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TV: 106, OVA: 7, Movies: 4, Spcl.: 5, Eps: 2504, Days: 41.6, Mean Score: 7.7, Score Dev.: -0.02 More stats
#Image Anime Title Score Type Progress Tags
1 Bleach
- TV
310 / 366
2 Chuunibyou demo Koi ga Shitai!
- TV
6 / 12
3 Durarara!!

Downloaded Episodes: 24
- TV
10 / 24
4 Ikoku Meiro no Croisée The Animation
- TV
5 / 12
5 Inari, Konkon, Koi Iroha.
- TV
1 / 10
6 K-On!!
- TV
8 / 26
7 Mawaru Penguindrum
- TV
9 / 24
8 Natsume Yuujinchou San
- TV
9 / 13
9 Shinryaku! Ika Musume
- TV
6 / 12
10 Tamako Market
- TV
2 / 12
11 To LOVE-Ru Darkness
- TV
4 / 12
12 Arakawa Under the Bridge
Took me awhile to finish, but finish it i did. Heavily eccentric, arakawa has its moments where you burst into laughter but also has moments where the jokes fall flat although those moments are few and far in between. Overall, an enjoyable watch! :)
Downloaded Episodes: 13
7 TV
13 Aria the Animation
Like Akari always says: Wonderful. ^^
Downloaded Episodes: 13
10 TV
14 Baccano!
9 TV
15 Baccano! Specials
9 Special
16 Bakemonogatari
top notch series, excellent all the way. a bit confusing in some parts but still oh so good.
Downloaded Episodes: 15
9 TV
17 Black Cat
7 TV
18 Bounen no Xamdou
19 Chobits
I really enjoyed this one. OP was top notch while the 2nd ed was a haunting number. Thought provoking yet sweet and charming. The character designs really showed it's age after 8 years but it's actually kinda refreshing in this moe-design day and age.
7 TV
20 Darker than Black: Kuro no Keiyakusha
7 TV
21 Darker than Black: Kuro no Keiyakusha - Sakura no Hana no Mankai no Shita
7 Special
22 Darker than Black: Kuro no Keiyakusha Gaiden

Downloaded Episodes: 4
9 Special
23 Darker than Black: Ryuusei no Gemini
One of the best I've seen ever, really. Great sequel with amazing story and soundtrack. Plot twists keep you at the edge of your seat constantly. Nice, real nice. Just wished there was more Yin... But Suou was a worthy substitute.
10 TV
24 Fate/stay night
5 TV
25 Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood
amaing. from start to finish. top class.
10 TV
26 Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood Specials
Just like the series itself, of the highest quality, highly entertaining. Excellent!
Downloaded Episodes: 3
9 Special
27 Genshiken
6 TV
28 Genshiken OVA
29 Gensoumaden Saiyuuki
6 TV
30 Ginban Kaleidoscope
3 TV
31 Groove Adventure Rave
8 TV
32 Hanamaru Youchien
awesome. really funny with high rewatch value. too cute! especially tsucchi's lil sis! x3
Downloaded Episodes: 12
8 TV
33 Hatsukoi Limited.
6 TV
34 Hayate no Gotoku!
pretty good rom-com harem parody show with some really good jokes here in there mixed in with some meh jokes too.
5 TV
35 Higashi no Eden
9 TV
36 Howl no Ugoku Shiro
absolutely gorgeous animation and art as expected from studio ghibli. but it was the story that was the limiting factor here with plotholes everywhere and questions left unanswered, the story was a letdown. other than that, top notch. still an enjoyable watch though, even with the lackluster story.
Downloaded Episodes: 1
8 Movie
37 Hyouka
Awesome, absolutely brilliant anime. Having watcched this after Sakamichi no Apollon, the same problem as that series was quite noticable; the series climaxed a little early. Although Hyouka's crime was not particularly as severe as Apollon's as Apollon peaked at just after the half w ay point, while Hyouka peaked with just a handful of episodes left at its longer 22 episode run.

However! The pros outweigh the cons by a mile, as Hyouka is an amazing anime. From its high productional values to its great story arcs, to its lovable characters, what the show does right, it does it perfectly correct without a flaw. The relationshis between the characters trully develops as you can seethrough their interactions, particularly between Chitanda and Oreki. Oreki ans Satoshi'srelationships also develops, as well as OReki and Ibara, although not as much as the previous relationship. Satoshi and Ibara's situation is also given some major spotlight towards the end of the show. Oreki's character development is also quite prominent as he doesn't exct;y follow his life's motto as the show progresses.

