like they had a lot of fun writing this episode.


The unasyn waving Zenigata off as he has his midlife crisis. This scene is honestly one of my favorites for the episode.
Posted by Worm_Death | Apr 27, 1:58 AM | 0 comments
April 26th, 2024
Anime Relations: Lupin III: Part III

The Queen of Monaca, Gretchen runs off a cliff after her breaks fail. Fujiko wants to seek revenge for her friend since she knows she has to have been murdered. Lupin and Fujiko believe it had to be the king and they were right. The king had his assistant Qasim to get ahold of Gretchen's Cinderella Shoe, a shoe made out of diamonds. He wants to give it to his new love interest, Julia. While they celebrate their plans for marriage, Gretchen's ghost comes to haunt them, warning the King. Julia realizes the ghost has shoes and reveals herself to be Fujiko. They warn the king they'll be coming for that shoe. The king hires Zenigata to watch over the shoe at the show he's doing. Lupin figures out the security system pretty easily and takes the shoe, but their car is rigged to explode, and they lose the shoe. Zenigata convinces the king to set up a laser camera system instead. Lupin hijacks the phone disguised as the security company and sets things up just how he wants. The gang broke in that night and ran into more trouble than they expected. Trapped in a room, the king watches and starts to have the walls crushed in on them. Luckily, Goemon cuts a hole to escape. They drain out the king's entire fortune, leaving him with nothing. As Julia leaves him, he sees Gretchen again and tells Fujiko to stop torturing him. But it's the real Gretchen. She knew the king was planning to kill her, so she had Fujiko disguised as her because she could survive a crash like that. Gretchen leaves the king, and the two ladies take the money for themselves.

Yay, finally, a not-so-so episode. I like a revenge plot, and I think this was handled really well. The king deserved everything he had coming, and I think it was done in a fun and concise way. The story is very straightforward and gets right to the point. There aren't any filler scenes, which makes the episode's pace brisk and tight.


Fujiko was awesome here. I love that she just wanted to seek revenge for a friend. I really appreciate that. See, when Fujiko's girlfriends are involved, then she means business. Mhm. Fujiko, I know what team you play for. Don't think I don't. Seriously though, this is an almost never-explored aspect of her character, so it was really great to see the lengths she'll go to get revenge from a friend.

Also, I love Gretchen's design. She's so cute and pretty. Since she spends most of the episode presumably dead, we barely get to spend any time with her, but she seems really cool; I'd totally hang out with her. I also really appreciate that she has a heavier body type, yet they don't make any offensive jokes about her and still make her look beautiful. That's something Lupin has literally never done before, so it's really great to see some actual positive representation.

Lupin letting the girls take the money was okay with me this time. I like how sincere he is about letting Gretchen have that money. While Fujiko was definitely closer to her than Lupin, they all seemed to be chummy. I think it's nice they do this to get revenge for a friend and nothing more. See, random "Lupin girls," no, I don't believe in him doing anything for them. He's an old friend, yeah. I like that; it's nice to see a connection they share outside of their gang.

ALSO, LUPIN IS TERRIBLE AT PLAYING GAMES. LMAO. I absorbed that image of their high scores like crazy. It being ranked Goemon, Jigen, Fujiko, and then Lupin from best to worst is so right I can't even begin to explain it. I like it when Goemon isn't seen as a technological idiot because, in the earlier days, he was always seen to be great at manning the vehicles and good at games. Like, I can easily see him finding his chi or something and just mastering the game like he's in some sort of trance-like state. It sounds very Goemon-esque, does it not? Jigen I think would definitely be the second best, he would be the best if Goemon didn't have godlike abilities to master anything. I think it, of course, depends on the game, too. Give them a shooter, and I think we all know who's winning that one.


I'm loving Fujiko's very, very Cat's Eye outfit for this scene, she'd fit right in! (Foreshadowing)

This castle is super stylized. Really cool painting especially with the colors too.


