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Chapters: 2024, Volumes: 27, Days: 12.51, Mean Score: 5.2, Score Dev.: -1.90 More stats
#Image Manga Title Score Chapters Volumes Type Genre Demogr. Publish Start Publish End
1 'Til Debt Do Us Part
3 / 72
- / -
Manhwa Romance 09-14-20 12-27-21
2 1 Plus 1
1 / 52
- / -
Manhwa Romance 05-04-19 04-11-20
3 10 Dance Publishing
Does the plot get anywhere... I came for the bl, not the sport (sry)
20 / -
- / -
Manga Boys Love, Drama Seinen 12-09-11
4 A Man of Virtue
10 / 131
- / -
Manhwa Boys Love, Erotica 01-25-18 01-07-21
5 A Physical Education
30 / 53
- / -
Manhwa Boys Love, Erotica 11-22-20 03-05-22
6 A Talented Maid Publishing
34 / -
- / -
Manhwa Fantasy, Romance 07-29-19
7 A Tender Heart: The Story of How I Became a Duke's Maid
20 / 20
- / 6
Manhwa Fantasy, Romance 08-07-19 03-01-22
8 A Whirlwind Campus Affair
FL too annoying
20 / 96
- / -
Manhwa Romance 01-13-22 01-04-24
9 AKB0048: Episode 0
3 / 29
- / 7
Manga Drama Shoujo 12-28-11 11-02-13
10 All 'Cause I'm Cute
3 / 50
- / -
Manhwa Boys Love, Comedy, Erotica 10-11-23 08-21-24
11 Ashita wa Docchi da! Publishing
12 / -
1 / -
Manga Boys Love, Erotica 03-31-15
12 Back to You
10 / 115
- / 12
Manhwa Drama, Romance, Supernatural 01-03-20 03-06-22
13 Bane of My Existence
7 / 42
- / -
Manhwa Boys Love, Comedy, Sci-Fi, Erotica 12-17-21 04-10-23
14 Black Bird
72 / 84
- / 18
Manga Action, Award Winning, Drama, Romance, Supernatural Shoujo 07-13-06 12-13-12
15 Boku no Hero Academia
95 / 432
- / 42
Manga Action Shounen 07-07-14 08-05-24
16 Caste Heaven
15 / 48
- / 8
Manga Boys Love, Drama, Erotica 03-07-14 08-06-21
17 Crush and Burn Publishing
10 / -
- / -
Manhwa Boys Love, Drama, Supernatural, Erotica 12-17-20
18 Darling for Dessert
50 / 73
- / -
Manhwa Boys Love, Erotica 09-30-20 03-05-22
19 Days of Hana
5 / 113
- / -
Manhwa Drama, Romance, Supernatural 04-05-17 07-03-19
20 Dice
30 / 388
- / -
Manhwa Action, Drama, Fantasy 05-18-13 07-17-21
21 Doctor Elise: The Royal Lady with the Lamp
85 / 156
- / -
Manhwa Fantasy, Romance 09-18-17 04-09-24
22 False Confession Publishing
10 / -
- / -
Manhwa Fantasy, Romance 10-31-19
23 God of Bath
3 / 30
- / 3
Manhwa Comedy, Drama, Slice of Life 07-14-11 02-16-12
24 Henai Detection
2 / 6
- / 1
Manga Boys Love, Erotica 05-31-19 01-31-20
25 How to Snag an Alpha
25 / 107
- / -
Manhwa Boys Love, Erotica 04-12-19 06-05-22
26 I Am the Real One Publishing
- / -
10 / -
Manhwa Fantasy, Romance 09-30-20
27 I Wasn't the Cinderella Publishing
20 / -
- / -
Manhwa Drama, Fantasy 09-15-21
28 I Woke Up as the Ugly Duckling
20 / 132
- / -
Manhwa Fantasy 12-07-20 12-18-23
29 Insecret
3 / 105
- / -
Manhwa Boys Love, Erotica 03-12-20 12-30-22
30 J no Subete
Too dark for my liking
2 / 16
- / 3
Manga Boys Love, Drama, Romance, Erotica 00-00-04 00-00-06
31 Jingjiu
Everyone loves this series but both leads are honestly so annoying imsry
110 / 161
- / -
Manhua Boys Love, Drama 10-02-19 03-09-23
32 Kill the Villainess
27 / 102
- / -
Manhwa Drama, Fantasy 04-02-21 01-01-24
33 Killing Stalking
This series was just traumatic - I'll admit it held my interest for a bit, but the actual kidnapping, chin slashing, and stuff, was just not it.
