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# Anime Title Score Type Progress Tags
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Fate/stay night: Unlimited Blade Works 2nd Season
- TV -/13
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Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki-kun
- TV 5/12
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Hibike! Euphonium 2
- TV -/13
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Isshuukan Friends.
- TV 8/12
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Kiseijuu: Sei no Kakuritsu
- TV 2/24
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Mushishi Zoku Shou 2nd Season
- TV -/10
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Ryuugajou Nanana no Maizoukin
- TV 3/11
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Samurai Champloo Rewatching
From the director of Bebop, this show is equally stylish except instead of mixing space with the West and jazz, it mixes samurai with hip-hop. Sounds crazy right? But it works fantastically. It follows Bebop's structure of mostly being episodic with some plot-episodes mixed in.The characters and overarching story aren't quite as good as Bebop's, but it is still a fantastic show that everyone should watch. Also features a wonderful, fitting soundtrack by the late Nujabes.
9 TV 5/26
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Terra Formars
- TV 9/13
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Zetsuen no Tempest
- TV 15/24
TV: 10, OVA: 0, Movies: 0, Spcl.: 0, Eps: 26, Days: 0.7, Mean Score: 9.0, Score Dev.: 0.49

# Anime Title Score Type Progress Tags
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Ai Monogatari: 9 Love Stories
I watched this purely to see Hiroshi Hamasaki's directorial debut. It's a pretty mixed bag as a whole - a few of them are pretty good while others are very forgettable. If you want to see some corny but entertaining love stories and are willing to sit through some mediocre ones then it's probably worth a download. Also worth a download if you're just a Hamasaki fan - you can see some of his style/flair even in a production as low-budget as this.
6 OVA 1
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That and many other bad songs featured in this show can be catchy as fuck and it has nice background art and one of those fucking awesome giant excavator machine things with that huge saw blade on the end. Other than that it's not very good though. Chieri and the red-haired girl were the only decently interesting characters, they tried to shoehorn in way too many characters, several of the VA's were either really bad, had obnoxious voices, or both, and they threw in a bunch of fragmented, 'mysterious' plot elements that they just left unexplained for the second season.It also has a very Japanese message that encourages giving up your own self-identity for that of an idol for the good of the group (and for entertainment of course) - becoming a 'thing' with a pre-set personality for masses to unrealistically idolize. Maybe I'm just a selfish, vain Westerner but the fact that no counter-argument was presented against giving up your individuality and that no one even mildly struggles with it is pretty bothersome for me.

However is worth watching if you want to see how to completely fail at directing action scenes. Watch the first episode and just look at how little consistency there is between shots.
4 TV 13
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Aku no Hana
One of the best uses of rotoscoping that I've ever seen - they used it to do things that they simply couldn't have pulled off with traditional animation (the classroom destruction, which alone justifies the decision to rotoscope) and it was essential to establishing the creepy mood. It had excellent sound design - not Ghost Hound-tier but really damn good at making you uneasy. Everything else aside you should watch it simply because it had balls and took some risks instead of just making a safe adaptation of a fairly popular manga, and the fact they didn't is very admirable.
9 TV 13
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7 TV 12
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Angel Beats!
Went into this show not expecting a lot and ended up with something that was quite good. A very entertaining, touching show that had a nice message and a pretty poignant ending. It had some problems; a lot of the characters aren't developed and remain stereotypical, and it felt rushed with some pacing problems-- it really needed more than 13 episodes. Still, an above-average show that's was definitely worth watching.
8 TV 13
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Ano Hi Mita Hana no Namae wo Bokutachi wa Mada Shiranai.
It ramped the 'trying to make you cry' factor just a bit much at the end, but that didn't make me not cry any less, so it didn't bother me that much. Really good series if you need an emotional release, and has a pretty great cast of characters which got developed really well for only being 11 episodes.
8 TV 11
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Aoi Bungaku Series
A solid show although inconsistent and many of the stories feel rushed and are confusing. The best two arcs by far are No Longer Human and Run, Melos!, and the show is worth watching for those alone. The art is very high-quality all the way. They really skimped on the voice-acting though; they re-used VA's several times, even when the voice was inappropriate for the character and sometimes the voice-acting was just mediocre. Was expecting a bit more overall but the aforementioned stories are great enough that they make it worthwhile.
8 TV 12
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Azumanga Daiou The Animation
An extremely funny show with very good characters that you really connect with and feel like you know as the show goes on. Very touching ending. More anime humor should be like this.
9 TV 26
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Really hard to get into at first since you have no idea what's going on or who all these characters are, but once it hits its stride it really becomes a blast to watch. Very, very fun show.
9 TV 13
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Baccano! Specials
A few extra episodes that continue the story. The same great Baccano.
9 Special 3
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8 TV 15
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Black Lagoon
Very fun show with the over-the-top action of a Hollywood action movie but without taking itself as seriously. Thankfully, it doesn't degenerate to the point of parody.The cast of underworld characters is very enjoyable and likeable, despite their occupations. Rock is a good contrast to the rest of the crew, and he does a lot more than just playing straight-man to everyone else.
8 TV 12
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Black Lagoon: The Second Barrage
8 TV 12
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As I understand it, this little collection of animated scenes/images from the manga was created as something of a promo for a possible anime that never happened; don't go into it expecting any kind of plot or cohesiveness whatsoever. You're not gonna get a thing out of this unless you've read the manga. It was nice to see some of the amazing visuals in animated form and it has a great fitting soundtrack, but there's not really enough here to make it anything other than an interesting promo. It did sell me on the idea of an adaptation though, and I would absolutely love to see a full-fledged series; with the right team, it could really be a wonderful, one-of-a-kind production.
5 ONA 6
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Blame! Movie
7 Movie 1
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Blame! Prologue
A halfway decent promo for the manga, I guess. Slightly better than the 6 episode OVA series. It conveys the visuals of the manga pretty good and the music is okay, but you're not going to get anything out of this unless you're already familiar with Blame. I really think that the manga could make for a great anime/movie (say with Hiroshi Hamasaki directing), but there's no chance in hell anyone is ever going to fund it.
5 OVA 2
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Boku wa Tomodachi ga Sukunai
I enjoyed this more than the score may indicate. Lots of fanservice, but legitimately funny a lot of the time with good chemistry and interaction between the cast. The cell phone scene was fantastic. Overall nothing amazing but fun. I'll be checking out the second season.
6 TV 12
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Boku wa Tomodachi ga Sukunai Next
eh nandate
6 TV 12
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Boku wa Tomodachi ga Sukunai: Yaminabe wa Bishoujo ga Zannen na Nioi
If I had seen this before the actual show, I probably wouldn't have bothered. It's not really funny and doesn't work as a teaser for the series because of the short length and lack of character interaction. Not really worth watching.
4 OVA 1
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Bokura no
This is the absolute worst adaptation I have seen in my entire life. It has not absolutely none of the power or emotion of the manga, and the director clearly had zero understanding of the source material, so he decided to make his own shitty version of it. The characters have none of their original nuance and are watered-down and one-dimensional - partially due to the decision that boring nonsensical politics are just as important as the kids. The music is mediocre and the same three tracks are re-used constantly. The animation ranges from barely-passable to plain bad. The added story elements are laughably bad, particularly the 'Masterminds'. After the ending, I just llaughed in disbelief and said 'jesus christ'.

Even when viewing it as a stand-alone product it's still very mediocre. But to anyone who liked the manga, this show is an insult. When the author said that fans shouldn't watch the show, I figured he was overreacting. He wasn't. Watch it only if you have a masochistic curioisty of how much it butchers the story/characters, or if you want to really see how important a competent director who gets the source material is when it comes to adaptations.
2 TV 24
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Boogiepop wa Warawanai
This show had a fantastically creepy, unnerving atmosphere and amazing sound design. Also sepia. Lots and lots of sepia. Unfortunately the structure and timeline of the plot is extremely hard to follow and it's easy to lose track of the intertwining characters/storylines. From what I hear the show is a bit of a mish-mash of the various Boogiepop novels and a familiarity with the novels makes the show a lot less confusing.
8 TV 12
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Byousoku 5 Centimeter
A very touching movie about relationships and how people can slowly drift apart despite their wishes, and sometimes you just have to accept it. Visually beautiful.