The mysteries were great, but I feel like I was more invested in the romance tbh, as I was shippping the Oreki-Chitanda relationship quite extremely hehe. Those two arej just too sweet together, just get married an have kids already!!!! X3

SImply put, Hyouka is amazing, KyoAni outdid themselves with this one, I feel this could very well be their best show, surpassing even the mighty Haruhi. For me, this is what K-on should have been, a dramatic, yet mostly laid back slice of life anime, with a good portion of good mystery, character development and romance. :)

P.S. cant wait for season 2! (hopefully) :D
Downloaded Episodes: 22
9 TV
38 Hyouka: Motsubeki Mono wa
Oreki was extra dull here but with the fan service and the mini mystery made it a worthwhile watch. But the best part was the extra indication of the chitanda-oreki pairing. made me squeal in delight tbh :3
Downloaded Episodes: 1
39 K-On!
7 TV
40 K-On!: Live House!
I actually enjoyed it more than the series surprisingly, as I didn't really enjoy the series that much
7 Special
41 Kaichou wa Maid-sama!
Very very good. Absolutely lovable lead-duo and characters and an amazing ending. Here's to a second season! :D
9 TV
42 Kannagi
6 TV
43 Kidou Senshi Gundam 00
8 TV
44 Kidou Senshi Gundam 00 Second Season
8 TV
45 Kimi ni Todoke
Wonderful series. Made me laugh and smile and a bunch of other expressions. One of the best I've seen.
Downloaded Episodes: 25
10 TV
46 Kotonoha no Niwa
Beautiful art direction, fluid animation, in terms of picture quality, this is absolutely top notch. The characters are likable enough, and the plot/story are competent enough for an enjoyable watch. The climax scene is really well done if not slightly cheesy but in the end, the story is tied up well enough. All in all, a good (but unconventional 45 minute length-wise) movie, that shouldd be recommended to those who enjoy romances, slice of life, and high quality production values.
8 Movie
47 Kure-nai
10 TV
48 Lucky☆Star
8 TV
49 Lucky☆Star: Original na Visual to Animation
50 Maria†Holic
7 TV
51 Mayo Chiki!
Standard anime plot harem type, but highly enjoyable, mainly due to the characters, the lead duo especially are easy to root for. High production quality, all in all, very nice!
Downloaded Episodes: 13
8 TV
52 Midori no Hibi
8 TV
53 Minami-ke
9 TV
54 Minami-ke Betsubara
55 Minami-ke Okaeri
7 TV
56 Minami-ke Okawari
5 TV
57 Mob Psycho 100
8 TV
58 Mob Psycho 100 II
8 TV
59 Motto To LOVE-Ru
I loved the to love ru manga, skipped the first season since it didn't really follow its path, so Motto really did a good job of staying true to the story, as little of it there is~

But it was a smart move to split each episode into 3 parts, each part representing 1 chater from the manga, so what you have in essence, is unfiltered, pure to-love-ru goodness.

Thankfully, the character designs stay true to the manga and the animation quality is very good for an ecchi anime. And boy, is there ecchi in this one, be sure to wear headphones and watch this alone, as it migth give the wrong ideas to the uninitiated. Regardless! The manga was awesome, and the anime ends where the manga did, which gives a good dose of closure compared to most ecchis. Whatever it is, Darkness is the continuation so i'll be waiting for the blu rays to come out as to love ru really should be enjoyed in all its uncensored glory~

