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Chapters: 2039, Volumes: 163, Days: 18.65, Mean Score: 8.8, Score Dev.: 0.44 More stats
Image Manga Title Score Chapters Volumes Type Started Date Finished Date Genre Publish Start Publish End
Blue Lock Publishing
191 / -
20 / -
Manga Award Winning, Sports 01-08-18
Blue Lock: Episode Nagi Publishing
3 / -
- / -
Manga Sports 09-06-22
Bungou Stray Dogs Publishing
- / -
- / -
Light Novel Action, Mystery, Supernatural 01-04-14
D.Gray-man Publishing
234 / -
26 / -
Manga Action, Adventure, Fantasy 31-05-04
377 / 407
- / 45
Manga Award Winning, Sports 20-02-12 20-07-20
Lout of Count's Family Publishing
134 / -
- / -
Manhwa Fantasy 31-08-20
Mihanada Pectolite
4 / 5
- / 1
Manga Boys Love, Erotica 25-09-17 25-09-18
My S-Class Hunters Publishing
15 / -
- / -
Manhwa Action, Adventure, Fantasy 15-11-21
Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint Publishing
247 / -
- / -
Manhwa Action, Adventure, Fantasy 26-05-20
Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint
105 / 105
20 / 20
Novel Action, Adventure, Fantasy 20-01-22 11-09-23
One Punch-Man Publishing
- / -
- / -
Manga Action, Comedy 14-06-12
Return of the Blossoming Blade Publishing
152 / -
- / -
Manhwa Action, Adventure, Fantasy 23-03-21
Vanitas no Karte Publishing
40 / -
- / -
Manga Fantasy 22-12-15
At the End of the Road
Manhwa Boys Love, Drama, Suspense 12-09-16 08-01-18
Komatta Toki ni wa Hoshi ni Kike
Manga Boys Love, Comedy, Drama 24-03-97 20-05-05
Mo Dao Zu Shi
Novel Action, Adventure, Boys Love, Mystery, Supernatural 08-12-16 08-12-16
Mo Dao Zu Shi
Manhua Action, Adventure, Boys Love, Mystery, Supernatural 08-12-17 26-10-22
Manga Action, Drama, Mystery, Sci-Fi 28-01-11 28-11-13
Pandora Hearts
Manga Adventure, Fantasy, Mystery 18-05-06 18-03-15
Tokimeki Tonight
Manga Comedy, Romance, Supernatural 00-07-82 00-10-94
Akatsuki no Yona Publishing
- / -
- / -
Manga Adventure, Fantasy, Romance 05-08-09
One Piece Publishing
- / -
- / -
Manga Action, Adventure, Fantasy 22-07-97
Skip Beat! Publishing
- / -
- / -
Manga Comedy, Drama, Romance 15-02-02
20th Century Boys
- / 249
- / 22
Manga Award Winning, Drama, Mystery, Sci-Fi 27-09-99 24-04-06
- / -
- / 5
Manhwa Action, Boys Love, Drama, Sci-Fi 00-00-02 00-00-03
Berserk Publishing
- / -
- / -
Manga Action, Adventure, Award Winning, Drama, Fantasy, Horror 25-08-89
Chainsaw Man Publishing
- / -
- / -
Manga Action, Award Winning, Fantasy 03-12-18
Cheese in the Trap Season 1
- / 27
- / 6
Manhwa Comedy, Mystery, Romance, Slice of Life 07-07-10 26-05-11
Death Note
- / 108
- / 12
Manga Supernatural, Suspense 01-12-03 15-05-06
Domestic na Kanojo
- / 292
- / 28
Manga Drama, Romance 23-04-14 10-06-20
Donten ni Warau Gaiden
- / 18
- / 3
Manga Action, Supernatural 24-12-13 03-02-17
Douluo Dalu Publishing
- / -
- / -
Manhua Fantasy 00-00-11
Fullmetal Alchemist
- / 116
- / 27
Manga Action, Adventure, Award Winning, Drama, Fantasy 12-07-01 11-09-10
Gakuen Alice
- / 183
- / 31
Manga Comedy, Drama, Romance 05-09-02 20-06-13
Gakuen Babysitters Publishing
- / -
- / -
Manga Comedy, Slice of Life 24-09-09
- / 344
- / 39
Manga Action, Comedy, Drama, Mystery, Supernatural, Ecchi 24-03-99 21-02-07
- / 208
- / 25
Manga Action, Award Winning, Comedy, Drama, Ecchi 11-12-96 30-01-02
Hakkenden: Touhou Hakken Ibun
- / -
- / 24
Manga Action, Drama, Fantasy, Mystery, Supernatural 20-06-05 30-08-24
Hanazakari no Kimitachi e
- / 148
- / 23
Manga Comedy, Drama, Romance 20-08-96 20-08-04
Hidamari ga Kikoeru
- / 6
- / 1
Manga Boys Love, Slice of Life 21-12-13 20-08-14
Hunter x Hunter Publishing
- / -
- / -
Manga Action, Adventure, Fantasy 03-03-98
Id On Hiatus
- / 178
- / 29
Manhwa Action, Adventure, Fantasy 00-00-02 00-00-13
Juushin Enbu
- / 21
- / 5
Manga Adventure, Comedy, Fantasy 21-10-06 12-08-10
Kimetsu no Yaiba
- / 207
- / 23
Manga Action, Fantasy 15-02-16 18-05-20
King's Maker
- / 38
- / 3
Manhwa Boys Love, Drama, Fantasy 25-04-17 14-11-17