...Although you do wonder why the hell they didn't just exchange cell phone numbers and save themselves a lot of heartache.
9 Movie 3
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Great show. Was hard to watch throughout for me because I don't have a fifth of the motivation or will that the characters had. How did Shinobu get so fat so quick.
9 TV 25
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Chuumon no Ooi Ryouriten (1991)
Very eerie short with a fantastic art style. Manages to be a decent parable as well without any dialogue whatsoever. I should probably watch the other stuff by this director.
7 Movie 1
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Chuunibyou demo Koi ga Shitai!
7 TV 12
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Chuunibyou demo Koi ga Shitai! Kirameki no... Slapstick Noel
7 Special 1
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Chuunibyou demo Koi ga Shitai! Ren
There wasn't much of a point to this season since so little ended up actually happening, and I felt really bad for Saotone since her sole purpose in the show was to suffer so that Rikka/Yuuta's relationship could be advanced by like a fucking inch. It was also nice to see Kyoani confirm in the last episode via character mouthpiece that they consciously avoid being satisfying far as the romance goes because of otaku/waifu pandering. It's enjoyable and worth watching if you liked the first season, but it's not nearly as poignant and it lacks any real direction or development, as well as feeling like Rikka has regressed instead of growing as a character.
6 TV 12
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Code Geass: Boukoku no Akito 1 - Yokuryuu wa Maiorita
A very slick, entertaining work of action with two interesting leads. This is only the first OVA and it's already better than 3/4ths of Geass R2. As long as it continues to not have the absolute silliness that plagued so much of Geass, then it should be pretty golden. I assumed a CG series without Lelouch or C.C. would just be boring garbage, but I'm glad to be wrong.
8 Movie 1
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Code Geass: Hangyaku no Lelouch
A show that had a pretty good premise and seemed to be very Death Note-esque but quickly plummeted down due to bad writing. It's entertaining enough as long as you don't think about it too much
6 TV 25
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Code Geass: Hangyaku no Lelouch R2
Really, really bad. The reset button is pressed after the first season's stupid cliffhanger ending. It looks like it may pick up after a while but it just gets stupider and more ridiculous as it goes. Amazingly enough it actually manages to pull off a decent ending after an entire season of trainwreck but it's not enough to redeem it.
4 TV 25
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Colorful (Movie)
Decent enough drama that starts with a lot of potential but squanders a lot of it due to characters not being very compelling and the relationships between them not getting developed very well. The voice acting is also pretty meh. It has great scenery and is still good enough to justify a watch. Just don't expect anything amazing.
7 Movie 1
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Cowboy Bebop
Far and away one of the best animes ever made. Bebop absolutely oozes style. Really great, endearing characters, great action, and the soundtrack is one of the best around.The majority of the episodes are self-contained and aren't connected to the main plot, but it really doesn't matter because they're absolutely fantastic, whether they're revealing more about the characters or about the crew tripping on shrooms. An absolute classic with none of the usual anime cliches, making it accessible to just about anyone.
10 TV 26
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Cowboy Bebop: Tengoku no Tobira
Essentially an extended episode, the movie had everything you could want out of a Bebop movie. Great stuff.
9 Movie 1
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Darker than Black: Kuro no Keiyakusha
A really solid action-based series with an interesting premise/setting and some good characters (particularly Hei). Plot structure is primarily two-episode arcs, most of which are really good despite their shortness.It doesn't get into the main plot until around halfway through and the ending is a bit messy., but it's still way above average and really enjoyable on every level.
8 TV 25
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Darker than Black: Kuro no Keiyakusha Gaiden
These 4 OVA's are set between season 1 and 2 and bridge the gap between the two. One of the problems with season 2 was not knowing what happened beforehand so it was nice to finally get everything (mostly) explained. Good action scenes and good character development for Hei and Yin. A good watch and necessary story/character-wise.
7 Special 4
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Darker than Black: Ryuusei no Gemini
Was really excited to get another season but unfortunately it doesn't quite live up to the first one. Surprisingly, the cause is not having a middle-age schoolgirl share the role of protagonist with Hei since she actually develops into a good character. The problem is that with only 13 episodes, the show is very rushed by the end and the ending is extremely confusing/mediocre due to the convoluted plot. This partially results from the time-skip from season one that was not nearly enough filled in (now being done in OVA's packaged with with season 2's DVDs). Hei is even more badass in this season and the soundtrack is extremely awesome, so it's not a complete lost. BONES really needs to figure out how to properly structure a season and to write solid endings.
7 TV 12
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Darkside Blues
Checked this out solely because Hiroshi Hamasaki was the character/animation director and because it sounded like a decent sci-fi story. 'Decent' is the perfect word to describe it because it never really rises above that. It takes its time introducing a cast that is far too large for its 1h23m running time and as a result they are all far too underdeveloped to really care about or become interested in them at all. It's a shame because Mai could have been a pretty cool character - instead she gets the least amount of screentime despite being the main character.

In order to help your brain swallow the inscrutable storyline, it has some serviceable action punctuated with scenes of Darkside doing whatever it is the fuck he was doing the whole movie, but the entire time you're just waiting for things to start to build towards SOMETHING. There's no sense of development or escalation. There is no climax in this movie and I wouldn't even call it an anticlimax because that would imply that there had been any build-up in the first place. It just ends - and in a way that's so rushed it actually made me laugh out loud.

Despite all that negativity it was an okay way to kill an hour and 20 minutes. Hamasaki did a good job on the character design, particularly the females, and a decent job with the animation. The nun-chick who had her eyes covered with the cloth had to be his inspiration for the guy who had stapled the thing across his eyes in Texhnolyze.

Overall I rate this a 'decent' out of 'it's alright'
5 Movie 1
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Death Note
Death Note is an extremely good show up until episode 27. The moral gray zone is huge in this show, leaving it up to the viewer to decide whether Light's actions are justifiable and if his goals are noble. It does tension better than any other show and watching Light evade his pursuers with some very genius plans (although they can sometimes be a bit ridiculous in their logic) is extremely satisfying, especially when he's being a gloating bastard about it.

Then L dies and the show really takes a nosedive in quality. Near and Mello are completely uninteresting, unlikeable characters and Light's once-smart plans just become unbelievably dumb. The ending is very well-executed from a production standpoint but I would have preferred Light to win simply because I hated Near so much and it would have been a nice change to have the "bad guy" win.

7 TV 37
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Death Parade
8 TV 12
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Dennou Coil
A pretty great show with one of the most interesting, well-realized worlds I've seen. The main plot moves at a snails pace since so much of the show is spent just spent exploring the world, but you never really mind since it's just so cool. I thought the show stumbled some near the end though; the plot just started getting so convoluted that every episode in the homestretch required a giant exposition dump that kinda impeded the emotional impact. And it got just a bit too melodramatic near the end. If the show didn't have such a cool vision of the future I'd probably drop it to an 8 but I liked it too much to do that (fake edit- found it in me to do it). Highly recommended but it didn't quite live up to the fantastic narrative potential it had.
8 TV 26
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Ergo Proxy
A really solid sci-fi/post-apocalyptic series that has some problems with plot-structure and mild pretentiousness. People expecting the whole series to be like the first batch of episodes will be dissapointed since it takes a turn from a Blade Runner-esque action series into a more introspective, journey-based series of self-discovery and purpose. It has a few bizarre episodes in the middle (gameshow and themepark) but they're still enjoyable. The show throws out the names of philosophers and philosophic concepts constantly but it feels a bit half-baked. The show tries to focus on too many of them at once instead of picking one and doing a great job on it. The ending is really rushed too. Overall still a good show that is definitely worth watching.
7 TV 23
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Evangelion Movie 1: Jo
Anno retruns to troll us all once again. This movie is essentially a remake/condensation of the first 8 episodes of the series but pettier. With the subtle hints and changes, however, it's definitely obvious that Anno is up to something other than a simple remake.

-Decided to rewatch since 3.0 is all up on my mind. It's a good encapsulation of the beginning of the series and Operation Yashima is awesome, as are the updated angels -that Ramiel man.It's basically prep for shit to go wild in 2.0 so by necessity it feels a bit stale in comparison, but still a solid, fun watch.-
7 Movie 1
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Evangelion Movie 2: Ha
Diverges off from the original series at a 90 degree angle. As expected it looks and sounds fantastic, with some amazing visuals and some soundtrack choices echoing the use of "Hallelujah" and "Komm, Susser Tod" from the series/EOE. Unfortunately, Asuka took a very big hit in characterization, with her character being much more simpler and less complex compared to the original. The new character, Mari, doesn't get much screentime but she is both awesome and an obvious marketing ploy. We'll see how she develops in the last two films. Even more evidence leaning towards the "Rebuild is a sequel to EOE" theory presented. Regardless of it it is, it's obviously it's own separate story at this point.

