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Chapters: 715, Volumes: 160, Days: 8.04, Mean Score: 8.3, Score Dev.: 0.38 More stats
#Image Manga Title Score Chapters Volumes Type Started Date Finished Date Days Tags Genre Demogr. MagazineR. Manga Publish Start Publish End Priority
1 Sewayaki Kitsune no Senko-san Publishing 7
43 / -
6 / -
Manga 07-02-23 780
Comedy, Supernatural Comic Newtype 06-10-17 Low
2 Spy x Family Publishing 10
113 / -
14 / -
Manga 29-05-22 1034
Action, Comedy Shounen Shounen Jump+ 25-03-19 Low
3 Boku no Hero Academia 10
Manga 05-08-24 05-08-24 1
Action Shounen Shounen Jump (Weekly) 07-07-14 05-08-24 Low
4 Hades-sama no Mujihi na Konin 8
Manga 26-03-25
Comedy, Fantasy, Romance Shoujo Asuka 21-07-20 22-09-23 Low
5 Haikyuu!! 6
One-shot 27-01-22 27-01-22 1
Sports Shounen Shounen Jump (Weekly) 25-04-11 25-04-11 Low
6 Kimetsu no Yaiba 10
Manga 12-07-22 10-11-22 122
Action, Fantasy Shounen Shounen Jump (Weekly) 15-02-16 18-05-20 Low
7 Kimetsu no Yaiba Gaiden 8
Manga 22-07-24
Action, Fantasy Shounen Shounen Jump (Weekly) 01-04-19 17-10-20 Low
8 Shingeki no Kyojin 10
Manga 19-06-21 23-07-21 35
Action, Award Winning, Drama Shounen Bessatsu Shounen Magazine 09-09-09 09-04-21 Low
9 Shingeki no Kyojin Volume 0 7
Manga 03-03-23 03-03-23 1
Action, Drama 17-07-13 17-07-13 Low
10 Shingeki no Kyojin: Before the Fall 9
Manga 26-06-21 1371
Action, Drama, Fantasy, Supernatural Shounen Shounen Sirius 26-08-13 26-03-19 Low
11 Shingeki no Kyojin: Kuinaki Sentaku 7
Manga 16-07-21 17-07-21 2
Action Shoujo ARIA 28-11-13 28-06-14 Low
12 Shingeki no Kyojin: Kuinaki Sentaku - Full Color Kanzenban -
Manga 24-03-23 24-03-23 1
Action, Fantasy Shoujo ARIA 28-09-13 09-08-14 Low
13 Shingeki no Kyojin: Lost Girls 7
Manga 17-07-21 18-07-21 2
Action, Drama, Fantasy, Horror, Supernatural Shounen Bessatsu Shounen Magazine 08-08-15 09-05-16 Low
14 Given 10
30 / 58
6 / 9
Manga 15-07-21 1352
Boys Love, Drama Cheri+ 30-04-13 30-03-23 Low
15 Haikyuu!! 7
24 / 407
3 / 45
Manga 27-01-22 1156
Award Winning, Sports Shounen Shounen Jump (Weekly) 20-02-12 20-07-20 Low
16 Jibaku Shounen Hanako-kun Publishing 7
10 / -
2 / -
Manga 09-06-22 1023
Supernatural Shounen GFantasy 18-12-14 Low
17 Shingeki! Kyojin Chuugakkou 9
23 / 96
4 / 11
Manga 23-06-21 1374
Comedy Shounen Bessatsu Shounen Magazine 09-04-12 09-07-16 Low
18 Jibaku Shounen Hanako-kun 0 -
- / 4
- / 1
Manga 09-06-22 1023
Supernatural GFantasy 18-06-14 18-08-14 Low
19 Shingeki no Kyojin: Before the Fall -
- / 15
- / 3
Light Novel
Action, Drama, Mystery 02-12-11 29-06-12 Low
20 Shingeki no Kyojin: Kakuzetsu Toshi no Joou -
- / 7
- / 2
