-GundamCrazy-'s Blog

Aug 7, 2010 5:16 AM
S3-3 - The Wedding Day Curse - Part Two

Risa and I, who had finally made it back from town, walked slowly onto a blooded battlefield.....

Opened mouths and wide eyes, we both tried to take in the sight of everyone gorging on dog-food by the once serene lake-side.

Beneath the safety of our regular-parasols, we held the kittens tighter for security
But one thing that caught our eyes, was the yellow van that stood silently by the road side......

Getting just a little closer to the silent van from beneath the freezing-cold rain, we spotted the doors to the Parked Kodak van were now starting to open and
Out of curiosity, under the protection of our parasols, we gained even closer to see whoever was inside; was having a bit of trouble getting the door open.....

But as we came to stand beside the yellow-kodak-van, we watched as it slowly slid open.....

From beneath the dark-thundering cold-rain and the happy squeals of feasting guests, our hearts stopped; for the dark-black eyes of trainman glared back at us from within the blacked-out van.......

“Okaeri... ladies!”

My voice was stuck in my throat as I went to scream,
but thankfully, Risa’s voice was perfectly unaffected as she grabbed my wrist to start running “just” as aged, evil hands grasped for me from behind


Everyone turned to see me and Risa running across the slippy-grassy ground as fast as we could towards the imposing church doors.
My heart pounding as the wind grew heavier, the freezing rain continued to pour.

With chopsticks of Dogfood within their clutches, it was Toshi and Okita saw us first, and then they saw train-man making his way behind us

Grabbing the food and the elderly-parasols, everyone ran in hysteria from the train-man. Who was now walking slowly, with a dragging limp through the rain-storm, very slowly gaining towards us as everyone ran for the safety of the church.


Now safely locked inside the confined of the old, quiet church, Heisuke and sano found themselves stuck to the beautifully patterned, stained glass windows like flies upon a toffee.

Me and Risa, who were getting ready for the wedding behind the alter; away from the sight of Ero-eyes, eyes that seemed to pop up in the form of “sano” every time Heisuke pushed him from-out of the way of his colourful reflection that was upon the window’s....

But noticing we were running out of shoes to keep sano back, we hurried to get changed before he dived at us.....
For today we were determined; was going to end in a wedding...
A wedding that wasn’t going to be spoiled by the rain,
Or by any stalking, blood soaked old men.......

Apart from the ones who were eating dog food at the back of the church-pews without the aid of dentures; soaked old men and women that were once used as protection from the rain.....

But having given them the food they were once protecting, they’d become rather friendly. Apart from occasionally attacking Heisuke for their teeth back; however....he wasn’t letting go of the bag, no matter how many times he was attack with walking sticks.

On the other side of the church however, Toshi wringed his now-soaked formal kimono, Okita had started to strip before Toshi stopped him

“Oi, you can’t do that in a church!!”

Okita narrowed his eyes towards the staring old women as they took in the sight of his toned shoulder

There mouths open in a pure shock of what he was about to show.....

Heisuke pushed them over to find they were actually DEAD from the shock though.....

He laughed maniacally; thinking that “half of the ones wanting their teeth back” were now dead.
He smirked, He just had four more of them left to pop off.......

Holding tightly onto his bag of teeth, he scanned the large church for objects he could use, the autumn rain thundering down on the church roof; was lulling his brain as he finally spotted what could finish the last four off with......

“Souji-san!!!! Ignore Hijikata-san and STRIP OFF! There’s just four of em left!!!!!”

Okita was about to strip off regardless of Heisuke’s order, as he hated being wet.

But Risa could hear the sound of clothes being removed; and so she stood up to see Heisuke and Okita starting to strip


Okita turned with his hands upon his wet garments, only his toned shoulder was showing, but if Risa hadn’t shouted, he would have just pulled the kimono down to his waist.

“Ehhhhh.....? nande?”
Okita pulled the wet-black cloth back up over his shoulder at her simple request,
But he smirked.....