-Edit- On a rewatch I think Asuka's character was fine and I overreacted. She's simplified sure but it still did a decent job with her. Considering that Mari is still completely worthless in 3.0 though I still think they should have cut her character entirely and given her screentime to Asuka.
8 Movie 1
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Evangelion Movie 3: Q
Takes Eva into a new direction, which is a good thing. Does it in an extremely lazy way, which is a bad thing. The story is a complete clusterfuck on almost every level and the asspull of a timeskip hurts the movie on every single level. Retcons out the ass - despite Third Impact being aborted at the end of 2 and everything immediately going calm, it now still completley devastated the entire earth and killed everyone, except for the people standing directly beside Unit 1 at ground zero with no protection of any kind.

An unbelievably lazy plot contrivance in the form of Eva's Curse which is painfully obvious just a plot device to keep the pilots the same age and not alienate the otaku. Except for Shinji, the characters are all now universally unsympathetic because of awful writing - it makes absolutely fucking zero sense that no one would tell Shinji ANYTHING about what was going on - he's the most important person on the planet, someone would force a smile on their face for five minutes and try to keep him calm to prevent exactly what happened. Awful writing. As a result I was sympathetic with Shinji for the entire movie even though Anno clearly didn't intend that. How do you even manage to make me hate every single character EXCEPT for Shinji. For fucks sake.

Mari cannot even be classified as a character. She is a complete and utter non-entity who so far exists solely to make more money. As stated before since the plot required almost every single character to be a horrible dick to Shinji for no justifiable reason, they are all unsympathetic and unpleasent to be around.

I have no idea why it's only an hour and a half long - Anno can make these movies as long as he fucking wants. Maybe spring for another half-hour so the plot won't be so incoherent next time. Considering the short running time, the length of the Wunder launch scene was fucking OFFENSIVE. I actually wondered out loud 'How long is this going to go on?'.

The CGI was really ugly a lot of the time and I'm not trying to be hipster when I say that the original series/EoE had far better art and design.

Also I love how Asuka is apparnetly 28 years old and supposedly more mature but still acts like a fucking child the entire movie except for the very last scene.

Basically it's got a mostly incoherent plot, awful characterization, and lots and lots of problems. I still sorta enjoyed it - it's an extremely lonely movie and it does that very well, but for the most part it feels like Anno fucked up.
3 Movie 1
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Eve no Jikan (Movie)
Absolutely fantastic movie that manages to tackle it's' subject and themes in a very refreshing, original way. The production values are all top-notch, and the CG is incorporated extremely well. Yoshiura proves once again that he's the best one-man show in anime and one of the most talented.
9 Movie 1
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Fate/stay night: Unlimited Blade Works
8 TV 12
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8 TV 13
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Fate/Zero 2nd Season
9 TV 12
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A completely crazy and really out there story about growing up. An absolute blast.
9 OVA 6
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Fumiko no Kokuhaku
7 ONA 1
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Ga-Rei: Zero
I went into this expecting to get a good action show with some decent characters and some tragedy mixed in. Instead I got trolled. The only good thing in the entire show is the relationship between Yomi and Kagura and it was literally the only halfway-interesting thing in the first half. Just about everyone besides Yomi is an anime cliche and are either fucking annoying or a terrible person (or both). The whole 'supernatural demons attacking' business was half-baked, uninspired, and boring, and consequently all the action was equally boring/uninteresting, which is a pretty big fucking con for a show with so much of it. The second half is slightly better, again solely due to Yomi's development. Manages to have a surprisingly decent emotional finale before a pretty worthless final two minutes (which was mildly insulting in how it treated the one good aspect of the show) that finish the show without answering a fucking thing.

Go watch Darker Than Black instead.
5 TV 12
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A very engaging story with a very unique visual style. The characters are all pretty good save the main character, who is incredibly annoying. It's the Count who truly makes the show, however. Seeing his revenge come together is really something to behold. The ending is a bit weak but nothing too bad.
8 TV 24
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Genius Party
Another mixed bag of shorts ala Sweat Punch from Studio 4C. They range from pretty damn good (Baby Blue, Happy Machine) to decent (Doorbell) to unbelievably awful (Limit Cycle). Worth checking out for the two really good ones and to see the most laughably pseudo-intellectual anime ever created.
6 Movie 7
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Ginga Eiyuu Densetsu
This is the best series ever made, hands down. The story is absolutely the most intelligent and involving I've ever seen, and it has the most fantastic, developed characters I've ever seen, even surpassing Monster. There is nothing else like it in anime, nor will there ever be another on the same scale. An absolutely masterful work of art that everyone should see.
10 OVA 110
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Ginga Eiyuu Densetsu: Arata naru Tatakai no Overture
A more detailed and in-depth retelling of the first two episodes of the series. I must say, this is probably the superior version because the initial episodes do come off as a bit rushed, especially with the characters.They all have more depth here and are far more effective because of the additional time taken to develop them. It also gives brand-new background on the buildup to the war and a lot of focus on Yang's personal life/emotions that I liked. Fantastic stuff that is far beyond a simple art/sound upgrade.
10 Movie 1
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Ginga Eiyuu Densetsu: Waga Yuku wa Hoshi no Taikai
A fantastic 'intro' to the series (despite not being made before the main series) that introduces many of the same themes and issues that are the focal points of the series, and also sets up the Yang/Reinhard conflict. I particularly enjoyed how the character flaws of Yang and Reinhard were introduced and it didn't focus purely on how perfect they are (Yang's lack of ambition/forcefulness, Reinhard's arrogance and overpowering emotion). Just as in the rest of the show, the use of classical music is just perfect. Although I advocate just jumping into the 110 episode OVAs, this movie is the perfect indicator to determine whether or not LOGH is for you.
10 Movie 1
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Goku Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei
All three episodes are solid and have the usual great social criticism and laughs. We even get a back-story segment for Nozomu which is surprising for a show like this. The three different OP's are awesomely insane, too.
8 OVA 3
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Guilty Crown
Unfortunately, this show is similar to Code Geass in more than just premise - it also has its bad writing. Lots and lots of cliches and just dumb anime shit. The show has a decent start but it really drags its ass until around the halfway mark. This leads to pretty big clusterfuck of an ending - for example, we're given the following information about the evil organization that is behind everything: they're older than the Templars and Illumnati and somehow have the power to forcefully bring about evolution to all of humanity-by wiping it out-(??) and are eternal beings (???). Seriously I haven't seen plot resolution this confusing and rushed since the second season of DtB. The most surprising aspect of the show was Inori evolving from a Rei-clone into a decent character (I thought she ended up a more endearing than Rei, deal w/it) and the stuff between her and Shoe was decent. Overall if you're looking for a dumb but entertaining, pretty show then this does the job okay. It's too bad though because I felt like there was potential for a legitimately decent show hidden somewhere in there.
5 TV 22
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Gyakkyou Burai Kaiji: Hakairoku-hen
It's more Kaiji, so of course it's fantastic. This season is different because there are only two gambles, with the second one (the Bog) taking up 17 of the 26 episodes. There's no denying that it's really drawn-out and not as involving as the other gambles, but it was still really damn good. The first gamble is one of the best of the series.
9 TV 26
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Gyakkyou Burai Kaiji: Ultimate Survivor
A show filled to the brim with tension and a sympathizable character you''re always rooting for to win the insane gambles he gets himself into. Has quite a bit to say about greed and human nature, too. A must-watch for anyone, unless you can't handle the nose power and ZAWA ZAWA.
9 TV 26
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Haibane Renmei
Astoundingly beautiful show that is incredibly life-affirming and makes you truly appreciate life and everything that comes with it. Wish I had had it on hand to watch after Texhnolyze.
10 TV 13
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Haiyore! Nyaruko-san
I should probably be pretty ashamed that I completed this and kinda enjoyed it. The first episode is decent but it soon becomes apparent that it's going to be maximum pandering and a lot of the time it's just embarrassing. It tries to deflect this some by breaking the fourth wall a lot and pointing out all the cliches and making lots of anime references, but it doesn't change the fact that the pandering and cliches that it's mocking are still core components of the show. That being said, Kana Asumi does an awesome job and if not for her I likely wouldn't have completed it. There are lots of Lovecraft references and jokes and the series iitself admits how lame they are - still, they're kinda cute if you're a fan. Overall I would say it's definitely worth checking out if you like shitty harem shows.
5 TV 12
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Haiyore! Nyaruko-san W
5 TV 12
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Haiyore! Nyaruko-san: Yasashii Teki no Shitome-kata
5 OVA 1
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7 TV Special 5
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Hanasaku Iroha
Starts off really good but quickly turns bad with lots of cliche, boring drama involving a bunch of awful characters; Ohana has no basic logic whatsoever and Minko is the biggest insufferable bitch I've ever seen in an anime before. Rest of the cast was also annoying or forgettable other than Nako.