The Dixieland music playing during the casino scenes was really cool. I just wanted to mention it. Dixieland is really cool
Posted by Worm_Death | Apr 26, 2:16 AM | 0 comments
April 25th, 2024
Anime Relations: Lupin III: Part III

Two business giants, Vaughn and Webb are fighting for investments in Egypt. Lupin plans to steal all the money they’ve accumulated. He shows the gang an ancient pyramid and that they will get them to invest in its protection. Lupin disguises as the Ministry of Culture director and says that the pyramid must be protected because Lupin is targeting it. He asks for 1 billion euros for its protection. While Webb is obviously reluctant, he caves and agrees once the job is done. Despite the onslaught of attacks, the pyramid is safe. Vaughn hands over the papers, saying the money is his, even giving him 500 billion euros for his excellent work. Lupin signs it under the director’s name, but after 10 hours, the ink changes to say Lupin. Zenigata hauls off who he thinks to be Lupin and Jigen and leaves. That night, Jigen shoots something at the top of the pyramid, dissolving the entire thing. They leave with all the money and no pyramid to show for it.

I really had no hopes for this episode going into it with a title featuring “Insurance Claim.” Buckle up your seatbelts, kids—we’re going on a fun ride! I do think this was a fun, roundabout way to get money. I really do enjoy the whole idea of having the looming threat of Lupin be enough for investors to through their money at Lupin, that can work great. If there weren’t these weird subplots of these two oil tycoons fighting for each other, I would have enjoyed it more; if it really stuck to the concept of the pyramid, I would have been more on board, but we know how I am about any mention of money, investments, politics.


I did find it funny that Lupin said “King Gufufu” is buried here. Like basically the actual equivalent of “trololol” which I love, I love Lupin is just lying to these stupid rich old white guys’ faces. He’s great.


TEMPORARY 1ST HALF OF PART 3 ARTSYTLE đź’ĄThis episode had a lot of shots that looked a lot like that, it’s weird
Also haaaiiiii~~~ LupGoe I see you :33
Posted by Worm_Death | Apr 25, 3:00 PM | 0 comments
April 24th, 2024
Anime Relations: Lupin III: Part III

The guys use a coup at the president's house to steal his treasure. The president has already been killed by the time they arrive, so they don't know where the location actually is. While trying to escape, Jigen, disguised as the coup leader, Colonel Arnold, is shot by a woman. The coup succeeds and puts the entire country under martial law, and anyone who goes out past curfew will be killed. Jigen finds a bar where the woman is staying. Her name is Anna, and they talk. She tried to kill Colonel Arnold to rescue Domingo, the Vice President. She would have been able to take a plane back to Prague, her hometown. Meanwhile, Arnold tries to get the info on the treasure from Domingo but he won't budge. Luckily, Lupin shows up to save him before he's executed. However, Domingo just gets on a plane now that no one is stopping him from getting the entire treasury for himself. He flies off, but Lupin and Goemon chase him in a dog fight. Goemon cuts down the plane.

Eh, ok. I think the dogfight toward the end was fun, but otherwise, this episode was so-so. It did nothing wrong, and it was constantly on the edge of piquing my interest but never quite hit its mark. I was disappointed this turned into the typical Jigen love interest plot, which we've seen almost identically several times. Even down to the whole "help me get back to my country" plot. Like I know I've already spoken clearly about my dislike for Jigen love plots, but can we please do something even slightly different with that instead of this exact same thing?


Again boring Jigen love plot so there's not much I can say here that hasn't already been said. I did actually like Lupin acknowledging this more. He keeps talking about how he's in disbelief Jigen would keep a promise to a woman and keeps going on about it. Like I know they'll always make at least some comment about that, but it's really tripping Lupin out. As it should because that man is not straight.
I'm riding off the coattails of this post I saw on Tumblr today of that clip from Part 2 where that lady is dancing and winks at Jigen, and he gets all surprised, and they just captioned it with "HETEROSEXUAL BEAM," and that post is so real. That is the Jigen vibe. He is not attracted to women like, omg we need to talk about this more. Thank you, Lupin, for finally realizing the absurdity of that concept.


He's grabbing his chin so gently, aggressively happy about this. MORE, WAITER, GIVE ME MORE, MOTHER IS HUNGRY FOR MORE GAY MEN BEING GAY

Unrelated, but I liked Lupin showing off all the scars he got because I think he realistically should have a lot of scars, whether they be from injuries or surgeries from major injuries. I'm always happy when I see fanart, and literally, any of the characters have a ton of scars all over their back. It just makes sense with how much they can get beat up in one episode alone. If I have five permanent scars from shaving and my cat, then you bet they have scars ALL over them.


