ZettaiRyouiki's Blog

Jun 27, 2013 3:17 AM
Anime Relations: Working!!, Working'!!
It’s not very funny…

Dammit, me, just because the Pokémon Gen 1 narrator is out of a job doesn’t mean he can handle this. I should send him to talk about Bigglymuffs again.

: Hey, Zettai, we just got this on the mall!

Awesome, Mikoto’s report! *reads it* Guess!

: Nervous but otherwise normal.

Good job! Have a cookie! Wait, I ate them all, sorry.

: Idiot.

Sorry! Anyway, this is the last Thursday in a month, so sooner or latter…

Aitsoh: Hello, Zettai.


Aitsoh: What a casual answer. Fine by me! I am the reason rape doujinshi of dommy girls exist! I created shipping wars! I make the adaptations that disfavor characters! I am none other than…

: And my name is “Hostia” backwards, which is a slang t-t-term for a smack or thud in Spanish!

I know that!

: Now! Write my b-b-blog so we can fight!

How hasty! Fine then! Have at you!

: Them’s fighting words!


Inami’s hair is short. It’s not even a particularly cute short, it’s just short. On top of that it’s orange; aside from some exceptions like Anaru, orange hair rarely means good things on my end. There’s exactly one good thing I can say about Inami’s hair and that’s her hair decs are cute. Even THAT has negative points attached to it because the main guy giving her decs lead to one of the worst episodes in the series. Inami is terrible.
Grade: C-

While orange hair is bad, orange eyes are pretty nice, and having them match her hair color never hurts! I prefer tsurime tho, but I suppose tareme fits with the character type she’s kinda implied to be. Because the truth is different. Inami is terrible.
Grade: A-


As always MAL has measurements I cannot find any proof of being real, so once again all I have is eyeballing and divining. Anyway Inami is actually sorta okay here too: she has a small-ish body, though not as much as Poplar or Aoi, and a flat chest, which she of course is mocked for in an attempt to get our pity. Sadly the rest of her body is not spectacular otherwise, other than her crazy arm strength. Inami is terrible.
Grade: B

While Inami is an ass we never see her butt, so this cannot be accurately gauged. Not surprising given the near lack of fanservice, but still. Inami is terrible.
Grade: D

Inami hasn’t worn many outfits, but there is some variety. The one we see her most often in is her waitress uniform, which is kind of cute with the apron and such but otherwise nothing extraordinary, kinda plain compared to other anime waitresses. To be fair it’s a family restaurant and it’s mean to be realistic and blahblahblah, but still. She’s also often seen in her school uniform, a blazer one with a tie which I kinda like. Sadly it’s a blue-ish green tone that isn’t all that great but not horrible either. Other than that there are her “casual” clothes and pajamas, all cute but nothing special, and the one time she worn dog ears and tail. I’d make an obvious joke here, but I won’t so picture the joke in your minds. Official art has some extra outfits, like a yukata, but nothing top tier. Oh, yeah, there’s the one time she worn Souta’s waiter uniform! When she found out she freaked out and tore it to pieces, yet no harm came out of it despite being the only waiter uniform they had and in fact Souta was somehow wearing it in the very next scene with no explanation. Inami is terrible.
Grade: B-


Oh boy.

Inami is a horrible, horrible character. There are almost no positive or redeeming traits about her person, while she’s full to the brim of flaws and horrible qualities. Let us start by saying she’s a Bokodere, a term coined to describe her. Boko means “Thud” and refers to her punching habit, not to Bartz Klauser’s awesome companion. Dere is the same as always. Basically it means she ends hitting people and feeling bad about it. See, Inami suffers androphobia or fear of men, which means she hits guys whenever they are on sight. This is not cute or endearing at all. It would be fine if she wasn’t mean to be pitiable and the show merely pretended this was funny, which is not but whatever. Nope, in one of the most obvious and extreme cases of writer bias ever, Inami is constantly talked up and supported whenever she hits an innocent man, even though clearly the guy is the victim here. This is a sharp contrast on the treatment every single other character gets, where they’re always called out for whatever dumb trait they happen to have. Inami instead gets away with a lot of crap, and in the off chance someone goes “Hey, hold on, why the hell is she getting away with breaking my nose when my silly trait is treated as terrible” THEY get called out, because how does someone dare to be bothered by receiving a super-punch to the face. Seriously, Inami’s punches break freaking walls, getting hit by her is no freaking joke.

