elc1247's Blog

Mar 28, 2009 9:28 PM
Random stuff


fuck... seriously... the main stream religions are the some of the most evil things to exist on this planet, they make it possible to label actions that cause mass suffering as righteous without a proper reason... and most disallow any questioning of their rules and teachings... yes im talking about Christianity/Islam/Judaism. but Christianity is one of the most retarded regions of the three, they think of themselves as righteous paladins who are saving the world from suffering, when they are causing much of the suffering and misunderstandings in the world themselves. if only they can step back and view what the hell they are REALLY doing. its been shown that the least religious countries are actually the most advanced(Japan, UK for example), while you have the highly religious countries in the bottom tier(Afghanistan for example, its the 4th poorest country in the world)... the USA is a lumbering retarded giant and its about to get toppled by the rest of the world unless they smarten up.

there are many stances on topics that are just ridiculous if you just stand back and take a neutral look at them. take sex and violence for example, Christians generally believe that sex and violence are very touchy subjects, however, what is there to be embarrassed about when it comes to sex and violence? sex is a normal part of human relationships, would anyone be embarrassed to cheer a friend up? or give them a pat on the back? or even give them a hug? its ridiculous that most Christians sequester their children from sex and many kids grow up confused or oblivious as to their views on sex and their sexuality. violence is another thing, take video games as an example. its ridiculous to think that any sane semi-intelligent person would think that cutting up or shooting real people is appropriate in real-life. and if you think about it, killing, or violence in general is a normal part of life. lets face it, people get hurt, and people obviously will die.
what things should be like is: its normal to talk about sex, nothing to really be embarrassed about hell, you may even find someone with similar tastes, it should be like talking about food, "oh im in to this..." or "any ideas you got?". should you really be embarrassed about who you truly are? violence should be a normal fact of life as well. when faced with their own mortality, most religious people will either talk to their imaginary friends and tell them to save them, or will fight it believing that they have the right to live on forever. of course everyone is afraid of death, but its what makes life, life. you wont live forever, once you accept that, you can truly deal with it. though inflicting violence is wrong, its not wrong because a book says its wrong or your priest says so, it should be that you realize that violence, even though it solves the immediate problem, it raises even more, and often worse problems.

oh... and Buddhism is more of a lifestyle then a religion, most dont take time to study ridiculous scriptures or act like sociopathic self-righteous fools that many religious people are...

you wont get what you want forever by bullying others and acting like a spoiled brat.

for my stance on religion, I think that it shouldnt be a factor in who a person is, i dont even think it should even exist, without it, it would me MUCH easier to understand others. the word "atheist" shouldnt even exist because its like saying that you are a non-believer that Elvis is still alive... it doesnt make any sense, most atheists just dont give a shit about religion and would love to have the religious zealots wipe themselves out, then we could cross out one more problem with the world that needed to be taken care of before the human race could advance as a whole.

I will make it a goal of mine to eliminate as much ignorance, xenophobia, and serious religion following as possible from the USA and possibly the world.

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Jizz in my Pants

Depressing Facts
More then 60% of the population in the USA shares less then 6% of the nation's wealth.

The average CEO in the USA makes 450 times more then their average employee (compare that to 10-20 times more in countries like the UK, Japan, and France).

The gap between the rich and non-rich has increased in the USA and is the largest in its history as of now.

Most Americans tend to vote against their own interests.

Japan is a very xenophobic society.

The most common form of discrimination is passive acceptance of the system that upholds it.
Posted by elc1247 | Mar 28, 2009 9:28 PM | 3 comments
bacchi | Mar 23, 2010 10:42 AM
I received religious instruction since I was a child at primary then secondary school, I believe in God, in life after death and other things, but just because one is religious doesn't make them ignorant, brain washed or extremist, that's very stereotyped. I apply reason to decide for myself whether something is wrong or right, otherwise, why would people have brains ? To blindly adopt any religion is not a good thing to do, and causing suffering, conflicts and wars between nations in the name of religion is intolerable, why would anyone care about what others believe in ? It's a personal choice, it doesn't concern anyone other than you. About topics such as sex or violence, I received sexual education at school and at home, religion never stipulated it should be a taboo subject, here, where I live, a lot of people feel uncomfortable talking about sex because of deep-rooted cultural values, in fact, most of them are old and aren't really that religious, practice is prohibated, but that's really personal, people who don't care about this and choose another way are still living amongst a mostly religious community, but are not bullied or rejected. I live with Jews, Muslims, Christians and even some atheists (rare though), but no one's trying to impose anything to anyone, we go to the same schools and share the same daily life with no problem, we live our lives and let others live theirs as they wish & everyone's minding their own business. Seriously, I'm a bit tired of seeing people labelling religious persons as ignorant, retarded, extremists, etc. You can't lump them all together, there are some really narrow-minded people out there, but they aren't a majority. Giving religious people the same label of being insular and ignorant (whether it be by atheists or believers of a different religion) is just the same as denigrating atheists in my opinion, both attitudes are quite intolerant and lake of understanding, trying to eliminate a part is not a solution, people should believe or not whatever they want, keep it to themselves and not bother others with it, although this remains difficult and we're unfortunatelly far from it.
kielus | Apr 14, 2009 12:22 PM
cheers, knight-errant there.
Jisasu-no-Hime | Mar 29, 2009 2:54 AM
Religion is brain washing!
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