Transcontiental Freeway!! One of my favorites from the album is finally here. I love the bass intro that brings in the really cool keyboard. This is a more relaxed version of Hopeless Situation.
Posted by Worm_Death | Apr 24, 3:28 AM | 0 comments
April 23rd, 2024
Anime Relations: Lupin III: Part III
I'm mad that Discotek didn't take this opportunity to have a stupid pun name like Geneon's Part 2. "A Lotto Riot About" or something along those lines.


Lupin plans to steal the $500 million prize for the American Lottery. With the state-of-the-art security in place, it'll be a challenge. Tony Luckino, the host of the lottery, plans to do everything in his power to keep Lupin out and keep the money for himself. He sets up an actor to receive the winning lotto ticket, but Lupin swaps the tickets. Lupin hijacks the lottery, changing the winning lottery number and ruining the mechanics. Tony had originally planned to swap the fake money on stage with the real money in the safe below while they turned off the lights momentarily to reveal the numbers. But now that's been crushed. The stand-in and Zenigata argue over the real winner while the guys make off with the real money.

I was honestly disappointed. I feel like I remember finding this episode pretty fun the first time I watched it but honestly, I didn't really feel anything watching this. The lottery, I think, is a fun concept to work with. On paper, this episode's whole story, I think, could work great. I liken it to something like the Miami Bank Heist episode of Part 2. But most of this episode was just trying to break in with all the security. When I think that's fairly boring since we practically see that in every episode of Lupin. I would have liked the lotto to play more of an actual role than just being the setting, really. I don't know why this episode feels bigger in scale, so I wish that the plot could have been presented that way, too.


I wanted them to do more with Tony Luckino. First of all, that name sucks, and I love it. He could have been presented as a more insane villain than just some dude. I don't know I think instead of including every character in this one, they could have dedicated a bit more time to fleshing him out and making him more entertaining.
Zenigata was nice to have for this one. While he wasn't really vital, I just enjoyed his inclusion he didn't feel hamfisted in to this one even if he does take a more passive role concerning the conflict. Also I'm vibing with the tonkatsu life he wishes to live, tonkatsu is fire. Also a nickname of mine, so there's that lmao.


I love these janky-looking cats. I want all of them.

The art direction seemed extremely loose in this episode. I chose this screenshot because it really shows how weird it looked. But even in the more grounded shots, Lupin is just drawn completely differently from the typical art style.

Part 3 hasn't gotten a lot of laugh-out-loud laughs out of me, but I found this pretty funny. Zenigata's reaction to seeing the on coming train is just to good.

He is beaming with joy and delight. Jigen's happiness and eye size are unprecedented. He's a happy guy just having fun, I love him!
Posted by Worm_Death | Apr 23, 2:22 AM | 0 comments
April 22nd, 2024
Anime Relations: Lupin III: Part III

Zenigata is in charge of transporting a large sum of gold, which masked thieves stole. Zenigata knows it can't be Lupin since they're trained like military professionals. Lupin, seeing the news report, decides, why not steal the gold? Zenigata gets the knife one of them used to a specialist, and he tells him they're military numbers on it. However, the military behind it plans to unite all of Africa, turning it into the "United States of Africa." He tries to convince Jigen to join him and also frame Lupin for Zenigata's murder. Luckily, it failed, and Zenigata was only hospitalized. However, his Jigen and Goemon don't believe him. After the military targets all three of them, they realize how bad they are. They've made a gold tank, but Goemon cuts it down. Luckily, it lands right into Zenigata's hospital room to arrest them.

This episode was really booooring. I could not stay invested. I'm sorry but any talk of military has me looking the other way. I just can't stand anything to with military war stories. Yeah of course, this episode has it's usual Lupin zaniness with the whole "United States of Africa" thing, but c'mon I can easily see a politician wanting to do that in real life, these weird hypotheticals don't impress me. I just legitimately feel nothing from this episode. Moving on.