Then there’s her relationship with Souta, the main guy. I’ll go in-deep for the libido section, but to summarize is easily one of the worst couples I’ve ever seen. No, really, Bella and Edward look reasonable next to this. It’s that bad. Even worse because they introduce a guy perfect for her so she could go with him and Souta would go with the girls he likes and is perfect with her, but nooooo.

Back to her schilling, Inami also gets a disproportionate amount of screentime on a series that is otherwise pretty balanced. Aside from getting the most scenes overall she basically has several episodes for herself in both seasons, steals the focus on several character episodes for no reason and even gets an ED all for herself because. Oh yeah, when I said the characters favor her, I mean in this one episode she manages somehow to go 24 days without punching men, presumably by hiding in the broom’s closet. When she then gets pushed next to a man she instantly tries to punch it, but another guy stops her fist by throwing Aoi’s teddy bear in the way. Somehow, that makes everyone act like she didn’t try to hit anyone and like she’s getting better, when SHE IS NOT!

Right, because her androphobia is an illness, yet she doesn’t visit a psychiatric so she can get better like normal people. Ha-ha, no, she works in a family restaurant. It’s not WORKING, hurr durr. In fact we find out said illness is a childhood trauma from her dad telling her men are beasts. This could be a sympathetic moment for Inami, if it wasn’t because the same episode that reveals this has Inami randomly forcing Souta to dress as a woman, even though HE has a crossdressing trauma caused by his older sisters. However, while the show tries to sell us Inami’s trauma as The Saddest Thing That Has Happened To Anyone Ever, Souta’s trauma is meant to be humorous and at no point we are meant to feel bad for him, even though his situation is no different from that of Inami. Forgive me for not feeling bad for hypocrisy.

The worst part, however, is that Inami is massively popular. She won a popularity contest in the manga author’s website, is second in fanart to Poplar and is not first presumably because Poplar is likable busty while Inami is flat, and a large amount of viewers are just as bad as the in-series characters in defending her against all logic or reason. If you remember my Ume blog three weeks, her series aired at the same at the second season of Inami’s, yet Ume was being chastised as a “man-hater” when she was more of a dom while the REAL man-hater was praised and favored. Double standard doesn’t even begin to describe this. To be fair Inami does have more vocal haters than other characters, but compared to the amount of blind fanboys they’re peanuts.

In conclusion, Inami is easily one of the worst anime characters even conceived, and the sad part is this could be simply fixed by actually giving us reasons to feel bad for her. Really, her supposedly traumatic past and her jerk dad are never heard of again after that one episode, and even there they’re mostly a bit note, while the main guy’s trauma is shown fairly often because her rude older sisters are semi-regulars. Similarly, is hard to feel bad for Inami since her situation is not that common and kinda “alien” for many viewers, and again they never detail her feelings much, while it’s very easy to side with the guy who gets hit all the time for no reason as we can all understand how annoying that would be. Alternately, the author could’ve realized he’s writing a freaking gag manga and trying to shoehorn drama in it wouldn’t work, in which case he should’ve done a light novel series instead if he wanted to tell us about Inami’s traumatic story so much he didn’t care about the rest of his more likable cast. Inami is terrible
Grade: D-

There is exactly one good thing about Inami, and is the fact she’s essentially devoted to the guy she likes. Otherwise she’s awful at this, too. Not only she falls in love with Souta for the most random of reasons, but the show tries to constantly tell us how pure and devoted is her love and how much of a meanie Souta is for not being nice to her, as if he had any reason to be nice to the woman who punches him all the freaking time. The worst part about this, however, is how backwards it is: Souta does MANY things for Inami, while Inami does jack squat for him. Let’s make a tally, shall we?