All in all, a delightful watch, a very good anime if ecchi and harem are your sort of thing, plus its really funny too! :D
Downloaded Episodes: 12
8 TV
60 Naruto
8 TV
61 Natsume Yuujinchou
10 TV
62 NHK ni Youkoso!
Actually started years back but I put it on hold. Didn't really catch my attention back then. But now that I've finished it, it really is a quality series. The first half wasn't that bad but the second half was more dramatic and absorbing. The anime is really different from the manga though. Never knew. True score would be an 8.5.
8 TV
63 Nichijou: Nichijou no 0-wa
It was alrite. sum parts funnier than others. sakamoto segment was hilarious though. definitely the best of the buch!
Downloaded Episodes: 1
64 Nyan Koi!
More like an 8.5 for me. Really funny throughout its whole run and some of the romances are sweet. Hoping for a second season with all the hints given in the last episode.. Plus, the twintail twins are just too cute~ x3
8 TV
65 Ookami Kodomo no Ame to Yuki
Excellent movie, probably the best anime film I have watched. Very moving, inspiring (for parents I guess?) and highlly likable characters. A slice of life film, throughout which makes it awesme~ :3
Animations great, music's great, everythings awesome from pacing to direction. Storywise, you really felt the plight that hana waas going through throughout the course of the story, rooting for her through her hardships, and being happy for her in better moments, all this due to the fact that its quite imossible todislike her character, which is kudos to whoever responsible (writers maybe?). She is really one of the best parts of the story tbh. Along with her daughter yuki, from hyperactive child to self-accepting adolescent where she chooses the path of a human life. Her younger brother on the other hand chooses the path of a wolf where he chooses to stay in the woods and guard the mountains every so often howling out in the wild to indicate to his mother that he's alright.
My only real gripe of the story would be the ending really, where there wasn't really a climax or real closure other than photos of Yuki going to boarding school. which is a bummer since you really cared for her character and wanted to see more development and interaction between her and Souhei. Other than the ending though, everything is absolutely excellent.
All in all, the best anime movie I have ever seen, just the ending keeps it from getting a 10.
Downloaded Episodes: 1
9 Movie
66 Ookami to Koushinryou
Rewatched it, i give it a 4/5 really. superb anime, with two great leads and a wonderful second arc. Side characters are also wellfleshed out, a hugely satisfying series. The lead duo really is what makes the series stand out, the economics are ok, but the wayb the episodes and story s done is another huge plus for the series. planning to rewatch season 2 as well. holo is my waifu!
9 TV
67 Ookami to Koushinryou II
I didnt remember it being a cliiffhanger ending like that.. ^^"
However, upon rewatching both seasons, I realise that the most entertaining aspects of the anime isnt the economics or plot per se, while they can be captivating in their own right, the most attractive thing in the end, is Holo and Lawrence's relationship. The way it has progressed from an escort mission to a real relationship (fingers crossed!) is a compelling watch.
I improve my rating from a 7 to a 9! (26/6/15) although I will try to finish the light novels after this as it looks highly unlikely that there is going to be a season 3. sobsob T^T
9 TV
68 Ookami to Koushinryou II: Ookami to Kohakuiro no Yuuutsu
Just reewatched this (24/6/15), and what a delight! Such an amazing episode and what an intro to season 2! With the dynamic of the Holo-Lawrence setup firmly established, we get to see how Holo's feelings are expanding tpwards Lawrence which are just too sweet. With Nora's presence is the episode, we get to see the jealous side of Holo too hehe.
To be honest, I dont quite remember what happened in season 2 in great detail, so im super excited to find out with Holo's longer lifespan and Lawrence's mortality being touched upon slightly in this ova.
Another important point is the changing of animation studio from IMAGIN to Brain's Base. Now, Imagin did a wonderful job in the first season and had a distinct style, and you can tell Brain's base took a few key stylistic elements from the character designs and projected them to their version of the series. But what Im trying to say here is BRain's base absolutely knocked it out of the park for this ova, the animaation is spectacular for a non-action show. the cinematography is astounding, along with the music which in truth, i didnt manage to appreciate that much in the first season is front and centre here. I cannot compliment enough the job that Brain's base has done here.
All in all, id actually give this a 9.5 rating since it actually better than a 9 but not quite a 10 since it is just an ova, but it is a phenomenal entry into the series, and i cant wait to rewatch the whole season 2 again.
69 Ookami-san to Shichinin no Nakama-tachi
a decent series with little pulling factor. In the end, it was okay, ranging from the OP and ED to the storyline. One of its high points would no doubt be its colourful cast of characters who needed time to get going and establish themselves, but they all clicked in the end. It was an oddchoice for the plot of the final episode but looking back at it in hindsight, it actually was a suitable conclusion to the series after all.. ^^,
Downloaded Episodes: 12
6 TV
70 Ookiku Furikabutte
8 TV
71 Ore no Imouto ga Konnani Kawaii Wake ga Nai
High expectations and about 70% were met I'd say. Some great moments especially the 2nd to last episode but the final disappointed me a bit with Kousaka being a bit stubborn or dense or both. All in all, a good series and I wouldn't mind a second season as there is definitely room for improvement. :)
Downloaded Episodes: 12
8 TV
72 Ore no Imouto ga Konnani Kawaii Wake ga Nai Specials
Very enjoyable, really like kuroneko now.. X3 but kirino is as cute as ever!~ X3
Downloaded Episodes: 4
73 Persona: Trinity Soul
6 TV
74 Ranma ½
8 TV
75 Saiyuuki Reload
6 TV
76 Saiyuuki Reload Gunlock
6 TV
77 Sakamichi no Apollon
A tale of the wonders of youth, likable characters, cliffhangers at the end of each episode, insatiable drama, it all results into Sakamachi no Apollon, a brilliant anime about how the people around you can change you for the better along with how the change happens intertwined into a story about a lonely boy who makes the greatest friend and falls in love along the way too.