“Gomen na- risa-chan, I’d forgotten about only wanting me to “show you” my toned chest...gomen ne!!!”

With a blush playing upon her face.Risa fell to the cold wooden-floor back behind the alter with me
“Do I want to know?”

“hmmm..if..Souji is no good ...then....” thinking of something better.... for sano was already shirtless
Heisuke grinned and started to strip too, to add to the Ero-experience for the old men who were sitting with there silently with their eyes half-popping out in pure shock


Toshi banged his head on the stone-white-walls at the sight of the old men falling to the wooden church floor dead; almost looking like they’d been gassed

“YATTA NA!!” Heisuke threw the bag of dentures into the air, however the bag opened and for just a brief moment his eyes opened in the anticipation of great-pain as the teeth all came biting down on him

Sano laughed as Heisuke rolled on the church-floor screaming to get the teeth off him.

The copses of the old and frail smiled evilly as if revenge had been taken from beyond the grave.....

“Na, Heisuke....”


Heisuke managed to pull of one of the sets of teeth of his arm to scan the church with blazing red-eyes.....

Sano, now worried his minion was dead, started to also scan the quiet-old church to see Okita was now disappearing into the flower-covered confessional-room to change and that Toshi sat looking absently out of one of the stain glassed windows beside him, just listening to the continues cold-rain as it ran down the colourful cold-plains of stained glass..

But Sano still couldn’t see saitou...anywhere... so walking towards to heavy oak church-doors, sano opened them a little.

Upon opening the heavy doors......
The rain and wind blowing fiercely against the dark-wood, he shielded his eyes from the wet-intrusion to see saitou was absolutely soaked; standing with panda in his arms who was holding tightly onto kuma as they stood silently beneath the cold porch to the church.........

Sano stepped back to allow all three of them to enter the church silently.

“Na...Saitou.......What were you doing out there........?”

Saitou, very soggy and blushing like crazy, sat down on one of the wooden pews beside panda silently, both of them looking like they’d been up to something....

“Ah.... sano...san.....”
“Masaka..na........ you weren’t making WAFFLES?!?!!!”

Saitou chocked
Panda hastily put the mini-grill back into her pocket, trying to hide the evidence of there cooking session of making the devilish round objects.

From the commotion caused on the other side of the church, Toshi looked over absently to see saitou was being accused of the same thing he had been originally accused of.

He smiled warmly, but as he glanced over, he noticed Risa and me had stood up from behind the flower-decorated alter......

He stood up slowly in shock to see me dressed in a white wedding kimono; my bouquet of delicate pastel-coloured flowers within my hands. But my eyes upon the floor in embarrassment.

But knowing he was looking at me, I looked up and as our eyes connected, we blushed.

Risa pushed me gently forward as I was like a deer frozen within headlight.......

I looked over my shoulder and she smiled.

Its time.......


The church was full of childish talk of waffles and the elderly as me and Risa held onto the kittens, which had now woken up from being kept in Risa’s-coat pocket, safe and warm from the rainfall.

As we held onto the tiny fluff balls softly, Souji went back to sleep in mine but Toshizou was sat playing with Risa’s fingers as she tried her best to hold onto him and though we were distracted; we didn’t however, not notice that Toshi was refusing to look at us as we stood behind him from across the walk-way

Though the curiosity must have been killing him to turn around, we saw that he’d decided to nervously sit waiting on the first pew at the bottom of the isle alone....

I was starting to feel nervous myself....., knowing that in just a few moments.... that we’d be married..... I blushed and closed my eyes to just concentrate on the echoing sounds of rainfall coming from high above.

Risa smiled and nudged me as she heard the confessional-doors open.

It was time to start.

As I opened my eyes, the music started playing softly in the background and to everyone’s horror, Okita had re-appeared.....


With Risa by my side, and the kittens now running on forward down the isle before us. We found we were heading slowly towards Toshi who was now waiting, a faint blush upon his profile every time he made eye contact.