Doesn’t quit his job, sue his boss or poison Inami despite all the pain he gets.
Gives Inami hair decs and compliments her on them.
Bought a “magic hand” so they could sorta walk together.
Dresses in drag for Inami despite being his childhood trauma, only because Inami said he should so his dad didn’t know “Takanashi” was a guy when they could’ve had a girl say she was Takanashi, something the series itself admits.
Calls out Inami’s dad when he gets all smug.
Went on a date with Inami, just to help her.
Tries to train himself on learning to compliment Inami.
Randomly goes from hating her for being violent to hating her for being older as he has a trauma regarding his older sisters.
Randomly tries to compliment her.
Randomly starts liking her once she shows up with Aoi’s brother.
Randomly asks for her phone number.
Randomly decides he likes her more than Poplar.

Punches Souta all the freaking time.
Ruined Souta’s chances to be with the girl he really likes.
Punches Souta whenever they met.
Forced Souta to crossdress in spite of knowing he has a trauma with that.
Punches Souta in the face a lot.
Did not defend Souta when the other characters mocked his “trap” self.
Punches Souta every single day.
Broke Souta’s magic hand.
Punches Souta really, really hard.
Did not defend Souta when Aoi’s brother tried to harm him.
Punches Souta with her iron fists.
Broke Souta’s only waiter outfit because.
Punches Souta for no reason.
Might have caused brain damage to him and that’s why he starts randomly favoring her as stated above.
Worst of all, she punches Souta.

…Yeah. What was that about Inami being a kind girl and Souta being mean to Inami for no reason again? Thought so. Inami is terrible.
Grade: D

Stated to be 17 and in her second year of high school. She actually does worse than expected here because of her relationship with Souta. Not because he’s younger than her, but because he LOATHES women older than him for a very good reason and yet still he randomly falls in love with her with no explanation of how her got over that or anything actually resembling reason or logic. Inami is terrible.
Grade: B

Saki Fujita’s voice is rather cute, she works well for the shy girl we’re meant to assume Inami is. Sadly she has very few roles aside from Punchmaniac here, with one of them being Tomoki from Sora no Otoshimono when he turns into a girl. Genderswap is awful, so not surprising Inami is linked to it somehow. After all, Inami is terrible!
Grade: B-

Total: 49 (C)

: Hey, for all you ragged on her she still got 5 more points than Sena.

Both are pretty terrible to be fair. Inami just pulls more varied crap and is presented as one of the most sympathetic characters in the series, while Sena is just showing off her udders and being praised for it; she must love her visits to 2ch.

: I don’t agree with s-s-some of these points… But this is not the moment for that! Bring your g-g-g-girls and fight! This time there are no wacky challenges, just f-f-fight to death!

Huh? Is there a reason for that? How dull.

: None that concerns you! I just feel s-s-sure on my power.

You don’t look “s-s-sure” to me.

: Shut up!

Alright, alright. *Ume, Yozora and Ranka show up* Ume, you take care of her yourself. Yozora and Ranka cannot fight so they will stay in the bench. Chiaki, stay at my side. Zettai, keep your cool. I don’t wanna! Screw you, keep it!

: Fine… *sits back* You better win, Ume!

: We believe in you, Ume! *sits back as well*

: Leave this to me. Are you man enough to fight me?

