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# Anime Title Score Type Progress Tags
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Fullmetal Alchemist
- TV 51/51 What it fucks up, it fucks up more than I remember, but I also had to lower FMA:B's score by one just because of how much better the canon early episodes in this one are. I can no longer enjoy the beginning of FMA:B. Also voice acting is better
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Fumetsu no Anata e
- TV -/20 They really didn't need to make this adaptation as good as it is, but they fucking did, and god damn I'm excited
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Godzilla: S.P
- TV -/13 Alright, I dig it. Also, main character is like a grown up Arale
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Hige wo Soru. Soshite Joshikousei wo Hirou.
- TV -/13 This feels so much lighter than the manga adaptation, which always had somewhat of a heavy feeling due to the topic. Unsure if this is for the better or for the worse
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Holo no Graffiti Airing
9 ONA -/- Saying a Hololive fan likes HoloGra is like saying a masochist likes being stepped on by someone wearing stilettos. Watch it if you like Hololive and are familiar with the members, don't watch it if you aren't familiar with them at all, this ain't for you
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Kaizoku Oujo
- TV -/12 Holy fuck, seeing the sudden change in reception to this series... I am dreading finishing it. Boy do I hope this is one of those times I don't agree with the general populace, I took a risk on this one man
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One Piece Airing
8 TV -/- Alright yeah, the show is fun. Flawed, slow, predictable, but fun, and I don't really need anything more than fun. I don't understand the people that say the pacing was fine in the beginning though, and I can't believe it gets worse
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Sentouin, Haken shimasu!
- TV -/12 I like it, carries that Konosuba humor without feeling like a Konosuba knockoff
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- TV -/12 I'm here for this. Even if it goes the SSSS.Gridman route, I'll probably still enjoy it for most of it. Also they better explain what the main girl's all about, I kinda don't like her
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Subarashiki Kono Sekai The Animation
- TV -/12 This one got A LOT better after a few episodes. The game is still better, but I no longer find this horrible, I'd even go as far as to say it's good now
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Vivy: Fluorite Eye's Song
- TV -/13 This is why I actually listen to the community occasionally, I never would have checked this out had people not been praising it wherever they can
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Zombieland Saga Revenge
- TV -/12 I liked the first season, but honestly it started losing steam at the end once it properly became more of an idol show. Hopefully this season does something fun
TV: 11, OVA: 0, Movies: 0, Spcl.: 0, Eps: 0, Days: 0.85, Mean Score: 8.5, Score Dev.: 0.05

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