With every footstep we took upon the red carpet, we knew we were not only gaining closer to Toshi...but also to a flaming....yellow...banana

Souji smirked as he put his priest hat on......
Crossing his chest in honour to the attack-man photo that was hung like Jesus above us,
Okita turned back to us to smile happily at Toshi who was feeling rather faint

He just couldn’t quite understand ... why.....?

As we passed them, sano Heisuke, panda and saitou were yelling and applauding the Secret-Ero on finally becoming a man.

Words that made the person in question want to throw something
But he sighed and shut off to it all before he attacked them.

As we heard the shouting from the deranged, yet blissfully happy foursome, we noticed that they were all now sitting upon the dead old people from earlier as they were complaining wooden-pews should be banned as they were hard on the behind.

They looked happy though...... and they were being recycled.....
So I smiled warily upon the sight, but as I passed them I’d realised we’d already walked to the front of the alter to stand beside Toshi......

I swallowed hard.

However, as I stood beside my about-to-become husband, we both found that the flaming yellow banana in front of us; was distracting us, so Risa decided to go talk to it.

“Souji...take it off......”
“I can’t, I’m naked underneath!!!” He whispered
Risa blushed.
Souji smirked
“I can take it off if you want?”, he breathed
“No....keep it on......”

With a triumphant smile, Souji felt the power of a priest running through his veins as Risa took to standing behind us, picking up the kittens, she hugged them all.... trying not to think about Okita and his chosen outfit....or lack of what lay beneath......

Realising even Risa couldn’t change Okita, we sighed, but nether the less... we accepted him as he started reading from his ero-hon

Toshi cleared his voice in seeing the open ero-hon before us....
Okita looked at the cover

“Oto, gomen ne, Hijikata-san, you’ve had enough of being Ero for one day, ne?!”
Toshi narrowed his eyes

“Ah, Gomen, gomen!!” throwing the ero-hon to sano, who was now reading it,
Okita finally pulled out the real book, and he soon started to read.

“We’re gathered here, some wet, some not.
To bring Hijikata-san the Ero
And GC the accomplice, to get married!”

Risa rubbed at her forehead.
“Anyone who doesn’t want it to happen should keep it to themselves for I’ll kill anyone who wants to interrupt!”
Okita glared above the holy-book to see Heisuke putting his hand slowly back-down.....

Looking back at the pages that he was half-reading, he smirked

“Ne, its time for home truths, of course you realise GC, that your marring a monster ne?”

Okita, yellow banana and all whispered in my ear,

“He’s really quite ero, dai you ne?!”

I blushed, toshi glared at him with half a smile.

Souji smiled back and stepped back knowing Toshi was going to shout if he continued.
Not that he minded, but if he shouted, attack-man, who was dangling suspiciously above there heads, would fall and kill him if he did....and ...well.....he didn’t really want that.....

With Okita giving me the hint with his eyes; that it was time to take hands, I handed Risa my bouquet, the two kittens naturally decided to lay on top of the delicate flowers like rings upon a velvet cushion....

But with my hands now being free.....Toshi took mine softly within his own.
We blushed as we stood before each other in silence.

Heisuke and sano were sharing dog food in anticipation;
Saitou, panda and kuma were sharing hidden-waffles;
All of them sat in silence as they watched-on from upon the corpses.

The entire church fell silent under the heavy rain that was continuing to fall upon the roof above.

But while looking into Toshi’s eyes, I smiled warmly.

“Toshi.... we’ve been though hell and back because of sano.....”
The man in question smiled proudly, wiping his tear-filed eyes on Sano-tan 2

“Through the effects of “gain and loss”... mainly loss, though.... ” I smiled softly.
“But... in spite of all the nightmares we all hold dearly onto, they made me realise that I want to stand beside you, to protect you, just as you’ve protected me..... all this time.....
I cannot come close to ever matching the strength you’ve given me.... but...
I want to try....for your someone I couldn’t ever replace within my life.....”