Light Novel
Action, Drama 01-08-14 01-05-15 Low
21 Shingeki no Kyojin: Lost Girls -
- / 3
- / 1
Light Novel
Action, Drama 09-12-14 09-12-14 Low
22 Spy x Family: Kazoku no Shouzou -
- / 5
- / 1
Light Novel
Action, Comedy Shounen 02-07-21 02-07-21 Low
23 Boku no Hero Academia Smash! -
- / 104
- / 5
Action, Comedy Shounen Shounen Jump+ 02-11-15 02-11-17 Low
24 Boku no Hero Academia the Movie: Futari no Hero -
- / 7
- / 1
Light Novel
Action Shounen 03-08-18 03-08-18 Low
25 Boku no Hero Academia the Movie: Heroes:Rising -
- / 7
- / 1
Light Novel
Action Shounen 20-12-19 20-12-19 Low
26 Boku no Hero Academia: All Might:Rising -
- / 1
- / -
Action Shounen 03-08-18 03-08-18 Low
27 Boku no Hero Academia: Deku & Bakugou:Rising -
- / 2
- / -
Action Shounen Shounen Jump (Weekly) 16-12-19 23-12-19 Low
28 Boku no Hero Academia: Kitto Daremo ga Dareka no Hero -
- / 1
- / -
Shounen Shounen Jump (Weekly) 30-07-18 30-07-18 Low
29 Boku no Hero Academia: Team Up Mission Publishing -
- / -
- / -
Action Shounen Saikyou Jump 02-08-19 Low
30 Boku no Hero Academia: Villain Rengou:Undercover -
- / 1
- / -
Action Shounen 20-12-19 20-12-19 Low
31 Boku no Hero Academia: Yuuei Hakusho -
- / 41
- / 6
Light Novel
Action Shounen 04-04-16 04-10-21 Low
32 Haikyuu!! Shousetsu-ban!! Publishing -
- / -
- / -
Light Novel
Sports Shounen 04-06-13 Low
33 Haikyuu-bu!! Publishing -
- / -
- / -
Comedy, Sports Shounen Shounen Jump+ 13-05-19 Low
34 Houkago Shounen Hanako-kun Publishing -
- / -
- / -
Comedy, Supernatural PFantapy 22-02-18 Low
35 Hunter x Hunter Publishing -
- / -
- / -
Manga 17-06-21 1380
Action, Adventure, Fantasy Shounen Shounen Jump (Weekly) 03-03-98 Low
36 Hunter x Hunter: Kurapika Tsuioku-hen -
- / 2
- / 1
Adventure, Fantasy Shounen Shounen Jump (Weekly) 02-12-12 09-12-12 Low
37 Kane to Otome to Koi to Junjou -
- / 1
- / -
Comedy, Romance Shounen GFantasy 18-09-12 18-09-12 Low
38 Kimetsu Gakuen! -
- / 36
- / 6
Comedy Shounen Saikyou Jump 04-08-21 04-03-24 Low
39 Kimetsu no Yaiba: Kataha no Chou -
- / 6
- / 1
Light Novel
Action, Fantasy Shounen 04-10-19 04-10-19 Low
40 Kimetsu no Yaiba: Shiawase no Hana -
- / 5
- / 1
Light Novel
Action, Fantasy Shounen 04-02-19 04-02-19 Low
41 Kuai Ba Wo Ge Dai Zou Publishing -
- / -
- / -
Comedy Kuaikan Manhua 25-01-16 Low
42 Let's! Haikyuu!? -
- / 308
- / 11
Comedy, Sports Shounen Shounen Jump+ 22-09-14 12-11-22 Low
43 Oumagadoki Doubutsuen -
- / 40
- / 5
Action, Comedy, Fantasy Shounen Shounen Jump (Weekly) 12-07-10 18-04-11 Low
44 Oyakusoku no Neverland -
- / 15
- / 1
Comedy Shounen Shounen Jump+ 26-07-18 28-03-19 Low
45 Re:Zero kara Hajimeru Isekai Seikatsu Publishing -
