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TV: 38, OVA: 0, Movies: 0, Spcl.: 0, Eps: 761, Days: 12.70, Mean Score: 3.9, Score Dev.: -3.77 More stats
#Image Anime Title Score Type Progress Studios Air Start Air End Rated
1 Beelzebub
6 TV
11 / 60
Pierrot Plus 09-01-11 25-03-12 PG-13
2 Black Bullet
5 TV
3 / 13
Kinema Citrus, Orange 08-04-14 01-07-14 R
3 Black Lagoon
5 TV
6 / 12
Madhouse 09-04-06 25-06-06 R
4 Blue Lock
5 TV
4 / 24
8bit 09-10-22 26-03-23 PG-13
5 Darker than Black: Kuro no Keiyakusha
- TV
4 / 25
Bones 06-04-07 28-09-07 R
6 Dungeon ni Deai wo Motomeru no wa Machigatteiru Darou ka Gaiden: Sword Oratoria
3 TV
2 / 12
J.C.Staff 15-04-17 01-07-17 PG-13
7 Edens Zero
4 TV
12 / 25
J.C.Staff 11-04-21 03-10-21 PG-13
8 Eizouken ni wa Te wo Dasu na!
4 TV
2 / 12
Science SARU 06-01-20 23-03-20 PG-13
9 Ergo Proxy
4 TV
12 / 23
Manglobe 25-02-06 12-08-06 R
10 Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki-kun
4 TV
3 / 12
Doga Kobo 07-07-14 22-09-14 PG-13
11 Goblin Slayer
5 TV
2 / 12
White Fox 07-10-18 30-12-18 R
12 Gyakkyou Burai Kaiji: Ultimate Survivor
5 TV
2 / 26
Madhouse 03-10-07 02-04-08 R
13 High School DxD
1 TV
4 / 12
TNK 06-01-12 23-03-12 R+
14 Higurashi no Naku Koro ni
3 TV
9 / 26
Studio Deen 05-04-06 27-09-06 R
15 InuYasha
5 TV
48 / 167
Sunrise 16-10-00 13-09-04 PG-13
16 Jibaku Shounen Hanako-kun
5 TV
4 / 12
Lerche 10-01-20 27-03-20 PG-13
17 JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken (TV)
6 TV
9 / 26
David Production 06-10-12 06-04-13 R
18 Just Because!
4 TV
2 / 12
PINE JAM 05-10-17 28-12-17 PG-13
19 Kakegurui
2 TV
8 / 12
MAPPA 01-07-17 23-09-17 R
20 Kanojo, Okarishimasu
1 TV
6 / 12
TMS Entertainment 11-07-20 26-09-20 PG-13
21 Karakai Jouzu no Takagi-san
2 TV
2 / 12
Shin-Ei Animation 08-01-18 26-03-18 PG-13
22 Log Horizon
5 TV
8 / 25
Satelight 05-10-13 22-03-14 PG-13
23 Magi: The Labyrinth of Magic
5 TV
6 / 25
A-1 Pictures 07-10-12 31-03-13 PG-13
24 Mahouka Koukou no Rettousei
4 TV
8 / 26
Madhouse 06-04-14 28-09-14 PG-13
25 Maoyuu Maou Yuusha
4 TV
3 / 12
Arms 05-01-13 30-03-13 PG-13
26 Mushishi
- TV
2 / 26
Artland 23-10-05 19-06-06 PG-13
27 Nanatsu no Taizai: Funnu no Shinpan
3 TV
8 / 24
Studio Deen 13-01-21 23-06-21 PG-13
28 Noein: Mou Hitori no Kimi e
4 TV
3 / 24
Satelight 12-10-05 29-03-06 PG-13
29 One Piece
3 TV
520 / -
Toei Animation 20-10-99 PG-13
30 Ping Pong the Animation
4 TV
4 / 11
Tatsunoko Production 11-04-14 20-06-14 PG-13
31 Rewrite
2 TV
3 / 13
8bit 02-07-16 24-09-16 PG-13
32 Seto no Hanayome
3 TV
3 / 26
Gonzo, AIC 02-04-07 01-10-07 PG-13
33 Shakugan no Shana II (Second)
4 TV
14 / 24
J.C.Staff 05-10-07 28-03-08 PG-13
34 SK∞
4 TV
9 / 12
Bones 10-01-21 04-04-21 PG-13
35 Suzumiya Haruhi no Yuuutsu
1 TV
2 / 14
Kyoto Animation 03-04-06 03-07-06 PG-13
36 Wonder Egg Priority
5 TV
3 / 12
CloverWorks 13-01-21 31-03-21 R
37 Yesterday wo Utatte
5 TV
6 / 12
Doga Kobo 05-04-20 21-06-20 PG-13
38 Zetsuen no Tempest
4 TV
4 / 24
Bones 05-10-12 29-03-13 PG-13