Toshi stood speechless before me. His deep violet eyes calling to me from beneath the sound of thundering rain.

As moments passed Okita coughed, scratching his electric-yellow tights as he did.

Toshi closed his violet eyes for a moment to think.
As they softly reopened, he held my hands a little tighter.

Though there were times when I never thought we’d make it alive long enough to come to this stage of life.... I decided... that I’ve finally become prepared to take on the role as your husband......” Toshi’s eyes grew darker
“To forever, continue to protect you from sano.... from the evil that he is and those who surround him. To forever hold....just you......to forever protect.... just you.....”

I could feel the tears threatening to fall from his barely-whispered words....
But sano and Heisuke standing up and clapping made me smile instead


“I haven’t done anything yet....”
Toshi rubbed at his forehead.


Okita smirked.

Toshi looked at him with an uneasy smile and Okita smirked as he went back to his book.

“Do you take Hijikata-san to be your Ero-filled husband?”

I blushed.
With slight nervousness, I placed the gold-band Risa passed me; softly upon Toshi’s wedding-finger

“And the Ero known as HIJIKATA-SAN!”, Okita tried not to laugh at the straight face Toshi was trying to keep

“Do you take GC to be your waffle-accepting wife?”

“....ah.....” repeating the same, effortless action, Toshi slipped the simple ring upon my own finger, holding my hands tightly afterwards.

“Then you may become Ero! In the reassuring gaze of Attack-man
You may kiss your bride!”

As we grew closer to each other, Risa went to hug Okita for such a sweet ceremony. Taking his priest hat and putting it on her own head, but everyone watched-on as we finally became..... man and wife.....

As we parted, I could hear nothing other then clapping and wolf whistles as the rain thundered down to add to the echoing within the church.

We looked at each other with embarrassed smiles, and then towards Okita and Risa behind us as Risa started to drag Okita to the confessional room to go get changed back into clothes that should be dry by now.....

And then towards the pews; where sano cried into sano-tan 2 and Heisuke cried into an old-dead woman.

Panda, though she looked slightly disappointed that her own wedding hadn’t gone so smoothly but she smiled and clapped with kuma in her arms, saitou who was hugging them both from behind, also clapped.

As we were about to walk back down the isle, we thought things couldn’t get any more perfect.... that was until the one thing we had all forgotten.....came back......


As we walked down the aisle, we were about to throw the bouquet towards Sano and his gang of happy fruitcakes, when the church doors flew open,

In shock, everyone turned towards the open doors, towards the sound of deafening rain as it thundered down even louder, the fierce, cold wind now pushing the thousands of tiny droplets into the now-cold church entrance....

A lone, dark figure...stood with his head bowed, the water dripped down from his aged white hair onto the dark-wooden floor below.....

It was time.. for the final confrontation,......

Toshi pushed me behind him and Okita, now back in his kimono, appeared beside Risa who had been waiting outside in order to protect the door from outside from the old people who were starting to wake up......

Upon seeing train-man, Risa picked up the kittens and hugged them close in protection, the priest hat still on her head for safe keeping.....

The train-man raised his face to everyone, his leg still held behind him with a limp,
His tired hands holding the doors open as the wind and harsh rain blew-in around him....

“Hijikata-san isn’t it.........?”
Toshi pulled out his flashlight.
Okita pulled out a Dango stick
Risa ducked down behind Okita to hide behind one of the pews with the kittens
Heisuke hugged his old-dead women
Sano read his ero-hon
Saitou hugged panda.
Panda hugged Kuma
And I.... hid behind Toshi

Train man smirked
“You kill my family, my yappy dog...”
The dog was still dead by his feet with a blushing-grin on its face.

“You ruined my birthday and the memory of my wife who died......
and yet... here you are all getting married as if this morning never happened?”

Toshi knew he was just jealous.....

