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Viewing S0M1's Manga List
Chapters: 938, Volumes: 3, Days: 6.19, Mean Score: 10.0, Score Dev.: 1.08 More stats
#Image Manga Title Score Chapters Started Date Finished Date Genre Demogr. MAL Score
1 Blue Lock Publishing
What a disappointment. There are many mistakes in it. like the character writing is very inconsistent, the pacing is just horrible and few more. But whatever, Himsagi is the GOAT 🐐
297 / -
07-23-24 Award Winning, Sports Shounen 8.47
2 Blue Lock: Episode Nagi Publishing
Haaaaaaa, I'm reading it just because I like nagi 🤧
32 / -
Sports Shounen 7.94
3 Genikasuri Publishing
5 / -
Drama, Sports Seinen -
4 Kininatteru Hito ga Otoko ja Nakatta Publishing
119 / -
Girls Love 8.44
5 Love Bullet Publishing
11 / -
Action, Drama, Girls Love, Supernatural Seinen 8.38
6 Monogatari Series: First Season
59 / 107
Action, Comedy, Mystery, Romance, Supernatural 8.91
7 Sousou no Frieren Publishing
140 / -
Adventure, Award Winning, Drama, Fantasy Shounen 8.84
8 The Greatest Estate Developer Publishing
182 / -
Adventure, Comedy, Fantasy 8.81
9 Tongari Boushi no Atelier Publishing
85 / -
Fantasy Seinen 8.66
10 Zense Reitetsu Ouji no Uma Deshita: Hito ni Nattemo Anata wo Aishite Ii desu ka? Publishing
This is interesting
8 / -
Fantasy -