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Chapters: 18, Volumes: 0, Days: 0, Mean Score: 8.0, Score Dev.: 0.96 More stats
#Image Manga Title Score Chapters Tags Magazine Priority
1 1001
- / 55
Asuka Low
2 About Death
- / 27
Naver Webtoon Low
3 Ajin
- / 84
good! Afternoon Low
4 Aka ya Akashi ya Ayakashi no
- / 55
Comic Gene High
5 Akatsuki no Yona Publishing
- / -
Hana to Yume High
6 Aku no Higan
- / 37
Manga Box Medium
7 Akuma Bengoshi Kukabara
- / 1
Sunday Gene-X Low
8 Akumetsu
- / 162
Shounen Champion (Weekly) Low
9 Akusaga
- / 8
Bessatsu Hana to Yume Low
10 Alosmente On Hiatus
- / 43
Zero-Sum Online Medium
11 Ao no Fuuin
- / 53
Sho-Comi Low
12 AR∀GO: London Shikei Tokushu Hanzai Sousakan
- / 85
Shounen Sunday Low
13 Baku
- / 18
Zero-Sum WARD High
14 Banana Fish
- / 110
Betsucomi Low
15 Banya: The Explosive Delivery Man
- / 38
16 Baroque: Ketsuraku no Paradigm
- / 17
GFantasy Low
17 Basara
- / 112
Betsucomi Low
18 Blame!
- / 66
Afternoon Low
19 Blood Alone Publishing
- / -
20 Bloody Monday
- / 96
Shounen Magazine (Weekly) Low
21 Blue Heaven
- / 27
Young Jump Low
22 Boku no Chikyuu wo Mamotte
- / 138
Hana to Yume Low
23 Chimoguri Ringo to Kingyobachi Otoko
- / 27
Dengeki Comic Japan Medium
24 Coo no Sekai
- / 9
Afternoon Low
25 Dainana Joshikai Houkou
- / 87
Comic Ryu Low
26 Darren Shan
- / 114
Shounen Sunday Low
27 Death Sweeper
1 / 43
Comic Charge Medium
28 Defense Devil
- / 100
Shounen Sunday Low
29 Dendrobates
- / 58
Young Champion Low
30 Doll Star: Kotodama Tsukai Ihon
- / 18
Magazine-Z Medium
31 Eden: It's an Endless World!
- / 127
Afternoon Low
32 Emma
7 / 72
Comic Beam High
33 ES: Eternal Sabbath
- / 83
Morning Medium
34 Evyione
- / -
35 Filament
1 / 2
Afternoon High
36 Fuan no Tane
- / 72
Champion RED Low
37 Fudatsuki no Kyouko-chan
- / 37
Gessan Low
38 Fumetsu no Anata e Publishing
- / -
Shounen Magazine (Weekly) High
39 G Senjou Heaven's Door
- / 18
Ikki Low
40 Gerard & Jacques
- / 12
41 God Child
- / 48
Hana to Yume Low
42 Golden Days
- / 47
Hana to Yume Low
43 Golden Kamuy
- / 314
Young Jump Low
44 Gonensei
- / 31
Afternoon High
45 Graineliers On Hiatus
- / 30
GFantasy Low
46 Gunka no Baltzar Publishing
- / -
Bessatsu Shounen Magazine Low
47 Gunslinger Girl
- / 100
Dengeki Daioh Low
48 Hakushaku Cain Series
- / 25
Hana to Yume Low
49 Haruka na Machi e
- / 16
Big Comic High
50 Hatsukanezumi no Jikan
- / 38
Afternoon High
51 Hayabusa: Sanada Dengekichou
- / 19
Zero-Sum WARD Low
52 Hello Harinezumi
- / -
Young Magazine (Monthly) Low
53 Himizu
- / 43
Young Magazine (Weekly) Low
54 Hito Hitori Futari
- / 84
Young Jump High
55 Hitori Koukan Nikki
- / 27
pixiv Comic High
56 Hitsuji no Uta
- / 47
Comic Birz Low
57 Homunculus
- / 166
Big Comic Spirits Low
58 Honorable Baek Dong Soo
- / 65
59 Hwaja
- / 10
Daum Webtoon High
60 Hyakki Yakoushou Publishing
- / -
Nemuki+ Low
61 Imawa no Kuni no Alice
- / 87
Shounen Sunday Super Low
62 Iris Zero Publishing
- / -
Comic Alive Low
63 Issho ni Neyou yo
- / 35
Hana to Yume Low
64 Jigokudou Reikai Tsuushin Publishing
- / -
good! Afternoon Medium
65 Jiraishin
- / 72
Afternoon Low
66 Jisatsutou
- / 168
Young Animal High
67 Jujutsu Kaisen
- / 272
Shounen Jump (Weekly) Low
68 Jumyou wo Kaitotte Moratta. Ichinen ni Tsuki, Ichimanen de.
- / 18
Shounen Jump+ High
69 Juuhime: Phantom Pain
- / 39
Shounen Sirius Low
70 Juushin Enbu
- / 21
Gangan Powered High
71 Kaijuu no Kodomo
- / 43
Ikki High
72 Kaikisen
- / 7
Young Magazine (Weekly) High