It's crazy how writers just don't know how to work Zenigata into an interesting plot. They even cut Fujiko and practically Goemon from this episode, yet they fail to create an interesting story about Zengiata almost getting assassinated. There should be something there, but the villains just feel so plain that I don't think of them as fun at all. I don't even think their names get revealed till they come crashing into Zenigata's room so that really shows how developed they were. I just couldn't be invested in the slightest.


Bro, if my grave looked like this I am going back and haunting everyone, I'm not letting anyone get away with this.
Posted by Worm_Death | Apr 22, 12:51 AM | 0 comments
April 21st, 2024
Anime Relations: Lupin III: Part III

The arm of The Little Mermaid breaks off during a violent storm, and Goemon is framed for breaking the arm. It was the tourist bureau of Denmark's plan to get in contact with Lupin so he could help rescue it. He asks for the assistance of a dolphin named Leticia. She swims to the bottom of the ocean, as instructed by Lupin, using a dolphin language translator. He gets the arm, but Fujiko swipes it before he can see what's inside it. The tourism director's assistant, Mr. Wallace, secretly works with Fujiko to get the Mermaid's Heart, a large, expensive gem he hid inside. Fujiko and Wallace celebrate the steal until Wallace plans to kill her so he can have all the money to himself. However, Lupin follows them and cracks all the glass walls around them, which are surrounded by aquariums. They had captured Leticia, and she was ready to seek revenge for harming Lupin. They manage to exit through a cave leading out to the open, where Zenigata surrounds them. Leticia gives Lupin the ultimatum that he either let himself get arrested or marry her. Jigen and Goemon force him to say yes, so he summons all her dolphin friends to attack the ships. Lupin thinks he's gotten away with the Heart until Leticia swoops him up and swims with him off into the sunset.

Okay, so talking dolphins. Interesting. Honestly, the plot itself is pretty fun. I think there's a lot of kooky action to keep the plot constantly going. It flows really well. We don't know why Goemon's being arrested, then here's Lupin with a dolphin, Fujiko flies in on a hang glider, natto explosion, just a lot of stuff going on. It's all unique and crazy, and it keeps me entertained. I'm surprised I did find it as fun since the normal person hearing "a talking dolphin falls in love with Lupin" would probably steer clear. I think I remember this episode being pretty weird on the initial watch. I don't know if I just paid better attention this time around or if my opinions since becoming a full-blooded Lupin fan have shaped that.


Yeah I don't blame Lupin for being utterly terrified of Leticia, I mean for obvious reasons. I think if any animal had the hots for me I'd book it immediately. But dude, dolphins are terrifying. I know what they do, I know what they do to humans. I am not about to have a dolphin partner. I also thought it was weird that she specifically wanted to marry Lupin, like dolphins have no social construct of marriage, it seems odd to me. She technically can't even talk since they were just using a translator, so she shouldn't really understand human constructs like that. And wow, the first Leticia, I can't believe the second one won't be a dolphin!!

Goemon is so goofy. That was a pretty good-looking Japanese dish for Denmark; I'm especially surprised Goemon likes it so much. He's even excited to try Denmark's specialty natto. And by the way, Goemon gets all mad when it explodes, calling it Japan's sacred food. When, like, I'm sorry, natto is disgusting, absolutely awful. I know a lot of Japanese people in Japan don't like it because, obviously, my opinion is gonna be biased since even though I'm Japanese, I grew up with a much more Americanized pallet; my parents thankfully never made natto. Anyway, Goemon is a goober, and I love how defensive he gets about the natto. Even when there's a visible freaking bomb, he won't let go đź’€

When Lupin says it's tough being popular and Jigen just goes "tche" I literally love bro. It seems like the most Jigen response to make. And I know it was obviously written into the script because Jigen visible makes that sound, but it feels so organic. He's not even annoyed. He's doing it in a joking tone. Lupin and Jigen's dynamic continues to trump all others.


Goemon looks so out of place in this regular court room. Custom character energy. And might I just add that he looked particularly cute here? Really, the whole episode, but when his hair flares up a bit, I think it's adorable.

