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April 12th, 2024
I'm writing this post as a tribute to Studio Ghibli anime.

I became passionate about Studio Ghibli after hearing about Howl's Moving Castle thanks to my partner, after finding a book about this anime in her room and asking her what was all about. Until then I personally had never really been interested as I was still inclined to follow the 80s series a lot far more than anime films.

After seeing Howl's Moving Castle, however, I profoundly changed my mind and since then it has been an escalation that has led me to discover almost all of Hayao Miyazaki and Isao Takahata's anime, along with many more titles from other authors, such as of course (this is an easy guess), Makoto Shinkai.

It goes without saying how much the animation style of Studio Ghibli is capable to appear elegant, satisfying and how much in each frame you can breathe the great passion of these masters and their team of artists, often accompanied by pleasant soundtracks and a great characterization of both the main protagonists and various secondary characters.

It is also fascinating how the topics adopted to define the various plots of Studio Ghibli's anime are the most disparate and do not necessarily follow much more consolidated clichés, passing from relaxed atmospheres in the countryside with fantasy elements, up to tragic moments from periods like Second World War.

Of my favourites, we certainly have the great classics Howl's Moving Castle, to which obviously I need to add Princess Mononoke as well as Spirited Away, with its super iconic no-face character.

But the list doesn't end here as I also need to mention another great masterpiece by Isao Takahata, The Tale of Princess Kaguya, with its incredible pastel effect combined with the simplicity of the story itself which represents a small, one-of-a-kind work of art.

Or again, what even about the touching and tragic Grave of the Fireflies, a movie about Second World War depicting the harsh survival conditions to which population had been subjected, which every leader who wishes to take part to a war should first ensure to watch, in order to really get an idea about the pain and struggle that a war can really cause to people and especially to children (if you watch it, be prepared to get your eyes in tears).

It is also impossible to forget about the relaxed and serene atmosphere of the beautiful Totoro, with its enchanting landscapes and its iconic characters, including Totoro himself or the Cat Bus. Or how I couldn't mention the exceptional illustration of purely social related situations, so maturely depicted in works like The Wind Rises and From Up to Poppy Hill.

Why not, let's also add to this list the adrenalinic beautiful scenes of the adventure Laputa: The Castle in the Sky or the serene and almost Christmas-like atmosphere of the relaxing KiKi's Delivery Service and Whispers of the Heart titles.

The list is still long, but for now I can stop here. I hope one day to be able to visit the Studio Ghibli museum internally. I went in the past to the beautiful Mitaka neighborhood in Tokyo, and I was able to enjoy the Studio Ghibli museum from outside after a nice bike ride through the beautiful Musashino district and surrounding suburbs during the cherry blossom, but unfortunately I was unable to book a ticket in advance and we were not allowed to access it.......It doesn't matter, it will be a good excuse to return to Japan once again to visit this amazing sanctuary of Japanese animation!

Our current Studio Ghibli collection includes a Howl's Moving Castle artbook and Studio Ghibli Limited Edition Steelbooks by Gkids/Shout! Factory and Lucky Red of the following movies: Howl's Moving Castle, Spirted Away, Princess Mononoke, Kiki's Delivery Service, Totoro, Tale of Princess Kaguya, From Up to Poppy Hill, Whisper of the Heart, Grave of the Fireflies and Castle in the Sky.

Thanks for reading!
Posted by Mur-CuoreDiVirgo | Apr 12, 5:25 AM | 0 comments
April 11th, 2024
Anime Relations: Death Note
I still remember when I first saw Death Note. I had a bit of a desire to entertain myself with a good intriguing thriller, even though I was initially planning to start a movie series, not an anime. It was then that someone suggested me instead to try this anime and I immediately fell in love with it right after the very first episodes.

To begin, it's hard in Death Note to forget about the simple but effective soundtrack which perfectly matches the rhythm and it's capable of creating the right atmosphere across the various scenes that flow on the screen.

Same is for the narrative voice of Light, the exceptional character of L, so curious, bizarre but at the same time fascinating, Light himself as his main antagonist, as well as the various shinigami characters.