40 / 67
- / 8
Manhwa Boys Love, Drama, Horror, Erotica 03-03-16 03-22-19
34 Lady Baby Publishing
20 / -
- / -
Manhwa Fantasy, Mystery 09-07-18
35 Lessons in Lust
8 / 41
- / -
Manhwa Boys Love, Erotica 05-17-20 02-06-21
36 Lethal Romance
It’s fine, just personal taste - don’t love this type of comedy
21 / 54
- / -
Manhwa Action, Comedy, Romance 04-23-20 03-29-21
37 Louis 16-sei ni Tensei shiteshimata Ore wa France Kakumei wo Zenryoku de Soshi shite Antoinette to Suenagaku Oshiawase ni Kurashitai Publishing
Why are we here? Blame Denji. It's honestly weird but decent ig. Don't think I plan on reading more so dropped but I could be convinced for the meme
5 / -
- / -
Manga Comedy, Romance 04-25-21
38 Love Remedy Publishing
21 / -
- / -
Manhwa Boys Love, Erotica 07-09-24
39 Lucia Publishing
20 / -
- / -
Manhwa Drama, Fantasy, Romance 03-28-19
40 Mad Dog
4 / 51
- / -
Manhwa Boys Love, Drama 06-17-21 04-27-23
41 Majo no Geboku to Maou no Tsuno
1 / 94
- / 16
Manga Comedy, Fantasy Shounen 04-12-14 12-10-21
42 Midnight Men Publishing
5 / -
- / -
Manhwa Boys Love, Erotica 12-09-21
43 Moritat
20 / 53
- / -
Manhwa Boys Love, Suspense 10-04-15 03-14-17
44 My Suha
90 / 170
- / -
Manhwa Boys Love, Erotica 06-24-19 10-17-24
45 My Unexpected Marriage Publishing
58 / -
- / -
Manhwa Drama, Fantasy, Romance 02-24-22
46 Naruto
250 / 700
- / 72
Manga Action, Adventure, Fantasy Shounen 09-21-99 11-10-14
47 Operation: True Love Publishing
So sorry Santa 😭 I tried to like it but the FL is such a piece of sh*t >_> the ML deserves so much better.
24 / -
- / -
Manhwa Romance, Supernatural 04-08-22
48 Painter of the Night Publishing
All toxic prons >:(
- / -
10 / -
Manhwa Boys Love, Erotica 05-14-19
49 Priscilla's Marriage Proposal
might try it again but idk
5 / 130
- / -
Manhwa Fantasy, Romance 01-22-20 01-24-23
50 Que Sera, Sera!
1 / 71
- / -
Manhwa Romance 12-06-15 03-19-17
51 Revenge on the Real One Publishing
20 / -
- / -
Manhwa Drama, Fantasy 08-09-22
52 Revolutionary Princess Eve Publishing
- / -
- / -
Manhwa Drama, Fantasy 03-13-21
53 Runway de Waratte
2 / 194
- / 22
Manga Drama Shounen 05-31-17 07-14-21
54 Screengrab Publishing
1 / -
- / -
Manhwa Supernatural, Erotica 09-03-20
55 Sixth Sense Kiss
25 / 97
- / -
Manhwa Romance 04-17-21 03-17-23
56 Solitary Lady
Started out good but nothing happened after so many god damn chapters
100 / 125
- / -
Manhwa Drama, Fantasy, Romance 04-30-21 12-08-23
57 Steel Under Silk Publishing
2 / -
- / -
Manhwa Boys Love, Drama, Erotica 03-22-22
58 Taboo Tattoo
9 / 80
- / 13
Manga Action Seinen 11-27-09 06-27-17
59 Tadaima, Okaeri Publishing
Better in anime form.
