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Chapters: 207, Volumes: 39, Days: 1.95, Mean Score: 10.0, Score Dev.: 1.99 More stats
#Image Manga Title Score Chapters Volumes Type Started Date Finished Date Magazine Publish Start Publish End Priority
1 Love Hina
3 / 120
1 / 14
Manga Shounen Magazine (Weekly) 10-21-98 10-31-01 Low
2 Sword Art Online Publishing
- / -
- / -
Light Novel 04-04-15 04-10-09 Low
3 Rosario to Vampire
Manga 04-04-15 Shounen Jump (Monthly) 07-06-04 05-05-07 Low
4 Rosario to Vampire: Season II
Manga 04-04-15 Jump SQ. 11-04-07 04-19-14 Low
5 Shinseiki Evangelion
Manga 04-04-15 Young Ace 12-26-94 06-04-13 Low
6 Chirality
- / 23
- / 3
Manga Comic NORA 06-25-94 11-26-96 Low
7 Christina Senki: Houshi no Himekishi to Kokkyou no Shounin
- / 8
- / 1
Light Novel 09-18-15 09-18-15 Low
8 Cross Ange: Tenshi to Ryuu no Rondo
- / 12
- / 3
Manga ComicWalker 08-03-14 06-28-15 Low
9 Kangokuki no Shuujin-hime
- / 8
- / 1
Light Novel 02-18-16 02-18-16 Low
10 Koi to Uso
- / 62
- / 13
Manga Manga Box 08-10-14 01-07-22 Low
11 Legend of Lemnear
- / 18
- / 3
Manga Comic NORA 09-07-91 02-06-92 Low
12 Level E
- / 16
- / 3
Manga Shounen Jump (Weekly) 09-19-95 12-03-96 Low
13 Majou Densetsu Gandalvia: Dansou no Kenshi to Akuma no Seijo
- / 6
- / 1
Light Novel 08-18-16 08-18-16 Low
14 Ojousama x Sensha
- / 5
- / 1
Light Novel 04-20-09 04-20-09 Low
15 Owari no Seraph Publishing
- / -
- / -
Manga Jump SQ. 09-03-12 Low
16 Plastic Little
- / 5
- / 1
Manga Comic NORA 03-26-93 01-26-94 Low
17 Ragnarock City
- / 7
- / 1
Manga Comic NORA 00-00-00 00-00-01 Low
18 Vampire Master Dark Crimson
- / 32
- / 3
Manga Magazine-Z 00-00-00 Low
19 Yuugeki Uchuu Senkan Nadesico
- / 25
- / 4
Manga Shounen Ace 09-00-96 02-00-99 Low
20 Yuukyuu Mokushiroku Eidron Shadow
- / 22
- / 2
Manga Dengeki Daioh 12-00-99 04-00-02 Low