The tension is often high, either because critical events happen, or because throughout the episodes, the watcher assists to a continuos challenge between the main characters in an attempt to unveil new clues and defeat their own opponent in order to preveal by often maintaining the atmosphere in the air on a razor's edge, a factor which contributes to motivate the watcher to see the next episode in order to get the answers to all open questions as soon as possible.

Even the ending it's on the epic side, with its somewhat severe, just, and somewhat sad conclusion, with a quite touching scene which will fix forever the memory of this anime in the mind of the watcher.

Everything is set in a wonderfully painted Tokyo, with a tone halfway between scholastic and a slightly dark and mysterious urban tone that I really appreciated.

Ultimately, another anime that I carry in my heart and that I have seen and seen again with great pleasure.

Our collection currently includes Death Note series in blu-ray box, the full Death Note movie trilogy box in blu-ray, Death Note L statue by ABYStyle, the Death Note full series DVD box, a keychain with L letter and the Death Note notebook replica.

Thanks for reading!
Posted by Mur-CuoreDiVirgo | Apr 11, 12:19 AM | 0 comments
April 9th, 2024
Anime Relations: Great Teacher Onizuka
I'm writing this post as a personal tribute to one of the most funny, emotional and life lessons teaching anime I have ever watched, GTO - Great Teacher Onizuka.

I can't express enough the number of hilarious, entertaining, and sometimes even emotional and heartwarming moments that GTO was able to offer me.

A continuous twist of emotions that alternates between hilarious and heart touching scenes that keeps you sticked to the screen for the entire time.

I've been also lucky since the Italian dubbing is particularly beautiful, thanks to the excellent work of Onizuka's voice actor, Massimo d'Ambrosio.

Onizuka is a very young but truly special teacher and life master. In his heart, he has the dream of becoming a great professor in order to pick up as many young girls as possible, and initially he makes everyone at school despise him. But in reality and over time he proves to be a person of great experience, capable of always helping his students to get out of difficult and uncomfortable situations, to the point of slowly gaining the respect and sympathy of each of them.

One of the scenes that I will always carry in my heart is the crazy jump into the void in front of a gorgeous sunset with the motorbike together with his student girl Urumi Kanzaki in order to show her that you cannot be invincible and that everyone will experience fear sooner or later.

Not to forget the hilarious scene in which Onizuka imitates Kenshiro with the seven stars carefully depicted on his chest with a black pen, or the one in which he dresses like Doraemon! =)

In addition, I will never, ever forget the amazing atmosphere of the Japanese neighborhoods of Tokyo, the very romantic Inokashira park which I was also lucky enough to visit in person during my trip to Japan in the Musashino district, and the views of the school complex, with that persistent air of freedom and innocence typical of adolescence, constantly undermined however by serious problems of bullying and difficult family relationships, which Onizuka will somehow try to resolve for all his young students in difficulty.

In conclusion, an anime which is worth to watch and rewatch many times....Thank you so much "profeZZore" (italian watchers will understand)...I'll always bring you inside my heart!

Our collection about G.T.O. Great teacher Onizuka includes the complete manga of the main series and the complete DVD box of the full main anime series by Dynit.
Thanks for reading!
Posted by Mur-CuoreDiVirgo | Apr 9, 8:54 AM | 0 comments
April 6th, 2024
Anime Relations: Samurai Champloo
I'm writing this post as a tribute to one of my all-time favorite anime, Samurai Champloo.

I can't express enough how much this anime emotionally enticed me, making me feel like I was part of the protagonists trio of Jin, Mugen and Fuu. Most of the time, I had the impression I was taking part to an emotional and romantic journey across the ancient Japan of Edo period, perceiving all those small but intense sensations that characterize this country so much.

In this anime, that special japanese vibe is all there, being it an exceptionally depicted sunset with the sound of Japanese crows in the distance, the typical whistle of Japanese black kite birds, and those characteristic landscapes enriched by the Japanese architecture of that time.

