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# Manga Title Score Chapters Volumes Tags (reset filter) Genres Demogr.
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Onna Doushi toka Arienai desho to Iiharu Onnanoko wo, Hyakunichikan de Tetteiteki ni Otosu Yuri no Ohanashi
8 18 3 A full-blown lesbian seduction-themed manga. Honestly stands out quite a lot, and while not particularly long, it does more things right than most full-length romance stories do anyway. Also pretty funny at times. 8/10 Comedy, Girls Love, Erotica
Chapters: 18, Volumes: 3, Days: 149.68, Mean Score: 8.0, Score Dev.: 0.59

Chapters: 32194, Volumes: 3614, Days: 237.92, Mean Score: 7.1, Score Dev.: -0.31
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