“Ano na..... it wasn’t my fault you saw..... me...like that.!!”
Toshi looked at the church walls with a blush at “image” train-man was referring to.

“Then who should i blame........??”

Toshi put back his torch as the old train-man fell to his knees, but as he did, the church doors closed, trapping his limp leg in the door.

“Ah FOR GO..SAKE..!!”
Heisuke laughed
Sano laughed
Train man looked up and they bit their lips trying to stay quiet

“Ano na.... train-man.... but its Kodak you should blame.... not me.....”

Toshi sighed as I looked over his shoulder to see train-man had released his leg.

But upon trying to stand, the church doors re-opened. This time pushing the poor man forwards head-on into the chair lined with waking-corpse-pillows.

Train-man cried as he kissed the nearly-dead.
“My brethren.... what did they do to you??!!”

“Stole there teeth and killed them with manly-nakedness??!”
Sano slapped Heisuke and stared at him from the fear of being attack by the agitated train-man

“But its TRUE! DA!”
Sano slapped his forehead as the old train-man got to his feet looking rather pale.

But, as we thought about it, he was fifty... had suffered five-heart attacks in the space of one morning, run over and now walked with a limp from a broken leg..... the man seems to be rather fit for a fifty year old na?.... considering what he’d been through.......

But as we were all staring at train-man with analysing eyes...almost as if we were all feeling sorry for him, we all finally decided to notice the one who had re-opened the doors.... was none other then....

He smirked and pushed back his glasses as a streak of lightning blew up the tables outside.

Miri spotted sano and blushed as she lowered the light-blue umbrella she held.

Kazama looked around the church to see everyone he ever hated; standing before him

“Miri, next time we bring petrol!”
“Hai. Kazama-sensei!”
Writing down in her book “petrol for church” she took out a packet of cookies to eat.

Kazama looked down with jealousy

Miri offered him one and he took one with a slight blush
For cookies are as evilly-Ero as waffles are after all!

“Na.... HIJIKATA!”, Kazama licked his cookie in jest.

“I heard you’ve become quiet the man-dog!
According to sano and our ero-filled discussion with me this morning, I’ve planned something that will suit you and benefit me in the making.
See it as a gift you flea bitten mongrel!!”

“Arigatou na, Kazama san yo...” Toshi glared at the Ero-Dr as he pushed his glasses back

“But instead of putting you down like the filthy dog you are. I merely came here to find “this moron””

Kazama looked down at the train man with smiling-contempt

Trainman hugged his dead dog.
“What do you want?”

“Ah, what do I want? I want my photos back!”
Trainman looked like he was in shock

Kazama pulled out the packet of photos that had arrived earlier to reveal they were full of fluffy kitten photos; he wasn’t amused......

“I don’t care what you do in the horror-filled-darkness of your own perverse home,
But when you mix my photos of Ero-ness with kittens, then I start to get angry, do I make myself clear. While appreciate the ammo you gave me earlier, I wont rest from wanting you dead until you hand over “my” photos!”.

Trainman sighed and pulled out the compromising photos.
Kazama’s eyes lit up in tingly happiness

Though trainman had thought that he’d gotten away with making the swap in-order to get the same kind of revenge on Toshi after becoming “one of them”
He smiled, for He’d. Become...a Kodak-man......a job you may only get once you’ve been run over by them....kind of like a vampire, but this time you get a mobile killing device to save the energy you need to attack your victims with....

But he wasn’t insane... he knew that it would never have been that simple.......
But after realising that he’d still gotten his revenge by using this Kazama-man, he sighed and begrudgingly gave the images back, for they contained photos of a particular round treat.....

With his mission complete, the fluffy-kitten photos flew back in the direction of train man as Kazama and Miri turned to leave.

Kazama turned back to see that I was about to throw the bouquet.
Toshi grinned.