Great voice acting, the music is great, as well as the animation. The direction is also something that should be noted, as how the story progresses is masterfully executed. However, what prevented it from getting a'10' in the end would be the premature climax in episode 7 where Sentaro and Nishimi make up at the school festival with an impromptu jazz performance. The timing, how it all came about is perfect in its execution, it made the hair at the back of my neck stand up it in its sheer excellence. Beyond that point however, things got a little slow, the drama was still there but nothing if compared to the events which occurred and how everything was tied up prior to as well as until the end episode 7.

Nevertheless, a brilliant anime is a brilliant anime, and it definitely is chalked up as one of my favourites. :)
Downloaded Episodes: 12
9 TV
78 Samurai Champloo
disappointing considering all the good hype surrounding it. the episodes ar hit and miss with some being action packed and funny while others seem pointless and fall on its face. its a pretty good show but iit probably could have been 13 episodes log if you cut out all the mediocre episodes..
6 TV
79 Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei
8 TV
80 Seiken no Blacksmith
Decent enough. A 2nd season wouldn't hurt since there seems to be a lot more plot points to be elaborated.
6 TV
81 Sengoku Basara
9 TV
82 Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso
A tough one to describe.. i'd say its a coming of age story wrapped around a school music romance extrior. Characters highly likeable especially the aiza siblings and emi. For some reason i really like them and more than the watari kaori tsubaki trio although tsubaki is pretty great. great art direction while the animeations good for an anime that doesnt require much movement apart from the cg piano.
The beginning was good although b4 the introduction of takeshi aiza and emi it was a bit stagnant. After that though, the show really came to its own, introducing characters who each have their own unique and once again likeable personalities with excellent character development. The music is nice too!
the last episdoe was grwat, though the fate of kaori could be seen from when she first fainted so that took the a bit of the intensity of the emotional pinch away (i didnt cry!) the revelation that she actually liked kousei was a bit farfetched if slightly unbelievable, but for the sake of rhe story and the ending, it was an okay move.
Kousei though steals the show with his growth ovrall, u cant help but just root for the piano genius prodigy. Excellent main chara!