Basically the show is a character drama where both the characters and drama are bad. It did have really great production values and I liked the environments; it's a shame they were wasted on a show like this.
4 TV 26
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Hataraku Maou-sama!
7 TV 13
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Hibike! Euphonium
8 TV 13
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Highschool of the Dead
This show is one dumb fucking show l but if you like boobs, zombies, guns, and more boobs, then it's entertaining enough.
4 TV 12
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Hoshi wo Ou Kodomo
A decent, easy watch that is brought down by characters that never really feel believable and a shallow plot that doesn't really do justice to its themes. Has some great visuals and settings, and the music is good (if a little overbearing at points).
7 Movie 1
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Hotaru no Haka
10 Movie 1
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Hotarubi no Mori e
Tells a simple but very heartwarming story with a very refreshing aura of innocence surrounding it. Very nice artwork to go along with it, too. If you just want to watch a well-done heartwarming (without being cheesy) movie with a tinge of sadness to it, check this out.
8 Movie 1
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It takes a while to really start appreciating this show because the mysteries are so trivial and there's so little character development at the beginning, but when it finally starts rolling it gets very good. The show's ultimately not really about the silly little mysteries, but about these characters dealing with their various issues relating to talent, uniqueness, and self-worth. It handled them in a very realistic, subtle, engaging way and actually surprised me with some of the conclusions it ended up giving(Satoshi and Mayaka's were unexpectedly cynical, at least to me). Watching them deal with this stuff was what made the show great - seriously, it even made a pool episode really good). It's a gorgeous-looking show, one of the best I've seen in a long time. The directing is top-notch as well, and consistently manages to present images/information in great ways, especially when Oreki is imagining something or during the 'summarizing avaliable info on the mystery' scenes. A few episodes that included little-to-no development on the aformentioned issues fell a bit flat, and the ending was a pretty huge tease/non-ending, but with any luck it'll get a conclusion someday. Overall it was really good.
8 TV 22
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Ima, Soko ni Iru Boku
A straightforward but emotionally powerful show that is marred by some character issues. Shu is one of the most frustrating characters I've ever seen and is so ridiculously optimistic that it was hard to take him seriously a lot of the time. The villain is also a complete one-dimensional psycho. However, the side-characters (Nabuca, Sara) are absolutely fantastic. Despite my problems with the characters and the rushed ending, it was still an above-average show and definitely worth checking out.
8 TV 13
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The philosophical quoting gets way out of hand, but other than that it's a very good movie. It's absolutely gorgeous and has the best 3D visuals I've ever seen in an anime. Batou takes over as the main character, and I found him a lot more interesting than the Major was. Fantastic action, as well. It's not a classic like the first film, but definitely deserves viewing.
8 Movie 1
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Je T'aime
A simple but touching story with some great backgrounds and animation to go along with it. A really nice little short that's definitely worth the watch.
8 OVA 1
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A great introspective, psychological drama with action and political intrigue mixed in. Seeing Fuse trying to deal with his inner demons feels very real and the fact the viewer is able to feel so much for the girl he is tormented over despite her only being in the opening 10 minutes and having virtually no dialogue is extremely impressive- you can feel her fear through her panicked breaths, frantic running, and the expressions on her face. However, the romance felt a bit forced and they could have went into Fuse's character a bit more. The ending is extremely bleak and powerful.
8 Movie 1
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I had my brain turned off as far as it could go and still only mildly enjoyed this show. It's cute girls doing cute things which can still make for an enjoyable show; the problem was it didn't seem like they focused on the character interaction that much. They had decent enough dynamics (despite their genericness), particularly Mio/Ritsu but they spent so much time on the moe fanservice and drinking tea and eating cake that they kinda buried the one enjoyable aspect of the show. And yes, the animation is fantastic for being a TV show, but for me the lazy moeblob art-style almost cancels it out.
5 TV 13
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Has a fantastically unique art-style that really grows on you after a while and starts off as something really original with a special feel to it that raises some interesting thoughts on memory and life. Unfortunately, about halfway through when the standalone 'planet-exploring' episodes are over and more gets revealed about the main plot, it loses a lot of that unique spark and heads into much more typical territory. The story also got so complicated and confusing by the ending that I wasn't really sure what exactly was happening. Definitely still worth a watch because of how strong the first half is, but it's a bit saddening how it drifted away from what made it special.
8 TV 12
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Kaichou wa Maid-sama!
Fun show with a good cast that makes up for the overall predictable nature and sameness of the episodes. Still got a bit stale at times but an entertaining watch nonetheless. Kinda bothered me how they completely ignored the fact he said "I love you" twice but oh well.
7 TV 26
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7 TV 12
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A great show and very close to being really, really fantastic but parts of the ending just left a bad taste in my mouth that I can't get rid of yet.
8 TV 12
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Kidou Keisatsu Patlabor 2 the Movie
It's different than the first tone-wise, but I found it even better. It's more 'mature' and politically-focused (almost entirely so), and there is far more Oshii philosophical-ness, along with the mandatory 'overly long philosophical monologue/conversation'; that being said I found the points he was making about war to be very interesting and incredibly relevant in today's world, and the story is about as well-done a poltiical-techno thriller as I've ever seen. It has some amazing scenery porn and great animation. While it loses the character-focus that the first movie had, this one still has more interesting/developed characters than in most of Oshii's films, so it still succeeds fine on that point.
9 Movie 1
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Kidou Keisatsu Patlabor the Movie
Definitely the best thing I've seen from the mecha genre so far. I enjoyed how realistically they were designed - everything from their appearance to their use was extremely believable and l could actually see things like that being developed one day. Oshii directed it so it has amazing visuals and animation, but surprisingly it also has some great characters that are actually the center of the movie. The story is pretty damn good too if you're into detective stuff. Highly recommended for anyone, regardless of interest in the genre.
8 Movie 1
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Kill la Kill
Trigger clearly put a ton of passion and creativity into this, and it makes up for most of the weaknesses. It has some truly great moments and some good twists. The ending felt pretty rushed though. If you watch it without silly 'it's gonna save anime' expectations, you'll probably enjoy it quite a bit. At the very least, it's definitely a breath of fresh air and I look forward to seeing what Trigger makes next.Has a fantastic soundtrack, too.
7 TV 24
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Kino no Tabi: The Beautiful World
An enjoyable show but the stories tended to be a bit too hamfisted and the moral message was always really straightforward. I never really cared much for Kino either, which definitely hurts a show like this. Still good and worth the watch.
7 TV 13
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Kotonoha no Niwa
It has Shinkai's traditional beautiful visuals, but he actually managed to make them boring. Every single image is so idyllic and gorgeous that it actually drains the power from them and makes most of the imagery very unmemorable and stale. His entire visual style feels very close to unintentional parody at this point. Throw in some fucking dirt and grime or something. The actual story is decent-at-best. It doesn't do anything special with its premise. I actually started laughing out loud during the climax of the movie. Typical anime bullshit of 'scream and cry while cliche emotional music plays'. It was really bad. Anyway it's still worth a watch if you want to look at some pretty (but old) city/nature shots while piano music plays.
6 Movie 1
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Koukaku Kidoutai
9 Movie 1
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Koukaku Kidoutai: Stand Alone Complex
I still prefer the first movie to either of the TV seasons, but as far as sci-fi anime goes it's still very solid. The Laughing Man is a very compelling character and it's nice to see the GITS-world expanded upon, even if it comes off as significantly 'cleaner' than the movie one. That being said some of the stand-alone episodes (harhar) aren't always super interesting and it occasionally falls into Innocence-territory with the lazy quotations. Also, the way the Maor is so fucking perfect at everything is really annoying and her wearing some ridiculous fanservice outfit in so many of the episodes really clashes with the tone of the show. It's also annoying how undeveloped so many of the members of Section-9 are.
8 TV 26
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Koukaku Kidoutai: Stand Alone Complex 2nd GIG
8 TV 26
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Love Lab
Excellent cast, voice acting, and animation made this one of the most surprisingly great shows that I've seen, and gave me some of the more pure enjoyment I've had watching anime. Maki/Riko were a great duo and I'll admit the friendship stuff between them got to me a little. I want a season 2 of this more than Spice and Wolf season 3.
9 TV 13
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Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha: The Movie 1st
Didn't turn me on to the genre but still a pretty enjoyable movie. The action is well-done and exciting and the story was decent but fairly predictable. My main issue was with the characters- Fate and Percia were the only ones I really cared about/found interesting.
7 Movie 1
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Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha: The Movie 2nd A's
Just like the first one I enjoyed it quite a bit considering I'm not really into the genre. I was a bit fatigued by the time the last half-hour rolled around and they went into the last big action sequence immediately after another one had just ended.
7 Movie 1
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Mahou Shoujo Madoka★Magica
As someone who usually isn't interested in the genre, this show did exactly what it needed to do to make me really enjoy it- break all the usual cliches and expectations I had (which it did very well, boot-stamped them Orwell style). It could have stood to be a bit longer to give some of the characters more development, but the ones that are developed are great (Homura). Overall a really great, bittersweet work.
9 TV 12
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Mahou Shoujo Madoka★Magica Movie 1: Hajimari no Monogatari
7 Movie 1
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Majo no Takkyuubin
A really simple story that's still executed well enough to get some real emotion out of it - it helps that it was pretty easy to relate to. I felt like the ending was building up to a bit more than it amounted to, but I might have been expecting too much from this kind of movie.
8 Movie 1
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Mardock Scramble: The First Compression
An enjoyable, over-the-top action/sci-fi movie. It definitely feels like a throwback to stuff from the 80's/early 90's and as a result it's a nice change of pace from the usual stuff today. Lots of nudity and some dark themes, but still a 'fun' watch. While nothing about it is amazing, it was good enough to get me to watch the rest of them when they come out.
7 Movie 1
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It didn't really do much for me but it was entertaining enough. Had a really nice OP and great voice acting, especially from Yuu Kobayashi.
6 TV 12
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Funny, enjoyable, relaxing show. Needed more Hosaka
8 TV 13
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Mind Game
One of the oddest, surreal movies I've ever seen. The climax is absolutely incredible and out of this world.
7 Movie 1
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Mizu no Kotoba
This stylish short-film uses its short 9-minute span amazingly well, creating a great atmosphere with a focus on some cool concepts. Even manages to have a great plot twist.
8 TV Special 1
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Monogatari Series: Second Season
Sengoku and Kaiki's arc made this even better than the first season, which I was seriously surprised by. The stuff with Sengoku was the best character development of the entire series, and really dispels the idea (understandably given by Nise) that there's nothing to the franchise other than fanservice and wordswordswords. And Kaiki is just so much damn fun every time he's talking. If you liked Bake but were put off by Nise, this should remind you of why you liked it in the first place.
9 TV 26
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Aside from LOGH, you will never come across a better story or cast of characters in any anime. Ever. One of the few shows that truly transcends the medium. If you haven't seen it, stop reading this and go watch it now.
10 TV 74
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Mousou Dairinin
Starts out as a very promising psychological thriller/mystery but it eventually loses the plot and wastes too much time on standalone episodes that simply aren't all that great. The writer suddenly remembered there was an overarching plot/mystery by the last two episodes but by that point there's just been too much wasted time. The conclusion isn't very satisfying, either. It does have some very good criticism of modern Japanese society, however.
6 TV 13
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"Don't let yourself be blinded by fear or anger. Everything is only as it is."

