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# Anime Title Score Type Progress Tags (reset filter) Rated Genres Demogr.
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Garo: Vanishing Line
- TV 5/24 Well it's a typical Garo storyline alright, albeit taking place in modern society this time around. Hard to say how good it'll turn out given the series' history, but so far I'd probably put it in the middle of the trio... assuming I'll ever finish it tha R Action, Fantasy, Supernatural
TV: 1, OVA: 0, Movies: 0, Spcl.: 0, Eps: 0, Days: 6.74, Mean Score: 0.0, Score Dev.: 0.00

TV: 1071, OVA: 387, Movies: 192, Spcl.: 165, Eps: 17058, Days: 271.83, Mean Score: 6.6, Score Dev.: -0.74
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