All in all, a very good anime, with many stand out characters, misses out at a 10 maybe bcoz it didnt make me cry? Lols but a very good anime nonetheless
Downloaded Episodes: 22
9 TV
83 Shingeki no Kyojin
Thriling, Exciting,brilliant. Sure, it has some pacing issues in the middle, but with every cliffhanger anding keeping you coming back for more, its no wonder the series is one of 2013's most popular new shows to appear on japanese tv. The fact that noone is immortal and anyone can die at any second adds to the tension that one of your favourite characters might just be killed off next. And thats saying something considering how you like and cheer for the character sto prevail against the gigantic titans (how rare that may be). Nevertheless, its very rare an anime comes by and makes me marathon and finish all 25 episodes in under 30 hours straight (which heled overcome the frustration of the constant cliffhangers). Too bad the ending's a cliffhanger too, I'm eagerly anticipating the next season!
Downloaded Episodes: 25
9 TV
84 Slam Dunk
9 TV
85 So Ra No Wo To
The structure of this series was pure shit. 1st ep was promising. 2nd to 9th episode were absolutely boring fillers. Then 10-12 were really, really good. Why couldn't they have made 2-9 full of plot development I do not know why. If that was the case, the rating would've been much higher since the animation, art and soundtrack were terrific. Overall, disappointing, but the final arc was brilliant.
Downloaded Episodes: 12
7 TV
86 Sora no Manimani
9 TV
87 Soul Eater
7 TV
88 Suzumiya Haruhi no Yuuutsu
9 TV
89 Suzumiya Haruhi no Yuuutsu (2009)
7 TV
90 Suzumiya Haruhi-chan no Yuuutsu
91 Sword Art Online
Very enjoyable anime overall, started slowly but caught on when the asuna-kirito bits began. The mid-series twist was unexpected but the elfheim online arc was a bit of a drag to be honest. At times continued watching just to reach the long awaited and much anticipated endingg where Asuna would hopefully be saved. Regardless, the extremely strong sword art online arc is enough to recommend this to any kind of anime fan, its just that the second arc disappoints to a certain extent, but overall the first arc is good enough to give the whole first season a very high score.
Downloaded Episodes: 25
9 TV
92 Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann
7 TV
93 Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann: Kirameki★Yoko Box - Pieces of Sweet Stars
8 Music
94 Toaru Kagaku no Railgun
7 TV
95 Toki wo Kakeru Shoujo
9 Movie
96 Tokyo Magnitude 8.0
7 TV
97 Toradora!
9 TV
98 True Tears
9 TV
99 Ueki no Housoku
8 TV
100 Yakitate!! Japan
8 TV
101 Yamada-kun to 7-nin no Majo
A very good watch with highly likeable characters with a lead couple who dont seem that compatible but are really perfect for each other. Its a school magic romanceharem, harem; so yes there are a few female leads in here. But thats the thing, its a 12 episode series so while each girl does get their very own time in the spotlight, you get the feeling the character arent given enough time to be fully fleshed out or time to shine. The reason? The manga and in turn, the anime adaptation! To my knowledge the manga is still ongoing and is at 166+ chapters, and to adapt all that into a 12 episode series is going to pose some problems no doubt. If that was the condition for the anime being made, then the anime certainly done an astounding job in adapting its source material. However! Looking back at it as an individual piece, one cant help but feel that a longer run would have proven to be a wiser choice, because to me, that was the animes main problem. You have these amazing characters with a good hook (witch powers and kissing) for a harem comedy, and while it is a very good series, you cant help but feel there was more to be had here, potential unfulfilled one could say.
On the other hand, I must commend the character designs in this series, they look absolutely terrific! girls are attractive as theyshould be for a harem, and the male leads arent too shabby either. A very good looking anime I must say, with the seiyuus also in tip top form with each character perfectly cast. There a are quite a few all star names in there if you listen closely.
All in all, a very good anime with wonderful characters, but maybe just maybe, could have been amazeballs with a longer run.
Downloaded Episodes: 12
8 TV
102 Yozakura Quartet
6 TV
103 Zoku Natsume Yuujinchou
10 TV
104 Fairy Tail
- TV
5 / 175
105 Kobato.
- TV
17 / 24
106 Akikan!
3 TV
4 / 12
107 El Cazador de la Bruja
it was okay. more like a 6.5 but there was nothing in the show that mede me want to come back for it. other than the relationship between nadine and elise, nothin really.
5 TV
14 / 26
108 Fullmetal Alchemist
6 TV
31 / 51
109 Ichiban Ushiro no Daimaou
ecchi and kinda funny but schedule constraints and the lacking of an x-factor prevents me from continuing this.
- TV
1 / 12
110 Nabari no Ou
pretty backgrounds but the weak story kept the show from being good. didn't leave me wanting more.
6 TV
16 / 26
111 Tears to Tiara
5 TV
10 / 26
112 Ano Hi Mita Hana no Namae wo Bokutachi wa Mada Shiranai.
- TV
- / 11
113 Ao no Exorcist
- TV
- / 25
114 Bakuman.
- TV
- / 25
115 Boku wa Tomodachi ga Sukunai
- TV
- / 12
116 Clannad
- TV
- / 23
117 Denpa Onna to Seishun Otoko
- TV
- / 12
118 Ga-Rei: Zero
- TV
- / 12
119 Gosick
- TV
- / 24
120 Hanasaku Iroha
- TV
- / 26
121 Hourou Musuko
- TV
- / 11
122 Mahou Shoujo Madoka★Magica
- TV
- / 12
123 Nichijou
- TV
- / 26
124 Sengoku Basara Ni
- TV
- / 12
125 Yojouhan Shinwa Taikei
- TV
- / 11
126 Yozakura Quartet: Hoshi no Umi
- / 3