- / -
- / -
Light Novel
Drama, Fantasy, Suspense 23-01-14 Low
46 Re:Zero kara Hajimeru Isekai Seikatsu Ex Publishing -
- / -
- / -
Light Novel
Fantasy 25-06-15 Low
47 Re:Zero kara Hajimeru Isekai Seikatsu Tanpenshuu Publishing -
- / -
- / -
Light Novel
Fantasy Comic Alive 26-04-14 Low
48 Re:Zero kara Hajimeru Isekai Seikatsu: Dai-1 Shou - Outo no Ichinichi-hen -
- / 11
- / 2
Drama, Fantasy, Suspense Seinen Comic Alive 27-06-14 27-02-15 Low
49 Re:Zero kara Hajimeru Isekai Seikatsu: Dai-2 Shou - Yashiki no Isshuukan-hen -
- / 31
- / 5
Drama, Fantasy, Suspense Seinen Big Gangan 25-10-14 25-10-17 Low
50 Re:Zero kara Hajimeru Isekai Seikatsu: Dai-3 Shou - Truth of Zero -
- / 55
- / 11
Drama, Fantasy, Suspense Seinen Comic Alive 27-05-15 27-09-19 Low
51 Re:Zero kara Hajimeru Isekai Seikatsu: Dai-4 Shou - Seiiki to Gouyoku no Majo Publishing -
- / -
- / -
Drama, Fantasy, Suspense Seinen Comic Alive 27-09-19 Low
52 Re:Zero kara Hajimeru Isekai Seikatsu: Hyouketsu no Kizuna -
- / 15
- / 3
Fantasy Manga UP! 26-04-20 11-07-21 Low
53 Re:Zero kara Hajimeru Isekai Seikatsu: Koushiki Anthology Comic -
- / 32
- / 3
Comedy, Fantasy 23-06-16 23-03-18 Low
54 Shingeki! Kyojin Koukou: Seishun! Tonari no Marley Gakuen -
- / 6
- / 1
Comedy Shounen Bessatsu Shounen Magazine 09-06-18 09-08-18 Low
55 Shirai Kaiu x Demizu Posuka Tenpenshuu -
- / 6
- / 1
Horror, Mystery, Sci-Fi Shounen Shounen Jump (Weekly) 18-02-16 02-08-21 Low
56 Sungeki no Kyojin -
- / 55
- / 2
Comedy Manga Box 04-12-13 31-12-14 Low
57 Vigilante: Boku no Hero Academia Illegals -
- / 132
- / 15
Action Shounen Shounen Jump+ 20-09-16 28-05-22 Low
58 Yakusoku no Neverland -
- / 181
- / 20
Award Winning, Mystery, Suspense Shounen Shounen Jump (Weekly) 01-08-16 15-06-20 Low
59 Yakusoku no Neverland: Mama-tachi no Tsuisoukyoku -
- / 2
- / 1
Light Novel
Horror, Mystery, Sci-Fi Shounen 04-01-19 04-01-19 Low
60 Yakusoku no Neverland: Norman kara no Tegami -
- / 5
- / 1
Light Novel
Horror, Mystery, Sci-Fi Shounen 04-06-18 04-06-18 Low
61 Yakusoku no Neverland: Senyuu-tachi no Record -
- / 3
- / 1
Light Novel
Horror, Mystery, Sci-Fi Shounen 02-10-20 02-10-20 Low
62 Yakusoku no Neverland: Tokubetsu Bangai-hen - Haha no Ketsui -
- / 1
- / -
Horror, Mystery, Sci-Fi Shounen Shounen Jump (Weekly) 14-12-20 14-12-20 Low
63 Yakusoku no Neverland: Tokubetsu Bangai-hen - Hajimari no Isshi -
- / 1
- / -
Horror, Mystery, Sci-Fi Shounen Shounen Jump (Weekly) 05-10-20 05-10-20 Low
64 Yakusoku no Neverland: Tokubetsu Bangai-hen - Jijyuu no Sora wo Motomete -
- / 1
- / -
Horror, Mystery, Sci-Fi Shounen Shounen Jump (Weekly) 07-12-20 07-12-20 Low