Just as the large bouquet flew into the air, in slow motion three people were seen flying at it like superman

Pushing down trainman to get leverage, Miri grasped at the spinning bouquet.
Risa flew from the back of the church to grasp at it and Heisuke and his old women jumped, but missed; which caused Heisuke to land on top of the pillow-corpses; screaming in horror.

But the entire room soon fell silent; apart from the cold-rain; as Risa and Miri both ended up with half a delicate-bouquet in their hands

Upon seeing this though

Okita ran for the protection of the confessional room. And sano, much smarter then that, screamed and jumped through the church window.

But knowing the flowers would look nice on the table and that running was futile. Risa and Miri, smiled smugly.

Putting her half of bouquet under her lab-coat, Miri smirked.

“Kazama-sensei... shall we?”
“Ah, the sooner I get these under lock and key the better......I don’t want the chefs getting hold of them.....”
With a deep blush upon his cheeks and ignoring the fact his intern had other things playing on her mind, they left the church beneath the protection of there umbrella of evil.


As everyone watched them leave beneath the dark-cold rain, trainman; we found, was the next one to make a run for it...a run with a slow limp.....


Toshi looked up at the man who was back in the doors, his eyes looking out to the falling rain.....

“Many happy returns..........”

Rather speechless he walked into the rain... back to his van...

“...Arigatou..na......” though he’d never thought those words would leave the old mans lips, he couldn’t help but feel worried about them; for the tone he’d used to say them with was laced with resentment......

But as the day was drawing to a close, Toshi saw no other option then to leave the church too; he no longer wanted to be out in the rain... he wanted to get dry and get home......

So, with an arm wrapped around my own, everyone started to walk out of the church into the rainfall.

Heisuke, sano, panda and saitou shared old-people-parasols back to the theme park...
Old people that were wide awake, but to shocked to move from there ordeal of the day.....

And Toshi hid me beneath his black-kimono sleeve.
Risa, putting the bouquet in her bag. Went to the back of the church to pull Okita out of the confessional room.
Putting the kittens back into the warmth and safety of her coat pockets, and upon successfully dragging Okita back out, he sighed as if he’d accepted his fate...
A fate that Risa was blissfully unaware of... for all she wanted was Okita to stay with her and the flowers for her table......

However, as Souji looked at those flowers that were peeping from above her open bag.... the cold feeling of something completely different was crossing his mind as he wrapped an arm around her...

“Hai. Souji?”
Risa started to look confused s to why Okita was looking rather embarrassed
“eei...its Nothing.... “
Risa looked at him as if they were speaking with their eyes....
But patting her head, Okita insisted that they silently join everyone else at the front of the church.....
It’d be something they’d talk about at a later date, for now, he needed to think about a plan.....

But as Okita and Risa joined us standing by the entrance, I thought to myself that we’d never make it out of this church in one piece, but as we all made a run for home. I realised it had worked out relatively well.... apart from all the mental damage.. of course....

As our feet crossed puddle-filled grass beneath the cold rainfall,
From the protection of a Kodak-van, a hand curled into a fist upon the steering wheel.

An aged man started to plan on getting back his train-photo... the one he’d never actually asked for. His head banged the steering wheel.....
“why didn’t I just ask for it.......?”

Closing his tired dark-ringed eyes, he refused to even think about doing something simple like that... not after going through all this pain......

Meanwhile, as he thought of nothing other then revenge, we ran beneath the cold-rain, for at the moment in time, we were all happily ignorant about him.....
As Sano and his Muppets ran into the freezing waters of the lake to drown

As me, Toshi, Risa and Okita ran for home, we all couldn’t shake the feeling of knowing this wouldn’t be the end of the man who had haunted us all day.....
Not by a long shot.......

But it was no time to think about that, for we were getting far too wet to even think about the deranged man any longer..... Even if we all did end up feeling sorry for him.....

But despite the trouble involved.... today..... Id become someone new.....
I’d become Toshi’s wife......