An absolutely beautiful, relaxing show. The art is just amazing. Every single episode is unique and great. It is incredibly thought-provoking and emotional and will make you reflect on what's most important in life, without ever once seeming insincere or forced. By far the best episodic show I've seen and is a must-watch.
10 TV 26
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Mushishi Zoku Shou
10 TV 10
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Mushishi Zoku Shou: Odoro no Michi
9 TV Special 1
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Mushishi: Hihamukage
Just as good as the series. Beautiful music, good down-to-earth voice acting, great backgrounds, and a story with a moral that is conveyed without feeling preachy while still having an emotional impact. Seriously excited for season two and to have the show back in my life again.
9 TV Special 1
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One of the most weirdest anime I've ever seen but thankfully it's not just weirdness with no point. It's disturbing, beautiful, bizarre, and darkly funny and ultimately makes a very moving statement about human life. Highly recommended if you can handle a lot of surrealism. After reading about the background of the manga creator, this work is all the more sad and beautiful.
8 OVA 1
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Nekomonogatari: Kuro
A nice return to form after Nise. Sure, still fanservice but it's in the style of Bake where it didn't overtake the show and was balanced out by lots of good character stuff. Gave me an entirely new appreciation of Hanekawa - she'is definitely the most interesting character in the series now.
7 TV Special 4
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NHK ni Youkoso!
Pretty accurately portrays the attitudes and mindsets that lead to being a NEET (and the emotions associated with that) and how harmful they can be to your life.Points out very uncomfortable truths. The offline suicide meeting is one of the best episodes of anime that I've ever seen.
9 TV 24
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Despite the absolutely ridiculous amount of fanservice and how utterly self-indulgent it was (to the point of just being uncomfortable in many parts), this was still an entertaining, decent show. The two arcs weren't as good as the stuff from Bake and there was a severe lack of the best character, but I liked Kaiki and it had a decent conclusion (addendum: I now realize that Kaii IS the best character). As long as the future -monogatari works don't go full-tilt fanservice fantasy fulfillment like this one did, I'll stick around for them and probably like them more.
6 TV 11
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Ookami to Koushinryou
Horo is one of the best female characters around and has a great, complex personality. The dialogue is some of the best you'll hear and the wonderful interaction between Horo and Lawrence carries the show. The economics can definitely get pretty confusing at times. A great slow-burning romance.
9 TV 13
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Ookami to Koushinryou II
The romance between Horo and Lawrence takes more of the forefront this season with Horo trying to deal with her growing love for Lawrence while knowing that he will die long before her. It's nice to see their relationship develop instead of drawing it out forever. A tad weaker than the first season but not by much.
9 TV 12
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Ookami to Koushinryou II: Ookami to Kohakuiro no Yuuutsu
A good stand-alone episode that introduces the issue of Horo and Lawrence's lifespan differences. Essentially 24 minutes of Horo/Lawrence interaction so that alone makes it worthwhile.
7 OVA 1
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Ore no Kanojo to Osananajimi ga Shuraba Sugiru
6 TV 13
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Pale Cocoon
A very good, original sci-fi/post-apocalyptic tale that really would have benefited from being a bit longer.The production values are top notch, especially since it was essentially a one-man project.
8 OVA 1
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Panty & Stocking with Garterbelt
Gainax having fun. The humor usually isn't all that good but it was a pretty fun show that at least manages to be very unique from what you usually see, which I appreciated. Also has a fantastic soundtrack.
6 TV 13
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While the story and characters don't reach their fullest potential and it gets a bit too confusing for it's own good, the pure brilliance and imagination shown in the visuals that Kon conjures up make it more than worthwhile on that single merit, and it reminded me all too much of what an amazing person we lost. Susumu Hirasawa provides the soundtrack (as always), and he does another fantastic job, especially on the ending theme.
8 Movie 1
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Perfect Blue
8 Movie 1
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Phantom: Requiem for the Phantom
It starts out decently and is entertaining enough for what it is, but significant portions of it, especially in the second half, are just mediocre. There's really no restraint or depth to most of the writing and it results in a lot of silliness. That being said it did manage some occasional good pathos. The ending, however, is one of the most bafflingly vague, open-ended conclusions that I've ever seen. Like, for this kind of show to give that kind of an ending is quite literally the definition of insanity. I'm almost in awe of it.