Kono Oto Tomare! Publishing
- / -
- / -
Manga Drama 04-08-12
- / 74
- / 11
Manga Award Winning, Drama 13-03-14 09-07-20
Let Dai
- / 75
- / 15
Manhwa Boys Love, Drama 00-00-95 00-00-05
Liar Game
- / 203
- / 19
Manga Drama 17-02-05 22-01-15
Love So Life
- / 111
- / 17
Manga Romance 15-04-08 18-07-15
- / 369
- / 37
Manga Adventure, Award Winning, Fantasy 03-06-09 11-10-17
Mahouka Koukou no Rettousei
- / -
- / 32
Light Novel Action, Fantasy, Romance, Sci-Fi 08-07-11 10-09-20
- / 59
- / 15
Manga Drama, Romance 13-01-96 13-11-00
- / 162
- / 18
Manga Award Winning, Drama, Mystery 05-12-94 20-12-01
- / 43
- / 9
Novel Action, Mystery, Sci-Fi 10-10-03 14-06-11
- / 544
- / -
Manhwa Action, Adventure, Comedy, Supernatural 30-12-07 07-01-19
- / 109
- / 27
Manga Action, Fantasy 06-12-10 06-01-24
Ouran Koukou Host Club
- / 87
- / 18
Manga Comedy, Drama, Romance 24-07-02 24-09-10
Red Hood
- / 23
- / 3
Manga Action, Adventure, Fantasy 28-06-21 08-11-21
- / 56
- / 9
Manga Action, Adventure, Drama, Fantasy 18-02-97 18-01-02
Saiyuuki Gaiden
- / 35
- / 4
Manga Action, Adventure, Fantasy 18-05-99 16-05-09
Shingeki no Kyojin
- / 141
- / 34
Manga Action, Award Winning, Drama 09-09-09 09-04-21
Shinseiki Evangelion
- / 97
- / 14
Manga Action, Drama, Mystery, Sci-Fi, Suspense 26-12-94 04-06-13
Shousetsu Akatsuki no Yona: Onaji Tsuki no Shita de
- / 8
- / 1
Light Novel Adventure, Romance 20-03-15 20-03-15
Slam Dunk
- / 276
- / 31
Manga Award Winning, Sports 18-09-90 04-06-96
Solo Leveling
- / 201
- / -
Manhwa Action, Adventure, Fantasy 04-03-18 31-05-23
Something About Us
- / 101
- / 5
Manhwa Romance 01-10-14 19-10-16
Sora wa Akai Kawa no Hotori
- / 96
- / 28
Manga Action, Adventure, Award Winning, Drama, Fantasy, Romance, Supernatural 05-01-95 05-06-02
Sousou no Frieren Publishing
- / -
- / -
Manga Adventure, Award Winning, Drama, Fantasy 28-04-20
Taiyou no Ie
- / 53
- / 13
Manga Award Winning, Drama, Romance 24-04-10 23-05-15
The Abandoned Empress
- / 146
- / 9
Manhwa Drama, Fantasy, Romance 11-06-17 09-03-21
The God of High School
- / 569
- / -
Manhwa Action, Adventure, Fantasy 08-04-11 13-10-22
Tokyo Crazy Paradise
- / 111
- / 19
Manga Action, Comedy, Drama, Romance 25-12-96 25-04-02
Tokyo Ghoul
- / 144
- / 14
Manga Action, Fantasy, Horror 08-09-11 18-09-14
- / 279
- / 31
Manga Action, Award Winning 01-03-17 16-11-22
Tomodachi Game
- / 130
- / 26
Manga Suspense 09-12-13 08-08-24
Tooi Hi no Chou
- / 7
- / 1
Manga Boys Love, Erotica 19-07-08 19-04-10
Tower of God Publishing
- / -
- / -
Manhwa Action, Adventure, Drama, Fantasy, Mystery 05-07-10
- / 177
- / -
Manhwa Action, Drama, Fantasy, Romance, Sci-Fi, Supernatural 03-04-07 13-02-09
Tsubasa: RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE
- / 233
- / 28
Manga Action, Adventure, Drama, Fantasy 21-05-03 07-10-09
Urusai kurai no Kokuhaku Kudasai
- / 8
- / 1
Manga Boys Love, Supernatural, Erotica 28-10-16 02-03-18
Who Made Me a Princess
- / 125
- / 9
Manhwa Drama, Fantasy 20-12-17 30-04-22
Why Raeliana Ended Up at the Duke's Mansion
- / 158
- / -
Manhwa Fantasy, Romance 03-09-17 22-03-21
Winter Woods
- / 55
- / 7
Manhwa Fantasy, Horror, Mystery, Romance 13-07-14 29-01-17
Witch Hunter Publishing
- / -
- / -
Manhwa Action, Comedy, Fantasy, Romance, Supernatural, Ecchi 00-00-06
Yami no Kodou Publishing
- / -
- / -
Manga Boys Love, Fantasy, Supernatural 00-00-97
Yami no Matsuei On Hiatus
- / -
- / 13
Manga Boys Love, Comedy, Drama, Fantasy, Mystery, Supernatural 25-03-94 24-01-15
- / 10
- / 2
Manga Boys Love, Comedy 00-03-99 00-07-01
Yasashii Ryuu no Koroshikata
- / 19
- / 5
Manga Action, Adventure, Boys Love, Fantasy, Romance 10-10-05 10-07-09
Yoake ni Furu,
- / 15
- / 2
Manga Boys Love 19-07-13 19-04-18
Yozora no Sumikko de,
- / 10
- / 1
Manga Boys Love 01-10-11 30-03-13
Yuki no Shita no Qualia
- / 7
- / 1
Manga Boys Love, Slice of Life 20-01-14 19-01-16
Yume demo Nakanaide
- / 6
- / 1
Manga Boys Love, Drama 30-07-15 30-11-16