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TV: 20, OVA: 0, Movies: 0, Spcl.: 0, Eps: 162, Days: 2.65, Mean Score: 6.8, Score Dev.: -0.91 More stats
#Image Anime Title Score Type Progress Tags
1 Bleach
7 TV
36 / 366
2 Bokutachi no Remake
6 TV
1 / 12
3 Danchigai
6 TV
3 / 12
4 Endro~!
6 TV
1 / 12
5 Fruits Basket 2nd Season
7 TV
6 / 25
6 Gakuen Alice
7 TV
7 / 26
7 Horimiya
8 TV
1 / 13
8 Initial D First Stage
8 TV
15 / 26
9 K-On!
6 TV
1 / 13
10 Kaginado
5 TV
1 / 12
11 Kidou Senshi Gundam
- TV
1 / 43
12 Kimetsu no Yaiba
7 TV
14 / 26
13 Kyoukai no Rinne
8 TV
1 / 25
14 Love Live! Sunshine!!
- TV
1 / 13
15 One Piece
8 TV
62 / -
16 Papa no Iukoto wo Kikinasai!
7 TV
4 / 12
17 Sakamoto desu ga?
6 TV
1 / 12
18 Servant x Service
6 TV
1 / 13
19 Shinryaku! Ika Musume
7 TV
4 / 12
20 Toradora!
7 TV
1 / 25