Disgusting, cursed Jigen image with no beard. Someone pointed this out to me on Twitter awhile ago, so all must suffer the same pain I did.
Posted by Worm_Death | Apr 21, 2:24 AM | 1 comments
April 20th, 2024
Anime Relations: Lupin III: Part III

Lupin and Jigen break into a prison to confront an old safecracking partner of Lupin's. He took all the gold on the heist they worked on. When they reach his cell, they find out he died in his cell. Meanwhile, Zenigata noticed he's being followed by a girl named Ann. She tells Zenigata that Lupin broke into her house and killed her parents and wants him to seek revenge for her. Lupin and Jigen talk to Carlos's grandson at his funeral about the gold, but he doesn't know anything. Zenigata pops up to chase after Lupin. During the chase, Lupin runs into Ann, and she shoots Lupin but misses; Lupin shoots her and kills her. And so Zenigata vows to seek revenge for her and her family. But that grandson was Ann in disguise, working with Fujiko. She knocks Fujiko out, however, to work by herself. Lupin is confused as to why Zenigata is so determined to kill him since he knows he only shot Ann with a tranquilizer bullet. Lupin faces off against Zenigata, and Lupin is shot. Zenigata comes to regret it. But Lupin just pulled the same trick as Ann and they go steal the gold. Carlos's tombstone was made out of it. Zenigata pays his respects but sees Lupin running off with the gold.

This was a pretty good episode. I could really feel the tension rise, and Zenigata wanted to kill Lupin. It's nice because this episode had a lot of twists and turns I didn't expect. Basically, everything Ann did was unpredictable and shaped the plot, so that was good. Of course, regardless of the outcome, Lupin and Zenigata's standoff would turn out alright, but I felt tense watching their fight. Two people I root for, I never want anything bad to happen to either of them.


Fujiko finally teaming up with another girl is something I realized I need to see way more of. I know she does a long way down the line, but this was nice to see. They're both at each other's necks, but that kind of tension is way better than Fujiko seducing the same old rich businessmen.

Zenigata was so cool in this episode. I love it when they show Zenigata actually being competent and a genuinely scary force. I know whenever I see that, it harkens back to the manga. Zenigata truly is the biggest straight man of Lupin in the manga so when he can actually come off as a threat, I'm so here for it. Just seeing him break the chains on his cuffs with just his bare strength is crazy. Show me more of this Zengiata, he's freaking intense.


Wh Wha WHAAAT???
This goes so hard, are you kidding me? Zenigata got freaking tigers, dragons, and Zeus in the back to show how enraged he is. They've never had a character show rage at this caliber like ever. It's just wild to me.
Posted by Worm_Death | Apr 20, 3:23 AM | 0 comments
April 19th, 2024
Anime Relations: Lupin III: Part III

Lupin steals the Eagle of Herazade and throws it up to Fujiko on a hot air balloon, but she leaves the guys there while running off with a man named Fallon. Fallon is the prince of Herazade, but 12 years ago, Colonel Tolfa attacked the city and castle and claimed it for himself, with a highly advanced computer to guard it from anyone taking the throne from him. Fujiko and Fallon try to infiltrate it that night. Fujiko tries to locate the computer, but Lupin captures her. Fallon locates the sword inside the castle when Lupin approaches and tells him to hand over the sword, saying that the eagle and sword are worth way more together. Tolfa finds them and captures Fallon, and everyone else escapes. The next day, Fallon is tied up in front of the townspeople and will be publically executed tomorrow to show what happens if anyone tries to infiltrate the castle.
Lupin finally understood what was going on and devised a plan. He sends a bunch of false signals on the computer's radars, and the entire helicopter team is sent after it, but it turns out to just be balloons. Jigen empties all their full tanks while they slip in quietly on a hot air balloon. Lupin sends signals from all angles making the castle's turrets go haywire. Lupin sneaks into the computer room and releases a bunch of rats to chew up cords. The turrets even aim at Tolfa, so he's forced to shut them off. Allowing the gang practically free passage. They find the room with the sword, but Tolfa stops them yet again and plans to shoot them all. Fallon quickly runs up and places the Eagle on the statue, causing a bolt of lightning to strike Tolfa. A prophecy foretold that if the eagle and sword were ever separated, it would bring grave misfortune and, when reunited, restore good.