Also a large majority of the action is typical lame-ass bullshit anime action where basic physics and rationality are completely ignored.
6 TV 26
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Princess Tutu
Probably wins the award for "Most Misleading Cover/Synopsis" ever. The characters are really good and the plot is not bad either. It has problems with pacing and repetition though. 4-5 episodes in a row that are virtually identical and with little to no plot advancement wasn't really super interesting. The ending is adequate, nothing really crazy- the buildup to it was the best part.
8 TV 38
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8 TV 22
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Psycho-Pass 2
Pretty disappointing.
5 TV 11
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Rain Town
A super beautiful short about friendship.
9 ONA 1
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It's not perfect - the pacing feels a bit off, most of the cast gets a nice introduction but not enough development, and the ending felt really abrupt, but it is still an absolutely awesome experience regardless of its flaws. Quite simply the best animation I've ever seen and probably the most fun, heart-racing, awesome works I've ever seen. If nothing else, it deserves to be seen simply because there will never be anything like it again.
9 Movie 1
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Sakamichi no Apollon
If you go into this expecting an awesome series about people playing jazz, you're gonna be disappointed. If you go into expecting a slice-of-life with lots of drama and occasional jazz playing, you might enjoy it more. Unfortunately, there's just far too much cliche melodrama for me to praise it that much. I mean seriously, TWO 'girl comes running up to the train station at the last minute' scenes? When the show ditches the melodrama and focuses on the jazz and its ability to bring them together as friends, the show is pretty damn good. Ultimately this show just feels like a waste of Watanabe's directing skills. If the drama was better-written, this could have been pretty fantastic. As it stands, it's just okay.
6 TV 12
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Sakasama no Patema
7 Movie 1
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Sakigake!! Cromartie Koukou
One of the funniest anime I've ever seen and one of the few cases where the English dub is superior. If you want a pure comedy show with great laughs, this is your best option.
9 TV 26
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Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei
Has an excellent cast of characters and is really hilarious. It quite often criticizes and laughs at Japanese culture, too. Required watching for comedy.
9 TV 12
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Sen to Chihiro no Kamikakushi
Well it had some nice visuals, I guess? I don't know, I just don't see why this is so highly-praised. Granted it definitely wasn't what I expected it to be like. I'm fine with family-friendly but two hours of fantastical imagery and almost nothing else was a bit much for me. I liked Kaonashi though, he was cool.
6 Movie 1
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Sennen Joyuu
9 Movie 1
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Serial Experiments Lain
Lain is definitely a mind-bender. You will spend the majority of the time not knowing what is going on. A convoluted plot is fine but Lain's was a bit frustrating for me. The ending was okay but not completely satisfying. Lain herself was a great character who you really felt for.
7 TV 13
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The director of Texhnolyze puts his visual skills to good work in this extremely violent, brutal show. While the show isn't all that realistic, it doesn't detract from the very serious nature. People looking for lots of fights will be disappointed since the fights are over extremely fast (they typically end in one move) and is more about the buildup. The show ends abruptly since the manga is still on-going.
9 TV 12
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Shingeki no Kyojin
Has everything you could ask for in a good action show while also having some really unexpected story turns. Pretty much anyone should be able to enjoy it regardless of genre taste. For my money the most thrilling series in quite a while.
9 TV 25
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Started out with a ton of potential but ultimately didn't love up to it. The pacing felt a bit too slow in the beginning and when they finally started bringing in the major story elements, it just brought it further away from the great creepiness/horror factor it had going for it to the point there was really none of that atmosphere at all in the second half. I never really liked any of the characters that much either-- my favorite was actually a side-character; I just found the leads annoying, especially the MC. It ends with a bunch of unresolved questions/plot threads introduced early on and the ending itself was really contrived and overly happy. Also, gotta love how the titular 'Ghost Hound' only appears twice in the entire series and has no real importance to the story at all. A decent show but Konaka has done way better writing-wise. However, the sound-design in this show is MASTERFUL and is worth watching solely for that. Seriously, it was that impressive.
7 TV 22
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Shinryaku! Ika Musume
One of the most enjoyable shows I've seen in a while. I was expecting some generic slice-of-life show with squid puns (which i just turned off after a while), but instead got a show with a great cast and really good comedy. It even had a few well-done emotional moments. If you like comedic, light-hearted shows in the slightest then you should watch this.

P.S. The umbrella chapter is probably the single best 'bit' I've ever seen in a SOL before. It's just perfect.
9 TV 12
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Shinryaku! Ika Musume Specials
oh god my heart someone call an amb-
8 Special 2
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Shinseiki Evangelion
A classic that was truly original and had a huge effect on anime as a whole. The characters and their many, many psychological problems all feel extremely real. A great show that is unfortunately missing a real ending. Luckily, Anno makes up for this with End of Evangelion and provides an ending that will certainly please all by answering the remaining plot questions in a very satisfactory manner and giving the characters an uplifting, happy conclusion.
9 TV 26
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Shinseiki Evangelion Movie: Air/Magokoro wo, Kimi ni

Your mind will be completely fucked by the end of this movie and you'll be emotionally exhausted. Absolutely perfect.
10 Movie 1
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Shinsekai yori
The first episode of this show made me feel something I hadn't felt in a really long time when it comes to anime. It was the same feeling I felt when I saw the first episode of shows like Texhnolyze and Haibane Renmei - a feeling that you're watching something really special that doesn't come along very often. In just one episode I was introduced to an incredibly intriguing world that had a history I instantly wanted to learn more about.

I then felt the almost equally powerful disappointment when the show veered off into a direction I didn't care for at all - queerats killing each other for three episodes right after an information bomb about the past world, then a timeskip where for a while it seems like not much is happening, etc. But then it started getting better. And better. Until it was back at the quality set early on. It ultimately lived up to whatever feeling it invoked in me when I saw that opening flashback followed by the cast of children in silhouette while the sun goes down, both with title-symphony by Dvorak playing, and then that amazing piece of music kicking in: "a thousand years later". I've never been more happy for a show to come back like this one did.

Despite the flaws in pacing and the inconsistent animation/art, this is clearly a very special show - I don't expect to see a title as original and interesting for a long time.
9 TV 25
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Shoujo Kakumei Utena
Even though it was a bit of a chore for me to get through early on, this ended up being pretty good. It has a large number of problems- I found the majority of the side-characters pretty uninteresting (aside from Jury), the plot structure got tired pretty fast, and things got really confusing and unclear by the end. The last group of episodes are pretty excellent though, and the ending was about to be great until the last few scenes of confusing vagueness knocked it down to just 'pretty good'. If the plot got reworked to be shorter and more compact it would have been pretty damn good, but I still enjoyed it despite all the shortcomings.
7 TV 39
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Shoujo Kakumei Utena: Adolescence Mokushiroku
A really great reinterpretation of the series that is better in just about every way. The series was hard to get through for me because the duels got really tedious and the slow plot development. The movie fixed this by having the few duels that are present really awesome and exciting, and just focusing on the main part of the story (Utena/Anthy relationship). It also makes Utena and Anthy far more interesting characters, especially Anthy who was the worst part of the series, and gives them a better dynamic than what was present in the series by going full-out on the romance.
8 Movie 1
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So Ra No Wo To
Like everyone else I just assumed this show was K-on with army uniforms. While it ended up being far better than K-on, that statement still has a slight bit of truth. There's very little in the show that actually links the characters with being soldiers - in fact, you could switch 'soldier' with practically any other profession and the show would be more or less identical. This wouldn't inherently be a bad thing if the show didn't try to have its cake and eat it too. It has all the happy fun slice-of-life stuff but also occasionally tries to deal with matters related to war. Even with the older, more hardened girls, it never sells the idea that any of them have experienced the horrors of war. Even when it actually shows a flashback of a character experiencing the horror of war, it also includes a scene of her being oh so adorably scared of lightning and her squad splashing in a river - it almost completely cancels out what they just tried to accomplish.

On an aesthetic level, the character designs and animation style also work to drain the impact from many of the dramatic scenes. The style just doesn't work that well with serious stuff. For the slice-of-life stuff it's decent but the animation is still frequently stiff and just too blobbish for my liking.

A lot of the characters are pretty stock but the main group get the job done well enough. Despite being episodic in nature, it still manages a pretty damn great cathartic moment at the end that, for me, single-handedly made the show worth watching. It's a refreshing show in terms of the setting and some of the musical choices - surprisingly cosmopolitan. Also it has some extremely beautiful backgrounds.