Upon wishing us well and warning us to stay away from anything ero, we Waved to Okita and Risa as we passed them, noticing that he now had her picked up and was running home quicker to get out of the rain to somewhere dry and a lot warmer.

But as we made it home ourselves... we noticed the front-door was still open.
And as we ran into the house from out of the rain, we both stood there... eye-to-eye with a wild-black and very large....beast.....

Approaching the beast standing in the front room. Toshi reached to read the note attached to his mane, ....while the black beast in question ate the furniture....

“He’s Murasaki da.....He’s yours...demo ne, feed him.
Before he eats everything you own.
Don’t worry i starved him so he would!
You enjoy being given things to moan about after all!
Consider it my gift to you.....Hijikata-san......
Congratulations..... You Ero-waffle-eating photo-fiend!
~Okita Souji & Risa~

As Toshi let the letter slip from his hand; I walked up to the huge black stallion as he lay down on the floor; part of the sofa-contents being chewed within his mouth.....

The beast, as he looked at Toshi with dark brown eyes.... was here to stay.....
he sure wasn’t prepared to move... for he growled every time Toshi tried to retrieve his sofa

“What do you think you are? Inu ka?!
I smiled as the beat continued to chew
“It’s Okita’s.... I’m surprised he doesn’t think he’s human.....”

“Heh....Give it time.....” Toshi smirked and ignoring the horse in the front room, he retreated to the kitchen to start making dinner.

Patting Murasaki upon his head, I got up to shut the front door as the entire house was starting to freeze.

But taking one last look out of the door, I could see the cold autumn rain was still pouring down from the heavens upon the quiet town of Kyoto....

But through the cold, darkening wind and rain.... to my shock, I saw a photo that I never thought id ever see......

I blushed deeply upon seeing what was..... my honeymoon photo.....
A simple ero photo that my entire day had revolved around...

I lent my head against the white door, a door still decorated in voodoo-dolls that Okita had added like a family, but instead of removing the lovingly placed dolls. ...
All I could do, was take in the beauty before me....

For there... before me and the entire town of Kyoto; stood Toshi’s nearly-naked photo of himself; enlarged to the size of the entire twenty-story hospital building-face......

His toned-semi-naked body was causing so many people to collapse and die outside the hospital doors; that the nurses were working like crazy to ship them inside in order to experiment on.......

And there, on the twentieth floor, a visage of the head of the hospital; laughing with evil could be seen holding golden images, for today, his hospital had became the busiest it’d ever become!

With a blush, I softly closed out the dreadful cold rain and thus closing a day that was my wedding day.....
“Arigatou....Kazama-sensei......” I whispered.....

But as I started to become distracted by what id just seen,
A simple hand beckoned me to the kitchen.

The sounds of Heisuke and Sano fainting from outside the letterbox could be heard soon after,

For that night, Toshi made me a woman

This time,

He made me waffles!

~~The End~~
3rd august 2010

Waffles lol this had to be the “only” ff I’ve ever written, that ended up having three complete-different openings to it and a completely different version written for it too! Maybe its because for one, this ff revolved around me and in all honesty, I found it rather hard to write because of that X3
But I really quite enjoyed it X3 most of what’s written is based on true stories XD the train-man incident being one of them! XD omg, I never thought he’d turn out so evil, but in a strange way, I’m glad Toshi did so much damage XD but Kazama gaining from it was probably my fave bit X3
That and Kodak getting what they deserve thanks to the old people of kyoto :3 XDDDDD i hope there were bits you enjoyed, for that’s all S3 is about XD I know I enjoyed it! XD Train-man’s confrontation will ALWAYS be my fave scene in this ff XD but aww, my wedding bit to >//< I cannot tell you how hard that was to write XD
But arigatou na, for reading :3 if you really enjoyed it, please let me know XD i LOVE hearing peoples opinions!! :3 –GundamCrazy- X3
Posted by -GundamCrazy- | Aug 7, 2010 5:16 AM | Add a comment
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