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Chapters: 2136, Volumes: 107, Days: 13.77, Mean Score: 0.0, Score Dev.: 0.00 More stats
#Image Manga Title Score Chapters Volumes
1 Hunter x Hunter Publishing
390 / -
37 / -
2 Kishibe Rohan wa Ugokanai Publishing
- / -
1 / -
3 Kongou Banchou
6 / 115
1 / 12
4 My Home Hero
150 / 224
17 / 26
5 One Piece Publishing
1065 / -
- / -
6 One Punch-Man Publishing
187 / -
28 / -
7 Sasurai Emanon
- / 37
2 / 3
8 The God of High School
232 / 569
- / -
9 Yotsuba to! Publishing
106 / -
15 / -
10 Youkoso Jitsuryoku Shijou Shugi no Kyoushitsu e
- / 110
6 / 14