: Anyone who opposes me will be destroyed! SHORYUKEN! *unleashes a mighty rising punch at Ume*

: *is sent back by the fist* Not bad! TATSUMAKI SENPUUKYAKU! *gives Inami several whirlwind kicks*

: Strong… But I cannot lose! RISING KNUCKLE! *quickly lifts her arms, then delivers a mighty charging punch that sends Ume back*

: *charges back* Why? Why are you fighting? GENOCIDE CUTTER! *spinkicks Inami*

: That hurt… But I won’t answer to you! I cannot! SPINNING CLOTHESLINE! *spins on her base to punch Ume several times*

: If you don’t wanna talk… Then I’ll force a reply out of you! FLASH KICK! *sends Inami back with a rising kick*

: That is… if you defeat me! *dashes at Ume* FALCOOOOOOON… *suddenly slides so she’s directly under Ume* …PUUUUUNCH! *sends Inami flying off thanks to the enormous mighty fist*


: No way!

: You’re not a warrior, you’re a beginner! *notices something in the sky* Huh!?

: I am the strongest woman in the world! *comes crashing down from above* INAZUMAAAAAAAAA KIIIIIIIIIIIIIICK! *dropkicks Inami with incredible force, causing a cloud of dust to form*

: Puff puff grunt! *once the dust settles off both Inami and Ume are in their underwear, though both happen to be missing most of the back of their panties, so their asses are on plain sight* How can you be so resilient? It’s like my steel-like fists do nothing to you!

: I eat four meals a day! This time you won't be so lucky, you rapscallion!*Ume and Inami continue alternating kicks and punches, their butts jiggling on the wind*

Hey, Chiaki… Where did Yozora and Ranka go?

: Beats me.

: (This fight is going on for too long… I’m getting tired, but it’s like she’s not budging an inch! Just what in the world motivates her like THAT?)

: CORKSCREW PUNCH! *sends Ume flying off with a rotating fist*

: Humph! *brakes by pressing her feet hard on the ground* Will you talk if you fall defeated?

: That won’t h-h-happen!

: Oh, really? *suddenly a VF-25 Messiah in plane mode soars the skies* Because you didn’t say anything about making this a FAIR fight, you know!

: But... But…

: Hello, Zettai! I brought this!

: And I’m piloting this thanks to Rika!

: Now, Yozora, fire the MDE Warheads!

: Yes sir! *presses the “MDE WARHEADS” button, thus launching two missiles at Inami*

: Better get out of dodge! *does so*


Did… Did we win?

: The dust is fading…! *Inami is still standing up, clearly hurt but still very much ready to fight* How!?

: I cannot lose…! Not until HE is safe…!

Who’s he? I’m getting tired of all this cryptic pussyfooting around proper terms. Talk!

: Why should I? You’re my enemy! You hate me!

Oh, I do hate you, but I’m not your enemy. I just love complaining, but I don’t mean girls any harm. Who do you think I am, a femdom hater?

: You…!

Seems you just had a wrong idea of me. Now will you talk?

: *turns her head away* No way!

Come on, I can’t help you if you won’t talk. I promise to help you, no matter what.

: D-D-Do you mean it?

I’d never lie to a flat-chested girl! Or to any other kind of girl for that matter!

: You seem legit… Fine then! I don’t have a lot of time to talk, so listen well! That goes for all of you!

: Sure, my job is helping others.

: Like it or not I end helping everyone…

: Please, tell us!

: Oh, me too.. Right, please talk!

: Thank you… Now, here’s it: Do you know the reason the Five Maidens of Ruin were established?

To fight me, right?

: Right, but why? It wasn’t because you dislike us! In fact, I never cared about that, and neither did the rest. Except Sena, but she’s petty like that.

Then what?

: All five of us were being blackmailed on fighting you, Zettai! Keitarou, Kobato, Saki, Touma and… *tears up a little* …even Takanashi were taken away… We had to kill you or they’d die… That’s why… All of this happened…


: Impossible!

: So that’s why we haven’t seen Kobato…!

: That’s… That’s horrible…

: Reaction!

That’s why you were all so nervous… But wait, who took them away? Who would hate me so much to do such an elaborate plan to get rid of me?

: That…

Can’t you tell us?

Posted by ZettaiRyouiki | Jun 27, 2013 3:17 AM | Add a comment
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