I really wish I could rate this higher because I enjoyed it for the most part but the last episode was so bad that it ruined the entire season for me. Why did nobody so much as even acknowledge that Omodaka's entire plan was to kidnap and RAPE his SISTER? Why did they make Rangui out to be the villain when this guy is literally the poster child for evil? They just forgave him and teamed up with him to defeat a woman who was basically just his minion. Even though he was gonna fucking rape Zakuro! I get this is an anime for chicks so obviously cutie pie main villain gets to be redeemed at the end and sexy evil seductress lady is mean and awful and has to die. But seeing Agemaki just forgive Omodaka was such a slap to the face. He ratted his own mother out and ruined her life and then tried to marry his sister, but they writers turn around and say that he actually felt really bad the whole time and we should feel bad for him cause he's just misunderstood. It's fucking ridiculous I hate shoujo