The anime itself follows a basic plot whereby the trio is looking for the so-called samurai who smells of sunflowers, even if in the end there is no a real plot development, but rather each episode represents a sort of sub-story itself, somewhat similarly to Cowboy Bebop (which is by the same author, Shinichirō Watanabe).

In addition to the exceptional atmosphere, the soundtrack itself is really memorable, composed by various talented authors, including the legendary Nujabes, considered by many to be the father of the modern Lo-Fi music, as well as some others including Fat Jon, Force of Nature and Shinji "Tsutchie" Tsuchida, with the contribution of Shing02 as the rapper of Battlecry, the opening theme.

In addition to this, the dialogues are quite strong and intense, with some occasional vulgarity that keeps the viewer's attention and the general tension in the air quite high.

Samurai Champloo will always remain in my heart, aside from being also the only anime for which perhaps I have never skipped the opening theme even once, thanks to the beautiful and unforgettable opening song Battlecry.....

I therefore close this tribute post on the notes and lyrics of the first riff and chorus of this fantastic song.......

Yeah, sharp like an edge of a samurai sword,
The mental blade cut through flesh and bone,

Though my mind's at peace,
The world out of order,
Missing the inner heat, life gets colder,

Oh yes, I have to find my path,
No less, walk on earth, water, and fire,
The elements compose a magnum opus,
My modus operandi is amalgam,

Steel packed tight in microchip,
On my armor a sign of all-pro,
The ultimate reward is honor, not awards,
At odds with the times in wards with no lords,

A freelancer, a battlecry of a hawk,
Make a dove fly and a tear dry,
Wonder why a lone wolf don't run with a clan,
Only trust your instincts and be one with the plan,

Some days, some nights,
Some live, some die,

In the way of the samurai,
Some fight, some bleed,
Sun up to sun down,

The sons of a battlecry.....

Our current Samurai Champloo collection includes a copy of the full series DVD box by Dynit and a limited edition Samurai Champloo blu-ray steelbook by the UK MVM with postcards and the beautiful blu-ray printed with a cool LP Long Playing effect.

Thanks for reading!
Posted by Mur-CuoreDiVirgo | Apr 6, 11:52 AM | 0 comments
Anime Relations: Maison Ikkoku
Maison Ikkoku is an anime which is very special and dear to me, since it has been one of my very first romantic series of my childhood in the '80s, and one which really allowed me to develope my nowadays great love for Japan and in general everything from japanese culture.

I still recall with how much pathos I followed the story and hoped the best for his protagonist Yusaku Godai in his quest to conquest the heart of his beloved Kyoko Otonashi, and how much I hoped for a good conclusion. The entire anime had an incredible peaceful and romantic atmosphere, by depicting so well that period of time in Japan throughout its suburbs of Tokyo.

Her author, Rumiko Takahashi, is a master in depicting places with great atmosphere, by providing the right amount of emphasis to those details capable to accentuate the vibe and feeling of a place, like for example a depiction of a nice sunset, some moments of calm and silence with a sudden train passing by while sounding its horn, and great panoramic views from high view points, not talking about the typical japanese spring scenes with petals from cherry blossom flying in the wind.

In general, all the main characters feel phenomenal and very nicely represented, including the great Yotsuya, Ichinose, Akemi and the Yusaku antagonist Shun Mitaka, by letting the watcher immersing in the maison itself and feeling part of it. The general graphic style is simple and essential, typical of that period, but quite effective in providing the right amount of immersion.

The story itself is nicely depicted, with a continuous alternated twist of very funny and hilarious moments which allow to keep the attention always at a good level, alternated to more serious, painful and romantic moments full of ambiguous situations which will continuously put at stake the reputation and relationship of Yusaku with Kyoko, who struggles to develope the right interest and attention toward what, at least initally, appears to be just a "not so reliable"young boy who just started only recently to make a living and get something good out of his life, starting from his initial (and very complicated) plan to succesfully terminate the university.

In conclusion, if today I'm still here spending my time with anime and manga, it's certainly thanks for a good part to this beautiful masterpiece, which, I'm glad to know it, still today maintain its respectable position in the Top Anime Chart of My Anime List.