73 Kamisama no Iutoori
- / 21
Bessatsu Shounen Magazine Low
74 Kanata kara
- / 57
LaLa Low
75 Kara no Kyoukai: The Garden of Sinners
- / 10
76 Kimi no Knife
- / 71
Grand Jump Premium Medium
77 Kimi to Boku.
- / 103
GFantasy Low
78 Kirihito Sanka
- / 20
Big Comic Low
79 Kiseki no Shounen
- / 28
Shounen Magazine (Weekly) Low
80 Kisshou Tennyo
- / 18
Betsucomi High
81 Kokumin Quiz
- / 44
Morning Low
82 Kokushi no Shima
- / -
83 Kono Sekai no Katasumi ni
- / 48
Manga Action High
84 Kono Yo no Owari e no Tabi
- / 12
AX High
85 Kozure Ookami
- / 142
Manga Action Low
86 Kumo no Mukou, Yakusoku no Basho
- / 8
Afternoon Medium
87 Kurosagi
- / 220
Young Sunday (Weekly) Low
88 Kurosagi Shitai Takuhaibin Publishing
- / -
Young Ace Low
89 Lindbergh
- / 48
Gessan Low
90 Madame Petit
- / 54
Bessatsu Hana to Yume Low
91 Mail
- / 18
Shounen Ace Low
92 Majo no Shinzou
- / 46
Gangan Online Low
93 Manhole
- / 29
Young Gangan Low
94 Marie no Kanaderu Ongaku
- / 17
Comic Birz High
95 Mikado no Shihou
- / 35
LaLa DX Low
96 Mikai no Hoshi
- / 11
Manga Erotics F Low
97 Minato Machi Neko Machi
- / 18
Rinka High
98 Mugen no Juunin
- / 207
Afternoon Low
99 Mukuro Chandelier
1 / 15
100 Murder Incarnation
- / 10
Monthly Action Medium
101 Mushishi
- / 50
Afternoon High
102 Natsu no Zenjitsu
- / 38
good! Afternoon High
103 Nephilim John
- / 42
104 Netsutai no Citron
- / 15
Manga Erotics F Low
105 Nickelodeon
- / 39
Ikki High
106 Nicola no Oyururi Makai Kikou
- / 25
Harta Low
107 Nijigahara Holograph
- / 15
Quick Japan Medium
108 Nocturne Publishing
- / -
Issue Low
109 Nokemono to Hanayome the Manga
- / 110
110 Not Simple
- / 14
Comic Seed! High
111 Old Home no Haibane-tachi
- / -
112 Onanie Master Kurosawa
- / 31
113 Orochi
- / -
Shounen Sunday Low
114 Oyasumi Punpun
- / 147
Big Comic Spirits High
115 Paranoia Star
- / 8
116 Peace Maker Kurogane Publishing
- / -
Comic Blade Low
117 Pink
- / 20
118 Pluto
- / 65
Big Comic Original Low
119 Ryouko no Shinrei Jikenbo
- / 16
Ciao Low
120 Shamo
- / 338
Evening High
121 Shigurui
- / 84
Champion RED Low
122 Shimanami Tasogare
- / 23
HiBaNa Low
123 Shin Angyo Onshi
- / 76
Sunday Gene-X High
124 Shoujo Tsubaki
- / 8
125 Shut Hell
- / 90
Gekkan! Spirits High
126 Skyhigh
- / 10
Young Jump High
127 Skyhigh: Shinshou
- / 32
Young Jump Medium
128 Solanin
- / 28
Young Sunday (Weekly) High
129 Souin Gyokusai seyo!
- / 13
130 Subete ni Iya Girl
- / 86
Young Magazine (Weekly) Low
131 Takemitsuzamurai
- / 84
Big Comic Spirits Low
132 Tenkuu Shinpan
- / 258
Manga Box Low
133 The Chronicle of Myo-Jin
- / 36
Daum Webtoon Low
134 The End
- / 20
Afternoon High
135 The Horizon
- / 21
Comica Low
136 Thomas no Shinzou
- / 8
Sho-Comi Low
137 Time Killers
- / 11
Jump SQ. Low
138 Tokeijikake no Ringo
- / 8
139 Tom Sawyer
- / 6
Melody High
140 Top Secret
- / 22
Melody Low
141 Tsuki no Ko
- / 52
LaLa Low
142 Tsurebito
- / 23
Magazine-Z Low
143 Uryuudou Yumebanashi Publishing
- / -
Nemuki+ Low
144 Utsuro no Hako to Zero no Maria
- / 40
145 Uzumaki
- / 19
Big Comic Spirits High
146 Vagabond On Hiatus
- / 327
Morning High
147 Vagrant Soldier Ares
- / 207
148 Vanitas no Karte Publishing
- / -
Gangan Joker Low
149 Vinland Saga Publishing
- / -
Afternoon High
150 Voynich Hotel
7 / 68
Young Champion Retsu High
151 Yami no Purple Eye
- / 47
Sho-Comi Low
152 Yamikin Ushijima-kun
- / 493
Big Comic Spirits Low
153 Yokohama Kaidashi Kikou
- / 142
Afternoon High
154 Yomawari Sensei
1 / 45
Ikki Low
155 Yumekui Kenbun
- / 66
Stencil High