Overall the show is allright and it's a decent way to spend 13 episodes, but it could have been great if the creators had went in a different direction. If they had kept the exact same premise, slice-of-life and all, but simply treated the fact they were soldiers (and what that entails) a bit more seriously and delved into what ways that it affects their lives, we could have ended up with a show that would have been just as entertaining while also being far more interesting.
7 TV 12
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Soredemo Machi wa Mawatteiru
This was the last show I expected to have me in tears at the end but it did. Has a weak start but it gets better and better as it goes on as the characters grow on you, and the ending had a really strong impact for me.
8 TV 12
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Too inconsistent to ever be considered great, but it has enough hits among the misses to make it worth watching. I hope the directors for next season take better advantage of the opportunity and give us more 'really good' episodes than the first season did.
7 TV 13
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Fucking fantastic show. A great sci-fi, time-travel story that will keep you guessing all the way and the best cast/character interaction I've ever seen. Hamasaki makin 10/10 animes all day erryday.
10 TV 24
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Steins;Gate Movie: Fuka Ryouiki no Déjà vu
Less of an actual movie and more of an extended Okabe/Kurisu fanservice OVA. It was okay I guess but completely unnecessary and not very engaging or interesting, probably because it barely had any of the cast dynamic of the original (and was also really short). Kurisu is a decent character in the series but she can't carry an entire story when her entire motivation is her love for Okabe. Color me disappointed.
6 Movie 1
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Steins;Gate: Oukoubakko no Poriomania
A fun extra episode that gives some nice official closure to Okabe and Kurisu's relationship, even though I thought the series ending was just fine on its own.
8 Special 1
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Stranger: Mukou Hadan
This movie has the absolute best action choreography and some of the best animation I've ever seen before. Just stunningly good. While it is primarily an action movie, the story and characters are pretty good too, although nothing really extraordinary. The pacing felt a bit off in the middle, which made it drag a bit. If you like action and want to see some of the best battle scenes anime has to offer, check this out. Fantastic soundtrack, as well.
9 Movie 1
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Suzumiya Haruhi no Shoushitsu
Completely blown away by this; this was masterfully executed on every single level and one of the best viewing experiences I've ever had. WILL ADD WORDS LATER AFTER RECOVERING.
10 Movie 1
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Suzumiya Haruhi no Yuuutsu
An entertaining show with has one of the best protagonists in anime. More shows need sarcastic, cynical main characters. Also Haruhi is a bitch and Mikuru is just terrible.
8 TV 14
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Suzumiya Haruhi no Yuuutsu (2009)
Aside from the downgrade in art quality and Endless Eight, this was about on par with the first season. Some really good character development in Sighs and you get a better idea of everyone's motivations. Worth watching solely for Kyon almost decking Haruhi.
7 TV 14
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Sweat Punch
Kigeki (Comedy) is the only worthwhile one out of the whole collection. The rest are just random, pointless, and uninteresting.
6 OVA 5
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Sword Art Online
Decent first episode and a good enough premise for a series, but by episode seven or so it's soon devolved into complete garbage and only enjoyed by people who somehow like the absolute worst protagonist I have ever seen in a work of fiction. The author should probably be arrested for the most gruesome case of character assassination in the last few years, with Asuna slowly devolving from an independent, strong individual to a helpless female who actually said out-loud in words that she would kill herself if our loathsome cunt of a main character died, and almost gets literally tentacle-raped and has two other near-misses of rape shenanigans. There are so many shameless deus ex machinas in this show that even Ronald D. Moore would cringe. Kirito can break the game rules whenever the plot requires and there is no explanation other than 'He can do it because he's the main character'. If you liked this show then you're probably someone who doesn't care about well-written characters or the slightest attempt at following basic rules of storytelling or even logic and instead just care about self-inserting into your KiritoxAsuna OTP awwww so sweet they finally got together irl maybe they will make an ova where they secks each otehr up xD jk except you're not really god i fucking hate you so much THERE'S GOING TO BE ANOTHER SEASON OF THIS.
2 TV 25
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Takanashi Rikka Kai: Chuunibyou demo Koi ga Shitai! Movie
The new footage at the beginning and end is nice, but other than that it's just a recap movie.
6 Movie 1
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Tari Tari
7 TV 13
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Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann
8 TV 27
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Tenshi no Tamago
Just go along with it. The atmosphere is amazing and makes up for the fact you won't really understand much of what's going on.
8 OVA 1
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Terra Formars: Bugs 2-hen
7 OVA 2
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Brutal, depressing, tragic, beautiful, and yes, even a bit hopeful. One of the absolute best shows ever made. Texhnolyze is a slow, dark show and it makes no apologies for it. The atmosphere is quite simply the best I've ever seen in an anime. The characters are initially very hard to relate to and sympathize with, but this certainly changes as the show goes on. This show will require you to use your mind but it is straightforward plot-wise, instead requiring you to think about the questions it raises and what the show is saying about humanity. An absolute masterpiece that will stay with you for a long time with an ending that you will never forget.
10 TV 22
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The Animatrix
The Second Renaissance is an amazing work and is better than both the film sequels put together, and the rest are all either good or great.
9 OVA 9
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The Sky Crawlers
It's an Oshii movie so it's (very) slow-paced and "artsy", but overall I found it to be pretty good. Oshii has a big problem with focusing too much on the philosophy and trying to get across his deep meanings and forgetting to include a meaningful story/characters to anchor the film, and this is no different. He could have made much more of an effort to be engaging on a character/story level, especially around the halfway mark where it did feel like it was getting a bit tedious/boring for a stretch of time. The messages were good but it just didn't feel like the characters/dialogue did it enough justice. It did close pretty strong in the last 30-40 mins, although I wouldn't exactly call the ending satisfactory. The CGI is absolutely amazing, the best I've seen in an anime. A flawed (character/presentation-wise) work but still a good watch if you're in the mood for a slow, 'thinky' movie and don't mind being left a bit existentially depresed.
7 Movie 1
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Toki wo Kakeru Shoujo
Great movie with fantastic animation. Cherish the present.
9 Movie 1
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Tokyo Godfathers
A really heart-warming, fun movie that has a little bit of everything in it. The characters are fantastic and well-developed, and are the best out of all of Satoshi Kon's works. It's hard to imagine someone not being able to enjoy this.
9 Movie 1
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Top wo Nerae! Gunbuster
9 OVA 6
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Wasn't expecting much from this but it ended up being surprisingly good. The story gets a little forced in the second half but it's still a pretty good romance/comedy with some really touching moments.
8 TV 25
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Touhai Densetsu Akagi: Yami ni Maiorita Tensai
A very tense, psychological show in the same vein as Kaiji (same author). While the show can be confusing to people who don't know anything about mahjong, it explains everything well enough to let you follow what's happening (although it wouldn't hurt to do a bit of reading to gain a better understanding). Akagi is an intriguing, stone-cold character and it's always fun to see him beat his opponents so badly that they have a psychological breakdown, although it does cause things to be a bit predictable. Has an abrupt, not-really-satisfying ending due to the manga not being finished.
9 TV 26
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In the last episode the gun was pointed at Vash's head but he inexplicably gets shot in the shoulder instead. Fuck it.
6 TV 26
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7 TV Special 4
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A socially awkward guy, an alien, a pro-fisher, and an Indian (along with his duck named Tapioca) go fishing in order to save the world. Sound like nonsense? It's definitely strange, but this was by far the best anime of the Spring '11 season. It's certainly original, has gorgeous, colorful artwork, and a great soundtrack, but the true draw of it is just how incredibly charming it is. This is the most genuine, un-cynical show that I've seen in a long, long time, by which I mean it doesn't feel like it was made happy and safe simply to reach a bigger audience/make more money. Instead, this is just the story that the creators wanted to create, and it feels real.

