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TV: 12, OVA: 0, Movies: 0, Spcl.: 0, Eps: 283, Days: 4.78, Mean Score: 1.0, Score Dev.: -6.45 More stats
#Image Anime Title Score Type Progress Started Date Finished Date Premiered Tags Studios Air Start Air End Rated
1 Boku no Hero Academia 5th Season
- TV
- / 25
25-03-21 Spring 2021
Bones 27-03-21 25-09-21 PG-13
2 Edens Zero
- TV
- / 25
29-03-21 Spring 2021
J.C.Staff 11-04-21 03-10-21 PG-13
3 Gintama
- TV
81 / 201
14-08-20 Spring 2006
Sunrise 04-04-06 25-03-10 PG-13
4 Ijiranaide, Nagatoro-san
- TV
- / 12
29-03-21 Spring 2021
Telecom Animation Film 11-04-21 27-06-21 PG-13
5 Mini Dragon
3 / 13
08-04-21 Spring 2021
Kyoto Animation 07-04-21 30-06-21 PG-13
6 Odd Taxi
- TV
- / 13
29-03-21 Spring 2021
OLM, P.I.C.S. 06-04-21 29-06-21 PG-13
7 Pokemon Advanced Generation
- TV
163 / 192
04-09-20 Fall 2002
OLM 21-11-02 14-09-06 PG
8 Shadows House
- TV
7 / 13
29-03-21 Spring 2021
CloverWorks 11-04-21 04-07-21 PG-13
9 Shaman King (2021)
- TV
4 / 52
29-03-21 Spring 2021
Bridge 01-04-21 21-04-22 PG-13
10 Subarashiki Kono Sekai The Animation
- TV
9 / 12
29-03-21 Spring 2021
Shin-Ei Animation, domerica 10-04-21 26-06-21 PG-13
11 Super Cub
1 TV
9 / 12
29-03-21 Spring 2021
Studio Kai 07-04-21 23-06-21 PG-13
12 Sword Art Online
- TV
7 / 25
19-04-21 Summer 2012
A-1 Pictures 08-07-12 23-12-12 PG-13
13 Zombieland Saga Revenge
- TV
- / 12
29-03-21 Spring 2021
MAPPA 08-04-21 24-06-21 R