As for the romantic anime genre, Maison Ikkoku is a series and a milestone which I'll never forget about. I'm thus very glad and proud to own both a full copy of the anime and the manga.

Our current Maison Ikkoku (Cara Dolce Kyoko) collection includes a full series DVD limited edition memorial box by Yamato Video and the full Maison Ikkoku manga series in Perfect Edition by Star Comics.

Cheers and thanks for reading!
Posted by Mur-CuoreDiVirgo | Apr 6, 6:25 AM | 0 comments
April 5th, 2024
I'm writing this post as a tribute to a mecha series I loved very much, Mobile Suit Gundam, for which I own a small collection of HG gunpla models I had some fun in building and customizing a bit with the help of some basic techniques, including panel lining, repainting and use of decals to enrich a bit the fine details.

I particularly got interested in the UC - Universal Century series thanks to the seriousness of the plot which is based on top of some complex political concepts which allow the watcher to reflect on the severity and importance of human war conflicts, in a way that it's even hard to eventually establish which faction is on the right or the bad side.

I also appreciated very much Mobile Suite Gundam for the great realism with which mecha robots are depicted and imagined, without falling into the usual and typical addition of special powers of other anime of this genre, where even the concept of "mecha as a justice hero" is too much noticeable and quite unrealistic.

I thus hope with this brief post to leave a trace of my enjoyment for Mobile Suit Gundam series, especially in regard to the original one 0079 with protagonist the RX-78-2 mecha piloted by the legendary Amuro Ray, as well as Gundam Z piloted by Kamille Bidan, 0083 Stardust Memory with the great and young pilot Kou Uraki, as well as RX-0 Unicorn piloted by Banagher Links. Not to mention aside from EFSF, the other phenomenal pilots and characters from the other faction Zeon, including for sure the legendary Red Comet Char Aznable, Anavel Gato and Full Frontal.


Here below I start with the legendary RX-78-2 in version HG 1/144 gunpla, with the version on the left being the 30th anniversary edition, customized with some repainting, decals and panel lining.

In the centre instead, a second version with the application of a hand made cel-shading anime effect through additional panel lining along all single edges plus some further white painted areas to simulate reflections, in order to obtain an anime-like effect.

Finally, In the right image a different pose of the same model of the left image, this time put inside a special gundam action base produced by Bandai which looks like a maintenance cage which sometimes can be also observed in the anime itself:


Here instead is my tribute to what is probably my most favorite series ever, Stardust Memory, with its Top-Gun like feeling and its amazing mecha GP-01 in version from the left, RX78-GP01 Zephyranthes, RX78-GP01-FB Full Burnern (Full Vernian) in the middle, and the RX78-GP03 Stamen on the right image, all piloted by Kou Uraki. Again all in HG 1/144 version customized with panel lining, decals, hand repainting and some chromed parts:

MOBILE SUIT GUNDAM 0087: Z & Char's CounterAttack

Here instead are the Gundam Z Lightning version and the Gundam A-Z version, 2 special HG 1/144 versions of the original Gundam MSZ-006 of the anime Mobile Suit Gundam Z, along with a special version of the RX-93 Nu-Gundam piloted by Amuro Ray from Char's Counterattack movie, called Gundam HI-NU RX-93-v2 Vrabe (part of the HGBF series), all of them again customized where possible with some handmade repainting, panel lining, decals and some chromed parts.


And lastly, here is the so popular Unicorn Gundam RX-0 for which an awesome full-size statue has been also placed in Odaiba island in Tokyo. In this case it's a HG1/144 green coloured full-armor version, including tons of weapons and a huge backpack with 2 long propulsors. In this case a special customized action base from Bandai was also added in order to better display the model. Again, some custom decals, panel lining, manual repainting and chromed parts were added.

Hope you have enjoyed my post and if you have any question about my gunpla models feel free to leave me a message on Facebook (you can find my Facebook profile link here in Myanimelist page).
Thanks for reading!

Posted by Mur-CuoreDiVirgo | Apr 5, 12:27 PM | 0 comments
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