It's not perfect - the pacing feels off in the last few episodes (surprisngly for a 12 episode series, it feels drawn out instead of rushed) and perhaps it sticks to its happy, simple nature to the point it feels a bit too safe and cliche at the very end. But I don't think I would change anything. Because that's what the show is. It's just a simple, genuine show that wants to tell the best story about fishing and freindship ever made, and leave you feeling happy.
8 TV 12
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Watashi ga Motenai no wa Dou Kangaetemo Omaera ga Warui!
9 TV 12
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Witch Craft Works
It was fairly entertaining.
6 TV 12
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Wolf's Rain
I really had to slog through the beginning because I didn't find the plot or the characters all that interesting, but it gets pretty good afterwards and I ended up getting pretty into it. It gets quite a bit darker as it goes on, particularly near the end (found in the OVA's).
7 TV 26
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Wolf's Rain OVA
These last four episodes were probably the best ones of the whole show - they're a lot darker in tone (although it still is pretty hopeful, depending on how you interpret it)and made me realize that somewhere along the line I actually started to care for these characters that I didn't like very much at the beginning. A very good ending that closed the show strong.
8 OVA 4
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Yojouhan Shinwa Taikei
One of the most extraordinary and brilliant shows I've seen. Equally profound, hilarious, and moving all presented with a great, unique art style and capped off with one of the most wonderfully satisfying endings ever. Watch this.
10 TV 11
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Yojouhan Shinwa Taikei Specials
Fun, random shorts. Not a whole lot of substance to them but entertaining enough.
7 Special 3
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Yuusha ni Narenakatta Ore wa Shibushibu Shuushoku wo Ketsui Shimashita.
Basically an ecchi Maou-sama. Fino was a great character with a really good voice actress who I hope gets many more roles. Pretty fun if you're okay with the constant fanservice.
6 TV 12
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Zan Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei
The scenarios are still just as good as the previous seasons for the most part, but it just doesn't feel like SHAFT was as into it this time. From their own messages in the show, they were just working on too many shows at once and unfortunately SZS got the short-end of the stick. They also clearly had even less of a budget than the previous seasons, and the drop in the character design/visuals hurt it a bit too.
7 TV 13
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Zan Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei Bangaichi
On the same level as the rest of Zan- good but not amazing for the most part. It was actually a bit depressing how clear Shaft made it this was probably going to be the last of SZS and blamed that fact on themselves (their own production/staff issues which in turn led to lower quality and the low DVD sales). Hopefully if they do make a season 4, they plan things out better and give it the treatment it deserves.
7 OVA 2
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Zankyou no Terror
A good show with exactly four fantastic scenes that single-handedly make up for the parts that aren't great. The directing and music are great, but the writing is by far the weakest aspect.
7 TV 11
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Zoku Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei
If you liked the first series you will definitely like the second series, since it's more of the same. However, this series gets a lot more random and zany at times- sometimes a bit too much. The quality of some of the stories weren't quite as strong as those of the first series. Still hilarious and definitely worth watching.
8 TV 13
TV: 105, OVA: 18, Movies: 44, Spcl.: 6, Eps: 0, Days: 37.81, Mean Score: 7.5, Score Dev.: -0.28

# Anime Title Score Type Progress Tags
Add - More
- TV -/26
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Log Horizon
- TV 7/25
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Maoyuu Maou Yuusha
- TV 3/12
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- TV 6/26
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- TV -/26
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Tasogare Otome x Amnesia
- TV 2/12
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Violet Evergarden
- TV -/13
TV: 7, OVA: 0, Movies: 0, Spcl.: 0, Eps: 0, Days: 0.39, Mean Score: 0.0, Score Dev.: 0.00

# Anime Title Score Type Progress Tags
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Chihayafuru 2
- TV 6/25
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They thought a B2 bomber was a giant crow.
4 TV 3/13
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Cossette no Shouzou
Couldn't make myself finish the first episode- Shinbo's directing style is at absolutely peak obnoxious levels here. I could barely follow what was happening and was just not engaged in the slightest. I'll probably try to give it another shot in the future since it's just 4 episodes (albiet 36 min. ones) but that's the first time I've just quit watching in the middle of an episode before.
1 OVA -/3
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Danganronpa: Kibou no Gakuen to Zetsubou no Koukousei The Animation
- TV 3/13
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Dog Days
4 TV 4/13
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Higurashi no Naku Koro ni
- TV -/26
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Hourou Musuko
I'll probably watch it later or something I don't know.
- TV -/11
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Kill Me Baby
Agiri's voice is fucking amazing but I can't do it right now.
- TV 6/13
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Kyoukai no Kanata
The one-off idol episode was better than everything else in the show put together. Awful characters with generic LN fantasy shit.
4 TV 6/12
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Maria†Holic Alive
same shit as the first season, not in a hurry to finish it
- TV 4/12
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Mirai Nikki (TV)
It's not good so I'll finish it later or maybe not who gives a shit
- TV 12/26
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Persona 4 the Animation
I've had it on-hold forever and I don't feel any desire to revisit it so I might as well drop it. It seemed allright I guess but that was the emptiest main character I've ever seen and the battles were boring as shit.
5 TV -/25
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Rainbow: Nisha Rokubou no Shichinin
The 10th episode was so fucking hilariously ridiculous that I'm putting this show on hold just so I can do a write-up about how awful it was.
- TV 10/26
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And people call Texhnolyze slow. This probably got halfway interesting eventually but it didn't happen fast enough.
- TV 5/22
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Sakura-sou no Pet na Kanojo
I don't care anymore.
6 TV 22/24
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Stella Jogakuin Koutou-ka C³-bu
Holy shit these characters are boring.
6 TV 3/13
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Tamako Market
I never drop shows on the first episode.
- TV 1/12
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Tokyo Ghoul
5 TV 4/12
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Wizard Barristers: Benmashi Cecil
How do you fuck up 'wizard lawyers' this badly?
4 TV 4/12
TV: 18, OVA: 1, Movies: 0, Spcl.: 0, Eps: 0, Days: 1.52, Mean Score: 4.3, Score Dev.: -2.76

Plan to Watch
# Anime Title Score Type Progress Tags
Add - More
1001 Nights
- Movie -/1
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- TV -/12
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Ao no 6-gou
- OVA -/4
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Aru Tabibito no Nikki
- ONA -/6
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Ayakashi: Japanese Classic Horror
- TV -/11
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Binbougami ga!
- TV -/13
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Casshern Sins
- TV -/24
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Chika Gentou Gekiga: Shoujo Tsubaki
- Movie -/1
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Daicon Opening Animations
- Special -/2
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Flanders no Inu (Movie)
- Movie -/1
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Ginga Tetsudou no Yoru
- Movie -/1
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Giovanni no Shima
- Movie -/1
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Gun x Sword
- TV -/26
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- Movie -/1
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Hanbun no Tsuki ga Noboru Sora
- TV -/6
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Hellsing Ultimate
- OVA -/10
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Hinata no Aoshigure
- Movie -/1
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Ie Naki Ko
- TV -/51
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Inaka Isha
- Movie -/1
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Jinrui wa Suitai Shimashita
- TV -/12
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Kanashimi no Belladonna
- Movie -/1
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- TV -/13
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Kokoro Connect
- TV -/13
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Kujira no Chouyaku
- Movie -/1
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- TV -/12
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Master Keaton
- TV -/24
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- Movie -/3
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- Movie -/1
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Mimi wo Sumaseba
- Movie -/1
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- TV -/13
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Momo e no Tegami
- Movie -/1
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Mouryou no Hako
- TV -/13
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Musekinin Kanchou Tylor
- TV -/26
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Natsume Yuujinchou
- TV -/13
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Nodame Cantabile
- TV -/23
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Oda Nobuna no Yabou
- TV -/12
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Ookami Kodomo no Ame to Yuki
- Movie -/1
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Ore no Nounai Sentakushi ga, Gakuen Love Comedy wo Zenryoku de Jama Shiteiru
- TV -/10
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Otona Joshi no Anime Time
- TV Special -/4
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- TV -/26
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RD Sennou Chousashitsu
- TV -/26
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Rurouni Kenshin: Meiji Kenkaku Romantan - Tsuioku-hen
- OVA -/4
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Seto no Hanayome
- TV -/26
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Shoujo Shuumatsu Ryokou
- TV -/12
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Terra e... (TV)
- TV -/24
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The Big O
- TV -/26
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The Cockpit
- OVA -/3
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Tonari no Kaibutsu-kun
- TV -/13
TV: 26, OVA: 4, Movies: 15, Spcl.: 1, Eps: 0, Days: 0, Mean Score: 0.0, Score Dev.: 0.00

TV: 166, OVA: 23, Movies: 59, Spcl.: 7, Eps: 2333, Days: 40.42, Mean Score: 7.4, Score Dev.: -0.39
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