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# Anime Title Score Type Progress Tags (reset filter) Rated Genres Demogr.
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Golden Time
6 TV 24 I have a lot of mixed feelings about this show. On one hand it's very easy to marathon, but on the other hand the story gets worse and worse the longer it goes on. The whole amnesia plot mechanic is just ridiculously illogical and contrived. 6/10 PG-13 Drama, Romance
TV: 1, OVA: 0, Movies: 0, Spcl.: 0, Eps: 0, Days: 260.81, Mean Score: 6.0, Score Dev.: -1.74

TV: 1071, OVA: 387, Movies: 192, Spcl.: 165, Eps: 17058, Days: 271.83, Mean Score: 6.6, Score Dev.: -0.74
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