I wanted to like this episode for its grander scale. A whole coup de ta is exciting; overall, I have a positive opinion of this episode. It was okay. There are some decent investments to make in the stakes of this episode, but the climax didn't feel very special. There was a lot of interesting build-up around this episode's story, but I think the climax fizzled out. It feels like a standard Lupin climax. Lupin and the gang enter a place and wreak havoc. Which, yes, is general, so of course you can have a lot of fun with it, because that would describe Cagliostro too. But I just think that the big computer breakdown was due to a bunch of rats. They weren't even set up earlier to allude that would be the method. It just seems random. It's like the writers just threw stuff together and didn't think of how to include the plot of the castle infiltration with the rest of the plot. A bit of a shame, this episode could have been better.


I was legitimately feeling the chemistry between Fujiko and Fallon. Fallon has obviously fallen for Fujiko, but I think she has a lot of sincerity. From the setup, it seems she wanted to help Fallon with no alterior motives from the beginning. She always knew why Fallon wanted the eagle and didn't want anything after Fallon got the castle back. Of course, you could make the argument that if she were to marry him, she'd be the queen and have butt loads of money. But there's nothing tricky about the way she acts in this episode. When the gang is leaving, Fujiko seems genuinely sad to leave him, and he just says he knows she always needs a sense of adventure, and she seems great that he understands that. It's really interesting. Our girl really does have a heart. I just think it's a really refreshing take on her character. Fujiko acting genuine challenge (IMPOSSIBLE)!


Complain as I might, these rat designs are great. They're cute but also nasty and scrunggly and they look like they have New York accents and would try to sell me SCARY things like MARIHUANA!!!!!!!!!
Posted by Worm_Death | Apr 19, 2:18 AM | 0 comments
April 18th, 2024
Anime Relations: Lupin III: Part III

The gang attempts to steal 5000 kg worth of gold, but it's already been stolen by the time they arrive. Of course, they're the ones who're framed. Lupin assumes it's the thief duo, John and Mary, and tries to find them. Lupin is in the Alps, and Zenigata starts to chase him. But Zenigata ends up falling over, and Lupin goes to carry him. Zenigata tricks him and throws cuffs around him. A snowstorm hits, and Zenigata seeks refuge in a nearby cabin. Lupin realizes almost instantly that the old couple in the cabin are John and Mary. Meanwhile, Fujiko locates the cabin but is put at gunpoint by the bank's owner, Splading. Fujiko tries to convince him that they're not working together and not wrap her up with him, but they keep walking towards the cabin. Lupin reveals that the whole chimney is built with the gold. But the bank and police are here now to stop them. Lupin tosses a snowball, and it turns into a giant one, hitting the cabin and sliding down the mountain. Goemon cuts the cabin in half, letting the Lupin half diverge from the Zenigata/John and Mary/bank half. Things aren't much better for them since the cabin slides off a cliff and the entire gold chimney halls down.

This episode was really boring, I'm sorry. I don't know why, but snowed-in episodes from anything just kind of bore me (Spy x Family's chapter was the only time I found it fun). There's not a lot you can do because you're literally trapped in a cabin. I mean, the story about someone else stealing the stuff before the Lupgang has been done plenty of times already, so the combination of both things leads to nothing interesting.


The characters were also really boring honestly. None of the new characters were interesting, and the designs were super dull, nothing that made them stand out.

I did enjoy that Zenigata was more relevant but again, this episode is so bland, I don't care all that much.


The second Lupin OP! For some reason, it starts at episode 35 in the Discotek version, but at the halfway point in the version on Crunchyroll. I don't know why; it's weird. Anyway, it definitely conveys the kookier side of the latter half of Part 3, I enjoy it. I think the first one is better, but that's just personal preference.

I love these funky letters! And I'm freaking out over Goemon with the bird. I love how much of a bird guy Goemon is ARGH!!

These scenes are super cool and remind me of Part 2's second season intro.

She doing the :3
I love Fujicakes :333
Posted by Worm_Death | Apr 18, 2:15 AM | 0 comments
It’s time to ditch the text file.
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