7 / -
1 / -
Manga Boys Love, Slice of Life 11-24-15
60 Tempters On Hiatus
2 / 30
- / -
Manhwa Boys Love, Erotica 09-19-20 12-25-20
61 The Bride of the Water God
10 / 176
- / 24
Manhwa Drama, Fantasy, Romance Shoujo 10-17-07 00-00-14
62 The Detective of Muiella
5 / 163
- / -
Manhwa Mystery, Romance 08-03-17 08-19-21
63 The Dragon King's Bride
The FL is god annoying - one of those innocent till death types zzzz
40 / 100
- / -
Manhwa Fantasy, Romance 12-29-22 10-17-24
64 The Heiress's Double Life Publishing
30 / -
- / -
Manhwa Fantasy, Romance 10-14-21
65 The Ki Sisters Publishing
Someone could convince me otherwise but it’s just not my type of humor.
2 / -
- / -
Manhwa Comedy 04-03-24
66 The Little Lady Behind the Villain Publishing
35 / -
- / -
Manhwa Fantasy 09-02-22
67 The Siren: Becoming the Villain's Family Publishing
10 / -
- / -
Manhwa Drama, Fantasy, Romance 12-26-21
68 The Soulless Duchess Publishing
20 / -
- / -
Manhwa Fantasy, Romance 11-18-19
69 The Sweetest Man
26 / -
- / 11
Manhwa Boys Love, Supernatural 05-12-15 03-20-20
70 The Twins' New Life
76 / 159
- / -
Manhwa Fantasy 05-31-20 11-14-23
71 The Villainess Tames the Beast Publishing
10 / -
- / -
Manhwa Fantasy, Romance 06-24-22
72 The Wilting Light On Hiatus
2 / 25
- / -
Manhwa Boys Love, Fantasy 08-19-18 02-10-19
73 The World's Strongest Are Obsessed With Me Publishing
25 / -
- / -
Manhwa Fantasy 09-30-21
74 There Must Be Happy Endings
10 / 112
- / -
Manhwa Romance 04-23-21 05-12-23
75 Trinity Seven: 7-nin no Mashotsukai Publishing
54 / -
- / -
Manga Action, Comedy, Fantasy, Romance, Ecchi Shounen 12-09-10
76 True Beauty
30 / 257
- / 19
Manhwa Comedy, Drama, Romance 04-03-18 04-10-23
77 Tsuiraku JK to Haijin Kyoushi
Not into school stories, esp not high school student x teacher. Not a huge fan of how they’re both basically dark comedy/depressed personalities too.
8 / 141
- / 20
Manga Comedy, Drama, Romance Shoujo 07-20-17 06-05-24
78 Turn Off the Camera!
30 / 99
- / -
Manhwa Boys Love, Erotica 08-21-20 03-31-23
79 Villain with a Crush
30 / 124
- / -
Manhwa Romance 07-20-22 02-05-25
80 What It Takes to Be a Villainess
10 / 164
- / -
Manhwa Fantasy, Romance 01-31-18 04-18-21
81 Wife After Love
20 / 87
- / -
Manhwa Romance 10-03-20 08-25-21
82 Your Secret Keeper
3 / 41
- / -
Manhwa Erotica 04-28-21 02-05-22
83 Your Throne Publishing
- / -
5 / -
Manhwa Drama, Fantasy, Romance 01-06-20
84 Yours to Claim
20 / 109
- / -
Manhwa Boys Love, Erotica 04-02-20 03-14-24